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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1888)
IS gents -a; week. ALBANY. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING. JULY Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and fill! line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL " FRUITS. Next door to Burkbart A Koeney's Real Estate Office, Albany The Red TWEEDALE & HOIPKnSTS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware, Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the Celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook sto?es and.ranges, and 'Tnltless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oresron. WILL Dealers in all Buns, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos, A full Sheet music, musical merchaiidise.ammimition, fisli ing tack?e, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives The best kinds of sewing machines NEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all MA CHINES , LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly doite irii, (lie , i. lAfllElINC MCDicoloRpmLi. cal. HAVE YOU A COLD in the head which doe . not get better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must be blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backard to the throat? Are you troubled by hawk in ir, spittinif. weak and inflamed eves, frequent soreness of the throat. theON.LY nTbr-Artie 4 V J X qflrANTEED cure ron n CATARRH anirtitir nrnir nuLiiii.rviLti-Ltr V OROVILLECALl corroding sores reve the corruption within, As every breath drawn into the lungs must pass over and become polluted by the reliev tions in the nasal passiges, it must necesfarily follow that poisoning of the whole secre gradually takes place, while the morbW matter is swallowed during the sleep stem into the stomach, enfeebles digestion, and often produces dyspepsia, and finally greatasses ity, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have experienced any of the abovesymptoms do not delay, but try Cali?orni Cat-R-Cfre at once. We positively uarant eega few applications relieve and a thorough treatment to cue. S!x months treatment for $1.00; sent by mail jwvmw: mp Mir:, rur rufliii w Dim $4,000 GIVEN AWAY! In prbflts will be.gwen zo customers.tetween;this rlate.andJ.January .1,1889. at the store cf WM. SIM PsOjN . "Who is selling an immense bankraptstock of gereral merchandise at cost. Call and see the goods on his 5. 10, 15, 20 25 and cent counters. His store is headquarters for big bargains. Children Cry for (1 L K A KM IN r i m t (Successor to E. W. Langdon' DHALEB IN Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet articles, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. ff Prescriptions carefulh compounded !N ODD FELLOW'S TEMPLE, Albany Oregon. Front. BROS the leading Line of- EUREKA The motto Califojnia means "I have found it,." Only in that land of sunshine, where Jthe orang cmo ind grape bloom and ripen a : attain their hu.ncst perfection in mii'-winter, are tlie herbs and gum found that are used in that pleasant icmedv for all throat and lunir troubles, Saxta Ab;k It he rule.-of coughs, asthma, anil con sumption. toliay A .llaNOii. of Al bany Oregon, have hoen appointed eansuai ps'.'fo hisvalbl California rem edy, and sell it under a (ruarantee at SI i tiottehree for .: FOR SALE BY ALBANY OREGON nnpng or roaring m the ears, more or less impairment of the hearing, logs o smell, memory impaired, dullness cr dizziness cf the head, dryness or heat of nose? Have you lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking cough? Have you :dyspepiat Is your breath foul? If so you have tub Catabrii. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ca tarrh is increased secretion of mucus of yellow or greenish colored matter. - i- oul breath is caused Dy me aecooo posing secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimes the membrane covering the bones js eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such cases ar in deed objects of pity, as stench from Time try Ibany. Oregon Pjtcher's Castoria- janl of Discoveries Ik Albany Bakery ! -Uuder the now management of- D, ark Bros. -WHO KEEP- A fuil line of choice family grocer es and provision Cannea Pineapples, Choice TaWe Delicacies Ornamented cakes for Wedarnas and Parties, Salmon bellies, mackerel.and saltfish of all kinds. FEESI BAKED BREAD i)vcrv Day. TEAS and COFFE Indies lilts. Raisins. CANNED WOODS, ETC. 