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About Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1903)
I (SOíjm W C <¿U}| Basket Social at McKinley. l)ea(h « f John Fiatiate*ii. Myrtle Point Knterpnse . GENERAL DlfifeCTORY- Ace Carman, of Etelka, has gone The basket social given nt the to Hawaiian Islands to tiy his for Theodore ltooseyeB.........................Prt-sident John Flanagan died at his home John Hay............................. Secretary of State McKiulev school house, Aug. 29, tune. P U B L I S H K H lì V K l í Y T U E S D A Y in Empire City, Sept i, 1903, Leslie M. Shaw......... Secretary of Treasury 1903. Walter Endicot the bin her, haa Elihn ltoot...........................Secretary of War Aged 78 years. After the programme the bas E. A. Hitchcock......... Secretary of Interior D. F. Dean, Editor and Proprietor The following we clip from the kets nud lunches were sold. There opi ned a brunch shop in the build- Wm. H. Moody..................Secretary of Navy iug ndjoiniug Lee’s store. Ccast Mail: Jas, F. Wilson — S<?oretary of Airioultuio wore tweutv-two baskets sold and County Official Paner. E. A. Dodge has been re-appoint P. C. Knox............................................Attornoy Genera! Mr. Flanagan was horn in Bel over $04 was raised. The following is the > ogramme: ed D S Commissioner at this place. H. O. Payne..................................... Pontmaster Oenornl lie came to America Devoted to tho m aterni and social up- fast, Ireland Mr. Dodge b(js filled the ollice with Melville W . Fuller.................... Chief Jufttioe ouilding of the Coquille Valley particularly while a young man and to this Song, Columbia, the Gem of the OUHOON HTATH OFFICERS. satisfaction to all nnd no better ap and of Coos County generally Ocean.................... ..By the Choir. John H./Mitchell I ...................,, s s .UHtur According Subscription, per year, in ad’ vanoe, $l.fiO coast in the early 50* 3. pointment could have been made. Recitation, “Euu ‘ lining Her Big Joseph Simon I to the recollection of early settlers Sister’s Beau” . '. ..........Nona Frye Joe Wliot ery, a young man about Thoa. H. Tongue, deceased-«.. . ( ’< n l-l Dial Church Directory. he came first to Coos Bay about Recitation, "llrave Little Maid," 25 years of age, and resideut of M. S. Moody ........... Congre small 2nd Diet ................................ Mildred Mast. Calchiti!? < 'reek, sull’ o 1 a stroke Geo. F. Chaniberlaiu.......................Govern* r O h b is t ia n C h ubcii . — Pleaching every 1854, his three brothers Patrick, . Secretary of State Sunday at It a. io. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Quartette, “ My Old Cottage Homo.” of apoplexy Suuday an died Mon- ’F' L Dunbar James and Edward coming at about . . . State Treasurer Cima. T. Moore.. school at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at fav as a result of the stroke. He 1 J. H. Ackerman....... Supt. Pub. Instruct ion Tableau, “ Rock of Ages.” 0:30 p. m . Prnyor meeting every Wedn 38- the same time. He considered Coos Recitation................... Ethel Boone. was on nis way home from church *J. K. Whitney........................... State P j inter day evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. Bay his home from that time, Song, “ Turn Back Phuroh’s Army,” when he received the attack, and A. M. Crawford................. Attorney General Episcopal Church.—Episcopal services will be held at St. James church, Coquille although he was away for longer or } .................. Choir was immediately brought to town It. S. Beau. City the third Sunday in each month. F. A. Moore, ........ Supreme Judges 1 for medical tieatmeut bat never ; C. shorter periods at different times. Dialogue, ‘‘Comming to W oo.” Sunday school at 10 a. ro. each Sunday. E. Wolverfcon,) W m . Horsofall, Pastor. “ Tho New School guined consciousness. Tho funeral ; M. L. Chamberlain.. ....................... He was interested in the Sixes Recitation, services were held Tuesday and ......... Clerk Board Scnool Land Com. House,” ...................................Alice Lasswoll. M . E. Church, South: Preaching each and every Sundays at 11 a. in, and 7:30 p. mines, and he also in company with Song.........................Three little girls the remaius inferred in the Catch 0 . H* BeUingtr....................U. S. Dirt. Judge! m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 his brother Patrick ran a pack train j W. F. M ath ew s..,.....................U. S. Marshal j If voi Recitation,..................Lizzie Myers, jug Creek cemetery. o’clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. , D. M. Dunne.....................Collector Int. J ' h v . , KellcttV ( no. JnniorLeagae at3:30,p. m. Prayormeot- fiom Jacksonville to Scottsburg, Song, “ The Girl Behind the Man ing Thursday evening at 7:30. rSi'ltflitior’ft John H . H a ll................. U. 8. List. Attorney Spirits oi s 1 1 «* to SI Behind the Gun,”.................Choir. Otjfs III«* I i£ that being the route then followed H . C. Allen, pastor. iu«lii<*tt* 8KCOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. iforim ( 'c-Operafi y Tableau,..........By the little children 1 M etiiodibi E pis c o pa l C h u b c h .—Services by traffic to and from the interior. Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known J. W. Hamilton........................................Judge Kept bv all le.-nlin Recitation, “ Guilty or not Guilty,” every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. G. M. Brown...............Prosecuting Attornoy He went to Idaho at the time ot one through-out Mercer and Sumner Sunday School at 10 o’ clock a, in. Junior not by yuii'N, ap .................................. Myrtle Frye. U. s. LAND OFFICE- League 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs of the early days mining excitements Recitation,........... Clove Summerlin. counties, W. V«., most likely owes Henry Booth.........................................lteceiver QlHCV, day evening at 7:30 p. m. A special invita his life to the ki mines:* of a neigh J. T. Bridges.........................................Register tion is extehded to the public to attend all and spent several years there. Later Address............ Supt. IV. H. Bunch. services. W . H. M y b b f , Pastor. bor. He was almost hopelessly ; POUT, COOS COUNTY OFFICERS. H. JOHNSON, E. S. DEAN, he spent some time in San Fran Quartette, ‘‘My Love’s Own." affected with diarrhoea; was atten L. Harlooker.............................................. Judge P b epbytkbian CnuBcn.—Preaching eer- Topsy. Secretary. Vice Presiden! President. vices 2nd and 4th Sundays, morning nud cisco. but returned to the Bay in ded by two physicians who gave L. H. H azard..1.......................................... Clork evening, Sunday School every Sunday nt the early 70’s and engaged in busi ............................... Sheriff him lit*le. if any, relief, when a Stephen Gallier. 10 a. m . Christian Endeavor services every Tho <■ < 11* 11 i u v s Couiitcrlcfitn. Sunday at 6:30 p. ro.. Miss Winnie Hall, ness at Empire City, where he has .......... .'...... Treasure neighbor learning of his serious J. B. Dulley....... The genuine is always better President. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary .............................Aaseanor T . J. T h rift....... Society meets every two weeks on Thurs made his home ever since About than a counterfeit, but the truth o f ; condition, brought him a bottle of W. H.Bunch . . . .School Superintendent days at 2 p. m. A cordial welcome is ex Cliamberlaiu’s C o lic . Cholera and this statement is never more fore- | 1876 he was married to Miss Mary ............................. Coroner tended to the public to attend all our ser- Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured W m . Horsfall... “JSuccessors to Johnson, Peau & Co.) uices. H arshly , Pastor Rinck, a sister of Mat Rinclc, an ibly realized or more thoroughly him in less than twenty-four hours. 