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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 2007)
¡S r Ì li " r+ y'"■y../""y" Page 6 Spilyay Tyrnoo, Warm Springs, Oregon; New home for Diabets Program By L eslie M itts Spilyay Tyrnoo The Diabetes Program made the move to a new building re cently. The program now' has in creased space and more, to of fer—the building features of fices, a coaching room and an exercise facility for participants. Diabetes Program Coordina tor Jennie Smith said they felt it would benefit their participants to have a space dedicated only to them. That will benefit those, hop in g tp com bat diabetes, she added. The new buildihg, Smith said, helps “tp complete a dream that started about lA years ago.” ", Moving to a new facility has always been the plan, according; to M ontell Elliot, recruitment coordinator. “It’s been in the works evei since the grant,” she explained, as the grant specified funds to either build a facility o r re- L es lie M itts/Spilyay Lifestyle Coach Edmund Francis works out in the new exercise room for the Diabetes Program. m ö d el an alre a d y e x is tin g structuré » I The new building has obvi ous heñefitSj E llo t added. : *■ “We don’t have to share a lot o|, space,” . shç said. £iWe can haveour participants exercise in peace.”^); Little League meeting Plus, she said, the new build ings allows the program to be more private and more, confi dential. The Diabetes Program is cur rently conducting two classes with about 10 participants.' Three full-time and five part- time staff members work with the Diabetes Progràm The Diabetes Prévention Pro gram is a tHree-year program based on a grant that the Dia bètes P reven tio n Rrograth, Community: Health and Com munity Wellness received^ Participants attend a four- month class and continue to meet with a coach and rçceive help during the rest of die. time period. Staff members often recruit for the program at most public events: The new Diabetes Program officers located at 1142 Warm Springs Street, across from the Presbyterian Church and next to the Family Resource Center. Fundraisers to help student travel to Europe D onovan A rq u ette, the grandson o f Tom and Jeahine Kalama ®P Warm Springs, was ¿erected to be a People to People Student Ambassador on a trip to France, Italy,, and Malta for the summer of 2008. T he-20-day exchange w ill Consist of meeting with govern ment officials, interaction with ofirer students, educations }ac- tivities andjhome stays with host families. R , To covet the cost of tuition, which is nearly $6,000, Arquette is f co n d u ctin g v ario us fundraisers. A minLraffle will be held 6n old grandson, is in the 7th grade and plays football. A teacher nominated him for the ambas sador program. • The program will also allcbv Arquette to earn high school credits. Kalama said, they plan to conduct ptigoing fundraisers tintil ifext July. For more information, call Je a n in e ,a t 553-3018 or'32f>- November 8, 2007 There will be a meeting of the lib ra ry in Madras. the Jefferson County Little All are welcome to attend League^ Board starting at 6 this meeting, and bring their y>.m. on Monday, Nov. 19. ‘ ideas for the upcoming sea The meeting will be held son. in the Rodriguez Annex by ‘Journey thru G rief, seminar next week at community center Warm Springs Community Counseling Center will host a seminar, “Journdy thru Grtief,” on Wednesday, Nov. 1.4 at the Community Center. The semi nar is from 8 aim. to 3 p,m*.The agenda is las, follows: -8-8:45 ain .: Registration and continental breakfast!. 9 a.m.: Invocation. - 9:15 a.m.: “Teat Soup” video. 9:45 a.m.: Discussion. 10:30’ a.m.: Break. 10:45 a.m .: L osses and trauma. 11 a.m.: Sharing time. 12: Lunch. 1:15 p.m.: “STARS.” 1:45 p.m.: Memory Rocks —• paint project. ■ ■ [ 2:45 p.m.: Closing prayer. Jones Auto Sales 1990 Ford Aerostar Mini Van. 4WD Was $2,495 VocRehab office is closed this week This week $1,495 (stk#92201) The Warm Springs Vocational R ehabili tation office will be closed this Thursday and Friday, Nov. 8-9. 1987 Jeep Wagoneer was $2,500 This week $1,750. i6 4 tr DonovanArquetté 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 Diesel 4x4 Pickup - was $12,995 This week $9,995. Shirley Jones donated a ceJ dar hat, Jeanine Kalamadonated buckskiri chaps and' a%ribbon sh irt; M arvin and D onovan Arquette donated a hand drum; Bea A leck donated a fibbon shirt; Betty Gould donated-a pair o f m occasins; B randon and Shadow Arquette-donated $25; tyletha P rtyty-donated $50:;# Adrienne Wilson donated a sur p rise; T anishjjQ hn donated $12150; Paula Pinkham and fam ily donated kids- beaded mocca sins; Glen Smith, Chips and Tim Kalama donated two cords of wood; and Christine Arquette donated two baby boards, a jingle dress, and two girls fancy, outfits. f Tom Kalama said his 12-year- 1998 Ford Taurus (green) was $3,995. This week $2,495. (stk# 102616 ) 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4 - Red, Leather, Looks Great! AC, Auto, was $6,995. This week $5,995. 1999 Mercury Sable, White, Leather, Auto - was $4,995. This week $3,995. Now open in Madras L a rg e s t s e le c tio n o f p re-o w n ed ve h ic le s in M ad ras. K O B U K A N K A R A T E A N D K U N G FU A few other vehicles: 1995 Chevy Astro Van, AWD..................$2,995 1996 Honda Accord LX “ß ncient 1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse.......................... $995 ß rts for Mode 1995 Nissan Sentra..............................$2,995 1989 Ford F350 Dually Pickup.... was $4,995 Teaching: Shorin Ryu, White Crane, Tai Cl Splashing Hands, & Weapons This week..................... .......... $3,495 Over 40 cars and trucks to choose from. M O S T U N D E R $3,000. Caff today fo r your Tree (Private Introductory Lesson 475-4625 169 SE 5th St., Madras Jon es Auto Sales is loca ted ju st north o f A herns Market in Madras. 380 N. Highway 26, Madras, Oregon 97741 Formerly TS&S Showroom % (stk#90507).......... $4,795 1 i 1