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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1957)
Page '4 Section 2 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Men CUSTOM painting, pin atrip ing. St flame painting also lead work. 520 Ratcllff Dr. LATHING "by nr. or" Job. IKE Pauls. EM 2-2547. SPRAYING, tree topping, re moval, pruning. 1j. w. iauaic. EM 4-1461. Painting & Paperhanfiing Any size job Free Est. Tarms. Ph.Nelson EM 3-64 A3 BUILD, remodel, cabinets, paint or what have you? Contract or by hr. EM 4-KHO. CARPENTKfl work YOU want it. CARPENTER, repair or remod eling by hf or contract. No Job too small. EM 3-4785. HOUSE painting in Sc out. Charlie Greene EM4-71fML CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. EM 21842. PAINTING Inter, good brushes. Job or hrReas EM3-3ri35, FREEestimates on floor cover ing or rtrainbonrds. R. I.. Eif Btrom Co. 260 S. Liberty. LOU'S tree service, topnlng, prune, cabling. EM 4-8501. 614 Work Wonted, Lody LEGAL secretary wants full or part-time work. EM 4-51.14 BABYSITTING eves.or hr." or daywork. EM 3-6518. EXP. woman wants housework in home or 1 arlult. 120U Court, Apt. 7. WANT to baby sit nlRhts. Own transportatlon.EM 2-5863. SllCNDlNGTjJlairPRrwIng.7 alter ing. 15.T7Courl. EM 2-0B8!). I HONING, my "home. 50c. per hour. EM 4-46B8. DRESSMAKING EM 4-79M CHILD care, my home, 4 Corn- crs. EM 3-5214. PRACTICAL nurse, considerable hospital training c experience. Ph. Sllverlon 3-4724 aflerlan.J CHILD care my home. wk. days, Englewood Dist. KM3-:il2fiL HOUSEWORK by hr. or' day. Own transportation. EM 3-!)H6fl jnONINGrMY HOMK EM 4-4fiM RELIABLE haby sitter my home aay or mgni. hci. c.-vi .i-nnao. WILLdo Ironing In mv home. SoulhSalcm. EM 4-3462. MIMEOGRAPHING, tvping Mrs. Poc. 605 JJ.l(itli. EM 3-3642. CHILM-,-,t-. In my h'-mo hv hr. or day. 5. Salem. EM 4-3462. 615 Situations Wanted SCHAHFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-55GB. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling. grading. EM 3-7042. L. Kurth. "lIEMSTITCHiNG DONE AT 1551 MARKET. EM 2-9724. 618 Education Look to Diesrl Power Men, look at the progress innrie by Diesel in the last few yearn. Railroads, power plnnts, fac tories, road equipment, etc. Diesel engines need trained Diesel nu'ii. Mnke Diesel's bright future ymim, Get prac tical training In Diesel opera tion and maintenance. Also icientific motor tune-un In nnre time. Write for free hook. Utilities Dlt-nel Training write ttox 4uu Matesman-Jour nal. ADULT CLASSES SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOLS WINTER TERM i JAN. 7 TO MARCH 8 FOR DETAILS & BULLETINS TELEPHONE JiM 3-4171 HiniisciiooL at-home Finish your High School In your spare time, iiixiki lurn. i.ow tuition. Free Booklet. AMERI CAN SCHOOL. 654.I N. Inter state, Portland 17, Ore. 620 Doy ond Contract li. 3k yd. shovel, rrane. hoe drg. line. 25-tnn mobile cranes. D-4. D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL HQS N Front St. EM 2-2461 700 Rentals 702 Sleep, Rooms, Board WANTED Man to room and ooard. 1HH0 Center. TV. clr.m. nicelv furn. sleeping rin.umen $5 wk. EM 2-7620. MAN ?lng mi TV nriv ent 1505 N. Capitol, EM 4-6134. BOARO e Room pvt. home. bus t door. 22W1 MnipMm hi. EM 4 0674 COMFORTABLE Attiac " Closf In. private w.ih rm. 660 Mai - ATTRACT. Ig clean ru. Close in, pvt. t ut. EN WARM Mrcping rm.. sh . bath. priv. enl. 7 In S I imimerciai. CI.FANrwaim rms TV., close In 15 S. Winter. KM 2-172. HOME awnv trmn TV. Pack lunches. Vacancy at Cum 1' ICKLY furn ruiMii, all apt , close in. 639 N. 705 Apartments for Rent I St 2 bdrm. pl toven St rr- ! trie turn. 3-7145. clean. KM ; 1 HOOM huhI .ml NirHv turn. EM J-7H(t or EM .1-M44. F 1 R N . apt . w.nb f.ic-Ittles. phone, st:n. ht. KM 4-B061 Fl'HN. t nn .ipl. ipurt Inc. KM 2-:i4ri4, KM S Siniiimr. 3 RM unfurn r.uige Si refri i ii'i'tlrrn 4 plr $t5 KM 2 T...i 3 LARGE rm. fuiti apt . priv hath. entr. C:r to Mite Hldgx. 1112 Mill M Fl'HN "2 rontn apt , le m. 6ii No. Cottage llr,i CLOSE in 1 rm furn ;ipt . util. pd. $28. 7W Marii'ii KM 2-5:2;. vim hi. imp - '"inn, nsr gar,, close in. hus. KM 4 finit SALVADOHE APT'S ONE S, 2 hdrm -ipl- range A refrig. furn. F.M 208tl. .IANSSEN COl'RT FURN. apt, clean, miinr nr. shop renter St bus. .v Kith at EHitrl. s ei;::n. apt . g " 1210 Tile Hd. l i 4ir2, 1 "nnRM. unfurn. upt ' heat. Inq H'illvi(l Or.-Mer. 1 2(H4 N.C apitol. KM 3 FURN. 1 and 2 bdrm., Apts. heatedNll Court St ! FURN. pulimari apt Adults 1545 , N-CapitoI EM 2i6. LARGE well furn. 2 rm ant. 2nd fir . gas stoves $30 mo Washing facilities. No pp!. adults rfd Pf reomred 2164 Maple Ave. EM S-71.7. UNFURN I-bdrm. "emirt. Near North HI. 812 N. 14th CLEAN, warm. 3 rm. apt. elose in. Ladv 845 Ferry EM 3-45TT. fcptleman. M 3-427 tvtu 700 Rentals 705 Apartmcnti For Rent THE CENTURY, 1911 CENTER. New lrg. dlx. 2 bdrmApts. FVRNT"ap"ts. for rent. 1160 S. Liberty. EM 2-5210; MODERN Furnished Court. 