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About Polk County times. (Dallas, Or.) 1869-1??? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1869)
ve HOME INTELLI8ENCE. U U O IO V I BEB VICES I I DALLAS r T h e L yceum . We have paid a couple 01 visits to the meet Proceedings of Circuit Court. adril term . ings of this body, but must acknowledge that we have not been much edified by the proceed ings. We think the system adopted in most of our local debating clubs radically wrong and injurious. No truths can be elicited or new ideas eliminated from a person who argues against his convictions, and we are supported in this opinion by many able men. The New York Evening Pott advocates general discussion, not set debates, in literary and other organiza tions, and insists that it neither “ makes phil osophers nor candid men out of young persons, to place them on one side of a question and require them to argue that side strictly without regard to their own convictions or to the facts of history or experience.” Let the name“ de bating society” be dropped; let the idea of debate be discarded, aud discussion take its place. Debate sometimes develops partizansbip, falsehood, subterfuge and personality. Dis cussion develops argument, analysis, love for truth and balauceof judgment. Let therefore the question or the subject be proposed, and let each man speak bis own convictions upon it. There will be sufficient difference of opinion, •ays the Pittsburg Pott, on any subject in any club, and tho speakers who differ should alter nate, to give spirit to the discussion ; but it should be the object of each, not to get the ad vantage of his opponent, but to find out the truth. The world is sufficiently divided about questions of religion, and questions of public policy, or if thise are excluded—as it is very proper that they should be in .purely social gatherings—about questions of science, of art, of metaphysics and history; to give enough variety of sentiment and opportunity for do bate. One who believes what he says speaks earnestly, and is not apt to iudulge in mere words devoid of thought. Many of our debat ing societies, as now conducted, give simply an education in false speaking, bigotry, aud unscrupulous partizansbip. D angerous . —A portion of the mill race lies uncovered on Main street, between the store of Mr. Lee and the Union Market, endangering tbe limbs if not the life of persons walking along that side of the street after dark. A gen tleman, a few nights ago, on returning from a meeting at the Academy, stepped off the side walk into the man-trap referred to, and had he not been accompanied by a friend to whom he clung in his fall, the result might have been serious. We do not know who owns the prop ert v fronting <>n the place in question, but the defect ought to be remedied forthwith. B uena V ista . —This little burg in our county is rapidiy thrusting itself into prominence by the enterprise of its citizens and is destined at no very distant day to be one of tbe manufac turing centers of Oregon. Large quantities of carthottiware of a superior quality have been manufactured there for somethin past, and we see by the Portland Herald that a consignment of fine brick had been received at tbe Iron Works in that city from our Buena Vista neighbors. This looks like business. Keep at it, neighbor, and success is sure to crown your efforts. W riting S ceool . —The second term of tbe writing «lass established by Prof. W. S. James, closed on Thursday last, for the season, on which occasion prizes were distributed to the most meritorious pupils. Numerous lady visi tors graced the occasion with their presence, and quite a number of gentlemen. This school has been quite a success, the proficiency dis played by rnallj pupils who before attending the class could hardly scrawl their names reflecting much credit on cue accomplished teacher, and giving general satisfaction. H orse S how . —On Monday last many of the horse men of this county brought their stallions to town and paraded them arouud Court House Block for an hour or two. Among them there were one or two fine looking ani mals, but it strikes us that our breeders wil* have to raise larger stock if they want to share tbe large profits of the California market, most of the horses exhibited were too light to satisfy the demands of stock men. P icture «.