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About Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1888)
THE MOKNTN'tf- HERALD: WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1888. pouring Jailg.gcrai r; Daily and Weekly terms of subscription; DAILY. rnMished every morning except Monday.) B.. mail, per yeai... " 1 - ' ji WY ......... ...... u.ig 5JC0 WEEKLY. (Published every Friday Morning.) ne copy, per annum, in advance .'.82.00 W in not paid in advance zjq THE MA II. M:.ils at the Albany postoffiee close as follows; Fur all offices north Tne Eastern states ( ,. ... 1 ne West Side rb:S0 A- M- And the Nat row Gauge R. R. ) Fur Portland and ijaleia 11 A. M. Corvallisand Yatjuina 12:30 P. M. Al office south 7:30 p. m. The postotlice will be closed each evening Hum si wj seven o ciuck. K;istered matter for the early morning train should be mailed bei'ore S o clock the revioues veiling. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRI)2ft OF INDIANA. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, LEVI P . MORTON , OF NEW YORK. FOR PRESIDENTIAL BLECTORS, ROBERT M'LEAN, WM. KAPUS, C. W. FCLTON. BUSINESS OUTLwK. The commercial affairs of the country seem to be in a favorable J condition. Trade in some quar ters is reported dull, but generally throughout the country it is slight ly on the gam. The Boston Ad vertiser, a journal that is taken as good authority, thinks that the general trade reports from differ ent sections of the country indi cate a quiet or only moderately active condition of business. In most departments, however, tradg is healthy and is steadily absorb ing production, thus leaving the. market comparatively clear ion more activity in manufacturing when the signs of the future be come more auspicious. One nota ble exception to the rule, however, is found in the iron and steel in dustry. The differences between the manufacturers and their men is still unsettled, and introduces a new element of uncertainty which time alone will solve. Business has been somewhat affected bv .great heat of th-j weather. But it has been good growing weather, and anything which tends to bene fit the crops, which are of so great importance to the prosperity of the country, can not be looke I upon as an evil without compensating . ad vantages. Tiie reports in regard to the "crops are in the main quite satisfactory, and the condition of spring wheat is reported better than last year.averaging 92 against 87 per cent, a year ago. Th r downward tendency in the wheat market has continued, with con siderable excitement in the spec ulation. Flour has been dull and rather lower, in sympathy with the decline in wheat. Corn and oats were also lower, as there has been a good deal of liquidating by the speculators in the former. In irygonls there has been a mod erately active movement in staple cotton goods, etc., which ruled firm in price. The gold shipments to Europe have excited no social I interest, and the loss of over $9, 000,000 the past four weeks has had no perceptible influence. In fact, according to the Advertiser, jold is the cheapest medium in which the country can now pay its indebtedness. - The self-constituted returning j board has taken the Herald's ad vice and discontinued its labors. It lias discovered perhaps that at tempting to go back of the election returns by monkeying with the ballots will not be tolerated by the people. It. might also be stated that if Judge Whitney continues the contest for the office of county j i n. i n,0 !,.,: judge, the ballots, after having been handled so many times by different persons, will be very un reliable if brought forward as evi dence.1 Says the Chicago Inter-Ocean: The press and people of England are not friendly toward the repub lican ticket and platform. This is one oi the hea vy burdens we shal Lave to patiently bear during the campaign, while the democrats are buoyed up by lively sympathy across the . O'.'iiirJ.. But we recall the fact that it was the same dur ing the war for the union, and despite British bullets and active assistance ti e victory was won ver the allied forces. The most su -cessful annexation st, as for as the Mexican territ.. y ii concerned is the Uio (.Irani -8 iver. It is said to be constant! wallowing up the land on trie Mexican sid'-i of the river and de biting the debris on tiie Amen- bin swift, . tpwios v uv.stt-.iU.t .hatbayoaets and sword.