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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
utay. June 6' rVai J . eacn 1 " - . .. - Will vora -e ina J""" 'Three, insertion cents one month monm. i?S oniy in New To ingeruon advance, "a!" . nhone. unless onthly account. No " rt. 1 V HEW iWAi c for rc- ALU COW. 1 :ts PTS.c potatoes, phone 113FU - . ., r n .1119 lr rr, mr sale. i":. :., W --- 542W. ci36 P EL house four S5.KT 6 room S, depot, $30. 135 from I'"1" ... 11 M pliant . or Chevrolet, fc.n- r oiu for casn. -none 135 . .... h.B $2500 with -,inTo burrow .... ,.,iriiv on city prop- iiL - -E 192 care .lournal. i!3( silo, cieam 1 PhOUC Sir 41. cl37 pH cooler, - -"fir Goats, i-neau, e--KrSALK . , ,P hilly and ec m. Front St. 135 i.;,,r,i wants work 7110 IN. i 1 l 135 Ladd & Bush ave at Journal kl36 gpPurse near lank Saturday. 1 AN"-1 T Kwansorl jt casii. M ,5 ,tr u. - al3T Prarmine owner, ,fi e wiMiiU I'll Iltll I-111'' acres m bl61 plttl JorjL r " Kr-W1 . .., ir.nv 1510 Stare, p " J137 " m ,11 r... aVl KTTaccept auto ana ILL - nfm 1,1m- Iplow. Bx 135 FTTlE-C""1 f' room h0 u " " south Salem. 1 block to car price ytlfv, brwon bldg. terms. Kruo- 135 RrUNDER I J 1 - r 1 . 1 . irson and 16 for late Har- launch to trade fj- or Indian, or .11. Lewis, phonp 1311 K 135 vfrfTlV-To take csri or chil- Ar.r, fnr women working out. inable to care for them. hone il 37 T46R. hp. SALE 2 horses. Rounn, uen- wdgnt of me ran, uui IJMO. 6 and s years oiu. 1 " mpii el36 OR SALE 1 920 Chevrolet, run I SHOO miles, looks like new; a real bargain. lionesieele Motor Co. 1137 1R IALE A business that will fshow the bent profit for money lnvestd. $100(1 will handle. I Bex S49 care Journal. " bLEDO computim: 30-lb. scales Ifor sale, almost new, at a bar- Ijain. S. R. Pearson, 408 U. 8. Ibank bM(. Phone 914 c- bR SALE 4 room house, large lot. fruit and berries, some I grapes, ll.'.i. bum nee izu nionm. Price $1075. Comptort Real Ks tate. 322 State street. a ACRES for sale by ownei , 9 lacres gooseberries. 4 acres cher- Iries, 5 acres heavy timber, two INN sprintrs. 12.14 S. Commer cial street evenings. b137 OR SALE 5 acres 9 year old cherries, on good road close in; rill take auto as part payment. ance on easy payments. Sa- llem. Rt. 4, box 17R 135 ANTED To rent by responsi ble people, no children, a mod ern four or five room house. Ifurnished preferred. Telonhnne 11 39 UXTEn Ten berry pickers to pick strawberries and lngnnher- . Will pay 1 U cents ner hot Wanted at once. B. C. Zinlioskl Et. 9. ust piTsALE Matched team of lurrd horses. E years old. sound lind true, about 1300 llw. nrlce IrWlt. See Auburn Sales Co.. 197 Commerc'al. elS7 pRI) repainnc dona hv leechanic in yo ir own garage. Price reasonable and work guar ltd Out of town work solic lltel Phone n!sn 1 ! , 1 q!40 rM takes J Tots and small cot- in one of 11,,. uonj on Fairmoimt hni A. C. PflHIlVCTi-OT 1 Xwnic Temp,'. Salem Or aI37 ri CHlrk-KA , ZTI ir , , rw 1 eiis, wis. Anciin-.- t.-.. - omiereups on sale at reduced prices, oow. Last of season. C. N. nm. 559 stat(, opposite 'r court house 135. 011 HOCSP rar furnish- I modern, wltl. nt large lot. near schooT ill fnr n, ,1. t in n , 5'"p; "love R P"ce I1T50. terms H ? C"h. S. R Pear.n in ? bids Phone 914. a mi I AfO rMftJFvJL. FOR OfVJ nP WKit TO Be ' I'M tw THC "N OTA- COliMTnil,! C Ail STi k 1 Tx tT ' viriivy 1 . i - TT phone 7 54J. fcriE for rent. 6, r rrr-T . cut B- '.-.11. I'UOlio KJrFresh milk oneJojLJ-i m with Eround Salt' 1921 sS The P141 ,oornai Salem, Oregon 1 , Page Seven AdsJhatDeliyer The Goods at Small Cost RATLS fcW TODAY i strawberry haiiocks, $2.a , Vf Mis t Irfat FSTiTP i 1 iuaertlon WILL take auto as part paymoiu Per thousand, crates 10c. Via'. - Y anted Miscellaneous J KJ2.AL ESTATE v - w. LiL, o t mues uut. w i capital Journal. 