—Mr. W. S. James has purchased the photographing apparatus and mateiialof Capt. Lafollctt, and will conduct the business hereafter at the old gallery, on Main street, where he will always be found ready and wil ling to furnish mirrored eounterparts of them selves, in any style of the art, to all who may favor him with their patronage. Mr. James is an amiable and courteous gentleman and will no doubt give his patrons satisfaction. T he C rop s . —The prospects for an abundant harvest of cereals never was more favorable in this ccunty than the present season, and the rep irted drouth throughout the southern por tion of California gives our producers some encouragement to hope that their enormous yield will find a ready market at fair prices. Fruit—all the varieties—throughout this county are reported as promising an abundant crop. P ersonal . —Among the numerous visitors in town during the past week, in attendance on Court and otherwise, many of whom have called on us, we notice Messrs. Curl, Bonham and Lawson, attorneys, Mr. J. C. Bell and the inimitable “ Bascom,” of Salem ; Hon Bpnj. llaydea, and Dr. Jeffries, of Eola; there were also several commercial gentlemen present from Portland. S elling O ut .— Mr. J. H. Lewis, popularly known ss “ Uncle Jack Lewis,” is anxious to close out his present stock of goods to make room for a new stock that will shortly arrive from Portland, and to this end offers greater bargains than this community is used to. All who wish to procure such bad better call on him The Circuit Court for Polk county—R. P. Boise, Judge—convened in the Court House, Dallas, on Monday, April 26th, and adjourned yesterday. The following is a list of the cases disposed of during the term : State of Oregon vs. Win. Shepherd—contin ued on motion of prosecuting attorney. \ State of Oregon vs. J. L. Williams—case resubmitted. State of Oregon vs. II. P. Rankin—settled. State of Oregon vs. Fred. Miller—no arrest; cont nued. State of Oregon vs. Jno. Way—bonds for feited. Norman Scott vs. David Rohrer—motion to strike out the answer; demurrer sustained as to that part of answer setting up a disclaimer; reply to be filed by May 10th; H. Y. Thomp son, referee. L. J. Knifong vs. J. R. Sites—action at law; verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $78 75. James Brusie vs. J. II. Robbins—action at law; settled. S. Tillotson vs. Robt. Ford—actim at law ; dismissed, each party paying his own costs. N. L. Butler vs. Win. Jones—continued. A. M. Miller vs. Win. Cecil—continued. A. M. Miller v*. Y u . Cecil—judgment by default. M. C. Rawlins and E. A. Rawlins vs S. B . Waite—dismissed at cost of plaintiff. A. II. Whitley vs. E. W. Carlisle—settled. A. II. Whitley vs. A. J. Wise—continued on order of publication. A. II. Whitley vs. Wo. Cecil—continued. E. W. Carlisle vs. A. II. Whitley—settled. Harry Burbank vs. A. Williams et al.—F. Remain, S. T. Burch and II. Ilii.' appointed referees; continued. Anson Kimsey vs. J. F. Kimsey—judgment as prayed for in complaint. R. W. Hill vs. A. A. Miller—jury trial; ver dict for plaintiff. Tbos. Munteith vs. II. J. Bevins—settled. Robbins A Weaver vs. D. G. Pumpelly— appeal from County Court; verdict for plaintiff. J. S. Harris vs. E. F. Lange—judgment for plaintiff in sum of $64. , L. A S. Baum vs. John Waymire—judgment fur plaintiff. A. L. Stipp vs. D. McDonald—continued. G. E. Ueehell vs. G. B. Ashby—action at law; settled. J. M. Son vs. E. J. Son—suit in equity; di vorce grunted. Cathrine Berry vj. John Berry—suit in equity application refused. Melissa Miller vs. Fred Miller —suit in eqnity divorce granted. Wm. Howe et al, vs. Wm. F. Clingan—case dismissed. S. Rosenblatt ct al. vs. II. Linville—contin ued. II. Failing et al. vs. II. Linville et al.—contin ued ; Mr. Mycr, referee. State of Oregon vs. J. 0. Shelton— Msmissed. W. n. Beckett ct al. vs. II. F. Smith—ordered that notice be served on tho defendant; con tinued. State of Oregon vs. W. F. Clingan—fined $50 State of Oregou vs. W. F. Clingan—fined $10 Lnd costs. J. _______________ L ively . —A coupleol young men about town on Thursday last agreed to disagree, both of them stripping off their coats and “going into” each other in rough -and-tumble style. It was rather one sided, however, .one of them receiv ing a severe bruising about the frontispiece while the other received “nary a scratch.” We commend to the young gents in question the old school hymn: “Let dogs delight to bark and bite,” etc., hoping they will refresh their mem ories for the balanccof it, and profit thereby. N ew F irm . —J. C. Bell, Esq., of Salem, has closed out bis business at the capital, aud Das entered into copartnership with Mr. W. C Brown of this place, in the general merchan dise business. A 1 irge stock of goods of every variety adapted to the country trade has been laid in by the new firm, at their brick store on Main street, which they offer lor sale as low as tbe lowest. Call and examine their stock. Seo advertisement elsewhere. M a t -D ay P arty . —We were informed that a May-day pic»nic was in contemplation by the young folks of Dallas; but whether they suc ceeded in their arrangements or not we have thus far been unable to learn. his saddle and harness shop to the store adjoin ing the Bank Exchange, on Main street, where be will be found at all times ready and willing to attend to the wants of his old patrons, and all others who may favor him with a call. C onvention .