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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, January 241957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section T Page 8 -J.s i ,:PiWWWUll fj Vic 1 ir Fryer. ' ! Today in Sajem. H SI ! in crisp no-iron cotton junior ensemble 8 ,98 1 set C-J reader called for nnr political writer, Jimmy Olson, with the word that he would find the 'S answer to the state senate dead- iock on rage 91 of the Header s Digest. On said page, Jimmy found this tale a fable of the Kentucky and Tennessee mountaineers: Once there was a king and lie hired a prophet to prophet hi in the weather. And one evening the King aimed to go fishing and the likeliest place was right close to his best girl's house, o the King notioned to wear his best clothes. So he asked his prophet was It liable to rain. And the prophet says: "No, King, hit ain t a-comln' on, not even a slzzle-sazzle." So the King he put on his best clothes and started toward the fishing place. And along came a farmer riding a Jackass and the farmer be says: "King, if'n vou ain't almin' to get them clothes wetted, you'd best go back home because hit's a-comin on to rain a trashmover and a gully washer." And the King says, "I hired a high-waged prophet to prophet me my weather, and he allows hit ain't a-comin on, not even a glzzle-sazzle." So the King, he went ahead. And Jt come on . a trashmover and a gullywasher, and the King's clothes were wet led, and his best girl, she seen him and laughed. And the King went back home and throwed nut his prophet and he says: "Fetch me that there farmer," and thev fetched him. And the King savs: "Farmer, I throwed out my pro phet and I aim to hire you to prophet me my weather." And the farmer says: "King, I ain't no prnphet. All I dune was to look at my Jackass, be cause If hit's a-commin' on to rain, his ears lop down, and the lower the lops, the harder hit's a-comln' on to rain, and this evenin' they was a-layin' and a-loppin'." So the King says: "Go home, farmer, and I'll hire me a jnck-, Ass." And that's how It started. And the jackasses have been holdin' all the high-waged gov'ment jobs ever since. End of story. . , Incidentally, to'-show how such tales get around, the Reader's Digest borrowed the story from the Washington Post and Times Herald. Scheduled for an appearance here in March is "Fats" Domino, who made the news a couple of months ago when his orchestra played to youthful riots in such diverse places as California ball rooms, navy bases and the Cotton woods dance hall on the Albany Lebanon highway. This appear ance won't be for a dance, how ever, but as leader of a 67-mcm- ber troupe for the "Record Revue of 1957," according to advance in formation. The concert-type pro gram will feature rock 'n roll re cording artists in the troupe. ' Darrell Salter, Carnation Milk representative here, apparently believes In being prepared. While hanging promotional pic tures In the Snack Shop restaur ant downtown a few days ngo, he was seen carrying a hammer In one hand and a Band-aid con tainer In the other. There's probably no truth in the story about the freshman legisla tor in the Oregon House who. when asked what he thought of the school bills package, replied. "Definitely, they should all be paid." A caller says he likes the state senate deadlocked the way it is. I 'As long as they're blocked, they can't increase our taxes," he pointed out. Pretty to look at . . . fun to wear . . . easy to care for! Our gaily printed jumper with white blouse trimmed to match. Yellow, red, blue print-sizes 10 to 16. Separates, street floor just like getting one pair free! Reg. 1.65 "Bonus" nylon hose Drs. O Sheerly divine nylons, 60 gauge, 13 denier, beautifully full fashioned. Complete size range," 8,'i to 11, medium lengths. Stock