13 WE have an exceptionally good buy ,in a nearly new Chandler touring car. Terms. Olson Motor Car Co.. 349 N. Commercial St Phone 666. 135. 2 SNAPS See the 4 room plasT tered cottage with 3-4 acre of ground I avm offering for $1300. It's a genuine snap. Also the 7 room house in city limits with plenty of fruit at $2250. You can't beat these A K. Petersen, 229 Oregon bldg. I aliil. FOR SALE 7 room modern house 3 lots, good buy at $2250. 22 acres close to saiem, all in crop, Just about ready to har vest, priced very low or will trade for city property. A nice 10 acre tract close to Liberty, will trade for good house in Salem. 7 room house to exchange for well located lot. 3 furnished rooms to rent THOMASON & ROWLEY 331 State street. n. For Sale Houses FOR SALE 3 room furnished 2274 N. Church. bl 36 MODERN 6 room house, except furnace, at 630 N. Winter St. Call after 4 p. m. ai40 FOR SALE 7 room house, good location. $1600, $200 cash, bal ance terms. New 4 room buiiRa low, fine lot, good location. $1, 750. Some terms. Phone 1024.1. al36 SNAP 6 room attractive bunga low, aoout 7 years old, and in good condition, cement walks, about 4 blocks from State street car. Price $2700 for quick sale. W. H. Orabcnhorst & Co., 275 State street. al 36 FOR SALE 6 room modern bun galow, cement porch, furnace, fireplace, paved street and ga rage, lots of built In work. Price $4650; good location, one block from State street car. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. al36 8 ROOM plastered house, 2 blocks from car, close to school. Prior? $1200, terms; must sell within 3 0 days. Magee, room 29 corner State and Commercial over Bu sick's. a FOR SALE 6 room plastered house In good condition, locat ed 2 blocks; from post office. Price $2500, $1000 down balance time. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. 1 al36 BARGAIN 5 room modern bun galow, built 8 years ago, in good condition. Price $1700. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. al36 NEW modern bungalow, just com pleted, a dandy little home with lute built in features, cement basement, wash trays, etc, on 60x100 lot, one block from Slate street in a good residen tial district. Can be sold on easy terms. Price $3250. Phone 903 W evenings for appointment al35 $2100 BUYS a nice 5 room house. 2 lots, lots of fruit, some terms. $1350 buys 1 acre of land, house and chicken house; $200 cash, balance $15 per month. $3500 buys a nice 6 room house near state house, easy terms. Many good buys in both farm and-ity property. Wm. W. Pow ell, just real estate, 341 N. Com'l phone 666. nl37 SACRIFICE sale, 6 room house, corner lot on paved street, close in. Prico $1600, terms. D. E. Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. a FOR SALE By owner 6 room bungalow reasonable, on 1924 K. Water St. Phone 1007J. al43 For Sale Farms SOLD' the 60 acres of bottom land advertised yesterday. See this. 25 acres, 11 acres of fruit, Vi acre of strawberries, loganber ries, house, barn, located near a graded school, 6 miles from Sa lem on good rock road, south, a part of which is paved. Let us show you this, $1000 cash, will give you any time you may want on balance, adcliff & Waring. 341 State street. n 8 ATJJR.KS very close to Salem, priced for less than ft of other properties. Magee, room 29 cor ner State and Commercial, over Pusick's. n FOR SALE 120 acres 7 3-4 miles from Saleni-near paved road. 60 acres open land, balance fine oak and second growth fir. Price 38 per acre. D. E. Hart. 208 Oregon bldg b CORVALL18 dairy farm. Will ac cept Salem residence or subur ban property for my fine 168 acre dairy farm. Write for par ticulars. John J. Cramer. Har risburg. Or. bl7 FoF Sale Miscellaneous LARGE Oregon Champion goose berries for canning. 