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About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (June 21, 2007)
Page 12 Spilyay Tymoo Jyne 21, 2007 Baby sitter W anted a part-tim e babysitter for a six year old, to care for child in my home, will be on-call basis because the hours will coordinate with other youth activities in the commu nity. Please call for more infor mation at 553-9132. • Jobs (The following is the recent jo b opening list o f the Warm Springs Tribes. See Amelia Tewee in the Personnel De partment to submit an appli cation, o r c a ll 553-3262. Also, you can apply on-line at For more de tails on the positions, call the contact person listed on the advertisement. Or visit the tribes’job advertisement list a All positions are open until filled, unless otherwise indicated.) Public Utilities Envi ronmental Technician. Environmental Health Con sultant for several Oregon Tribes. Responsible for en- viro n m e n tal health and safety survey inspections and assisting in the devel opm ent o f environm ental' health codes and o rd i nances. Assist the Tribes in community education of en vironmental health and in w ritin g re p o rts fo r the Tribes. Bachelor of Science degree in e n vironm ental health or related field pre ferred. Proficient word pro cessing. Vehicle and valid Oregon driver’s license re quired. S alary Range $27,500. Yr. To $34,100. Yr. Nancy C ollins §53-4943. Closes 6/22. 4-H Program Assistant. High S chool diplom a or equivalent. Secretary train ing preferred. Two years work experience. A combina tion of education and expe rience is acceptable. One year computer experience, spreadsheet, word process ing and graphics. Good communication skills, written and oral. Good spelling and w ritte n gram m ar s k ills . Skilled in typing with accu racy. P ersonal com puter skills in word processing, graphics and spreadsheet. A rtis tic (cre a tivity) skills. Basic recordkeeping skills. Work with adults and youths in the Warm Springs com munity. Knowledge o f the Warm Springs comm unity and their culture/traditions. Provide educational skills to the youth. S alary Range $19,791. Yr. Teresa Hogue 480-1993. Closes 6/25. CPS Protective Care Supervisor. Develop and administer CPS Center, its staff and residents. Super vise assigned personnel, establish work procedures, plan, schedule, assign and review work load. Train, in struct and provide technical guidance to assigned em ployees. Personal computer skills in word processing and spreadsheet, problem solv ing and planning skills, case management, investigation, treatment; referral and fol low up methodology. Asso ciates degree In Human Ser vices, three years experi ence with a valid Oregon Driver’s License and proof of insurance. Salary Range $26,000. Yr. Rebekah Main 553-3209. vider (Lim ited D uration). Provide daily care to chil dren from infant to 18 years of age who are victims of abuse or neglect. Must be willing to provide nurturing care and understand the needs of these children. Sal ary Range 8.55 hr. Rebekah Main 553-3209. physical exam and arduous pack test. Preferred that a p p lica n t have w orking knowledge of 4-wheel drive vehicles, posses good oral/ written skills and be familiar with reservation roads and landmarks. Salary Range $11.01 hr. To $12.36 hr. Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146. Fire Management Equipment Operator. (1 Fire Management Fire Fighter/Fuels. Main duties position) Must have valid C D L -A w ith tank, air-brake, com bination v e h icle en dorsements. Must be able to operate D-6 Dozer, 30 ton Tractor T ra ile r Transport, 3500 gallon Water Tender. Must be able to pass physi cal and fitn e ss test. Pre ferred that applicant have working knowledge of wild fire and prescribed burns, posses good o ra l/w ritte n skills and be fam iliar with o p e ration o f fire fig h tin g equipment and be fam iliar with reservation roads and landmarks. Salary Range $13.83. Luther C lem