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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1888)
THE MOTCXTNti HERALD : SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1888. L 1ULLIH BIJ 1 1 III I 'I llWIi111' u MMW W.l Panting gaiUj Jftcrad Daily and Weekly terms of subscription: DAILY. rublished every roornimr except Monday.) el vered by carrier, per week.......... .. 0.1b mail, per yeai , 5,00 WEEKLY. I (Publilhed every Friday Morning.) ne jeopy, per annum, in advance -?'2.00 W "Jn not paid hi advance 2.E0 Till: MAILS. 3 at the Albany postotfice close as follows; Y rail offices north The Eastern states ( Tud West Side o.oUA. M. And the Nai row Gause R. R. J For Portland and Salem 11 A. y. Corvallis and Yaquina 12:30 P. m. Al oitice south 7:30 p.m. The postotfice will be closed each evening fr.'i.n six to seven o'clock. it;gistered matter for fthe early morning train should be mailed before S o clock the revioues venin. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, OF INDIANA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, LEVI P. MORTON OF NEW YORK. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, ROBERT Jl'LEAN, WM. K A PI'S, C. W. FtLTON. EDITORIAL NOTES. It is a well know fact that our British neighbors on the north are auxioualy interested .in the re-elec tioa of President Cleveland. The reason for this can be found in the following extract from a private letter in the New York Mail and Exuress: "All Canadians hope for the success of Cleveland and Thurman, and the reason for this is that we are naturally free trad ers, and are anxious to build up the manufactures of this country and England at the expense of those of the United States. Labor is cheap here, and if the democrats succeed next November it will un doubtedly give England and this country a boom, and as we have always been a Utile jealous of American prosperity, we are wish ing for their success, and are angry that the republicans should have nominated such an excellent ticket upon such an excellent plat form." The Times, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, a heretofore strong democratic pa per, hoists the names of Harrison and Morton as its party leaders. "We quote from its explanation for so doing this pen picture of Cleve- j land and his action: "Devoid of statesmanship, lie has attempted to reverse the methods of the various departments, to the dis comfiture of himself and party as sociates, being in every instance compelled to return to former methods or destrov the business, ..u:i.:-v,, ,..: inereoy essiauiiaumtj niao i ernment business in every depart ment had been well and wisely ad ministered ; and he risks the wel fare of the country and his party on tb.e cast of a single die, a theory practiced by but a single nation on earth, a nation diametrically oppo site to ours in position, being com oelled to draw upon four quarters ! , , , . . . , . of the earth for raw material, while I wA havps an abundance at hand." I The temper and jealousy of the German physicians have been ex hibited in their action over the matter of the Jgreat English phy sician, Dr. Mackenzie, having been employed to attend the closing hours of Emperor Frederick's life. But their growling cannot change the situation, nor alter the belief that the skill of Dr. Mckenzie pro longed the emperor's days on earth and kept him in good condi tion. The object was to keep Frederick alive and able to assume control of the reins of the govern ment, so that his family should have the benefits of his having oc cupied the position, and the doubty Scotchman was equal to the 'task, and can endure all the sarcastic growlings of the German doctors. Geo. Francis Train is again to take the lecture field. His ravings in favor of the Chicago bomb throwers will not assist in drawing houses for him, and if he starts off in any more like tirades he will be apt to speedily empty what houses his great publicity succeeds in drawing. The citizens of San Louis Valley, Colorado, are in raptures over the discovery of natural gas, it having been found in boring for an