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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1946)
Rev. J. R. Buck, Former Salem Pastor Dies in Portland The Rev. J. R. Buck, 76, for 17 years pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic church in Salem died at St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, Tuesday morning after a lingering illness. Following his retire ment at St. Joseph's in 1934 he f made his home at a sylvan re treat about three miles south cast of Salem which he called "St. Mary's of the Woods." In til is comfortable little domicile he constructed a small chapel and there whenever his health permitted he offered holy mass. According to his life story as recounted in "A Convert Pas tor's Autobiography" published in 1941, he was born in St. Pe ter, Minn., February 9, 1870. his father a native of Maryland and his mother's home was in Philadelphia, Pa. Father Buck was brought up in the Presby terian faith and following a schooling he termed "not ex cessive," he obtained certificate to teach and followed that vo cation for several years in Daw son and Sheldon, N. Dak., and Barnesville, Minn. In addition to many other ac complishments Father Buck was proficient in music both as a vocalist and organist and often during his ministry in the Ca tholic church and as a layman in the Presbyterian faith he had assisted in choir work and pre sided at the organ. Following his decision to join the Catholic church Father Buck entered St. John's seminary at Collegeville, Minn., and he facetiously remarks in his auto biography, the seminary "Never had a more awkward, stupid student than I was." Later the young seminarian came -to the Benedictine order at Mt. Angel and there completed his theological studies and was ordained to the priesthood by the late Most Rev. Archbishop Alexander Christie, ot the Port land archdiocese. The ordina tion took place on June 5, 1909. In his first priestly years he had missions at Forest Grove, Verboort, Cornelius, Gaston and after eight years he was called to Salem in 1917, and it was during the trying period of the 'flu' epidemic and the arduous work that developed upon him in caring for the spiritual and physical needs of the afflicted that Father Buck's health be came Impaired, later necessi tating his retirement from ac tive duty in his parish. Among surviving relatives is a" sister, Mrs. M. Sharpe, who resided with him at his country home the past few years. Final funeral services will be held at St. Joseph's church in Salem, according to Rev. Theo dore J. Bernards, pastor at St. Joseph's, who succeeded Father Buck in the pastorship in 1934. Arrangements for the last sol emn rites will be announced la ter. The Most Rev. Edward D. Howard, archbishop of Portland will officiate at the ceremonies. Taxi Driver Fails To Colled Fare Lebanon Reported released from the state penitentiary on Tuesday morning, Harold Free man, Salem, wasted no time re turning behind bars, it was re ported by Chief of Police Cliff Price. Price said Freeman was ar rested here Wednesday morn ing on a charge of drunkenness. He had engaged a taxi in Salem, spending the night there and arriving in Lebanon early on Wednesday morning, according to the story given by Price. The taxi driver returned to Salem Wednesday morning, his fare unpaid. Trapper Gets Cougar, Spectators Gather Lebanon Bagged in the Mill City area, a 93-pound cougar, trapped by Francis Williams, government trapper from Leb anon, drew crowds of spectators when brought into town Satur day morning. The animal measured 6V2 feet and is considered only medium- TOWN OF B R I C A Brlra (above), frontier station on the Paris-Italy railroad, would eo to France under the treaty proposed at the Paris peace conference. The town is located on the north ern slope of the Simplon Pass In the Valley of Italy. sized, according to Williams, who said overgrown cats of this area commonly averaged 130 pounds in weight. The cougar, caught by the right front paw in a rather small trap designed for coyotes, is worth S60 in bounty, but Williams being a federal trap per, is not eligible to