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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1951)
1G Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, Nov. 23, 1951 FOR SALE HOUSES JJI'SINESS In another town. Owner anx ion to sell his 2 bedroom home In South Salem. 13x18 living room with fireplace. Kitchen with nook. Bath. Full basement with extra bedroom, forced air oil heat. Nice yard. Garage. About halfway be tween Leslie At McKtnley schools. Bui block. $10,000. E. J. 2WASCHKA, REAL ESTATE, phone 3-1035, 175 Utml street 231 I BEDROOM, hrdwd. fir., fir. furnace, iarge utility attach., garage. Englewnod district. 1B40 Grant. 281 $4250 Full Price New little 2-bdrm. home, north. 11000 tfn. will handle. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rd. - Ph. 22147 a281 OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Nov. 24, from 10 s.m. to 5 p.m. COME TO 963 EDINA LANE J bdrmjj. down, a bdrma. up, liv. rm., din. rm kit., bath, fireplace, only 11 Tm. old. Garnife, Plastered utility, Hdwd. tlrn., nice lot. $750 down, total only $8050 CHARLES D. SUMMERS Realtor Fh. 3-4602 1725 Htate St. Bve. Ph. 1-4803 a28Q f 1(1,500 Modern 2-B.R. home, 885 N. Cap itol St. Full basement, large lot. Good terma, or will take cheaper place In trade. $K,sn New modern 2-B.R. home, gouth, good location. Auto, oil furnace. Im mediate possession, 11,500 down, balance F.H.A. 17,100 Half-acre with clean modern 3 B.R. home, north. Attached garage, (rood well. On peved road. 11,000 down. $.175(1 - HUILDKRS ATTENTION Unfin ished 3-fl.R. home. Plumbing and wir ing roughed In. Borne Jixturet. Some material to finish. $87.10 Clean, modern 3-B.R. home, un finished air. Auto, oil heat, attach l? a race, large lot, N.K. $1000 down, bal ance 160 per mo. Call Stanley Brown or Wesley Oregg with State Finance Co., Rltrs. 167 S. Blgh St. Ph. 3-4121 a381 ENGI.PU'OOD DISTRICT 3-bdrm. house, 112.500. 1835 Madison. Phone 14016. A3A3 FULL PRICE on thbi 2 bedroom home Is 14500. Call 2-0190, 3150 Cook Street. a280 IF YOU AKR interested In buying new 3 beriroom home close to, grade achool, call 3-0004 lor details. By owner. a280 JUKE OFFER for' $2500 equity. 6 -room ' plastered. Hardwood floors, V. blinds, attached garage, insulated and weather alrlpprd. 150 Kenwood Ave., at 4 Cor ners. Phone 26205. 282 Klumpp's Buyers Guide Values Under This Heading "What are your desires?" DO YOO LIKE A FIREPLACE? DO YOU LIKE 3 EDRMS. St DEN? DO YOU LIKE A HANDY KITCHEN? DO YOU LIKE A LA ROE OARAOE? DO YOU LIKE A CREEK LOT7 You can have all and more, too, In thU neat, secluded home, for only 112,300 "All this home needs" is YOU I 1 Bdrma. and bath, hdwd. floors, liv rm. St din. rm., kit., utility St garage. Nice lot. north. Close to achool. 19050. depreciating today Is money. Good In come property lg the beat hedge against Inflation. 1 downtown business bldg 130,000 3 erta of duplexes 132,500 1 Ige. 11-B.R, rooming house... $21,000 "The only thing ' L. E. KLUMPP, Realtor 4!)0 N. Church, Phone 2-7642 Slnyton Office: 227 3rd St. Phone 4004 aaflO1 11V OWNER: 6-ycnr euburbnn home, double plumbing; 4 bedrooms; large living room with dining area; kitchen; utility room, new automatic forced air oil furnace. Large lot, nice lawn and shrub. Priced rlsht for quick sale. 111,000. Terma to be arranged. Phone 4-2951 evenings. a283' By Owner We're ttrid of getting up at 1:30 so that husband can work In Portland, but annot move until we aell our really nice 2-bedroom home. Extra room fin ished In attic, large lot, fireplace, 130 West Rural. Open 10 a.m. to f p.m. 281 HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!! Spacious 2-bedroom home. 3 fire Hi ares, daylight bnsement Beautifully convenient kitchen. Sun deck, view home F H A. commit men t. $500 DOVVNI1 Close to At. Vincent school, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floor, 2 years old, 3 blocks In bus, Very clean and neat. Move right In. $50 DOWN!! 130 per month. Lights, water, 65x117 lot. Priced to sell. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 1-0303 Kvea. 3-5761 Kves. 2-8737 FOR SALE LOTS BUY ON LOTS Prversl tnts Willi good terms, 5f0 on up. jM. Isherwood, .Realtor 1010 Wallace Rd. Ph. 33147 asJUl $10 DOWN 118 per mo. Lota with water, elec trlrlty, suburban, north. Itelmann Real tors, 301 Ho. H lull. Ph. 3-9203. a3H FOR SALE FARMS IVAN B. SUTTON, Rltr. By Cltr nail, Jefferson, Oregen Phone Jrffernn !M II ACRES IS A. of ladlno clover, about 4 A. of stubterranean clover, rest good farm land- All level, can be irrigated. Irrigation equipment goes. Full line of farm equipment Including 3-unlt Burie milking machine. MLic. other tool. 6 hedroom modern house. Very good grade A setup. 24-lb. basic with 30 head. Milk rows and chickens. Every tiling goes but personal belongings. 135,000 full price. See me for terms. b383 Very Good Farm North 50 acres, spacious 3-B R. home, Tplare., onsmt. Lots of fruit At nut trees 15 A. alfalfa, new Irrigation system, stream. 