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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
PAGE EIGHT AT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER!! 1922 111 CONGESTION AT POST OFFICE IS TO CAUSE DELAY Although the mail early and nrrap well propaganda of the post offices of the nation have had their good effect, many people are delaying their mailing until the last minute and aa a result there is going to be a big congestion In the lobby of the local postoffice from about Saturday on, asserted John Farrar, postmaster, thl morning. , In addition to the people who are sending mail there are a num ber .who are ararnging for the cashing of their war saving stamps of the Issue of 1918. Al ready the two purposes are bring ing crowds to the office. Last Saturday there was a line about 20 deep from about noon to 5 o'clock In the afternoon at both the stamp and mail order win dows. In order that there may be no more congestion next Saturday than necessary Postmaster Farrar Is requesting that as many town people as possible do their mailing before then as that is the day the country folks come In, In order to meet the demands made upon the office by late mail ing It has been necessary to make temporary appointments from the llBt of ellgibles. The list of eli glbles is composed of those who took the examination in August. Packages being sent east of Chi cago to be sure of arriving at their destination by the Saturday before Christmas should be on their way by Saturday night, local officials pay. Ordinarily a package would be delivered in from four to five days but with the Increased mail It Is best to allow seven or eight days at the least. Posters asking that the package not be opened until Christmas can be put on the package wtlhout extra charge for postage. , It was estimated by Mr. Farrar today that but about 15 or 20 per cent of the outstanding war sav ings stamps had been turned In. It required several weeks after the tamps are presented before the money is paid as they are sent to the federal reserve bank in Port land from where the money Is sent out. FARM HAND SUSPECTED OF SLAYING EMPLOYERS Newcastle, Ind., Dec. 14. Ben Brookshlre, 23-years-old farm band; who was lodged in the coun ty Jail here following discovery of the murders of Mr. and Mrs William G. Shaffer, denied all knowledge of the crime early to- day. Officers questioned him throughout the night. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer were found on their farm near Middle' town with their beads crushed. To Be Tried in Triangle Murder Mystery y vXvpn!1 &" HI SCHOOL PLAY HAS NOVEL PLOT G&avfic la'h&fy Sesr George Le Hoy Spees, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. Katherine Shultz, are to be tried in Burlington, Iowa, for the murder of Mrs. Schultz's husband, who was shot to death while he slept. 5000 REFRIGERATOR CARS 0R0EREQ.BUILT Construction of bOOO standard refrigerator cars for delivery early in 1923 at an estimated cost of 15,000,000 is being arranged by the Pacific Fruit Express com pany, according to announcement today by C. M. Secrist, vice pres ident and general manager of the company. The company is also ar ranging for the construction of 300 fifty foot refrigerator cars equipped for passenger train ser vice. These 800 cars, of steel con struction and designed for hih speed service, will cost an addi tional 11,750,000. The 6000 standard refrigera tor cars are In addition, to the 3300 new cars being built by the company. There are 1600 cars yet to be delivered on the 3300 order, and these with the new lot "Of 6000 to be built, will give the Pacific Fruit Express 6600 new standard refrigerator cars for 1928 business. MORE ABOUT WANAMAKEh (Continued from Page One.) modest neighborhood in South Philadelphia where the church is Situated. Many celebrated persons. In eluding high representatives of the official life of the nation, were here to officiate as honorary pall bearers or to attend the funeral ervices this afternoon. The serv Jces at both the church and at the vVanamaker mausoleum In the cemetery of St. James the Less were private. Invitations were lsBiied commensurate with the Bftllne cauaclty of the church which is estimated at slightly in axcem of 2000. Simplicity marked the last rites for the merchant prince. Three iymns that were his life tong fav writes were his musical requiem They are "Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me," "Jesus, Lover of My faoul, ml "Nearer. My God, to Thee. The first named was aung by the firls' quartet of Bethany, the otn hv the Bethany choir. The services were conducted by the Rev. A. Gordon MacLenna, as listed by the Rev. E. Ritchie. YOUTH HELD FOR SMOKING A lad who gave his name as fh.rloi. Warren of Tacoma, Wash was taken into custody yesterday fnr miokinar cigarettes. ' Warren, who was arrested by Police Sergeant Birtcnet, was to day held pending an Investigation of his case. Why Druggists Recommend Swamp-Root Vor manyN Tear druggists have uihtd with much interest the remarkable" record maintained ly lr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the kidney, liver and bladder Eiedieine. It la a. nhvslolan'a prescription. Swamp-Root Is a