claim it. This is the hunter's first big haul in a slack summer season, with only two coyotes bagged last month. Ekmar. Gives Show At Training School Silverton Ernest R. Ek man, local mortician, was pro gram guest at the Woodburn Training School for boys, Sun day evening, showing sound films in an hour's entertainment on education, historical facts, flowers, winter scenes, spurts and comics. The arrangement was spon sored by the Silverton Business and Professional Women's club. Returns from Eastern Trip Macleay Oscar Baker has re turned from a visit to Boston and other eastern cities. No Bid Accepted On Heating Plant Lebanon At a meeting Tues day night, directors of Union high school district I. opened two bids but awarded no con tract for a building to house a heating plant, together with its inslallation and a water system including pump, well and stor age tank. Supt. King said the board is taking bids under advisement. The estimated cost of the project first in the district's long-range improvement program, was $50,000. The bids were submitted by P. S. Lord, mechanical contrac tor, and H. A. Settergran. gen eral contractor. Both are of Portland. Canil.'ll .Tnurn.iL Salem. Oreimn Tnoednv Son! laAC SUMMER DISTRESS When something you've oatin causes simple diarrhen, take sooth ing PEPTO-BISMOL. Recommended by many physicians. It is non laxative, non-alk aline, pleasant-tasting. Brings gentle relief helps re tard gas formation. Tastes good and does good. Ask your druggist for PEPTO-BISMOL when your stomach is upset. A NORWICH PRODUCT Needed! CANNERY WORKERS Hasic Rates: Women: 81 Cents Hour Men: 95 Cents Hour Nights: 5 Cents Additional IJI.riO I.AKK PROMTKRS (92.'i5) C.W.ll ORMA PACKING CORPORATION (9161) HI NT FOODS. INC. (1104) KKI.I.EY. I ARQI HAR & CO. (2-1133) P.U'I.l S IIROS. PACKING CO. (65fi5) Producers Cooperative Parkins Co. (Slififl) RICH). Ml'RIXK'K & CO. (7-1SS) STARR KRl l I' PUODl'CTS CO. (K073) I NITIOI) GROWERS, INC. (220.11!) Ull.l.AMK'lTK C11ICRRY GROWERS (6011) HIRDSIOYE-SNIDKR. WOODIU'RN KOI.STA1) CANNKRIKS. INC.. SILVERTON ST AY TON CANNING CO., STAYTON (Adv. of Salem Canners' Committee) "I LOST 32 LBS.! WEAR SIZI 14 AOAIN" Onett 15ft lbs., Mia Reynolds Icwt Wfinht wflekly with AYD8 Vita min Camiy Kwiiicing Plun. Now he has a model's figure. Your ei perirnce may or may not ha the Mme but try thin ruier rd tiring plan. Vtty Fitu Bos Must Shaw Rtsulls or money bark. In clinicnl teetJi oondueteri hy medical doctorn morethan 100 person lost 14 to 15 pounds average In a few weeks with the A YDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. V Wuiaf Noeserciae. No laxative. No dniiw. Eat plenty. You don't out out meals, pot atom, etc., you jiiet out them down. Simple when vnu enjoy delicious AYD3 Vitamin Candy before wHw. uuij iw u oy supply, rnone 3118 WUlnr Capita. Drug Store, coi ner Stnte id Liberty 8 1 a. WANTED HOP PICKERS Late Hops Heavy crop; isoqd pirking; Ion season. Two busses to Salem daily. Some cabins still available. WILLIAMS & THACKER Eola Hnpyard Route No. 4, Salem, Ore. Phone 21-331 WE URGE YOU TO SEE AND COMPARE Jewelry work done In our own shop you will find Is modern, distinctive, high quality by expert craftsmen and fault less workmanship. Your diamonds will be safe guarded since they never leave our premises. 1 Jfl JT I Liberal allow- I g! I f I anc on jonr i I old moan ting. Diamond Setting by An Expert 4 Veterans Now Employed oam& JEWELRY - MANUFACTURERS WaWj MONITOR CARPET SWEEPER DUST-UN LIFTS CHAR OUT AT TOP, IMPTIES CLEANLY! SINOLI LARGE IRUSHTURNS IN THE SAME DIRECTION WHETHER YOU PUSH OR PULLI PICKS UP ANYTHING FROM A THREAD TO A HEAVY COIN1 A IMMEDIATE 1 QJ I DELIVERY' J Streamlined in steel. Your slightest motion, for ward or back, keeps the one-way brush forever sweeping the dirt into the lock-tight dust-bin in the top of sweeper. Self-adjusting to any nap. Hangs flat against wall. See and try it today at . . In Charge of R. FRED PAGF.LER, Regitterrd Oplomelrisl. Aitoeiaf Regiitmd Optometries: Dr. M. . Kelly, Dr. Fred F.. Chmben, Dr. Wm. L. Stephenson. Dr. Spitxert Dr. Harry R. Scribner and Dr. Robert A. Golden