1 bedroom West Satem Call EM 4-6875, evenings EM 2-1743 LARGE St convenient 3 rm. furn. & carpeted apt. 1055 Edge water. FURN. APT. near Capitol, newly dfooraled, modern convinces. $40. Utit. paid. EM 3-6408 or 145 N. Hth. CLOSEln mod. furn. 3 rm. apt. Ph. EM 3-84M except Sat. 635 N Summer Furnished 3 room upstairs apt. Utilities. Adults only. I BDHM. court, unfurn.. adults. TV. EM 3-4671, 14:15 Trade. CLEAN 2 7m. furn. Prlv. bath, St cntrEM4-7t54 FURN.3 rm, apt. Adults, 1545 N. Capitol. EM2-WW8. VERY desirable well heated 3 rm. partly furn. apt. Garage. EM 3-8413. FURN. 3 rm. prlv. bath, close state bidgs., parking space. KM 3-7:110 mornings Ac eve. 1HDRM. apt. furn. Clean. Clone In. Ground floor. Parking. EM ;i-66:il or EM 71B5J MODERN 2 rm. 3rd hse. East Memorial Hosp.fl55 Oak. VEnYnlcelv furn. small apt. private eutr. 334 N. Capitol. VERY "desirable, close In 5 rm. Hat St garage EM 2-4817 for PPt. HDRM. court apt. part laity furn., $45. EM 2-6288. F. L. Knapp Broker. "RM. furn. apt., prlv. bath. 705 N.Liberty.EM2-8!(47. FURN. 4 rms. & bath, front en trance, garage, ineai nr nu donts or working cpl. $40. EM 2-5478. ""amhassador apts. NICELY furn. apts. 550 N. Sum mer. f.Nl 1 BDHM. furn. apt., $35. 1123 Cross at. FURN2 rm., 1st fir. apt. Pvt. bath Sc ent., $50. 600 Union. EM 2-5248. FURN. 1 bdnn. clean, attrnc. $65, 735 N. Capitol EM 2-457H. COURT apt., extra nice, furn. 3 rms.. Dam, IV, launnry, park ing avail. Inq. 1348 So. 12th. 706 Duplcxei CLEAN furn. 3 rm. duplex apt. with bath, cloKe-ln. KM Jt-.i.u.'f. NEW 2 bdrm., birch kit.. lg. llv. rm.. giiragc. EM 3-7641. GRND. fir. 3 rmn.. nicely furn. Hedec. (Jar. a nu us. maa n. CapitoL EMJi-H7V8. NICE 2 bdnn. apt. Large llv. rm.. util-, nam, garage, extra nice kitchen. Water lurn. $45. 1175 Boone ltd. 2 RMS, Kitchenette, hath, quiet neigh., bus i dik. iwu n. Front. NEW unfurn. 2 bdrm. duplex. South, $75. EM 4 BJVB. VERY nice 2 bdrm. duplex, priv. entr., gooa jocaiion '3 mo. EM 4-fi76. BRAND new, 2 bdrm. Water, garbage, draw drapes, very nice. $65. 4 J, 35 PorllanrtRd. RM. furn. gar., nenr Stnte hospital EM 2-6041 before 4 pin CLEAN, w.-irni ?. rm. apt., close in, lady. 645 Ferry EM a-4127. 707 Houses For Rent MOD. Clean, 8 rms., frpl.. auto.! heat, bsm't. 1270 N.10th. CLEAN 2 bdrm. house, garage, $55 mo. Also will aliuw Satur day Sc Sun. between 11 St 4. 12ti5 Chemawa ltd. 6230 1 HDRM. stove, refrig., gar., newlydecor1EM 3 H47L NICE 3 bdrm. Suburban home; close In. $75 mo. EM 20516. 2 BDRM. unfurn. house $42. 14B2 Park Ave. r.M oiiu. BBRM-'hse., frpl , auto, oil heal, bsinl., gar. Fenced yard, 1 $70 4H5 S. Sift. EM 3-7577 or EM 2-6127 eves. 2 BDRM. hse., Inrge gar., fenced bai-K vara. sou. v. aaicm. EM 2-!)0ji5. 2 BDRM. house, gar., bus at door, prcier minus, I'.nii-uiaa. PlUt. unfurn. ecept stove St re frig. Rm. 11115 Leo after ti p.m. VERY-nice 1 bdrm. court, un furn. esrent for refrig A stove. 2445 Market. EM 2-195. NEWLY re-decorated 1 bdrm.. -t. stove fit reltig. $50 mu. EM 3-H746 rve. VERY nice 2 bdrm.. frpl. $70. 3381 Duili'iin Ave lnu.. 33B5 Duncan. EM 35.16. 3 HDRM . din. rm., lireakfnst nniik. fireplace. bMn'l, o 1 1 furnace. So. EM 4-17H5. SMALL 2 twlrm. wired for irv- er. Englewood. Inq. 1310 N. IHth. QUIET, clean, 1 bdrm. bsr. 4- l orneis dist . $4H. EM 2-4:13. 1 HDHM . I !': f u I 2151 S... ml heatei. Mater. 11 . ' t blk. bus. I nil. Winter. EM 2 -TSB'.i. 1 2 BDHM. hM- . st"ve , refitg. $65. 21115 Helm M. r.M K.0. NICE 2 3 bdnn. house, close in, WW. caiprt. fireplace $H5. Less on KM 3 ;i5rtl. NE SUBURBAN 3 bdnn. clean modern home. $60. EM 2-67.1. 2 BDHM. collage, kit. furn. newlv dec. off Center. 6:14 C.illeilin. 7H. Also 1 bdrm., $,r.:.. EM 2-707. 2 BD. HM KEIER" $42 50 Y.. A. Mi'CilnufUn, Agent 3.15 N. Btgh EM 2H6U EM 3 6612 CLEAN 2 bdrm. he . attached :.r. at 3.175 Neet Ae., $."5. KM 4-.l!ki2, flrr., no dogs. $ no.. 4::'5 SUlr. EM 4H6J. at 20d0 4 HDHM . 2 bath, oak F A oil furn , 1 floor, Inquire LV'rt S l.ith. gar. NEW unfurn .1 Ulnn home for rent I.iherlv ltd. $5 mo. KM 4 ti:;i7. RANCH tpe 2 bdrm . fullv HiMil.itr.l mipicc, elcc , h.l firs . Wfirtini. Inside 1tH1t v wired for drvrr. R.uige. re frig & T V aiiteim.i furn . Urge gar. rl Hitler. EM 2-78.13 or inq. ;155 Tron. I HDHM. Iinc., nartlv furn. 2W Evergreen. KM 2-ti865. 3 ItDRM. Iiotur nr ball park, $t;n mo. EM i-WS. i'f"i'lN tuir-11 he w'rrd j for drier $I5. EM J-7M7. WeM Salem. ! 4 ImmIti'i'mi 20:t0 N Comm'l hrilMKim :ui Mission $ I hi-ilri'i'in In i.ulw av -:. Itamsev ltclt. EM 4-3.181 .VN N 17th st Ph. EM lmi 5th SriU'RHAN 2 HDHM lUU'SK . 1 h k 1 yon h am; k and ItKAIMt NORIH. $.15 MO. FM 2-5654. LAltOE 1 bdrm . collage, witter, f.nb.tge serv fuiit. adult, nt). 1265 N 41b 2 HDHM. unfurn. duple.x. Hv. rm dm rm . kit . bun t Clean, close in Call EM4.1.n7. W SALEM: 3 bdrm. hbe.. g.t rage basement near sch 1, bus St church EM 3 78.18 FOR RENT' lit houe" South l.mertv ScVl on ngM. suit able (or duplex, garden all kind fruit Citv bus A school See Witter H EM n 8M8 1 ranga. J3. EM 3-'. 700 Rentals 707 Houses For Rent 1 BDRM. frpl., part, furn., gar.; near bus $45. EM 3 5620. ;TbDHM.. full bsmt., oil furnace, firepl., gar. Close to schools Sc Hollywood Center. EM 3-3161. UNFURN. 4 rm. house Sc garage 6!I6 N. Collage. rBDRM7hse. East. Water turn. Util. rm. $25. EM 4-2513. 2HDRM. futility. Oil heat, $45. 1410 Cross St. RENT nice, clean 2 bdrm. house. Garden spot. EM '730. RENT or sate clean 5 rm. house. Fireplace, full bsm't. Oil furn., garage, fenced back yard. EM 2-052. NEW lbdrrn" unfurn. hse. per- feet for couple who wants nice place, garage, near bus, rent within reasun, near Gen. Hospital. 2251 flreyman. Nelsons Rentals 3 bdrm. unfurn. South $15 2 bdrm. firepl. unfurn. 70 2 bdrm. unfurn. hse. eountrv 45 2 hdrm. basmt. unfurn. . . 