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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Pae I V ft iVy -byLUCRECE HUDGINS BE ALE I J ttyV' Anopals: I found Princess princess wes frightened and they'd Anne hldlnr in our barn. She had run away from the palace because she feared the king. He had become cold and strange to her. He spent his time In a secret room and no ie who hud gone In there with him had ever come nut again. CHAPTER THREE He Make Wish I want to return her to the king. I we nid behind a bush until they'd all gone. Then we went down the road as fast as we could and all the time 1 kept thinking, "Where can we go?" Everyone in the kingdom would be searching lor the princess and no home would dare to give her shelter for fear of the king. All at rtnnn thprn nmn o tinula When Princess Anne told me of jangle of horses and we leaped he wing s secret room and of the into a ditch at Iho sMp nf ih or later we'd be bound to get to the North Pole." The princess felt her pale blue slippers and I knew she was think ing she could never make it. So 1 said, "1 have heard you can get there by wishing. Let's try that." We stood hand in hand at the side of the road and closed our eyes tight and wished and wished and wished we were in Santa Land. Opponents Say IP Seeking Jto Reverse Vote Opponents of Idaho Power Com pany's three dam development of the Snake river presented a brief before the Oregon Hydroelectric Commission yesterday labeling the company's project as an attempt to reverse a vote of the people of Oregon. Portland Attorney Don S. Win ner . filed the brief in answer to the utility company's request that Suddenly there was the awful: the commission cxemDt its nro- ira'.ge way ne acted I was fright- road. A whole troop of soldiers I t , j - posra uains iro n some provisions nod. too. came allnnin1 nv in,in HZ i comln8 back up the road, .opened of the Oregon hydroelectric act. ii.m ad woinrt iho r cu-nrH i eyes loo late Because incy Willner filed Ihe brief in his jknew they were hunting the prin- "I told my nurse that father. ce5s "Have you told anyone else?" asked. lad changed and thai I was afraid ! No Where To Go if him. She said she felt the After Ihcy had gone we lay lame. Then one day he called her there in the ditch and the prin a him in the secret room." .cess said, "Oh, dear, there's no "What happened? What did she where I can go!" see in the room?" I thought she was right until all "I don't know." moaned little princess. "She never peared again!" - the of a sudden I remembered ap- story my sister had read thai nlnl.t .k.i.l C.l.. fl-..- I 1115m auuui arillld VldU3 UIIU kAm U.-.J I I 1 - I I.. .K.l! There was a long moment when " him ' l'rhThfnU? Tke fai C0U!,di "" Sanla wuld d tt he'd , Ihl S -i SS. ',earlJ surely help someone who does be- Then the princess said, "That wasjlieve in hmli" , tllougnt. , turned a week ai;o. This morning my;i n, nPin,.. "r on. We II go to Santa Land. Santa's not afraid of anything and he will father sent for me and told me I was to meet him at noon in the secret room." 1 "And so that is why you ran away!" She nodded. "I ran and ran un til 1 came to this barn and now, certainly know what to do." ' How to Get There "Oh,-wonderful!" cried the prin- oh now I don't know where to go1,.,.""' " l or what to do'" ncar(1 storles a,,oul oll,cr ,nllis ed by Willncr Include the Oregon State Grange, Oregon State Labor council, Oregon Farmers union, Oregon RKA Co-operative associ ation and Hells Canyon Develop ment association. Idaho Power has asked the com mission to waive the provisions that would give the stale the right to take over the dams SO years after they are built and to specify the rate at which the projecs will be depreciated. Winner's brief slated that the provisions were contained in a Senate bill of 1918 which was re ferred to the voters and defeated. ARCHBISHOP ELEVATED Rockies-Plains Areas Numbed By Bitter Cold By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS early Thursday. Along the leading edge of the cold air temperatures were generally near the 30s from eastern Wisconsin through Okla homa. ' Fairly heavy snow covered the ground in Ihe frigid belt, with up to two feet in the mountain areas of Montana. Nearly a foot of snow was on Ihe ground at Malad City, near the Ulah-Idaho border. Falls . .. . 1 I a, tmsm iivniij. tuui iiiiiiva in atoic air urousi 1 UU.K-I.UI....S , most 0f -Montana and Wyoming, weather to most of the Northern Lightcr ,, rcp0rted in the Plains and sections of the Rockies Da-Mas. 1 nursaay. 1 empcrauirus uroupeu to near 23 below zero In Montana. The icy Canadian blasls, mov ing southward and eastward, ex tended from Eastern Washington my eyes too late because Ihcy Winner filed Ihe brief were almost on us and we were canacitv as representative of 1 Catholic .Church in Great Britain too snared to move. groups opposing the low-dam con- succeeding Bernard Cardinal Tomcrnm : Calhoun McGilllcuddy I struction. Organizations represent-1 Griffin who died Aug. 19. VATIPAW flTV IA Dnnn Pine ' XII Thursday named Archbishop Lake Michigan and southward William Godfrey of Liverpool as through Missouri and Oklahoma. Archbishop of Westminister. Arch-1 Readings dropped rapidly lo bishop Godfrey, at 67, thus as-1 ward Ihe zero mark from Ncbras sumes leadership ef the Roman , ka through Minnesota and were below zero in most ot tne uoko tas. Wyoming and Montana. It was -24 below at Glasgow, Mont., YULE DINNER FOR DOGS RICHMOND, Va. Itf-Chrlslmns dinner for the dogs at the city pound has arrived from an anony mous donor just as - it has for the past four years. -Accompanying the 48 cans of dog food and four boxes of biscuits