-s cannot j-epulse. EDITORIAL NOTES. Thsre are some hard things in this world, but when any person J in s against them they can con sole themselves with the fact that the hardest thing yet found is a "rorad bort" diamond that the Tiffany's recent ly tried to polish, giving it the benefit of 75,000 mile? of friction surface in twenty-four hours, uru'er a pressure of forty poi.nds without any other result than injury to the friction surface. Ordinary hardness disappears iu comparison. The foolit-h assertion has been made that Gen. Harrison voted for a bill to enfranchise Chinese. The assertion is too absurd to receive attention, and we challenge any person to produce any such record. Thrt length to which partisan mis representation will go is really un measurable. The legal fraternity are likely to be somewhat disturbed by the le port that the published editions of the U. S. supreme court reports are in so accurate that, in some cases, the syllabuses prepared by the judges cannot be recognized. The meeting of the teachers in the national association in San Francisco is turning out full as large as was anticipated. DeleL'a- tions are arriving in that city in large numbers, and the reception committee have their hands full. A Pacific telegraph cable is in course of construction from." Aus tralia to Victoria, British Colum bia, coming by the wav of Fiji and Sandwich Islands. Puck's girdle around the earth in forty minutes will be practicticaily completed. The prospects for an abundant harvest in the Willamette Valley are most promising. XEW TO-DAY. Wanted. t PRACTICAL PRINTER, CAPABLE OF j of making up forms and doiiisr job orK in a country onice, Express. Anply to Lebanon Fruit Dryer lor Sale. PLUMMER FRUIT DRYER, FACTORY size, complete, with additions and im- 1 provements, for sale eheap. Apply to A. maxer, bhedu, Oregon, or to A. Wheeler, Springtiekl, Oregon. t Crop to Let. rnHE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO LET X. out the harvesting of a crop of fiom 30 t; 40 acres, more or less, consisting of wild oats, cultivated oats, timothy. clet and wheat, all good. Terms, one half the crop. Apply as soon as possible to the owner, Thoa. J. Anderson, on his farm about five mill's .south of Albanv. Wanted. QtELhCT BOARDING PLACE FOR A O single gentleman. Adure.-s, Psiotficj box 38'', Albany. Masnolia?Flonr. red to any part of fhe city, for $1.10 per sack JOHN A CRAWFORD. nlSodtf BUILDING TO RENT SUITABLE FOR small business, next door to Thompson & Overman's harness store. Inquire at the latter place REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CHA3. Pfeiffer, Prop. Only tirst-eclass house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General sta-e office for Corvallis. Lost. WEDNESDAY, IN THIS CITY. A nickel open face watch with a brass chain attached. The finder will be suitabh rewarded bv leaving the same with the own- j or, L. E. Snell, a Schmeer's livery stable. j FSe lie" HA2fD WAG You will Save Money BY TAKING YOUR SEWING MACHINES to the repairer, B. F. Parsons, at Sixth aud Jefferson streets, Albany, Oregon. Good satisfaction or no pay. Cow for Sale. A FINE MILCH COW, 6 YEARS OLD . for sale T. J. Anderson, 5 miles . south of Albany, near the Calapooia. -i-tor SAle-a well established jj millinery store. Will run doVii st ck so that it will not require much capital to pur chase the same. For further particulars call upon or address. MRS. e. J.O. CONNkR. Box 16S, Albany Ogn. Contractor and Builder. THE UNDiLRSIGNEDJHAVING LO I eated in Albany solicits Jpatronaee from