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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1957)
Salem, Ore., Friday, January 4, 1957 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page I Illness Takes E. Redding MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND 1P Butterfat Tr..-,...., ...1.1 l : .:: 3?J: : .. ,sPecial - Vrnest change Premium quality, deliv- Monday Rites For Mrs. Titze Roddine 50 'n in h ii f .iitJMKi-ifiiiiuiii quauiy, n.nv- STAYTOX (Special) f uneral (iied in a l , , 'Tu , rumanu, tn-oi tenia pen services will be at 1:30 p.m. Mon- -. t . "wH"di iimrsaay iu; ursi quality, tti-w; seconai attor a brief illness. qualitv, 56-59. ,!r.R('ddlnB was born Oct. 27,! Butler-Wholesale, fob. bulk! i'i. in Washington, jcubes to wholesalers-Grade AA, Survivors include his wife. Kdilh-M score. 63; A grade, 92 score, J)" brothers. Ray, California, and 62; B srade 90. score 604; C lyilph. Portland, and four sisters.' grade, 89 score. 58',. Mrs. Bottie Judd Portland: Mrs. I Cheese To wholesalers Oregon henna DeSart, Salem, and Martha singles. 41-18 lb; Oregon Mb loaf, o-ler and Florence Graham, both 43'. -53'.. of Silverton. Eggs-To retailers-Grade AA. funeral arrangements are being large, 4849; A large, 4546; AA "ouc uy me tKman funeral meaium, -4t; a medium, 43-45; nuiiie. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify Jennie Ide Dies Unexpectedly at Live poultry No. 1 quality. ir CI ii to D. Portland t ryers. 2'-4 lbs. -i ice OcWCIIl IlOllie 17-18: light hens, 10-11 at farm: Miss Jennie Lind lde. 67. died hea7 heS.: 13-14 at farm: old day in the Weddle Funeral Chapel here for Mrs. Josephine Violet Titze. 55, who died Wednesday in a Dallas hospital. Mrs. Titze was born at Lebanon. Sept. 19, 1901, and had lived at Gates for the last two years. Survivors include her husband, Edward J. Titze, Willamina; a son, Lester Fish, Brooks; two brothers, Albert M. Simpsons and William Simpsons, both of Lebanon; two sisters Mrs Flsip Smith Lehannn A small, 37-38. Cartons, 1-3 cents' and Mrs. Bertha Wilson, Oakland, additional, i Calif., and three grandchildren. Eggs To wholesalers A large.! -..; A medium, 41-424; A small. 35-36'.. her home. 855i Friday mornine . .,-. " . hens, eviscerated. 35-36; Gaines St.. early Friday morning .'"?- prooucers-L 1 v e Rnrn in r , , u" i. ' weight fryers, 27-28; young turkey Yilek R osarv to Oregon in ,,j04. She is survived;, ..'.WpreS by a sister, Mrs. Jessie Rollins, for heavier nieces, Mrs. Charles McGraw. Rabbits-Average to growers Gladys Drew and Velma McKl-lLive white, lbs, 21-24; col riowney, all of Salem and Mrs. D.jored pelts 4 cents less; old does, Mae Freetag of Los Angeles. 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed frv- Arrangements are being madc;ers to retailers, 56-58; cut up, 60- To Be Tonight AVOODBURN Special! Reci tation of the rosary will be at 81 bdhm. court, stove & refrig. 400 Agriculture 405 Pets WANTED Ion haired male kit ten. EM 2-0796. 414 Poultry & Rabbits" Your home washing dried in a nurry i .eaiiv loicica ooi LAUNDERETTE i Block Knsi of Willamette U. 1255 KERRY ST. KM 2-4555 WANTED TOBUYClean Used Cars Moen Motors, 888 So. nth Phone EM 4-8373. FOR SALE Good used battery chargt-r $20.00. Ph. EM 4-8373. LATE Plvm. 2 dr. Clean". $245. EM 4-1036. RABBIT roasters, dressed 35c. lb., also fryers. KM 3-540L j CUSTOM-DRESSING i Plant 5310 Center. KM 3-7160 i Dillon JonesCo. 4323 Market DRESSED FRYKRS Special Price. Ph. EM 4-1327 BABY Chicks hatched vr. round Soccial Red Roosters 5c ea ValleyFarn. Store. EM 4-4624. WILD DUCKS & GEESE Dressed at Winn's Poultry A. Rabbits. 3085 State, EM 43918. 49 CHRYSLER Sdn. fully equip, excel, cond. $11)5. EM 2-2122. nv'nu'vrD'" T.r ih-TV -.,V I BABY Cnick--for meat or eggs. LN5!,..'r old,j.bdt- Send for tree folder. Wilson's l.A'- -- Hatcnerv. Lvoni. Ore. PH. ULnck 9-2533. !-5680. COZY 1 bdrm. hse.. completely f urn., laundry facilities. $45 422 Fertilizer Owner. EM 2-9509. 1 BDRM., furn. hse., elec. heat. W'estSalem.EM 2-2391. ijpvTfn nnn nu. hnm ..(. I. view, xu'rn. or unfurn. EM 424 Farm Equipment FREE horse manure. Must be pu ked up weekly. 4325 Auburn UN FURN. 2 bdrm. house. NE nr. grade school., $75 mo. EM 2-1484 das. EM 2-4436 Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Services mi Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily! ACCOUNTING SERVICE Leon A Fiscus EM 3-5285. 1509 4th St. ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. All makes Roen -Typewriters. 456 Court EM 3-6771. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Wooriry Furniture Co. 474 So Com'l. EM 4-1UI CAPITOL Bedding; Mattresses, new A. renovated. EM 3-4069. C A KPKNT K RCONT K ACTO R Home Building A He-mode ling Will Build, or help vou build Ralph M. Scheidel, EM 2-0701 by the V. T, Golden Funeral Par lors 63. Prof. Knoll of. CORVALLIS (UP) Paul X. Knoll, 60-year-old professor of speech at Oregon State College, died today in Good Samaritan hos pital here. Prof. Knoll had been on the col lege staff for28 years and was graduated from the same school in 1923. He had been hospitalized since Dec. 16 when he suffered a heart attack p.m. Friday in the Ringo-Cornwell . uneral Chapel here lor John J. Yilek, 81, retired farmer who died at his home 779 Leasure St., at his home, 779 Leasure St., Thursday. Requiem mass will be offered in St. Luke's Catholic church at 9:30 a.m. Saturday with burial to fol low in the church cemetery. Mr. Yilek was born in Purdubitz, Czechoslovakia, June 22, 1875. Surviving are five daughters. Miss Mary Yilek, Woodburn; Miss Ann Yilek, Salem; Miss Alvina Yilek, Portland; Mrs. Frances Mayer, Salem; and Mrs. Lillian Werda. Salem; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Wool Nominal, clean basis, V blood, 1.25; H blood, 1.25: H blood 1.03-08; . blood 1.40; fine, 1.50. Country-dressed Meats, f.o.b. OSC Dies at 60; Beef Young cows, utility. 20-22 lb; canners and cutters. 16-17. Veal lop quality hghtweiEht. 30-32; rough heavies. 18-25. Hogs Best light blockers. 24- 26: lean light sows. 20-21. Lambs lop grade. 34-36. !-,.., , t t Mutton-Lightweight ewes and. Worker CrUS-ieU ni-ui.i-, iieavy cuus, a-B. Fresh Produce ' Onions Idaho Y'ellows. 50 lb 2.35-.50; med. 1.25-50: white 3 00- u ....... inni- -r .lnklA -I 50- Ore n.inferc muri I .n.1 nn- OSC and his teams won many ,3 in. 2.25-50. I when an eight-foot stack of green resional and national honors. Potatoes-Local Russets. No. i.: veneer he was leaning against He was a native of La Porte;100 lb. 2.5T75; Central Oreg. Rus-JlPP!pd over onto nim- , , Citv, Iowa. Survivors include hissets, 3.00-50; large 6-14 oz 4.00-25:, The accident occurred ednes wife, two sons, two daughter, and. No. 2 50 lbs. 1.15-25; Idaho bales. daV a the Evans Products Co. As Veneer Falls GOLD BEACH W Alvin N. . Kilpatrick, 27. was injured fatally 1230 Highland Ave. THE BEST 2 bdrm. with Irg. liv. rm.. $70. KM2-2114 p.m. FURN. apts.. util. inc. $38.50 & $35. EM 4-15B7. 451 Household Goods NICE furn. apt., util. furn. 1434 Ferry. EM 3-80B6. VERY NICE furn. 3 rm. Apt. 2 lrg. closets, priv. bath & entr. 2O0 S. 22nd. after 4 p.m. COMBINATION slecplgrsitting rm.. kitchen privileges. 2'j blks. capital bldgs. .Lady. EM 2-61)86. 33, will travel. MAN age EM 4 -4 248. FREE rm. & board in exchange for babysitting few evenings a Week. EM 2-6853. GREAT selection of Wrought Iron dinettes iew a pc. sets $39.50 to StiH.50; 7 pc. eta $69 50 up. woodry. mta . summer. UNFINISHED furniture. II. L stiir .furniture, i.o "ign LOVELY modern new 3 pc. Sofn sectionals Keg. shi-mj, now $229.50. Terms. Trades. .Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. 5-pc. Dinette Set, $25 EM 2-72G4 or EM 4-7210. JUST arrived Lovely new 2 pc. modern sectional usually sens for $-!61).50, our price this week SIWI.5U. Terms. Glen Woodry. Iti05 N. Summer. shopsmith U0. HONEST, fair, cash price paid for good, clean, used furniture and appliances. EM 3-5110. ClenVoodry, 1605 N. Summer ADMIRAL. Console-Radiowlth player, good cond. $20. EM 4-aflGfl after 4. FULL si?ed Beautyrest mattress A.- Box Springs, like new. EM 4-7380. four brothers and sisters. Monmouth Store Sale Reported MONMOUTH (Special) A. H. Spencer reports the sale of his in- t tU. (-..-,. nil IV nil- hnrrl. ,nui , t' V u Zu i f 550; regular Delicious, tray pack, ware store to E. W. Heckart of . . . 5-10 lb, 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 10C j'plant here, Corvallis. lb. 3.00-25. Hay No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland, 34.00-35.00 ton. PORTLAND, Jan. 3 W Ore gon Washington Red Delicious, extra fancy, tray pack and wrapped, medium, 6.50-7.00 large, 5.50-6.25, loose pack 5.00- 5.50-6.00; Red Romes, tray pack. Kilpatrick is survived by the widow and a young daughter. . nvlm (nnnv A OCA n- U'lnncnnc inis de me n, :wr appcd pxtra fancy; owner of the store. Norman Rtos1o()S(, 4 50.4 75. Ncw,owns, Ioose. extra fancy. 4.25-4.50; Staymans RDd Willamette Obituaries WRECKING hop picking ma chine A- stationary cleaner, all farts for sale: also 2-G.E h p. motor single phase, 1 2-h.p. single phase motor, 1 2 h p. 3 phase. Onan power plant. 1 hop hoeing machine At 4 750-20 B ply tires. Cobine & Cobine Ranch Independ ence. Ore. Ph. 3-54J4. FOR SALE: German Shepherd puppies, j. l.. tnapman, j mi N. of Independence. store. His family plans to move' 4.00-4.25. here soon and will occupy inej Celery-California, 2-2'i doz. house at 235 E. Clay St.. when it 6WW-50 few iower. hearts, 2.75 is vacated by the David Brody 3-00 doz; local heartS( 2 doZ( 175t tamny. The Spencers plan to remain he-re. Weather Table By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 24 hours to 4:30 a. m. Friday Max. Min. Baker 33 2 Eugene SB 35 Klamath Falls 3fi 13 Lakeview 3fl 12 Medford 37 23 Newport 47 35 North Bend 4!1 32 Pendleton 38 27 Portland Airport 41 36 Roseburg 39 32 Salem 40 35 Chicago Grain CHICAGO upi Soybeans firmed late in the session on the Board of Trade Friday in sympa thy with a sharp spurt in soy bean oil prices. Among other grains wheat iturned downward at the start and remained down. Selling was based Infant Libliv JEFFERSON (Special) Private graveside services were conducted Wednesday at Jefferson cemetery for baby boy Libby, son of Mr. i and Mrs. Milton Libby. The child was born Dec. 31, prematurely,! and died a short time later. Besides his parents, the child is survived by a sister, Connie; two1 brothers, Stephen and Dennis; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. Harlcy Libby, all of Jefferson. The Fisher Funeral Home of Al bany was in charge of the services. Bliss Jones SILVERTON (Special)-Several relatives drove to Aberdeen, Wash LOST: Black & white part Spaniel. Mon., vie. N. Front. Ans. to 'Butch" EM 3-72H3, LOST or nicked ud: Brown bill fold at Y Serv. Sta. 5-W0 Salem-Dallas Hghwy, Ph. Indp. 330 W 2 or Y Ker. Sta. EM 4-2635. Contents badly nrrded. 