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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1956)
v - Page 4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem,- Oregon, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Season's First Snow Hits Salem Hobby Topic of Talk at Rotary Some of (he beauty of (he snowfall thawed up In powder. Park employes were about ihelr usual -'; Bush park, where picnic lablea and recreation (all lank of culling down dead tree limbs, a crew : equipment whlck were In use urh ihort time being Tlilble In the backf round. ' i(o were burled under' three Inches ol white ' Mrs. Gladys Workman of Scotts burg, Ore., has a hobby of people and she gained a number of friends among Salem Rotarians Wednesday noon when she gave a humorous talk conceiting Ufe ad vantages to be gained by adopt ing a hobby and working it it. Hobbies do not necessarily have to be expensive projects, Mrs. Workman said as she advised the Rotarians to share their experi ences with others. She suggested that hobbyists gather the handi capped around them qi-least once a month and give them an eve ning's entertainment. Mrs. Workman said she just na turally liked people, "horse thiovot" InrliiHMl Durintf her 30- minute address she introduced a number of her friends via the dialect route. Mrs Workman ennke fpplinplv about an elderly man near Santa Barbara, Calif, who had adopted a hobby of sunsets following the death of his wife. He kept a diary in which he recorded his Impres sions of sunsets day by day, tied them In with memories of his wife of more than a half century. ADDRESS INAPPROPRIATE HERTFORD, England WV The Hertfordshire County Council last night turned down an offer of six lots on Thieves Lane for apro- jeeted police housing development Monmouth Boy Hurt MONMOUTH (Special) Danny Schellenbarger, tyear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shellenbar ger, was struck by a car Friday afternoon as he crossed the high way in front of their home near the north city limits on old WW. He suffered cuts on the forehead and chin and bruises on the legs and body. The driver of the car took the boy to the Independence Clinic for treatment and he u recovering nicely. URGES RECKLESS TAG HARTFORD, Conn, (fl State Rep. Henry Feme has proposed that motorists convicted of ser ious traffic violations be com pelled to carry tags reading "Dangerous Driver" on front and rear bumpers for three years. tapaS (toted Salem's first snow of the year Monday brought where Kent Sumner, S, put on the finishing ill the constructive talents of Salem youngsters In touches after an older brother had gone to school, the building of snowmen. One particularly good (Capital Journal Photos by Jerry Clausien) Job was at the A. J. Sumner home at 639 N. ISIh ' W 3' p S- Jhw. 3$ Mt-w I ' buy those Christmas Gift slips now at Sears! frothy wiWyfeftO seen elsewhere at 5.98 A. Watch any woman's eyes light up when she opens this gift! If she's a shrewd shopper, she's seen this quality elsewhere priced at $1 more. Exquisitely tailored of 40 denier nylon tricot, these slips literally drip with wide nylon lace and permanently pleated nylon tricot on the deep flounces. White, 32-40. " nylon tricot slips sugared with lace Reg. 3.98 Gift Priced 98 B. You'll look at the price tag twice before you'll believe, you can get slips like these at just 2 98. Some have lace edged floun ces of pleated nylon tricot with inserts of lace and embroidered sheer . . . others with all lace flounces matching nylon lace overlays on bodice. Buy now lor gifts . . . for yourself, too. 32-40. shorty gown with dainty embroidered yoke GIFT PRICED 3 98 C. Misty sheer nylon yoke it embroidered in pastels with lace edge on neck and sleeves. Front buttons right down to the tailored hem. Pink, yellow. Small, medium, large. large. Snow mrnnt rttra work In city street employes. Ing to use their cars on hills. Here Walter Elgin who were out enrly with trucks Mil ol grnvrl to and Rill (icoriie shovel londs ol gravel onto a slip add a little trncllon lo the streets for thnjr hav. prry street In Hie ('nmlalarla heights district. ; W. Yv , ii kt Hi lis k kt 'k h-' ' 4 ' V f- J . mm ywm The snow Vcpl falllnr l.MII ft fcw J mt f VM wtlwsnrw with the Wednesday, hut 11 djrin'l keep IWiw Ufa aww.xeyiff; or cold Onthla. it and Pnrlcne Crenshaw. 2. MetawMC Ifo o o q ei Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crenshavc 2it CiM Just Arrived! 1 Wonderful Assortment of Christmas Prelliei lor "Woo Angels" NEW COTTON FABRICS 1 MU i I U "CHARGE II" W SRC A. '. nylon tricot briefs lacey with ruffles 98c Row of nylon lace and nylon sheer trim leg opening. Small, medium, large. from A lo 6 months o 6'l ye" C4 !.si "i T VSJ I V full SKiris. ome wiui n Mt, . ia; mi fiAvrrjr. '!'. 7'jn 7 ifif lf wffi Tfr w Charmode bedtime sets with rosy pink butterflies and flowers printed on sheer bemberg crepe 98 3 8 98 "CHARGE IT" ON SRC . perfect for breakfast In bed ,V 1 Take it eisy In this quilted bed- jacket. Rosy pink print, softly lined. Small, J9 medium, large. b. waits the whole night through ' In your dreams, that is, in a prctjy 45-in. long waits gown. 9t Nylon lace accents. 32-40. e. you'll look pretty comforUble Who wouldn't in a quilted dusle IJ lovely as this. Lsnsc flowing pyramid style. Smell Rf medium, large. a$i n ym rt&tep fact' fl 550 K, CAPITOL PHONE 3-9191 At i