131,500, terms. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1910 Wallace Rr. - Ph. 3314T bill' CI.ASSlt lr n ADVERTISING Per Word 4c Per Ward, 3 limes 1Ae Per Word, fl tlmee 15e Per Worri.N menth Me No Refunds Minimum 10 Words READERS In Loral News Tel. Only. Per. Word 7 Minimum 10 Words To riare Ad Phone 2-2406 Before 10 a.m. REAL ESTATE CONFECTIONERY SHOP Very good location and cornea all equipped. Popcorn machine, refrigerator, all show ca.sefl, neon signs, lluht fixture. Rents for 175 a month, good net return. Would trade on small home, Fjll price 12. 910. COMFORTABLE AND PRACTICAL H this lovely 3-bedroom home In nice residential icction near fctrKlnley achool. Living room, dining room, kitchen with eating area. Attached ga rage, corner lot. All for 18.500. CANDALARIA HEIGHTS Lovely 3 -bedroom home, large living room with fireplace, good dining room, excellent kitchen and nook 2 sets of plumbing. large utility room, au tomatic oil heat. 3-eer garage. 121,500. Will take older 3 -bedroom home In on trade up to 113,500. McKILLOP'S REALTORS Office Phone Even in- and Sunday! Bill Brown Mike Rsschko 1-4937 2-7401 List Your Property With Us 433 Center at Norm High Murphy & Kent SELL - Introducing for the first time. Murphy St ESTATE BLUE BOOK CERTIFIED VALUE nOUbS. Blue Book Homes are never overpriced. No hidden expenses, no extra loan charge. See positive proof of certified sales price, appraised valuation and listing price. No maybe , no guess work. Many Blue Eook Homes brand Borne under construction you can get Blue Book Houses ready for quick occupancy. All financing arrangement made in advance, under the new government regulations. Visit our office to aee the Interesting display. If you would like to ESTATE BLUE BOOK system, can to your home for a consultation, at EXAMPLES BLUE BOOK HOME NO. 1. Get this one wholesale! A truly stunning home on a shady lane. All new house.! here. Its beautiful interior decoration will inrill you. you must see It; we can't describe It, And what a Blue Book Bargain. F.H.A. ap praised valuation $11,500. Selling exactly at the same price. We have the proof. BLUE EOOK HOME NO. 3. Jtut completed ern ranch type, 3-bdrm. home, beautifully finished, lower In price than you would ever expect. And located on a wonderful atreet of fine homes In a district very close to downtown Salem. See this you must. BLUE BOOK HOME NO. 8. When you aee much room so many expensive features you will find It hard to believe the Certified Value price la only 18,500. Remember, Blue Book Homes are sold on the lowest possible terms. You're Set You're Safe With A MURPHY & KENT, Realtors REAL ESTATE BLUE BOOK HOME 436 N. Church Ph. 4-2293 Eve. Ph.: Mr. Paraona, 2-108; Mr. Brown, 3-8440: Mr. Kent, 3-7476 Grabenhorst Specials V BUSINESS SITE 140' frontage, 140 In depth, alley In rear. Paved strret A: sidewalk in front. No. 3 business zone, located on south 12lh street. For sale or trade. CALL RICHARD E. GRABENHORST NEARING COMPLETION One of our best buys. Three hdrms, all on one fir., liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., brkf. nook .complete Youngstnwn kitchen including dishwasher and disposal, hdwd. firs., full bnsmt,, nil forced-air heat, attached garage, ex cellent district. Price 115,500. Don't hesitate. CALL PETE GEISER Reasonable Good Location Excellent Home Will take any reasonable down payment on this family colonial. Le. liv. rm., fireplace, din. rm., kitchen, brki. nook, 'i bath down, 3 bdrms., Ige. master bdrm., dble. Ls. Tile bntli. Full bnsmt.. plastered. One finished room. Auto, oil forced-air furnace. Dble. lot. Trees, shrubs and flowers. Englewood achool. CALL CHET FERRIS A HOME FOR CHRISTMAS And a home you'll be proud ofl 3 bdrms. Sz den, liv. rm., din. rm., kitchen with nook, full bnlll, oil forrrd-nlr heating, beautiful fireplace. Ige. plnte glass picture window with lovely view of airport and mountains, wall-to-wall carpeting In liv. and din. rm.v, dble. garage, lot 85' X 120. Fibre glass Insulation In walli and celling You will love It. CALL J. E, LAW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 131 8. Liberty at. Ph. J-147I Pete Oetser S-0!)R8 REAL ESTATE LUXURIOUS DESIGN yet not too expensive. 3 bedrooms on one floor. Approx. 3 years old. Montng forced-air oil furnace. Insulated. Paved si. .new district, Liberal terms, with a total price of only 114,500. $1000 DOWN I -bed room home. Approx. 10 years old 4 blocks to school. This home nerds some redecorating on the Inside but it's a buy lor 14500. BUT LOOKIE!! 3-bedroom home. North In elty. Fam ily fruit. Near Grant school. OarBKC Total price only JB000. $450 DOWN to G.I.'s, brand new 2-bedroom homes. In new dlstrlrl. Attached garnite. J'nved' street. City water and sewer. Total, price 17150. Alen 3-hedroom homes In i same district. 1500 down with a total price of onlv 8250. CALL FOR MR. DAN 1SAAK, EVE. PH., 4-3533 COFFEE SHOr and bus depot. booths. 