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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1922)
1 1 TUESDAY, OCTOBER fpt-f "TT" "fl The Road to Hell Capit UUrllCU SUBSCRIPTION RATES carrier 10 cents a week, 4 a By centa a month, 15 a year In ad-1 vSye'mall, in Marlon and Polk -Pintles, one month 60 cents, 3 Unth3 $1.15. 8 months 82.25. 1 vear $4.00. Elsewhere SO cents a 15 a year. Entered as second class mall matter at aaiem, umpin. Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclus ively entitled to the use for pub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member - Audit Bureau of Circulations. Advertising representatives: W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg., New Vi-lf C.ltV. .J- fcfWS": Pe0?les Ga CLASSIFIED RATES Rate per word each insertion $ cents, three insertions 5 cents, one week 8 cents, one month 20 rent, one year, per month, 12 cents; minimum per ad 25 cents. First insertion only in New To day. City ads cash In advance, and not taken over phone, unless advertiser nas mommy account. No allowance for phone errors. NEW TODAY WOOD sawing, Fisher Bros, phone 1756. ; ee284 LARGE chrysanthemums. Pickens. 1463J. K. H. c285 FOR SALE Good heater, board, pipes. 655 N. 20th. 259 WANTED Sewing at 259 S. 19th street, pnone lBB'nM. 1Z01 NEW garage and rooms for rent. 355 9. Winter St. J261 FOR SALE Heifer giving 2 gal- lons, $35. 975 S. 22nd St. 259 WANTKD "Position at general house work. Phone 74P4. g261 HlUli bred Scotch collie pups for sale. Cherry City feed barn. e261 WANTED Woman for general housework. Apply 2290 N. 4th. 259 HIGH school girl wants place to work for room and board. 2o26 Mnier. , h260 FURNISHED room, close In, heat ed, quiet, adults only- breakfast. 17S3W. J261 CABBAGE for kraut, good quali ty fresh from field, delivered. phone 48F11. c266 balls model Hup touring, new top, tires and paint. A' snap at the price. 1653R. 259 LATE model Oakland six, cord tires, wire wheels. Will take late iorcl as first payment. 1668R. 258 LAJK mode.1 Dodge touring, will take Ford as part payment; This car is A-l mechanically. inoait. 2 5 9 ONE three room unfurnished apartment 2 blocks from state nouse, ana 2 singles furnished. Phone 630. 259 OH SALE Dandy chicken ranch at Falls City; consider Salem property In trade. Box 7 Jour- nal. b-261 WANTED Womr, t ,;C- lng and ironing. Phone 1205W or address Box A Capital Jour- TOh sale Or . will trade for good cow, a three year old mare. J. u flckene, Salem, Rt. 8, box ?17- e2S1 UriMn..,.. . I ""ira to trade a good heat- 1 r ana 12 gauge pump gun for kitchen cabinet. Phone 63F4I I svemngs, 1261 ,u BT Grain farm of 192 cres, small house and barn. paved road, near 6alem. Davis ies, Kt. 1. 1261 WILL pay spot cash for late model automobiles. Drive to 156 S. Com mercial St. and get the money. Phone 361 or 1653R. q FOR EXCHANGE Electric oroodcr for year old hens, or early hatched pullets. H. H. Boxrad, 1994 Fir St A IFOR SALE Ford roadster. Ford wiring car. Ford Chassis, Max ell touring and one light six. Miners garage, 803 N. Liberty. J r q261 i"tt KENT- -4. room hoima 118- I room im.oa ts. - 1 lin.. fou, f room 1 ; 8 room housa I4'S r 1 p; Ude J- M- Paee. 492 north ( lm, house- ood condition. built, 135x110 corner, full ment, bath, fine fruit, $3600 pito.e il-l-t866 Harris- 62i; i'OR RfTmt o: : hA- . . 0 nwra modern nome $40 no- 1 mnrt luum '"oaern excent hu i now .. w n .,; liraDennorst mmsKrtz;:- waner as par on n6w b yivea street: ,iaH c.i -?os. 370 u fif... t'nijSTT iic ot. a 1500 cS,m2,e1r frie M20 cenf f- ba,ance 3 years at 4 Phone 217 Ber' refron blde- l-i7- 259 I '350 todav 500 ton -C'Se ln: I aiL.!Lbest Iand 100 per acre: . acre iarm nr I dose ir, , ,use' 10 apartments L?Ke 4 ,DV- Uerude J, - 92 north rmt... M, be at . y VeUe 8ix auto-mi- fOWpped i TCmce- Fu"y bl"Per'f .d defIector, visor, "sht nT; nt and hack, spot Or't'JL Tin .8eU " " " r city property. fwRTr I '0 anv rlrJ! wanted an offer I I k:i- following proper 1 ted, addition to I lo m t8. 