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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1922)
PAGE EIGHT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1922 B OOTH PAYS HIGH TRIBUTE to i. icon Pendelton, Or., Oct. J1-A ttrlklng comparison of Governor Olcott and Walter M. Fierce, can didates for governor, was made ore last night by R. A. Booth, thlrman of the ' state highway commission, who declared that Mr. Olcott had always been a faithful public aervant, while Walter Plnrce served bis own Interests first when be has been a public official. "fiovemor Olcott la the best business governor we have ever had. He is trained by many years Of service and there has never bean a breath of scandal against him, while Pierce bag a record of wasteful legislation ana aisregaru for the taxoayers' money." Mr. Booth contrasted Mr. Olcott's ddc.iflion to accent only one salary when he succeeded to the office of Kovernor on the death of Mr. Withycombe, where other men in similar Dosltion In this state bad beld both the secretary's salary and that of the governor, with Plorce's record of misuse of public funds. ' "Governor Olcott stands four Muare wtih no class distinction anil svnrvnne knows lust how he stands, which Is much different from Walter Pierce's wobbly posi tlon." Potato Foot Long Weighs 3 lbs. 4 oz. from Howell Prairie A potato, the largest that has been brought to The Jour nal office this fall which was locally grown, Is of the Netted Gem variety, Is within one-half Inch of being a foot long and weighs 8 pounds, 4 ounces. The potato was grown on the J. A. Stevens it Son ranch, which is located near Howell Prairie. The specimen would not win any first prizes on smoothness, as it is covered with little warts but It has the weight. The potato is tree from scales. ANTIKLAN CHIEF KILLED IN AFFRAY COUNTY T MEETS AT STAYTON FRIDAY Plans which have been com pleted for the annual convention of the Marion county Y. M. C. A. which is to meet at Stayton Fri day evening, November 3, and are being announced to the variou branches of the "V" of the coun ty. The biggest event of the con vention is said to be the conven tion dinner. Luther 3. Chapin, county chairman, will preside at the luncheon and will call for re ports from the various towns or the county. Probably the most lntnritBtlnn reDort of the evening will be given by Superintendent Kuzer of the boys' training scnooi where there are more than a hun dred boys taking Bible atudy nnurses. J. 11. Ellison, president of the Portland Rotary club ana man ager of the Ellison-White Chau tauqua system, is to be the gueBi nf hnnnr and will BDCaU 00 "The Hnna of the World." . It is expectod that with the Stayton people that will atteno there will be more than a hun dred delegatus in attendance. LINN COUNTY FAIR DEFICITJ1VER $5000 Albany. Or.. Oct. 81. Linn county's ltii fair failed'by $6000 to pay expenses, according to re- nnrts made at a meeting of the board of directors. Local busi ness men will be asked to sub scribe to a fund to clear the debt. Aecordine to the report made by jr. B. Calllster, manager, the un paid premiums amount to 18200, tor which $2200 will be received fi-nm th nnuntv and the state. Part of the Indebtedness is from last vear. Subscriptions of $60 from 100 local men will be sought, notes to be given as security. Hinww vi FISH SEASIDE BEACH Astoria. Or., Oct. 81. Parties visiting Seaside report that great mass, including numbers of dead fish, principally skates, ni merous shells of a kind not often seen there, seaweed, small pieces of coral and little objects which resembling sponges, came ashore on the beach. It was declared that early in the morning a disturbance at sea was heard. This was said to have caused the mass to be cast ashore, $400 PIANO $89 We have five practice pianos for only $89, on terms of $3 down, 1 Big Bale Now On GEO. C. WILL 432 tatate Street WITH KLANSMEN Okmulgee, Okla., Oct. 81. County officials investigating the shooting at Spelter City Sunday night, which proved fatal to two men, one a member of a masked party and the other the intended victim of the masked band,' today began developing the motive un derlying the affair, with the an nounced purpose of determining whether the Ku Klux Klan was In any way involved. Meanwhile a searcn is Deing prosecuted for George True nd Homer Penniquen, aiiegea mem hr of. the masked Darty. who left after the shooting. Both are be lieved to be wounded. They were p.hareed with first degree murder yesterday following the death of Tom Boggus, an antl-J.u iuux Klan leader. who is said to nave started the shooting when . four! masked men using a motorcar at tempted to seize blm as he left a theater in Spelter City. Boggiss was said to have been called out or the theater by one of the masked men. . f Boggus was president of an