13 stools. All the equipment you could possible neeri Modern 3-bed room living quarters. Olve away price of 11950. MOTOR COURT t units plus home. 2-acre highway frontage, Well furnished. Could he used for perninnent rent ills. May exi-hungc for farm. Tola! price 135,000. RECREATION FAUK One of the best-established picnic, and recreation parks in the Northwest. You'll be surprised at the income. Love ly modern new home, with automatic heat. Work 4 months of the year and live the life of Riley the balance. Total price 117.000. CAIJ, FOR MR. ANDERSON. EVE. PI! TURNER ax COLLECT, OR 3-3551 2 ACRES Modern fc-room home approg i mile from Salem. View of city. Garage. Tool house. Ctty water. Onlv 1100 down with a bargain price ot 17850. Owner has left late. Imm. possession. 5 ACRES PLUS 3-bedroom home. Barn, woodshed, rhlcken house, well. Near good town. Willamette soil. Total price only W350. GENTLEMAN'S FARM Very modern home, built in 1940. Barn, rhlckenhouse. garage. Milk cooler and deep freeie. Year-atound creek. Tractor, phtw. disc, harrow. 80 -toot well. Closve to Salem. 3 acres of cherries. Total, 20 acres. This is a bargain for $17,400 Terms arranged. Free Parking (or Customers MORTGAGE LOANS AL Isaak & Co., Realtors Office Phones: 4-SSH or 3-7i:o Ere. 4-3533 or Turner BX collect or 13358 3035 PORTLAND RD. C280 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE REALTORS 1-8620 456 NO.CHURCH Pkme. 4-2293 Kent's sensational new system of REAL new and ready lor Immediate occupancy. in advance. Other beautiful, nearly new get YOUR home listed under the REAL Murpny fit Kent ana we win giaaiy come no cost to you. and ready for Immediate occupancy. Mod this dramatic and lovely home with so You're Sure E. Law 3-5113 REAL ESTATE Honicscekcrs Agency Specials SILVERTON, OREGON Fine Home City - Sensible Prices i acre, edie of elty. 5 rooms and bath, cement foundation, wired for ranee, etc, new roof, garage, small barn, chicken house, etc. 1500 down, full price 13000. B rooms and bnth. continuous foun dation, good roof, etc. Nice lot, v In. 13300. About acre, gond soil, edge of city, nearly new 3-bedroom modern home, cement foundation, wired for range, electric water heater, good garage with cement floor, etc. A very good buy for 15000. Terms. Here's a buy! 6 rooms and balh, 1 bedrooms, all 1 floor. ba.seinenl, new furnace, plaMered. extra Urge lot, fine location, beaut Kill garden and lawn, garnce, completely furnished Including garden tools, lawn furniture, ready li : go, see this. 1 7400. 1 acre on highway, all clear, nearly new 4 rooms and both and nook, wired for ranee tablet op water heater, full Insulated, electric heat, attt ached ga rage, a fine Utile acreage In fine lo cal Ion, more land available Is desired. J 4 750. 4'i acres, alt cultivated, lots of fruit, gnnd 5-room and bnth. tn fine condi tion, also small barn, chicken house, new gnrnue, etc. A dandy acreage close In. f5500. 17 acres, good soil, on year stream, ir rigation right, about II acres culti vated. 7 rooms and bath, cement foun dation, part basement, wired for range, etc, about 5 acres strawberries. lUo cherries, etc . farm bldgs. A dandy. Close In. 110.500. Valley farm, 80 acres, about 55 acres cultivated, 7 rooms and bath, fireplace, automatic furnace, etc., big barn, chick en lioiu-e, etc. A buy for 114,200. 150 acres phis, about 120 acres cul tivated, year stream, big barn, grade "A" dairy setup, 1 rooms and bath, roomy and comfortable, mired for range, fireplace, etc. A nice farm on highway. J.'S.OOO. We have other good listings. Write call for our luting bulletin. Before you buy or sell, contact HOMKFKKKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon Nelson's 3 HOMES t- ACRE Ie. living room, dining room. bdrms , carport. Also 3-room cottage renting for $23 per month. Extra large lot, $AO0i, easy terms. SUIlURBAN $4300 Modern 3-bdrm. home and garase. on 3S acres in the Roberta dlst. Only 14200. 10 ACRES CtOSE IN Nuts and f rui:s. Neighboring tracts now bring aub-dhlded. icooo, easy terms. 147-ACRE STOCK FARM 147 acres, ideal for sheep, cattle and chickens. 3-bdrm, home with fireplace, e!ec. wnter heater wired tor elec. range. Barn, chicken h'Ujf, 2 good sprints. eO ac. in cuU..j :on, near Turner, $30,000. NELSON & NELSON !.r1(M,E-LlnNO High qt. REALTORS Ph. 2-1669 rJSO' WANTED REAL. ESTATE NOTICE. If your property U for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us. We have all kinds of rash buyers. in s. mm sk WANTED REAL ESTATE SOLD OUT! We are about old out of salable listings on homes. The reason Is that when we undertake to sell a home, we don't hesitate to spend from 125 to 1100 for advertising, not only newspapers, but by direct mail advertising sent to logical prospects. If you or your friends have homea you would like to sell, it would be worth your while to let us know about It. NELSON 6? NELSON MULTIPLE-LISTING REALTORS 101 North HUH atreet Phon. J-38M WANTED REAL ESTATE HAVE CASH buyers for acreages and farms near Salem, flee T. T. Anderson with Colbath Land Co., Realtors. 