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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1922)
THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS OF Paris, Dec. 14. (By Associated Press.) The French cabinet this morning approved the attitude tnkpn on the reparations Question by Premier Poincare at the recent London conference or premiers hearing M. Poincare'8 report It also expressed agreement with him regarding the declarations 11 be made In the chamber of depu ties Friday, "when it is expected 1 government will be called upon reply to an interpellation. Premier Poincare. it is forecast, will ask the chamber for a free band in reparations negotiations with the allies and for like free dom regarding- the seizure of such pledges as are permitted under the treaty of Versailles if a settlement is not reached by negotiation be fore the next installment of Ger mnnv's debt is due on January 16 The premier told the cabinet that he had brought back from London the assurance that the dlf ferences between France ai Great Britain in the execution the treaty of Versailles wou henceforth be discussed in an ami nh1 sDirit. unaccompanied b; press campaigns against either country, ana tnai a jmai disagree ment would not menace the exist ence of the entente. ILEllRlNON University of Oregon, Eugene, Dec. 14. (Special.) With King Football laid to rest by the selec tion of University of Southern California to represent the west at Pasadena on New.Year'a day and the refusal of the coast conference to allow Oregon to meet West Vir ginia at San Diego on Christmas day, Oregon athletes are now de voting all attention to varstiy bas ketball practice which got under way this week. George Bohler, now starting his third year as basketball coach, has seven lettermen numbered among the huge squad of varsity candi dates. While he is not promising a championship five, he declared that the Oregon team this season will be much stronger than it was last year. Lettermen back this season are Latham, Altstock, Edlunds, Goar, Burnett, Couch, Zimmerman and Haddon Rockney, a letterman of last year, will Join the squad with the opening of the winter term BUI Spear, giant end of the var sity, football teajn, and Hall Chap man, quarterback, are among the likely looking aspirants for the five. But three men, Marc La tham, Beller and Andre, of last year's varsity squad are missing this season. Bohler has a barnstorming trip planned for the Christmas holidays at which time he will take a tenta tive varsity squad on a tour of the Willamette valley and northwest ern and northeastern parta of the state. TIGER DEPARTS; KISSES HOSTESS New York, Dec. 14. (By Asso ciated Press.) His mission ended, Georges Clemenceau, war time premier, sailed for home on the 8. S. Paris yesterday, declaring he would return again "but only as a gnost." Just before the Paris cast off, the Tiger kissed Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson on both cheeks, laughingly enjoining her not to "dare to tell her husband." Mr. and Mrs. Gib son were Clemenceau'a hosts dur ing his stay here last month. Others at the pier to see him off included Jules J. Jusserand, the French ambassador to America, and Mrs. Jusserand; Gaston Lie bert, the French consul here: Col, E. M. House, who arranged the uger s American shipping tour, nd Bernard M. Baruch. Cloverdale News The W. C. T. U. was entertained Wednesday at the home of Mrs. M. iTlflet. Mrs. Jolih Thomas has been con fined to her bed for the past week. Beauchamp of Stayton was eall 4 in Sunday to attend to her, he states its a bad cold settled on her Jungj. A few flurries of enow was notic d here Sunday. H. Wilson and John Thomas in gaiem Wednesdar. No V- J. Eadley hU friends are all rry to hear. POST OFFICE SAFE LOOTED Gladstone, Or., Dec. 14. The e of the local postoffice was "recked early today by an explo J'on which hurled it through the Irnt of the building. The