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About Polk County times. (Dallas, Or.) 1869-1??? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1869)
iW, _ ■ »-—•« sty. '•ff- -• v a » w--.’ i .’.< :C ‘> tvr - ■’• ■ ¿ t.-w .-iy .ty r K ^ g ty y y ff—. '.w ^ i^ íL ,ar.<-a£g¿'ajB paitw i<M frja for t h e l a d i e s . HONESTY, were as invariably baffl d. In some of the numerous streets that sho it out in Popular diet in Utah— spare rib. An instance of the finding of money I every direction in that fart ot the city, TI I D 1. 0 V C D NOT COST. was told us a few days ago. A lad W h y does a donkey like thistles bet we lost him. Sometimes it was in an named Johnny Black, twelve years old, ter than corn ? Because be is an ass. >r joiin o. wntTTiwt. alley way; sometimes by ascending a picked up on the street a poclet book W hat is that which is often found flight o f stairs; sometimes by entering i t t itranje it 8«cm.« with so much Ron* :i'»T containing a large amount o f money, a private residence that we lost him; where it is not ? Fault. *>f life und lov«», to »fill liv« ou ! lie put it in his pocket and turned hack A il! brother, on 1 jr I and thou hut in some way he invariably eluded The Mayor o f Washington is a w o to walk in an opposite direction to that Arc loft of all that circle n>w— our vigilance. \ ou may reasonably The dear old faces whereupon in which he was going when he found man’s rights man. conclude that this neither suited Mr L That titlu! firelight paled and shone. tlie pocket book, in expectation of Five girls, all under fifteen, are un Jleneeforward, hasten as we will, I nor miself. We determined we would meeting the loser on the hunt for it. der arrest in St. Louis for burglary. The voices of that hearth are still: not be cheated the neat time. One ol 1."ok where we may. the wide earth o’er, He had not gone but a block when, Motto for female suffragists— “ Once these absences occurred about ten Those lighted faces shine no tu ire. sure enough, he met a man very excited more into the breeches, dear friends.” M e tread tl e paths their teet have worn, o’clock every night. It was near that ly !*earchin*£ the pavement, and walking W o sit beneath their orchard trees, time then, and we watched the Italian Parisians have discarded hoops and quite hurriedly. Johnny went up to J M'o hear them like the hum of bees, i with an eagerness and intensity doubly wear either very long or very short And m«t!c nt the bladed corn ; him and touched hitn. whetted by repeated disappointments. 'Ve tnrn the pages that they read, dresses. “ Have )o u lost anything, s ir ? ” Their written words we linger o er. ! A drizzling rain» was falling, aud the A hospital for “ women who are dis “ Yes.” liut in the sun they cast n shade, lamps shone along the dark streets No voice is heard, no sign is made, gucted with their husbands” has been “ What was it ?” feebly. It suited us exactly. The man No step is on the conscious floor! “ A pocket book with a large amount proposed in Cleveland. Yet love will dream, and faith will trust, came out directly and started in the o f money in it.” Since He who knows our need is just. An Iowa girl o f sixteen recently direction he invariably took. W e hung That Somehow, somewhere meet we u-int- “ Come in here with me.” killed a large lynx with a corn-cutter, ' on his path like shadows. Ilis iron Alas, for him who never sees And the two walked into a store, alter it had whipped two dogs. T le stars shine through his cypress trees ! heel rung on the pavement. Our feet M ho, hop.-less, lays hi.* dead away where, in the presence ot the proprie Young ladies should be careful and i fell soft and light. l Tp one street and No looks to see the breaking uay tor, the man named the r mount of not get chaps on their lip«. They have down another tho chase led for more A ir ss the mouiuf'ut marble» play! money and gave a list of papers con been known to lead to an affection of V ho bath not learned in hours of faith, than an hour. At last he paused before tained in the pocket book he had found. the heart. The truth to flesh and sense unknown, a large brick building on Music street. l uat life is ever lord of death. It contained 816 000 in bills, the It was an old Spanish house, and looked And love can never lose its own. The foll-'wing typographical error amount named by the stranger, and all — ♦ • -------- dark and grand enough to lie a castle shows the vast importance o f a comma. the papers he had mentioned, when the FA >111.Y J AHS. or a bastile. Its shutters weic closed, At a banquet this toast was given :— litt'e fellow, without any apparant emo. and no ray o f light shone from the “ W oman— without her man is n brute. J an of jelly, jars of jam, tion. handed the stranger the pocket heavily draped windows. The man Jars of potted beef and ham, A writer in Good Words says : “ In book with its contents paused and looked a ound before he in Jars of early gooseberries nice, “ Now,’ ’said the stranger, “ you come family affection and feminine chastity. Jars of in income it, jars of spice, serted the key and turned the lock. Ireland can challenge the world to equal Jars of orange marmalade, with m e !” We crouched low to the wall« as he Jars of pickles all home made, And lie took Johnny to a clothing her.” did so, but the door had barely swung Jar? of cordial elder wine, Dubois county (Ind-)has a man who store, and fitted him out with a nice, Jars of honey superfine! on its hinges before we sprang upon His name is warm suit of clothes ; thence to a boot has had eight wives. Would the only jars were these him. The struggle was fierce, but Which occur In tamilies ! and shoe store, where his pedal extrem Smith. brief. li e could not contend with two ities were adorned with an elegant pair Mrs. Yell lately cowhided Mr. Lay men. either of whom was stronger than of calf skin boots; then to a jeweler’s for not pertorming a promise to marry AN I T A L I A N M Y S T E R Y . himself. they went, and the boy was presented her. As he wouldn’t make her Lay. We believed we should find the girl A DETECTIVE’ « EXPERIENCE. with a fine gold watch and chain, the she male him Yell. What a terrible here, and our suspicions were correct; former bearing the inscription, “ Pre musical family they would have produc “ You have heard me allude to the we did find h e r--a pri-oner guarded by sented to John Black (aged 1*2 years) ed— Lay and Yell, Yell and Lay. case in which an Italian mystery so an old quadroon woman. for his honesty in returning a lost Drinking-glasses are bad for men When she saw U«, and knew we had completely baffled us. have you not?" pocket book containing S16,0l)0. By and looking glasses for women. One come to release her, there was a sudden said Mr. F -------. as the reporter asked the loser, 1868.” makes the head unsteady with liquor, for another incident connected with his lightening up o f her face— a vivid Will riot Johnny be happier and and the other with vanity. gleam o f i lensurc, a scream of d light; experience as a detective. better all his life, than if he had kept, “ Yes, and I should like to hear it ; but as suddenly it durkeu- d in a look of A gentleman in Salt Lake not long or tried to keep , the money?— Exchange. very much ” j terror, wild with pain. She implored since heard two unmarried Mormons 1 have said the mystery baffled us.— us to leave h*-r— «he talked wildly, her discussing polygamy. “ Bill, polygamy T H E L A D Y ’ S It E P E X T A N C E . Tt did more than that, it surprised us | eyes fixed feat fully on ‘ lie man. while would be all right only you know the It is true it was in the end cleared up i he looked on her with a cold, sullen women pull hair so like darnation.” Tn the life o f Dr. Baffles, just pub hut at the time the case was in our ! i*nc«*r I told her it was impossible to “ The i-rrangements o f nature are lished, the following story is told in hands- it defied the utmost sagacity and i h»ave h e r ; that we must take her to admirable!” exclaimed a young lady experience we were able to employ. j her parents. I told her o f their grief connection with a preaching journey during the late high winds. “ The The caso was th is: * and despair. It was p’oin to see that in England in 1814 ; same wind which disarranges our dres Some time in the Spring o f 1852 a i *»ch word pierced her with a pang On our way from Wcm to Ilawke olows dust into the eyes o f the wicked young lady living in the Third District, keener than the thrust of a dagger. «tone we passed a house, o f which Mr. young men who would take advantage • f respectab'e parentage, and w» H con Her face was deathly pale, her very Lee told me the following occurrence: o f our confusion.” Truly, a philo neeted in the city, had mysteriously ins writhed in agony. She tried t<* A young lady, tho daughter o f the sophical young lady, that. disappeared from her residence one speik. aud as she did so the man raised house, was addressed by a man who. Three old bachelors residing in one night, and notwithstanding the most his finger and shook it at ln r wnrningly though agreoable to her, was disliked cabin, in Siskiyou county, Calif’***;»»'.?., ■ t SrC^fcivC- 1 ofj\i 1 7e* TTcTS-Riade, nr d large The presence o f the arch-fiend could by her lather. O f course^ J iq would ha'v'é pmced upon the top of their root rewards offered for any information not have alarmed her more. She plead not consent to their union, and she de a cradle with a blanket in it. which in about h e r .n o trace o f her could be cd îiW'Avn. with a wild, passionate,-en termined to elope The night was fixed, dicates that they are on the marry, and found. The circumstances o f her dis treaty— full o f terror, full o f anguish •he hour came, he p'aced the ladder to wish their fair friends to understand appearance utterly precluded the idea we could neither appreciate nor under the window, and. in a few minutes, she that they have one