1 a"d the w,t lrJt block 91 . " DlocK 1 K'nr? 2-.1-trart In b IM in b i' W Park, lou 13- I ? W u " "JSh'and add. Sa liSte9; Grabenhor3t A Co. f 2 kv. 369 7 " "v k-. eleVtln- 7 "onoervatlve ln 'yon oM Vof UMd If 1 flrlLfase .1. --UIH , conservative in these cars 275 ;aklaiM .H8S WrJn " 859 31, 1922 XT TI 1 T irmn i nun iuuai VVANTED Furnltu tools, etc 1'none 611. EXPERIENCED cook and house" keeper desires position. Box Po. siuon care Journal. h260 FOR SALE HOlSES OK SALE 6 room house with basement, on State street, can sive possession Nov. 1. Price s.aou, sauu cash, balance terms See Krueger, Oregon bldg. phone a2S LOTS of lots with lots of prices, irom aiDU 10 J3UU0. M. .1. Hunt j-.aqq & Bush bldg. a 5 kuum house five blocks Irom center or city, modern convenl cuvo, turner lor, S33U0, easy terms. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 H ot-ate street. a GET A HOME I have a large list of lots at prices from $150 up to $1500; also acre lots, fine soil, on north 21st street, on man payments. Brown, over Uusick s. State and Commer cial FOR SALE-House and lot in Klngwood park addition to West Salem, known as the Wolfe property. This house is new built in the spring of 1922; has o rooms witn basement and fireplace. Garage is connected with house. The property has Deen turned over to us to sell for the benefit of creditors and Is a good buy at the cash price 01 iiDu. uapitai National Bank, trust department. a262 GET A HOME 4 room house $750 $100 down 4 room bungalow $950 $200 down 5 room house $1100 $2.10 down 6 room house $1200 300 down 4 room better grade $1500 $400 aown 6 room house $1500 $400 down 5 room close in $1650 $300 aown 4 room close In, paved street, car line Small house, fine lot. Bay City, traae in on saiem house, some cash. Brown, over Busick's. Stale ana Commercial. a urn balcj $10,600 buys two story brick building, good loca tion. If interested we would be glad to show you this property. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a259 ibuoii in room house, renting for $35 per month, can be Dougnt for $1600, $800 cash, uaiance per month, and in terest. Good buy in 6 room close In, all on one floor, lights, bath, plas tered, basement, large lot, A-l location, street and alley paved, dduu, terms. Brown, over Bu- sick s State and Commercial. a 5 ROOM bungalow In Portland ior sale or exchange for Salem prope-ty. T. M. Hicks, Salem Abstract Co. a281 SOLDIERS . ATTENTION We have two things in the way of new bungalows open to soldier loan purchase that we would be pleased to confer with you on. They are such as we can decom mend. Come in and see us. The Fleming Realty Co., 341 State street. FOR SALE FARMS ALBERTA farm of 160 acres, suit able for diversified farming for sale or trade. Address owner box 64A care Journal. b261 FOR SALE 44 acres Umber land. Inquire 1247 S. Commer cial St. phone 869J. b25 FOR EXCHANGE -Nica 17 7 acres of logans, one acre straw berries, two houses, good barn, on good toad, want house In Sa m, 11 you want a good place, that Is chean look thi n pii OAT TT X . ""1 u aaarsters. b' u SALE 52 acres, all in cult! uu". acres prunes,- 100 English walnut trees 15 years "u, 5U00 Dunaings, line team, 3 cows, 40 hogs, 160 chickens, all iarm equipment, reed and seed. Price $9000, $4000 cash, balance rive years at 6 percent. D. E, Mart, 871 State St. b ITS "" 7" n a - 1 - v a ay owner, $90 an acre for 85 acres, in cultiva tion, house, barn, orchard, ! springs, Ki mile to school. 