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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1957)
Salem, Oregon, Saturday, January 19, 1957 Page 2 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Saxons Hot from Free Throw Line; Down Viks, 57-47 South Continues First Place Tie Russell 10-for-ll On Gift Tosses; Rally Cheeked By JOHN' HARVF.Y Capital Journal Sports Writer South Salem made use of North Falcm's potent weapon the free throw to good advantage Knday night by petting 29 free throws in knocking off the Vikinss, 57-47, in a district eight game at North Salem. The Saxons had two less field goals than their crosstown rivals, but at the chanty sinpe they missed only .seven times with Ron Russell's 10 for II leading the way. 1 he Vj'ungs. meanwhile, were hlftinc on only 15 out of 27 for one of their poorrr nights. The win kept South Salem in a tie with Albany for the district lead as both teams have 3-0 marks and stretched their wmnina streak to six games. North Salem is in fourth place with a 1-2 record. McKee Hai Off Niht 1 Russell led the winners with Ifi points but had to take a back sent to big Kent Lammcr. the Viking junior, who had IT points. Denny McKce, the Viking sparkplug, had an off night as he hit on only five of 27 shots from the field, missed his only two free throws and fouled out in the final period. Ward Paldanius's Vikings jumped into a 7-2 lead before the i Saxons could realize what was hap- I pening. South cut the deficit to one point several times in the quarter, but McKce was hitting to keep his team ahead 17-14 at the quarter's end. I Bob Trelitad. senior guard, and , Lammcrs dominated the scoring for the first three minutes of the second period. Trelstad put in a one handcr, Lammers hit on two field goals and two free throws to give the Viks a 2.1-17 lead, but Trelstad came back with two more one-handers. I Slim Halftimr Lend Dan Moore hit on a jump shot wilh 2:.V) remaining in the hall to give South the lead at V.-27. ,lim Litchfield put the Vikings ahead again but Moore made a pair of free throws to put South ahead 30-29 at halftime. Bob Rcvaes opened the second half by putting North back into the lend on a jump shot, but that was the last time that the Vikings held it. Moore potted a one-hanrior and Russell got a field goal and two free throws to make the score 3ft-31. North came back to trail by only a 38-37 count at the start of the final period. North kept within striking dis tance throughout the fourth period until the last 30 seconds. South J led by nine points with six minutes 1 remaining, but North quickly put in five to cut the lead to four. I Russell. MrKcp Foul Out Russell fouled out with 3 05 re- Sherwood Marches In Yawama League n Amity Beaten By Shenvood AMITY 'Speci;iH - With Wityne Fieken and Dale Mark showing tin way, the powerful Sherwood How- men racked up their fourth straight basketball win of the Yawama League M-asnn here Fri day ninht, outlastinK the Amity Warriors, 46-40. ' j Ficken and Black hit 14 and Hi i points repiTtiely. Howcer. I Warrior Dick Fuller aarnered the' fame's individual scorini; toga with 18 tallies. The Merry Men held a 27-20 half time lead. Amity salvaged the Jawce pre lim, 38-24. Sherwnnd (4ft) C lot Arnin St -. inrider 481 T 7i M- S!e.iTii..M r S. K'.cken i!t) (." il'.l Black il) C Vrr..n Jpat:; 1S1 G (Oi U jrrn k tteTrr cnrinf Sheiwuor) tv ne A mm -Hiit.htfl S OHiril 11..