— We understand there will be a convention of Good Templars held in this place on Thursday next. All third degree members are urged to attend. who will continue the business at the old stand If you want to make rapid sales, advertise in the F olk C ount * T ikes . an til further notioe. which, if it be not good, is, at least, cool: “The poor man’a purse may be empty, but he has as much gold in the sunset and silver in the moon ns any body." ffgfA cofemporary thinks the rain a strange powor. It ke<ps thousands away from church on Sunday but wout deter a single man from attending to his business on weekdays. Methodist Episcopal Church (South ).— A. E. Scars, pastor. Services the First Sabbath in each month at the Baptist Church, southwest «orner Jefferson and Court streets. M K. Church (North). —G. tV. Roork, pastor. Services at their church, north side of Mill street between Main and Jefferson, as follows: First Sabbath (in each month) in the evening; 2d Sabbath, at 11 o’clock a. m.; Id Sabbath, in the evening. Regular prayer meeting each Wednesday evening. Sunday School every Sabbath at 9J o’clock a. m. Baptist Church. —J. W. Osborn, pastor. Ser vices at iheir Church, corner Court and Jeffer son streets, the Third Sabbath in each month. Christian Church. —H. M. Waller, pastor. Services at the Bapri«t Church second Saturday and Sunday in each month. A G ood J ok e . — Quite an amusing practical joke was perpetrated on a waggish citizen of this county, not many days ago, by a profes sional gentleman* of this place. The victim alluded to ^whom we will call Uncle II. for convenience), had been sojourning in town for a few days on business, and during his leisure time had been entertaining delighted audiences of his friends with sprightly anecdotes and witty repartees to such of them as had the temerity to cross question him. One evoning, while such an entertainment was progressing, the professional gentleman aforementioned was suddenly attacked with an agonizing pain in the side of his face, supposed to originate from a deoayed tooth which he said had troubled him before. Several bystanders volunteered to fetch ¡k doctor; but Uncle II. scouted the idea of callings doctor for such a trifle and pcremtorily called for a strong piece of twiue, having obtained which he told the sufferer to slip it around the offending tooth and make it securely fast. This being done. Uncle H. or dered bis patient to open his mouth as wide as possible, when the amateur dentist—bracing himself with one foot against the round of tho chair and his left hand against the forehead of the patient—made a terrific lunge, the patient uttered a terrible roar, and forth came the offending tooth—but not alone ! “ My God ! boys;” exclaimed II., “ I’ve ruined him—I’ve yanked the whole jaw off him ! What shall I do?” When his ears were saluted with a volley if laughter, and ou looking more c'osely at the end of the string he comprehended the whole situation—attached was a cuiupltt* set of artificial masticators, the professional man not havii.g a natural tooth in his head, but bad gotten up the “ tell ” on Uncle H. in retaliation for a joke in which he was the victim. If you want to see Uncle H. look “cheap,” tell him you have the toothache. T he S tock T rade . —The business in differ ent kinds of stock has been very lively in this region during the past month. The cattle dro vers have been so assiduous ¡3 foe prosecution of their calling to supply the demands of more thickly settled comnr unities, that our butchers fiad difficulty in procuring sufficient beef to supp’y the demands for home consumption. However, as the season has been particularly favorable for loose cattle, and the grass is now abundant, the beef market will soon be replen ished. Several horse dealers have also been raiding through the county lately in quest of large horses for the California market, and numerous bands have been driven off to supply the wants of our tar-head neighbors. A S uggestion . —We have heard several of oar citizens discussing the propriety of incor porating the town of Dallas, and the express ion of opinion has invariably been favorable to the project. We fully coincide. There are many minor regulations necessary in a town like Dallas that hardiy come within the prov ince of the County Court, and yet must be at tended to for the public good. A municipal government co tld manage such affairs system atically, and the coet would be comparatively nothing in view of the benefits that would ac crue. Let a meeting of the citizens be called to take this matter into consideration. T he W eather during the week nas been delightful, and all nature seems to rejoice therein—from the