artesian well. Democratic papers in San Fran cisco are printing suppositious j-tervie . . . S campaign literature against r ien as If such idiotic trasn larnson. ins votes for Cleveland the mdard oE intelligence iu trie ii-hborhood of the Golden G-.Ue ;.iust be. remarkably i ;e:o Union (Rep.) ow. San POLITICAL POINTS. When a democrat begins to howl about Harrison's Chinese record, ask him what Cleveland has done j to check the influx of the Celestials. That settles him. Fresno Repub lican (Rep.) Henry George is out of the work ing party and is now advocating free trade. When editor of the San Francisco Post he favon d Chinese immigration. The two g y hand in hand and are opposid to honest labor. Pasadrna Star (Rep.) The London Economist says that on the adoption of free trade in the United States depends the greater share of English prosperity for a good many years to come. We suppose Mr. Mills knows for whom lie is working. San Jose Mercury (Rep.) It is rumored that President Cleveland wishes that he had not made his free trade message quite so strong. It makes him sad to think that he might as well have delayed taking off the mask until after the election. Seattle Post Intelligencer (Rep.) The solitary reason the average democrat can give for the introduc tion of the tariff plank in the plat form of the party is that Cleveland demanded it in his message. The country at large wants a better reason than that. San Diego Bte ( Sep.) The Mills bill is not so called be cause of its effect in closing up milts of various kinds. But it will be mainly remembered through sucn results, it tue mere snaciovv of free trade has such effects, what would follow the absolute abolition of protection.-Marysville Appeal (Rep.) NEW TOUAl. Dissolution of Partnership. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH VT THE Xl partnership heretofore existing between Win. ortmiller and T. H. Cone under the firm name of Wm. Fortmiller & Co. is this dav dissolved by mutual consent, Mr Cone, retiring. All accounts due the firm will be collected by Mr. Fortmiller, und ali liabilities will be aisunieu by him. Albany, Juiy 11, 1SSS. WM. FORTMILLER, T. H. CONE. Aotft-e to Debtor. PARTIES KNOWING THEMSELVES IN dehted to the firm of Wm. Fortmiller is Co., are hereby notified to come forward and settle the same at once, as the copartner ship of said firm has been dissolved and all debts must be paid. rt'y. Fortmiller. Wanted. A1 PRACTICAL PRINTER, CAPABLE OF of making up lorms and domic job work in a country office. Apply to Lebauon Express. Fruit Itryer tor .ale. PLUMMER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with auditions and im provements, for sale eheap. Apply to A. tUaker, bhedd, Oregon, or to A. Wheele.-, Springfield, Oregon. Masnoliaet'lour. cred to any parr, of the citv, for SI. 10 per sack JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlSudtf TIOR SALE -A GOOI 2ND HAND WAG- r on. Inquire at this ortic tow for Sale. A FINE MILCH COW, 6 YEARS OLD for sale T. J. Anderson, 5 miles south ! of Albany, near the t'alapooia. C'ontraetor and Builder. HE UNDERSIGNED V A.VING LO cated in Albany solicits patronage i from city and country. Will contract I to build "bridires, barns, and all manner of dwelling hou-es. including Queen Anne, Eatlake and Elizahethian styles of bundings. Will furnish plans and speeiticatoiis free of t charsre. Satis taction guaranteed W. 0. CASSEL- HEWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHAIAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between W. J. Monteith and Fred Hoffman, under the firm name of Hoffman & Monteith, is this day dissolved by mutua consent, the former etaining the bu.oon business, and the latter the restaurant., n. J . aionteitn win collect all accounts, and assume all liabilities in the siloon business, and Fred Hoffman will col lect accounts, and assume all liabilities in the restaurant. FRED HOFFMAN W. J. MONTEITH Albany, June 29, 1838, ')') miles east of Albany, near the Oregon Pacific railroad, 30 acres in cultivation, and contains sufficient water and timber for fjen era. use Would make four good farms Price, .12,000, with terms to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to J. J. Dorris. .Notice to Contractors. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT i the next regular, term of the oounty conimissioners court for Linn county, Oregon, to be held at the court house in the city of Albany, on Wednesday, the 8th day of August, 1SSS, sealed plans, specifications, strain diagrams and bids will be received for building a bridge across the swale on the Shedd and Albany road, about one-half mile south of Kendall's bridge. Said bridge to be 150 feet long, 18 feet wide. Also for the bmldipg ot a covered bridge across Thomas creek, at 'he point where tie old bridge known as the Devaney bridge stood. Said bridge to be ninety feet in the elear bete-sn piers, height of bents 14 feet and 16 feet wide in the clear inside. All bids must be filed with the clerk on or before 1 o'clock P. M. of the above men tioned day. 1 he court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done by order of the court this 9th day of July, A. D., 1SSS fc.. t. MOaTAUbU, County Clerk. "VI"ALI3TER & WOODWARD, HOMKOPATniC PHV- lTl sicians and surgeons, obstetrics treat ment of chronic diseases of women and children a specialty. All calls promptly at tended to day or nurht Ottice in the Flinu block. Land Surveying. .RT:FS DESIRING SCaVXYISS DOM! CAN OB. ;aiii accurate and prompt .rK i.y cAluns upon ex-county surveyor 1. T.T. Fisher. He j has complete conies of field notes und tow n- j n;p ,, ttSi j prepared to do s.m eving in anv mrt of Li'm count. Fostoft-.e aoarcss, MilUr- Stattvii. Liin count-. Ore;o!! !ili-' lo tlebfor TH'.:::sr.Lvi:.s ersiined . i'.l U lit JJcJt, I tit: -i .p iy to g. vvj; i-'Abt; J i li i ..i-.var.t se;f. t . i !; if! v biiTir.cT t . V. Geo. w. (SUCCESSOR TO W. CO r3 51 ca CD -- CO CO CO 3 OC2 CO cD i-J -DEALER IN- Stoves -and Ranges ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE, TUMTS, HOSE, COTTER WARE And eyery variety of cocking utensils and novelties in house furnishing goods. The public is invited to ealljand examine this mammoth stock 'under the new management. NOW -o) amps ani IJ - Lamp AT - JULIUS GBADWOHL'S Crockery Store. Lloorer Bros'. Silverware, Pr ;n l, China andOrvstalware. Boys' "Wasrons vnd 13 oil Carriages, Fancy and Toy Ooodss SAVE YUR MONEY Bv buying your goods trom my'store. I am bny ing direct from the factory and sell at Eastern prices with freight added, lor cash. Kenton's Bakiiiff Powde -One Pound Can.25c I am agent for ten responsible Fire and Marine In t surance companies, representing $72,oootooo. Insure and protect y cm self before it is too late. Iam also aunt tor the i?rank Eros. Implement Co., 'Portland f!ci on parte Francais. Hier wirdeutch gesprochen.-S WILL & STARK, -DEALERS IN no (1 Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verware ,4Ungs. Ladies Watches and Chaiiis, and ai! kinds of El egant Jewelry TGHiSKliJCLY LOW PRICES. snrriT II. McFARLAND) rr (o - -ii ties JjlUil Trimmings ! To tlie a Ml li I have this day contracted with Messrs, rftewart tfc Sox, of Albany, to furnish a large quantity of pure Manilla binding twine to members of onr order. All patrons can call at their place of business and by 'the method adopted at our business council secure the benefit of my contract. I have also made arrange ments with the same firm to furnssii a lot of Osborne steel frame binders, Send iu your orders as soon as possible as harvest is near. Signed MART MiLLEK, Financial Agent. SPRINGFIELD SAW SPUIXGFIELD O RF&O NT, 2sFAlbany yard .and oiiiee on Riilroad, between 4h and 5th streets: J Having lumber not exeelled in quality, -.nidfaeilities not surpassed forjthe prompt and satisfactory liilitu or orders. I resne.