18 miles south of Portland, terms. -ox Cll Capital Journal. b291 FOR SALE Look. $100 down and $10 per month, buys that tine 5 acre tract of dark prairie soil which you are looking for. lo cated Just east of Salem on main gravel road. Price $1500 inter est 6 percent. W. H. Grabenhorst -e go., 275 State street. b259 FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month buys 10 acres of first .class tree and berry soli, located south of Salem about 8 miles. all cultivated and ready to put into iruit, let us snow you these tracts. Price $1260, interest per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. b259 I WILL TRADE my equity in a 20 acre fruit farm for a good house in Salem, Or., Rt. 4, box 116A. b263 FOR SALE Timber, 160 acres on Pacific highway, 7 miles from Salem, 75 acres on Silverton road. Anderson & Rupert, Ore gon bldg b259 100 ACRES, 7 miles from Salem on Pacific highway, 50 acres un der cultivation, balance timber and pasture,- no buildings. Price $65 per acre. This property is owned by a non-resident and will be sold on very easy terms Andersbn & Rupert, Oregon bldg b359 LOST AND FOUND LOST Wrist watch Saturday af ternoon. Reward if left at Capi tal journal. k260 I Z . . . . . I W Read The Journal Wan! Ads BRINGING UP BY COLLY-1 THOUGHT I 2r ; "Vy c'-vLo- What in the ag--- I ;f?g.'1-':- IT WUZ. THE FO,- O C-ANC . -"Q zi Vorlo OtO ZH ptfMItea U- -r." T A HORN ALL "THE. c ' ' UL " J'' " ' V JUMP iv-4--' I Hfe? FITTA l '" -VIV 0VJ,Ei 1I VI.S1LKJ1V VV JV I'lJ ll M mo hnianu , i .- i un, eam norses, age 9 -u 1U, weiuui WaiTOn. good as new; five ton cheat hay, or $200. Oscar U,ui Silverton, Rt. 2 e269 FOR SALE Two fine young Du- roo Jersey brood sows eligible 10 registry, a rea w. Swartz, 11 miles south of Salem and 5 miles north of Jefferson on Pa ciflc highway. e260 ion o.axitu iresn Jersey cow and heifer calf; four gallons. E. C. Aronson, Rt. 2, box 88, King- woon, west Salem. e260 FOR SALE Milk goat. 357 N. Com'l. Call at e253 Si'. Andreasberg rollers "the ca nary with the college education.' price 15 and - $20, special guaranteed Imported. Former price $10. Order now. B. B. fjaite, birds, flowers, pets, 273 state. f tun. SALE 100 White Leghorn Menu, tnorougnbred, 75c each. -none 13F15, Rt 4, Robert Mc- uucnnst. f253 FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Fine Burbank eating: potatoes 11 per 100, delivered; aiso work wanted for winter. Box 28 care Journal. c259 if uk BALE U. a Standard No. 1 I round white potatoes, sorted, $1 per hundred. $4.50 ner BOO or $8 per 1000. delivered. Phone 1288R. roB9 FOR SALE Thor electric washer ted $ months, cash. 1168 N. 1 (in. c260 STRAWBERRY plants for" sale. I Trebla or Wilson. 93F5. c260 FOR SALE Singer 66 sewing ' macnine $40. 638W. C259 ITALIAN prune, Royal Anne cher ries ana apple trees. Idlewine. .Broadway. c282 WICKER baby buggy, $20, and $10 jtammer cart, both 1st class, phojie 612J. c269 AfLis for sale ,40o per box. N. f ront st. Kt. 8, box 38. c262 ouuiti. chrysanthemums dozen oc. 8i Locust, phone 1024W. c259 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday Nov tn t p. m., ltso south High, op- iu.iji.H wregon jiiectric bldg. All jimus or nousenold furniture. farm Implements, live stock and miscellaneous articles; come early Col. J. B. Gable, auction- ger, pnone 1446. c FOR SALE Automobiles I 1919 CAR for sale, all new parts, guaranteed a-i shape. Fair grounds garage. q263 FOR SALE 1 Dodge touring car, guuu condition, 2S0. 51F12. q260 FOR EXCHANGE Franklin rar in A-l shape, price $1250; want j n ton trucK. ueo. j Peed. Monmouth, Or. q265 UK SALE Rebuilt Ford road ster wtlh delivery box. Call 940 Mill street or phone 487J. q259 BE warm in your Ford this win ter for $3.75. Come in and see our new auto heaters. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same. Man) mgn si. at t erry, sailem, Or. rAn la r UK ALL L AKa q' OLESON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, poiiarnng. FOR RENT FOR RENT 4 room well furnish ed apartment, ground s floor, walking distance, garage. Apply 7 3. Capitol. J263 FOR RENT -Furnished 4 room house, Christians only apply, 803 N. Liberty St. W. Fennel. J260 FOR RENT 6 room furnished house with garage. 880 N. Win ter. . J260 2 ROOMS furnished. Phone 1903W or call 1147 Oak St. after 6 p. m. 3260 78 ACRE farm for rent. Write or call at 1147 Oak St. after 6 p. m. J260 FOR RENT Room with board. o xv. summer, phone 1404W. J259 FURNISHED room, breakfast If desired. 253 N. 13th, phone 1I1W. i26 FURNISHED apartments,-. 265 S. Commercial. 1283 FOR RENT Garage. Phone S0F 2, call 755 N. 21st St. c259 I FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment all conveniences. 