city aud country. Wili contract to build bridges, barns, and all manner I of dwellinar houses, including: Queen Anne,Eatlake and Elizabethian styles of buildinsrs. Will furnish plans and SDecittcatons free of t chanre. Satis jaetion guaranteed W. O. CA3SEL- LOST. ONE TWO-YEAR OLD STEER, LIGHT red, with some white on his breast and flanks, also right ear cut off and left ear split, and branded L on left hip. Left my farm one mile east of Albany about two nioirhi ago Anyone returning or giving in fonnation leading to the recovery of the same, will be suitably rewarded by R. L. BURKHART. HEWERT, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKE . and jeweler, Albany, Oregon, Dissolution nf Partnership. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 prtnersluu heretofore existing between W. J. Monteitn and Fred Hoffman, under the firm name of Hoffman & Monteith, is this day dissolved by nmtua, the former e'.aining the Saloon b 'sines, and the latter the restt'.'iraiu. M. J. Monteith will collect .-.11 accounts, and asum; all liabilities in the ilooii business, and Fre I IloSnvm will coi :ect ao-.-ount, and sesuiae ail liabilities in the restauraat. FRED HOFFMAN W. J MONTEITH i ; "? !.ANI-31T'ATEI' li : of Albany .near the Oregon .') ! r--s in o it-uitiott, :-:i'i i u.i'-jr a;; i r for i:e;! n; !!.- !! railro-- v.,.i ?;"2,f"). w:rh f-frnis to suit fttirchavr. rti-.-ui a-.mlv to J. J. rr. Mer.ican Cactus Rifters is the best r-i:siedv in tiie v-oi'.ti f.K 1 i r and U-i- i!'.:v iis':ies, ii'ijrestion, e at y. BAr-asajart's.' K4!- CONQUERS PAIN. Men oi eminence testify to the virtues of St, Jacobs Oii,r among whom Mr. New writes as follows : "From my own personal experience and observation, I v v Late Asst. Secretary of SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS EVERYWHERE. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER COMPANY, BALTIMORE. MD. GEO. W. (SUCCESSOR TO W. as as CO CO as cJ3 i-3 -DF ALE Stoves a,ncl Halites -ALSO A FULL LINE OF TINWARE, 1UMPS, HOSE. COFFER WARE And every variety of cockinr uJen-iils and novelties irijiljouse furnishing roods. The public is invited to call.ind examine this mamWoth stock Jundcr the new management. If in I - o) - Lamp amps mill 11 - AT JULIUS GRADWOHL'S Crockery Store. IXocrer Bros'. Silverware, ir v mi l. , O liiria andOrvstalware. Boys' "Waeons vnd "Doll Carriages, Fancy and Toy Ooods. SAVE YUR MONEY Bv buying your goods from myjjstore. I am buy ing direct from the tactory and sell at Eastern prices with freight added, lor cash. Kenton's Bnkuig Powde -One Pound Can. 25c I am agent for ten responsible Fire and Marine In surance companies, representing 72,000,000. Insure and. protect youi self before it is too late. Iam also ajjent for the Frank Bros. Implement Co-, 'Portland igT lei cn parte Francais. Hier wir. deutch gesprochen.i cordially indorse St. the United States Treasury. WILL I ML DEALERS IN- Diamond Jewelry, Fine Sil verware, Rings, Ladies Watches and Chains, and all kinds of El egant Jewelry AL ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. SMITH H. SIcFARLAND) ; R IX- rr (o. - Fne matches SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL SPRIX&FIELD 0FONT, - "Albany yardnd office on R tilroad, between 4tli;md 5th streets ..-IHH Having lumber not excelled inequality, uiidfacHities not surpassed for the prompt and.satisfaetory lilliui ororders. I.resDeetfullv solicit a share of "the ade. a. WHEELER. AT COST! Having decided to cloe out our business here, we will sell our entire: stock: Clothing, FurnishingJGoods, Hats. Caps, Trunks, Valises, Ect AT Those wishing bargains "will "call early before the toct is broken, as thesegoodsjmus i be sold within the next )0 days. 6. B, 16:ihe( & 6b W. F. fSuecessor to ( niui (llll 1 am now receiving new goods in every line and would cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our stock and prices. We propose to have tha The Live Drv Goods House of A.ibany, and shall at all times