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About Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1903)
Mining location notices at Dry- R- B. Ray wauts your eggs at the den's, the Job Printer. Eclipsp. Mason Fruit Jars, oafs, and rub See the grand pi iuluiii ulfer ( ' lUllt.V «n u t eoriveiips tomor- bers at Kanomutz’s, w inch are Pot t" tim keepers, with gum at Mrs. Nosler's. rov. Produce o f all kinds taken at the Writing tablets, peu», pencils From those ir HK.-oitment i uns up to the F. >r » li rut elusa sm » K ■ go to P. F. and L. Go’s store. etc., at the New Drug Store. Min Nu lnr’s. A neat home fer sale ou Spur- ' Miss Florence Walstrom, of Par Fly Bouncer will keep the tor kersburg, w. a up to towu Thurs gron Hill. Esquire of Peter Nichols. menting Hies from your «owe. For tine cigars go to the New day. Drug Store, Dr. G. A. Churchman, of the watchmaker’s nrt. Ladies! Have you seen Mrs. Doe Barker and Elmer Holver- proprietor. Bnlch’s new Millinery goods. stott, ,,f Fair view, wpnt to Bandou A. J. Hunch, of near towu, haw Fred and Gleu Barker, o f Fair- Sunday. some choice cows aud a few beof view, were in town yesterday. Mrs. Samuel Shuck, of the Nortli cattle for sale. \ W i l s o n J e w e lr y C o. Will Dielz, o f Myrtle Point, was , Fcrk, was in town shopping on Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Miller who Expert Watch 'Repairing. down to this city Wednesday. I Wednesday. moved to town recently, occupy the Howey home. It pays to spray your cows with It. E. L. Bedillion, the Bandou Fly Bouncer. Kuowllon sells it. Steam Renovating o f Feathers. Foil S alk . -O n e good farm wag-1 M. J. B. Coffee at Robinson’s. hotel man, returned from a trip to School Superintendent Bunch ou and eight calves. Apply to F. As this work is new to a great many Mrs. Capt. Torn White returned the bay Friday. was in town yesterday. people, we wouM ree| uct(uily call the at U. Bullack, Couille. from a visit to tba bay yesterday. tention of all such, especially tl e ladies, For a big bargain iu a N o.l De Farmers, Salt vour hay. Buy ! to Mrs. Moon will _ move her _ millin- a few facts in regard to it: Alfred Machado, of the lower L ivel ?ream seperater, call at the ery establishment into the Galli er ' yonr Sft,t of ° eo A Robinson. j The feathers, bed« and pillows, will rivpr, was up this way Wednesday. II euald office. building ubout the 15tb. New Dry Goods just iu ut Mrs. be called for at each residence and taken " j in the morning in the ticks, right from W. H. Hunt, o f Baudou, made us | Nosler’B. son's Fruit Jars, Caps and Hersey has just received a big the beds, and during the «lay the feath- Masi a short visit yesterday while he was Fresh fruits and cabbage at Mrs. erH,aru thoroughly washed with steam Rubbers, aud Jelly Glassas at lot of baking powders with beauti- N osloi's ! and cured with steam, then dried per- Itobinson’s Store. 1 fol prizes iu the way o f delt ware. on his return from Myrtle Point „ , * i o , , , fectly dry hy a cold blast. The ticks are For the American Cream Separ H alf G round Salt for hay, etc., ' an opened, and the feathers are emptied Leno Apliqne, Macrime Lace, J. G. Fish fi Sons, of our furni ator, the best and most up-to-date at G eo. A. R obinson's. from them, and when the same tickH are to fill j Organdie and many other summer ture faclrory, are prepared to he used still they are turned and thor machine, go to J. A. Lamb Co. A fine line of Cigar6 just : dress goods at cost at Mrs. Nosler’s oughly cleaned; or where new ticks are orders for apple boxes. In order to make room for fall ceived fit Mrs. Nosler’s. wanted we can furnish them, of the tiest goods, Mrs. Nosier is selliug a , Perfumery— the finest imported materials, as cheap as any one can pur chase and furnish themselves. We also brau now line of summer goods at I __at tlle New Drug store. save you much trouble and annoyance Coquille cost. T. H. Mehl A Co’s is the place to in this. City, F or S a l e . — One of the best-im buy your fruit Jnrs-Mason's tlio One person's feathers are never mixed or come in contact with those of others Oregon, proved 40-acreplaces iu Coos Coun best. this is positive. The beds and pillows ty. Apply to J. W. Stroug, Arago, W. II. Mast returned from his will he returned the same dav, all tilled Dreg. and sewed up, just ready to place on the stay of several months