Squinting! Stop mm . . . it'i a sign of trouble ahead for your tyei, and It causei nervoumeii, head aches and fatigue. Wear correctly - fitted glaiiei to eliminate iquinting and en joy clear, comfortable vi sion. Choose them with con fidence at Dr. Sculler's Op tical Department . . . All Work Fully Guaranteed. Complete selections. Includ ing the new Tri-Foeal lenses, for clear vision at ALL distances. (llll NO CASH DOWN $333 EXAMINATION Feel ourd glosses will not bt prescribed unless absolutely necessary. Come in anytime , on approval of your credit 1-to-3 DAY SERVICE Speedy Service . . . positively no sacrifice of qualify. Broken Lenses Duplicated in ONE Doy, MO ADVANCE APPOINTMENT REQUIRED y'joo, ----- ' -jz..imm kPEAGHS! to, tie tim , 'em Xtoty yms this wesk SilFEWilY m Some of the finest penche you've ever seen are arriving right now at Safeway. They're ripe, juicy, sweet and fine-flavored . . . perfect ior eating iresn or lor canning. Uur buyers tell us it a the peak of the peach season, so now's the time to can for winter eating. Get vour canning peaches, and your canning supplies, at Safeway'g low prices. Quality is guaranteed right or your money back! Carol Drake fells how lo east peaches PREPARATION Wash poactM, sort according to size and ripeneea. To peel, dip a few peaches at a time in boil i op water until skins loosen, dip in cold water and slip off skins. Cut in halves, pit, or slice if desired. HOT PACK METHOD Cover peache with boiling syrup (1 cwp sugar to 3 to 4 cups water) or boil ing water, boil 3 to S minutes. Fill hot jars to within ! inch from top with hot fruit and liquid. Work out ell air bubbles by running a table knife down inside of the jar, wipe rim and shoulder with clean, damp cloth (no soap, please). Put on scalded lid. If self-seal type, tighten completely. If screw-top with rubber ring, screw tight, then unscrew one quarter turn. Lower hot, filled jars onto rack in deep kettle filled with hot water, placing jars so they won't bump during processing. Add boil ing water until lids are covered by at least 1 inch of water. Cover kettle, heat to boiling. When water boits, begin timing, and allow 10 minute for Freestone, 20 minute tor Cling' sfoaes. -im COLD PACK METHOD Fill jaw with peeled, raw halves, cover to H inch with boiling water or syrup. Finish as directed above allowing 20 minute for Freestone, 35 mimtie for Clingstone. -f FINAL ST EPS -Remove jars from water with jar lifter, finish sealing rubber-ring jars. Do not touch teif $eal lids. Set jars right side up away from drafts to cool. Leave for. 24 hours before storing. Toe Horaemskers' Bursa Am Extrm St7 Jmw Flavor, firmness, texture perfect for canningl The Dalles HALES 21 to 23 lb. flats Crate 235 Local Peaches Henry Stafford's Famous Improved ELBERTAS 43 to 45 lb. 4Q apple box Jt F Get yoar copf f Cutl Drake's Canning Glide The instructions given in the above column are from Carol Drake's new Canning Guide. If you went to know how to can or freeze all kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, fish; juat send 10c in coin or stamps tot this 20 page manual to: CAROL DRAKE, Director The HomemakctV Bore Box 2110, Depe J, San Friocitco , CsW. ELBERTAS 30-lb. Pear Box $35 HALES 30-lb. Pear Box 69 If Thia SpM Stamp 51 Tbw Valid! TLoa. 10 and 49 Still Sood! SUGAR WHITE SATIN Mb. jne 10-lb. JQc 25-lh. .70 ppiJ9 doth 00 doth X PURE CANE U- 38' l 69' I in Yes! We have Flour! Flour lias hem hard to (ibI new ship ment jint in will go tan no get yours All America, Golden Heart or Great Western Hrands. 10-lb. CQc 25-lb. $1 .59 50-lb. JO 17 sack 00 sack 1 sack J $ood (Buif& in fanning J-ixluAzi and Spfdisu! Tire Knrr w"1' , II (11 JalS Mouth Miinrt.1 d"Z. 1.U0 T Kirr J QXS Ki unduly T., Krrr Julo Kconoiny pint. 89c 75c Jars KMrI!m' .i..,.1.1S Jar Lids c,".,,r. ),ir 9C Jar Lids wi.i.- muu a?.. 9 Jar Lids Jar Caps Kerr 17 Closures "!,'"' dm. 25" Jar Lids WMn Mouth dos. 18 Jar Rubbers,.'o,5 Jar Rubbers 49 Wld. Mnulh Kubbers ;n,i mo.i 310 49 APPLIANCE SALES .- AND SERVICE , Fhnne 6292 WATERS-ADOLPH BLDG HOURll S II u ! II Utyreif $ 3t ie H 1 em mtf STATE ft COMMERCIAL 157 So. Liberty i