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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1922)
MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922 Edited bv MISS RUTH AUSTIN Phone 82 iride-elect Is Honored By Friends Marie Marshall whose wedding ill be an event of January was e inspiration for two very de- ghtful parties last week. Sun- ,y morning at ten o'clocK covei- i.rfi laid for twelve ai a ui Inst for which Vivian Hargrove Ind Olga Gray were hostesses at flie Gray home. I color scheme was yellow, l,prful color for the morning af- felrs, carried out with pom pom jLysanthemums. The honor Lest was given a lovely corsage jf yellow and lavender iiowers, iWps were set for Grace Holt, iinra Breitenstein, Margaret 4M,tt Mrs. Ila Griffith, Iren frtis! Nana Putnam, Mrs. H iiierly Marie Marshall, and th istesses. I Miss Margaret WMte was istess for the bride elect Wednes Jiv evening with a miscellaneou lower. The gifts were all placed a a Christmas tree, and the dtc- jhtions in the rooms were car- 'ifH out in red and wnite." Tne inch table was gorgeous with lively basket of red roses and Irns centering the table, and red indies giving a toft lighting ef- lot. The places were marked with ind painted cards, and o corsage Jf colored candles, arranged as fmvers. Red bon bon dishes also ferried out the red color scheme 1 Mrs. Horace Sykes and Mrs. fiilph White served the lunch to lie following maids and matrons race Holt, Olga Gray, Irene Cur ls. Vivian Hargrove, Mrs. Lewis iriffith. Mrs. Paul Jerman f ervle Whitney, Nana Putnam ijlnra Breitenstein, Mrs. H. J. Eb erly, Marie Marshall, Margaret White. I Mrs. Ralph White will enter- lin the members of her four ;ncing classes next Friday eve- lug with a Christmas party iferby hall has been decorated th all the glitter of a real rlstmas center, and added to is there will be a Santa Claus the party Friday, Over two indred children are in the four ftsses, and they will give several ture dances. Jingle Bells will contributed by the seniors, low Flakes, the juniors, Wood- soldiers and Doll dance by the by class, and the Rye Waltz by intermediate class. After the fgram part the youngsters will ce for awhile. From eight un- ten are the hours set for the tivities. Organist Formerly Of Salem Miss Vera Kitchener, a native of Salem, has been called in an article printed by the New York Morning Telegraph, "the foremost woman organist of America," and in a concert to be given in the auditorium of the Wanamaker store m New York will demon Huaie aev aonuy to master the complicated key board in a pro gram or organ music. Miss Kitchener who has nlav. ed in one or two of New York's leading picture houses began her career as a musician at the age of 6 in Salem, and as a very young musician, and the first girl in Oregon, won the prize in a com petition conducted by the Nation al Federation of Piano clubs. Later she went to Portland where she had .her first experi ence in motion picture theaters and thence she went to Chicago playing in various picture houses Including the Chauteau. She If one of the few women who have attempted playing the big organ in Broadway film theaters a field she asserts, which offers count less opportunities to women, ... ' The question "Can women mu sicians compete with men as or ganists?" is to be answered at the concert to be given by Miss Kitch ener in New York. The affair is to be something in the nature of a concert, with John M. Priest, or ganist ol the Rialto and Cameo theaters, and J.' Van Clift Cooper. organist of the Rivoli also ap ptaring as soloists. Miss Kitchen er will play as an overture "Fan tasie Symphony" written by Roa- siter G. Cole of Chicago, and con sidered one of -the most difficult compositions among many ar ranged for pipe organs. ' The Wanamaker organ Is one of the largest in the country, com plicated and equipped with every modern device and many men who have accomplished marvelous ef fects with its keys have declared t is much of a physical task to