studythe wants ot our patrons both in style and prices. Dry Goods Notions, , Furnishing Goods, '; Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Call and see me. -w. if1. (Sncceasor The City Liquor Store, HI. BAVMGAltT, Proprietor. tSFKext door'to'.the Odd FellowsTeuiple, Albany ,Jf OregonlES Keepa'constantly on hand the finest imrted and'UoniesticJwints.yiquorgi'cigarsIar 1 toW-xw. Only firat-cia3.liquortstore in she city . SPECIAL ATTENTION PAIOO ORDERS! FROM THE COUNTRY' 14,000 GIVEN AIM ! In prollts will be -ivcn to customers bvtweei: tliis date ii:d January 1, 1S3. at the store of WM. SHVlPsOJNT. j Who is selling an "nnvv nse bankrupt i. Call and see the roods on his o, 10, 15, j hc.'idiiuarteri for big baraias. "Cost! READ, X. II. ALLEN) SHM5K-! Groceries,Etc ZEezexx to N H. AUtu; - Alba iy, 0.-ija. - c - k of arftrcra! ?a?.rcr.snd:S4'j :it rest :20 and .35 cant counters. His sto,-e is S 11 Star Mery ! 4444 0 4)49-44 -A.F7LL STOCK OF- Staple Groceries I assware,! The best qiaJity ot teaa. acts, eta. CAKES, PIES, Fresh Baked Brea Every Day. At this old sad raHabie hour to atae d t. 'ound a complete Maortment, of fresh fauik noceriet, t which is constantly being aJctoH the taeaaonabto Horn of cm tmhm ami ffowmam such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to Order, Anchouy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Canned Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc. These goods were all bought when pries were low, and the benefit of the margin will bi given to his cutttoroera. Uemember the platja iX thd old c-orner on First and Bmadalhia 8ta. ' HOFFMAN AND PFEIFFER Proprietors of And manufacturer of ice We are noir prepare)) to fornish 9ioice, freak candies of best grade, consisting of pure stick, assorted flavors, mixed candies, extra FreiMS) and cnoeoiate creams, fancy mixed, tsandy tya and a general assortment of fine isandies AT HOLESALK OB BETAIIU tOrders from muutij dealers promptly air Mned to. Factory on i'LtsA atraet, Albany, - - Oregon led Crow Mi rsoK, svtjnutci rmp'a. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Sqperi m tm tsnrnr saif bnfasafme) The Best Storage MJitii tiTTne Kl&mk frim in r h patd -tar aa AL-avurv . . mmaamj fieyere House Restaurant: H.DIERCKS. nerni iffCtiHt,nTner8 4snler .h'o ifd wit tj market. SECOND HAND STORE. TheTpast year hasf proven it to be s necessity. The best and cheapest place in the city to buy your Sto yes. Furniture, tinware We aie always prepared tc buy your heuseho'.d furniture at the highest cash price. Sole agents for the PEERLESS OIL CAN And Lamp Filler. fipTinshop recently added. All work, done at the lowest possible rates , V L. GOTTLIEB. Albany Bath House J AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEBBER, PROPRIETOR. EsfLadiessnd ehiidreu'shair dress nc h specialty. " Dntiie satisfaction 2uarante-4j. . Administrator otirr. - Ir. the County Ccurt orLir.n county. State o Oruon. In the matter of the Estate of Ida if. Crewse dsceosetl OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1" undereigoed has ben duly appointed administrator of the above estate by the county court of Linn, Oregon. That all persons having olain atraiost said estate are hereby notified a:id required to present the same, together with tje proner proof and vouchers to the undersigned at his residence ia Shedu, Lian county, Oro", within six iQ4t;ths from the date hereof. Dated June II, 1888. DAVID GREWSF, Administrator. D. T. Wyman. a?ent for the State Insurance company f.r Albany and Men county ha his office with Rhodes oc Donley rea'. estate arente, and parties desirousof coiny business with ' iiitn will have the same prom pity at-t-t',c1ed o in his absence bv calling st Uieir orhce, two doors east of Conn rris. t'rocery store. T-- a!i thA wv from 2.r. t 75 i;,t. NORTHWEST F1RK and MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY PO STL AND, - - OREGON CJPBTTAIL STB CM, $5 ,! n i mew wry ALBANY SODA W OMS Wdione the nerttp