tiny flower that struggles to show its gay petals to the god of day, to the majestic monarch of the forest that is just donning its graDd robe of green ; from the feathery songsters that warble the universal chorus to nature’s grand anthem, to the lowing kine ; from the prattling infant that chases the sunbeams across the floor to the old folks in life’s decline—all, all seem to imbibe the influ ence of the balmy weather and feel happier and better for it. R eal E state . —Real estate in this county is steadily increasing in value, being held at fully twenty per cent, ahead of the figures of one year ago. Several sales have been made lately wfaieh substantiate this fact. Mr. Richmond— familiarly known as Tom Richmond—bought a fine farm of 100 acres, near Monmouth, week before last, and a few weeks previous the sam« gentleman purchased another a few miles north •f this place, for which he paid in the neighbor hood of $15,000. N ew B uildings . —The lumber'for the new M. E. Church South is being hauled to the lo cation selected for the edifice—Levins street, between Main aod Washington, and the work will be commenced forthwith. We learn that Mr. J. H. Lewis is about to erect a substantial two story building on the lot between the Dallas Betel and Phy’a building, on Main street. These are flattering indications of the perma neat improvement of our beautiful town. N ew G oods . —Mr. G. B. Stiles is now receiv- ing at bis store, on Main street, opposite the Court House, a fresh and extensive stock of •varything in the grocery line, tobacco, prints, etc., which h« offers to the public cheap as the cheapest, for cash or produce. Call on him C ovet W eek . —The week just ending being Circuit Court week, the town of Dallas has been unusually lively,the streets being thronged with visitors from all parts of this and adjoin ing counties. C bawoe or F irm .— Mr. Crawford has sold eat his tinware and stove store to Mr. Tucker, B righam a n d t iie P acific R. R.— Brigham Young ¡6 said to pooh-hooh at the effect which is predicted upon his religion from the railroad, and is report ed to have exclaimed, when spoken to on tho subject,—“ Mine must be a d— poor religion if it won’t stand one rail road.'’ He has a large contract on hand in grading the main line—employing none but Mormons—and it is estimated that about two million dollars of the money raised on the lands of the United States by the company, will go into his pocket as net profit By the road, every pound of grain, oats, barley, wheat and corn, every ton of hay, and every ox and sheep belonging to this strange people is quadrupled in value The contractors on the railroad arc paying from twenty to twenty five cents a pouud for grain for their horses. Probably no community iu the United States is so prosperous at the present time as the Mormons. soon. V&F* Somebody has given utterance C hange of B ase .—Mr. Stiles has removed to the following scrap of philosophy, OREGON NEWS the grain ciop of 1869 will be fully thirty-three per cent, larger than that of any previous year. The Sabbath Schools of Albany intend to have a pic-nic on tbe 1st of May, in which other Sabbath Schools throughout the county are invited to participate. The farmers of Lane county are talking of forming a County Agricultural Society. It is reported tl at the steamer Shubrick will soon visit Yaquiua Bay for the purpose of se lecting a site for a lighthouse. D. Froman, of Albany, is building a large grain warehouse. The building will be rigbty feet long, forty feet wide and forty-two fee* high. Messrs. Simmons A Kiger, of Corvallis, pro pose to trot thoir horse, “ Live Oak George,” for $1 000 against any horse of his age in the State. The Roseturg paper says : Mr. John Persh' baker, proprietor uf the Marshfield lumbering establishment, at Coos Bay, was in town this week. He reports business lively at Coos Bay. Twelve vessels were in the harbor loading when he left. Pengra has got up a new map which shows the line of tbe Oregon Branch from the Hum boldt to Portland. This map locates the road a crossing the Cascade mountains in Douglas county, and coming into this valley on the east side of Coast Fork, crossing the Willamette abovo the junction of tbe two streams, and continuing down the east side of the river to Oregon City. A man by the name of Mr. Norton, died near this city, says the Oregon City Enterprise, on Wednesday last from injuries received by .1 rifleshot which was accidentally discharged when he threw the carcass of a deer into his wagon. The hall passed through the end gate of the wagon box and entered the fleshy part of his leg, carrying splinters and wadding with it. ' The Salem Lumbering Company are building a largo saw mill in South Salem, which will be completed about the 1st of May. It will be 30 feet wide by 100 long, exclusive of