6c lb. de livered. Snipped ready to can. He extra. Ward K. Richardson, 2.195 Front. Phonf your on'r 494. cl36 FOR SALE Indiana silo. lOx.iu. good as new Phone 5F14. c!35 FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn hens, also baby chicks to hatch Jun 10. James E. Foster, Rt. 4. phone 3.1F23. " tttt f evidently figures that either Jack or Georges will kissthe canvas. FoR 6ootrJes T i TWO O'clocIcI iMHe too T I V - iw I I ' V t llli l- jsv vaia u or shallow box. mil rl... ........ . . . Shape, but same capacity, and KOOd quality. Regular siie also, $6 per thousand. Ward K. Rich- ardsun, 2395 Front. cl36 LOTS FOR SALE Cheap, will consider small auto as part pay, Address 1427 Fairmount ave. Pnone l$tr. a FOR SALE Timothy, alfalfa and cheat hay, straw, wheat $1.35 a bushel, whole oats, potatoes cent pound. Shetland pony. 254 S. Liberty St. Commission Sales room. C135 m?H3, BIRDS, BIRDS All kinds Andreasberg rollers (imported) a specialty. E. B. Flake, 590 S. 17th, phone 1046J. cl35 OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle. Lsed as carpet mats, for pack lag, etc. Capital Journal oUice. FOR SALE Stero typing mats. 10c per bundle, trsed as a ught and stout weather proofing card board. Capital Journal offics. For Sale Livestock fuK SALh A good young team cheap. Phone 88F5. el38 TO EXCHANGE Good work horses for sheep. E. E. Dent, Jefferson, Or., Rt. 1. e 135 FOR SALE Bay mare 7 years old, weight 1100 lbs., sounu and well broke, 0r would trade for a good cow. Phone llOB'll, or address A. Eggiman, Silverton. Or- Rt. 2. -el38 For Sale Automobiles FOR a good used car see Adams aMarion Automobile Co. q!36 1918 DODGE touring with $75 ex tras, excellent condition. Phone Foley, 347. qi35 USED CAR BULLETIN l'J19 Dodge touring, cord tires, mechanica'uy A-l. 1920 Allen touring, almost new, driven only 1650 nines. 1919 Oldsrnoblle Pacemaker model, like new, cord tires, an exceptional car, 1 to 60 miles in high. 1916 Studebaker 5 passenger, new, paint, a real buy. 3 Chevroiets all in good shape. 1 Maxwell 1 H ton truck. We Will Trade. Easy terms. See WOOD 185 q. Com'l St. phono 380. q For Sale Wood FOR SALE wood. Phone 400 cords 44F5 big fir eel37 NICE wood for sale. priced right. eel37J Phone 254 or 622. CALL Empey Transfer & Fuel Co. and get our prices before get ting your winter's wood. Sec ond growth and big fir wood. Phone 998. 254 S. Liberty. ee!37 DRY wood. Sproe-d can fill orders. 1678W. cel38 FOR SALE Old pitchy 16-inch fir and second growth 4 fo,et wood. Phone 1727. eel49 FOR SALE Inside mill wood reasonable Special price on 5 cord lots Seasoned mill wood First class 16 inch old fir Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church, phone 1542. ee FOR RENT FOR RE NT- -Rooms, call 594 N. j Liberty. MODERN apartments at 633 Fer- ry. j 1 5 6 FURNISHED 3 room apartment, corner Mill and High. Ivan G. -Uarmi, i'hone 759. j 13 6 Lost and Found LOST On Monday, May 30, an embroidered handbag, contain ing" blue apron, shears, etc. Write information to W cart Capital Journal. kl35 MISCELLANEOUS CHIMNEY sweep, phone li 1; fur mi 60 naces cleaned. HAVE your car overhauled in your own garage by reliable me chanic, 85c per hour. 425 S. 20th street. q!35 FOR carpenter work, phone 806M 1156 PAINTING and calsomining done at reasonable prices. Phone 780, Dan Sholin. ml36 ROOFs reshingled, repaired and tarred. Phone. C. C. Kays, Cher ry City hotel or 34F3. 