1083 Center. Phone 2-4552. ca LISTINGS WANTED Have buyera for lower-priced homes. Relmann Real Estate, 201 South High Street. Ph. 3-9203. ca381 HAVE CASH BUYERS and others with 81000 down or more. If you are In the market to sell or trade, contact COLBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1583 Center - Ph. 24552 ca WANTED TO BUY, In Salem or nearby town, feed, seed, and fertilizer bus iness, or business handling one or two of these producta as the main commod ity. Box 349 Capital Journal. ca2dl WE ARE in need of good house to sell in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale, aee C-RABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471. ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RELIABLE COUPLE will care for furn. home or small apt. building during win ter months. Ph. 3-5196. cd201 Brokers - Salesmen Your chance. Real Estate Office. Desk, chairs, typewriter and table, filing cabinet, map.!, signboards, office supplies, good luting leads. Be Independent. Estab lished business. 1305. Look it over, make an offer. 3205 Portland Hd. Ph. 25323. Cd280' H PER MONTH income from 2 houses on 44x160 lot In growing business area Close In .near achool in bus. Call 3-4035 E. J. Zwaschka, Real Estate, 1745 Grant 81. Cd281 OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA National company haa Immediate open ing for ambitious man to manage local business; can be handled in spare hours at start if desired; honesty and depend ability Important. Our financial as sistance enable.i expansion. Applicant must have 11,750 cash, (which Is se cured), good references and cur. This opening will pay you exceptionally high weekly Income immediately and rapidly Increase as business expand.!. Prefer applicant aspiring earnings from 16.000 to 110.000 yearly. No hint, pressure m.'i wanted as no selling required. If you have the necessary cash to qualify. write giving personal Information, how to contact for Interview. District Sup. erevtsor, P. O. Box 807, Portland, Ore. Cd2fl3 .MAJOR OIL CO. service station lor lease. For details, call 2G045 after 7 p.m. cd'J84 HJRNi FURNITURE and appliances, all kinds, at attractive prices. Hall's Furniture Store, J79Fairground.i Rd. d286' 0x12 LINOLEUM rugs, 14.95. Hare Fur- nlture Co1 255 N. H lg h . d' WANTED FURNITURE BEST PRICES paid for used furniture, ap pliances ana miscellaneous. Hail a Fur niture Store, 1879 Fairgrounds Rd. da286' HIGHEST CASH 1 PC. or HOUSE FULL CALL 33797 HARE FURNITURE 355 N. HIGH da2B0' Premium Prices Paid 1 lor good u.ied furniture and miscel laneous. It pays to deal with Trader Louie Ph. 38558 da" OUR LOW OVERHEAD and rapid turnover enables us to pay you more cash for your furniture, appliances, miscellaneous Glenn Woodry, Phone 35110 today, 1605 North Summer. da AUCTIONS SUDTELL'S FURNITURE AND LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY PHONE 3-6098 dd1 IIIG PUGLIC Furniture Auction at Scotty's Auction house, 4840 Center street, Sa lem, on Saturday. November 24th, 10 a m and 1 p.m. 6 ft. Coldspot mercury refrig erator: 2 hardwood bedroom sets; 2 Sll- vertone cabinet radios; 2 late model electric washers; rockers; dressers; ba by beds; oil circulators: new and used linoleums. butfeUi; breakfast sets; 2 davenports, Mnny nil.srelliineotis dishes, tools, and garden equipment, livestock, fryers, fat hens and rabbits, or anv cat tle you have to sell. We now sell by weight for you over our newly Installed livestock scales. We guarantee good prices to you for your cattle. Also fur niture and miscellaneous sale held every Thursday evening. Col. Earnest E. Scott, uacttoneer. Phone 2-(S274. dd?80 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK POLLED HEREFORD DISPERSION SALE December 1, 1951 Rsnce Bulls Herd Bulls Heifers Bred Cows Cows with Calves at side A real chance to buy the best In 1 breeding stock. At the Ranch i Miles East of Medford. Ralph L. cook. 120 Slark Shrel, Medlord. Ores on e281 CUSTOM KILLING, cutting, curing. Free deep freese service. Your beef hauled free, trailer loaned. Top prices paid for live stock. Salem Meat Co., 1325 South 25th. Phone 3-4853 e:'R3 PETS MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH, equipment and supplies. 2 miles Irom Lancaster on Macleay road. Phone 2-7321. ec297 CANARIES Sinters. Phone 227sT ec2B6 FUEL WALNUT SHELLS Very good for fuel. 15 a ton. 60 sacks to a ton. Morris Kiorfelu Packing Co,.4B0N Front. ee ,'nd GROWTH FIR, maple and slab wood". Ph. 42941 or 38445. ee301 PLANER TR 151 MINGS for cook stove and heater. Very nice for kindling. 