strengthening medicine. It nip me xioueys, fiver and bladder do the work which nature Intended they should do. Bwamp-Root has stood the test ef yeare. It U sold by all druc- flsts on Its merit and It should elp you. No other kidney medi cine has so many frlenda Be sure to get Swamp-Root and atart treatment at once. However, tf you wish first to test thl great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. T.. for a, (ample bottle. When writing be sure anj mention thl paper. (adv) PORTLAND SCHOOL NOT ABLE TO RAISE FORFEIT Portland, Ore., Dee. 14 As Wash ington high school of Portland could not raise the $3500 guarantee to bring the Scott high school foot ball team of Toledo, Onlo, to Port land for a Christmas game, Hugh J. Boyd, principal of . Washington, has telegraphed the principal of cott high school that the game will not be played. BOLSHEVIK SOLICIT D0UKH0G0B RETURN Nelson, B. C, Dee. 14 The Douki honors, a religious sect which set tled in Cyprus and in western Can ada when expelled from Kussia in 1885, are being solicited by the bol shevik! to return, it is reported here. Two emissaries from soviet Russia are said to have been recently among the Doukhobor farmers in the Koot- enay and Boundary districts. ETTER PARKING System SOUGHT The problem of parking In the down town district came up for discussion last evening at the meeting of members of the Cham ber of Commerce, and to secure an expression of opinion as to whether "head in" parking was to be preferred to our present system of backing In, President J. C. Perry appointed a committee to report on cltf parking. This committee will be Edward Schunke, chairman. Dr. W. H. Darby and B. E. Sissons, with In structions to report at the Janu ary meeting of the club. Attention was called to the fact that many autos are parked In such a way that the space on a block is soon taken by the early risers who come down In the bus iness district and use the streets for a garage. W. M. Hamilton said that from reading magazines, he was of the Impression that trafflo officers were opposed to the California system of head in parking, and that to secure an expression of opinion, It would be a good Idea to write the police department of cities on the coast, to learn which system of parking they found most advisable. There is a growing feeling among business men that cars should not be parked In the bus iness district for hours at a time, and in many Instances, for the entire day. The opinion was ex pressed that a time limit should be placed on parking in certain parts of the down town district. Under present conditions, it was pointed out that after an early hour, it was impossible , to find parking space for those who wished to transact business in the congested section of the city. Well, it's nice of Turkey not to demand an indemnity from the Allies. About all the price at the mine proves is that they are lucky who have a mine in the neighborhood. The Wonder Anaesthetic for the Teeth f . jfJbA Mil I L. . .7 " ft A- v Dentistry's New Sensation N EVERY city where Twi light Sleep for the teeth has been introduced it has created a sensation. It has been welcomed because it ab solutely puts the teeth to sleep - and there is no hurt nor ill after effects. FOR THE TEETH" Dentists who do the better kind of dental work are privileged to use Twilight Sleep for the Teeth and then ONLY one dentist in a city is given this right. Because Twilight Sleep fs positive in its action it per mits the most delicate dental operation on the most sensi tive teeth and absolutely There Is No Hurt Twilight Sleep, for the teeth, comes only in sealed glass ampules, to insure absolute cleanliness. It cannot be compared to any ordinary anaesthetic. DR. FLOYD L. UTTER GENERAL DENTISTRY 808-9 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 1313 Salem, Oregon Is the world eo large that it is possible tor a man to lose himself from all that know him, 'even when be changes his name and has has been given up as having died in the war, or. is the world so small that he is likely to meet someone who will recognize him and -call him by name? Also do spirit mediums have the power of aiding in the locating of a miss ing person? These are two very important points which are brought out in "Three Live Ghosts," an English play which is to be given by the students of the Salem high school tomorrow evening in the school auditorium for the benefit of the student body fund. Miss Fay Bolin is directing the work of the cast. The only part of the war which is brought into the play Is the background tor the causing of shell shock to an American soldier who joined the British forces and was reported dead. He decides to stay in London with two buddies who play the part of the ghosts Around them a very complicated story ot theft and robbery is wov en and during the work of locat ing the jewels the American boy is recogpized. The story finally ends as all stories do with all "living happily ever after." The setting for the story In all three acts is a home in London's East Side. A large number of tickets have been sold and with the backing of the townspeople a packed house is expected. The admission is" 35 cents. RAIN KEEPS TROJANS FROM