ents 553-1146. are using power tools to re- move ju n ip e r and brush, also will be required to fight fire under stressful condi tions with hand and power tools from 8 - 1 6 hours. Must be able to pass physi cal exam and arduous pack test. Salary Range $11.01 hr. Dorian Soliz 553-1146. Closes 9/3. Fire Management En gine Operator (2 p o si Participate in drafting, modi fying and im plem enting statutory, regulatory or ad ministrative policies or rules related to tribal protection, use and asset value for tribal resources. S alary Range 42,000. Yr. To $47,000. Yr. Robert A Brunoe 553-2015. tions). Fights fire with hand and power tools from 8 - 16 hours. Valid Oregon Driver’s license is required. Must be able to pass annual physi cal exam and arduous pack test. Preferred that appli cant have working knowl edge of 4-wheel drive ve hicles, posses good oral/ written skills and be familiar with reservation roads and landmarks. Salary Range N icole K e rr, Jo h n n ie LhCIaire,i $12.36 hr To $13.83 hr. Yvette Leecy,.Johanna Mathison,' Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146. Protective Care Pro- In the Tribal Court o f the Confederated Tribes o f Warm Springs Jury Duty T o the following people, you are hereby notified to appear be fore the. Tribal Court to serve as a* juror on each Thursday during the contem pt o f court. This notice is to the following individuals: Mildred Adams, Curtis Brown, Christina Brunoe-Holhdày, T h o m onths o f July and August, 2007. Ju ry orientation will be at 4 p.m. m as C ochran, M erilda Charley, On Monday, July 2, You are required Gilbert, G arrett G reene, Tim othy G reene, N oree Guerin, Jackson to appear at 8:45 a.m. at the court house on the following Thursdays: July 5 , 1 2 ,1 9 and 26; and August! 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, I f you fail to appear ori th e dates and tim es listed, you may be charged with Marta Cuevas, Priscilla Frank, Carla Heath, Edward Heath, Lee Hellon, D en jam m H in tsa ta k eT Sh irley H optoiw it, C h a n e lle Ja c k s o n , Jo sep h in e Jo h n so n , R o se 'K irk , Francis Kalama, Merle D. Kalama, T erron M cD onald, Luk^1’M illet, Tara Moody, George Moses, Clem P icard , L e i L an i P o lk , Shauna Q u eah p am a, G e n e \Sam pson;' Fire Management As sistant Engine Operator. (1 p o sitio n). P e rio d ica lly operates fire fig h tin g v e h icle s and a ssociated Brenda Sm ith, Elizabeth Sm ith, equipment involved with fire Francis Sorrelhorse, Richard Tewee, ’ fig h tin g . F ights fire w ith W illiam T rim b le , S^ra Y a e t h v handf and power tools from D o n n a-. W aih& nw it, •L a u rel 8 - 1 6 hours. Valid Oregon W heeler, Isab el W h ite, G ilb ert Driver’s license is required. Yazzie. Must be able to pass annual Randolph Scott, Kevin Sm ith Sr., Kah-Nee-Ta Employment We are seeking moti vated, energetic, cus tomer service friendly ap plicants for the following positions: Full-Time Positions: Convention Services Manager, Director of Op erations, Front Desk Man ager, Slot Technician, S lot K ey-person,' Groundsmans, Banquet Captains, Lodge House keeping Inspector, and Casino Cage Cashier. Seasonal Positions: Lounge Cooks, Lounge ID Checker, Vending Co ordinator, Golf Pro Shop Attendant, Village Houser keeping Houseman, Vil lage Housekeeping Room Attendants, Housekeep ing Teepee Attendants, Lodge H ousekeeping Houseman, Lifeguards. - HR Secretary/Recep- tionist, Pool Cashiers, Village Snack Bar Cooks, Golf Course Beverage At tendants & Cart Driver, Casino Snack Bar Atten dants, Village Snack Bar A ttendants, V illage Snack Bar C ashiers, Lodge Housekeeping Room Attendants. D ishwashers, Prep Cooks, Line Cooks, Gift Shop Sales Associates, Reservationist, Village Gate Guest Service Rep resentative, PBX/Dis- patchers, Lodge Front Desk Guest Service Rep resentative, and Cocktail Servers. Fish & Wildlife Parks Manager. Requires Salary Range 5 2 ,1 2 0 , Yr. To $56,020. Yr. Robert Brunoe 