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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1957)
Page 10 Section 2 Ike Surveys Drought Area President KisenliowiT looks out window of plane, the Columbine, as he KetR a first hnnd look at the drought area In the southwest. Pointing Is Sec, of Interior Fred Sealon and sealed, right, is See. of Agriculture Kzra Taft Hrnson. The President took off from San Angcio, Texas, and flew to West Woodward, Oklahoma. (AP Wirepholo) President Requests Aiiother$76MilIioii For Drought Relief Urges Sle)-up of ! State and Local Assistance By MARVIN L. ARROWS.IITM WASHINGTON Wl President Eisenhower says he Is asking Congress today lor an additional 76 million dollars for emergency drought relief. Flan to include the request in the administration hud yet fiointf to the lawmakers during the day were announced by. the President at a conference In Wichita, Kan., late yesterday. Immediately after that meeting with representative from 15 drought-hit Great Plains states, Eisenhower flew back to the cap I la I, ending a six-state aerial and ground Inspection tour which started Sunday. AiLhoiich he called for continue Hon aqd expansion of emergency ma, ne ioia jus auaience 01 anoui 700: 'I am convinced lhat the state and local governments should mme greater responsibility In helping solve the recurring prob lems of agriculture, including dis tress. Error Blamed For Burning of Indian Village THE DAI.LKS ft'P) -Army Engineers today Warned n re grettable error" for the deslnie-l tion by fire of part of the Celilo Indian villaRo above Tin Dalles dam. Negotiations were underway be tween the government and the Indians for purchase of the village and wreckers employed by Army Engineers npparcnlly anlicinalcd the snlo and burned six of the 40 buildings today before Ihey were topped. Mrs. Flors Thompson, wife of the 102-year-old chief of the Oeli lns, said the burned buildings be longed to the Yakima tribesmen who have been dipnettinc at Celi lo Falls. She said 'They don't know any thing about the fire yet. They are busy removing their dead from Memaloose Island to the Washing ton shore." Mrs. Thompson said her hus band, who is HI in a nursing home, had not been told about the burning. The village that will be des troyed aj soon as the Indians re cieve compensation was not oc cupied since the last fishing sea son at the falls. Killing of The Dalles dam pool will mumble tlie ITidian vintage. Chief Thompson's home will escape the flood. Stop Pain of Piles! Stop it Today at Home or money back! IN DOCTOR'S TESTS, CW STAISLCSS FOKMVl A WITH AMAZING ANESTHETIC ACTION STOFS FAIN ISHTASTLYI An nmrUlnff nw, malnlew com pound hu be?n rtevfloped to treat firture of Rimplff ptle t home. iuJnlwt Pjuo and doea fax more to relieve sulTeririB! Doctor'i tef"jt prr' ll. In these cllnienl itudle. Paro brousht both internal and ex ternal relief I Instant relief for pttlrnt fter pAtint! Mny who iufTtred with pllea for yfaj now enjoy real fomfortl No nlhtr prepaiallon of! era nuch prrvf of prompt relief! Nothing eiw oiifru you ma Khme ONLY STAI 0 KSI II I'm 1 think this would aid material-, ly in a more effective administra tion of these programs and in bet-! ter adapting them to local condi tions and-actual requirements." ! In addition to proposing a sup plemental 76 million dollars in emergency aid for the drought areas, Kisenhower called for a re appraisal of the credit policies of both federal and private lending agencies to determine whether loans can be extended to farmers and ranchers under more liberal terms. But in this case loo he urged a scconardy role for the federal gov ernment. "I want to see private lending institutions continue to be the principal source of credit, with federal programs merely supple menting as needed," he said. In that pattern, he said he agrees