1207 S. Commercial- 1269 FOR RENT 6 room down stairs apartment, fireplace, garage. $30 telephone free; beautiful lawn. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 State street. j ROOM furnished 1492 Court apartment. I if J259 STEAM heated rooms at The Mil ler. i.2 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING, phone 1131. city or country. Ed Sproed. ee260 BEST grade mill wood 4 ft and 16 inch, prompt delivery and reasonable prices .Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church street, phone 1542. " ee WANTED Miscellaneous HAVE 2 parties with $200 cash, $20 a month. Want 4 or 6 room rent. house not over $2000; if you have it list with M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. i WANTED Cows, fresh or coming fresh within 3 months. Phone 101FS1. 1260 WANTED a six or seven room house, must be close in and in good condition. Value from $4500 $5000. Anderson & Ru pert, Oregon bldg. J2 59 ANTED Sewing, fancy work, z9Jt-hcoraer ot ds FATHER .THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON ". """""" rAUii; Jiivi!iJN Is PavM With" War Inventions WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED- Household furniture. 1 Phnna 1-ft I mme-n ., . . ,. 1 5SS 1 heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc We pay cah, get our prices before you sell. Liberty Exchange -41 W. Com'l St. pnone 841. 1 WANTED Second hand furniture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves. tools, etc. Once then always. People s Furniture store. 271 . Commercial St. pbone 734. I LADIES combings made into beau tiful switches, puffs, $1 to ft. according to amount. Exper work guaranteed, see before you pay. Viola Ferris. Lebanon, or. 120( WANTED HELP IF you are a rigging man, bucker or faller and want 8 hours work a day all winter at good wages, with the best grub, in new camps, and no strikes, then correspond with The Whitney Co., at Idaville. Or. g TEAM work wanted. Phone 1598 W 1795 S. Liberty. g265 WANTED Girl for light house work. anDlv 105fi Marlnn Rt. g259 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at the Terminal Cafe, 185 N. High St. Terminal, stage bldg. g259 WANTED Day work, 971 north g261 com 1. THE Whitney company Is conduct- lng logging and sawmill opera- uons in uinamooK county, ana Is hiring men for camp and awmiii wum at going wages, no '" uuou, menu camps 1 urat puoucation of this notice to good, wjholesome grub. 9 hours wit: the 24th day of October. A. D work for I hours pay. For saw mill work, address H. E. Mor gan, Garibaldi, Oregon; for log ging camp work, address W. J. Norris, Idaville. Oregon. g MISCELLANEOUS WE have $6000 to. loan on farm or city property, prefer city loans of $1000 to $2000. Ander son & Rupert, 406-7 Oregon bldg. m259' TO whom it may concern, after this date I will not be responsi ble for any debt or obligations: contracted by Mrs. R. L. Mc Dowell. R. -L. McDowell. m25 I SAVE the old stove, expert stove repairing, all work guaranteed, 271 N, Uom'l St. phone 734. m2f5 FOR experienced nurse, 1352J m273 $1500 to loan on farm. D. E. Hart, 371 State St. COL. J. B. GABLE, auctioneer, for farm and city sales; call' phone 1446. FURNITURE -repairing and all kinds of woodwork made to or der. Wood turning, shop 19th and State, phone 882. c HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes.' Also cleaning, pressing and repairing, Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 1368W. m G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer, sells on commission or will buy, any where or any time. Phone 1177 or 1211J, 404 Ferry St. Salem Or. WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc win buy ior cash, or sell on .commission. Phone 611, Woodry, the auction eer; WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19. Capital city Bedding Co. m" WINDOW washing, prompt serv ice. Phone 1552J. Wlndowman. m20 window washing, ail kinds of odd Jobs, phone 1488. mass REAL ESTATE SPECIAL New 5 room modern except basement, paved street, 1 block to car, a good buy for $2500. 