54 SC. CASE Tractor I hot- CKMKNT CONTRACTOR 7-ft. mower, 3317 Ham el. KM Contractor 10 vrs. evo Prompt 2.;i510. service. . uraKe r-.M-o-us. f K M K NT W O R K Cement work. House raising. leveling and foundations, JlM 2-61! Hi). 150 Mercbaiuliso NEW flour lamps $6 88. Glen woodry, iJ3w. summer. CLOSEOUT New nite stands $10 ea.; bric-a-brac shelves $8.88; Hollywood beds $9 50. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer BUNKBEDS w-mattresses $34.50 Glen woodry, iws n, summer OIL circulators $20.00 to $fl!).50. Glen Woodry. IfiOS N. Mimmer CRANB WORK 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem S?nd & Gravel, EM 2-Z461 TO PLACE AD PHONE EM-4-6S11 EXCAVATING EXCAVATING & Grading. Ditch ing, Earth Moving a specialty. Ben Otjen & Son, operated by Mrs. Ben Otjen St Emil OUrn. 818 E. Rural Ave. EM 3-30M FLOOR COVERlNGS NORRIS WALKER Patnt Co. Floor-covering Division wuan itv Installations Linoleum. As phalt & Rubber Tile, Wall Ule Free Estimates. EM 4-2279, TrAuinu & noziNG BULLDOZING. S5.50 per nr Ex cavating, trencning. tile lay lne. etc Enlc 1 Maerz. EM 4-3517 after 9 p.m. BULLDOZING clearing roads, ponds. D-4 D-6 carryall. V Huskey EM 2-3146. PLI'AIUIN G LICENSED Plumber, new & remodeling EM 2-U596. RECORD 1NG 8 T L'DIOS ALL tvpes of music or speech recorded by Connelly. KM 2-7821. ROOFING PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowinrlv underbid. Repairs. EM 4-2611. ROOFING & REPAIR "CASCADE" ROOFING CO. PHONE EM 3-4823 SAND A GRAVEL SALEM SAND t GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed jmind gravel, sand & top soil. 14l5N. Front. EM 2-2461. WALUNG SAND AND GRAVEL 1625 McGilchnst Crushed quarry rocks and gravel. All me for roads, driveways and parking lots READY MIXED CONCRETE. Garden sand, hull-dozing, shove) and dragline- work EM 3-92.9. 474 Floor Covering 476 Do It Yourself VALLEY SAND GRAVEL CO Crushed A: round gravel sand A: con. mix. EM 2-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamel's septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work EM 3-7404 or EM 3-5071 HOWARDS Roto-Rooter sewers. septic tanKs cleaned. EM 3-5327 MIKES Septic service. Tanks cleaned, D'rooter cleans sewers djainsPhone EM -8468. WALL CLEANING RESULTS perfect. Save paint. Modern Wall Cleaners. CM 2-4287. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM 4-6811 150 Merchandise 452 Appliances GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wash ers, dryers, ranges ot rerrigs. Ill 50 A: up. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. PRICES slashed on electric ranges, refrigerators, wash, machines. Save Now! I Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. USED washers $15 At Up. Mod ern Appliance center. l-4i ao. Com't EM 4-9313. NEED a Vacuum cleaner? 30 on sale at Glen woodry s N. Summer. 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials 470 Building Materials E ALL NEW 300 Personal 312 Lost- and Found LOST: Bov's dark rimmed glasses, YWCA dance New Years Eve. EM 2-0620. Re ward. LOST: Rose gold Wyler ladies writ watch, vie. Busv Corner, N. Y. Eve. EM 4-5414 Reward tAsT in virinltv of Meier A Frank's a medium large male eat white with black spots ribbed with brown. (Child's pet I. If found ph. SH 4-21W). Valsetz. Reward. 314 Transportation. WANTED riders to Portland EM 4-0018. n moisture in parls of the winter , Frida. ttend ,un(,raI s'ervic. . , m. for Bliss Jones, 6-1, a native oft -cast 0( m0re ? .C?me-. . Silvprlnn r,H , flWnnHa-t f w r,:.1115 l,C'd W"mn narrW well known families of Centennial 316 Personal f. wneai ciosea ii2-i"i iower, x.March 2.40s8-34; corn Va lower to i;ts higher, March 1.363i; oats un 'changed to 4 higher. March 78' l: rye 1 to 1U higher, March 1.48: soybeans Vk-2xi higher, January 2.4934-m: and lard days. Mr. Jones died Wednesday af ternoon after being taken to an Aberdeen hospital for surgery. Surviving are the wife, the for mer Miss Vera Ottoway, of Ab erdeen, and also of Silverton; a Pnrihind Livestock PORTLAND tjSV-tUSDA) Cattle changed' to 15 cents a hundred'80"- wiliam a daughter, Jac- FOR FACTS about the Catholic Church, write P. O. Box 6343. Indianapolis. Indiana. Informa tion sent under plain cover. No personal follow-up. R EM EM R ER a ca rd for"" Irs. Lulu Searcy's birthday, Janu- Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (J) Most butcher queline Luzier, and a daughter. Helen Gill, Longview, Wash.; sis lers, Mrs. Emma Langton, Aber deen; Mrs. Nye Bristol (Marie Jones), Hillsboro: Miss Dora salable for week 2.885; trade, pounds higher, January 15.30. active; fed steers and neuers mostly 50 higher; cows strong-50 higher, beef cows up most; load choice 'steers 20,50-21.50:' good 5 sold steady to weak Friday.) Jones Aberdeen, and eight grand- steers largely 18.00-19.50: standard uul Lt'l ";ricniiarcn 17 00-18.00: several loads mostly ."""J' s ii nn-14 00: canner and cutter cows ; ... Power, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs 7 50-9.50. beef type 10.00-10.50. load f ' ' ' jM. B. Layton. died Saturday in 11 no on the close: shells down o P- sw rousht $14.