piece o f furniture ol an elopement. Her chatacter was stand. was in his arms. They mounted a She struggled as I lifted her in*o the double horse and were soon at some at least to accompany the marring above reproach ; there was no levity, estate. nothing trivial in her disposition. She carriage Mr. I -------had called, hut sud. distance from the house After a while A “ Hard Times” party is announced was a beautiful Italian girl, young, and denly became quiet and still. I drove the lady broke silence by saying : with a naivette of manner irresistibly 1 rapidlv to her home while Mr. I “ Well, you see what a proof I have at Mantorville, Wisconsin. The invi carried the prisoner to the station attractive. Scarcely on the verge o f given you o f my affection; I hope )ou tations and programmes for ’ he dance are issued on the commonest kind ot All the way she did not stir. She will make me a g»>od husband ” womanhood, she was tall and elegantly brown paper. “ Ladies are expected to formed. Her lithe, willowy figure^hnd had fainted and lay pallid and still on He was a surly fellow, and gruffly dress iu calico and its surroundings, and As we lifted her from answered: “ Perhaps I may. aud per a world o f grace in its supple, delicate the cushions. gentlemen in their every day clothing outlines which would have won the ad the carriage and conveyed her into flic haps not.” Each one must bring a cracker in his house she opened her eyes, hut there miration o f an anchorite She had tBe She made him no reply, hut after a most beautiful eyes I had ever seen was no li-jht. in their glance— her reason silence of a few minutes, she suddenly pocket. Fun to commence at 8 p. M At l i p . M. bean soup, crackers and large almond shaped eves over which had fled— the girl was a maniac. exclaimed : dried herring will he served, if there is Months rolled b y — a year had come the long daik lashes drooped and qu»v ‘ Oh, what shall we do ? I have left enough to go round.” and gone— hut the mystery o f the cred as emotion stirred her, or lifted my money behind me in my room.” suddenly in surprise or glee. The soft strange occurrence only deepened. “ Then.” said he, “ wo mu«t go back CH AR M IN G I G N O K I N C E . Day by day tbe hectic flu-di crept and fetvh if.” black pupil had a tenderness in the look that made the heart« o f vonth strange'v upon the young girl’s cheek, and day They were at the house, the l adder The New Orleans Picayune relates uneasy when they flashed on them with by dnv her footsteps pressed closer to was again placed, the lady remounted, the following incident as h-ving occur- the brink o f tbe still waters, whose 'ey while the ill matured lover waite<] be red on a Mississippi steamer: u woman’s power. Her character, ns I said before, pre current-» lave the shadowy land. Her low. But. she delayed to couie. and so A. tew days since there was a wedding cluded the idea of an elopement. Tr reason wrecked her hopes in life had '•e said gently : “ Are you coming ?” on Baronnc street, celebrated with great was evident to all that she had h<-en fled. But no word ever passed her lips When she looked out o f the wiudow eclat, and newly wedded couple set out kidnapped ; hut by whom and for w ln t to tell the secret that was wearing sou! and said : at ouee on a bridal tour. The ceremony purpose ? These were the question« and brain away. “ Perhaps I may, and perhaps n ot;” took place at 4 o’clock in the after toon, At last she sickened mortally. Over then shut down the window, and left and at 5 o’ clock they were on board ot addressed to Mr. I ------ and mvself. her much kind friends bent hopelessly : him to return upon the double horse a splendid steamer bound for the Up when the caso was put in our hands As may be supposed, such a girl had hut hef-»re the spark of her life went opt alone. per Mississippi As soon as the vessel suitors, but she was nffiancpd to no one. her reason returned. Tt was then hnr Was not that a happy thought on was under way the passengers crowded The warm beauty o f her race, the ex- 1 secret, was reveal’ d; she had become the the lady’s part— a famous jo k e ? the saloon, and mirth und revelry began traordinary grace and loveliness of the Italian’s wife. To escape a fate far to hold a festival. A dance was impro yuung Ita'ian, had won the hearts o f worse, she had yielded to a compulsory F o r w a r d C h i l d r e n . — No physician vised. and joy and merriment was pro many, hut her own. apparently, was marriage, doubts that precocious children, fifty tracted into the “ wee stua’ h >urs ” yet free. So her parents s;*id. and 1 j ------------------------------ eases fair one. are much the worse for Now it so happened that the berth had no reason to disbelieve them. On the discipline they have undergone and next our newly married friends was oc T h e F o r t u n e o f H o m e l y O ttils questioning those mo<-t intimate with the foundation for insanity is laid. cupied by a lively little