at S ad Fran beds iu the evenin'- before bedtime. All Mrs Hull, of Rudville, Ohio, and cisco. moisture, dust, dirt and foreign sub Mrs. Doreu, o f Colorado, sisters of Peter Crow ia down from the stances, animal matter, micro-organ Mrs. W. H. Myers, of this citv, ar mines, anegreetgl friends in town isms, disease germs, and especially the « i vermin known as the feather worm, rived here Friday fo ra visit. today | so destructive to feathers, are all de -A - S p e c i a l t y . Mrs. M. D. Cutlip, of Coos river, Mrs. L P. Mnury at rived from . slroyeil and separated from the feathers, came over by Wednesday’s train and her trip to Josephine county yes- od, passed through this process ready to proceeded up to Halls creek to see terdny evening H erald office phoue No. 105. Public school opous next Men- return to you, they are in the most per her sistor, Mrs. Nelson smith. day. Nice rooms to let at ,M H. Herseys John Tawse, of the Riverton fect sanitary condition, dry as a hone and pure as snow. The latest song is: order your Call and see C. B. Leep’s now by the day or week. mine, was iu towu soliciting or 9-4 T. H. B. T aylok , Prop. music of Cbas. Gr ssen Music Co., ders for coal Saturday. stock of goods. W. E. Neely, of Fairview, was in Marshfield, Oregon. The latest We learn that T. H. B. Taylor J. L. Ferry, of Marshfield, came Dr Hsvdon, of Bandou went to to see us this morning. always on hand, sold at ^ off. over on Friday and proceeded to has tak en his steam feather renova the bay on Saturday. For butter Boxes and Cubes, go Mr. The California Co-Operative Riverton to see his brother, Joseph. tor to Coos county to woik. F or S alk — A good cow giving I to J G. Fish, Coquille. Taylor has been a resident of Jack Co., lias declared a dividend of one W. S. Perry nod family will leave milk. Enquire at this office. A J. Sherwood and family yisit- dollar per share for the month of for Sirncoe, Ontario, id a short time son county for nearly a quarter of Elbert Dyer, the match-man of a century, and is honored and re August. Apply at the Pharmacy. I “d C ms river last week Their many friends will greatly spected by all who know him. His Bandou, was iu town Saturday. Geo. Baxtor, o f the North Bend miss them. New gloves, velvets, and tl im- work of renovating and purifying Pi*« to S ib- —' i g - ail I small Citizen, paid his Coquille City ruinas at Mrs. Moou’a store. For Sale—Two pairs drnft horses, ! of feathers (pillows and feather Enquire of Bert Seal, Coquille. friends c. visit Saturday aud Sun weight 1400 to 1500 pounds, Ad- ^ beds) is endorsed by all physicians Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butts, of day, returning by yesterdays train. Miss Emma Loreuz, of this city, dress or enquire F. P. N orton,! and by every one who appreciates J Norway, were in town today. went to Bandou on Thursday. Do you want to owu a house? Marshfield, Or. 1 comfort and health. Tho Mail Win. Lang, of near Myrtle Poiui, Felt H ale . —A good pony and Do you need $1000? You can have 1 . D Bark low moved over from wishes to say that it considors Thos. Orders taken for any article not k e p t m stock. it. Write. Inclose two-cent stamp. had business iu town yesterday. mule, apply to P. E. Drane, Co- the isthmus today and now uccu-1 H. B. one of its stanchest friends M. G. Poh), Myrtle Point Oregou. N ew Goods Received By Every Steam er. i qnille. Rev. li. W. Any, of Rosebnrg, pies the home recently vacated by land it will take great pleasure in Woman’s Friend—The great Attorney Chase. came in to look after interests here R 1 I .K R ." recommending him to the good O I K .M O T T O IR “ S M A I .I . P R O F I T S A Y II l ) U C K J. G. Fish, o f the furniture fac last week. tory, is nrepared to gum croscut Goldeu Washing Compound, for Have you been iu to see the bar- people of Coos county. They will which Mrs. Lottie Davis is agent, F ok S ale —Thoroughbred Buff [ saws. gain counter at the Pacific Furui- find him honest and conscientious can be found at Strang’s Empori Our buyer is constantly in the market, an l takes advantage of a Leghorn Roosters. Enquire at turo and Lumder Co’s store? I f iu all things and whal he promises Mason fruit jars: piuts, 70e; qts, um. low prices, nml we enunot he undersold. Our purposo is to keep the best 'h e will perform.