52 50 Hse. with apartment 57.50 Court apartments, furn. or unfurn. .. . 65-75 Nlcelv furn. hse. avail. for 4 mo. . 125 mo. 2 bdrm. unfurn. hse. . . 65 CALL DOROTHY DEAL Eves. Ph. EM 4-86.12 NELSON & NELSON REALTORS 1590 S. Com'l Ph. EM 2-366!) 1 RDR "Unfurn $30, $.15 1 BDR Furnished $35. $40 1 BDR Range, rcfrig. $42 50 2 BDR Unfurn. $40, $50, $65 3 HDH Duplex . $45, $50 3 BDR Suburban $60 2 HDH Range, refrig. $70 3 BOH South - $M. $145 2 BDR Furn. npts $50. $55 CENTER STREET REALTY 1748 Center St Ph. EM 4-6631 Eve. EM 2-7812 FOR RENT partly furn! 2 bdrm. house. Close to State Hosp. $65. EM 3-7310. SMALL house partly furn.. gar age, Adults 855 Shipping. 707-a Furnished Houses LOVELY 2-Bcrirnnm furn. home. Avail. Jan, 15th. $00. Cluett & Kcnvon, Realtors. Ph. EM 2-3551 or EM4-H!ffl!h NEAT 1 bdrm., water, garbage, garage. $'15. 1235N lfith. NEWLY dec. furn. 3 rm. house. EM 4-6357. HEDEC. 1 bdrm. firepl.. gar., h.snil. See to apprc. EM 3-4332. FURN." Modern 3 rm. cottage, p.-irt utilities furn. Nice & clean. 1326' 2 N. Winter or EM 2 0363. SMALL 2 bdrm., no garage, $50. 1415 Jefferson. LOVELYfiirn. 2 bdrm. home $!K mo. Englewood. EM 2-0546. FURN! house, water, garbage, laundry, busdults.JI2-27H6 NICE l bdrm.. South, oil furn ace. Bendix, Rcf. EM 2 6247. SMALL 2 hdrm. house, partly furn.. Ideal for couple. EM 2-7106 2 RM. furn. cottage, yard fenced 1!H5 Highway Ave. t.m a-ooin. LARGE nnrty furn. hse cloce State nldgs, St Univ. EM 2-3626 week days. HDRM of washer & dryer. EM 2-6758. 710 Wanted to Rent Hses 3 OH 4 BDHM. fnmilv home. Prefer St. Joseph's Parish. Up to $75. Write Kdward Desmar teau, 74116 S.E.. Alder, Port land lfl.pre. WANTED to "lease home wUh acreage. Minimum 3 bdrms. Beginning first week In Feb. Prefer fireplace & sawdust furnace. Wired for dryer. EM 2 238a. 714 Business Rentals ATTENTION small distributor ships: Warm bldg. fir storage A office. Excel, loc. for adver tising value. Iliway f9 No. Adequate parking space. EM 4 8!IH!1 or EM 2-3551. STUCCO bldg., 40' x 60', con crete lirs.. a. u x 12 aoors. No. 3 zone.Inq.15!i6 SUlh. DOWNTOWN office snace. stor rms. St warehouse. EM 3-4111. 780 Moving & Storoge RUSS PRATT MAYFLOWER Moving & Storage FUEL OILS CAPITOL CITY TRANSFER Lnrmer Transfer & Storage Complete moving service. Also scents for BEK1NS Natlon- ule Movers. Ph. EM Ji-31.1L LOW COST storage. 11. L. Sttfl Furniture Co. KM 3-11185. 1500 Krai Estate 801 Business Opportun. Sr.llvU K station with house H ' for sale or trade. KM . ,801 Btninc, Opportun. FOR LEASE M.UOI! OIL CO. SKRVirr STATION. KXCKl.LKNT 0 V V 0 It T V N 1 T Y FOR Ol'AUl'lF.n MAN. KQl'll'. , I'TILITIKS Kt'UNISllKD. YlUll 1NVKST. IN RK-! SAI.F. MDSF. ONLY. KOR I DKT.Ml.S PHONE KM I 4 ISII.MI. KirilKiF.l.n Oil will h:i const, uc ted .talioii av. illahle lit Wel S.ileui. Partial financing av.til al.le Mr. Oshorn. EM 4 670J or KM 2 ML". ON ACt'OVNT ! llltn 11 full line e.iuipnu l.vitW'd fi'li $-r;. V l'O it.. it & si k at g"ti M.Ui- 1. OnU 107:1 West Salem SMALL l.'i ,.ke offer. KM 2 iH20 or EM ,i .1 803 Suburban J.VHl T tin : 1 1 g ond MAYBE LESS t. suburban, near good soil, extra ncken b'ue. total acre ice y mi fall f.. A Walters. t r, I'll. EM 2 14 or EM 2 TO 7 ACRES ue 1 close in North Verv 2 bdrm home A- other lings. KM 4 806 Houscj For Sale FIXl'M fl'I'KH needed , A. 2 bdnn . l.tiM do . I- $41 70. Mid.11egrove dist. I.M 4 J70-V RY BUILDER ior;, noYN MOVTS VOC IN TOPsT on BVU O TO si-it r.D FISLIIKR. PH. -5.H " BY BUILDER 1 New 3 bdrm custom NilM 'omi chon-a location. EM .-(0.1. FOK SAIf. j m,.re M xt, more . or 3 W(,n. S Parages. 3 4 out hldt home not finished, egi sold separate $18,500, cash FM 4-1002. 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole CHARCOAL AND PINK WITH A KNOTTY PINE trimmed front porch! A pretty smart looking house. There's lots to like inside, too. such as the paneling In one bedroom, the floor lo celling fireplace, the extra large bath with birch cabinets over the vanity, the ZOLOTONE kitchen with big breakfast nook. This is a 3 bedroom home, in a new neighborhood. $12,350. Call EM 4 6766. Eve; Marjorie Fanning, EM 4-6008. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2m N. HIGH EM 4-6766 Northeast I venr old 3 bdrm. home with nil daylight basement. Fire place In living room and base ment party room. Paved street. Owner would trade for smaller home. Asking only $13,500. Call Ruth Morrison Eve. EM 4-1044. Home & Investment Englewood dist. near schools, bus. chureh St shopping. 2 good modern homes with garage for only $H400. One is a 3 bdrm. late built home, the other is a large I bdrm. home. Fenced In vnrd with fruit trees. This property will pay for itself and is an outstanding good buv. Call Mr. Bourne for show ing and details Eve. Ph. EM 3-7217. Joe Bourne Realtor 1140 N. Capitol , Ph. EM 3-8216 Basement Home Slart the New Year In this at tractive new J neornom nome. Semi-daylight basement, two fircplnces lone up and one down) beamed ceiling living room, dining room and kitch en. Birch cabinets, generous use of natural wood through out. Loc.ited within the citv limits. No closing costs, bal ance nt $88 per month. Eastmoreland Attractive double garage two- bedroom home tocaieu emse in schools, hus. stores, state hos- tutals. Fenced-in yard, patio n rear. Excellent residential area. Ph. EM 4-4154 Ron Jones, Realtor lf)55 Falmrounds Road Evening phones: EM 2-3528 or START THE YEAR RIGHT 'a A with 2 B R. home, plenty room for kids or nice for re tired cuuplc. Just $6,750, small pay t. JUST 15 blks north from State St.. older house, has. (ur, 2 Brs, Lit. DH. etc. Plus 3 R. ; apt. Rental $35.01) per mo. Lot 66' x 122'. Price $6,000 with $1,000 duwn, $60.00 per mo. HOME on East Market St. with has. fur. 2 Bit. LR. DR 1st floor, 2nd floor 2 Bdrms. Cnr. lot. Priced $10,500, with $1,500 down. NEW lovely homes In Lincoln ram. Abrams & Skinner 411 Masonic Bldg. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MOUTCAC.E LOAN.S Phone EM 3 H217 Eves EM 3-7386 or EM 2-47U9 BUSINESS lot with 3 bdrm. hse. 545 S. Com I mnke offers 420 N. 20th. EM 3-8766. 2600 HLUI'T kit., party rm., 3 firepl. CIS pun EM 3-3434, SURK WK WILL TRADE See this 2 bedroom home North, Living room, Dining room. Kitchen ami Nook. Ga rage. Near bus and school. CALL COK. HKKD Eves. EM 2 06811. ft KM 4 S484 varrn VWUfi I-)lir' . ' -W -V. 4 If Ir.B a tfc,. J B fcfiS AMJ RKAVTIFUL TREES l'j ACRES 3 bedrm home. school hus by door. Easv terms. Full price $70n C.dl' Fred Head KM 4 6081 Lc. EM 2-7H56. $-11X1 00 Down rtMAMCK. iiUf rpnt. FHA. built 2 bedrm home located North close to schools and tr jn.Mnrt.itinn Full Price $7S. fall Fred Head EM 4 8081. Ee. F.M 27956. HEAR THIS! ! ! THREE IlKPIIMS: fireplace one w-iir old r.uuh tvne'COZY honr facing paved trtt l-.x-cellent Iih .ition 1 block in bus 3 block to school and h.p ping center All thin .'fiered in .u In nisi $10. .N' o.Mier leaxmg ti-wn Act ti4,.i. ( all Al W.itt. EM 4 6081, Eve. EM i-Tlt. A REDRMS. $TiXl ON Trade Street where ou ran walk '. wctK, Yes. it is older but rt:is full basement and the j inrceti air nirnncr kucj "h Ct.', pleasant living Make olfer 011 dow n navmrnt. Call Jack lUwls F.M 4 6081. E. 2 7820. i 4W7 N Hiver Rd Off KM 4 nM MR OWNFR' Olen Wivdif will p.y lop prtc foi your furn SI I I. 2 Kirn .-.mi do Full price I l.i5l EM r 6";.(1 .Titer 6 p m " FAIRMOUNT HILL Eve Ph Mingle F.M 4 8-189 or Htrr.nin EM 4 7328 rtl lirTT hf lLUL ' , ' RF. -M TORS " ifgit'ounds Rd. Fh. EM THE CAPITAL 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale A Family Dream SETTLE the family problem of housing by acquiring this beautiful spacious home. Ex tra large living room with fire place, large dining room, kitchen v. ilh nook. Spacious downstairs hdrm. Large bdrms. upstairs. Full bsmt. Mith 3 rooms, dble. garage, beautiful park like hack yard w ilh fireplace. Plenty trees, close to Englewood school, bus bv door. Must see to appre ciate. For particulars ask for Ed Schreder. Eve; EM 3-7825. Oregon Development Company (Realtors) .lift N. Chureh Ph. EM 3-3236 $8.4.50 ROME 7N THE SOUTH DISTRICT on a beautiful lot 100x150. Has 2 nice bedrooms. Covered patio for outdoor ac tivities. This home Is insulated St wealher stripped giving sub atantial savings on the fuel bill. Would make a good ren tal investment. Call Clyde Foulk, Eve. F.M 2-3826. $12,000 HOME WITH A GOOD CONTRACT WHICH MAY RF, ASSUMED. This home only l' vr. old. in excellent con dition. Attractively arranged and verv large rooms. Fire place. Low down payment and assume contract. Call Dorothy Deal. Eve. EM 4-8632. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON COR NER LOT IN S. SALEM. Has view of the city, sweeping lawn with fenced rear yard. All wail -to wall carpeting throughout. 3 bdrms. Birch kitchen. Living rm has com fortable atmosphere for leisure enjoyment. This 2',a yr. old home being sold because owner moving from state. $19,500. Call Echo Yeater Eve. EM 3-4672. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS ISM S. Com'l Ph. EM 2-366!) NEWER 3 BEDROOM TRADE We have this lovely home that owner will lane a smaller one in trade. 9 months old and like new. Dbl. garage, l'j baths, inside utility, fireplace, kitchen with nook, dining room. On paved street. South part of town. $13,000. Dick Olson EM 4-6766 or Eves. EM 4-4183. Ted Morrison, Realtor 260 N. HIGH EM 4-6766 Daylight Basement View NORTH St SOUTH. 3 large bedrooms, l-nmuy nnom wun Harbccue, Four Fireplaces, Covered Patio with Murage, H.-ilhs ui'. 1 down. PLANNED FOR MODERN LIVING. OPEN 2 p.m. to 9 6m. Sat. St Sun. 13B0 Marshal rive. Norm Hogensen will how. Phone EM 2 01)06. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR 1211 Fdgewater St. EM 4-S74.T 2710 S. Commercial EM 4-7874 THE HOME SELLERS C. P. McCargar, Rltr. LONG! LOW! MODERN ! Just completed; just listed; never been shown. It has a beauti ful kitchen with built-in range nnd oven; Igc. utility R.; l'i baths; 2 fireplaces; paneling and beams in family and hv. riiiim: eutrv tia : i norms. and Ige. double garage with etira storage or hobby room. The setting is beautiful: the location is south; the exterior Is rustic. The price is right. Call Tom Fagan eve. EM 4-8193 157 SPECIAL. Onlv $1,500 down. Hrnnd new. 3 bdrm; dble plumbing; ranch style home; iiflielitfiil kitchen: Ice. living- dining room combination; rus tic fireplace: Ige. 2 car ga rage; paved sts. for inspection call Mac' McCargar; eve ph. EM 4-7371. GIVE US A REASONABLE OF FER on this 2 hdrm. rural home on la A- Has barn, ga rage, shop, fruit house and fruit. Total price $4,750. North E. eve. ph. Al Bender EM 2-7646. 