1156 PRIVATE maternity Phone 1959J hospital. ml48 HOUSE and roof and oil, right 1611M. Wlls. paintin price. ;, lead Phone 148 ORDER your awning from Dill- man. 2011 Maple ave. ml5 2 CONCRETE work, all kinds, base ments a specialty, up to date mixer. Chas. E. Thompson, phone 1526R. 141 YOU that want carpenter worK and painting done, call 1959J. 1143 MAKE MORE MONEY on your small farms. Use a Beeman trnctor or a Beaman Jr. W. E. Burns-Dan Burns (Not Brothers, the Same Man) Ferry at High Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED To buy or rent terM. Phone 981J. WANTED Strong, neat girl for general house work. Write Mrs 6 T Frix7.ll. Riekreall. Or. el 35 liX Mco UTT.e GfM 1 1 qoot: I sfvr trj Lcsees t eyee. katc it's a. ft, atvacr PLKV T OF P0fcfr la V . y uj.TH Me AwM pLfWD WITH1 BAD LOSefc.1 lTH a, p,at Loiefe W ANTED Work by first class machinist, lathe and auto rS.iair man. 79 N. 17th. hl35 WANTED Second hand typewrit er in good condition, Reming ton No. 6 or Underwood prefer red. See Zimmerman Capital Journal office. 136 WANTED Work in city or coun try by 17 year care Journal. old boy. Work h!36 EXPERIENCED stenographer de sires position, temporary or Per manent, References. 1507 S. Cottage. hl36 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted, large patch, good picking, gowd camp grounds. Call at Hunt Bros. 136 LOAN WANTED $1500 for three years on new modern house, .Just completed. Write P O box 17, Salem, Or. il35 WANTED Man to cut 60 cords white fir, $2.50. Call at Cour- sey's barber shop. gl 35 WANTED Cord wood cutters, white fir. Address Wm. H. Egan & Sons, Gervais, Rt. 2, phone SF11. gl37 WANTED work. Call Woman for phone 1231J. house s' WANTED To rent house. 6 to 7 rooms, modern, by July 1. Phone 821J. 1136 WANTED Location for bees. Hans Rehb, Rt. 6, Salem, box 139. 1143 WANT BID Old mattresses to make over, phone 19, Capital City Bed ding Oo ! PLUMB'NG, Repairing and coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone lffUJ. ml40 COL. W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer, farm sales conducted every where. We save you money on advertising. Phone Turner cen tral, Turner, Or. m WANTED $1100 first mortgage on 20 acres, Howell Prairie, 7 per cent interest; $1400 on im proved suburban home; $8o0 on 5 room house and 2 lots in Sa lem, Radcliff & Waring, 341 State St. 1" OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle. L'sed as carpet mats, for pack ing, etc. Capital Journal office REAL ESTATE L. A. HAYFORD 305 State St. 10 acres 7 miles south of Salem, all in orchard, 60 cherry trees, 35 walnut trees, balance prunes, good fruit drier, good well; if you are looking for a good place let us show you this at the low price of $4250, terms. b SACRIFICE BARGAINS 22 acres river bottom land neat town, 13 in cultivation, balance timber and paature; 2 acres orch ard, farm buildings, crops, feed, some personal. $3500, terms. 27 acres best river bottom land 17 acres in berries, buildings, team, cow, fowls, crop, tools. Snap $6500, terms. Fine 10 acre tract close in, nice bungalow, barn, orchard, crops; want Salem residence for part. Have several good exchanges. PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gray bldg. n SPECIAL OFFERINGS 3 room house, large lot. $800, $200 cash. 5 room modern plastered house, basement, garage. $2250. 5 room modern, ft acre ground close to car and school $2500, easy terms. 120 acres 7 miles Salem, 60 acres under plow, good fruit land, 6000 cords of wood on place, oak and fir. Price only $37 per acre, good terms. 10 acres mostly in fruit, close, to Salem. $3300; want Salem res idence. If you want anything in real estate better buy now. things will soon begin to move and prices ad vance. JOSEPH BARBER REAL ESTATE AGENCY 200 Gray bldg, phona 790. n TRADES 23 acres, one of the best prune farms in Rosedal district, on main road, 8 room modern house, fine water and lighting system, garage and dryer; trade for large stock farm. House and 4 lots, trade for small tract, also Salem property to trade for Portland property. We have a large list of houses on easy terms. THOMASON & ROWLEY 331 Vj State street. n EXCHANGES 23 acres sandy loam, 2-3 culti vated, new bungalow, barn, out buildings, good fences, some ber ries, good water. Will take house to $2000. Price $4000.. 