furnace and boiler house. The Circuit Court for Lane county was in session last week. There were eleven divorce cases on the docket. Solomon Landes has been indicted by the grand jury on a charge of set- tiug fire to Jos. Stevcntoti’s house, some weeks since. It will bo recollected Mr. Stevontou’s wife and three children were burned to death. Landes is under arrest. Presley Hall, who killed his father some time ago, was convicted ot manslaughter at the late term of the Circuit Court, in Yamhill county, and sentenced to the peniteutiary for teu years. The Guard says a race has been closed be tween Henry Mulkcy’s bay mare “ Lizzie Stew art,” and Tibbits and Comstock’s bay horse, known as the “Hall horse,” for $500 a side, in goto; jiistanceJ^ a jT j^ f .ju a i^ ^ at Oakland, on the Sth of May. The citizens of Salem arc about organizing another fire company. The Unioniet says: “ We learn that the steamer Ann sunk last Saturday (IGth ult.), three miles below Harrisburg. She was tied up to the bauk for the qight and all on board were asleep. Tho first intimation of the sink ing was given by the rattling of dishes as the boat careened over. We learned no cause for the sinking. She had on a thousand bushels of wheat. An accident occurred on tbo 10th inst., a short distance above McMinnville, In the in stant death of a lad aged 17, whose name was Gant. It appears that he came into the house late in the evening, where his mother and sister were sitting,took down a double barreled •hot gun and said he was going out to shoot some birds. They endeavored to persuade him from his purpose, but he still persisted. A few moments after his departure from the house, the report of a gun was heard; and on their repairing to tbe spot, they found the son and brother lying down with the entire top of his head blown off. From appearances the con clusion was, that he had carelessly placed his foot on the hammer, and was blowing in the muzzle to ascertain if the piece was loaded, when it was discharged. Tho Washington correspondent of the Eu gene Journal writes: “Senator Corbett’s bill, which passed last winter, provided for the construction of a building not to cost over $100,000, to be used for a United States custom bouse, court house and post office, at Portland, Oregon, and appropriated $50,000 to commence tbe work?' Mr. Corbett got an amendment to the miscellaneous appropriation bill last week appropriating an additional $50,000 to complete the work. The amendment went to a confer euce committee, and was finally agreed to and passed by both Houses. A piece of land has been purchased Dear tbe center of Portland, for $15,000, leaving $85.000 to be applied to the construction of the building.” The whole amount of tbe State, county and school taxes assessed to Marion county for the year 186S, is $54,408 65. Of this amount the Sheriff has collected $18,056 28. The amount of taxes remitted by reason of double assess ments aud other causes, is $2,682 03. The delinquent list is only $3,750 41. During the week, says the Corvallis Gazette, Mr. Isaac Flint, of Canyonvillc, left a piece of what purport» to be tin ore in our offiee. He suys that a vast mine of this ore has been dis coverei five miles west cf Canyonvillc, on what is known as Big Pine mountain, croppings ot which seem to be diffused over about two sec tions of land. Samples have boon scut to SaD Francisco for assay, and prove to be very rich. A new city has been laid out two miles below St. Helens, on the south bank of the Columbia river, aud named Columbia City. Tbe site contains about a thousand acres, aud is intend ed for tbe terminus of a railroad from Hillsboro and Portland. Tbe Washington correspondent of the State Journal writes: Some years ago certain parties “jumped" the Carutbers’ donation land claim at Portland, and succeeded in getting a patent for it. The case was decided in lavor of those who “ jumped” tbe claim by Judge Shattuck, and that judgment was affirmed by the Su preme Court ef Urcgon. The ease was annealed to tbe Supreme Court of tbe Uuited States, and Mr. J. II. Mitchell, the attorney for tbe Cam thers’ estate has succeeded in getting a unani mous decision from tbe Court reversing tbe judgment of the Courts below, and declaring in favor of the estate. There being no heirs ol the estate, the land, which is said to be worth not less than $ 100 , 000 , will go to tbe State of Oregon. ^ Mr. F. Hcber has purebassed the old Davis claim near Jacksonville, aad intends to sow a large quantity of alfalfa or Chile clover, and to raise fat beef instead of wheat. A young man named Peter Geer, who owned mining ground in Tanuer’s Gulch, Grande California and the Territories. Roude River Mines, was accidentally killed on Steam plows are working successfully in tho 27th ulL, while working in bis claim. several places iu