18.00 per cord. Phone 3-7731 or 3-S024. Capital Lmbr. & Fuel Co, Capital Lmbr. & Fuel Co. West Salem Fuel Co. Dry planer ends, dry slab wood, block wood, screened sawdust tube aervice. Diesel A stove oil. Pick up wood at 1523 Edsewater, Phone Sslem 3-4031 West Sslem ep SAWDUST Clean, fresh cut. screened, prompt delivery, tube service or push off, Drv or green 18-ln. wood. OREGON FUEL CO. 3037 Rroadva. - Ph. 3SS33 ee30, ANDERSON'S HAND-PICKED 18 wood, 3-cord lo.d only 113. Ph. lab J77.M. eelil Hiwav Fuel Co. FOR SALE POULTRY HATCHES ot nolden Broad and Kew Hampuhire chlcaa evfrr Tuetri.r. We peclaltre In broiler chick. For", w, (ch eery. 38308tate flt., phon, S-4883. ! NICHOLS BAtlY cockerel!. NMN 331" Oehrlnc Hatchery, silverton. Ore t3S9 BIO "COLORED I RYERS, al'o da-o!d and tartar cbkaj. Valley Farm flvot,. f WANTED REAL ESTATE PRODUCE LARGE southern Oregon date prunes Valley Farm Store. IP FRANQI ETE ENGLISH walnuta. orchard in, bleached and dryed. Phone 42-403. ffJBQ CAUMFLO ER, 11 per crate. Phillips: Bros,, Rt. 8, Box 118. Phone 43081, Four miles eat out State street. ff HELP WANTED .SALESMAN WANTED Age 25 to 30, to represent large cigarette manufacturer In Salem area. Some traveling, car fur nished. Applicant must furnish good reference. Give name, addresa and phone number. Write Box 350, Capital Journal. 2R1 HELP WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN Willing to train for mer cantile management. Ambitious h'.gh school graduate with long range ob jective. Ae 18 to 24. Experience not necessary for right man. Good salary. Needs A-l references, Apply Ores on State Employment Service. 710 Ferrv t.. Haiem. ino lee charcedi. ga2S0' H ELP WANTED FEMALE FOR LEASE: Major company service sta tion n tne city of Salem. Good posslbil ities fo ran experienced man. No good win io ouy, only pay lor Inventory. P. box 605. i fcii exp. beautician. Steady em ployment. Loveall-Mlllers Beauty Salon, 2nd floor Miller's. ab281 LADY TO CARE for 2 boys. Private room it ooard Ae small wage. Inquire CI arks Cafe between 2 and 4 p.m. Irene Hamersky. ab280 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN TO COME to home, care for child o cays weeaiy. en. 2-8328 alter 6:00 p.m. gb282' WANTED: Experienced opcrntor to tak over following at Addy'a Beauty Salon Operator leaving town. Call 2-7031. gb2B2 WALNUT SHELLERS wanted. Morris Klor- lem Packing Co.. 460 N. Front St. WANTED POSITIONS n ANTED Small carpenter Jobs. Good work, reasonable. Phone 41424. h281 DO YOU NEED an outside salesman? If your proposition la right I am your man Call Martin, 3-6351 evenings. h282 EXPERIENCED BAI1Y SITTING, evenings ana weeK-enas. pnone 38119. h281 Mimeographing - Typing Mrs. Poe, 665 N. 16th St. Ph. 3-3643. h285" RELIABLE BABY SITTER, day or night Phone 2-7675. h303 GENERAL HOME repair, carpentry, mn- sonry, paintinn, landscaping, etc. Com petent, experienced workmen. Service Center, 610 Edgewater. Phone 4-3573. h283 OAKY SITTING, evenings, have own trans portation. .50 hour. Mrs. Rogers, Ph. 41700. h2B4- PAINTING Ph. 26131 for free estimate. h284 WANTED Part time bookkeeping. Have down town office, also do Income tax returns and collection. Phone 24542. h284 RELIABLE ADULT baby sitter. 21045. LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN while Working or snoppine. i.2S a flay or .25 an hr. Near Capitol Shopping Center. Ph. 2-7740. h2 80 AINTING, reasonable estimate. Phone RELIABLE PAINTERS and papcrhangers. expert workmanship guaranteed at re duced fall rates. PHONE 2-1925 J. Hudson H. Deglow h283 WOULD LIKE DAY WORK and take care of children. Phone 20794. h280 HOUSEWORK by the hour, experienced Phone 3-3817. h281 FOR RENT ROOMS CLEAN, WARM, llRht housekeeping room lady preferred. 735 N. Church. Jk281 FURNISHED for 1 or 2 gentlemen, llcht no use Keep ing, room, Reasonable. Ni drinkers. 024 N. Cnnltol. Jk280 SEPARATE SLEEPING room. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9183. Jk FOR RENT APARTMENTS 3 NICE ROOMS furnished, close-iri. pri vate bath, 2-4886. 496 North 13th. JP282 COURT APARTMENT, furnished. Just nice ly decorated. Close-in. Phone 2-0714. PRIVATE 3-room court apartmen, fur nished, clean, 150 a month, 3560 Port land road. Jp REAL NICE 3 room apartment plus bath. Almost new. choice location, electric range and refrigerator, laundry facili ties, parking area for car. Rent 165 per month. Call Al Isank and Co., Realtor. 4-3311, 3035 Portland Road. jp SEVERAL furnished apartments, good lo cation. Inquire H, L, stiff Furniture. Phone 39185. CAPITAL PLAZA Ultra modern court apartment. 1 bed room. Just reduced to 173.50 and 183.50. Spacious rooms. Ample c!o?et ."pace. Well lurnined lor nominal additional cast to responsible party. Open for inpec Hon. 1165 Chemeketa. 3-8630. JP28I1 2-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Electric stove and refrigerator. Phone 4-3434. JP2821 '.'-ROOM apartment, close In, adults. Plion 3-0502. 760 North Church. Jp282' NICELY furnished apartments. Ambassador apartment. 550 North Summer. Jp395 FURNISHEIapartment, 125 and 136 month. Ground floor, private entrance. 