up, SAVE! Hosiery, street floor h reg. 11.95 boy.' gab. 1 hooded ! surcoat favorite Lawson style, tweed upholstery "Biltwcir love scat 8 .99 129 .95 Cozy, comfortable addition to vour living room. Sturdy rubberized hair construction, tweed up holster', Ftiniiftire, lower level Cotton- gabardine s li e I !, with quilted nylon lining. Hood folds into back when not in use. Guaranteed ma chine washable! Choice of several popular colors, in sizes 4 to 16. Famou make. Boys' Wear,' street floor i':, f 4 regularly $1 each! hand-rolled hems ladies' hankies i lllillllllfll 57' Save 43c on each purchase of these posy-printed, linen handkerchiefs. All jumbo size with rolled hems. Assorted spring colors. Nice for gifts. lovely contemporary designs with shades decorator lamps I .''"! . Expensive-looking textured ceramic table lamps with polished brass bases and cloth shades trim med to match the base. Buy in pairs. SAVE! Lamps, lower level ovenproof! pretty mint'n spice pattern diiinerware special (16-pc. starter let) 4.95 Pretty as its name implies: spicy brown rims with soft mint-green centers. Makes a handsome table. Nice gift idea for the bride-to-bel Vinncrware, street floor limited time only! Community's "Coronation" silverplate V2 off! (53-pc. service for 8) 49 85 Begular open stock price was 99.73 for this gleaming set of fine Community silverware. Now, for a limited time you save exactly li! Silvcrware,.street floor hi ... i ' Handkerchiefs, street. 1lnnr t " ' - - "T7- , '.nV.'.'.-'T'"' , v.. Ij ill p . - - - - jjr---' rrZZZTw values to 2.50! famous Paris brand men's stretch helts Big savings now on the popular braided belts that s-t-r-e-t-c-h to fit him perfectly. Available in fashion colors, sizes S, M, L. Men's Furnishings, street floor regularly 7.95 to 9.95 famous make sport, casual shoes pr. Finest quality shoes for all casual and spoils wear by such famous names as Jacqueline Jr, and Connie Lo Heelers. Save up to 4.95 a pr. Shoe Salon, street floor ( ' regularly to 5.95! assorted styles, colors ladies' house shoes 2-44 Choose from a largo selection ol belter slippers in all wanted colors and styles-but not in ev ery size. Hurry for best selection. Shoe Salon, street floor lightweight, sure support in power net $5 pantie girdles 3-" Lasy-on step-in style pantie girdles In white, power net with satin elastic front panel. Choose yours in sizes S, M, I, and XL. Foundations, 2nd mi MM SOX OFFICE o ticketsN i now on sale CESARE VALLETTI Willamette Auditorium Jan. 248:15 P. M. ST. OlAF COLLEGE CHOIR Willamette Auditorium Feb. 14 8:15 P. M. Store Hours 9:30 5:30 Every Day For Reservations Dial EM 4 2224 I St I. regularly 5.951 white and pastels nvlon tricot slips . Q.99 I.iiMirious, sli'ck-f i 1 1 i n u ips, drliciomlv trimincil ith lace and r i b b n ti. Trousseau-pretty c,o 1 n r s and In'te. Sizes 32 to 10. Lingerie, street floor regularly 5.95 washable ' allergy-free Koolfoam piliows Spec ial savings during our lannaiv W hite Sale . . . 100 :o latex, "air conditioned" for cool slc( zijjpered sanforized cfncrs. Bedding, 2nd floor fresh spring styles, delighful colors new hat values 2-98 Not for ages have you seen such a tempting se lection ol perky hals so niotlcslly priced. We've a head-spinning variety-crime try some on. 2-way i-t-r-e-t-c-h styles with tippers "wonder" girdles :.9.r Here ant the girdles and pantie girdles that will do 'wonders" for your figure! Mold you easily, comfort ably never slip or bind. Foundations, 2nd 7-1 l 1 t, . F, M . .. 'v 1 U V,1 tint oar. 2ml floor r v. ,...... 0...1 J ' f 1 , k 1 I- i '- ' f..l 1 1 II II I I I I II I II IN II I II I 111 .1111111 llllllllll . ., ? 1 : 1 . - - i "-r"-wm-mmmu,mm,.,.,u.,um,mmm.mii, j I I II J J1L. , ,.,,, . ,TO, K i - Jewf & Silversmiths i t? r,,, Certlried Cemoloeists State and Lilwrty