handle it. "Playing for the film," Miss Kitchener says,, "requires tech nique, style, capacity for endur ance, alertness to situation and deep sympathy for theme. The day never ends for the film or ganist and music ranges from symphonies to jazz." The accomplishments of Miss Kitchener will be of inttrest to her many friends both here and in ortland where she appeared at various musical functions. rtie west side circle of the la- is aid of Jason Lee church met ithe home of Mrs. Nellie Knox fday afternoon. The afternoon is spent in piecing blocks for fits. The next meeting will be Ilie home of Mrs. F. G. Clark on uary fifth. liss Helen Frey, a student at r. C. spent the week end in Sa ttae guest of Miss Genevieve licott. Miss Frey was on her to Portland where she will id the holidays with her par ts Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Frey. I ' . The Monday afternoon bridge is meeting today with Mrs. jE. Anderson as hostess. f- ; Of Interest in Rnlam win - . ywuyiB Will " ammo lea given by A. PhlmfRtAP PrAnAH AY. - , . tun cuipior, last wenfe at Ma , , , oiuuiuo a. i ieiuna Stanford university. The tea was In tils nafiiw. . - i i . -- u.vU.o ol B private view ing of the statue, '"The Circuit .i.uer wnicn will be unveiled In Salem In Anrtl n-ii ... K w mame win be the gift of R. A. Booth, to the memorial of his fath er. One Of drwn'. Hfl,j: .. - 1 wuiuuiBi cir cuit riders and heroes of early days. Mr. Proctor will go east soon but will return to Salem to be present for the unveiling of f.tlft etntiia ' w m Lucille Moore Is at home for thi "..aiumis noiiday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore jviaoie Mnmio i attending 0. A. C. is home for the w"n ner parents, Mr - i jx. i. marcus. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause auu son, jonn Morris, motored to roruand Tor the week end. The ivrauses wm go later in the week to spend the4 Christmas holidays With Mra Vr. FridaV Dftnrnnnn T, Carrier and Mrs. U. G. Boyer were hostesses for a few of their friends who were invited to the carrier nome. The Woman's Paul's Episcopal church met with nr.. it . . ivi la. u. u. tsoyer Friday afternoon ivi iia regular meeting. MOUNT ANGEL PRIEST HONORED BY POPE Mount Angel College. St. Bene dict, Dec, IS. Archbishop Chris tie of Portland brought to the Rev. Peter De Roo the brief of Pope Pius XI appointing the ven erable priest a member of th n. pal household with the title of monsignor, conferred In honor of the 60th anniversary of Father De Roo's ordination. occur next month. Father De Roo is the author of two historical books and is 84 years old. Silverton Camps Close Mehama, Dec. 18. Great depth of snow in the hills three and one half miles from Mehama, where the Silverton Lumber com pany logging camp is located, has caused an early shut down. Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Sop, Ointmont Tjkum. 2tc. everywhere. Sample! free of Ctitlcnr. Ubor.torl... I, Mila.n, liu THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON Gift v F PAGE THREE V Al . 'f J uggestionsy or hristrns Exemplify the real spirit of the Merry Christmas lf witu guis wnicn wm oe tne source of permanent and lasting gratitude and satisfaction. You will find countless appropriate gifts on display in our store gifts of every size and price and for every member of the family. We offer below a few suggestions: i fi i v- n r' w . i Kitchen Cabinets Dressing Tables ; Dressers Desks Couches Rockers Auto Robes Rugs . ' Settees Pedestals Dining Room Furniture Sewing Cabinets Comforters Music Cabinets Clocks Mirrors China Closets Magazine Racks Chairs Lamps , Cedar Chests Ladies' Desks Carpet Sweapers Candlesticks Buffets Hall Mirrors Breakfast Sets Ferneriers Bookcases End Tables Blankets Electric Sweepers Benches Electric Lamps Crockery Smoking Stands China Floor Lamps Jardinieres Fern Dishes Stand Lamps Tea Wagons Waste Baskets Gate Leg Tables Davenport Pillows Bridge Lamps Pianos And for the Kiddies Anything their little hearts