6 rooms, plastered, large lot withlprlme light $10. 26 10.65; smooth fruit Price $2000 with $200 cash. We have some good nouses 10 trade for small farms. THOMASON 331 H State street n GOOD BUYS E room modern bungalow close ln on N. Church St. Price $4750. Fine corner lot at Wilson and Saginaw streets, with garage 14x20 suitable for living quarters. Price $1160, one third down. A real home 6 room modern bungalow close In on N. Cottage street. Price $7000, terms. 10 room house with hot water heating system on Court St. mod ern conveniences. Price $6600, $2000 down balance easy terms. 10 room modern home built about 7 years ago, located V block from State St Price $8000, you want a nice home let us show you this. Real estate and fire insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street ' 12 room new apartments, with 4 baths, the finest in the city, in come $230 per month; will sell on easy terms. 8 rooms modern, on Davement large lot, large walnut trees, fruit garage, coop, large shade, trees, shrubbery, owner leaving town, $4250, $750 cash, balance like 6 room modern, garajre. close ln, fine residence section, owner leavin? the city, $3700. $1700 cash balance at 6 per cent. . 4 rooms, bath, basement, pave ment, garage, absolutely new bun galow, only $2400, $1100 cash the balance at 6 per cent to suit. 8 rooms semi-modern, $1275, $300 cash balance $16 and inter est monthly. $2000 to loan on good country or city property. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State . 125.4 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY. liEAL ESTATE FOR SALE $9000 buys fin ware ouse site on Front street, in ustrlal sour In front of Droner- y. Lot 82 ft by 165 feet. If you re looking for warehouse site I t us snow you. W.- H. Oraben 'oi rst & Co., 275 State St. n259 SALE $50 down and 110 per month buys a fine H acre lot located on north 21st street close to Engtewood school. If you are looking for a small acre age let us show you these tracts. IPrice $600, interest 6 percent, W. t. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State street. n269 FOR SALE $80 down and tlti per month buys 90-100 of an acre located Just south of city liMits of Salem, close to high way and car line, gravel street, not far from McKJnley school. oeoi 01 son. frlce $900, Interest 16 per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst wo., zip state street, n269 Legal Notice" NOTICE TO CRrcniTOllK Notice is herebv criven that nn tne iotn day of October, A. D. oy an order of the countv 01 me 8tate ot Oregon for county uiaays unrdner was appointed administratrix of me estate ot .Louisa A. Stonn do ceaea. All persons' havlnsr claims against said estate are, therefore, required to fils said claims W verified, with said administra trlx at 2617 Brooks avenue, Salem, uregon, or with J M. Devers 690 north Summer street on or before six montns from the date of the 4. GLADYS GARDNER, ,, Administratrix. J. M. Devers, attorney. SALEM MARKETS. Compiled from reports of Sa l lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised daily.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1. No. 2 mixed wheat 98c: No. 3 red I wheat 97c; (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $17.00: oat hay $30.00; clover hay (baled) $1920. Wholesale Prices Meat: Hogs $1010.25; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 5 6c: cows 24c; bulls 3c; lambs 8()9c; dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hens 13c: heavi hens 18c; old roosters 8&IO0; broilers 18 20c Butterfat: Butterfat 48c; cream ery butter 49 50c; country butter 3032c; eggs 45c; milk $2.25 cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.25 crate; beets $2.00 cwt; Oregon cabbage lhio lb; green peppers 10c lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.25 per crate; parsley 40e doz; tomatoes 50o bushel; cucum bers 40e per doz. Fruits: Oranges $9.75; lemona $9.