matron and her “ Ilow did that homely woman contrive her, we learned that much unkindness When the studies o f mature years are infant. Wishing to enjoy as much to get married ?” is not »infrequently o f feelin g had arisen between her -luffed into the head o f a child, people pleasure as possible she had intrusted remarked of some good domestic crea various suitors, Such a girl would nnt do not reflect on the anatomical fact, her babe to a servant, with instructions ture whom her husband regards as the nrally inspire jealousy. Bn' there was apple of hi« eye, and in whose plain 'hat the brain o f an infant is not the to put it to bed as soon as it went to one person in particular whose feeling« face he sees something bettor than brain o f a man ; that the ono is con sleep, while she herself joined in the had once found expression in the nm-t beauty. The truth is that most men firmed, and can bear exertions, and the dance. bitter and intense animosity toward the By a stiangc mistake the servant pretcr homeliness and amiability to other is gruwing, and requires repose ; test. But it wa« nn'y once that he suf. beauty a“ d caprice, it is a noteworthy 'hat to f ree the attention to abstract mistook the state room and deposited ferod himself to become so f«r forgetful facts, to load the memory with chrono the ro-y infant in the bridal couch. fact that homely girls gmorally get o f his interests. Naturally he was tac logical and historical, or scientific de Now when the hour fui retiring came, hotter husbands than fall to the lot of iturn and repelled familiarity. A l tail, in short, to expect a child’s brain the groom led his blushing bride to the their fairer sisters Men who are though young and strikingly handsome, caught merely bv a pretty face and to wear with impunity the exertions of door, and modestly waited outside tor it was said the girl had conceived for a man’s, is as it rational as it would be her to disrobe herself and retire. One fi -ure, do not as a rule amount to much. the man the most, intense repugnance. The practical, useful, thoughtful por- to hazard the s*me sort of experiments can readily imagine his astonishment, He hail a dark, sinister look, a sort, o f ou its muscles. therefore, when the next instant he tion o f mankind is wisely content with subtle, secret intelligence about him, unpretending excellence. V an ity — Many things in them- heard his name called frantically and strangely at variance with her free and selves arc absolutely vain Amongst in ncce its o f surprise and distress. opcii character. She had rejected his Opening the door, he looked ia du- these we may reckon desires which can suit, but ho had sworn yet to possess Arc.EIt. — Anger is indeed the fool’s not bo gratified ; imaginations which biouslv, and arid : her. He left her presence with a half- passion It. colors everything in the *• What is the matter, my love ?” uttered threat aod a look that froze her deepest hues.and then like a blind Tier cannot he realized; uffectious which “ 0 . Henry, look here !” have no suitable objects; curiosity in blood. rules, it goes smiting both friends and “ Why, bless me, it’s a b a b y!” That night she disappeared. O f foes. Tt sows with a liberal and full things which are not useful; empty “ Yes, but oh ! Henry, how did it eoutsc our suspicions fell upon this hand, hut is not always careful what it titles, which only feed our pride; riches come here ?— do you think it's ours ?” man. The facts, however, here detailed scatters, for with seeds o f revenge there in such abundance that we know not “ Well, n o !” replied Henry, solemnly were ascertained b«’ patient research sprir gs up another crop, generally un how to dispose o f them; company which “ I think it is almost too soon.” and careful investig'tion But by slow looked for and unanticipated, and that corrupt our murals; dress, which has “ Oh ! it certainly is, but then, what degrees wo d<d discover them, and is repentance, anguish and remorse. no other objecc than that o f attracting watched “ our man” from that hour These ara genera’ lv a late crop, hut a observation ; and fashions which, be" shall we do ?” Just then the anxious voice o f the with incessant scrutiny. At certain full one. and seldom fail to appear. ing devi-cd to gratify vanity, vary as mother was heard inquiring for the hours, however, in the day he left his This nineb may also ho added, that n<* the wind. baby, and it was restored to her. very place o f business, and, although we in | the seed is sown to tfye wind, it is sure H e is unflt to rule others who cao- much to the relief o f tho yo»Rg variably attempted to follow him, we ' to be garnered in the whirlwind. Dot rule himself. people- FIRESIDE SCHOOL AT HOME. MARRIAGE. M ISCELLAN Y' Marriage is defined as the joining o f one man and the same quantity o f fe* uiality for life, for hotter or for worse, “ forever and ever,” till death do them part— A m e n ! W h o, to attend a wedding party, would