-d to $15., 3 ;n g Brcmcrtoni h.. 5.50: utility cows 11.00-12.00; com- - hospital where he had been under mercial 12.50-13.50: utility . bulls 13 '0r u"m;,.a "r'a!i treatment for several weeks. He A. C. Power MONMOUTH (Special) -A. C. 13,50-15.50. few early 16.00; light heifers were called nominally is survived by his wile Mrs. Edna I WILL NOT be responsible lor anv debts other than rnv own. Donald D. Gonscr, Fit. 3 Box 315V. Dallas. Ore. MORE people buy World Bonk Encyclopedia. Why? EM 2-5662. BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE $30 down will buy a complete' household of furniture, in eluding appliances. 8 piece limed oak dining set. includes table with 2 leaves, S side chairs, 1 host chair. buffet $59,951 5 piece walnut bedrm. set. Consists oft vanity and mir ror, bench, nite stand, bed & chest of drawers... $59,50 Large assortment of club chairs & rockers. From $3.50 Simmons extra long mattress1 & box springs. You can not tell Its used, both for. .$79.50 5 piece dinette set, blonde! finish $12.95 See our large selection of re conditioned ranges & refrig erators, some less than 1 yr. old WOODRY- RKItB 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM4-:.319 5 PIECE drop leaf chrome set. peciai ai ..!-. unen. ivinse. Mart. 2"0 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4 6371. Nice wood circ. heater. 30. Rex- air vacuum with attach.. Sewing mach, $12. EM 2-9910. USED Appliance Sale. Now'a the lime to :iave. oien wooary, 1605 N. Summer. 454 Sewing Machines $147.77 NEW 9 pc. Living room group inc. navenn. niaicnintc T'lcntr. 2 end tables, 2 table lamps, coffee table, 2 sofa pillows. Terms. Yes. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. 936' Glen oodry.I605N. Summer S. Com'l. EM 2-2108, EM 2-2850. $5 prr MO, buys Household ai rnuni fr Anr.n.r-v,,,. mn. furniture and appliances. KO. 1. 2088 N Com I EM 4-2241. 1 J1C" HUNDREDS of - people save every HF.LPI Clothing, shoes, furnt ture, toys, etc. needed NOW for needv families. Ph. EM 4-5141 NOW or bring items to 341 No. Com'l St. St. Vincent DePaul store. 400 Agriculture putters to 10.00. .inm-ia -'. v . - power and four sons; Layton and Calves salable for week 210: '"way. iew, ,";r " ' - Lowell Power, Seattle: Loid and must trade active: good and choice &u"u nu'u 9 ' ni Leigh Power, at home. Funeral ealers steady at 21.00 -26.00:1 A Rood to P" woo.scn-ices were held there Wednes standard vealers 14.00-20.00; cull-ijJfP were Pchased at $18.50 to bu (he Laytons were unab,c utility calves and vealers B-Ott;.-? pt, were 7i00o how. t0 Bltend- 13. no: lew gooa siaugmei wilTAn inn pnK.pc flnri son shcpp Deaths 402 Livestock For Sale 13 00-15.50. Hoes salable for week 1,125: trade active; butchers 25-50 up.! extreme top 75 hipher; sows stei-dv-strong: sorted U.S. No. 1-2 prades 1W-220 lb 19.50-19.75, few 20 00 on close tor mostly no. i s four eood. vnunir mfw rirjiMpm lw.. aiso some soon Heifers. Ph. Turner 726. lovelv Mr. & Mrs. bed room sets w-rKioKrase hen, foot and rails f!Ui 50: New box springs and innerspnng mat tress AR 66 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer CLOSEOUT " F.lertroiux Vacu um cleaners w-nttarh. $S. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer NEW ff yr.cnbs 118.75. Glen Woodry, 16li5 N. Summer rnons Ilideabcd S 1 6fi 50, PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE 16 MACHINES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE 40 TO 70S OFF 450 Merchandise 500 Bus. & Finance 470 Building MtterUli ELECTRIC KM heaters. 23 off. 52 gal. elec. water heater. 165. 12-2 wire. t',c ft. In rolls. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc: hnth set. $120. Built. in range, bath set. 1120. Built-in ovens it 4 burner units SI.5. Outlet boxes, 2V. H-2 wire, 4c ft. in rolls. Apex Electric Ifc Plumb ing. 1410 Broadway. EM 2.1R6G' INLAID linoleum 11.79 per sq. Liberty. R. I.. Frfstrom Co. 260 S. Liberty, VINYL floor Ule. 10c each.. 510 Money to Loan $1500.00 Now you can borrow $1500 from us on furniture, autos. trailer houses and equipment. W are happy that after 28 yenri t we are able to extend this additional service to you. 11 JLIlUUlL I nun CORPORATION Phone EM 3-9161 1.17 So. Com'l. Salem, Oregon CHANGE YOUR OWN OIL Buy Bulk oil at wholesale Kastern 11 'c at. H. D deter- fent 18' 3c qt. 2 jtals. or more n your container. We have all weight! PRINK OIL COMPANY 320 S. Lancaster Or. i Hollywood Finance 480 For Sale Miscellaneous MIDNIGHT blue double breasted luxeilo, size 42. l'erfect con dition. KM 3-67.IR. 20 GAL. Kits water heater, g. Miming circ. wood heater, Apt. sie nas Vesta Itaiitfe. l''.M 2-2021. AUTO, oil floor furnace. (II. C. i.iiiief, complete wmi tank. EM 4-6510. Home owned Home operated Loans to consolidate hills-NcW Purchases Personal Neert. . See us at 1D80 Fairprounds Rd. Salem. Ore. Free Parking lot Ph. EM 2-7032. COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property I oana, Contracts Pur chased. EH7 Court. EM 4-22B3. $25 to $2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS 118 S. Liberty Ph. EM4-2Jii3 pniVATE money to toan. 9 Interest. Ph. EM 20794. 