'a tie best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 2TAt John Fox"s old sfan.l low Finns new brick. T. J. OVERMAN AGENT FOR TUB an mm; 3THas on hand a line of new and second and wheels. Send for Ctal HAVING SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons know-in? themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business will be continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. IN A Live "Twfo. This is whut" Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the ively times in this city, W. H. Wil lard has enlarged his store and stock ?.o that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in tl!e valley. His double salesrooms In Fro man's block are filled with an cleirant assortment of new furniture, consist ing oi lounges m new patterns, fine gold picture frames, willow chairs, easy rockers, marble tables, brackets. etc., etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true in every re spect. UniYersity of ' Oregon ! "EUGENE GITY-f: Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1SSS. Free s. !ui!ar.hips from every countv in the state. Apply to your county superintendent. Four cnu-scs: Classical. Scntitic.Litcrarv a,.d a short English course in which there is no Latin, Greek, French cr German. The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, address , W. JOHNSON, President. Best m Cakes mm. miirn. JbK Tviirmfilnri mn Italia Safeties. mm W1LLARD (6 WOODIN LIVE taifure Dealer Absolutely Pure. This powaer never vanes. A marvel of purity ,strength and wholesomeness. More economical thaa the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competi tion with multitude of low ,lcst,?short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in ems. Royal Bakim 'ow der Co., 10(5 Wall St.. N. Yj ATTORNEYS. DR. N. BLACKBURN," ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregon. - Office in Odd bellow's Temple. A'ill practice i'.. all courts of the state, and give special attention to all husiness. UrOLVERTON CHARLES E. AITOltNEY V at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's stor . ' T K. WEATHORFORD, ATTORNEY fAT J. law, Albany, ;Oregon. OfSce in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all; the courts of thestate, and give spedal attention to all business pnvsif IAXS. G, W. UASTON, PHYSICIAN AND SIR geon, Albany, Oregon. M. H. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURr geon, Albai.y, Oregon. P C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND oUR J. geon Albany, Oregon, office over Grad wohl's store. Office hours, from S a. m. to 4 r. m. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHAS. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first telass house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office fo Corvallis. MRS M.E.McC'OY.M. OJfOMOSOPAifllC physician, office and resiJnce corner of First and Baker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic disease a specialty. Consultation free. Of fice hours: 10 to 12 a. m and 2 to 5 P. M. 1 VK. it KOLDEWAY, V ETER1 NARY'SU R. A geon, Albany, Oregon. - Graduate of GcrJ man and Ainericnn colleges. M'ALISTKIt & WOODWARD, !!0.i KOTATIIIC HIY sicians and surgeons, obstetrics treat ment of chronic diseases of women and children a specialty. All calls promptly at tended to dav or night Office in the Flinn block. H EWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Magnolia Flour. 'ItflE BEST MAGNOLIA FLOUR DELIV X cred to any part, of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlSudtf Land Survey ins. PARTIKS DKSlltlXG SCRVKYIXQ XK CAN OB. tain accurate and prompt work by callinar upon ex-county surveyor b, T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Postofiice address, Millers Station, Linn couuty, Oregon. For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This buggy is as good as new. n exceptional oppoituuity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call scon D. M. JONES, Aibany, Oregon. Portrait rnoiogrupner J3FStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET Tames V. PiPE.Prop. lint Street - - - Albany The best variety of choice bf.veal.mutton. pork sausage, etcin the city keptjConstantiy an hand. 3T Cash paid for all kind ock.1 SUCCESSORS TO HENHY SCSENS House and Tarrlaae Painters, Beco rators and Paper Haeirers' Piano varnishing specialty. All work promptly, attended to. Countrv work solicited. OF ALBANY, OREGON,' PRESIDENT , L- Fhn- VICE-PRESIDENT S. I?. YOUDg, cashter G.E.Chamberlain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING RU SIS ESS Accounts kept