was a card identical to one received each year and signed "In memory of Chubby and Beauty." ROTC Horrors Go to Paulus Lawrence R. Paulus 0! Salem has been picked as a "distin guished military student" in the army ROTC program at Oregon State College. Only 38 seniors -vere selected for the honor this year. Distinguished military .students have the opportunity to apply for regular army commissions, rather than for the reserve commissions normally received by ROTC grad uates. If accepted, they may, upon graduation, enter the regular army on the same basis as a West Point graduate. Selection of distinguished stu dents is based on scholarship, mil itary program achievements and leadership potential. Advanced ROTC army training Is offered at OSC in infantry, corps of engi neerssignal corps, and field ar tillery. '. " A senior majoring in agriculture, Paulus Is in the infantry section of the ROTC program. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Paulus of 866 Oak St., Salem, and is a 1953 graduate of Salem high school. .. Mom Cun't Remember : Which Twin Choking DAYTON, Ohio Ml Mrs. Bella' Hedges was stumped when one of her 2-year-old twin sons ap parently chocked on something. She turned him upside down and the choking stopped but the cause didn't drop out. Later she forgot which (win was choking so she took Doth David and Douglas to Good Samr itan Hospital for X-rays and. Douglas was found to be one penny richer than David. istl Mi J et Half Scared lo Death 1 was scared half to death. I didn't know what to do either. So, I took the princess' hand and said. "Come on, we've got to get out of here!" We dropped out of the loft and slipped out of the barn. Just in time, too, cause here came all seven brothers lo bed and I knew (n.-V "u tinclircnl -oh" Ml"! r going and I knew there were lots of ways. "One ways," I said, "is to swal low a magic pill." "But we don't have a pill," protested the princess. "Well, I said, "another way Is to let the wind blow us see, like mis. But though there was strong wind blowing, it didn't blow us anywhere. "Well," 1 said, "we fnuM iur1 'va'k nn-ib Tid sooner A whole troop .of soldiers galloped by. South Africa Imprisons 140 'Equal Racists' JOHANNESBURG, South Africa Wi The government Thursday held 140 men and women at a prison fort here for a treason in quiry pointed at foes of South Africa's racial segregation pol icies. Those -arrested in a countrywide sweep included whites, Africans, Indians, and persons of mixed blood. They face court hearings in the first peacetime treason prosecution. They were swept up in raids at various points on bodies opposing racial segregation (aparathcidl and on leftist groups. Most of them were flown to Johannesburg by military airlift. A preliminary hearing for some of those arrested was recessed un til Dec. 19. The prisoners were held without bail. Details of the treason charges were not disclosed. But Foreign Minister Eric H. Louw told re porters af U. N. headquarters in New York that "persons who arc well known Communists had car ried on subversive activities" in connection with the racial situa tion. Accused Father Waives Hearing 77 In Beating Case PORTLAND (UP) Glen Den nessen, 34-year-old Portland long shoreman accused of beating his 13-year-old daughter, waived pre liminary hearing on a cnargc of contributing to tnc girl s delin quency here yesterday and was bound over to the grand jury on the charge. The girl and her father came face to face in the courtroom yesterday for the first time since she fled to a neighbors home last week, accusing her father of beat ing her. Bail on the contributing charge was fixed at $1500 and defense pleas to have it reduced failed. The father also is under $3000 bail on the beating charge. Salem Man Named Officer for UF G. Rodcric Durham, Salem, executive secretary of the Oregon Chest, was elected in New York City Wednesday as secretary treasurer of the National Assn. of State United Hinds, The Oregon Chest is one of 10 statewide United Fund agencies Brie. H. J. Du Plooy, chief of i in country. the criminal investigation depart ment, said more arrests might be made. TO BUY SOVIET, JEEPS JAKARTA, Indonesia Ml Prime Minister Sastroamidjojo said Thursday he has siened a contract lo buy 550 jeeps from the Soviet government for the fndonesian air force. No weapons will be bought from the Soviet Union "for the time being," Sastroamidjojo said. Musical Gifts For Every Member of the Family Wiltsey-Weathers MUSIC Open Monday and Friday Nights 'Til 9:00 P. M. Capitol Shopping Center Pbnne g-7a The tf '."Green Stamp Woy at Si i; I Salem . Only IWeewe SW jffy the Nter JP ML I l y snij Vi,- Ai - OECK ANDt r ' ' T V.. .For Dati &r Vc. . . for Mom. t . 'nli 'aM'fib -ftrnttita tipsMi i .&im&.tmV8wm& "mssm t .n wjm irn mm r i mm t m ' mm V Xi VJ 'V r ' " XaNk.' Sear have anticipated almost every wish . . . ; I LfTj ' MrhlGr ' w ' VI 1. with lovable for animals that actually squeok for ' , Cushion trinu hinner nirlc nnA fntiiilnnc knuArJ f5 r ! ' ' j Jbl r "'s.. In,l ant' brocaded dreams for her ladyship, to say - OiJ ,SSw blzelb-U vmiui J s rt -.ifi.r.-- ...L!. -f j.L- I -I;J .1 .1- IBlPSWSSc P t J hZ " jooW naming gr rne real :ona nown-TO-orin nipper rSSSSS. "tStof CrLs'L " O . v comfort a man likes to come home to. So head I I NlSSSSJSA 5. V Ih i ' ct... .o rioht down to Soar anA xwhittla Aawn vnur than. " I C? SSB&VVGZSS, ) -Ao choose from a host of colors . KWiv ' .t. x'. sl.. ........ ET XWsv'A -Y- SJA CrepeS... 0987 ' 5 ' J tm7 ; Sites 6-13 O "1 j&j I Wy -w----- - - - ""if 1 Cushi.n Imol. l i ii . Plush Animal Siies5-12 Wool Fell CerJtwy Terry Cloih Crepe Sole "SkSuma utuy fad' 55on. Capitol Phone 3-9191