8. B Cathcart... ........................... Surveyor The W . C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd ..................Commissioner D. M cIntosh .... \ — s .j p i 't o .l E p l O . O O O - appreciated than when you compn For sale by. R . S. K n o w l t o n . Friday at 2 p. m. at the Christian church. other of the pioneers, Mr. Flanagan .................. Commissioner K. C. Dement . .. tho genuine- DcWitt’s Witch Ilae 1 Principal place of business was elected county treasure while C hubcii o f R e d h b u b d I srael ! Services Salvo with the many counterfeits J u d L ling by Portland (Me.) news every 1st and 3rd Sunday in each month by There are two classes>of people Elder J. H . James. _______________________ the county seat was at Empirq, The and worthless substitutes that are paper. some one has turned trator W. S. Ledbetter, and betrayed the fact that a naval who can make or brake the St.Louis safe was robbed during his incumb on tho market. Exposition, the railway passenger L O C A L ITEM S. ency aud the money was never re of Shreveport, La., says: “ After enemy is approaching. — A general packing business carried on. ’l’ho best moats agents and the hotelkeepers. If using numerous other remedies covered, but Mr. Flanagen made tho country can produce always on hand. Highcs; c ash Dowie is sending mission:'.!'; s to | profit by the experince of Flonr, Flour, Flour, at Kay’s. without benefit, one box of DoWitt’s price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickeus, etc. the loss good our of his own pocket. Witch Hazel Salve cured me.” For Utah, and the Mormons are sen ling Chicago aud make low rates there Fly Bouncer and sprayer at He also served a term as collector blind, bleeding, itching and pro their recraiting preachora into will be ample traffic and abundant Knowltons. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: of customs at this port. The de truding piles no remedy is equal to Dowie’s camp The world profits patronage insuring large profits to R. A. Easton, of near Dora, had DAVENPORT, WM SLINGSBY, E. S. DEAN through the fermentation of theor all soncerned. ceased was a man of sterling in DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo. Sold ies. business io town Saturday. D. H. JOHNSON, E. E. DAVENPORT. by It. S. Knowlton. tegrity and amiable disposition, ---------• S. Munday, o f Bullards, made us Secretary Wilson may succeed IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF TH E a pleasant call on Thursday while liked and respected by all who knew in establishing tho silk producing STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR TH E A Card of Thanks. him. He is the last to go o f the in town industry. If lie dots the sceptre of COUNTY OF COOS. We take this means to express fashion will be snatched from Paris O, A. Kelly F ora tine registered liurxshire four brothers mentioned above. 1 Plaintiff, | boar,- call upon or address J. H. Besides the bereaved widow, a sister our sincere, thanks to .our many for American styles are already vs. )■ Suit m equity for di- copied there. friedds who labored so tim'd and Scbroeder, Arngo. Rose R. Kelly, I vorce. Mrs. Kate Mullen, survives him incessently amid heat and smoke on Defendant. J Vesuvius is shooting flames and E. M. Hoffman, of near Myrtle TO ROSE R. K E L L Y , 'l he above enti Sunday to save our home and S t o m a c h T rou t»!«*. lava 4,000 feet into the air. Some up- Point, made our office a pleasant tled Defendant: \ house-hold effects from destruction to-date newspaperman man soon Jn the name of the State of Oregon yon business call while in town on Sat “ I have been troubled with my by fira while the forest fire was have a chance to write a news are hearby notified that you are required urday. to appear and answer to the complaint fil stomach for the past four years,” raging near town on that day. story under the caption “ The Last ed against you in the above entitled suit in i l . 