1968N. Comm'l, Jp282' NICE APARTMENT. 399 Mission. small child accepted. JP282 l FURNISHED apartments, close to State house. Colbath Land Co., 24553; evening, phone Sederstrom 25319. Jp 3-ROOM furnished, automatic heat, re frigeration. Private bath. 698 North High Atrpet. 1n3R3 2-room furnished, main nor, iums. Oil hert, gas range. 125. 1680 North Commercial. Phone 2-4070. Jp280' ONE FURNISHED apartment. 585 and one unfurnished . 12th. Jp280 3-KOOM furnished apartment. Utilities In eluded. 155 month. Phone 3-5109. Jp380' JOE PALOOKA TOES TO OPEN Hd.o....'oe SEEMS TO HOLD CM F0! OEAB. LIFE... THE RE TK'ES TO BREAK THEM FOR RENT APARTMENTS 1 APARTMENT COUBTS. Partly turntsh- ra, lass iee street. Jpaao ROO M furnished cottage, u till ilea paid! gareL140. Phone 3-0688. Jp2B0- NICE CLEAN front apartment. Private bath, steam heat, utilities furnished. 155. Across from new Safeway. Phone 3-0463. Jp280 UNFURNISHED I-RM. APT., rOUndflr. Prlv. bath and entrance. Furn. apt. avail able soon. Clone In, 310 Bellevue St. WANTED: Young business or professional man to aha re new ultromodern fur nished apartment. Inquire Custodian, Capitol Plata apartments, phon 3-8630. Jp280 CLEAN, WARM small apt., close Id. Lady prei. oa rerry. JPJ82 S-R5I. Fl'RN. APT.. 150. N. CapJltol. Ph. 28711. AdulU. 1855 JP281 ATTRACTIVE furnished, heated bed room. rrivate entrance apartment. 1411 Court. JP281 FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. 1177 court street. Jp281 CLOSE-IN 2-room, private bath. 633 Terry Jp282 LARGE well-furnished first floor 3-room apartment, 472 North Liberty, evenings jpaai1 LEE APTS. UNION AT WINTER "Salem's Finest Address" YOUR CHOICE OF BEAUTIFUL BACH HLOR APARTMENTS AT REDUCED RATES. ALSO ONE-BEDROOM UNITS. WE INVITE . YOUR INSPECTION OR C A Li Li 4-1641, Mr. Hammer Res. Mgr. FOR RENT HOUSES ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom house. Automatic heat, electric range, hardwood floors, In sulated. 2230 Maple avenue. Jm383 3-REDROOM furniihed home on State street. 170 month. 2-bedroom furnish ed home. Hollywood district, 960. 3-3101. Jtn282 NEW MODERN unfurnished 1-bedroom house. Walking distance. Inquire 500 zjouin uoeny, jmie-i' l-BEDROOAI cottage with electric stove, re frlgerator, Bendlx. Available Dec. 2 Phone 2-2707. Jm2B3' SMALL FURNISHED new house. Adult. Close to bus. Phone 2-5277. Jm282' CHEAP. VERY NICE small one-bedrooi home. Furnished except refrigerator and aaveno. aouiu only, aasi sreyman. Jm282 1-REDROO.M house, partially furnished, lli mile from Liberty on Skyline Rd. Rt. 9. box 716. 22616 Sat. or Sun. Jmasr bedroom home, unfurnished. South 09E. 2nd house from Fabry Rd. Jm28l 3 R0051 HOUSE, 2 miles south city limits, garage, bus, store, church, school near. Phone 2-8214. Jm280 CABINS Nice, quiet, clean, spacious yard, Week or month. Reasonably priced. 4475 Portland Rd. Hayesville. ' Jm284 NICE 3-BEDROOM home. Call RAWLINS realty, phone 41761 or 24664. Jnv 3 BEDROOM house close in. Unfurnished. . L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-9185. WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE PARTY with 1 child wants 2 or 3-bedroom unfurnished home. Call 3-7368. Ja380 WE NEED RENTALS. Call Joe L. Bourne, Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol, phone 3-8216. OFFICE FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS Apply Tlnkham Ollbert, phone 20312. Jo" BUILDING MATERIAL PLYWOOD Standard sizes, V" - Oct H" - 11 Vic Vi" - 15c; V - 17'ic: V - 20'ic. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Ph. 3-9111, ma' SALE! Grade A one-panel doors 17.95 Painted cedar shakes HI sq. Glass doors 111.00 Waterproof wallboard, 4x8 12.20 New plasterboard, 4x8 11.65 Insulation board $1.76 Used windows, complete $7.50 No. 1 cedar shingles 110 sq. No. 2 cedar shinnies 17 sq. 215 lbs. comp. roofing .$7.00 sq. Roll roofing, per roll ,. $2.45 Overhead garage door hardware ,,118.50 Used bnLh tubs $25.00 C. G. LONG, Phone 2-5R21 or 4-3130 One Mile North of Kelier. m282 SHINGLES - SHAKES Best grade No. 1, 110: No. 3, 17; No. 3. $5; No. 3 13: per sq. yd., any amt. deliv ered. 100 sq. No. 1, 18-ln., carton packed, painted shakes and undercourse, 113.50 sq. All Krades common lumber. Oak and pecan flooring. Ted Muller, Ph. Salem 2-119. ma OAK FLOORING, fine selection. 8" lap siding 179.50, also "V" rustic. Knotty pine panel and shelving. Flooring low as $59. 50. Plywood, good assortment, any slr.e. "A ' grade doors from 18.95. Wall' board 4x8 11.76, also sheet rock and rock' lath. Lumber, all grades at attractive prices, 50 months to pay II desired, North city limits on 99. PORTLAND POAD LUMPER YARD. 4-4433. ma MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg., State St Commercial Sti. SALEM Ph. 3-3311 SALEM SAND A; GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching Sewer Si Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the foot. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves. 2-4417 or 3-7413 Salem, Oregon m BEE-HIVE TRUCKS V DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE i PICKUPS - STAKES - VANS PAOE STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD TEXACO STATION 619 COURT ST. PHONE 31931 m' FOR SAL EMI SC E LLAJME OUS SlVnER ELECTRIC, "michTne. I5S. Two ww :00il Urea. 133. Phon. 3-0.05. 1287 3rd. NEW AND USED KWln, miehlnd. YEA. TER APP1ANCB CO., 37S Chtmtkela. DEEPFREEZE horn, freezers. YKATER AP PL1ANCE CO.. 313 Chernen. rr rLASTl.KOTE require, no wiitnr. Pot rsur ::o?M or linoleum. YEATER AP. PL1ANCE CO., 373 Cnemeiett. n' Txf ELL RW AND tUt AtEN WENT TOTME' CORNES PALOOKA SEEWEP TOPHAS HIS RIGHT FOOT... APPARENTLY.?, AUCTIONS PUBLIC AUCTION, HOMES ' To Clear RIght-of-Way for Salem By-Pass RESIDENCE NO. 3720 THORNDALX AVENUE. SALEM - No. 17350 3 bedrooms, floors unfinished upstairs, living room with closet, attractive kitchen with dinette, hall and bath, oak floors throughout, Venetian blinds. Insulated, storm windows. Electric water heater, electric pump sys tem. Laundry trays in garage. Oil floor furnace, plastered interior, as bestos shake exterior. Attached garage. With thie home will be sold Lot 33, Block 3, Rchb's Addition, Marlon County, Oregon. Lot and home to be Included In your bid. RESIDENCE NO. 3715 MONROE AVENUE. SALEM - No. 17262 A very spacious 2-bedroom home, large living room and dining room with coved ceilings, entrance hall and closet, kitchen with loads of bullt-lna. Bedrooms are both large with wardrobe closets. Nice bath. Oak floors throughout. Electrowatt piped oil furnace with forced air. Utility and furnace room combined. Storm windows, weatherstripped, shingle roof, Plastered Interior, white siding exterior. Electric water heater, eleclrlo pump system, attached garage. With this home will be sold that portion of Lot 3, Block 4, Re rib's Addition, Marion County, Oregon, lying west and outside of the right of way of the Thorndale Circle right of way as It Is to be constructed by the Oregon State Highway Department. Lot and home to be Included In your bid. ANY FINANCING NECESSARY MUST BE ARRANGED PRIOR TO THE SALE DATS WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OP YOUR CHOICE. The above described homes to be sold to the highest bidder at publle auction for cash, but subject to the approval of the Oregon State Highway -Commission and with the right reserved to reject any and all bids. An In itial deposit of 50 of high bid will be required at the conclusion of bids. General Vicinity One-half mile ast of the State Hospital on Center Street, then follow signs to couth. Home must be removed from present location within 30 days of acceptance of offer. Full Information regarding estimated cost of moving, concrete foundation, septic tanks, and new well and other inspection of the properties may be had by calling C. W. Parker, Slate Highway Department, Salem. Phone 43171, Ext. 717. ' SALE DATE - NOVEMBER 34. 1951. AT 3720 THORNDALE AVENUE AT 1:00 P.M. and THEREAFTER AT 3715 MONROE AVENUE. Terms of sale are 50 deposit at time of receiving bid and remain der of bid price to be paid within ten days of notice of acceptance of bid by Highway Commission, Auctioneer: Claude M. Kilgore Phone 25706 Oregon 390 South Lancaster Drive, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Complete furnishings lor 2 bedroom home. Including dishes, books and games. Will sell as group or individ ually. Everything good quality and prac tically new. 608 W. Ash St., Dallas. Ph. 3001. n280 'OR SALE Used Westinghouse Tacuum cleaner. Phone 25432. 173 Mill. n280 KIRBY vacuum cleaner, alt att. Inc. polisher. Frl. At Sat. spec, only 150, Wood ry, 1605 North Summer. Open tonlte till 0 p.m. n280 ELECTRIC CABINET sewing machine, good cond. Guaranteed, for unpaid bal ance. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., 130 N. Com'l. Sorry, no phone orders. Open Fridays until 0 p.m. n2S0 O'KEEFE MERR1T gas range with griddle, Phone 2-8071. 371 Rosemont. n280 COLEMAN 6 ROOM oil circulating heater, excellent condition. 1225 Chemawa Road. n2B0 USED SINGER drophsad treadle sewing machine. Bound bobbin, sews lorwnro and reverse, With regular set of at tachments. Nice walnut cabinet. Dis count approx. 40. Singer Sewing Cen ter, 130 N. Com'l. n280 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 608 Edge water West Salem. Salem Logging Supply. Ph. 4-1541. WASHING MACHINES, new and used. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO, 175 Cnemex- eta. GLENN WOODRY Furniture Market, 1605 North Summer wants COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FUR NISHINGS. We do pay more SPOT CASH 1 1 Phona 3-5110 Today - No Delay - The Woodry Way FINE COLLECTION of Oregon agate and wood. In the rough or polished. 