20 acres fine soil near Scotts Mills. Will take house to $1500. Price $3000. b 'acres close to fair grounds; will take house. 8 acres northeast, will take house. 170 acres well improved, will taly? small acreage or city property for part. Lirge store building for country. 159 acres for a house. Good Eugene property for Sa lem or acreage. BROWN Over Busick's. State and Commw rial. Xo - . 11 - Y7mz ' ' 1 ' . 1 " 7 ' . I '--a- I & . " ' " - - WORTH WHILE Aigood 5 room house, modern except furnace, $2500; in south Salem. . 63 acres, equipt, $5000; near a town and railroad. One acre and 3 room house, near car line. $1300. $150 down. A 6 room plastered house on paved street, not fully modern. $1300. , MILLS & COPLEY 331H State street. u A BUSINESS OPENING In the way of a first class loca tion for a rooming and boarding establishment of the better class. A nice corner with large house of 11 rooms (with slight alterations.) If at all interested, consultation welcome. WILLIAM FLEMING 341 state St, n L. A. HAYFORD 305 State St. 6 room house north Salem, lot 110x125, living room, dining room, S bed rooms, window screens and shades, toilet, bath, lights, garage. on paved street. Price 12500, cash $1200. a UJSST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 160 acres, 100 cleared, good im provements, 10 cows, 6 heifers, 6 calves, 4 horses, 75 chickens, 2 hogs; all implements and tools necessary to work the ranch; 2 miles from town, mile from pavement; only $75 per acre, terms. On account of sicRness this must be sold at once. 36 acres, good improvements, best of soil, close to Salem; half Cleared; want to trade for lamer ranch. 280 acres, modern improvements drier; 10 acres bearing prunes; want a smaller ranch; balance easy terms. 60 acres close to Salem, to ex change for city property. 1j acres. 6W bearing nrunes. 4 logans. $6000, $1500 cash, bal ance easy terms. 7 room smciiy modern resi dence,, paved street and carllne; garage; you can buy this for les than the cost of construction now. b room modern bungalow; .pave ment, cluse in. $3750, half cash. 6 room modern oungaiow, pave ment, good condition. $3260. 7 room strictly modern new bungalow; pavement. $8000, terms 7 room strictly mo.rrn bunga low, Salem Heights. $6500. 4 rooms, two lots; all garden goes. $1300. 6 rooms modern. $1350, $650 cash, balance terms.- j SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street. M FOR SALE 2J.ruom house, block street car Price $495, $300 plastered, H electric lights, cash, balance monthly. 5 room house, well, lights. 2 lots. $250 cash, electric balance monthly. Price $117 5. 4 room house, new, lot 100 by 100, 1 blocks to car line, south. Price $1275. part terms. 4 room bungalow, new, electric lights, b 'h, shrubbery; Va caali. Price $1775. 120 acre Tillamook dairy ranch to exchange for Salem property; this is Improved and a money maker. , COMPXON REAL ESTATE 322 State St. phone 94. n GOOD BUYS 2.14 acre tract located close to S. Commercial street car line, 4 room house; nearly all in bearing fruit. Price $2800, $1500 down, bal ance terms. 1 acre tract, good 5 room plas tered house, well, some fruit, gravel street. Price $2650. 21 acre tract well Improved, good 6 roo mplastered bungniow, bath, toilet, hot and cold wafer, good barn and other necessary out huilding. garage; 5 acres of prunes, 4 H acres logan, 2 V4 acres in full bearing: acre red rasp berries, blackberries, 2 acres Oliv er, good road and close in; will consider good home rn Salem up to $4000 as part payment. Price $15, 000. 10 acres all cultivated. 3 acres of fine bearing strawberries, bal ance hay. Price $2600, terms. 