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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1922)
THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON MM LOST III 1GY BATTLES ON ' LAKE SUPERIOR Chicago, Dec. 18. (By AasocI ated . Press. ) Battling toot by loot through towering eas and freezing spray, the men who go down to the sea in ships are fight ing an epochal battle across the icy wastes of Lake Superior to keep navigation open far beyond its usual time and bring down the lakes the last cargo of the year. Already the fight lias claimed its toll of lives and before the last ship has been accounted for 01 been given up for lost that toll may be greater. Nearly a dozen died a few days ago when a Canadian steamer way daHbed to pieces within a stone's throw of safety at the mouth ot the Portage lake Ship canal. Twenty-seven more were added . to the probable death roll when survivors ' of the tug Reliance, wrecked last Wednesday on Liz j;rd island, reached Sault Ste Marie, after .almost incredible hardships. Navigation on the upper lake usually closes December 1. This year it was decided .to keep the waterways open until December i is: because the coal and -ran strikes had cut down the coal shipped to the northwest and de layed the movement ot grain east. As a result nine big freighters loaded With grain $28,000,000 worth ot ships and- cargo are fighting their way down Lake-Su . jerior toward , that graveyard ot gallant vessels,' White Fisu bay trying to win through to Buffalo for . winter storage. In Mud lake, part ot the St Mary's river, another big fleet is icebound waiting for the arrival , of the nine which lett Fort Wil .liam, Ont., three days ago before trying, with the assistance ot ice- breaking tugs, to win past Detour to the open water of .Lake Huron At Kagle harbor and Grand .Barals, White Fish point and De tour, Alpena, Macknac island and Manistique, naval radio operators are keeping vigil, guiding th freighters through the night with '. radio compass signals, and waiting for the calls for help which may come. ASTERN TEAMS COIIGIST New York. Dec. 18. Seeking lnti-tutUnnal laurels, three east ern football elevens will leave this week for the Pacific coast, wnere during the holidays they will meet far western rivals. West Virieina will nlay Gona ga university of Spokane, Wash. at San Diego. Cal.. Christmas aay, University of Pittsburgh meeu Stanford university in the new Stanford stadium at Palo Alto f!al.. nri December 30: and on New Year's day Penn State opposes the University of Southern Calitornu. at Pasadena, during the Tourna ment of Roses. lTndefeated this year. West Vir ginia was ranked as one of th( strongest teams in the east, whili Pittsburgh recovered from a dis annotating: start to finish the1 sea son with sensational victories over W. and J., Pennsylvania and Penn state. Penn State, which experi diiforl nn of its noorest seasons in is the only one ot three eastern states that haa visited tne Pacific loast before. , terday, said. Unless weather conditions become more sever, the Grande Ronde log ging camps will continue te operate until Dec. 21, whoa there will be the usual holiday period nntU. after the first of the year. The Luckiamute camp of the Spauhling logging company is closed down, due to the heavy snowfall. GRAND P.0NDE LOGGING G&MPSJTILL WORKING IT. i. Holt, loseine superintendent fnr the Sriauldine Lomirme lo., says that tlift Grande Konde camp is still in operation, but' that it is rather difficult for loggers woraing on ine mountain sides. There was siuppeu from the Grande Boude camp, yes- :v - For Colds or Influenza and as a Preventive Tmk Laxatlvs 30c A Taste sa aty 7T, Loggers are only working on con struction work on the logging rail road. . . . four accidItsFe fatal Four workmen lost their lives in industry during the week ending December 14, acoerdiiig to reports n-A. jiik th industrial "aident commission.1 . Ther ' werefTI. . H. . Nestle, mill worker, of Eugene; W. W. Mead, logger, of , Jliipleton; A. K. Johnson, foundryman, Portland; Frank Arnott, wood bucic, --"orin Tn(1 A total of 503 industrial ac cidents were reported for the week, 473 of these being suojeei iu protection of the compensation act. Tn Hint theflanoer is disappear ing, we must look about for some thing else to blame tor .evoryinuig. SLEEPING SICKNESS . TAKES 8 IN SPOKANE Spokane. Wash., Dec. 18 Eight deaths from sleeping sickness have been recorded here since December 5 according to health office infor mation published today. This com pared with a total of eight deaths from the snme cause reported clur MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 ng the first eleven monins or rne nrrtsrnt vear, r - No epidemic of the malady exists here, the health office statement said, eases being distributed over the city. Three eases are Known to exist in the city at present, it was stated. Miss Doris Perkins, aged 25, committed suicide yester day by poisoning, according to a report to the police, when she he- ffime despondent becaT-- recover from tli a:.... '' . Cannery Shipj jwt . Mount Angel, Dec. 18 0Br) the past week the Mount i "! cannery shipped four cars m I .i j .. l to wn wm cauueu irmu. Qn - .... " ui i.iauu, uuu io Aicnison K one to Fort Dodee. ttt Lincoln. Noh ' w "I SUfiMfl rsr. LtoGKTT St Myers Tobacco Co. pa? Y R ME THt IMSTRUMJMT Of 0UALITY fUEAR-AS A-BCLl Clear as a Bell Plays All Records i 13 c a Ki .as fj J" ft 5. From $50 to $350 Violins ......... .$5.00 to $50.00 Guitars ....... $10.00 to $50.00 Mandolins . . . . .$5.00 to $50 00 Ukuleles $3.00 to $15.00 Banjos .$15.00 to $150.00 Cases for all instruments TT? V ? W 1 From $25 to $600 Sherman Pay & Co. PIANO LINES MODELS 5af 1 ', i1 Vi From $100 to Steinway Weber Steck A. B. Chase Kurtzman And Others i Also the Wonderful "Duo-Art Reproducing Piano." In.. I !l l' j ' 1,1 . R l 'B itf 'i tM, '',.' mt I aTiTB.' ywgijBwft yi-JBJg -41 If you buy one of "Sherman Clay & Co." Pianos you are guaranted absolute satisfaction. HARMONICAS From 25c to $4.00 Toy Pianos Toy Drums Real Drums Band Instruments Accordions Octarinas lusic Rolls and Bags Sheet Music ""Player Piano Rolls Nothing Better Than Records for Xmas. We Have the Complete ir Lines of Victor and Brunswick TERMS TO SUIT ALL ON PIANOS AND PHONOGRAPHS Moore OOMie EVERYTHING MUSICAL 415 COURT STREET, SAL&