-- Sheridan Hit By Will a mi nu For 1st Loss WILI.AMINA - With Doug Littlejohn hminu lr 27 hx points. Iht Willaminii HuIMin Handed the Sheridan Sp.irt,ins their first loss of the Yawama season here Friday night. 51-3.V Litllejohn's total was gnmi enough to take individual k.hiu honors. Kenny Speelman tallied for Sheridan. The loss knocked the visitors out of a tie for the loop lead. Sheridan now owning a 2-1 league record Willamina is 3-1 for leaue p!a . Willamina led. ?t".-:'l at the in termission stop The HulMoR Btes won the pre lim, .sn-.m. (51 1 UHiamina iio! And'eVjn,', iiii Si u irt. fhfrldan OS) tallfr .P( r ii r Poeelmn U4 C f onritrx inn i n i (i smith Rervei Knrinf: Sheridan Herlier t L Cla.k 4. O O I DISTRICT EIGHT STANDINGS W L Prt South Sam 3 0 Alnir 3 0 Sttfft Home 2 I North Salem 1 2 Orvalhi 0 3 Leoar.on 0 3 Fr:da v result" Souh Si Jem 57 North Sa'ert Swel Home 5R, Corvallii 25. Ainar.y 53 Lebanon 25 maining. and three seconds later McKce committed his fifth per sonal to take the captains of both teams out of the game. South led 52-47 with 30 seconds left when Moore hit on a pair from the foul line, and Wayne Robinson put in a 'three-pointer.' South had 321 average from the field with North finishing with a 2ia average. South out re bounded the Users. 37-34. Kaxant (S"1 c r pt (i:) Vikinc G F P T , Moore 3 fl 4 12 t. Kiu 0 ft 1 ft 1 0 3 2 Ij.Ti-rs 4 fl 4 17 3 10 j IS G Hrter I 0 3 2 0 4 14 Reeve ? 4 2 11 2 ! 10 MrK'f 5 0 5 10 1 2 0 4 I-rrfield 2 0 2 4' 0 2 12 V.'o'irt 0 2 12 Resell Coon Trefjiad F.nmeil Tnn pn 1 2 0 4 A Htter 0 0 0 0! Robinson 110 3 ScozRim 0 0 10- 1 ft 2 2 Drake 0 0 10 T"til 14 2!. 15X7 To' ,1. '6 15 22 47 1 Ftie thrr.-.i. t is-'fl- Savon 6. Vi. inc 1.1. OfMnalf . K",b and n'd. a J. V. (4J) OT) N S J. V. Jtihnon f4. F '' Ritchie Cultr i Ai ill Y'.uanur-t Hron . :i C i2'".i L"-rrv C.wTnn '14) G 7i Cr.vr H.rtman 2 G i4i lings Rf'-ervri ftarine S S talaha fi N S -Veblal 2. Officials: Kolb and Beard. Albany Spills Lebanon Hish LEBANON 'Special! With de pendable Johnny Wilson contnbu-, ting 20 points, the free-wheeling Albany Bulldogs rolled over the Lebanon Warriors. S3-3.S, in a Dis trict ft A-I basketball came here Friday nicht. The victory kept Albany in a first-place District lie with South Salem's Saxons, w ho defeated North Salvm. 57-47. in other league action Friday niuht. Albany and the Saxons boast identical 3-0 Dis trict records. Wilson's total was good for game honors. John Pattinson hit 13 for the Warriors. Albany held a 24-14 halftime ad vantage. The Warrior Babes won the pre lim. 39-38. Albany (31) Close (10i r Prnhrfk 0( F WIIIp, itK C Wil-nn f 20 1 G n'hrbitffh (l C. RrM?rvr xfirmi (US) l.ehannn (Ai Githrtlson i it C"niln"ire C Kit PfltimMin (li mam-hat I .! I.en therm an ! Lebanii- Phil hp 3 Miller 2. Alb..n -Mellen 2. Seae 3. COU.KC.K SWIMMINC. By THK ASSOCIATKI) PRFSS Maho fifi. Washington State 18 I niversity of Washington 72. West ern Washington 12 AWAMA STAVIIIX.H 1. 