4 New Subscribers Onlv Readers Diftest, A months, tl. in months, iz. i-.m Klp".ulH- 9a s-jS12 Loons Wonted NEW 141i'x20'a' garace for sale. can oc eHstiy movea. aifo om 2 story house to be torn down. EM 2-5805. WANTED to borrow W500 1st morlRafre on income property as security. Write Box 471, Statesman-Journal. EVERY YEAR we have a unit of alt the window! accum ulated throiiRhou! the year, from salesman mistaKes, can eellition from customers, builders wno have cancelled their this year we are golnji to sell in Salem. We have rented the FARMER JONES MARKET at 3559 Portland Rd. and will be open all day Sat. it Sun., other days I can he reached by tele phone EM 4-H720 Salem. These windows were manufactured by one of the largest Mlllwork Mfg. In Oregon. If you don't iee what you want we will make to order. MULINO SASH & DOOR DAl.F VOGLKR EM 4-8720 OPKN TONITE Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer UEAUT1KUL Antique picture frames, reas. Wine velnur davenport. Good cond. $15. KM 2-3855, 2-7481. KLKCTHIC Clary adding ma chine mime as new i:u uien Woodry ltt)5 N. Summer. HAIR dryer, beauty shop mdl. I.Ie rcu ry s w itch .J-M 2 -M72 . 24 X 34 SOLAH rnlarger with lens and 3 x 4 Solar en lariier with 2 lenses. Also Smith-Corona port, typewriter' in Roon conn, mil a I'noin. inn Garfield. Woodhurn Vh. 6626. LRC.rwoOD heaterrotfcircula- lor, large lady's fur coat. wood furnace. 3 burner gas conker. fcM47B..4.lfH3 JA" DOG house, also indoor kennel, cheap. EM 4-1B60, eves. PIT RUN GRAVEL EM 4-2463 600 Employment LARGE ML cedar posts. Rt Hox 247-a, buverton. Noroert J. May, All Guaranteed by Singer Co. CALL NOW SEWING CENTER 456 T.V. & Radio No. 2 RL 115.00 M WAKES & SIDING No. t Painted shakes Ac VC 10.7.1 so. 1 x 12 SIS2K Cedar ...... 110 00 M 1 x 12 lnv. Spruce 175.00 M in mv cedar j:i.ffii M 4R"x:t6" 1 ft.", ea. 1 X 10 Spruce 120.00 M PLASTERBOARD 4R"X" 4R"x!W" 4R"x!tfi" rock lath Glen ncr. FOR QiriCK SALE: 1056 Motor ola IV, 21 in. consnlr in per fect cond. Cost HO!! 95. will sell $14!i.!. KM 4-7450. 17" TABLE model TV. like nrw 109.95. Easy terms OAC. 2.H.5 Claude. EM 3-3517. TELEVISION. Motorola Console 21' TV. Ixioks and plavs like new. $170 05. Used Mdf.e. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. KM 4-6:171. THE BFST SFRVICF for lew. Hanson TT. EM 4-W44. ROOKING 3 in 1 215 lb. compo shingles 45-lh. roll Ofi-lh roll Krall paper 458 Musical Instruments BALDWIN mod. 45 organ. Blonde, like new. Save SVHi Piano ra.sed reed organ Stone Piano Co., Salem. NELSON S Dalrv Breeders Assn, Ph. EM 4-2S.49, ' SALEM Meat Co,, locker beef. 21c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping. Bacon sliced free fit trailer loaned. 40 CHOICE Whiteface Ewes Highway EWE North of Albany 1 mile 1 block East ori Scott Road. I li!ntrn (IninilS J. n. Gross: ,r .. . . Late resident of Phoenix. Arir, By Initrd Press Ijanuarv 2nd at Phoenix. Survived by Supplies moderate; demandjwife, Mrs. Ruby Cross. Phoenix. 403 Livestock Wanted LARGE studio grand. Hefmished in gleaming ehonv, excellent condition. Ideal f'r d i scrim ! . naling pianist and teacher. $1500. Stone Piano Co., Salem. ACCOKDIONor Piano lessons. Free ue of accord Inn. EM Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer! 2-.T.55. Uuane Hunsakrr. OPKN TONITF ORGANS, new At used. Lessons Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer TYPEWHITKR" deskT Solid 'oak" $49 95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Libertv. Ph. KM 4 G..71. Rentals. MORRELLS Organ Sales and Service. 3W N. Hinr.. WE pay top cash price for pianos. Used Mdse Mart 270 S I.ihortv CM 4-H-7I HKYWOOD Wakefield Klng sie - bed. box springs, innerspnng '"- ' "' m; mattress $H9.W) mnWnrati.. markrt for Spanish :Ariz.; 2 daughters '-.,, st t j Gross, beanie 7 no T0P cash prices at vour place. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer DAVENPORT ft chatr set. Spe rial $29 95. Used Md-e. M.irt. 270 S Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. or vours Nancv B. Hi 3865 Liberty Rd. EM 3-9020 462 Wanted Hshld Goods $130.50 NKW Biltwell rtav.nn and rock er nr 2 w. scrtl'inal. Clen Wf,odrv. 1605 N. Summer MM Si-r ". u..j.. ........ ..- - ":', R.v cwi km ... rn.... -ff Vn Is lfi 50- SOWS 300-ojO IDS ctpadv p m- ln Tne t-naP" 01 ,np 'rK' ' off NO. 3S 1B.SU. sons iu Sicaa. Golden Co. Inlermenl. Belrrest Me. LIVESTOCK buyer. Eiw.rdl. 13.S0-17.S0. j Track sales '50 lbs.' t. b. 1 un-!,,,,, Ptty. Rev. W. H.irold Lvmannl Rt. 3. Box !M EM 4-1113. Sheep salable for week 2.000; less stated: Michigan Y e 1 1 0 w u-iii a((:r-.ate. Riialiw .ervice. by'cATfrE tm staie'r f sT n trade active: four loads of mostly; Globes 75 to 80 per cent 2-inch;' Knights 10 Pjitnu. I Snethen. em .-13V em '2.4.1m: choice range lambs 19.50-19.75; 'and larger showing frozen bottoms B,b7 olrl McKibbemt cattle; 'liVrii.""i .vour" f.rm'. slaughter lambs 50 higher: otheras is for 80 cents. i m tw. citv January Snd Infant: E c- Mccandiisn, em 3-ei... 