subject to check. Sitfht Exchange' and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portlaml.Oregon. Collections made on favorable terms. L. E. BI.A1S W- h- URRKLL Geo. E. CiiAXErF-LAix. Smcke Eatrellas. o&Go GENERAL NEWS. Our Usual Budget of News . from Washington. CLEVELAND ;ES TACniiVG. An Assaulter of Women Gets Twenty-Five Tears at Hard Lahar in Prison .Kandali's Condi tioc. The HERALD's Special Dispatches. NEwBEDFORn.CAIass.July 27. Mrs. Cleveland and her mother and Richard Watson Gilder., editor oi the tiehtiif y Maazffind" ""'hTs sister, Alias Jeannette Gilder, ar rived in Massachusetts this morn ing on a special train from Fall Kiver. They were expected to arrive on the regular train two hours later, and as a consequence the station was deserted. The party went at once to Gilder's summer home, where the ladies will remain a short time. THE PRESIDENT GOES YACHTING. New York. July 27. The yacht, Susquehanna, with President Cleveland and party aboard dropped anchor off Surf hotel at Fire island at ten o'clock. The party will spend several days fish ing and will afterwards be joined by Mrs. Cleveland and party. The yacht was' covered with bunting from stem to stern. The greatest secrecy is observed about the pres ident's plan. Employes of the white house are under special in structions to say nothing whatever on the subject. " Randall's condition. Washington, July 27. Randall continues" to improve rapidly in health. According to present ar rangements he will leave for Wayne postofiice (Philadelphia) to-morrow. WEALTHY EGRW SENTENCED. He Is Entity of Perjury and Mill ; to I'cisou. New York, July 27. Johnson Howard, a negro, whose reputed wealth gained for him the title of the "Black Prince," and who for many years has been active inBrook lyn politics, was sentenced to-day by Recorder Smith, in the general sessions court, to imprisonment for seven j-ears and six months. The man was convicted of perjury in swearing falsely that he owned certain property in King's county when examined in the supreme r-ourt as to his qualifications as a bondsman. RESERVES) PrXIstlMENT. A Assaulter nfHomeii tiels Twenly Five Years in Prison. Pittsburg, July 27. Joseph Welsh, who created such a reign of terror some months ao among the women of the fashionable east end by assaulting and robbing sev eral prominent ladies m broad daylight, was sentenced to-day to 25 years imprisonment at hard labor in the Riverside penitentiary. One of his victims, Mrs. B. L. Wood, wife of a wealthy and prominent citizen, died last Mon day, of penalization of heart, the result, it is believed, of a nervous shock sustained at the time of her robbery and assault. THE E.UI;R4TI0. C'OH.UITTEE. Sonic Kasrally Business Bronstat to . Lisht by Their Work. New York, July 27. The con gressional committee on emigra tion matters, met ' again to-day. Robert Manzar, manager of the Italian immigration board, re sumed the stand. He furnished a list of the sub-contractors who were known to ply their trade among the poor Italian emigrants. These people, he said, exacted commissions from employer and employe. In some cases he had known emigrants to pay commis sions to six or seven persons and then not secure work. Marrlase Recorded. New York, July 27. A private dispatch from London says that the Duke and Duchess of Marlbor ough have had the legality of their marriage duly established in Eng land. They weilt before the regis ter at Yesty Hall, Grosvenor Square. London, and had their marriage duly recorded. j A Woman's entenre ('united. New York, July 27. Shortly after noon to-day a dispatch from Governor Hill, commuting the sen tence of Chiara Cignarale.the Ital ian woman, who assassinated her husband, to imprisonment for life, was received by Wm. F. Howe, the woman's counsel. A Boyal Heir, Berlin, July 27. Empress Vic toria Augusta was safelv delivered of a son at 1 :30 this morning at the royal palace at Potsdam. VKEAT WI.MMI... Long Distance)!. Covered In Fast Time. Boston G.obe. The recent feat of Steve Brodie, the newsboy, who a few years ago leaped from, the Brooklyn bridge, in swimming from Albany to New York in a little over six Jays, thus beating Captain Piir.1. Boyton's re cord, is without parallel in the history of swimming. Eyen Leander, who nightly swam across the Helles instance ol lour miles, to visit his lady-love, would probably have demurred at a six-day's trip. The unfortunate lover was finally drowned while making his nightly voyage, but this has not deterred several who