California. The Butte Record The Portland and Boise telegraph line has been completed to Umatilla. Tho tariff for gives sn account of a plow uf this description messages between Portland and Umatilla is which was timed while running across tho field, fixed at $2 for ten words, and seteuty-five and made four hundred feet in three minutes, plowing a strip twet vo feet wide. This is for’y. cents for each additional five words. thousand superficial feet in three minutes Real estate in Portland has advanced from eight and at rate of three acres per hour, or fifty to one hundred per cent, withiu the past «thirty-six the acres per day of twelve hours. year, and is still going up. \ l n Sonoma county, California, many farmers A cooper and barber needed in La Grande. are setting out almond, walnut aud mulberry Uriah C. Knight, a native of B.irron county, trees; and hops are attracting attention in Kentucky, aged about 39 years, was found dead that county, and also iu Napa. Several of the in bis bed at tbe Franco American Hotel, in hop fields north of San Pablo hay have been Jacksonville, on tho 12 th inst., under circum very profitable. stances that led to the supposition tba’t he A Montana paper reports that the agricul committed suicide. The coroner’s jury render tural products of Montana this year promise to ed a verdict in accordance. be immense. In all the great agricultural dis Col, Hudnutt’rf surveying party are engaged tricts—Gallatin, Madison, Prickly Pear, Boul in laying out the route for the U. P. Railroad der, Ilell Gate, Deer Lodge, Bitter Root, and across the Blue mountains. It is probable the other valleys—the most extensive preparations road will cross by Meacham's Pass and not by are being made. Birch creek, the former offering a much easier The Montana Putt of March 19th reports a grade. severe fight between a company of soldiers and Mr. Constant, of Jackson county, has a colt a party of Sioux Indians in Gallatin valley. of “ Sampsou” stock, rising three years old, Four Indians were killed. which stands seventeen and a half hands high Colorado newspapers are now published on and weighs fifteen hundred pounds. Mr. Caw papor of four colors, owing to the transporta ley, of the same county, started for San Fran tion on the Uuioii Pacific Railroad. The Cen cisco week before last with nine heavy draft horses, combining speed and strength, and tral Herald prints on a bright green ; the averaging thirteen hundred pounds. Large Tranicript on dirt color, which feels as though made from sand; the Timet on manilla, and bands of fine horses are loaving Southern Ore the rest are still fortunate to have white. gon for the California market almost daily. Why can’t the farmers of Polk county turn Two Indians, one a Flathead and the other their attention to this branch of the business? a Spokan, fought a duel near Helena a short It certainly is a profitable one, and good horses time ago. Cause, woman. Both combatants were killed. always find a ready market in California. Idaho Statesman says that labor is wants The Linn county Teachors’ Institute will hold ed The at Altnras aud other points in that lerritory. its next semi-annual session at Albany, on the Some of the quartz mills cannot run for want 4th of May, to continue three days. ot bauds. A farmer in Marion county has received About three wooks ago four men herding from the Eastern States a package of Norway cattle on tbe Yellowstone were murdered by oats and intends to test thoir adaptability to the Indians. Oregon climate and soil. Walla Walla has $11/00 in greenbacks on The Albany Fire Company have challenged hand be applied to paying the indebtedness Capital Engine Co. No. 1, of Salem, to meet of that to county. them at Albany and have a trial of their en gines. The challenge has been accepted by A terrible eatastrophe occurred at Gold Ilill, Nevada, recently, by which about forty lives the Salem boys. From the Sentinel we learn that farming is, were lost. It appears that the timbers in tbe being vigorously prosecuted on tbe Klamath drifts of one of the companies mining on the Comstock ledge took fire, the strong current of Reservation and on Link River. A number of air passing from shaft to shaft causing th** con wagons have crossed the mountains on the flagration spread with terrific rapidity to Emigrant road lately, mostly bound for Goose the mines of to adjoining companies.and resulting lake. Mr. A. J Uufur, who, more than any other in tbe disastrous calamity above recorded. man, has devoted h imself to learning aod pub- Grizzly bears are killing cattle in Suata liahing the resources of Oregon, estimates tbat ' Cruz county, California. A man named Simeon Walters is senteaeed to be hanged at Isabo City on the 12th of May, for the murder of Joseph L. Bacon in Oetober last. At Carson City, Nevada, several little