'im. steady no real test on Street sales: Colorado Spanish dauhtr of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mt-;cATTi.r buyer, a. f srnntner. 'tiers: od-choice wooled and 3-inch and larger 2.75-3.00: T. S. J' " ""mon, Dr. em .hnrn slauchter lambs 17.00-18.."0: commercial fair Condition 2.00; K.bbens and Mrs Vera MrMorm. .. mos Iv choice shorn lambs White Spanish 3-incn and larger bom .of .Salem, .r.,,v..d.r,rr. 405 Pet. 452 Appliance, ith o 2 pelts 18.50 Monday: 2 65-2.75. 2 to 3-inch 2.S.O0: ,, 3M, P M ,1 Memorial ,,,,,, PPTC , . . j to T. flroonn Snanish 3-inch and Park Services under tr.e direction .MLLmr. 1 r. 1 r :"mPafew'esmaH W, eriy w"i larger 300: White Spanish 2 - w. T. Ro Co. . . n rrn r.nlt: Iff 3-inch 2.i.v3 00: Midwest CliOWS u-IUUm Harrison Grabenhont: . r... W pond slaughter medium 1.25-1.35. irregular Size In l-n nty January ird. U. rH- LOVKI.y reg. Boxer pups, i Utllltv and 10W pooa siduuiiti d(,nt of Rl 4 Box pnnie, 8t t,l(! ured price EM 4-8575 4-3f,' lamhs !6 00-17.00: few good-choice l.nn-M-i- J! co!.OR-FRF.D"roiir3',l feeders lS.OO-lo 00: CUU - gOOO c , 1- ihn. Doane Portland. Geore K Gra- 1340 Chemeketa. E..T 3-4: CASH FOR FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. I'h. EM 2-7472 L LL lenein anor mirrors. ; . ued -Mdse Man 270 s. Lib- 464 Sports Equipment MAN'S hoe skates iize JO1',, like new. EM 3-5361. NEW TV Rntorri.-iirs $20 50 filen Woodrv. W)5 N. Summer. KVTHA " nirr" rr:.ftma ster " Uvinr ' C AS nfltf. (or uw"d tUnS.' m0& room suite. Jteii." B70 Judson. ern and ntirpie Cascade Merc. 1230 Broadway. ',466 Bicyclet nihunhua puppies, CftrkatiPl. Can-ines, Parrot. Birds board' ed. Open eves. 4005 StJite. REPOSSESSEIJ f.ibs'tn refri , ued 3 tun. Tik- over bal $H G5 tfT mo. M'.dfrn Appli ance Center, 1141 So. Corn'l. EM 4-uht,:i HOY'S 2f." SCHWINN I'M. KM 2-7047 470 Building Material OPKN TONITK Glen Woodry 1Wi.1 N. slaughter ewes 2 00-5 00. Portland Grain not BIFtO Par...1.v bird'." tr"" ftih. i 3180 Livingston. EM 2-1913. BENIMX M'idi r..hnKn-it all-Tl- fafhi OtIJCIII ITItll tVCla lb-nhort and Mrs. Earl R (Rohera BOXER d'K. 12 mo" old'." ' n" f Strausb.iuan. all Salfm; grind- 6t ciipped. EM 2 - ft 1 3 1 a ..nnr. At r.i,- father of J:iU Anne :raunacn vnrn.'iiru Bn(1 r.r R S. r9u, ha U tl .1. both Sfl dealer lor tne gumanre or i.pnai .,. hrr,,k,. n, ,. i .v-ihe. 0TL'D .fi Coarse grams. Journal Readeri (Revised daly) ;McA.-ister. SaVm. Mr1 Br-jce iEve- MICKEY'S parakeets, rain, DELCXE i- j-.,. chmmpnt hulk C0at deliv-1 Ff,d,; ,, .... ,mft 'Jvm Do an. Partlar.d. Geoff e H. Gra- feeds. 32i S Com'l. EM 2-2755 r,.itn v lvda Shipment, nUlK COa.l utn RabBlt Peluxl 3.55 t80.b. 0Libenhorst. Salerr.. Charles W. Grahen-' KFTTH.--plwv-rAOM 1 Re(r:pe, Crv- UatS 0. . 1 v1"1.'- . 54 44 on iw-io dk ihort. S3lerr.; nephe of car: e Gra-' jiijo cV-t- EM 2- '29 nt'-rspe r.o: strives on hvt 5200. Com No. 2. E. V Shipment 3 (lwMb baf, p M In tn- Ch,pe, 'ot th w T Aft noon & eves. No Sun. calls '. - - Used Wash bastna comp 110 b2 25-62.75. j Poultry: .Rigdon Co Concluding cervirw will V-.p'e. ii ly'rtelVin finssh. No " Placer bd fl 25 sht 14 I ft PT rno rn App!i;irn e Center, 1141 v.m'l. EM 4-f353. tinghouse Auto or Deluxe West -frozen f'"d 1 BIDGUPPUES CKDAK fence post Rood quality ireaien or nnireateo, foies Ph. EM 43081. YEAR END SALE CONTINUES OAK FLOORING No. I RL 1 fl5eji. J4c yd. Keith Brown Specials CLOSE-OUTS While They Last noons doors: 3H Only 20x6-Bxlni Fir nuNti vi.uuea. 18 Onlv 2-4x6-8x1'b 10 Lite French 4.00ea. 11 Only 2-4xS-8xl I Lite French 5 OOea. 4 Only 2-0x6-8x1 1 Panel ftOOaa. 7 Only 2-4x8-8x1 1 Panel 5. OOea. No. 2 Inside Slip Jamba l.ooea. Inside Door Jambs 3. OOea. HARDWARE: Srh lane Keyed Ieka 4 JMIea. SchliiKO Patio Locks 2 .Vien A. 4" Butta .5vpr. PAINTS: Varnish A Tenetrallnf Slain 'a pts 25i- , pis 50c, qts 75c, sM SI. 58. Cin-Dek Enamel , pts .10. .. pts BRc, qts I. HO, Gnl 5 57. S.itin Enamel pis Mv , pts 60c, qll 11.25, Bill 14 38. O S. White f2 SORal Standard Texollte l.nsqt. 12 colors 3 65eal 4xHx' Hardhnard I.HfiNheet 4xKxU ll.irdhonrd . 2 OOhheel lmlerlii.vment Llnoleiin HEAVY Duty office safe SI50, uien woonry, lbua h. summer TYPEWRITERS adding ma- chines, cash re fosters, dupll cators. desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Iloena, 456 Court. EM 602 Help Wonted FRY COOK WANTED The Spa. State St. APPLICATIONS are now beinf laKen inr Mates man Dicyrie routes. Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parent! or have their written pcrmts (ion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the Statesman Journal. CAfTfAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in office personnel. Bide. adj. Presbyterian Church 354 N. Winter EM 2-063 Your future Is our Job. 604 Help Wonted, Mon 481 For Rent Miscellaneous ...7 B.l sq. 2 50 ra. 4 00 ea. ... 2 40 ea. A" GRADE MAHOG. DOORS 20 X R8 4 7(1 ea. 24 x fiB 5 2.i ea. 2tt x fl8 5 2 ea. 28 x 68 5.45ea. A" GRADE BIRCH DOORS 20 X 68 7 20 ea. 24 X 68 8.10 m. 2fi x 68 fl.40ea. 28 X 69 8 75 ea. SANDED PLYWOOD 4x8 '-in. Eir 235ea. 4x8 J1-in. Fir 3 lOra. 4x8 'j-in. Fir 4Wiea. 4x8 s-m. Fir 4 55 ea. 4x8 4-tn. Ftr 520 ea. 4x8 Vln. Birch A-3 ..iz i a. HARDIIOARD 4x8 '.