4 .1 i l M h s . a n d M r s . J . H . M a o il l Jake Herpliberger and Jake says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook which <). A. Kelly is plantiff and yon, Rose Days of Pompeii” R Pomeroy, of Parkersburg, had Schafer, of Riverton, made our Farm. Greenfield, Mass. “ A few R. Kelly, are defendant, within six weeks The Board of Governors of the from the date of the first publication of office a pleasant call while in town days ago 1 was iuduced to buy a business in town Friday. summons, to wit : Within six weeks - - • ► « "u r m -f'- New York Stock Exchange has de this on Thursday. box of Chamberlin's Stomach and from the 28th day of July. 1903, tho same nied the brokers the privilege of being the date of the first publication of Dissolution Noiico. Liver Tablets. I have taken part It is declared by those who have summons: and if you fail toappOAf conducting a “ paper fight” on the this afid answer on or before the 8th day of Sep tried it, that Kirkpatrick’s liniment of them and feel a great deal bet floor o f . tli8 Exchange. It is hard tember. 11)03, the same being the last day Notice is hereby given that the ter.” I f you have any trouble with will cure the worst sore throat or the time »-escribed in the order for pub vour stomach try a box of these co-partnership heretofore existing on the Wall Street “ boys” to pre. of lication. a Judgment will be taken aganst eveu uiptherin. Tablets. You are certain to be between the undersigned, under liibit such inuocent forms of amuse yon for want thereof, and the plantiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded Ladies don’t fail to have your biased with the result. Price 25 the firm name of McAdams & Sim ment. in his complaint, a succinct statement of • - e - — feathers, beds and pillows, perfect cents. For sale by R. S. Knowlton. mons, is this day dissolved by mu which is as follows; That the marriage con ly steamed and purified while you tract now existing between you and plain tual consent. The business will Two for the frice ot One- tiff be dissolved. have the opportunity. Fairview Pick-Ups. be continued by McAdams A Farm Service of this summons is made by pub Wo have made arraugeineuts lication in pursuance of an order made by or nt the place of business hereto C. E. Bryan, a late arrival from by L. H miocker, County Judge for Coos The Fairview school begun on fore occupiod by the oi l firm, cith with I m publishers oT the A M E R Los Angeles, and an expert meat county, Orcgan, dated the 24th day of July, with Miss er member of which will receive 1903, directing publication of the same cutter now presides over the block Monday August 31, IC A :! F A R M E R by which we are in the and Coquiile City H bbaid , a newspaper Lena Holcomb as teacher. moneys duo, or settle accounts at P. E. Drane’s market. published at Coquille City, in said Ceos able to offer this great farm pnper The Diamond camp which started against snid firm. S. H. M c A dams . county, once each week, for u period of For a bilious attack tako Cham aud th e H erald for the price of six weeks. W. C. S immons . last spring has Bhut down. berlin's Stomach and Liver Tablets A. J, SlTERWOOP, the H erald alone— 1.50. fertile Several of the young folks in Attorney for plaintiff. sud a quick cure is certain. For next 30 days. Who will he the these parts attended the basket 2\Jotics snle by R. S. K n OWLTOJ. first to take advantage of this op social at McKinley Aug. 29. They NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. portunity? This is a great offer A S xa I'— Good new seven room inform us of a very good time. All persons knowing themselves for our farmer« and dairymen. United States Land Offioe. bouse, pantry and bathroom, over 3 to he indebted to the Lyons estate, llosebnrg, Orogon, July 7, 1903, - -,-,4»*.