ana Ku Klux Klan organization r cently formed at Henryetta, of which Bnelter City is a suburb, ft was known as the "True Blue Americans." f , His assailants wore sock masks over their faces and blue overalls, Feeling has been bitter between mmbers of the "True Blue Amer inana" and members of the secret organization to which "they were opposed, according to omcers. . Statistics show that the average woman marries at the age of 25 years. ' $500 Estev Piano $275 Closing out five iiistey jrianos in like new condition, SZ7B, f3 flown $1.50 a week. GEO. C. WILL 432 State Street Dizzy Spells Are Usually Due to Constipation When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Kujol because it acts like this natural lubricant and thus replaces it. MIDI IS S lubricant not a medicine or laxative so cannot gripe. Try it today. P"!; " J dn Guard! Protect your store sgslnst nut and weal byutlng 5 $125 New Phonograph $62 riliwrincr out one nationally adver tised line. Phonographs at half price. $1 down, $1 a week. , GEO. C. WILL 432 Stat Street EiiIIt mvrAied and onUto tht Iron wtf t pMJ 0Udvote hv bn Pvd n3 owmt mgrnm vj nuwi iw-M - ' Utd by dealtn oo sample Movct tuid foi xhl bitioa woilc. Bold br lurdwtrfl and grocery dlett. wquia UU PUHI UUSJ tJUSMnr " r- , Black Silk Stove PoiMb Works ' SlarUna. UlinoU Cm Black Hk Air Pnrlns k-OH law U.. BkMk Silk Martol roll. for .IWtr. olrk.1, m - "II!11 1 !l I aTTTI T-NOT aTa WJviT k For Foot Comfort LADIES' NEW NECKWEAR Artful vestees of organdies, laces and nets, and in the new inset designs, as well as scores of charming new collar and cuff sets that, add much to the new costume. Our assortment is complete and includes vestees, fichus, organdy and lace collar and cuffs, vestmgs by the yard, bandings, etc. Collars 49c to $1.25 Gale & Company Commercial and Courts Streets THIS GREAT PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE WILL SOON CLOSE Only a few more days remain for you to buy a wonderful great Piano for almost nothing and one of the world's greatest phonographs at half price- We have gone over th 3 entire stock and cut every single instrument to rock bottom. Come now, don t wait Made to Measure Clothes $25 io $49 nUsed --------i $400 Piano now D $89 0 Will buy this piano. This is the greatest piano buy ever offered to the public. $5 Down $1:00 a Week Used $500 Estey $275 Tfi f I' , ' ! 275 For a genuine Estey Piano In like new condition $5 Down $1.50 a Week v Why buy ready mades when you can . save money ly having your clothes made to order. Select your own mater ials.. The patterns, the coloring3 and weaves. Then the suit can be made up in the ityle that is best fitted for you. Just what you like and, best of all, you save money. Let us prove this to you. Scotch Woolen Mills 428 State Street 1 frFTi If For this fine player piano- $5 Down $2.50 a Week o. C. Will 432 State Street, Salem - We are quitting one line 6f phonographs, entirely due to the fact we haven't enough space. We are cutting this line one half. These are nationally advertised, made by one of the largest houses in the business. This fine slightly used Phonograph $127 Terms $1 down, $2 a week New $75 Phonograph $ 37.50 New $100 Phonograph' . . . .... .: 50.00 New $125 Phonograph' 62.50 New $150 Phonograph ... 75.00 New $200 Phonograph ; , 100.00 New $250 Phonograph 125.00 New $275 Phonograph , . 137.50 $ "J DOWN BUYS Any Phonograph in stock These are the most rediculous prices ever made on phonographs. You will have to hurry as they will ,not last at these prices. Barbara Brown Arch Rest -aBrownShoe l.-Light weight, vory rigid, corrugated teel arch upport .hank. 2 Long in.lde counter of extra quality full grain leather. ,-Double .trength, .pecial woven no .tretch" doubler between th Uning and kid out.lde prevent Stretching out of shape. v Low and Higli Buster Brown Shoe Store Scientific Fitting of Foot Deformities CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS SATISFY THE WANTS Season End Prices Right Now! Lots of Merchandise Left for Everyone at Genuine Season-End Prices Genuine Tweed-o-Wool Suit of all-wool material; just the suit for a business woman. Sale price $19.50 Salts Plash Coat Full silk lined, large wolf collar. Sale price . $31.75 Fancy satin stripe Italian Silk Kayser Hose in black and brown, regular $4.25. Sale price $3.65 All-wool Jersey and Tricotine School Dresses Sale price $9.95 $8.60 La Camille Back Lace Corset Sale price $6.40 Our high grade Hiking Boot You need them now sale prica $8.45 - Party Slippers Skinners satin (this satin does not split. Sale price $7.85 Cantilever Oxfords in black Kid and brown Calfskin- just arrived. Sale price $9.85 Patent Leather Strap Pumps - Oxfords I; Brand new. Sale price $6.15 First Grade Rubbers (Not second grade) 85c finugs (toe rubbers) 65c JUST FOLLOW THE CROWDS