for even one second suppose thst the happy bride and ecstatic groom would be into each other’s hair and eyes before the expiration o f a quarter* W ho could imagine that loving, bloom, ing mother in law would be stirring up the most outrageous family quarrels, and unmake upable domestic fights in less than a month ? And who would dream that the “ happy couple” might possibly be fighting over the children, and suing for divorces by the end o f two years, hating each other4ike cat and rat, attempting the one to ruin the reputation of the other ? W hat causes such astonishing and confounding changes ? Well, they do say the moth er-in-law is a curse to the married state. She on the son’s side “ does up” the jealousy for the husband ; and she ou that o f the daughter stirs up the idea o f neglect in the wife. Then comes the demand for explanation; the grand exhibitions o f independence and scorn ; coldnt-s-« from the head of the house, aud sulkiness from the other aide, to which succeed muffled oaths from him; oceans o f tears and regrets frbm her; slumming of d oors; ferociousness of looks, slapping, hair pulling, te a c u p throwing, furniture smashing, and a general hullaballoo. Happiness and peace have departed, and misery und mo»hcr-in laws have arrived, and the only hope reni rinimr is tint these per sonages will fight themselves and “ ill each oriicr, or get married again, und move to the city o f Jericho. Independence o f these causes, late hours on tho part o f the husband, and neglect of home by the wife,tend great ly to make it unhappy; and where there is distrust and cruelty from him, joined to hateiulness and gabble in her, there will always be sufficient racket aod bang T h e P r o g r e s s o f a L i e . — Anybody- kept up to cause the cars o f the un'mitri* can tell a lie ; but it requires a practi ated to hum till the crack o f doom. * cable h md to tell a “ lie wirii circum stance.” For 6omethiug like four bun B r e a c h o f P r o m i s e . — Reading is died years— much longer for aught l to have a breach o f promise case. It know— there has been a story floating appears from the fact6 as lodged in the about tho world to the effect that iu statement o f the lady, that a citizen o f certain northern regions the wurds one Reading, well known and about sixty sps.-ks are frozen as they are uttered, years o f age, lias fur some time been ind have to be thawed before they can paying his attentions to her, that ho be heard. Bastiriian tells the story u- has on several cceasious promised to a story. He)!ij* fcpiaiiS it. liiibeluri in;)£e her happy by marrying her, and ftone 1° the expense o f a ids tha.tJ.hjy words when frozen fall Tl.ut ibout like hail, and arc taken up care procuring b¥/k 1.0Pf'arcl* &c -> ^ d that fully in the order in which they fan o f late he has become lukcwaun in Ins and placed in a frying pan to talk. An ove tor her, and that she believes he other writer says that some of them lias married another woman, and that in oak in being picked up and perish «he feels aggrieved and will ask the court without utterance. It required tin that the “ old aud gay deceiver ” and naster hand o f Sir J- hn Ma» devi!le to (lie miner o f her happiness for life bo complete the thing Hearsay istoo tame made to pay her such damages, not ex i r him. lie su-v the phenomenon, he cel ding ten thousand dollars, as they says, and he gives you the name o f the may see fit, it to Le a healing balm for ship ho was on board o f at tho time, her hr* ken heart. It may be interest and the exact latitude atid longitude in ing to know that the old lady is on the winch tl e occurrence took place shady side o f fifty and possessed o f a Glowing even more minute lie tell.« liberal competence. W e expect to see ynu that several **f the word« fell over some strange revelations when the case noard and were no more heard of, and comes to court, and will perhaps be that the little frozen flakes, when much able to learn ‘ what drugs, what charms, talk was going on, were a great annoy what conjurations, and what nriyhty mce to common seamen in their work magic” tlie«c old fellows use to win old Hi« crotvnmg triumph, however, occurs ladies’ hearts .— Reading (Pa.) Time». when the thaw comes A rude fellow. D if f e r e n c e in E g g s .