553-2002. Natural Resources In tergovernmental Policy and Planning Manager. Natural Resources Ad m inistrative Fiscal Of ficer. Three year supervi sory experience. A combina tion o f education & experi ence is acceptable. Salary Range $30,435. Yr. To $35,968. Y r Robert Brunoe 553-2015. Gaming Commission Surveillance Observer Part-Time. M inim um re I Buy Indian Baskets quirem ents, GED or High School Diploma. Pass and maintain high security back ground. Must be depend able. Salary Range $9.00 hr. David Suppah 553-4890. m i l 475-6317 Probate Court In the matter of the estate of Julia I. Barney, deceased, estate file no. 047-PR47-Ò7. W arm Springs Tribal Probate, P O B ox 850, Warm Springs, O R 97761 appointed W ilson Wewa Jr . as act ing administrator to administer thef: within 90 days from the date upon decedent’s estate subject to the ju ¿ Notice is hereby given that Julie I. Barney, who at the time o f her death resided at W arm Springs, which this notice was first posted. risdiction o f the Tribal C o u rt N o 4 New and Pre-Owned Merchandise ~ Below W holesale Prices This notice was first posted on May tice is further given that all persons' 15 ,2 0 0 7 . having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present their, claims, with proper voucher, to the 30-50% O ff re d -ta g g e d je w e lry O re., died on M arch 3 1 ,2 0 0 7 , and that the above entitled court has appointed W ilson Wewa Jr. as act ing administrator to administer the decedent’s estate subject to the ju-. risdiction o f the Tribal Court; N o tice is further given that all persons In the matter of the estate of Julia I. Barney, deceased, estate file no. 047-PR47-07. Notice is hereby given that lone having claims against the decedent’s Julia Barney, who at the time o f her death resided at Warm Springs, estate are required to present their Ore'., died on March 3 1 ,2 0 0 7 , and claims, with proper voucher, to the that the above entitled court has Warm Springs Tribal Probate, P O Box 850, Warm Springs, O R 97761 within 90 days from the date upon w hich this notice was first posted.. This notice was first posted on May 1 5 ,2CÍ07. . B e s t D e a ls In T ow n l Video gam es $10, D V D ’s 3/$12, Good collection of guitars, Am ps, Knives, Fishing Gear, Power Tools, Pool Cues, Saddles, T.V.’s, Electronics NEED CASH? 9 0 -D a y C a s h L o a n s, S ta te L ic e n s e d P a w n b ro k e r B e s t R a te - L o n g e s t Term MILLER FORD-NISSAN Collision òtnter % 5.Z. itk, Inter-Industry Conference On Auto Collision Repair (l-CAR) Top $$$ paid for newer digital cameras, TVs, power tools, musical instruments, guns, gold, diamonds, scrap and dental gold, game systems, most anything of value. 0JZ 7 7 7 4 / Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certified Com e s e e us first We repair all makes and models! Bargai it Hunters 175 SE 5th St. - Madras (o ld S a t t e r le e J e w e lr y S to re ) 475-3745 Let us help negotiate your vehicle damage claim We honor all insurance company estimates. Factory trained technicians, factory quality repairs & craftmenship, frame straightening rack, with laser precision body alignment. No matter what happens to your car, you can count on the Autobody Repair specialists at Miller Ford Nissan collision center to take care of it from the smallest scratch to the biggest dent. OPEN Wed. - Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m 24-Hour Towing Service, Rental cars available 541-475-6153 Legal Aid in Warm Springs on Mondays Legal Aid Services of Oregon, which provides free legal advicoand rep resentation to low-income Oregonians, is in Warm Springs the first Monday of every month, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Family Resource Center, 1144 Warm Springs Street. To contact Legal Aid Ser vices of Oregon, write to it at Legal Aid Services of Or egon, Central Oregon Re gional Office, 1029 N.W. 14th Street, Bend, Ore., 97701; or call (800) 678- 6944, or (541) 385-6944.