38 acre orchard, 27 acres bear ing prunes, 5 acres loganberries, 9 room house, barn, rock road. lo cated south of Salem. Price $13, 300. 160 acre tract of good soil. 90 acres plow land, balance pasture and timber, running water, good load. Price $10 000. terms. HOUSES , 6 room house located on pav ed street, bearing fruit. Price $2. 800, terms. Two good lots eight blocks snnfh of Bush bank corner. Price $9 Oft. If you are looking to buy. trade or sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. ?75 Stale street. n ALEM MARKET; Tomplied from reports of Salen dealer" for the guidance ol Capital Journal readers. (Re vised dally.) Grain: Average valley whes (bulk 1 $1.08. Hay: Cheat y $22.00023.00 nnr hay V 4. vw ; mvn. ID) fi IPo (ft ftrfi) TPITire Used i N? J FINANCIAL MARION-POLK County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith secretary -treasurer, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. I'hone 1512. over Patton book store. HOI SI HOLD GOODS WHY SELL FOR LESS r WE wiU Pay you more canh fnr your households goods. Get our bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware Store, 271 N, Commercial street. Phone 734. CITY SCAVKNGKU SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage arJ refuse of all kinds, removod by tho month at reasonable rates. Cesspools cleaned and defcd ani mals removed. Day phrsie 167, night phone 1698R. R. 0. Cum 'ilns, Mgr. m STORK FIXTl'KKS COMPUTING scales, cash register and general store fixtures at 226 Stark, St., Portland. Or., be tween 1st and 2nd streets. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dette, optometrist, Bow Optical Co., 325 State St. STAGE LINKS SALEM, Jefferson, Albany and Corvallls stage, leaving 1:30 p. m. daily. Bligh hotel. MERCHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor, 204 N. Coinnerciul St. M. A. EST US. State street. fine tailoring, 384 VRAXSFF.U OREGON TAXI and transfer. Lib erty and Ferry street, rhono 77. MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel delivery. Transfer trunks any part of city 50c. Messenger serv ice. 179 S. High, rhone 230. CHAS. E. CHANDLER, general transfer, expert furniture mov ing. Office Clark's Tire House. Phone 74. a IF its to be hauled, "Let Van Do it." Phono 841. Van's Transfer, 211 N. Commercial St. ' JUNK WANTED Rags and secondhand (roods of all klnda. Capital Junk company, phono 398, 215 Cen ter street. PIANOS CHERRINGTON Piano House, Hush and Lane pianos. 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILU pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 State, Salem, Oregon. R. W. BALLANTYNB. tuner, play ers a specialty. Phone 352, Cher- rington Piano house. EDWjTRD WELP experienced pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music store. CLEANING AND DYING SALEM Cleaners and Dyers Suits cleaned $1.50 Suits pressed 60c. 1215 S. Com'l. Phone 1868. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE, hemstitching. chainstltchlng, pleating, buttons. 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. MRS. F. E. MULL hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over .Mil W alorp Phone 117. 11 AT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats renovat ed, blocked and trimmed. 496 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC stenographer, 408 Mason - Ic bldg. . i; vi.l m HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man" 147 S.Com. Phone 68 SERVICE Garage, gSicral auto re- palling, 803 N. Liberty, phone 1277J. CHERRY CITY garage, 170 8. 