2490 Broadway. n287 07 MODEL 12-gauge Winchester pump gun. Phone 2-2357. n2S5 'LET US SING YOUR WASH DAY BLUES" Up to 9 lbs. washed and dried for only 55c. LAUNDERETTE, 1255 Ferry street. Phone 2-4555. n282' 6-YEAR BABY CRIB $8. Hardwood playpen. Inc. pad $13.50 Maple high chair 16.95 Bassinette 13.50 tricycle $5 Baby scales 15. Woodry's. 1605 North Summer. Open tonlte till 9. n280 Used Appliances USED APT. HOUSE RANGE Electro- day. 3 hl-speed units St deep well. all white porcelain 1 80.75 USED O-E WASHER Rebuilt, very good condition, big family sue.. 49.95 USX O-E REFO. 6 eu. It., very gooa conamon, oniy t 5 CU. FT. AMANA FREEZER B yr. guarantee, like new, floor sam Pl 15 PORTABLE DISH WASHER Floor sample, like new, full 1 yr. guar antee, only 124.95 Tinkham Gilbert ... Appliance Dept. GENERAL ELECTRIC Appliances R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 340 Court St. - Ph. 32493 n28 MOHAIR DAVENPORT St chair, most new. Ph. 41805,, 212 FLOOR FURNACE, oil, 50,000 BTU, almost new na.go Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. n280 ELECTRIC HEATER Electrom ode, wall, 4000 w 159.50 Therm a dor, portable, 3000 w , 35.00 Chromolax, portable 1500 w 10.95 Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. n280' 4 CHROME chairs At table. 129.50. Wood ry. 1805 North Summer. Open tonlte till 9. nZBO' 6 YR. CRIR with mattress , 17.50 to $34.50 24.95 Child! wardrobe Baby scale i 3.50 3.30 Bassinette Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave n380 4-PC. WALNUT bedroom set. Excellent condition. Only 175. Frl. nlte it Sat Woodry's, 1605 North Summer. n380' ...One o TKSE punches STILL K AN E'PECT.. OOSBRONITt IS GETTING A WILD OVATION FROM HIS DETROIT FOLLOWING." AUCTIONS State Highway Commission Slate Highway Building Salem Salem FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TAPPAN GAS RANGE, nearly new 1115.00 Apt. size elec, range, recon 50.50 We.stinB house elec. ranee, deluxe 12,1.00 Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. 11280 REMINGTON 12 ca. dbl. shotgun ....(42.50 Remington 8 mm. sporter 35.00 Remington 12 ga. trap grade ....159.50 Sell or Swap. Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. n28fl ARMLESS DAVENOS $17.50. Woodry's, Bargains, 1605 North Summer. n280 DINING SET, walnut , Dlnnette set Corner cupboard ... Trader Louie 179.50 15.00 25.00 1870 Lana Ave. n-'80 eta. METAL COT and pad $6.50. Students desk $6.50. Bridge lamp 12.75. Electric heaters $6. 9x12 linoleum rugs (heavy weight) $4.50 each, Adi. bench saw 115. Post dig ger 12.25. Shovels 11.25. Rocking chairs $2.50. Dining tables 17. Odd chairs $1.50 each. Beds 14. Springs $4.75. Mattresses 17. Juvenile 4-pc. bed set 124.50. End tables $3.50. Best values In town on new and used. Shop tonite at Olenn Wood ry's Furniture Mkt., 1605 North Summer. n280 BLONDE waterfall bedroom suite, 7 pes. Including Simmons Deep sleep mattress. A beauty. Must be seen to be appreciated $189.50 Trader.Loule 1870 Lana Ave. n280 LARGE SIZE baby buggy. 113. Ph. 20384. 381 ckT. nyfl3 CRUSHED QUARRY ROCJ l. 43127. STANXE" HOME PRODUCTS Lee Mlndt, 335 S. 19lh. n384 NEW at USED PRICES Blonde stepdown tables 119.05 Blonde corner tables 32.50 Walnut utility tables 13.93 Have them laid away for Christmas Trader Louie 1870 Lana Ave. n28fl ELECTRIC RANGES, new and used. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemek- APPLIANCES and furn. in very good con dition. Pll. 33770. 4B7 N. 20th. n281" PEAT MOSS fortified with lime and poul etry droppings, only 95c a sack; also bulk orders. Valley Farm Store. n Gravel & Sand Anything in gravel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND At GRAVEL CO., Ph. 24002. n WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED: Archery set. 50-60 lb. bow. Phone 4-2031. na23 WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-5110. na Premium Prices Paid for goc' u.ed furniture and miscel laneous. It pays to deal with Trader Louie Ph. 38558 nn" FIR - STUMPAGE and fir logs wanted. Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber A; Manufacturing Company, Inc., Independence, Oregon. Ph. 42. na- WANTED: FINE grain second growth loss In lengths of 8'. 16', 24' St 40'. Write, phone, or see Mr. Dunlgan. INDEPEN DENCE LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO.. P. O. Box 168, Phone 42, Indepen dence. Oregon. na OLD PIANOS wanted. Phone 4-3772. na" PERSONAL X teftlng ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS closed meel for women Friday 8 p.m. Room B, YMCA. Phone 3-9133. P. O. BOX 724. P303' ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 3-9133. P.O. Box 724. Y.M.C.A. Wednesday, Friday, 8 p.m. p2!)7 BOATS ALMOST NEW 5-h.p. Johnson outboard with neutral clutch. Save $40. Other model outboard to choose Irom. 14-ft. McKenrle boat and trailer with oars, 8193. Overstocked on boat building ply wood. We need money to pay Santa Claus and Uncle Sam. Will sell wholesale. SALEM BOAT HOUSE 100 Chemeketa - Phone 3-9303 qq2o To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 By Ham Fisher t'WMSOTwjrHTSME: 50CKER A ROUNP.BEBV.' M