1 Y..11 i ill n KruiJiN re. ,)' Salmi A P.inh. AS V;lljiniM- 51 S S'iriwi.'Ml (is nu -(0, ftl. St Paul AS City Academy CI 1 It i siKHies liaiiKs. BANKS Special! The Salem i Academy Crusaders, flashing first- j diusion form, racked up Ihcr ; second Yawama League hakctb.ill ! win againvt a single less, bv rie-1 fe.itins the Banks Braves, M 4' in a league basketball mix here Friday nigh! Larry Merk. Tommy Rriincr. ami ern Hemnch utre the bal ance wheels in the Cniader aiiark j which got the visiter elf tn ;i ' 1T11 f.rsl -luitrter leai ('... h l!i l Funk e il.-niv men held a ?7 inlerjmion bulge and 1 VMdcimt their margin to 41 14 at the end ol the third quaile: Mirk 1'H'k e.nne so'iing hoi-ots wit li )H tallie Heinii- h and lul M'.ei h i H e. h Batik' H.-D I 'at mmi totalled 17 (or the Iomt I 'I tie At adi m Jaee won the' Bt e game SjLrm , (riiM Oil if,, jnk Ihiylon liomps On riiiloiii:!i PHILOMATH -SpecMl' - P.iv- , ten I'uh's Piratcv, ln;i.!.-,t r t Mn.i'hcd the Phiioirath Wnrth'tA. ' in 3 Vawama l.ea:ur t-.krl- t-'!l c-tme here V rnia nuht i ntrn new own- a 3 i ir-mi in le;uuie action, while the Wan s e 1 O Saxons, Mlv? Wild M'ruiiiU-es fur the bull and full-sperd anion pvrry minute charartrri7rd the first of two district Norlh Salem-South Salem games won hy the Saxons, 27-17, Friday nipht. As Snuih rooters watch here the ball romrs off the backboard into the hands of Saxons. Dan Monrr 23 and Ron Russell (21), but North's Homer Half lime Word for South Both Civil War opponents roi plrniy of aavicr during inr cross town balllp Friday At the left it's halftime in the South dressing, room and Coach Dirk Ballantyne gesturrs as he gives the winning formula to Saxons 4 left to right) Stan Anderson, Jerry Coon, Wayne Please Mahe It Vihs . . . : , 1V 1 - . '4"1 1 tft-. II: 1'hrrr apprrhensien anil later sorrow nn Ihr litres nf nrih Sale m roulrr. Miprrmr jov n the Soul h .ilrm Milr Friday mslil. ikine rll trailer Juriir Sranistrr ilell) pinninr hrr Sweet Home rv c J SU r i T IIOVK -Sp.-1' -With 1! IN l;,.ce 1, .,n;-l l.-.l.iii-.i tt'i1 as the eit It.uv.e H;.-K;t s tcHinterl tin ir se.or P. ttut 8 A-l h.l-k-'lt'all win of tile scusnn tu re Krul.ty n;;bt. dctt a: n: l!H' Cor.i!iis partans. :8 ;Vi , hit 20 points to le..J iniM( scorers ! -r the niht 'lanv ol!lte hit 11 for Tonal 1 tn- w.nmrs h'hl a 2.i-17 hah ' time a .intake tn.Milhs !..iK.)C"'i the .'.IMC!' 1 Seet'er 3. S I Vikings Go for . l)ljl(ls WVL Opens in ) in Central -The Dallas i.ule their l.-7 Willarr.. U .iiur bake'h.ill debut an au-tvi nui ov.? heie Friday m:ht. d .Unit the I'et'tral Tan- ther .vt .is Pal!a hrlii an lmpre.v-si e X'-IT Kill time lead, and coasted the dis tance to rack up the win .h:n S' Nick1 C1.his tnpwd all l;ui:o vfoict. with 2 puus Cummins p"t tr ! 11 T!ic l)r;Ki'n I he C fulfil I i in. Her M H e 3. Nsn 2. Mabr- 2. Ce;itr4l-Kn J.1 1,1 S2J f Ball in Civil War Clash Wood, sandwiched between the big Saxons, appears lo have eon Irol. Oihrrs in action include Vikings Bob Reaves (12. Grant Harter (171 and Jim Litchfield MOt, and Saxons Bob Trelstad i II) and Jerry Brunelle (behind Harter). Referee is John Kolb. (Capital Journal Photos by Jerry Claussrn) . . Worry in North Huddle CmiwiiUKJP y'-'i-fu; L! -i T?'