12 General repairing. bay $20022. Meat: Hogs $8.D5; bogs 12 Vic; top steers cows 35c; bulls 4Vic; lambs 6c; aheep yearling 4c sheared; wool on Be; veal fancy dressed 12c. Poultry and eggs: Eggs 17c; light hens 15c; heavy hens 1$0 20c; old rooBters 10c; stags 16c; broilers 22c. llutterfat: Butterfat 26c; cream ery butter 3334 Wc; country but ter 30c; milk $1.60 per cwt. Wholesale Prices Vegetables: Oregon on1ou 75c $1.00 cwt; California onlr.n 2.00 cwt; beets $2.00 cwt; Is Angeles lettuce $3.75 ;carrots $1.2$ per cwt : California rabhafa 5c lb; green peppers 25c; j rhubarb c; ' asparagus 13c lb; (Copyright it! by International T- id Maik rijrialered in the V. a V II j U P.AMSDEN & McMorran, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles. 387 Court St. GID" IS8 N. High Phone 203 Batterl a a recharged and repaired. Degge Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra diator and fender specialists. 198 S. 12tht St. SOUTH Commercial garage, gen eral repairing, vulcanising and retreading. Exclusive agency for Sound tiree. All work guaran teed. For audden service phone 278, residence phone 1029R. 430 S. Commercial. UNION Auto repair ahop, acety lene welding. 187 S. Liberty St. Phone 304. WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electric ahop. 263 N. Com'l. Phone' 413. R. D. BARTON, Exlde batteries, starter and generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. Phone BTlWIlAtln 1 , , , ! , ..l.ftn ftW Chemeketa St., across from Ar go botrl ' m I'liOItlSTS PORCH BOXES Bedding plants for sale. Smith's, 301 N. Com mercial. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY Fruit, ornamental, walnut and filbert trees. Office 540 state St. phone 1727, Salem, Or, SALEM Nursery compeny, Ifruit and ornamental trees, small fruit, roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. CHIROPODISTS CORNS and callouses aclentifid ally removed. Appliances from individual impressions. Chan. PI. Tatio, Masonic bldg. Phono 442. photography DE LUXE studio. Better photos. 147 N. Commercial. insurance: 214 Oregon bldg. Phone 185 New York Life Ins. Co. E. F. Smith H. C. Pugh SHINING PAIiLOIt THE Rex Shining parlor. Period icals, cigars and cigarettes. All kinds of shoe dying. We clean any kind of white shoes. 883 State St. I'hone 356. m AUCTIONF.l.U G. S-TT E R L KM, 404 Ferry St.. Salem. Ore., Phone 1177. . COL. W. F. WRIGHT, Turner nuc tluncer, Turner, Or. m FAUN LOANS BUILDINO LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health, Accident. In demnity, LlballCy and Auto In surance written, A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Ore OSTEOPATHY DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 506 U. S. Bank Building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone (84. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sta. Bills payable monthly In advance, i'hone 67. III !' VIKING STEWART'S Repair shop. .14 i Court St. Lawn mowers ground G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop, 143 a. Liberty St. , STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years, experience; Depot Na tional and American . fence, si. . 26 to 58 Inches high Paints, oil and varulsbes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and 81 jve 1 Worka, 260 Court street. Phone Ut. NICKEL PLATING WILLAMETTE Plating Works, re pairing and refinlshing. .420 S. Commercial St. Phone 271 147 jlmperlal valley tomatues $2.50 dressed box; green peas 16c; straw 5 8c; j berries- $1 crate; now potatoes 4 V4 spring; lb; Bermuda wax onions $2.00 a .crata. Fruits Oranges $ 3.75 fi 4.28 ; lemons $7 50; bananas 11c; dates pound (bulk) lGc; parsnips $1.50 hundredweight; drome dary dates $7.0fr cote; black figs 10c; while figs 12Vc: Ca' fornla grapefruit $3.50; Florida grapefrula $9.00; Arliona grape fruit $6.50: pineapples $4.50 per Retail Prices Butter and eggs: Egg 20c: creamery butter 36ft 37c; country butt-r 30:. Portland, Or., June . Cattle higher; receipts 1281; prime steers $8 004.8 25; medium to choice $7.508.00; fair to good Feature Service. Patent Offio. T1 TV 1 0 u ecoy Autoists Men Seen In Brush by Roadside; Two Cases Have Been Reported