boys got into the pest house and went to romping on tbe bedding. Nearly all are down with tbe small pox. There are a number of compan*»s and par. tic* making preparations to common«« mining operatiors in Klamath river during the coming summer. A great stampede was lately made from near the Flathead agency, in Missoula couaty, to to tbe Goose creek mountains in Idaho. Re ports arc that the placers of that district yield from ten to one hundred dollars per day to tho hand. Tbo recent census of Salt Lake shows a pop ulation of 38,000 Mormons and 8,000 Gentiles. The Seattle paper sneers at the pretension* of Olympia as a railroad terminus, and inti mates tbat it is fifty miles above the head of navigation ! Tbe exodus from Owyhoe to tho Whit« Pine country, for tbe last three of four months, has caused a slight stagnation in business of every character at the former place. a % Tbe I. O. O. F. Celebration at Salem* The celebration of the semi-centennial anniversary of the introduction of the above order into America has been looked forward to with much interest by the brotherhood in this jurisdiction, so we append the following description of it in full,from the Unionist of Tues day : “ The Odd Fellows in the jurisdic tion of the Grand Lodge of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, for Oiegon, and Washington, and Idaho Territories, celebrated in this city, yes* terdav, the semi-centennial or fiftieth anniversary of the introduction of the order into America. Almost every lodge in the jurisdiction was represent ed. The celebration consisted of a pro« cession, oration, pie nic, dinner, and a reception at the Odd Fellows’ Hall in the evening. The attendance, though large, wou'd have been much larger had it been certainly known that the steamer Continental from San Francisco, on board of which was lion. Nathan Porter, the orator, would have arrived in time to allow that gentleman to reach this city by the time set for the celebra tion. The procession formed on Com mercial street, with its left resting on Griswold’s block. .JTbrr^.were in the -.lue between six and seven hundred members wearing regalias. The pro. cession was led by Mechanics Brass Band of Portland, after which followed the lodges in ihe order they were or ganized, beginning with that lodge of the most recent date. The subordinate lodges wero followed by the Albany Brass Band, then came the Encamp ment, and finally, fhc Right Worthy Grand Lodge. Prominent in the pro- cei^ion was a large car, drawn by lour horses. On the platform of the car a tent of purple eilk was stretched, in tho door of which sat P. C. P- F. S. Schwatka, the oldest Odd Fellow west of tho Rocky mountains, who wa* dress ed in magnificent regalia, and sup ported on either hand by* members of the Encampment. The procession marched up Commercial street to State, up State to High, down High to Center, «long Center to Liberty, d«.wn Liberty to Marion, and along Marion to Mariou square, where a stand and seats had been arranged for the oration. The exercises were comme Deed by an over- ture by the Mechanic’s baud, when the opening ode was sung by the who'e or. der to the good old tune of Greenville. Prayer was offered by R»*v. P. S. Knight the Chaplain, after which Hon. Nathan Porter delivered the oration, which was highly commended by all who heard it. The "orator began by giving a short history of the Order, from its rise in England to its introduction into Amer ica. fifty years ago He then recounted that period.many 1 adieu 1 changes were made in the objects of the Order, by which, it became the first temperance organization in the land, and one emi nent for it-» morality. The latter part of the oration was devoted to the sta tistics of the Order in America, and to explaining the cardinal virtues taught and practiced by its members. Beforo the speaker closed he became so hoarse that he could with difficulty be heard ; nor was this strange, as he, within a few minutes after landing in Portland, got into a buggy and rode a greater part of the night, and then speaking in tho open air with scarcely an hour’s rest. After the oration the members of the Order repaired to the tables aod partook of a bountilul repast, spread under the thick shade of the trees. The tables were arranged in the finest style of soy we have ever seen for » like occasion. After dinner the procession reformed and marched back to the Odd Fellowa’ Hall and were then disbanded until evening, when they either attended the ball or spent the evening hours in a pleasant reunion. Altogether, the cel ebration was the most pleasatt affair of the kiud ever.had in the State. ££?*■ The Boston Transcript gives Mrs. Lincoln “the m“8t unkindent cut of all” whou it says: “It is now gener ally believed that Abraham Lincoln was a martyr a long time before he wm shot." *£- i J