—Medford Mail. this office. Dot you should go at once. 85c; half gal., 8100 at T. H Mehl Deputy Sheriff F. M. Oallier as of all lines of goods, nnd our prices will lions low as tho inaikcts nnd Look out for the “ feather man” ! A Co’s. - Walter Diane came in from sisted by Chas. Wateon, took Win. Edna McDonald fell from the he will call at each residence, a n i Eden Valley on Friday, and is the quality of goods will permit. All customers may bo assured of fair steamer New Dispatch on Saturday W a n t e d — A girl helper in a Co- J. Wheeler from the county infer- can call but once. making arrangements to move dow d nnd would have drowned only for and honest dealing. | quille restaurant. Enquire of H T mary to the insane asylum last for the wiuter iu a Short time. J. W. Sugg was up from the j I hompsou. week. ! the timley help of Capt. J. C. Moo- W. T KERR, Manager- camp the last of the week and Marshal Goodman warns the pa 1 maw. J. G. Fish A Son’s box and fur Fol the best of fresh standard spent a day or so. trons of the Coquille Water supply niture factory has been obliged to D ie d . - -In Bandon,September 2, Highest spot cash price paid for patent medicines go to the New run day aud night of late to keep a gainst using more water than the Drug Store. law allows, under penalty of having 1903, Mrs. J. E. Morri s, aged about wool at the Pacific Furniture aud up with the orders. 60 years. She leaves a husband and their water shut off eutirley. T H E IM Z ^ Ü S r Ü Lumber Co’s store Social Hop at Masonic H ill Sat. Mi. and Mrs. Will Wright, of daughter, Mrs. Minnie McCord, to Eve Sept. 12th admission! 50cts. If you wish to either buy or sell If you have a house or barn to Who tiod the cow’s tail to his leg in the proeaas of milk- Jackson county, are visitiug friends inrurn her untimely demise, who move, oall on or address \V. A. Ladies Free. SHERHABD A CAMP u Coquille. Mrs. Wright is a neice any real estate, 1 am in a position have the heart-felt sympathy of the two miles before *- mg; said she hid not dragged him BELL. to give you tho best possible service. « Goodman, Coquille City. of Editor Stuuiy, of the, Bul ho realized ho hid m ile a mistike. entire community. Give me a trial. Miss Grace Skeel’s went to Ban F or S ale . A fine farm team, a letin The regular services will be held J. J. S ta n l e y . H o w O fcv iE n cli T ' a x t l h . e r don Saturday to visit several days 'mare and horse, weight about. 1000 A roucical will be given by the J. C- Wilsou is makiug the nec at the Presbyterian church next wi'b her sister, Mrs. Chss. Lorenz lbs each. Apply to J D. Myers, local talent of Fishtrap at Robson’s Must you be dragged before you realize you are making a 5 Sunday morning and evening. hall uext Saturday evening, Sop essary repairs to put the threshing The hour for the eveniug service mistake in not using Electric Lights. • A recent letter iron Wra. Nolly Coquille. machine of Ben Shull iu first class ____i $12<>0 will buy a 100-acre 9tock 12th, at 8 o ’clock. Cake and ice repair for the coming threshing will bo changed to 7:30 o’clock. _ inf,II ms us that lie is no.v living at Santa Cruz, California, at present. raucb with lots of outlying range. cream after the program. Please come early. Timely ser season- Eight miles from Coquille. For choice O. I. C. pigs enquire mons will be preached at both Fine Carpets and Rugs woveu The tug Triumph came up Sun J. J. S tanley . of S. L. Lallerty at Norway, Or. services. A cordial and general in bv Mrs. K. Holverson, of the day afternoon aud towed the Sealed bids for the cutting of 100 Pigs from registered stock and schooner Voleuta below prepara vitation is extended to all services Clemens place h »low Lam pa creek. subject to registery. by the pastor. tory lo sailing for Seattle, she hav Capt. Goodiuausou, o f the tiers of 16 iu and 18m. block wood S. L. L a ffek ty . will be received by M. C Bingham, ing discharged her cargo of water schooner May Flower, registered Miss Mav G abler, of, near town, pipe. at Hotel Coqnilie the last o f The " f S q u ill* until the 15th inst. went over to North Bend yesterday M McDonald Proprietor Fon R ent — T wo story brick store where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Mr. aud Mrs. Aaiou Wilson, of week. Phystciar and Surgeon, / building in Myrtle Point. Five of Bridge, were down last week, Frank Fish for a week Defors she Ira 1 I \J Chapman, L J <11.J 11J '• 11 , o a i n breaknmn one mu i on o « - a Pharmacy Buildiug, Coquille, Or. the railroad, suffered a broken leg years lease preferred goes to California to visit friends. and Mr. Wilson made arrange Office hours, 10 to 12; 2 to 5; aud J. J. S tanley , ments with the new management while oud-uty on the isthmus yes F or S ale . —Ten head of fine of the Bnlleton by which he will 7 to 8. -g=d$>Best Equipped Shop in Coos Count Coquille, Orcg. terday. Jersey Cows— foar from Myers, hold a position on that paper in the Hot and Cold Baths. Only First-Class Work. Why pay an agent $5.00 to $8.00 Jersey farm at Ashland and a year 1). E. Stitt, o f the Bandon R e future. O O C i T T I X - i L E - - - O Z R E G rO IIS r vorder, made’ our office a pleasant | for eoUr«i»B your Photo when ling heifer and an 18 month heifer. co r J. L. Knight, the stock tuan, lost call yesterday as he returned from g™ Cp‘ , ‘ ‘,0,IP fr« P » Ge? A Enquire of Thomas Bulls, near his fine shepherd while driving a -- - J Robinson s Store? Call and see Johnson’s mill. M yrlle Point. band of sheep to the bay the fore — in — samples. Evunglist C. O. Branson who has part of last week while in the vicin F or S ale — V good business l o ESTATE. Ham Hhprwood, the brick mason, been in this county for seveial ity o ftb e junction. Anyone giving REAL cation. For particulars enquire is now busily engaged building tbo weeks, got a letter today conveying | Mr. Knight the whereabouts of or address, W. H. S c hroeder , brick oven for Thompson’s bakery. him the sad news o f the death o f a ; he animaI wU1 b.. liberally reward- $ GOO H dhsb and one lot near bnsinofw. A fsgo, Oregon. I -.'I i n s I . in I 1-trQ n a A n I I «- — r ays 10 per cent interest on this When this is completed Mr. brother, Louis T. Branson, o f De ed. -D E A L E R IN price. Anyone wishing to go to Rose, Thompson will have one o f the fiance, Ohio. $ 4 0 0 0 820-acre farm near Norway. burg will find it to their interest to finest ovens iu the county, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barklow, 1 1 1 acres cleared. (»0 acres plow M arried .— At the home of M. figure with A. B. Dean, of this city, loud. Balcnco pnsture, Good of Myrtle Point accompanied hy Mr. Mcdonald, in Coquille City, oep- bouse, two barnos, outbuildings, Don’t think because jou r feathers on the trip to the Point. and Mrs. J. W. Borden, of South temlier 1, 1903, Mr. Chas. C. Bun f» acre orchard. Improvements are new that they are pure aud fenced. Home saw timber Fine C hoice vacant ■ lots, residence clean." There is no time when they nell, of thi place, aud Miss Jessie English, Iowa, who are out here on water- Good plAce for Shock and property aud business houses for contain more animal matter or are Hanoock, o f North Bend, Rev. W. a visit with their old friend«-, made fruit. * our office a short but pleasant call sale at prices that will surprise quite so liablo to mircro organism 8. Holcomb officiating. on Friday as they were taking in $ 1200 Good business property 1 block you. J- J- S ta n ley . from postofFice, suitable for COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, and impurities generally than when The joke seems to have turned different points of the county. Mr. boarding or lodging house. Put Ren Hoberg, o f Norway, wns new. onto the friends of J. A. Lamb’s Borden will start for theit homo to at this price that it mav be sold at once. ' » down Saturday, and reported Capt. Rents Houses and Farni >tis Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Goodman, of who gave him n rcmnnu reep tiou day. $ 350 I® tract o f bench land near O. Repd who is visiting at the bay on this city, returned last week from a [ on his return from Medford, — ■ town, lays fine, sloping toward General Agency Bu? ’ -es» arrien Coquille Lodge, Fraternal Broth- as being much improved in health. married, south, extra fine^ place for frnit, visit with their daughter, Mre. 8. i the grounds o f being « •_. nlorm erhooff of America, was organized lif*"Office —Fii-stairs near Postoffice. chickens, etc, No improvements, I f you want a Morris Chair,' W. Upton, who, with her husband which it seeffi» was a ra so alarm. by Jog Q Ohurcli at this city on Don’ t miss this chance. ' I Mandolin, or in fact auv >ther return'd with them. Their inanyi I. G. Barker, of Fairview, was Thursday evening with a member $ 20</0 