-In. Industrial -....1 00 ea 4x8 l-in. Industrial . 2.25 ea. CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER 4xHxs Hnrdbonrd PLYWOOD: Sanded Fir Sainted Fir Sanded Fir Sanded Fir Sandf-d Fir Sheathing Fir SliealliuiK Fir Sheathing Fir StieiitluiiK Fir Sheathinjl Fir 4xRx4 Itirrh Panel 4xflx'4 Mating. Panel 4x8x'4 Mahogany Ply LANCASTER & CENTER PH. SALEM EM 2-1500 RENT er lenso tne. warehouse space cement flour, brick blcig., downtuwn. lnq. 11, L. Stiff Furn. EM 3-0185. 483 Wanted Miscellaneous Small Stands of Timber 10 trees or 1000. Also dozlnir. land clearing, ditching, road BARKER'S furniture wants good usea iiirn. we pav easn or trade. 3794 Silverton Rd. EM 4-0444. Make More Money Company representative for Aero Mnvf lower Transit Co. Inc. will interview applicants a long distance furniture movers. Applicants must he over 25 years, free to travel, have rood references and furnish ite model tractor. Phone Mr. Edward F.vans at the Multno mah Hotel. CA B-7441, Port land. Ore Ron, January 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12th. 3.52bheet 8 OHsq. ft. .l)!lM(, ft 12sq. ft. 13'. sq. ft. .Itsq. ft. JIHsq. ft. .10sq. ft. .12sq. ft .l.'tsq. ft, , Hq. ft. 6.40sheet 3 fll sheet 4.8()Khect Attention Farmersi TURN YOUR WOOD LOTS JNTO CASH We are In the market for logs in a lengins noun to e diam eter at flfl per cord. Also saw logs In 16, 24. 32 and 4M-ft. lengths as well as standing Umber At top market prices. Burkland Lumber Co. TURNER, ORE. PH. SALEM EM 4-9911 WANTFD several thousand cords of wood, all species. Ph. 3-7721 3-7721 Nights EM 4-5G33. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD 235 N. Front EM 3-9111 he Cive b&II Green Mam pi NVENTORY SALE TAKE IT AWAY YOU'LL SAVE MANY $5 Flush Doors M.-itiogaiiv and Fir 20 Dmirs 3 05 484 Miscellaneous Rug & Upholstery Cleaning Bring new life to your rugs A upholstery; clean today, use tomorrow LEE 4020 Stale St. Ph. EM 2-70OI DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASKS DH HARRY SEMI ER, Dentist IBM hat office position available for aggressive, intelligent ynunjf man, age 2.1-28 with some "of flee experience. Excellent ad vancement possibilities and fl hove -average salarv. Phone Mr. Wilson, EMpire 3-9261 for appointment. iirtvr, opening tor live wire huslnesH opportunity salesman. Well established for both list ings and prospects. Call AI Isaak & Co.. Ph. EM 4-3311 or eve. Ph. EM 3-3558. 606 Help Wonted, Lody ELDERLY lady to enre for 6 yr. oki gin. live in, wages, sun, off. EM 4-3548 after U a.m. HAVE openings for 3 ladles, 4 hrs., per day. 5 days per week doing telephone survey work from your home. If vU have a pleasant voice h like to talk to people, come to room 320 Oregon Bldg.. for interview, from 0 a.m. till It noon & ask for Mr, Robinson, LADY for light housework, care (or l child. Live in. M alter 4. TELEPHONE canvasser, exp. S referred, good pay. Ph. EM 5364. WANTED housekeeper hetween age w at dm. r.m z-ouoj. aner 6 30. WANTED: Middle aged woman to do housework. 2 in familv, all modern conveniences. Live in. EM 4-655!.. LADY to do housework and live in, 3 in family. 5 day week. EM 2-3323 or EM 2-0460. Adolph Bldg. State A Com ! ls; WANT experienced waitress SAL KM I'll. EM 3-JJ1I rvcnings. Must have own - , . , transportation. Colonial House. 486 Machinery & Tools em 4 3744. 2 0 to 2 8 Doors Front Doors, Hollow Core Solid Core, 3 it Door Jambs Louvre and Glass Doors Short Mahog-tny Mouldings ai r ir iT.res Shake It Cedar Siding L'npaintcd 2 IS sq men ... n :n sq. inted In Boxes 1 '(5 sn These are goM kiln drv shakes tve lar too manv. 6" and 8" & 10"' Cedar Siding 19 up Sheelrock U Haul 1 36. V 1 W. li" 185 Plvwood - U Haul '." 8c. fl., 1t" 9c. '' 12f. "i" I3r. 4" lie. per ft. Sanded 4 x8' 4'x6' and Smaller. Storm Doors Wood, 2t. Aluminum $30. Plas tic Storm Window :i'.ic. Wall paneling Knotty Pine $H8- -13.1 M Knotlv Spruce and Cedar 1145 M 1J I'ine Shelving 2x4x8' Stud several used welders. See at AQQ Commission Work 700 .Stewart St. Ph. EM 4-7544 0 USED Welders for sale 6U8 III- 12 05 tltoia EM 3-H5H6. 2 05 8.05:490 Fuel MEN If you want a job with no lay off with security & ad vancement opportunities, Call itersonnel malinger. Ph. EM 5364 between 6 30 It 10 a m. Old grohiabrock wood 610 Soles Help" Wont'ej 812 cord Also oak wood Cut 1 length Prompt delivery ARE vmi retired or seml-re liren? ine nesi way m suppie iiirnt your income is by nper Ph S.iIcjii EM 2-!4)4 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDlWr A WOOD EM .1-6(14 "' WfST SAf.F.M FUEL Dry green wood Tube or piunnul sawdust 1525 Kdgewatcr Ph. EM 2-41)31 i ting your own Rawlcigh bust ness Interesting pleasant protitahle. Let me help you get btartcd in nearby local Hv now available. See J. Fox 419 EMadronj, Salem or w rite Raw ieigh'a Dept-153 Oakland DRY 16" Fir wood. Pick up at I 20 Calif. farm or we del. cora lois. rn. w a NT En In to work lmmd.. 2 neat a ppc r i n g men. 25 (9 45, with serviceable car. Comm. basis plus mo, bonus. . For inter vie.. . contact Mr. I'ekrul 7 p mi. to 0 p.m., S.ilem Hole. No Ph. calls. lumber. H 2 - 4 In Ituiidles Shiplait. IxH. koihI CLEANUP NOW IN STOCK 2xa. go.Ki prices rJl I'M II OMiLL I ll't M EM 4-3081 STOVE' wood & usr sell cheap. 