wished to imitate his example. Lord Byron, who was well developed in his arms and chest, succeeded in swimming tl Hellespont in an hour and ten minute and it is much to bt doubted if the lover ever made bet ter time. The poet was a great swimmer and proud of riis accom plishment, yet he nearly lost his life at one of the English watering places, being rescued in an ex hanstart rtfaBfcU.tiw rJ,hjoJiers: on. i The English channel has long been a favorite for swimming feats. Captain Boynton swam across from Fiance to a little town in Kent in less than a day, while Captain Webb, thirteen years ago, swam from Dover to Calais, a distance of thirty miles, in twenty-two hours and forty minutes. One of England's admirals, who rose to his position from that of cabin boy, got his first commission for bis prowess as a swimmer. During the naval Avar between England and Holland two centuries ago the admiral of the English iieet found that he had lost unless he could communicate with a number of his vessels that were hidden from his sight beyond a projecting point of land. The only way to send an order to these vessels was by swimming, for it would have been impossible for any boat to make the passage. A cabin boy, a strong, athletic young fellow who had run away to sea, undertook to carry the order. Holding it in his mouth he sawm through the smoke of the battle to the reserve vessels, brought them up in time, and saved the day. The annals of our navv record many similar gallant deeds of sailors who have risked their lives in the water, while everv year the Government awards medals to people who have saved others from drowning by their ability to swim. Indeed, one of the greatest of Americans, Benjamin Franklin, was a famous swimmer, and wrote two essays on the subject, which are interesting reading. Few men have possessed such command over themselves in the vater as he, for he was not only able to fly a kite while floating but on one occasion floated asleep on the water for an hour. While in Eng land working at his trade of printer his swimming feats caused him to be so much talked about that at one time he had serious thoughts fA opening a swimming school. The exploit of Brodie will doubt less lead many to undertake tasks of long-distance swimming, but it will do tar more good if it awakens general interest in an accomplish ment which is not likely to prove of groat use to its possessors but which tan honestly be classed as an innocent and healthy amuse ment. His Business lard. Two traveling salesmen, one a whisky drummer, occupied the same section in a Mann boudoir car, one night last week. They played poker till morning, during wnkh time the dry goods man had adjusted himself outside two-thirds of the whisky drummer's samples, while the whisky drummer had adjusted his pocket-book outside the greenbacks advanced by the dry goods man's firm for his travel ing expenses. In the morning the dry goods man commenced looking up busi ness before the effects of his night's potations had disappeared. Walk ing into a retail drj- goods house he inquired for the proprietor, and laying down what he supposed was his business card, he said: "I represent this firm in this part of the country. We have branch houses throughout the principal cities ; our head establishment is in Cincinnati. 1 would be pleased to have you come to the hotel and dine with me, and alter dinner I will show you a line of samples that will do your heart good to see." 'Well, I am sorry to say, sir, that we do nothing whatever in that line of goods. We do nothing in general merchandise ; we're dry eoods strictlv. You'll find the tea- stors four doors below." "Tea!" "Why, yes; that's what your house deals in, is it not?" ' 'Tea ! Thunder ! No ; dry goods. ' ' "Oh, excuse me, sir; I judged from vour card." The drummer-looked at the card and then went to the hotel to sober ii n. He had laid down his Chinese laundrv ticket. Brace Up. You are feeling depressed, your ap- netite is noor, you are hotnerea vim Headache, you are fiugetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, ana want to bract! un. Brace up, but not with etirnulants. snrins- medicines, orbit tnr -minc ii have for their basis very cheap, bad whikey, and which stim niitf. Ton for an hour, and then leave - in x worse condition thin before What vou want is an alterative that will purif vour blood, start healthy action of "L'iver and Kidneys, restore vour vitality, and rive renewed health iiml strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only .10 cents a bottle at Foshay & Mason s A clean towell for every customer at Vie rock's barber shop. nont, a Mlfl?Q fl TT AIBTE. How He Will Be Welcomed On His Return to America. AX OVATIOX OX LAXD AXD SEA, Labor Organisations Will 'Welcome the Champion of Protection A Mon ster Parade. New York, July 23. James G. Blaine's reception on his rctum from Europe promises to be one of wimesseo in mis country, rre parations for the reception are now being made in this city, and in connection with it the belief is genera! that there will be over 50, 000 peopie in line in the parade, which will march from Mt. Blaine's landing place to the Fifth-avenue Hotel on the night of August 7th. A grand w7ater pageaat will be pre sented on the arrival of ths City of New York at Quarantine. Every Repuphcan organization in the city will have a special tug char tered to meet the man from Maine. The Republican club will each take similar action, and it is believed over 500 craft of all des criptions will take part in the wel come home. The New York Club has already chartered the steamer Sam Sloan which has a carrying capacity of 1500. The Sam Sloan, wi.l be used to transport the mem bers of the club, the National Committee, officers of the National League of Republican Clubs, mem bers of the State Committee, County Committee and many others guests. This boat will lead the and Mr. Blaine ill be transferred to it from the City of New York. Then the water procession will unfold itself in a dazzling string of boats, reaching a distance fully two miles. Every boat in the big fleet owned by the Iron Steamboat Company has already been charter ed, and steamboat men say there is not an available tug along both fronts of the river, in Brooklyn or Jersey City which has not already been hired for the great dtsplaw. Ciubs from Boston, Philadelphia, and other cities along the Eastern seaboard will also have their boats in the parade, and the scene at Quarantine, and thence up the har bor, will be one ot unrivalled splendor. The laud parade will be a mon ster. Secretary J. W. Jones says there will be more than 1000 clubs represented in the pageant, and that notifications from points as far inland as Ohio are daiiy pouring iu, in which the writers say dele gations will be represented from their cities to participate. So great is the inliux of visitors ex pected tlut the hotel managers are making every effort to furnish temporary quarters for out-of-town visitors who will be here. The regular Republican organizations iu various Assembly districts in this city are putting forth extra ordinary exertions to excel all pre vious displays made by Republi cans in campaign times. Eve y district wiii have uniformed com panies in liDe carrying torches and preceded by a band. Blaine will view the big parade from the balcony ot the Fifth Ave nue Hotel, and it is expected that he will make short address to 'he multitude, but it was said to day that this programme may yet be changed, so that instead of an open air aodress a reception will be ten dered to the Plumed Knighton the even:ng ot his arrival in the Metropolitan Opera House. Com mittees from New Yrk and Brooklyn clubs have already per fected arrangements so that every thing will work as smoothly as possible. A meeting of the joint committee will be held this week, at which further matters in con nection with the welcome will be discussed. On the night following the reception a grand serenade will be tendered to Blaine by labor organ izations who favor the perpetua tion of the protective policy. Cappe's Seventh Regiment Band has already been secured forthe purpose and a great showing of the exclusively labor element i expected. Blaine will be over whelmed on his arrival with re quests from representatives of var ious States for his services as a campaign orator. ColoDel John W. Jones, who has been chosen grand marshal of the Brooklyn division to take part in fhe parade, has issued his orders to the different clubs and divisions. It is the intention of Colonel Jones to make distinctive feature of the industrial portion of the parade and to have as many people in line as possible. Some of the Republi can clubs, of which there are fifty now enrolled, will engage a small boat for themselves and their friends down the bay, the other clubs. McLaughlin, Practical Tailoring ftill suits. nd rants m anv style a speciality r..ri;iir'm!r promptly IJUOIIUVI Clean ins and attended to. Mam street, Albany, Oregon. 'J J-i.Ul.XUKJ VJI. JJJJ 1