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.60: cantaloupe J 1..15 ffl 1.6 atAaiard; watermelons lftc lb Retail Fricea Poultry and eggs: Eggs 50(5)60 creamery butter (5c. Portland, Or., Oct. 3$. Cattle steady; receipts 91; choice steers $7.007.60; medium to good steers 6. 26 7.00; (air to medium $3.506.25; common to fair $4.00 ?5.60; choice cows and heifers $4.50ig6.00; medium to good $3.6 4.60; fair to medium $3.UO0 3.60: common $2.00 U 3.00; can tiers $1.60102.00; bulls $3.00 4.00: choice feeders 15.00 46.60 fair to good $4.00 0 5.00; choic dairy calves S.6U ftf 9.60; prme light $8.50 9.50; medium light I7.50S8.50; heavy calves 15.00 16.60; common $45. Hogs steady; receipts none heavy 200 to 300 pounds $9.60 10.00; 300 pounds and up $9.00 9.50; feeder pigs $8.76 9.25; fat pigs $9.5010; stags $57.60. Sheep steady; receipts 1659 holce val lambs $10 11.00: med lum $9.00 10; common $8.00 9.00; culls $8.50 8.00; light year- mes ikws.ou; neavy 17.60eP8.00 Ught wethers $6.50g7.60; heavy t.50Q.4u; ewes Butter steady; ex cubes 41 42c under grades 38 40c; carton 47c; prints 46c Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 4849c fob Portland; 45c at sta tions; under grades 46 47c. Eggs: Firm. Buying cur rent receipts 46c; .white henneries 62c; selling case count 47c; can dled 51 62c; selects 63 64c Poultry: Light hens 13c; heavy 22c; broilers 20 22c; old roosters 10c; geese 16c; ducks 2023c; turkeys 4041c. Wheat: Hard white fl.30: soft white $1.18; western white $1.17; hard winter $1.13; northern spring $1.15; western red 41-10. . Mill run $27.00; oats $33,500 35.00; corn No. 8 yellow $31.00; nay, timothy, valley J20.00: al falfa $1818.50; grain $17018; ats and vetch $16 17 straw $8. Berlin. Members of repara tions commission decline to reveal their plans as they gather In Ber lin but attempt to stabilize the mark, will come first. New York. Women and men battle desperately to escape death In Brooklyn factory fire, one killed and three may die. New Brunswick. Mrs. Gibson's itory of Hall murder leads to criti cism but Prosecutor Mott declines to comment on attacks against her veracity. ACKTIUENE WKLDING IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gas lieaung co., 337 Court. AUTO PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 219 State St. corner Front. AUTO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 S. High. AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer, Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. BATTERY SUPMJE8 PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Ph-one 1803. 418 Court St. Phone 203 328 N High B a 1 1 e rles recharged and repaired. Degge ru ( 1 t? 1 1 .. II ' R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries, starter and generator work. 171 8. commercial. . AUTO Electricians, exoert trouble shooting. 233 N. High St. pnone 203. , CHIROPODIST DR. S. F. SCOTT. S. C graduate of the National University- of Science, Chicago. Scientific chi ropody, suite 301-2 Masonic Temple, phone 640 for appoint ments. ' DR. HINER foot specialist, all foot aliments relieved. Modern equip ment. Room 8, Patton bldg. phone 957. CHIROPRACTOR DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 416 U. 8. bank bldg. DRUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS' 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist. 115 S. Commercial St. FXFCTRIO SUPPLIES HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental work. Electric appli ances repaired. Phone 488. HOUSE wiring and supplies. Welch Electric Co. Phil Brown ell, manager, 379 State St ARCHIE FLEENER, electrician. house wiring by hour or con tract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. FLORIST CUT. flowers and floral pieces. De livery, c. F. Breitnaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, pho; e 880! FARM OAN HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 305 Oregon building, 6, 7, 10 and 20 year loans, 6 and 6 percent interest. Privilege to pay $100 or munipie on any interest gate 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed, will finance you for a less rate of