4 BEDROOMS. Lge. liv. rm; separate tun. rm; ia iwns, finished full basement; 2 fire places; located North on (ine A. lot with lge. cherry and walnut trees. Price $16,500. Trrms. ( all Lloyd Rice eve. EM 3 4869. ATTENTION LA ROE FAM ILIES! Here's one that has utilitv, space, economy, value and location all wrapped up one package. The kitchen has a dishwasher and an eating rin . l.iv. anrt Oin. room com bination has w w carpet and drapes; 2 bdrms up and 2 down. Tiled bath: full base ment u uh show er and w ash- bow 1: a finished room tor nen or another bedroom. S I), heat; dble. garage and lge. fenced lot with familv fruit and ber ries. All this for only $11,500 with terms Call Tom Fagan eve. KM 4 81'3. A NO ALMOST NEW; line: close in location 2 bdnn. house. as a pin; covered p.itio with fireplace and grill; beautiful fenced back .mi Onlv $!i.95o with terms. Also 2 bdrm. Smith with $750 down Call Lloid Hue ee. EM 3-4861 4? ACRES Grade A Dairy; good: house, lge loafing shed; milk ing parlor: Best irrigation well; all pipes necessar; . not iroiii airm. norm rricr $21 750 with $10,000 down: bal. $lfl0 per mo Call Al Bender eve. phone EM 2-7846. 702 N High St. Ph. F.M 4-4441. Ml'ST sell this week. Almost new 3 hdrm. with att. gar. i liv. rm. and sep. din. Trie Missus w ill go for this worksaver kitchen This I . is not a cneap:e jut a good; Tl 1 j:,"-rK .Uoh UouGkton 1 losing cols. 1175 Lupin Lane nv&lTOBl EM Z'S NOR HILL DISTRICT new- bed rm. nome win oouoie g.trage lg. living h dining rm. w .th entrance hall, beautiful kitche-i lg utilitv. bet con xtruction, onlv i VV Call (, A Walters. Realtor Th EM 2 8TI4 or JM4-63. 3 HDHM $ Mks. to Staletunise Wall to wall carpet. 1. baths. D;n jm . l.t micnen. l.vnj Chemeketa BY OWNER J bdrm . lg Hv with frpl . dm. rm , tlt. A V - nok dble plumbing. 1 WO q I ft plus lg dbl. garage, lots I of storage 'j A fme soil, i clo-e to Sch . Shopping, bu.s. I EM 3 3742. SZ2 Sunset At. JOURNAL BOO Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale NOW IS THE TIME!!! Get started at tht turn of the year put your money to work. We have 2 nice duplexes one North, the other South Good invest, ment property. Call Louli Lor en z for more Informs- Lee Ohmart HERE IS A GOOD START Make Kr Years reiolulion to .omeone rlsel! we nave , ut.uiuui ' . Peony Garden with laree family room paneled n k notty p ne (or added leuure. Spare lor washer , dryer in large bath room will aave counties! steps. Tiled shower oil master hed rooms. All this lor 13.950. Ask Adrienne Sercombe about financing. YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME When you first walk Into this new home located In the Carl Add. Spacious living room with open fireplace . 3 06 hed rooms 2-car garage. This home is the best value on today I market at ONLY 113.750. Call Stanley Brown. FARM SPECIAL - 12 8 ACRES I Acres No. 1 peat soil. bal. good new 3-nedroom nome wun 13 x a iivmik ""' - : room. Large onion barn, machine shed. All equip includin 2 tractors, onion loader, cultivator, Irrigation pump & pipes, etc. Call Henry Torvend. I'VE GOT A SECRET Ifa a wonderful buy in a 3-bedroom home in the Englewood Dis trictlocated on extra large corner lot with walnut trees, big garage with overhead slorage. This home Is In top grade con. ditlon and all for ONLY 8D50. Better hurry-Call IValph Maddy. 477 Court St Eve.: Louis Lorenr EM-335M Stanley Brown EM-zwhi Ralph Maddy DANDY SMALL BUSINESS GROCERY In good neighboring com munity, doing very gooa business, wni i..i.,u. o,, What have you? Thla is your opportunity. Call Eastrldge. Eve. ph. EM 3-6522. I ACHE close In on paved corner This property has very good walnut trees, tood well. Only EM 4-7448. Will trade Income property for home to .M0. Have 4 apts. with al private entrances, compieieiy .u. ... .... -ti", !" .1 blocka from center or town, full price only 12,750. Bal. on contract. Call Gene Pedwell. 70 acres with apx. S5 In cult., for avstem. good lenne nouom sm wln. '-.; -'V around stream, large barn, machine shed, hog house, etc. A good 5 brm. home, paved road, close to town & achool. Call Geo. Kraus. REALTORS 318 N. Church St. C. V. KENT LLOYD KEENE, A HOME FOR TOMORROWS NEb.Ua on toaays duokci: : Family living room with good fireplace. Real handy kitchen i with big eating area. 2 lg. bedrms. down with nice paneled Hen upstairs St unfin-1 ished bedrm. Located on bus line close to stores. Owner leaving so price is right. $11,250. WANT A BASEMENT? Owner leaving Salem Sc anxious to sell this very clean 4 bed room home. Corner lot. Drive bv 5S Statesman (first street ..n.t ..r North 17th off Center) .nd l ft ok it over. BUT PLEASE DO NOT disturb owner. We have the key. 4?vfi N rmiRCH (GREYHOUND BLDG.) SORENSON EM 4-2293; KUJUINS r.M ivr-r,. 6076TCUSHING EM 2-5048; LEAVENS EM 3-4735. "'JiMftSUSf, I f. . --f Tf: ' - aJJsatasa- -I 201 s H,eh EM 3-9203 WHY RENT? $435. down $70. ficr month includes taxes and nsurance. Very clean 5 room home east. Hardwood floors. Home completely redecorated Inside and out. Attacihcd gar age. Large lot. You can move right in. CALL O. V. HUME OWNER MOVING Attractive 3 bdrm. home in North Salem. Has dining rm.. l' plbg., 2 car garage. In quiet area of restricted district. Price $14,500. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY N LIBERTY STREET ROOM New bldg. 22 x 80, office a-. i.ii.i Htiip lavntories. acrous- tiral ceiling. OFF STREET PARKING FOR TEN CARS. Immediate Possession. CALL C. L. GHABENHORST NEW VIEW HOME Family room. 2 fireplaces, i j nam. birch kitchen, built-in range and oven. A very well built home on 87 x 140 lot. Priced right at S17.W0 CALL RON HUDKINS GRABENHORST 180 S. LIBERTY ST. Evenings Sc Sundays call Salesmen Ron Hudklns EM 3-8712 O. V. Hume EM 2-S20S Walt Socolofskv EM 3-88.15 H. K. Lavmon EM 4-W07 SOUTH ON fine corner lot. 3 hedrooms tone ZlxlU'al. r ninny iiuu.i. Youngstown kitchen. Fire place. Part basement. Sleeping porch. $11."50. Terms. I4b0 SQUARE FEET ATTRACTIVE home. 3 bed rooms. Dining room. Nook. Fireplace. 2-car garaee. Double plumbing. $14 950. Terms. TRAILER COURT TRAnv. votir home on lhl tn- ronie p'ropertv in Salem. Space for 10 trailers. Also 3 apart ments. $li.00. Terms. 427 Ferry (Open Saturday) Off. EM 4-33S1 James Oswalt EM frank Vlasi'c EM 4-26711; Jim l'i ACRES Does vour family need elbow room"? Here is a 4 bedroom home. Neat and clean. Family fruit orchard. Double garage with wood shed and shop space. Lovely setting with Mt. view. Can be purchased for $750. or $8000 unfurnished. $1000 down CALL FA YE SEAL Eves. EM 4-5594 320 Court Ph. FM 4 MM BIN LOOKIN? bdrm homes south hive bath & frpl . etc Fn '1'VvF Afl FM 4-T8O0 have a look A 40W f " t EK KtiU let see if e can gel together on a deal I Fhone FM 4-09 or FM 4-R.3 SOl'TH New- view heme. bdrms . plsv room. 2 'rpl bith h V Low dn. pym't. or trade for small house car. W I or what ha ou? M 4 &2T2 I 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole par lor l'r.' " "S"7' , ' Willamette inn. an irr..i.r 1. Phone EM-24113, EM-2411K Adrienne Sercomhe EM-4lOFt2 Henry iprvena r,.ii-joooi EM-2348a east, a good z-neoroom nome building sites with lots of large 7.8S0. Call Bill Fldler. eve. ph. $25,000. Includes good l"la'lon Ph. EM 4-6B71 & CO. REALTOR YOU FINISH IT & SAVE MnNEY iew unfinished house with 3 bedrms. and 10 ACRES of ground at the edge or the citv iimus. uivntr win take $1,250. dn. payment or trade on 3 bedroom house or small farm. Full price is only $10,750. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN 4'a Acres close to n.uemr Would be good subdivision. Nice 2 BR. modern home with attached garage plus extra 2 cnr garage and chicken house. A good drilled well St well house. Priced at only $14,750. Some terms. EMpire 4-2293 KEENE EM EAST MORELAND 3 bdrm.. full basement, uiv. rm., oin. rm.. lovely kitchen with eat ing area. 2 fireplaces, oil forced air heating. Dble. at tached garage. Shake outside Plaster inside. Pa yrs. old. Good materials and workman ship. Price $16,750. To See. , . CALL RALPH BRUCE BIG PRICE REDUCTION ON ALMOST NEW 4 BDRM. HOME An excellent buy nt $12,950. Close in South, l'i, bnths. birch trim throughout. Swedish fireplace. Dble. gar- CALL MRS. RICHARDSON RF.DROOM HOME On a corner lot in an R3 Zone. This is an older home in excellent condition and a choice loca tion. Ideal for conversion to apartments. CALL H. K. LAY M ON USED CAR SALES LOT Ideal location on South 12th Street close to Mission Street. Also. 2 downtown locations. For de tails call. . . C. L. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS PH. EM 2-2471 J. E. Law EM 3-M13 Ralph Bruce EM 2-6fll Mrs. Richardson EM 4-8C86 KKW $600 DOWN MAY take it. 3 bedrooms. Din ing room. Fireplace. 2-car garage. Double plumbing. FA oil heat. Insulated. Utility. Price $12,500. 2 BEDROOMS FOR 3 OR will take small acreage. This hrtnii ha room 16x12. Utility. Garage. Lot 150-feet w ide $9 5H0 CO INTO BUSINESS WITH low down payment. For $L5H down, vou eel 11111r.1t station. U-Ei-It Shop, lot and equipment. $9,950. 3-77": violet Hunop r.. !. RamseyEM 4-009: FOR SALE OR TRADE vie l Mrm home on l'i acre. close in. tan i"ei 10. is 4-0968. A buy for only $ofl down on a new 4 bdrm nome on mrur lot. Call Verle Landrelh EM 4-0!W. Trade 11 acres close in. good buildings, for small nome m to v n Call Rudv Klundt EM 4-09M or EM 4 4783 For a nice farm, call John Alli son at EM 4-065 or EM 4 i:v27. TOWN 6 COUNTRY REALTY V: Asw. vaw. - "ri o 3 P or traae rice :wm aa EM 4-C.f, 800 Real Estate 806 House! For Sal MID YEAR VALUES 2450. 2 b.r. suburban home, l'i A. tract, deep well, berries, Terms. $800 down, bal. like rent. FUR NISHED, H.W. FLOOR, FIRE PLACE, B'MENT, OIL HEAT, GARAGE, Close to St. Vin cent. Highland Schs, Imm. possession $7600. 3 B RS., one floor. H.W, floors, utility rm. oil heat, uaraRe, e-d lot. fine surroundings. C.ise in. North. J6250. Low down pavment. WEST SALEM. Newly decorated 5 rm. home, spic and span. H W. floors, auto. heat, large corner lot, lovely greenhouse included, bargain price and terms. 8fr750. 4 B R. Country Home. CLEAN. SPACIOUS. COMFORTABLE. 2 ACRES. BEST OF LAND, barn. Near Silverton. A LOT FOR THE MONEY. $7,950. Ac cept Salem property In trade. CANDALARIA SPECIAL. Beau tiful setting, attractive lot, ex cellent 5 rm. home, large liv. 6 dm. space, spacious kitchen, utility rm. For 1mm. sale $i2.!'6n. Please Note: This office can ac cept real estate mtgs. and contracts as part payment on any of the above properties. B. M. MASON. RLT. 3-11 Chemeketa St. EM 3-8841 EM 3-3542, EM 2-BH54 SOUTH FAMILY ROOM. 6 months old 2 FIREPLACES 2 complete baths 3 large "JVm NO FINANCING COSTS-Will Take late model car as part of down pavment. Only $15,500. Call Walt EM 2-2801. MR. FIXIT! Unfinished home. BUSINESS LOT, plumbing and fixtures in. wiring in. outside is completed. The Price onlv $4,650 and easy terms. Will TRADE for bust ncs property. Call Walt EM 2-2801. TRADE 3 Bedrms. beautiful yard, fire place. Dishwasher TOO! Trade for LOT or home to $14,000. Real Buv at 59.050. Call Gladys Jackson'Eves. EM 2-4337. ptr as iVAIi mumum 1425 Fairgrounds Rd, EM 2-2B0t TRADE Owner wants to trade. 