« Mr. Ventcli nud wife who have lots for only #1000. See mo quick. Notice is hereby given that in compliance lately moved here are stopping nt or haviug claims against the name with the provisions of the act of Congress | Must be sold soon. J. J. S tant . ky . R -I.P -A .N -S Tabnltf« Mr. Holverstott’s for a few weeks. will please call and settle the of Juno 3,1878, entitled “ An act for the sale Doctors find same at ouce as the business has of timber lands in the States of California, j Clias. Berdan returned Thursday There seems to be no uimiso- A good proscription j Oregon .Nevada aud Washington Territory,” I fiom a two-weeks’ trip during mont for the young folks 011 Sun changed hands nnd all accounts as extended to all the Public Land States For maukiud. ■ which time he visitod Koseburg days only the same old croquet must lie settled as early ae possible by act of August 4, 1892, The 5-ceut packet is enough for usual oc W. II. L yons . Mgr. and other parts of the country. games SILAS W . NOAH, casions. The family bottle (00 cents» con • He tells us lie raised a line crop of tains a supply for a year, All druggists of Marshfield, county of Coos, state of Ore Oscar Bunch lias built a house at sell them. pot a toe - on his North Fork home gon, has this day filed in this office bis FOR SALE. Prosperity camp and moved his sworn statonr-nt No.5474, for the purchase stead. of the I /• *i 1, 2 and East N. W o f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. family while he is working in the A fiue stock ratio'- consisting of Section No :k>, in Township No. 273, range W ant Ee. Live agents to sell Dr. camp. United States L md Office, 320 acres of land, which contain No. 11 W . and will offer proof to show that White’s Ele' tric Combs, patented the land sought is more valuable for its tim llosebnrg, Oregon, Vug. 1 3 ,11HJ3. Mr. Everett Hatcher who has 2,000,000 Feet o f fine saw timber, a Jan l.DVI. Cure dandruff, Imir fall been working in T. (i. Barker’s part of which is cedar; 75 acres Notice is hereby given that in compliance ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and establish his claim to said land be ing ont sick and nervous headaches, as second sawier, is now look cleared, a portion in cultivation: with the provision- of tin-act of Congress fore to W . U. Douglas. U. SS. Commissioner of June 3, 1878, entit led ” \n net for t ho sale yet eost,. u , more than an oid¡nary ing for another joh of sawing since good house and barn. for Oregon, at Vf«rshfie!'l 0«*con on S h ‘ Price, of timber lauds in tho States o f California. nrday. the 3rd day of October 1903. He comb. Sells on sight. Agents (_ legon, Nevada.and Washington Territory” $2800. Address, Martin Miller, names as witnesses: Richard Coke, Ih camp.shut down. as extended to all the Public Land States art* wild with success He ml 50 el- Thos. Coke. N. E. Harry, J. E. Noah, all Dora, Oregon. bv act of August 4, 1892. Mr. Charles Wroo had the mis of Marshfield, Oregon. for satuph (half price). Write ISAIAH S. FLINN. Any and all persons claiming adversely quick. The l)t W lii'e E lectre fortune to cut Ilia foot last Wednes- of Fairview. cm nfcy of C. o*. State of tho above-tipscribed lands are requested to A Grand 0pporlunily for a Ranch- • !a\ while working in V. N. Barker's Comb Co., Decatur, III file their claims in this office on or before Oregon, lms this day filed in this office his ■ ainp. f worn statttimmt No. r»»»17 for the purchase said 3nd dav of Oct. 1903. F. A. White, for the pastsoiuii J. T. BRIDGES. A ranch of 219 acres, one o f the of the N .}.j- of N. E. M of Section No. 8 in S unshine . Register. years a resideut of this city and best on tho upper Coquille, at a Township No. 23 Range No. 11 West, and offer proof to show that the land sought our popular boot and shoemaker, Oue-linlf down aud bal will OOQ.U.