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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
Page Eight Greater Pueblo To Rise Over Flood Ruins, Clai in TeUThe World We Will Rebuild, Say Victims Of Flood District Attorney of Multnomah County Esti mates 4,000 Salemites Have Access to Home Made Concoctions; Public Opinion Held To Regulate Law Enforcement of Officers Pueblo, Colo., June 6. "Tell the world we are going to rebuild," was the message Pueblo business men gave to the correspondent of the Associated Press today. "Send out word over your wires that we are going to have another city." Optimistic signs began to appear in the windows of stores in the down town district. "Are we down hearted, no. Let's go," read one sign in a furniture store in which there has been several feet of water up to this morning. Although in some instances, business men lost all of their property from the flood waters, they are not disheartened. They believe, they said, that Pueblo will rise from the desolation to a new city of greater beauty and importance. Eye Witnesses Tell Of Destruction Done As Waters Advance Additional Rain Sends Rivers Up Jeorme Park District of Denver Flooded When Platte Over flows Sunday Denver, Colo., Juue 6. The Denver police department today was making a survey ot the Je rome Park dlBaster, on the west side of the city ot Denver, where flood waters of the Platte river entered cellars and first floors of residences early today. The ground in that section is low and . the houses mostly are of the cheap frame type. All approaches to the district were guarded and resi dents were warned to get out. Allng Zuui street between Ninth and Twelfth, many families left their homes when the warn ing came. Twenty five families . in the neighborhood of West Kleventh avenue and Umatilla streets took refuge in the Garfield school house. Denver, Colo., June 6. Heavy rains, which fell at a number of points in northern Colorado late yesterday and last night, sent streams in that district up tiday. Reports received at the Denver office of the Associated PresB showed the following conditions at outlying towns: Grcely- Poudre and Platte riv ers rising rapidly toduy. All bridg ea in Weld county over mese two rivers are impassable. Several thousand acres of farming lands In the bottoms are inuiulatril in several feet of water. Residents in eastern Weld county have Been warned against the rising Platte. Kstes Park Btf Thompson river again last night flooded highways between here and Boulder. Motorists marooned. Longmont St. Vraln river peached Its highest stage in two years this morning, overflowing its banks And flooding the Lin coln highway in places. The rise of the St. Vrain was sudden and followed heavy raluB of yester day. Owners of four reservoirs, the Foothills, Foster l,.ike. Mulligan I ..ike and Terry Lake, are having them drained to prevent possible breakage and inundatlln of the district. Lyons Water last night flood ed the highway out of Estes Park i to Lyons for a distance of 25 feet. Marshall All danger of break ing the big Marshall dam. a mile above here, is believed passefl. Rome residents who on being warned last Wednesday sought safety in Boulder have returned. Marshall again is normal. Fort Collins This district, in cluding Larimie and surround ing territory of I, receiv ed the benefits of tuc rainstorm. MU.I. ,h. mir.rtn Airinil- charged with being intoxicated lur.l college sal dthe heavy rain-'1"- cit PPr b"" P" (alls would be of great worth U Mr'M" ,uo' Fort Collins, this week has Pueblo, Colo., June 6. H. E. Leigh, contract clerk of the Ar kansas Valley Railway, Light and Power company, First and Main streets gave an account of an at tempt made by himself and six other employes to save property and ledgers of the company Fri day night. "At 7 o'clock we went Into the electric company offices with the Intention of saving ledging and property. At 10 o'clock there was eight feet of water In the first floor, at midnight twelve feet. We had to go the second floor. "We kept back of the water and it receded at the rate of one foot an hour until 4 o'clock Sat urday morning, then at the rata of halt a foot an hour. "Friday night we were surroun ded by floating, burning rafters. A fire occurred acros the street. Two men in the building jumped and we rescued them. Then the whole front walls of the building collapsed and fell in the water and floated blazing down the stream. "At 11 o'clock Saturday we es caped by wading waist deep and one of the employes. Miss Genther the only girl employe with us, was rescued with a rowboat. We had no food during that time but had drinking water." The electric company's offices are above seven blocks from the Arkansas river. S. K. Davis, parter In the firm of White and Davis, the city's largest clothing house, said the flood reached a height of .14 feet above the basement of his firm's store Fiiday flight. There were twelve employes