! Robinson, Keith Kurrrs and R n Coarh Ward Paldanius is showing concern at he huddles with the losing Vikinss. That's the Way. Saxons hopes nn (hat hall heading for Ihr basket, hul li s Saon sanf, quern Sari Allen who is happy over the urnre. (VHrion Twins , , , , v.u....u tf IMrrSHl lu;H -The Pit:s- burh Pirat- announced Satiir- tta tiie M:;n:rc of tntielders .!ohn- n and O'Brien. Ninn.: twins who hae bitn with the Ft- r.ite orj:3niza:itin irce l'. v .Manaier boy Bra said he II g;e .lohr.ny a thorough trial pitcher this ear Though litfl as an ini:eldt r. Johnny pitchfd m e-ilit (fames as a relief hur'.or lat e.ison He hurled 9 innings, allowed eiht hit, walked nme a"d tanned nine He ended up with a to record and a 2M ratr.wl run aeraie. l TH MR K.HT MOI.M.I.V -The burly ,n In tncir ninth vtrai;ht wre-t- Im v n t,irv. pinr:ti: the'iv ( "iu;ir ir -it mm 5.-10. tn r N il- 1.. vi,tte Le.t sue wrcsthna i I'lii 'i.-re Fnd.n AQSoO ft'rt'O 4 Mftftfre acki. At right North Ku.-sell (hack i T. VJT . jJ wn 1 .l(,u,so" .'J2 IJut Valsrtz KOM.Sat()(:i: MOWIOl'TH SpiviaL The un- dt-fcattl Dreaon Collece oi Fdn- iat:en Froh hakothall team on- tinned :ts winmnfi waj by irtne ot a n.irrow 4.1-40 wm oer al- etz Huh School here Fnd.iy n::ht Largely rerxinible for t h e :n.tll Frnh margin was Va'set: center Ernie Johnson, who tanked 3.1 h;2 points to top all game scorers The "a!etz one-man-sang con ree'ed on out of attempts .it the (reethrow line to chmix his r ;ht' scor-ii work The colle:.-ns led M the micr on ret stop. t-ift Don SV-lt winners with 12 YaUrir ( lt r Prep Results Show Upsets; Rams Dumped Astoria Tops Ontral; Benson. Marshfield, K. Falls 'N ictors By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Three of the top 10 teams in the Associated Pres' hiah school basketball poll were dumped Fri day niht. but three others came through with exacted victories. Central Catholic of Portland. (ranked No. 4. was upset by As- :tona. 39-38. when Ralph Norgard sank a last second lay-in basket., It was Central's first loss in class A-l Metro League -district 3) ; pidy ana us secona aeirai oi ine iseaon. Pendleton. No. 7. was edged by, Walla Walla. Wash.. 59-57. when it traveled out of the Blue Moun- tain Conference 'district V. Her- m;cinn v o ith nc. jburg. 'fell before La Grande 'in a Blue Mountain game. 6S-69. I Klamath Fa IN ranked second defeated Ashland 53-44 in the first of a two-game weekend set in the Southern Oregon Confer- ence 'district 6. Butch Kimpton tt-sst'd in 26 points for Klamath Fa' Is . Kenson. No. 3. stepped out in front of the Portland League wih a 78-5.5 win over Franklin the de jfcndinc stale champion. -Marshficld. No. 8. shaded Nnrth Bend. 52-51. in the .Midwestern league 'd?strict 5'. I First-rarked Ku:ene. which was I idle, plays Corvallis Saturdav ni?h!. Jefferson of Portland. No. fi. and Rosehurs. ."o. 9. also were not scheduled. .Madras, one of the favorites for . "m '" " 'sPla',-.An the state class A-2 championship. 