Ì11© O i t y . Oregon. General Fred Grant has added bargain. is more valuable for its timber or stone NOTICE FOR PUBLICA riON. moved with his family to Aurora, liis quota to the influence being ance on loug time. Enquire at than for agricultural purposes and to this state, where they expect to re exerted to re-establish the army can the H erald office or the Myrtle • stnblish his claim to said land before United Stales Laud Office, llosebnrg. Or., L. 11. Hazard, County Clerk of Coos county June 1903. side for the proseut, the middle of teen contrary to a general impres Point express office. Oregon, at Coquiile, on Tuesday the 3rd First Class in euery respect Courteos treatment, Transient Notice is hereby given that in compli the week Their many friends nre sion, the anti-canteen law does not dav of November. 1903. He names as ance with the provisions of the act of Con witnesses: Lee Neely, JohnH . Flinn, and and Regular Boarding and Lodging. sorry to see them go away, but provent officers from enjoying the F. R. Taylor, of Fairview, Oregon, and gress of June 8, 1878, entitled ’’An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of beartly recommend them to the use of liquor at their clubs._ It i W. H. Morgan, of Mnnnfield, Or., - - NO CHINESE LA 10R California, Oregon. Nevada and Washin No BAR IN CONNECTION. people aiming whom they see fit to merely prevents the men from Inly j Any nnd all persons claiming adversely gton Territory,” as extended to all the Pub I the above di scribi .1 lands are requested to lie Land states by act of August. 4, 18 *2, locate. However, they are not ing beer and light wines at the j file f heir claims in this office on or before First Street— East End of Bridge. total strangers in that section, Mr. canteen, in other words semis them W IL LIA M H. BUNCH, said 3rd day of Nov. 1903. White locating tin re over fifty-one to, outside deli» whern drunkenness, Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every ; F. T. BRIFC j KS. o f McKinley, county A Coo.i State of Or- one hundred people who have heart trouble _______ 'egon. has this day filed in this office his years ago. I harlotry and robbery are unrestrict. | can remember when it was simple indiges llu- purchase v i sworn statement No. A31h», f«»r tly* ; orini' kok p u b lic a tio n . of the N. N.E. • < being lots 1 aud 2) tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases of A beautifully illustrated ami jed. I of Section No. i:i Township No. 27. heart disease, not organic, are not only | handsomely gotten up publication United St.i> •- Laud Offic°, R mge No. 11 West nnd will offer proof to The horse that can trot a mile in traceable to, but are the direct result of indl- j show that the land Sought is more valuable is the “ Pacific Northwest,” pub Rosebnrg. () • go», \ng. L7. 1933 f-»r its timber or stone than for agricultural minutes has at least arrived, but j gestlon. All food taken Into the stomach ! lished nt Portlaud, the first num it needed the advent of the automo which fails of perfect digestion ferments and • lice is in «by ivon that in e »mpfinnee purposes, and fo establish his claim to said •t' the act of Coiiurt-ss land oef re L. H. Hazard. County Clerk of ber of which has reached our ex bile to spur the equine tribe to that swells the stomach, puffing it up against the ; win the pro\ heart. This Interferes with the action of of Hie 3, 18 titled “ An act for the Coos comity, Oregon, at Coquille, Oregon, change table. Philip S. Baba, a performance. the heart, and in the course of time that! *»ih if timber laud* in the States of Cali- | on Friday, the 11th day of September, 1903. well-known newspaper man is the H * names as witnes:es: Clias. Heller, N< vju I h , and Washington but vital organ becomes diseased, j f'.’n a. Orci Judging from recent report.- of delicate vended to alP tin* Public Louis H- 1W H. F. Wilcox and E. P. Must, editor, and the paper is being wide, Mr. D.Kauble.of Nevada. 0.,says: I Mdstoruach * I«‘rrit all of McKiu’e .', Oregon. trouble and was in a bad state ns I had heart trouble Land Stati s by not of Augu ’ !. 1892, railway buildins in China a railroad ly circulated The advent of the Any ntid all persons claiming ndv.