— Though • boatswain, he thinks— having swal most laiuiers keep fowls, and raise lowed a camel he is very particular about the,.it will be observed— had their own eggs, there are many who during the continuance o f the frost have not learned ihe difference there is cursed the Captain in a fit ot passion ; in the richness and flavor o f eggs pro but as soon as the words began to thaw. duced by well-fed hens, and those from halt-starved Iris sin found him out. he was soundly birds that have been through our winters. There will bo beaten tor Ins disorderly behavior. Munchausen’s version o f the story is some difference in the size, but far more in the quality. The yolk o f one uninventive compared with this ! will be large, fine colored, and o f good subsistence, and tho albumen or whito A S trange A d v e n t u r e . — Mr. clear and pure; while the contents o f Bcdblossom drank more than Iris usual the other will be watery and meagre, allowance of hot rum and sugar one for lack in the parent fowl to carry out cold night, the consequence was, he and complete the work nature had gave hi« wile a rather confused account sketch d. In order therefore to have ol his conduct, on his return home. good eggs the fowls should be well fed, Mr. Smith’s grocery store invited me and also provided during the months to go aud drink at cousin Sam, and you they are ur able to come to the grouud, sco the weather was dry— and l was with a box containing an abundance o f very sloppy— so I said I didn't wind fine gravel, that they may be able tq punching one drink— and’s queer how grind and prepare their food for diges my head went into the punch though ! tion. O f eggs, those from the domes The way home was so dizzy, that I slip tic hen are decidedly the best; bu$ ped upon a little dog— the corner of the those o f ducks and geese may be used street bit me— aud an obi gentleman for some o f the purposes of domestic with cropped ears and a brass collar on cookery. his neck, said ho helont-ed to the dog— C u t o f f Y ouil C h a i r l e g s .— I will I was— you— understand— hie— that is tell you a secret worth knowing. A I don’ t know nothing more about i t !’’ thousand things not worth half as much have been patented aud elevated intq T he best mcihod o f removing stains business. It is th is : I f you cut off from linen and cotton fabrics produced the back legs o f your chairs so that the by spilling wine or vegetable juices, hack part o f the seat shall be two inches consists in moistening the surface affec lower than the front part, it w:!l greatly ted (previously wetted), with a solution relieve the fatigue o f sitting, and keep o f hypo-sulphaio ot soda, dissolved iu your spine in a much better rhape. hot w -ter, and then adding on the point The principal fatigue in sitting comes of a knife a little pulverized tartaric from your sliding forward, and thus acid, and rubbing this well in. After straining the ligaments and muscles io the stain has disappeared the cloth may the small o f the back. The expedient be washed out in lukewarm water, and I have advised will obviate this ten when dry no trace of the stain will re dency and, as I have suggested, add main. greatly to the comfort and healthfulneas o f the sitting posture. The front edge T he contemplation o f distress softens of a chair should not be more that* the mind o f man, and makes the heart fifteen inches high, for the average man, better. It extinguishes the seeds of nor more than fourteen for the average envy and ill will towards mankind, cor woman. The average chair ia now rects the pride o f prosperity, and beats seventeen inches for all, which no down all that insolence which is apt to amount o f slanting in the scat can make comfortable.— Lewis' get into tbe minds o f the fortunate. (J Few persons realize how much msy l>e done in a thousand pleasant ways at home. Let a parent make a cwmpan ion o f his child, converse with him fa- miliarily, put to him questions, answer inquiries, communicate facts, the result of his reading or observation, to awaken his curiosity, explain difficulties, the meaning o f things, and all this in an easy, playful manner, without seeming to impose a task, and he himself will be a-tonished at the progress which will be made. The experiment is so simple that none ne* d hesitate abiiut its per formance. The first important requi site is. that there be mutual confidence between the parentand ch ild ; in every season and in every place there may be su'-h lessons and recitation*as will ben efit both ; im p a lin g new facts and principles to one. and elucidating new views, and giving them new force to the other. I f at thè barn, the boy may be required to give the principle of raising water by the pump, or some other question in hydraulics; i f teaming, or ploughing, whv the work is performed easier when the team is near the load than farther removed ; if in the morn ing when grass is sparkling in pearl) drops, how dew is deposited ; or if in the silent and impressive evening hour, why is he chilled in passing the valley, and finds again the genial warmth on ascending a hill. When around the fireside, daughters may state the prin ciple on which smoke ascends the chim ney, and why the a‘*r is wannest at the top o f the rocn. At another time why the pitcher sweats in the hot nfton, or the “ dough rises” in the nan. B y thus observing event, as the;7 pass, we arc always at school ; both old and young, teachers and pupils in turn. A new enthu-iasm is kindled in the breast o f each other, while new desires for im provement are awakeued, and new sources fur it are developed at each re citation. Gymnasium. i t