safe jobbers had escaped when resi oenta, aroused by the blast reach a the scene. Mrs. Carrie N. marker, postmistress, could give no Miniate of the losses pending a "Port by postoffice inspectors. POIUEGE FULL APPROVAL MINISTERS OREGON'S 14, 1922 ii . - , FRIDAYAND SATURDAY zL 1 . H Infants' Bootees Wool knit Bootees, cream color with pink or blue trims. Dollar Day, per pair Infants Wool Caps Novelty knit wool caps trim med in blue and pink. Dollar Day, ach Maupin Dolls Our Infants department of fers Maupin cloth dolls dressed with knitted suits. Dollar Day, each Infants' Hot Water Bottles Rubber hot water bottles, a gift for the tiny tot. Dollar Day, each , Knitted Ties A special line of novelty knitted Ties, plain and two tone colors. Dollar Day, 2 for Men's Ties Big assortment genuine silk Cheney's reversibles, etc.; new patterns, Dresdens, polka dots and stripes. Dollar Day, each Men's Kerchief s Woven colored border Ker chiefs, tan, lavander and blue, absolutely fast colors. Dollar Day, 4 for Men's Linen Initial Kerchiefs Pure linen good quality Ker chiefs, hemstitched, novel in itial. Dollar Day, 2 for Men's All Linen Kerchiefs Fair quality, all linen Ker chief. Dollar Day, 4 for Men's Lawn Initial Kerchiefs High grade lawn Kerchiefs, tiffany initials. Dollar Day, 4 for Men's Belts Men's black belts, slide buckle, with take-up. Dollar Day, 2 for Paris Garters High grade Garters in Xmas boxes. Dollar Day, 4 for Men's Silk Sox Fine quality silk sox, brown or black. Dollar Day, per pair Boys Caps uuy niui vh -- man; assorted colors here In the new styles, uonar Arm Bands Fancy shirred silk ribbons; elastic arm bands in fancy boxes. Dollar Day, 4 pr for THE CAPITAL F riday and Saturday are Dollar We ;J the Dollar this this two-day selling program that will be appreciated as gifts by all. Articles that can be used everyday are the sensible things to give. Come to this Store Friday and Saturday with a list of Dollar Articles and see what the dollar will buy can remember everyone at Outing Flannel 27 inch Outing Flannel in white only. A splendid weight for gowns, etc. Dollar Day pedal, 8 yards for Cretonnes A big variety of Cretonne in pleasing color combinations, old blue, old rose, yellow, pink, etc., 4 yards for . Lingerie Crepe Fancy Plisse Crepe for gowns, pajamas, . bedroom window drapes, etc. Saturday Dollar Day, 4 yards for Boys Heavy Stockings Heavy ribbed, excellent qual ity black Stockings. Give him three pair for Xmas. Dollar Day, 8 pair for . . Kayser's Bodice Top Vests Imported French challis, all fine wool in very sirable patterns. Saturday Dollar Day, m T per yard . . . IJ Trimmed Hats Our Millinery section offers a line of felt and velvet trim med Hats, values to 6.60. Dollar Day Shirred Elastic Ribbon The new two tones are in cluded. Dollar Day, 2 pieces for .... . Fancy Hair Ornaments A varied lot of hair orna ments, combs, fancy hair pins, t. Special each Beads A big assortment of beads, many oriental designs and col ors; black, red, jade and am ber color, etc. Your choice of this lot Dollar Day . Gene Palmer Toilet Water A gift of. toilet water, face, cream and powder will be ap predated. Dollar Day, each.... Stationery Hammerhill Bond and Ea ton's Highland box stationery in paper and envelopes to match, tan, rose, blue, yellow, white. Dollar Day, 2 boxes for Boudoir Caps Fancy lace and net in new styles, assorted colors; lavan der, rose, blue, etc., each Royal Worcester Corsets and Girdles A lot of broken sizes in this lot, excellent for utility wear. Dollar Day, each JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON - . . : . . Christmas Gifts $ 1 each season. We have selected MerohA ICO fri Men's Shirtings J 4 inch Madras in stripes and conventional designs. Dol lar Day, 2 yards for Flannelettes Flannelettes for himonas, morning jackets, children's robes, etc. Saturday Dollar Day, 4 yards for . Fancy Bath Towels 20x42 large size