-rsely with It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about four MARY K. FLINN. the above-described lands nro request >J to new paper is uusteusilffy for the engineer is of littlo use there if he months and it cured me. Saddle Horses of best quality always on Land. Good Ri in re td tile their claims in this office on or liefore cannot shoot straight. Kodol Digests What You Eat of F.tirvi . county of C« os. State of Or- 1 purpose of giving the Pacific North ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage nnd Livery business. said 11 lb day of September. 1903. egon, has this dav filed in this office her and relieves the stomach of all nervous J. T. BRIDGES, west the benefit of an advertising sv.orn statement No .*»<127, f> the purchase : strain and the heart of all pressure. Accommodations for Traveling men a speciality. . T h e P lr H M ir r »1 F.nllntr. Register. of M ■ NE & of NE '. if R Kition '••*. 7 medium slightly different from tie* Bottles only. $1.00 Size holding 2*4 times the trial and N W of N \V >»i Section no. 8, in , Persons suffering from indiges size, which sells for 50c. ordinary newspaper, this being NOTICE FOR PUB ICA MON. Township No. Rang * N ». 11 W.. and more on the magazine style and tion. dyspepsia or other stomach P re p a re d by E. O. D e W IT T & O O ., C H IC A Q O . will offer proof t.> .show th ’ f the land D e par tm e n t o f tiiij I k t r u io b . is more valuable for timber profusely illustrated. The Lewis t' outile will find t int Kodol Dyspep- For sale by U S, Knowltou sought Land Office nt Rosebnrr, Oregon. or stone than for agricultural pur, »s.«s. and C'lmk l>ufeninl Exposition -ia Cure digests wliaf you eat and June 20. litOff. | and to establish her claim to said land be This fore L. H. Haz ird. County Clerk of Coos figures most prominently in the makes the stomach sweet. Notice 1 s hereby given that the follow- ov.nty. Oregon, at Coquille. on Tuesday > ing-n.uord wtftlcr has filed notice of his remedy is a uever failing cure for iuitial unmli r, and promisee are the 3rd day of Nov . 1903. She i.srncs as intention to make final comutntioii proof — BUT B U R N - witnesses: W. II. Morgan, of .darsh- in support of his claim, and that siid proof made that this grand event will be Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all fltld. Lee Neely, F. R.Tavlor and Sherman will bo made before L . H. Hazard. County kept well liefore the people of complaints affecting the glands or i Flinn. Jill of Fairview, Oregon. Clerk, nt Coquille City, Oregon, on Octo every section o f the union. The membrane« of the stomach or di P o u ltr y F a r m , Any and all persons claiming adversely ber 1. I'ffi. vi/.: Wj liam -f. M«K>n.onhoiue- editor x coûtent among gestive tract. vAVhen you take Ko of 8 j the above described lands nr«’ requested to «t . 1 eetrvNo. !!**1 fo- lh* S. ! file their claims in this office «m or before of S. » T. 2* < 14. 11 W-«» writers and photographers upon a dol Dyspepsia Cure everything you lit- !.’ » h -« ! he foil wing witnesses to prove U . Prop • mii.l 3rd dav of \< \ series of articles In n in g upon cer eat tastes good and every Lit of the 1 | UDGVH b v c m i IMO.« • r •.j'tbncf noon and coltiva lb iR W r. »J. viz: A-thnr L. Brown, of lion J í ti.* tain localities o f the sla te and their nutriment that your food contains ARAVO. OREGON. Me!-'. .1 • . F. C. FinnicuU. UherniKU d .- Walk. [•red parts of town at $ per ton particular advantage s ns well as is : ■ imilati •! nnd appropriated h; ts-ird N . Mona, of Fairvi» » , Minn »! Kodol Dyspepsia Cuco Or. ? •• Sold by !l, » 1 BRIDOKH. photos illustrative of 'he lea ling tile blood and tissues •■■»lea n tff m ots per load. Digital Siat you o a t. S Knoy.ltoi, features of the saine ¡¡Coquille Valley Packing Company Oregon Myrtle Point, 1 « Ü. hardware, Stoves, Tin or)d Agate ware ^ Doors and Windows, Lime and Cement, Agricultural impements, Pairjts and oils, GLASS, ' Best Goods Lowest Prices Tuttíe Temperance house. W eak H e a r ts ROSEBURG-MYRTLE P0!NT- STAGE LINE B. FE N IO N , PROPRIETOR Don't Have Coid Feet Itiill rijiiioiifli Rodi John Peart's Coal, J. Sti3 .lv/Oil,