there is need for "cheap credit, good credit." He was called upon lo help make tt avail able all along the way on his tour into Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexi co, Arizona, Colorado and Kansas. Kisenhower also announced at 1 the Wichita conference that West- ern railroads have agreed to keep in effect through March SI a 50 per cent reduction In freight rates on hay shipments Into drought ' areas. The reduction had been scheduled to expire last midnight. The short-term emergency aid program Kisenhower said he was asking Congress to approve calls for: 1. Authority to use 55 million dollars from the federal disaster relief loan fund to provide addi- i lional livestock feed assistance to drought-plagued farmers and ranchers. 2. Permission to use through .lune 30, ll.tH, unobligated monrv totaling 25 million dollars appro priated fur agricultural conserva tion. Instead of reverting to the Treasury, the money would be paid to fnrmers by the Agricul ture Department for emergency conservation measures, including prevention of wind erosion. 3. Appropriation of 2ft million dollars for use primarily In re- linanrinn farm Indebtedness by hrect loans. 1 WAKE UP RARIN'TO GO Without Nagglnc Backache Knw 1 Yrn ran wt ih fast rlif vnti nt from navvinc haikarhr. haailath ami nvn. mlar arhc. ami paint that oflr-n fan rut lr. night an.l numar.l Itrptl-out fwlinm. hrn lh dirmlr1 turn on with o-i-fit1i,n or atrr. and attain ?in want rhf-wanl il fait I Annlhfr ditturtianr may bt iml.l bla.t.lrr Irritation fnllowmn t ttlfi it ami il ink uMrti a(tin uj unromfoilaiilt ffdtnif. irk rli-f rl Van ftllt. Thti k fa. I inlw pain-iliMnt act fi til Uvkaihr I ami paint, t. bi tU.I.Ur i.tit.tior arli.m tvn.lniK u mile ,.f hulnrr nalr oiti: . bt atrHlf it t tin lomwnt of naw a.larhr. tiiuacular arhra their aiothltif tSrtl u 1. tr tlr mild diutvtic iKt-taaic output o th lb l in.l out how qim-kly tf.ii 3. way mlcln an.) the 'i o a k.o mtjhi itrt-i) I'l r irlirl Mnllim hv fur W for new, Urt nu and . lun's lMIt ojfc This rrtntrkabit fnimmi com bines 6 mfdifallv-nrovftl injtre difnu, Inrlurtini: Inolvtt, not containfd in anv oihf r trailing pll propitiation. This amarinK ub atance hasarr:iinrk.ahiranft(?iffic action that stop pm and itching inttantlv! You grt instant pain relief whllr thr mMioatton b-s to work ireclucmit Mrpllmu. and pro moting hMlmRl Re Milts (tuaran tfrt or monrv rrfundfd b makrr. Ot arntlonal now mamlrsj Pnr,r Won't stin rloihfs. Mod- El FEATHER bed PILLOW FLORAL TICKING CHLOROPHYLL TREATED FEVER THERMOMETER Certified Accuracy JkWS pH Reg. $1.25 Oral or Rectal Reg. $1.98 Perma-Lite e . tif nor water Bottle 25-Year Guarantee CUFF LINK AND TIE BAR SETS Many Beautiful Designs to Choose rrom Reg. 3.00 ggSffel Wllh Coupon Dura Flash Blue FLASH BULBS Carton of A . gs $1.30 WITH COUPON Westinghousa FLASH BULBS 5 Carton of 12 98 teg. $1.56 WITH COUPON 60-Watt LIGHT GLOBES 4.69 WITH COUPON INFRA-RED HEAT LAMP wiTn COIU'ON la Xi Coupon aw l93fflB L.J' BillllllllllBBBBBlBV"BPBBseVBBaBHavPSS-1 I I I .1 -I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Reg. $1.95 (WITH THIS COUPON) an a a a a a McKessons Famous Solution No. 59 Antiseptic Mouth Wash Reg. 69c Pint 2 89 Pedi-Clip TOENAIL CLIPPERS Chromed Steel 49 Now Only (With Coupon) 1.00 Silk HEAD SCARFS Siie 33"x33" Wllh This 59 Coupon Ronson LIGHTER FLUID 5 19' WITH COUPON 100-COUNT LOOSE LEAF FILLER PAPER 27 Reg. WITn COUPON II IS - oumiY HOLLAND I TABLETS llumUBOKP Reg. 25c BBS 19' iy.irm wiTn COUPON 11 iii1r'H 1 JU 'PLEASE" DOG FOOD 6:48 WITO COUPON f J.l I I .T.l AUTO WHITE SIDEWALL SET Heavy Whit Rubber as Used on Premium Tires Fits All Tires Adds Beauty to Your Car SET OF FOUR Lf. Re,. 5.95 S?L "ITy WITn COU PtWt ALL COUPONS VOID AFTER SUNDAY, JAN. 20TH R. .i i I 10 I UMi ! 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