'nspired ' "j Manon defeated Bend, a cla A-l team Husk,(,s- lci b' Gordv Joms- u"-45-42. for its eighth victory with SPt lh Hih Sabfs-, ; 0UI a osc Drain, another class nower turned in ii mth uin in n amc beatin Crecu-pl) 4V MrUinnviiin rhn .u Tualatin-Vpmhill Valley League 'aistrict 4'. continued tn look strong with a 67-.i6 victory over ureson titv. .-wuin aaiem, in a valley Lcasuc (district stt nnmA m,ri it straicht by trimming North Sa- lem. 57-47. Alhanv anmhr ite in the league. 'downed Lebanon 53-35. winners of the Pimiico Futunh He scored wiih Morvich in 1921 and the following year won with Blossom Time, longest price ever to win the race at S 1 17. , jeii, vJdU v Marion Jeff Smashes JMirtiimirj , Santiam High 1 I JKFFERSON i Special' Coach marios Oral Lee s title-minded Jefferson Lions romped to their third straight Marion County B Leacue basketball win here Friday night smashing Santiam High School's Wolverine. 6.V30. I'hll Hochspeier and A I .Nyman led the Lions with 14 points each. Dale Smith paced Santiam with 11. Lee's men held a wide 34-9 ad vantage at the half. 1 Santiam copped the Jayvee mix. 43-41"). in overtime. Santiam ( 30) S mil ".,11. I ' Tho' i-t) f Cti.iiu-e.2i C Bpmh Hi C Rf.-ere srornu ! son ii. Podrab-k Jfffrr.nn I V'ne:it i - ' Marcum Nmiui M4 and Bales. otfuiais: 'andfroon Falls City Five Nips MaeLaren In .Marion IMav FAILS CITY 'Snccial - Falls City Hish School defeated the Mae Laren Hawks. 44-12. in a Marion Cotintv B Leacue ba-ketball same here Friday nicht Tun man on the sennns ladder .wr. Falls City's Roy Caner. who canned points lact.aren led. 2I-IR at I he inter j'en but couldn't stand prns i per-ty. j The Falls City Javeos won the prelim. 32-31. ?-V.'?o,'' J Tnivunm rcx, 'U' R-re.- s - Tvior ; (44 1 KalU (loltou Topples Sno. 7)1 lo It SCIO Special t - Colton High School unet the Sow Lessors. M 44 in a Marion County B Loacue baketball came here Fridav nich' Coltnn by urtue of the utorv is now l-l in Lea se plav and is t'oa win me i nrr? identical record. who hae i Capital Conference Has 3 Tied for 1st Cascade Gives Woodburn 1st Capital Loss CASCADE UNION HIGH school 'Snecial)-The Cascade ; Cl)1JSars paving inspired ball, jrah thp U nnHhnrn Rnllrios their fjr loss of the Capital Conference srasorii here Fridav night, The defpat knocked Woodburn into a Ue for fjrst pIacfl wjth Cas. CJ)de and Stavton which d"feaed Mt. Angel. 49-39. in other Friday : rnr(pr(ro ar,jon The Cougars owned an impres-; J ' Je 11 fiJJS1 Preps ?ive 30-16 intermission lead which,49-' Hre nflafy n'shL . ,hrv never relinquished. Darlv!. ttdbu cI1 t0 Cascade. M.aa. Whitehead hit 19 points to cop in-1 in CL I v. P 15 u- . u:- rL.inow tied with Stayton and Cas- in the Cwnar win was Jim t'hr - hammer, who in addition to con- tributina 10 point to the Cascade total, held Woodburn ace FiHl 'The Original Gaviola to only 13 point? t r-ac-ad 2 Harris 1 10 1 U -h-'-n-'r 1" Seer u P"'- Cacacif -Dow n- Vnodhnrn "5) Nit-oian m r r-t.