2 bed room & den, large kitchen, in side utilitv. hardwood floor. 16 x 25 shop, corner lot. Engle wood District. F.H.A. ap praised at $10,500. Trade for 3 bedroom with basement, or family room up to $16,000. Call LUC as i-n; o-j, 3 BEDROOM $150 DN. Lots of room all on 1 floor. Mod' ain utih hath wired for ranee Small lot. Inside city. Paved st. Full price $2950. Bal. $15 mo. 15 ACRES $3500 South on paved road. Near school, o acres cumvmcu. n.Tia nf nriines. Balance wood ed. 20 x 20 unfinished shack. 2 uolla r.nnd terms. Bal. at $30 mo. Consider car or truck in trade. Call Johnson. Eve. ph: EM 3-3858. HOPS 60 acre Mission bottom. 30 aero hnni No building. Price Is right. For information call Rich L. Retmann. Ph: Eve. EM 3-3264. REAL ESTATE RICHMOND SCHOOL DISTRICT A comfortable 2 rjenroom home plus family room. Small lot. Modern tutcnen wun con venient laundrv room in con nection. Nice large living room 14 x 28 ft., din. room, nice b.ithroom. Attached garage with separate workshop. Only 6 vrs. old. $1800 down, balance like rent. To see call Dean Klarr EM 4-R875 or home phone EM 2-7090. RAWLINS REM GO, CHEMEKETA PHONE EM 4-6875 ' " J-.j,?. '. y A. .. - $.100 DOWN $35 MONTHLY Low on Cash? Here s your an swer. Need room? Three dan Hv huHrnnms. Snace to eat? Dining room plus breakfast nook. Extras? Full basement. (r,r-,-4 air heat firerjlace. Bar- irrtin'.' I'll sav. just $(250. Who call? Nick Peet EM 4-6081 eve. EM 4-3843. TRADE IT For a Bedrm home, loveiv 3 bedrm home wun urepiace. Natural wood finish. Located close to schools and city trans portation. Easv terms. Full price $10,250. Call Fred Head EM 4-6081 eve. EM 2-7056. MANRRIN GARDENS Beautifully planned two bedrm. love this home you can feel yourself wrapped in clean even heat in all the rooms. There is a cneertui urepiace w ion: to gracious living. Full price 1 $11 '150. Call Al Watts, EM I 4-6081 eve. EM 3-7265. 4 Rr'nRMS S14 000 ! D I,", T,vnl DkU S .1 - L RMh udI and down -forced air heat thru lGENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE Lana. building, stock, fix dens near Cummings scnooi. VALUE. E'E. EM 4-2805. Built FHA 8 years ago. iwo hathrooms will keen rush hour traffic running smoothly in vour home. Call Al Watts. EM 4-6081 eve. EM 3-7265. 4W7 N. River Rd. Off. EM 4-8081 .m ; I ON THE BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE o vou w ant a quiet restful river setting where you can relax and have a boat Beauti ful landscaped vard with small greenhouse, several large fir trees on edge of lot which slopes gentlv down to the river. 2 bedrooms and large 2S.I0An Inus.nv; HAPPY IN THE COUNTRY attractive home located tn Salem's better districts $17 " Ca'.l Ted Morrison EM 4 6766 or Eves. EM 2-5M. Ted Morrison, Realtor ;i N. HIGH EM 4-6T St-r 7 r rioUe imm 1 Mm- m Mn- Salem. Ore., Friday, ROn Rpal Fstale 806 Houmi For Sole Roy Todd, NEW DUPLEX. Ready lo move SUBURBAN LIVING. Well built en 'o d.K any" wom.n.'l lEe. M'rms. Low. bath vltrs stall shower for Dad and tub for Mom. Extra Ife. dbl- ca rafe wilh 3rd bdrm. over aaraae. A well arraniea utility Int. all wired tor dryer & auto, washer. Located NE. Only I9.05O, Call Mr. VanMeter. BEAUTIFUL HOME AND LOT. This house can be boueht corri- fa?ee Extra lge. livinit rm. Will trade for farm. Call Mr. LIVE MODERN. South Salem 3 bdrms.. only 1 yr. old. This horn, haiover 1.300 sq. ft. floor space with lee livinf t dlninl rms.. l'a baths, utllily rm.. urepiace. i. several trees. The street is paved. It has city water A n close to shoppInK & bus. Owner will take 2 bdrm. in trade. Total price 113,950. Call Mr. Todd. $750 DOWN Buvs two 2 bdrm. houses on 1 lot. Here is a noma - . ..... t-, i i . ....amsnt X hnlh nave hreakfasl nooks The rental on one will pay half of the monthly pay ments. How can you beat this for 7.250. Call Mrs. Graham. TWO LARGE LOTS, on city water ing total toolage over .,i' triplex. Zoned for these. Both ATTENTION INVESTORS. 5'', North Portland ra. K rauroao. nd. iivci ....... cellent for future development. Better investigate. Can b. bought on terms. Call Mr. Elling. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St. Phone KM 2-8591 Eve Hicks EM 4.-4930: Elling EM 4-8514: Allison EM 4-3214: Mrs. Graham EM 4-4748: VanMet-r EM 4-9500: Todd EM- 2-1131 REALTORS NEW CARL'S 3 bedrm. home, beautiful living '. IB- "v. rm. wun urepiace. wice uumy room at wuuib i rage. A wonderful family location. $14,750. Call Curt Kinin. SOUTHERN BEAUTY South Salem 3 bedrm. beauty, outstanding family rm., beautiful kit. with built-in oven 3c extraordinary num-wi launc . W. carpet In lg. liv. rm., separate din. rm.. 2 fireplaces, 2 set! plumbing, dble. garage. Everything your heart desires it only $19,500. Call H. Peck. START THE NEW YEAR WITH INSURANCE Buy this nice 3 bedrm. quality home for your future security, on that all the family will enjoy, family rm. 18x12, 2 beautiful fireplaces, bath St 1'3 with shower, dble. garage all plaatered. Price $14,950. To see call Murl Frantz. UP NEAR FAIRMOUNT See this 3 bedrm. home, comfortable living, bath St 'it full bsmt., fireplace. Only $11,500. Call Roy Ferris. TO SELL YOUR HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve. & Sun. Salesmen: Murl Frantz EM 2-6943. H. Peck EM 3-541S, Curt Kinin EM 4-9920. Andy Halvorsen EM 3-7163, Roy Ferrll EM 2-8010, Joe Himmel EM 2-5122. 