2104 N. 4lh " OREGON EUEL H Sawduit. fJrecn & Drv Wood S & H 'irccn SLinip-i EXECtf'flVE SALESMAN . 30S7 Broadway. Ph. EM 3-3533 Former Wellington or Oreg , school teacher or iidmini.ttr, gon Whpat: Car receipts: Wheat 105; ; oats 1: mill feed 6. Vail Street NEW YORK rc-fd is5ues were actively anri hicher a the tock rort late Friday afternoon. Volume fir the day mated at around 2..-) shar I Buying prices Colored frvrrs. ,20c: at Belrret Memorial Park. Rev. 41ft Eruit E..m pp.J,..- old roosters, ir; colored fowl, lc; Roger T. .smith ;ll illicia.e. grorn fowl. lie. -it-t- .. . , r -!. I'irm.r' ir." r-r'i u"iari, ?tn. 1 I ! ;-.. . . i. a. . . .i .--. i, 2 5'.10 Hael Green Rd. EM APT : ruv to I v. nl ne " 'Jien stove, has hi'. I CARROTS ft- f-ed 1 sac 5 EM 4-.V.81 PASTrtRi7FD whole milk. ?Se rr;'!r 2-30?.S. rr-Hmm A 34c: small A. 24r Anrour. Wholesale rice: A jumbo. 3V rr-ade later by tr.e V.rjjil T. ... ii-c- AA ?A-- larfle AA. 48c. C.n. H Otis and SC- large A. 4c: tredium . , . . fha Tivk market nH-i. Premium 66c: San. Jani.rv 4th SjrvHed hv us- i'I...uc- -lery Ulry, ...4 Vt.KTj- -(. 2. 3C. Mrs J.e Monins. .lfm B,,ttfr . M' 0 Fre'ag Aneeic TOP nualit plants Ui let ' Re's1' I AA f-srt V; nusrlers Ca.;f A'.riuir-rr,! of e'-.:'r Mldd O-ove Njrwfv '?' -i- v;"-e A'e So. d AA, 71c; quar- o n it U'.er by the '.;il T. Go.d-. S:iv Ri We -vt 64.H Greer, lac k. 6 CORON ADA at SVi 11 v l2., Mm Appll enter. 1141 So. Com' iinf '"tr.fort RftriFe 3 's 19i5 N- fiufnirier Wo'-dr LFD '!f- E 11" A. Af'v Com ! L'A 4-i3i3. with fran, ei & hdd 17 50 ALL Kinds Elec. Supplies Used Fir flooring $45 per M 115 155 per M E. S. RITTER & CO. j 570 Portland Rd Ph EM 4flill 4 mi North of Salem. ' , n.l. i Nortn of Tot ern Pill. 1 Open all day Iwturda Birch Plv 10 c; V I5c ; 1 ," 2U . 27c. HenutJful KNOTTY CEDAR 27c BEAL'TIFL'L PLYWOOD PAN EI.IN'IS CHERRY fiUM TEAK - MAHOOANY BIRCH - SEN - CEDAR SAMARA Come in and see their ' 1 I FIR PLY -- Large and rn!l -YOI'R SIZE AT YOI!R RE- . QI'EST' MOH SHEATHIHO 1 i SPECIAL: Extra-long sheets of '," Jk V EXTERIOR ply v A - REASONABLY PRICED' 1 0k Flof.nng ln HEATED HLDfl i Verv rea-onahle! HIRCH it I Pf.CAN EI.O also in slock. j I DOORS Corning out our ears! i M-.hog A lurch 13 '5 and up. :i6 Month to Pav on approved credit' And, WE'RE OPEN ALL DAY SAT URDAY AT Portland Itoiid Lunilrfr Yard , :i5l5 Porlland Road EM4 44.I3 STEEL Oarape Doors, complete , with hardware, J43 50 ln-: stalled. J.V150 Metal eaves troupn. 13'. r. built-in 4 burn er nrjtr 12.70 Toilet, 124 50. 8-ln ent I..n EI'I'INC, LI'MMKR CO Toxrdlte Ruhher Hasp 1 tt Cal All Inslfle I'it'nis HJ pet off Out-; ln SUM KTIIfNO We Capitol iitw Cl aw du . e a Chip Ml Fuel Co 1420 . EM 3-7721. Floorii Oak No. 2 Shorts Fir. Kiln Dried All Oak Flo. CAPITOL FUEL CO. ' Drv oak. aih & maple wood ' M choice slab block wood $75 M mixed dry or green. Dry mill on saie wood ' 14n hroadwav EM .1-7721! ANDFRSON'R slabwood, 2'i-unlt load Ph. KM 2-7751. Toilets, close coupled Vrfi fial. Septic I aril. ' ' rial vanied Pine Elect. Wire 14-2 in rolls 3 Insulation WANTED Several Rock Wool 2'yl.V fl II rords of hark fee wood, fir or Fiber (ilass Blanket 5V H, hemlock Ph. EM 3-7721; nigh'i H Vlfl'i Nails $10 keg FM 4.3 RVK. 4 "-fl "SHAVINOSrWE-DKUVER Hardboard, it", 4nH lncel 1 ''8 iiii pi 9-6171 Mahogany Ply 3 x6' 10c. ft 1 11. r,.i tun Just a few of our manv items t on sale Please come 'eki()() HllA. IX I' IlianCf davs if possible. Saturdaysl and Sundavs are verv busy Cash or up to :i6 months on our SlO Monev to LOOH n - anie low nrices ; .i-- n 5 :Mi for cot deling service tenai also onerea. A B C PI Call HU ho-ne ren bor A ri All New nplete 1 Material King Building Supply itnoi n y, Portlr 8105 N Vanr ;its.-.n AL 4-355! id. Oreg'-n er Av Bit .1 ,lfi?l 3740 SUvertoa Rd. I' a. E-4 i-lttl Uiiaaa ftiwa Oto fjiui4iJ LOANS 50 00 to $1.500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your hills. Finance through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COM PANY 182 S Church St. EM 2-24S7 To PI flee Classified Ads renresent School and Library Division of large pub lishing company. Would he in charge o( .sales and sales pro motion to schools and libraries In Washington and Oregon. Ac quaintance with ichools and schoolmen in area helpful. No sales experience necessary. Substantial salary plus com mission, bonus, expense, re if available. Box 472 Statesman-Journal. Ferry. EM 4-33fll. SALESMEN We need a fev more men to 5cll our hospital plan. Commissions Dald daily, renewals paid nmnthlv. 14.10 Broadway, between 9-11 am. MEN AND WOMEN COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE Well established resident to rep resent the Junior Division of Encyclopaedia Britanntca, Inc. full or part-time. Good earn ings. For part culars write D. C Doolev, Personnel Mgr., Room 506, Broadway Bldg., Portland, Ore. Include chnrnc ter references. EXP. retail hardware clerk. rite giving lull particular. m mt. ear round esnp. Boa tfft 1 in in Jnuf if iL - ,KXI'. Wri Inn l Ml irr.pare(t ith 2,W),0O0 Tbx--y,i.r.. -Jc. Co. I O