Recently Astoria, June 6. The tire de coy is being worked again on the Columbia River highway between Astoria and Portland, for what purpose, unless intended to lure the motorist into a holdup, is not known. While motoring to Portland with a party of relatives and friends, W. Wolsiffer, employed at the People's Market, saw a new I tire lying in the center of the road j juat th(8 slde of Deer IsiaIldi near 1 W h idl nine. Ilia i-nr uaa aLlmmlnir along shortly before 10 o'clock. He slowed the car down "ind one of the men in his i.rt y descend from the car and started toward the tire, which was plain ly visible in the rays from the headlights of the car. Before, reaching it, however, Wolsiffer, who had remained in the car. had discerned the forms of several men standing Just off the road way. He calied to Ills friend to 1 leave the tire there and to get into the car, after which he, 1 "stepped on 'or" and left the spot. Meeting another car a short : distance away coming toward Astoria, Wolsiffer told the driver of the Incident and th two cars retraced the route to the spot where the tire had been seen. It was gone and four men on motor cycles had Just emerged from the brush at the roadside and mount ing their machines were soon speeding away. Lloyd Foster of the lr:al firm of Cook, & Foster had e almllar experience near the Hammond mill a few weeks ago while motor- ! ing back to this city from Port- ' land, except that when he started to pick up the tire lying In the middle of the road, It suddenly disappeared off the highway as if drawn by a string. Foster made BO further attempts to locate the tire and upon arrival here report ed tho Incident to the police. Harding Removes Attorney. Washington, June B. ilvtgli II. Robertson. United States district attorney for the western district of Texas has been removed from office by President Harding, It was announced today al the de partment of justice. No reason was assigned for thv removal, It was said. $6.257.00; common to fair $5.00 0.25; choice feeders $5.25 B5.75; choice cowb and heif ers $6.50187.00; medium to good $5.50 i 6.00; fair to femlum $4.60 05.00; common cows $3,50 0 4.50; canners $2.0003.60; bulla $3 5005.60; choice calves $9.50 010.00; prime light calves $'J.OO0!).5O; medium $6.0009.00 heavy calves $3.0006.00; best feeders $6.25 0 6.7r fair to good heavy calves $3 06. Hogs steady; rec. 953; prime light $9.00 0 9.25; smooth heavy $6.2508.25; rough heavy $5.00 07.25; fat plga $9.0009.25; feeders $8.5009.25. Sheep steady; receipts 7478; prime lambs $6.5007.26; east of mountain lambs $7.0007.50; valleys $5.50W8.25; -e ." $e ui 08.00; feeders $2.5004 00; culls tt. 0004. Oil; eyes 1 (1,104 21; light yearllnpi $5.0005 50;he-iYy $4.5005.00; wethers $304.50. Butter steady; extra tubas Sic cartons 33c; prints 32c. Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream 26 0 21c f o b Portland; under grades 24c. , Kggs- Selling price rase co-lit 18020c; btiylng price 1701c; selling price candled 22 0 23c; se lects candled in cartons 25c. Poultry: Hens light 1501(c; heavy 21022c; broilers 22025c; old roosters 11013c; turkey nom; geese 1 ducks nom. Wheat: Hard ' white $1 35; Uoft white $1.32; white club $1 10; hard winter $12$; northern spring $1.30; red Wal la $1 27. Barley $22024: oats $30; corn No. 3 yellow $11 p 32. Hay: Buying price, timothy $24, alfalfa $1801$; grain $23 023. 13,978 Want Ads, totaJinsr 70,567 lines, not includ intr real estate and clas sified directory, carried in the 1 Capital Journal in the four month end ing April 30, 1921. This is a gain of 1116 ads, or 6,075 lines over the same period a year ago. Capital Journal Want Pay because they deliver the (roods. Twice as many as in all other val ley papers combined. y - ' -vsysW ss 1 -t.fsr s. rs-- 1 . 1 k k . . rc ' 1