in the buildineg unable to leave until Saturday noon. Mr. Davis declared the stock and fixtures were almost a total loss. Short Sport Mexico City. Horse racing was resumed yesterday when the mem bers of the ltrttish colony held u meet at the Condese hippodrome in honor of the birthday of King George. This was the first i .u n. event in ten years and proved a notable society function. Minneapolis. Billy Miske, St. Paul, and Hill Ilrennan. Chicago will meet here tonight in a ten hound, no decision bout. They are heavyweights. St. Cloud, France Mile. Suzan ne Lenglen. world's tennis cham pion, yesterday defeated Mrs. Mol ls HJurstedt Mllory. American ten nis champion, in straight sets for the world's hard court litis. Detroit The colored middle weight championship is declared to be at stake in a ten round bout here tonight between Joe tians, New York, the title" holder and Kid Alberts of St. Iuis. Waters At Low Mark This Morn Collection of Dead and Relief Measures For Rescued Speed ed Up Today Pueblo, Colo., June 6. After a night of quiet,' Pueblo awoke this morning to find the waters in the lowlylng sections of the city reced ed to below the five foot mark and still going down. The flood is at its lowest stage since its sud den onslaught last Friday night. Today the work of removing the bodies from the drove and Pep persauce bottoms districts began. Colonel Pat Hamrock in charge of the military announced the situa tion, is well in hand and that order is rapidly being brought out of chaos. Guards Patrol Area. All during the night the devas tated areas were patrolled by a heavy guard of Colorado soldiery, while the state rangers in auto mobile and armed with riot guns, patrolled the streets of the resi dence districts. Every person found on the streets after night fall was stopped and questioned. Some time after midnight re ports of looting in the flooded areas began to come in. The guards brought between fifteen and twenty men to "military head quarters for investigation but in almost every case it was found that the supposed ghoul was mere ly an ignorant, frightened Mexican who, homeless and forlorn, did not understand that shelter had been provided for him. Only one or two cases of actual looting have been brought to ligst since the military assumed control of the situation, according to Captain H. O. Nichols of Denver, adjutant, Airplanes To Ccot. Today there will arrive from Denver, according to Colonel Ham rock, enough tents' bedding, cook ing utensils and medical supplies to care for two thousand of establishing a refugee camp at Mineval Palace park also Is under way and all the flood sufferers being cared for In churches, school houses and other public buildings, will be removed to the camp. Also it is expected that during the day there will arrive from Dodge City, Kansas three army air planes which will be used for ob servation and scouting purposes. Repotrs last night that the big D. and R. G. bridge at Buttes, Colo rado had gone out for the second time are unverified. Volunteers Turned Back This morning on all roads lead ing Into Pueblo mounted guards have been posted to stop and turn back all those except persons hav ing official business in the city. According to military officials and officials of the Red Cross, hun dreds of persons have come into Pueblo and have volunteered for relief work. The motives of these volunteers are appreciated, of ficials say, but they point that the facilities of the city are being tax ed Just to care for the suffering homeless and arrangements for quarters and rations for any more volunteer workers positively can not be made. J. E. Morrhead, secretary to Governor Shoup. who is In Pueblo as the governor's personal repres entative today sent an urgent mes sage to odorado Springs asking that a supply of anli-typhoid and and anti-diphteria serums, lime and disinfectants be rushed to Pueblo as soon as possible. There is no unusual danger of an out break of diphteria or typhoid, Mr. Morrhead explained, but the auth orities are running low on those particular necessities. Reports of New Flood at Pueblo Are Unfounded Three Constitutional Amendments On Ballot At Election Tomorrow Five questionsthree proposed submit to and pass an examina- Hon oy a reguian m-ciiocu ,v. constitutional amendments and competent physician as to their two measures referred by tne leg- j nealthi in regard to contagious lislature will be up for determi- or communicable venereal diseas- nation by the voters of the state es and mentality. In case of fail- u . i. .,i tha Pnehlo. Oolo .. .Tune 1. A renort at the special election tomorrow, ure to pass bulu originating on the south side ofiListea in the ortler in which tney Pueblo last night that the Ar kansas river was four feet higher at Swallows and a new flood might be expected in Pueblo proved groundless early today. At 3:30 o'clock the river had fallen con siderably from its high point of last night. The Associated