-w .im c v emo.:p t c. H3''er '10' . r f. Woodburn 3i:-hoprick North Marion Unsets Serra ,tn a Capital Conference basketball: : came here Frida' ni2hL Tne w in hoostcd the Huskies into a tie with Serra in league standmss. each 'earn now sportine incniicai -s lofn slptes The winners led. 2R-12. at the half. Jones toek sanr scoring honors with 15. Serra's diminutive Denny Frank, the league's leading scorer, was he'd to a paltry a ?oin,s iV thpflXoJrt!l fIMar?rn fc ; 'cnse. Billv "Bonds Hamilton hit ! a ot forBSerr4' The Saber Bees von the pre lim. 49-33. Ha-niltnn 1 R) Gnepentrog (1) Kntiref - li (fliLowne li Richter A"'.. 1 i i.i i .Moore ; Re-ere n-orinf Serra t.ukr i2i N Marion Snmck (3l. Officials: Hendne and Hamilton JLeadmg B League o MARION B MAJOR STAMUNCS 1 rm 1 .5i m : 3 .nnn ST.WDINC.S . L Ave P 1 j 1 .67 2 ..ii -n ; 1 .5fo 3 .250 i 2 f.iw I perrd Cirv MacLarrn fl Fnm rei;M Jefferrn ss. Sar.t- Falls Cm 44. MacLarrn 4:; Oltnn 54. Sun 41. Indians Win At Per rydale '"oM-Kin! PKI,"V"-.E 'Special. The .6. Ve iirr Chomawa Indian, led by Ike Ba-s.mtH'n-.F.pprr. dani s IS bi; points, won their lii't Mnnon Counlv B I.easue bas- kethall same of the season here r nday msht. deleating the Perrv dale Piratef. 51-43. Badini's total was enonsh to sarner Eame honors. Norm Frink paced Perrydale with 16. The host quint led. 29-22. at the ball, but laded in the final canto. , Terrvdale copped the Javvec m;. 4P-24. rhrnuwi on Rr-vvr' '-'r' xmi-un ir,c-if.v,. K Chpn 1,1 r Terrxdate '. oi Piihrs ! 6i Dei one 1 P Hlrbr"lial rer,fi3:e P.rnok m Ilrdtteer 11. Sublimity Haps Si. Paul 6(M: SriU.IMITY -Special' - Paced bv Clete Hoisherser's 12 points, the Sublimity Saints romptMi to a rtM.i. non-cnn!erence basketball victory over the St Paul Buck anws here Friday nisht. Trie Saint led. ,14-lR it th- half and were never hea.'ed Heuber:er was hi-h for Sub limity, but St Pa-il's Bob K:rk look individual hich point honor 'th i: The Saint Bees raiser. 40-:3. won the curtain- (61 Siihlimllv u-n;r Meter 1 Bradley fV2 Mr u hr rcer SjM:p-'Tv- C.e - I P:d- 7 St n-n 6 KRIfUVS FIC.HTS B THK SStXlATFD PRFSS CI.KVFLANl) - Ralph -Ticrr' .lonrv tv. Vonkers. N V nut pointed Hardv Raiwk.i Sm.ill- CAPITAL CONFERENCE STANDINGS Pet. .ROQ Siayton 4 l Woodhurn 4 1 Cascade 4 1 ! Silverton 3 2 North Marion 2 , 3 j Scrra 2 3 Get-vats 1 4 Mt. Angel 0 5 Stayton Gains Tie for Lead STAYTON 'SoeciaD-The hiqh flying Stayton Eagles, showing a uell-bal?nccd scoring attack, " V ,JI? . or .,ne df)ilri' niercnce lead, 1' club havin iden,ica records. I Three of the Stayton starters scored in double figures. Gene "eho was nSj lr?r winners with 12 points, but it was Prepster Johnny iDinq-IJonci Bell who sar- nercd same honors with 19. Stayton won the Jayvee opener, 48-20. yi. AncH (39) (49) Siayton u-.u ra .41 F 1 11 1 Crn.