170 acres four miles from town. - *— '■* W > acres unimproved bottom, nice premium, go to Mrs N •sler’s friends will give lliese good people , in town Monday. Mr. Barker has ship of fifteen. Organizer Church anco hill, 50 acres being good tim-* s i;. and buy a 5 ct. pack of gn.u and a wide--me among us. i shut down Diamond camp for the informs tis that there are fourteen her. 20 acres hill slashed. Fair house, good water. Must bo sold get it. reason on account of hnviiif! do Applications out and that the pros- at once. J. T. Hilt and son, E. H. of Boise more room for logs, hnt he will re pects are bright for a good lodge T h e r e a il! bv all a r c t ’ oli S " ' e , Citv. Idaho, passed through towu sume operations iu the near future here. Tliia of the benffic- $ 3 0 0 0 Aflne corner business property com m en d in ' Tbm-<b*v. S*-pt.. Khh, on Thursday on their way to the 0 House and 7 lots in Riverton. A a* the old camp above Fairview, iary orders which takes in women * — 4 ■ 5 — o f the stock gomls nf T b in is Hirst, bay. They are taking a general view genuine bargain. Mr. nnd Mss. James Nosier and a0'1 n,pn info ,he snm* 00 $ 4 5 0 2 fine residence lots, close in, A* at Marshfield, consisting o f boots, of tlif» county with a view to loca pennine bargain. shoes, hats, di v goods, and grocer ting. We hope they will find a l o Mrs. M. McDonald and Children, ,he Mame tPr,ns "" d g 'viiR all 4 0 0 Fair house and 2 lots ’ ti Noslor’ s ies, etc All will bp sold withont cation to their liking and remain ! of this place, started yesterday i « 8 ub1 Benefits. A more lengthy ex $ .'■■■■■■■ Addition. Installment plan. morning for Brownsvtlle yesterday I'lanation in atothercolumn. with ns. reserve. £ 2 4 0 0 820 acres good timber land near GENERAL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DRUGS, PATENT morning to attend the golden Weff- ■■■■' ■ — Sumner. Look this up. MEDICINES, DRUGGISTS' SUPPLIES $ 7 0 0 New 4-room cottage and 4 lots, ' ding of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Miller, Commendatory. ■ ■ near business. A good buy. TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. parents o f the Mesdamea Noler $ 4 0 0 Neat cottage and 2 lots near Aoad- aud McDonald, of that place. We have examined carefully the '... emy. Cheap at th s price. 0 house and barn. Slots, 2 in tjnite a number o f Bandon credentials of Misa Nellie R. Lntou- $ « ' 5 I 0 ■— bottom, bearing frnit trees. citizens returned yesterday from rette, who has been engaged by £ 3 5 0 8 fine com er lots, fine view, best attendance at the annual reunion of Superintendent Mulkey to teach in .. ........ building nite for sale in this city. tbo Latter Day Saints at Myrtle tho Coos County Academy fo» the £ 5 5 0 6-room house nnd 1 lot near ■■ Academy. A nice home. Point. They all speak in the ensuing year, nnd find them highly It is impossible to describe my list in this highest termes o f the large atten commendatory of her honesty, ab Having huff many years of experience in this line W e are cjlnm n. If you are l>a»king for a good dance good order and exceed ility nnd thoroughnesa. piece o f property at a reasonable price, I we are prepnreff to give all the ingly enteresting meeting. Sever <7l--ff to give notice of this efficient can certainly suit yon. best of satisfaction. al members have been added to addition lo U ip teaching force of the Keroembet, I rent house 4 and farms and Miss Latonrette’s work do all kinds o f agency business. Come in the church and Elders Holt and A nffemv. A nfft rson are delighted with their will t>e chief I v th it o f piano and or- nnd see me before buying. I can save yon g'Hi iimtraction. DOLLARS hiicc - as. LOCAL IT E M S. Have Low P rh c i Watches The Pacific Most Beautiful Examples We Speak For Your Trade j Furniture and Lumber Company, Knowlton’s Coquille City, Oregon, DRUG STORE Keep Drugs and Druggists Sundries, Schoolbooks, Blankbooks. a Full GENERAL Fine Stationery and Complete Stock of MERCHANDISE, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES OIL CLOTHING. DRESS GOODS, SUITS AND RUBBER BOOTS. Readymade Clothing a Snecialtv E. J. Leonard, ¡Vi. ti. The Palace Barber Shop, Sanford's Bargains O . C. SANFORD m ah a REAL ESTATE. r GKO- A- CHURCHMAN. PUOI1 i Strauss 6 Cos Copp e r - r i v e t e d Prescriptions A Specialty I den Building ssfcS'-B'. y 2 Coquille. Oregon.®