Press correspon dent accompanied Colorado ran gers in an automobile trip through I flooded Main street, over the' Union avenue bridge into South ' Pueblo and traced the report to the wireless of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company. How the re port reached the wireless station cannot be learned. It was believ ed that the report referrd to th flood of last night whn the water rose again following a heavy rain. Water had receded from the measure would prohibit marriage will smnear nn the ballot Hies Unless One Or UOUI BwpMVB measures are: should be rendered sterile. The Legislative regulation and com- ! measure establishes requirements pensation amendment; jot physician's certificate and pro- World war veterans' state aid j vldes for an appeal from the or- fund; Ider of a county clerk denying a Emergency clause veto; license. Hygienic marriage examination Women Jurors are provided for and license bill; , under the terms of the fifth and Women jurors and revised last measure on tne oauoi. u jury law. bonus of 2 cents the carrier for all who complete the season with a grower's pack; packing, 17 cents a crate with a bonus of 3 cents. This is a reduction of 3 cents the carrier and three cents a crate for packing, with the same bonus of a year ago. First in general interest of the five measures although second in place on the ballot is the bonus measure, involving an amend ment to the state constitution. This measure authorizes the issu ance of state bonds up to not to exceed three percent of the as sessed valuation of the property in the state to be used in paying cash bonus and in maKIng loans lower part of Main street, leaving lo ex-service men. me anwuu only mud which was about a foot ment limi,s IoanB to 4000 bllt a thick. The rangers said that the ' companion bill enacted by the leg condition of the river looked bet- islature and covering the admin ter than at any time since early j istration of the fund fixes the yesterday afternoon, just before,loan limit at $3000. These loans the firct heavy rain. are to be made on real estate un- Hundreds of people living in der rules and regulations to be building in the vicinity of the die-' drafted by a bonus commission trict flooded by Friday's disaster 1 created by the bill consisting of were routed out of bed at 1 o'clock the governor, secretary of state, this morning a precautionary adjutant general and two other measure as a result of this of this members, one of whom must be report. Many remained up the an ex-service man entitled to the remainder of the night and few j benefits of the act. The bill and of them returned before daylight, the amendment both provide for They sought shelter in churches 'tne payment of a cash bonus to and the court house Dawn was breaking over city on the trip back from the south side and showed strange sights on this flood swept tho roughfare. A baby buggy was ex-service men at the rate of $15 tne for each month of active service in the recent war but not to ex ceed $500 to any one man. Ex service men electing to receive the cash bonus may not particl left standing by itself in thecenter . pate ,n th(j oan feature and Tlca versa. An appropriation of $30, of the bridge, away from any ob struction. A few feet away was. . . . . ,,., a Morris chair and heavy trunks. adminlstration o the A boiler had been left on the . , f tne bonug act, bridge when the fld receded and qw conditU-ual a dead mud eb-up0n the passage of the bonus "ttffi! forces here late -endment at Today's election yesterday was interrupted by rl--l of th. tegi.latlve However, searchers , an increase in tne siipenu oi me law makers from $3 to $5 per day is provided for under the legislative regulation and com pensation amendment, the first measure on the ballot. This amendment would limit the in troduction of bills to the Urst ing waters. were out early this morning. Krozer. The total for 1920 was 103,790 automobiles May registrations totale 4579 or Auto Registration Passes 100,000 Mark On May 31 The 100,000 mark in auto mobile registrations for uregon f()rty days of tne legislative ses- was passed on May 31 with regis- gon except appropriation bills trations on that date totaling and bl8 pertalning to the de- 100,159 according to a summary fense of tne gtate or nation ex compiled by Secretary of State . ons-n, of four fifths of registration thg members present, obtained on roll call. TV. nmnrfrimf W lollOO VPfl JUMl dllj .111, ,1U Ul .H.I.. I.'