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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 2007)
SCA OrColl E 75 . S68 Spilyay Tymc 4 kr. 52 no. 24 ¡N o v e m b e r 22, 2007 f \ P.O.Box 870 Warm Springs, OR 97781 Acquisition D ept/Serials Knight Library 1299 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403-1205 1 Coyote News, est. 1976 l, No. 24 n umani STD Warm Springs, O R 97781 5 0 c e n ts ! Appeal of school rating successful B y L eslie M itts Spifyay Tymoto W arm Sp rin g s E lem en tary m eets AdeipaatolSeffirify Bmogress standaads fa r ahe O c ^ o n ll>qpfflraimena:':©f BduKatriaam, a fte r tthe SSB-J sdhooll dasttriot w o n a n ¡appeal e f t a ““nsot traaetf” rsaaing. faaltepasa^SbtmSpriiaigsHImaim- tarv students have m et academ ic stan dards but attendance caused the sch o o l t o rteedhto a rattin g o ff ““n e tt arnett* ffitTotum ah e O rteg o n D cp ararn cn tt «off E d u catio n . T h e diisariict h as ^ sp ealed trihe aaaiiai^ b e fo re, arguing th a t absences a to fa r (odkiaral measoms lik e iffunemals an d pow wows. T h is pear trihe ¡appeal h a s b een w on a fte r Siiperiinimfmdpifflt IBnaikor itimaiilicd a le tte r to ahe (Qa^gon D ep artm en t «off E d u cation in d efense <df W aran% m ia!^ Hemmemrary. iOave'Mdtítetthan/Spílyay Drtromg ¡last Satarday’s welcome-home ¡rally lor Jacoby Eitefouiry, \AKanm Springs Chief Etellvi® ¡Hteatla pteserals Ellsbury with a Pendleton tolantast and medallion. BHsbury, ¡oíf tibe World Champion ¡Red Sox, was welcGm?KBd tonne with a panato and ¡recepdlion art Ito high school, and ìfeater ¡in ito day at ¡KaWfee-Ta. ptae mm Ellsbury’s welcome /home malty miti 112)) ■ Tribes to host Native Nations seminar T h e sttadewide g o a l fo r ahe m in i m um ¡attemdamoe rate is $ 2 p e rce n t. W h ile W arm Sp rings E lem en tary w as ■ottigamai% sh o w n to hawe a n W9.t p e r- cen t ra te , a fte r tribe ap p eal w as w o n and.^p3§pstptomas w ere m ad e, ahe p t- tftetmdaimoe tname w as maimed to (®3 p e r -. ceatHt. O vem altthe S0S)-J srik ao l a& aaiktito- oeassffida^nottancf” aatiia^ tfar A ¥iP sttam- dattds. Eooikimg ffor good opportunities to from the N ative M arions Institute fo r o n (©ffiEsr pmwen ideas rinar have helped (c®(MdinatowÌKÌ<am and saradtegy ahrongPii- Leadership, Mmagetmaentt, asad W fc y •other tribes Ihntdld stronger (notmmniimmi-- (£Mtt ahe tcritoal «^áma^tÉcsia, ttSac Seoce- (P M ^ ) ©fffire Uaibíem aaytf A m o n a wo®, 'tfafe: opment.. It w ill help to g ire us stane rment<©f FdmH^aatki^^Adimtr^ ttMy-TiceasMCc¡rjG)Jy (Gahca has arranged be conducting the seminar. aiffed a s aaaM nocetriatg A Y P sdatodam^ iff gether to define strategies and plans for community and economic devel Aoromdinig to tthe O ic^ o n Dfqpart- C alica, is hopd fid th at woirikiing to nomatnom vision and vocabulary and ifearm spedai «enntriwte edrucaition ptro- M NHits a sister organization to the g ether in the sem inar co n tex t w ill en a good pSattfotm fo r making the res any in d ica to r is deamrammed a s “ato t ¿gmnm to ífefc place <©m ahe reseawaticim ¡ffar^M d fficcsgeot ¡on Am erican Imi diami courage tribal p erso n n el to w eak tfio- ervation a bettor place!” anoL^ in early IDteGeaaatoea:. , Econom ic Developm ent. geaher apone d& ratikdkf ’w hen ¡they ate- iB n p lfe l ‘WaM^T-Btünfták^g: Leader Together the tw o institutions have s h ip , <Gíow7teoKam(oe, a n d Eaornoamic w orked w ith hundreds o f tribes in the ©.dUc^” trihe ttwo-day (ConifiKtoaoee ált K a li- U..S. a n d (C a p a la , perffiornming re ISfc-TawfflpairtíesiÉemsrwe Bndáan Goaom- search, developing policy, negotiating » 1 ffiétómcli and poLcx «experaedoce a t amdo^owomTTmieirnttal agmeeimaiemitx, and tribe itSfcHp (disposai. (Qffffeffing a w id e waaietty o f educational MJtìtórai ffomty ttr®M p erso n n el ame (ex program s. p e cte d tte» aatteaad, iradlmdling Gom m ai Thanks to their long arid varied ex m em b ers, en terp rise and branch m an perience in Indian Country, N M l con ference leaders ame ferrmltair w ith chal agers, and judicial o fficers. Stephen Cpntaái and Joann Titmedhe lenges com mon in native societies and As tribe (cerÉeapieGes coif t ribriitr na M adras ffl^ h S ch o o l menetiOTed low ittatttm to a h e k d a ly posiiriGi^^ tion-building program , researchers matriaags tin trihe areas <rf rcweaal aaanatg, “1 attended MINDED regional <a©nffier- ence last November in Portland,” «aid Calica. ?The]jme®Enteasandaaitoidpffl^^ tidpants had iaxpordattatt dmtimgs to say and a lot o f practical addee about how aribes cam improve tine health ¡off their <coatnmniDmiittie& Ilhd he^ wecamlheimefiit i&man tribrir experience and atoad: ittt will he good for our political and adminis trative amd torisimess leadeas to gett tto- (fittonna M M I and tdnse fiamvaad Faroij(ectt acad em ic achierenaetntt amnd p e r fo r have identified five key elements in m ance an d atten d an ce, «datopomds an d fostering snoDessiH. and smsdaiined student behavior. econom ic grow th in n ative societ ies. Jeffa^nGomBB^MddfcSdhirfdfeo ttoitoiked a raffling «off “ToW” in tthe area W ituiiÉmd.smfflmgtíty mefifeetts a tribe’s <©f ¡articendatiace, dnspontts ¡and staadent willingness and ability to assert self- hdhaw ior Ibwatt meedwed a satrisfactottp rating in cotther tcattegfirrire^ governing power. Se® NNI on W W hile all sch ools m et the standards in term s off p articip ation in A ll -schools in ahe 5®®kf diisaattdt tto- Torrez is new Arts and Crafts coordinator rdsvted a aaantng«rf%eMKpaiimidr in ahe catttegoryrfsthtadl dhararrmeriwritc»; h<w?- ewer. iSamdenas ttoceawed aatrirgs <off ‘“nott tnmeff” in hotrih Engftdn,/[r .«ngm^ge Amts posidom. . cowotrLetns Bnd|p©d mne «omita lleDJttj” ^he saiid. “ ffifs tfiealy ffieam (Oitii- 'iemt6ed.:*> Her favorite part, Torrez said, is working with children and helping them develop their asas and crafts M b C h ild JL eff B d h in d Aidt. A rts and C rafts C o ord inator fo r the skük. card s issinsed toy ahe GttsEgpn Dtepamt- lE to tó tito m “I t ’s fon because the kids arte tcm z^ Y tm sez esplained. ‘“I ts n ew r trihe rneally” . In the end, the cMldren she works ■with are the most important part o f trihe jjdb to Brea; Torrez said. T im ptotfly sato áf tribey w®tom’’t heme ttfeem I w oddh’t h e heoto^*’ tdne B y L e s lie M itts Spnfyqy_ Tjmo/o ■ Lmdnda Torrez has a new ¡job, but Pad’s ato sittramger to tdhe Sabnceaaion I^qpattítítffiieniíL TEcoamez, 211, meneimidy «iraer ;as affittar tribe famm ar coord inat or, C arol Alüsom , totiitod. S h e began w orking w ith the R ec re a tio n O epatrcrneflt in as a ^©nirih acti\ ities aid an d contiiamaed w orking there until she recently filled th e v acan t p o sition . and Afetheanaaiics in ahe 5®®k| dtsarirot. T h e sdaitewiide espeotaaioxn f a r sano- detnas to moeea «or tesoeed saandamds is 5® pemcentt in Er^feh/Latngittage Amts ¡and 4 f pemcetmit in rnairihetmaitics. D istrict ratings are required by th e lep om t m ent o f E d u cation are m eant to show areas n eeditrgiimjpmcwemaetm wiihin<sadh dmtiricr in ahe sttate. Eor aatome infform atticotn, wisiitt www/ode.saaa!e»orjnis//data/a5eporificaad/ reports.apx. asid. ^Char has becom e a fu ll-tim e p o sitio n o rig in a li\ began a s patrt cof satmamaaar jjcdb wdam sh e returned toraoe ffitxotmti S a - lk°irm w h ere :dhe w as g o in g to co lleg e. ftt caitmte fe d k to Watratm Sp rings t o la d k f o r a soniimiMar |db amd I ended pp st^ in glh ere,” sh e eripdaimed. “IN b w I hawe to fia n , «estot^tdlm^,'” A s a yoaadh acttiMtiies aid , TCbtrasez Ubim p#. said— -a ¡task th a t lias seemaed said, she w as resp on sible fo r helping Jaimntfmg to henm tdae Ibegimgmmgwibeti). xdL didn’t ®ea% ¡know w hat to expecg” she said. w ith .all d ifferen t a cth ities. M ow har A faced the (Hhafemge <of coordimat- IL’ffidkiijt, "ffibctoz added, tribe Eeoce- posilioda is iso a se d «om a t^paSEk; atoa, ing H allow een activities like the G reat atio n Dtepatntttment s ta ff Baas ¡been w ry ItoStotot. Pnanaptoa Batnty auad H allow een Gaaam- wtfibag to hd^> Iber g at settled in h er p kl Aras and otaffits is som ething Torrez has always shown an interest in throughout her life. When it carne to dhoesiimg; eiec- ttimes in sdbooü, :shé sáidl, ‘‘l ¡always chose atrts and pottery and aill those bdbtto any (odrem tdairóg. I irifomnlk ik comes prett}1 naturally.” Miexlt mp Torrez « i h e woitóng <on trihe Christmas anee ihghrimg and parade e n Oeceanlher (6 asad ahe aap- coming Christmas bazaar. University of Oregon Library Received on* 11-26-07 Spilyay tymoo ...... .....I____ fa