desire: Tricycles, Tables, Chairs', Wagons, Doll Buggies, Blackboards, Doll Beds, Animal Toys and scores of others. i ,ose Your Fat, Keep Your Health Superfluous flesh is not healthy, neither is It healthy to aiet or ex ercise too much for its removal. The simplest method known for reducing the overfat body easily and steadily is the Marmola Meth od, tried and endorsed by thou sands. Marmola Prescription Tab lets contain an exact dose of the famous Marmola Prescription, and are sola Dy druggists tne woria over at one dollar for a case. They are harmless and leave no wrinkles flabbiness. They are popular because effective and convenient. Ask your druggist for them or send price direct to the Marmola Co., 612 Woodward Ave., uetrolt, Mich., and procure a case, (adv) "ONLY 5 SHOPPING DAYS 'TILL CHRISTMAS" Christmas Is Just Around The Corner Think Of It, Anyone Left Out On Your List? here halrinor Jo mcally where ingredi p stand or fall under acting tests, you find jumet Baking Powder 2a more"" often than any fer brand. Jhe choice of over hun of brands the perfect ener pure uniform. P this in mind when you iDag. powder, because it U Vital imnnrfni., 4- l-aependabie baking. IPurchase price of baking, Per does not determine its I comical merits results tell story. 8 why the sale of fcmet is 2H times as cn as that of any other fng powder. tU?tcaw f Calumet con f full 16 ounce: Some nS powders come in 12 - instead of 16 ounce I Be ureyou get a pound fyoa want it.. The Greatest Array of Christ mas Gifts we have ever shown. Charming Gifts For Grandmother or Mother-in-law Furs, Umbrellas, Vests, Gloves, Hand kerchiefs,.. Gowns,.. Dress,.. Bathrobe, Kimona, Blouse, Knit Scarf, Oamisole, Dress Goods, Silk Sweater, Beads, Hose, Indian Blanket, Purse. V cmrrtNTHL M f " Vj III TEST WET ii -j 3 ' " Here are Gifts that will give years of comfort and complete satisfaction. Practical Gifts For Baby and the Children Bootees, Rattles, Hose, Bonnets, Toques, Bibs, Sweaters, Leggings, Robes, Dresses, Coats, Furs, Mittens, Toys, Dolls, Moccasins, Beauty Pins. 11 8 Five More days to look up that Gift for Him or Her.: A late shipment of library and davenport tables were placed on our sales floor Friday. In oak, mahogany or walnut. Friend wife has wanted a new one for some time; why not buy it NOW. ; We still have a nice . assortment of those beautiful Tennessee Cedar C h e s ts what nicer or more sensible gift could be given? Prices range from $17.50 to $35.00. Truly, a Cedar Chest IS a "Thing of beauty and a joy for ever." Johnson Bros. Eng- ish Dinner Ware, a number of beautiful patterns. Start a small set we have them in open stock and add to it anytime. lyrORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER Sensible Gifts for Wife, Sweetheart, Sister, Neighbor or Club Member DRESS GOODS UMBRELLAS BAR PINS VANITY BOXES FOUNTAIN PENS RIBBON NOVELTIES JEWELRY WOOL SWEATERS SILK SWEATERS WOOL SCARFS DRESS SILKS EAR-RINGS PEARL BEADS PURSES SILVER PENCILS GOLD PENCILS BLANKETS COMFORTERS BED SPREADS SILK SCARFS TABLE LINEN MADEIRA DOILIES BRACELETS GLOVES BLOUSES HANDKERCHIEFS DRESSES FUR COATS FUR CHOKERS PRETTY LACES BATH TOWELS TABLE CLOTHS LUNCH CLOTHS SILK HOSE WOOL HOSE LISLE HOSE CORSETS KIMONAS BATHROBES FACE VEILS WASH CLOTHS BATH SETS DRESS MATERIAL SILK UNDERWEAR SILK GOWNS SILK BLOOMERS SILK CAMISOLES SILK CHEMISE PETTICOATS RIBBON'S TOYS and DOLLS IN OUR DOWNSTAIRS STORE Salem Store 4G6 State Street Portland Silk Shop 383 Aider Street Prices . on Dinner Ware will be no lower for many a moon. Lamps, tamps, .amps in table, floor or bridge styles, very beautiful and moderately-priced. Of course we have for the children -Hi chairs, rocking chairs, tricycles, wagons, rocking horses, doll carts, doll beds, tables and chairs, black boards and desks Davenports Day Beds Leather Rockers Fibre Rockers Desks Brass and Ivory Beds Ranges ; Heaters And many other use ful things to be found at 467 Court Street would make an accept able gift. CHAMBERS CHAMBERS COURT STREET