REAL PRACTICE Los Angeles, Cal., Deo. 14 Bain here id seriously interfering with foot-ball practice at the TTniversity of Southern California. Ko thing but light workouts have been held since Coach Henderson's return from Seattle. With favorable weather today, the first scrimmage in three weeks was- to be held in preparation for the game. Read The Journal Want Ads Olcotts Visit With Hoover And Harding Washington, D. C, Dec. 14. Governor and Mrs. Olcott of Ore gon were presented to the presi dent Wednesday by Ralph E. Wil liams, Oregon republican national committeeman. Later Governor and Mrs. Olcott visited Secretary of Commerce JHoover who told them of his pleasant recollections of Oregon, saying that he receiv ed bis first scholastic training iii Newberg and bis first office ex perience at Salem, where he per formed the functions of an office boy. At the capitol, Governor Olcott was piloted to the floor of the house by Representative McAr- thur and was introduced to Speak er Gillett and many representa tives In congress. At the senate the Oregon governor chatted for a time with Vice President Cool idge. PROMOTERS ANGLE FOR DEMPSEY-WILLARD BOUT Los Angeles, Cal., Deo. 14 After Jack Eearns, manager of Jack Dempsey, heavyweight boxing cham pion, had agreed to a return bout between Dempsoy and Jess Willard, former champion, more than a dozen offers to promote it were received by Willard, according to Eugene P. Doyle, Willard's press representative. The offer from Tom O'Rourke of New York, was the first received. Others came from Havana, Cuba, and from a Buenos Aires elub which wants Willard to meet Luis Firpo, the South American heavyweight, either before or after the proposed Dempsey-Willard match. SALEM MAN GIVES CLOTHES Through the generosity of M. E. Seamens, 265 South Commercial street, some of the poorly clad transients who arrive at the Salem police station will get warm cloth ing. A number of garments were turned over to officers yesterday by Mr. Seamens. Chief of Police Moffitt recently announced that many of the men given free beds here are without proper clothing and suggested that gifts of old clothes would be ap preciated. ELKS GET AID (Continued trom Page One.) J Taste 1S uaity - tobacco .S- i'CSJ EMU v&C fore the Elks and the Salvation Army. Your help is needed. Automo biles, though available only for a short time any day before Christ mas can be used to gather up hnndles and to travel to homes in which help is believed to be needed. Response Is Expeoted. ThoRe nersona who have clothes clean, if old and other articles which might serve as guts ior me needv. should, it at all possible, dnHver them at the front door of the Elks lodge on North Liberty street. The packages should be marked as to contents on the out side so that they may be handled as .expeditiously as possible, a larire ouantltv of candy and nuts, and all kinds of toys , are needed to go into the packages for little folk. Six hundred Christmas cards, hPRiinir erecting, have been or dered bv the Elks and more will be printed if necessary. The Elks are spending many, many nours on thoir phristmas work and a con siderable amount of money. From the average citizen but little is to h asked, but it is believed that that little should be given. Fred Erixon. chairman of the weiiare committee, today expressed con fidence that Salem 8 response win be generous. . Hundreds of little folk will, on December 25, be very happy or vArv. verv disacoointed. A pack age left at the Elks lodge, today, will go a long way toward making some youngster contented, even with his poor surroundings. Gas On Stomach Won'tLet You Sleep Gas often presses on heart and other, organs, causing a restless, nervous feeling which prevents sleep. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler lka, expels gas and relieves pres sure almost INSTANTLY, induc ing restful sleep. Adlerika often removes surprising old matter from BOTH upper and lower bow el which poisoned stomach and caused gas. EXCELLENT to guard against appendicitis. J. C. Perry, druggist, 115 S. Commer cial, (adv) Stationery Well Chosen There is satisfaction in knowing that your gift will be appreciated. See to it that it will not be the case of "just another one" of a number of the same thing. Stationery carries with it that assurance that he recipient will un doubtedly disclose ther feeling you expected. Our stock is complete with Gift Boxes, etc., which lend an added zest to your Christmas presents. ri m r rw miiii ii r LADIES, ATTENTION! FURS We have reopened our fur shop and have a line of new furs at reasonable prices. . We Dye and Remodel Furs. Angora Rug and Fur Co, 1230 Ferry St. Phone 683 TV Christmas Jewelry Gifts You'll Find Them at HARTMAN BROS. The name on the Gift Box makes a world of dif ference to people who know and care. "GIFTS THAT LAST" Many people are under the impression that because the quality of merchandise at this store is superior prices are necessarily high. You will find our prices are within range of all. And we ask "you to pay us a visit in our newly remodeled store. CLARIDGE GIFT SHOP Gifts 75c to $6.00 Hartman Bros. Ml JEWELERS Service Efficiency SALEM, OREGON S Ligoitt ft Mtbxs Tobacco Co. ft