134 SOUTH LIBERTY H 322 NORTH CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PH. EM 4-3311 OR EM 3-7820 If He Be Not A Genius, Who Buyi A Home in Self Defense, At Least He's Got, a Great Big Lot, of Good Plain Common Senifc LGE. FAMILY DELIGHT Folks, if you are looking for a ;ood family home In an excel ent location, It would be ad vantageous to you to inspect this home with 4 bedrms. 2 baths, basement, FA oil fur nace and close to Parrish and North Hi. Priced at only $0!.!H1. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. EM 2-8048. ROMANTIC & CHARMING Located In quiet seclusion this split level home has all the at tributes for graceful living. 3 Bedrms, large party rm, huge living rm. dining area, 2 full haths. beamed ceitinff. beauti fully designed kitchen with manv nuui-m BppimiiicB. n clnnninir home for onlv t24.750. Call Mr. Sword, eve. ph. EM 2-8048. NEARLY 5 ACRES South. Gently rolling land. All cleared. New unfinished 2 bed rm home. 6" drilled well. Dble earnee. Some materials Full price $5415. $1W0 down will nanaie. iau ivir. raw ford, eve. ph. EM 4-5020. SUPERETTE Located In good Willamette Val ley town. Shows high net in come. All fixtures, lease and pond will included in the ask lnir nrice of $2500 Dlus inven tory. Illness of owner forces sale. For more Information call Al Isaak, eve. ph. EM 3-3558. WE NEED YOUR LISTINGS LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS REALTOR TRAILER HOUSE TRADE Have 10 vr. old home on lg. lot hse. to $3,000, as part trade. .,T. NEW HOME- nail down pymt. , dbl. carport. South. .M J-km. SMALL LOT Close in Inc.. spick St span 2-bedrm. home with glass heat, inside utility, ideal for small familv not liking ard workl- 7-330- A bargain for the location. Eve. EM 3-B0M. ! 5 ACRES WALLACE RD. Rood 2 bedrm. home, barn St out buildings, place all fenced owner anxious, priced at DUPLEX Without a doubt this season, a yrs. ma. same tenants nave always occupied, eacn side witn 2 bedrm!. Garages between each unit, room up for 2 more units, nice lawn St shrubs and a setting among tha treei in a very nice neinhborhood. value $13,000. Ph, DELAKE 2437 or write ROY SIMPSON, SALES MGR., CUTLER CITY P. O. BOX 133. HOME PHONES: ED EM 4-2805, McNALL EM 3-7764, MRS. WOOT TEN EM 3-8068, RAY DAVIS EM 4-5917. 433 N. HIGH STREET one A LJTTLE HOME that's neat and clean, nestled In the hills South of town. There's an acre of ground to own. and a KING 5 HLAL.M to loo at WcuM vou like to see it1 $SW. Call EM 4-676 Eve Cordova Stephenson EM 4-6149 Ted Morrison, Realtor ft.N. VGA EM 4-67 January '4, 1957 , HOU Keal estate 806 Homei for Salt Realtor into. 1.520 sq. ft. 2 bdrms., Ifa. yr. old home with lie. living Nice kitchen, nook, utility rm. Hicks. A- sewer. Lots together mak n. v''ut t- 'A1?'',""" for $3,200. Call Mr. Hicks. acres with 300 ft. frontal, on & ADDITION kitchen with fireplace. Bath Sm & F PHONE EM 4-4478 BETTER THAN NEW You'll want to be first to se this remodeled oioer nome in top condition. One story and bsmt. Spacious rooms. 3 Bed rms with possible 4th bedrm In bsmt. la Baths. FA oil fur nace. Lovely yard fenced. Near school it bus. Must b seen to be appreciated. Priced at $13,500. Call Edna Morgan, eve. ph. EM 4-6038. WHERE, OH WHERE But tn this home can you find so much value ana quality tor such a low price. Home fea tures 3 bedrms. extra half bath, separate dining rm, FA oil heat, dble att. garage, at tractive knotty pine and shaka exterior and located In Morn lngside Dist. Priced at only $14,950. Call N. C. "Dan" Isaak, eve. ph. EM 3 6297. 127 ACRES Cently rolling, well-drained land. faruy meo. iiu aicrci in cul tivation. Suitable for grass or grain. Suver District. $19,000. Call Mr. Crawford, ave. ph. EM 4-5020. FINEST MOTEL In eastern Oregon. 26 Units heautifullv decorated and tastefully furnished. Brick con struction Modern tn every re spect. Owners quarters espe cially designed for good liv ing. Owner will accept good home in Salem as part pay ment. $54,000 down will handle. For more information call Al Isaak, eve. ph. EM 3-3558. completely fur. ? bdrm. fe df North, al) clear, take good trailer EVE. EM 4-2805. 3 bedrms. L. kitchen, lnsida $10,600. no financing charges. Eva. St cross fenced, well drained land, $10,000. EVE. EM 3-8066. ti one of the top buys for tha OFFICE PH. EM 2-M80 NEW 2 bdrm. in North Salem, extra precautions taken ta make this home most comfort able by builder with 18 year home construction. EM 2-7320. West Salem Small well located borne. $150 down $50 a Mo. $3750. E. A. McGlauflin, Rltr. 335 N. High EM 2 8611 EM 3-6611 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR. Let us solve your h ni ntedJ. To Bur. Sell or Rent Call ' M EdJew!l?' I Ph. EM 4-7874 1710 So. Commi. A GOOD buv br builder New S bdrm. home. 1W0 sq. ft., m 1 d location. See to b 1 Tnced EM 4-3177 tvei moftv