-tfullv solicit a share of Jthe aile. a. WHEELER. AT Having decided to close out our business here,we will sell our ENTIRE STOCK ! Clothing, Furnishing Goods, HaU, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Ect AT Those wishing bargains will call early before the ' tock is broken, as these goods must bc'cold within the next 90 days, 6. B, BjBi&ftd & 0d W. F. (Successor to and winter 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our stock and prices. We propose to have th The Live DrvG-oods House of Albany, and shall at all time3 study the wants ot our patrons both Dry Goods Notions, : wdm&. Furnishing Goods, ': Hats and Caps, : Boots and Shoes, Groceries,Etc Call and see me. w- IE71- ZSE-iL-IDJ (anccessor to N H. Alleu; Albany, Oregon. U flfifi fJVEN AWAY I IDT.UUU 'Ulftin HIT 111 . In profits will be given to customers between thisMate and January 1, 18S9. at the store of wm:. Simpson, Who is selling an immense ban-truptstrn-k of ireeral merchandise at cost. Call and see the goods on his 5,;l), 15, :10 2o sad ceut counters. His store is headquarters for big bargains. The City Liquor Store, 3. -BAU3IGABT, Proprietor. 5?Xext door to the Odd Ft-llcvs" einple, Albany, OrefronJ Keep5n.-tantlv on hand the finest in rrUd aid domestic wines, liquors ciar an to'-os. Onlv f.rst-cla?3 liju"r store in sh- ciry " SPECIAL ATTENTION PAIDITC CHDESS ' FROM THE COUNTRY 1 Of liishw mw COST Cost! READ, N. II. ALLEN) . ZZZZZ soring in style and prices. sock ;.f.f.f.f.,.....,.,. iWoti Dnlrnmr f -A FULL STOCK OF- Staple Groceries I asswe. The best qnmlitj ot tMcoffM, tmlB, etc. CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Breac? Every Day. AttfeisoMaad reHabto boaae is tlm to found a complete assortment, of fresh famih groceries, to which is constantly being added mm Ute seasooahte hnes of rrewnw ad pcovisioaai such as Cranberries Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods, of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc These (roods were all bowrht when prieaq were low, and the benefit of the margin will dm given to liis customers. Remember the plan, vt the old coruer on First and Bndalbin 8ta. HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER4 Proprietors of And manufacturers of Choice Confectionery. We are now prepared to tarnish cnoice, freak candies of best grade, consisting of pure stick, assorted fiavora, mixed candies, extra Freucb and chocolate creams, fancy mixed, candy to and a general assortment flne candiss AT THQIESALK Oat RETAIL GfOrders trom comitrv dealers promptly am Kned to. Factory on Fust steaet, Albany, - - Oregon NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Svpstiorfar tamflKanirhaalair ) TkBestStogePacilito BTTh HkcsXahoa io aii pBf& fcr wseafc ALBAJHT , flattQQM;' E8TBTB Heals serrsjd h'o iodwUtetbhestin BwTrrarKt SECOND SAND STORE. TheTpast year has proven it to be a necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to buy your jfl Stoves.Furaiture, tinware We aie always prepared to buy vour heusehold furniture at the highest cash price. Sole agents for thej PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Killer. !3TTinshop recently added . AH work unuc au ;.ue lowest possioie rates C L. UOTTLIEB. Aitany Bath Housed AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR. rLadieg tnd children's"hair dress. uz a specialty. Dntue satisfaetioa 2ruaranted. Adminittrator.t Xotlrr. In the County Court ofjuinn county. State o Oregon. fn che matter of the Estate of Ida M. Crewse deceased. pvOTICE IS HEREBY GIrEN THAT THE I undersigned has been duly appointed .tirainistrator of the above estate by the county court of Linn county, Oregon. That ill persons having claim against said estate are hereby notified and required to present the same, together with the proper proof nd vouchers to the undersiirned at his residence in Shedd, Linn county, Oreson, within six months from the date hereof. Dated June 11, 1S33. DAVID CREWSE, Administrator. NORTHWEST FIRE and MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND, - . OREGON Fine t.c iluij Lo gart's. OSveia Away. w. F. Read proposes to give away a fine gold watch with his 1:0! d and silver nrize shirt, the very bet fittino and best made, white shirt in the market. The price is as low or lower than any equally as good shirt in the i.iarket. ' CrockerF new ALBANY SODA WORKS li Crown Milk HBassManrans (on iiiiiiiai mtm 1 1 tnj h.d!rcks trmm SS eXs to Sl.M m