interest than any firm on the coast - F. W MARSTERS, 41 Oregon bldg AHM LOANS made in amoun of $5000 or more, 6 percent in terest. government plan of re payment General insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 407 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or, GARAGES RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Balr, 849 erry GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds on autoa and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or montn. . Kroephn and Sons, -oiv m. commercial and Nor way. HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, DUttons. nana emorol dery. Room 10, over Miller's store, pnone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain sutcmng, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379, 329 Oregon bldg. INSURANCE VV". A. L1STON, GENERAL IN buhaonce Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans, 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN buiunu Liability, automo bile, fire, surety, bonds, loans and investments. 406-7 Oregon DIUg. WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court telephone 112. MACHINE SHOP WKCHTER AND SMITH Machln lsts, engineers, welders, HE ALU cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 845 Ferry St H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers ana welders. Automotive ser vlce. 490 Ferry St. MERCHANT TAILOR D. H. MOSHER Tailor for and women. 474 Court St. M. A. ESXES. fin- tullnrinu- 2XA State street MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E." RAMSDEN. Inrfln mJ'it0cycle and -Dayton bicycles 387 Court street HARRY w. SCOTT "The Cycle Man," 147 8. Com. Phone 68. TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. cars wasned ana polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; 4 foot slab wood for sale. Phone 77. MUSIO PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room a over Miller's. MONEY TO bOAH PLENTY ml money to loan on im proved residence or businew property, or for building pur poses. H. E. Bollnger, agent quitabln Savings & Loan asso ciation, 827-328 Oregon bldg. phone 1009. I also write all kinds of Insurance. NURSERY STOCK. FRUITLAND nursery will have sales yard at Cherry City feed barn, 544 Ferry St. about Nov. 1. See me before buying. Phone 1140M. SALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1763. 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- oeue, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 325 State street. Qfk MORRIS OPTICA- C O. suite 301 Oregon (Electric) MA. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Kirks ville graduate. 404-406 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. a bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White , resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. 1LLM1UNU THEO. M. BAHH Plumbing. heating, sheet metal works, 164 S. Commercial. PLUMB1NO, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St Phone 1397J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns to Kowland Printing company. phone 1512 Temple. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil nd varnishes, etc logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 260 -Court street, phone 124. SCAVENGER NEAL SCAVENGER WAGON. Phone 1867R. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbame and refuse of all kinds removed by ti e month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. Night phone 1596W. R. O. Cum- mings, Mgr. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in auvance. rhone 67. GIANTS BAG BENTLEY FOR $50,000 IN CASH New York, Oct. 31. Baseball circles were agog today over the acquisition by the world's cham pion Giants yesterday of Jack Bentley, star batsman and pitcher of the Baltimore International league club for a reported consid eration of $50,000 ln caBh and four players. Club officials de clined to confirm reports of the purchase price, but baseball men ranked the deal ln Importance with the sale of Jimmy O'Connell to the Galnts for $76,000 and Willie Kamm to the White Sox for $100,000, both from the San Fran Cisco club of the Pacific Coast league. Bentley performed with Wash ington ln the American league from 1913 to 1916. He Is 28 years old. SMITH RESIGNS FROM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Washington, Oct. 31. The res ignation of Dr. George Otis Smith as director of the geological sur vey, tendered ln order to devote his entire time to the federal -coal fact finding commission, was an nounced today at the White House with the statement that It was hoped be would be able to resume his work as director when the commisisoQ completes Its report. Mrs, Blowers Acquitted. Klamath Falls, Or., Oct. 31. Mrs. Ollie Blowers, on trial here the past week for the alleged kill ing of Tom Montoya, a sheep hera- er, near her road house near Cres cent, was acquitted by a Jury late last night. JPAGE SEVEN Reduced ONE WAY and f Round Trip Fares Now in effect daily Oregon Electric Ry. One Way . New Fares Portland ........$!. 60 Albany .75 Corvallls x.10 Harrlsburg 1 69 Junction City l'.SS Eugene ... 2.31 Hound Trip Portland ..1 , Wood burn Orvilla . . Albany , , . Corvallls Harrburgr '. , Junction City Eugene . ...... . Former Fares $1.84 .98 -1.36 1.91 2.08 2.66 12.50 - .95 . .50 . 1.30 . 2.00 , 2.80 3.00 S.80 Return limit 15 days after purchase. Fares to other points quoted on request. Tickets sold and baggage checked to all. points east and north. Oregon Electric Ry. J. W. Ritchie, agent, Salem, Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stages Daily Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. ni. No. 8, 10:30 a. . m. No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. m. No. 2, 12:30 p. m. No. 4, 4 p 111. No. S connects with east bound train at Mill City, No. 2 waits for west bound train at Mill City. JOS. HAMMAN, Prop. Saltm-811verton Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal. 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. in., 6:00 p. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand, 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Saluui-Indcppiidinioe-Muiunoulli 1)1 vision Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal,. 7:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m., 11:00 i. m.. 8:00 p. m., 5:00 p m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:15 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:15 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver ho tel, 8:30 a. m., 10:00 a. in., l:lg p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parts ot the valley. Extra trips by appointment J. W. PARKER General Mana gor SILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. & -M. Stages Schedule South bound read down J ' Dly. Dly. Dly. No t No 3 No 1 , PM PM AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:06 8:35 10:06 Mt. Angel 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North bound read up Dly Dly. Dly. No S No 4 No I ' ii AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:30 Portand 8:25 1:55 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 1:80 6.00 Silverton Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8 pm from Portland ,s ' Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammera Drug store Biiverton i. Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage Terminal 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m.. 6:10 n. m. leave Dallas, Gall Hotel 8:30 a. m., p in., 0:30 p. m. FARE 60 CENTS . ' Daily and Sundav Every day except morning trip does not run Sunday Round Trip 90 cents HARDWaRB AmruRMTURi! da 20 H. Commerolr' BUm Phone 1650 Capital Junk Co. WANTS All kinds of junk and second-hand goods. We pay full value, 215 Center Street Phone 393 MEADOVVLAWN DAIRY Phone 90F12 Inspect oar dairy. The state Inspector says 'It's one ot the best In the state. Investigate the source of your milk. L.M.HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and 'Tea Co. has medicine which will our any known dis ease. Not open Sundays 111 South nigh fltreo Salem. Oregon. Phone 181 1 qm