-tr Bicm 5 F till V'arrt jTr-nmais i4) C 12i Webb Bell il9i G (2i Shrlwn I Dinelv .H G (5i Gprt'irl I Reserve scoring: Stavton Sievrri ; 1. Crabtree 5. Mt. Angel Schaeiker Gervais Loses To Silverton SILVERTON (Special With Del potting lb points, an- lcrlon Hih'S Foxcs out.1?stcl th.e nervals Loucars. w-w. in a Lapi- tnnierence nasketnatl game in.m. The win boosted the Silverton league record to 3-2. Silverton owned a 23-I7 intermission bii'e. Weeks was hiah-point man for the came Fhil Mahnny tanked 12 for Gervais. Silverton won the "B" Squad prelim, 37-23. r.ervah (10) (49) Silverton Bennett i4j F (4i Kouf HallHOi F Ifi) Me la net Miller (01 C (131 Brown Dunn (Oi G1 U6i Weeks Bohland mi G ifii Kuenzl danl (7i; Malmnev (12i Silverton Lynch (2): Zetterberc 2). Officials: I Bonncy and GusUIson. liaskr (ball Scores ORKC.OV PRKP SC'ORI-S Snuth Salem 57. North Salem 47. Sweet Hume 58. Corvallis .15. Albany 31. Lebanon 35. N'Tth Manon 43. Serra 29. Silverton 4f. Gervat5 41. Stayton 43. Mt. Aniel 39. Cascade 63 Woodburn 55. Dallas 5.1. Central 35 Salrm Arademv 54. Ranks 45. Willamina 51. Shend?n 35. Serwoor! 4fi Amitv 40. riarton 61. Philomath 25. SuMimitv fin. St. Paul 45. Jrfferrn F5, Santiam 3fi. Chempwa 51. Perrvdate 43 Falls Ctiv 41. MaeLaren 42. ncF. Frosh 43. 3Ket7 4tv Bravertoi 7n. Hi!lnro 54 Cop.rordia i Portland i Rl. Verboort 25 CnnuiMe 3, Mvrtle Point 4 Fajrern Oreson College Frosh M, Jf-n Dav 4(1 H"od River fin. ClaHkanie Sft Spnncfietri fi.l. Willamette (Eugene) 5ft Ontarm 57. Pavetle Idaho 4(1. Klamath Falls 53. As-bland 44. I.aC.rande fi.i. Hrrmiston 60 Nff-.Jri'i 50. Tillamook Cttbnlie 53. Nrahkihrie R4, Warrenton 46 AMona 3ft. Central Catholic (port lard' 3P n.ikrr 61. The Dalles 44. St. Francis i Eugene 45. Cottagf R-ove 3fi Madras 45. Bend 42 Waldpnrt 57 Florence 31, Arhnrton 73. Dutur 42 Vernonia 55. Tt.nnier 5t. K-t.H-aria 41. Trnutdale 40. Redmond 6. Prineville 39. Parkmse 44 Durli i Portland 30. Si-aopoose s.i. w v East 44. Oakridce 66. Pleasant Hi!) 41. Corbet! 51. Caslon 30 Rerrisiiort 67. New port 44. NeMiu-ca 5(1 Yamhill 4.1. St Helens 66, Fore-; Grove 58. HaUev JJ. Shedd 31. Burn- 6!. l.akeview 58. Taft 56. Mipletor 53 Provn"vil! 36. Hirrrburl 46. Dram 4f Creswell 3d F'kton 73. D.ivs Creek 35 r.hrie 35 S-.ithe--lin 31 Cm.s Vallev 62. CanonviIle 40 Mvrtle Creek 70 Glenrtll 36 Yonc,lla 15. Riddle 39 Omion 51. Fos il 4-1 Mihvaukie 0 Grcshsm 56 Sislcrs 6! Culver 39 McMmnvMle fi7. Oreson Citv 56 T earri 38. Osu-egn 51 C.r.T.:j Pa.-s 5a renfri1 Point 3 Fi?!e Poipt 56 Brooking 47 Sranhcl.i 16. Erhn 43 M.rlMie:d M. Norfi Bpnd M We-:(-, 55. Tr:3rirp l.dJte 53 I v.T- !a-rnla 29 Mi Ken -ie W l-oian- o Tim -ie 7o. F'.-i-.. 70 .I-im-ion r-tv 59 Tiila-r.oo' 4ii Seacde .td I'nittl. Wl l.i:(.lK Wjshmston jO, Wilson 39. i'-'ur.X C'.evrUnd 51 Henson TR. Franklin 53 l.;moln 6'.. Roosevelt 39. HI1 !.F.;P H SKFTB M.L FAR WKST Sj.inford "it, Wnhinslon 63 I'Mh St.te 76. Bncrtam Yourtf "3 In' o 64 Otczct 46 Colorado AIM TO. Denver 62 Vor-Vna SMte 91. Colorado S't 5' Po-::ar.d S:te 76. Southern Ore gon To Northern V.onUr.a 3 Montana M:"e 5.1 Portland I'niv 60 Se.Utle Pacific 5 Willamette 81, Pat-itic L'niv. n ortm-e Wern Wash. 43, British Colum bia :;t Oregon Education "1. Eastern Ore- for. M Sak rarr.ei-to Ptale 74. San Francisco 0; niric Club 4T Lir.field 61. Lewi i Clark S F T Prinrftnn 61. Dartmouth 59 over tiff Columbia ion Cornell 70 Hi! Crov 61 Collate 7-1 Se:on Hall 6 TeimMe SIH TH Tiilane 6. l-o;iiii Stjt K 4. C.eorce Wa-pirf- ton 57 FrejM tertan loo Verrer M1MUFST Cin.-in-ati V F'ern KeftufK a Peru Nefi. V) Ketrnev T Tcxaj 31, Southern ltlhodt O