fancy bath Towels, these are all double thread good quality towels. Dollar Day, 2 for . Robe Corduroy Heavy weight wide wall robe corduroy, rose, purple, flame and grey per yard, Dollar Day . Box Kerchiefs $1 81 SI SI 1 8 embroidered Kerchiefs I n attractive gift box. Dollar Day 1 at Women's Neckwear Values to $2.50 in this brok en lot, Include vestees and col- lars of lace and organdie. Dol- AT lar Day, ach Fibre Silk Stockings Brown and black eilk fibre stockings, nearly all sizes. Special Dollar Day, 2 pair for Silk Plaited Stockings Black and brown silk plaited a wonderful value, buy them by the box. Special Dollar Day, pair Heather Hosiery Brown wool and cotton mixed heather Hosiery extra value. Dollar Day, per pair Women's Knit Union Suits Elbow sleeve, also no sleeve, knee length union suits of fine ribbed cotton. Special Dollar Day -. - . Kaysers Bodice Top Vests Fine quality Vests, our reg ular 65c quality. Dollar Day Special, 2 for Fancy Rubber Aprons Buy her a practical gift for the kitchen; these water-proof aprons will please her. Dollar Day ,..'.. - Pillow Cases Buy ;iter a pair of pillow cases and embroidery, her monogram on them. Dollar Day, pair f ..hi ii if t Good Goods. Salem's Leading Department Store Days at this Store Sleeping Dolls Subway Store Special sleeping doll fully dressed, natural hair, assorted color dresses .....k Doll and Chair f Subway Store Saturda we will sell a com blnatlon set of one doll and red chair . .. Set Enamel Ware Dishes Subway Store Child 's set of blue enamel ware dishes, generous size, special .. Ironing Board Subway Store Miniature Ironing board. Is made exactly like larger ones, very substantial. Oregon made and is folding style, special... Roadster Subway Store Mechanical roadster, cranks to run forward, also roadster run by friction. Special, the two for . ...... ;.. Mechanical Autos Subway Store Touring or Sedan type, cranks to run forward or back ward is newest novelty in mechanical autos ....... Vanity Boxes Subway Store Special for Dollar Day only. Ladles', new Vanity boxes in assorted colored leathers Boys Hosiery Subway Store Extra heavy triple knee, heels and toes, black only. 8 pair for ..... Girls' Hosiery Subway Store Fine ribbed black or brown cotton Stockings, sizes 7 to 10. 4 pairs for , Women's Lisle Hosiery Subway Store Extra fine quality lisle thread Hosiery, black only, 3 pairs for Huck Towels Subway Store 15x34 Huck Towels, good quality. Hotels and restaurants will buy these at, 8 for SI $1 SI Si $1 $1 $1 SI $1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY this event Women's Hosiery Subway Store 7 pairs Women's fast black Hosiery, hemmed top, an excel lent value ......... Men's Hosiery ' Subway Store 7 pairs Men's fast black cot ton Sox, special ........................ Tree Ornaments Subway Store 1 dozen large size tree Orna tnenta assorted colors and pat- . ""'Tree Ornaments Subway Store 2 dozen glittering tree Orna ments In assorted pattern and colors ' Women's and Children's Hats ' Subway 8tore An assortment of felt and velvet Hats, excellent styles, a substantial saving Saturday...... Kerchiefs Special Subway Store 2 boxes of 8 Kerchiefs each of very fine sheer lawns, special Kerchiefs Special Subway Store One dozen assorted pattern Kerchiefs, three to a box, 4 boxes for ........... Campfire Girls Subway Store Three books, ''Campfire Girls" will be sold Saturday for $1.00 Boy Scout Books Subway Store- Seven Boy Scout Books, as sorted titles; this is an oppor tunlty to remember your boy tcout friends, 7 for . Spellerand Counter Subway Store Ready Speller and Counter, very instructive and interest ing to little folks, special ........ BlackBoards Subway Store A large elze blackboard, the Ezyart kind, will make any child happy on Christmas morning. Special ........... Leather Bags Subway Store In assorted colors. Extra value ia this bag at . .. SI SI SI PAGE FIVE SI SI SI SI SI SI