-" Registration fees collected by the department to May 31 totaled fovcrnor 12 102 079 us mr-ilnst a total og $2,050,094 collected during thejleKislature without affecting an; p.,!,',.., of the other provisions of th . , measure. This power would be in Hieher Rate Allowed addition to the power to veto A slight increase in rates, ag- single items in appropriation bills gregating a net increase in rates pwhich is already vested in th of approximately $916 annually, governor. is granted to the Clatskanie Elec- The hygienic marriage exami tric company in an order issued by nation and license bill com the public service commission here monly known as the Dr. Owens- Adair bill would require both JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY I applicants for marriage license to amendment merely uthorizea the to veto the emergency clause on a measure passed by the without affecting any e Two Jailed for Drunkenness Are Cited to Appear Chester Foster of this uy. and, M. J. Vard, of Turner, who were arrested here Saturday night and Poster, who was taken Into cut-! tody by Officers Victor and White! was Jailed Saturday night but was released Sunday morning when he furnished fZS bail. Ward was held for a hearing. t rops. received 3.22 inches of rain. The Porde river, higher now than at any time for ten years, has not overflowed here and no danger is feared. Wild Basin and Copeland Heaviest rain the mountain Where there is circula- 1 V I As Interesting As Your Every-day Mail The advertisements in this paper were written to you. It is impossible for most merchants and manufacturers to send you a personal letter about their goods, their wares and their services. So they pay us for the privilege of calling these things to your attention in our advertis ing columns. If they did not know that a certain proportion of our readers would be vitally interested iu their message, they could not afford to advertise. It would be a losing proposition. . Read the advertisements as you would a personal letter. Many of them are just as important and just as interesting. They will help you to economize and to keep posted on store news of real interest to you and your pocketbook. Don't lay aside this newspaper without reading the advertisements. They are personal messages for you this measure permits women to serve on juries it makes this ser vice entirely optional with the women who may claim exemption on account , of sex. The measure further provides that at least one half of the jurors in crimin al actions involving a minor un der 18 years of age, either as de fendant or complaining witness must be women. Watch and Money Taken by Thieves Thieves entered a local garage in which his coat was hanging Saturday and made away with his watch and $1.75 in change, George O'Neil was unable to furnish of ficers any clew on which they might work. Tuesday Legal Holiday hit Supreme Court Tuesday being election d. legal holiday throughout n. Whi,e this may 'bS arded as an accents . ,' ' layman that th , ' . . "13 BOflip uon about t i n,. iiciary of the stal an innuirv rioi ...... . " It torney general's office toda. , one of the circuit inrt Jry.Iro ninjah asking for ,igl In order that there no question as to the corrJ Of his advi o '7 corrWl "icmoer or (hp tornev nnFIp. '" with chief justic;:,::; suoreme ennri ,i, . 1 ll ------- ."-v me nay was a leni holiday anrt u,l.i i. . by that court. " 80 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS Pay want ADS PAY Grass In Baker Best In Years Baker, June 6. Not in years if ever since the early days of the open range when the bunch grass waged with every breeze has the outlook for grazing been more pro mising than now and the grass on thousands of acres in fenced pas ture lands has returned to Its na tive growth. All this has been the result of the copious showers this spring and nothing now can prevent sleek and fat cattle and sheep for the fall market. In the forest range, too, the same feeding con ditions exist. Year's Apple Prices Fixed Apple growers In the Hood River district are preparing to adjust themselves to lowered costs this coming season. Advices state that the Apple Growers Associa tion has established the following prices: For picking, 9 cents the carrier of six hallocks, with a Ladies' Pongee Waists A New Shipment Just Received SPECIALLY PRICED $3.45 Gale & Co. Commercial and Court Streets The Only Store in Salem where you don't pay for Delivery if you don't use it "The Quality Coffee of America!" There is no better coffee than MJ.B. Coffee regard lew of prices WHY? 39c IB 5 -lb. tin per lb. 3 -lb. tin per lb. Remember We Stand Behind It. Single Pound Tin ' We Recommend That You Buy the 5 -lb. Size wmm Yoa Save More Money " 37c 38c Vim Flour $2.30 Diamond C Flour $1.65 Citrus Washing Towder 25c California Head Rice 5c Fancy Navy Beans, 4 pounds 23c 10 lb. sk. Cream Rolled Oats : ... 49c Best Creamery Butter 33c Nucoa Margarine. 20c 12 lbs. Sugar ....$1.00 100 lbs. C. to H. Berry Sugar. . $7.60 Fancy Bulk Coffee, pound 25c Choice Bulk Coffee, 2 pounds 33c Country Club Milk 10c Oregon Brand Milk 10c 1 5 cans fancy Corn. 65c R "Fancy Quality Z cans man""1" Corn 3 cans Alaska Salmon .. 2 q Fifv 7.p Roval Baking PoVder -J O Ilia PriSCO ..- nJ X K7 II It' 6 lbs. Cnsco . I1 vc 6 IDS. iriMw J. L. Busick fir Sons SALEM ALBANY - WOODBURN towf.i bare experienced in years fton there IS life US6 tSS fmmm' i Journal Want Ads.