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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1920)
ircuSation .TV o fcevy frK murntaK; f n f'O f iLlili li MM Aterage for Six Months rntliitff Man SI, liO 5259 Member of Audit Biincan of Ctrenlattoa ..-.i Minimum temixialure SS; 1 Associated Press lull Letised Wire c ) iYgRP YEAU-Pfg 12 3.' : ... SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1920. PRICE TWO fTENT jh - m-a mm .mm mm mm am oi xjreson ixevuoi xjne m nougni i o id Johnson Apparent All Amendments Chamberlain Kozer Safe owe xcept Portland. Or., Kay 22. In the democratic senatorial contest. Sen tor George E. Chamberlain was lead L Harvey 0. Starkweather by 1737 votes in a recapitulation made at 2 o'clock. This was from 19 counties in complete, Including Multnomah. Sam Kozer, acting secretary of state mmi assured of the nomination, his vote at 2 0 clock oeing n aim intu o his neaerst opponent, Lockley, J0S3. Senator Johnson carried Multnomah county, ami he is leading in Clacka mas, Clatsop. Columbia, Coos, De chutes. Hood l-tlver, Jefferson, Jose ohine Klamath Marion, Tillamook, Incomplete returns from . various representative sections of .the state Indicate that all of the, constitutional amendments with the exception of that providing for the successor-whip to the office of governor have earried hy lafe margins. CHAMBKRIjAIV, staxfield AND KOZER LEAD MARION Geo. E. Chamberlain was the 2 io 1 choice of Marion county democrats tor nomination for the office of Uffit ed States senator on the face of re turns from 60 complete precincts in the county this afternoon. The vote stood Chamberlain 713, Starkweather 38S. The returns Indicate a majority of between 400 and BOO for Chamber lain in the county. - , ;' Stanfiel dwas the choice of , the county republicans, polling 1628 votes 8 against 938 for Abraham. llAIHON GIVES' MAJORITY FOB ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS : WITH. 38 PRECINCTS IN With 88 precincts out of 74 in the county reported complete up to 1:30 o'clock this afternoon, the . mninge bill for the supporfof the elementary schools in the state was leading by a' safe margin, but its companion measure to give aid to the Institu tions of higher learning was behind. The returns include only, a few of the city and Town precincts of the county, where the vote for botin of the miliage bills was heaviest, and it ii probable tliiit both will be given a majority in the county when all of the returns have been tabulated. The blind 'school measure and the one restoring capital punishment in the state both carried in these pre clncts, as did the proposal to . allow l 4 percent bonded Indebtedness In the state for the construction of roads The vote for these 38 precincts on the various amendments was as fol lows: . . . Eminent domain for roads, yes 2, 506, no 1672. Four percent limitation, yes 2260, no 2164. Capital punishment, yes 2436, no 1988. - - . ; Crook and Curry bonding, yes 1698 m W3- . ... , 4 , ... ,': -. Successor to governor, yes 2002, no 2222. 1 Higher educational tax, 0 2475. Soldiers aid; yes 1775, no 2435. State school tax, 2472, no 1984 Blind school, yes 2216, no 2030. SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN Ti , n; ,4" a - ' , . f , .'.i . " ' 1 I ;.- C'W, y - ji . r o I . 4pWfe- ;.. .....;;J,.J Carranza Is Officially Reported Killed; Died While Resisting Attack GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN -TINTTRD STATES SENATOR FROM OREGON WHO WAS NOMINATED FOR RACE TO SUCCEED HIMSELF BY DEMO CRATS YESTERDAY." Mexico City, May 22, President I Venustiano .Cananta, who wltn a small party of followers has been .fugitive in the mountains of Puebla 'since late late week, was killed at Tlaxcalantongo early Thursday morn-' jing according to official announce ment here. His companions, the names ! of whom are unknown also were kill-. General Rodolfo Herrera, it is said, directed the attack that result ed in. the death of the fugitive presi dent and his followers. He belonged to forces commanded by Generai Francisco Mariel, who accompanied Carranza in his flight from this city but who last week Joined the revolu tionists. . j There is some uncertainty regard ing the exact affiliation of General Herrera. It is generally believed pos sible, however, that he commanded a small group which was with the flee ing president. He was in rebellion against carranza tor several years, centering his operations in the state oi lueoia. He surrendered last Marcn to uenerai Mariel,. who was in command of government forces (n that state. : When General Mariel went over to the revolutionists last week a portion or hia troops, It is known, remained loyal to the president and belief ex ists that Carrania might have take.i along with htm In his flight toward Tuxpam, Herrera's forces, which fin ally turned against him. Tlaxcalanton go is a small village in the vicinity of Huauchlnango In the northern "panhandle" of the state of Puobia. It is approximately 85 miles from San Andres, where Carranza left his forc es and took refuge In the mountains. The official announcement was given out at 10:30 o'clock last night fron the headquarters of General Obregon. BULLETIN Washington, May S3. No agreement on plans for adjust ment or recess of congress over the political conventions . was reoched today at tine conference ; of republican senators. .t Washington, May 22. Frank , HU Hitchcock, former postmaster general- has- been summoned by : the senate presidential campaign expense Investigating .committee to appear n( the opening inquiry Monday as the representative of Major General Leonard Wood, republican, and Bernard M. Bar uch ns the representative of Wil liam G. McAdoo, democrat. Torreon, Coahuilo, Mex., May 82. Forces of Governor Domingo Arrleta who has not yet recognlz- . ed tiie revolution, numbering 800 cavalry under Colonel Larls yes terday gave buttle to revolution ary troops under General Miguel Lavega, near CamUInn, Durango, General P. Ellas On lies announc ed today. Seven Carranzistag were killed, i Three Amendmen ts to City Charter Favored In" Seven Precincts yes 1964, Wood Choice Of Voters of Z Kat, Perm ;vi Vjrt-ncrni 1 anno rH -Wnn ta 'Je choice of the republican voters 1 Polk county for president on the out . lncoml'lerf returns from 24 unl Prec,"2(s in that county at m Saturday. Wo..d showed a total I 448 votes, .lonnson 325. Hoovr "I, Lowdon 135. . StanfieM w leading Albert AV.i S 0bett'" :hd ntwo vote, to n-, 8tanfii v-! count thowinp 792. Mar1" KZ ' '!M lea,11'1B f'V a wl0,J 'f ln th" race for Ilia u p'.ihilcir. 'muatio,, .,. of 8t,,t& Tn0 Lockley 13.4. Schulderman All city charter amendments sub mitted to the voters of Balem In the special city election Friday will 'be passed, It was indicated at 2:80 p. m. today. With complete reports from seven of the IS precincts in the city showing substantial majorities In fav or of all of the three amendments, it was felt certain by some that when returns from all of the precinct, are in the amendments will have been passed without a doubt. . The amendment providing an In crease in .the salary of the chief f police, or fixing at 1800 a year, was in the lead with the following total votes in the seven precincts heard from: 739 yes, 273 no. The amendment changing the mode of street assessments' in the t-ity. shouldering the expense of street and Companions Reported Safe ' - Mexico CitS?, May" 22. Reports 're ceived here early ; this morning, state that General Juan Barragan, chief of the presidential staff; Ygnaclo Bonll Ias, ' former Mexican ambassador at Washington; General Marclano Gon zales and General Frederlco Montes, who accompanied President Carran za In his flight from San Andreas, are safe. No mention Is made of the oth ers In tile party which It. is believed Include Luis Cabrera, minister of the treasury, Alfonso Cabrera, his broth er, governor of Puebla and General Francisco Murguia,..who acted as com alley Intersection paving on the city, mander of Carranza troops after tho and changing the assessed property 1 president had fled from this city, into zones Instead of lots stood at 665 - Orders have been given that a train yes, and 367 no, at latest reports this be taken to Beristaln, the nearest rail afternoon. The city of Salem shall Include the State fair grounds within its boundar ies if the poll continues as recorded from precincts 3, 6, 12, 13, 8, 9 and 15 at two o'clock this afternoon. The total vote on this measure from these seven precincts stood: 694 yes, and 461 no. Complete returns from the remain ing 11 precincts ln the city are not expected to alter the positions on these amendments. In other precincts it was reported by judges that com plete returns on city offices and amendments would not be forthcom ing before evening. Loonev Davey and Martin In Lead for Representative Of the 'e offi, republican candidates for Ce Of deleirntAa tA ,l .,,!.., ,1 nvetlon from the atatd at h.rge, pZ, e selcted,. McniaHt, Unrol. ' er and Carey were running clui-e 10 the ordfr named. , 'he ra,e for delegate from ??.r h rlCt Walt'; ,J- To JV h5 ,e lead, while Wrightman nnl lic Ttr runnIn8 for seeo id !re)jr 449 anii 45 rwpect- w the demcrattc ballot the nice Chanberlain and Starkweath The x" WaIk away tor th former, ftiri, 8tood Chamberlain 363. ""reather i80. tarnS .n J3" of tie Inco"plete re !,. "J1 ot tne constitutional am.n1 measures on the ballot carried. vte stood: li'.oe,i8,0main Ver raili'' ye3 ' 'ttt bn,! taX 1'm'tat'on, yes 1192. Crola!nPUnishme ' no 791. 55j Curry bonJ act. yes 805. no accessor to governor.' yes 917. no jher education tal ye, 11 8 J. no ' wn."r. t$T. n. s:'; iU mnary school tax. yes 1324. no . Blind Kay, Perry, Looney, Martin and Davey are the apparent choices of the republican voters of Marion cou . ty to represent them in the lower house of the legislature for the cum ins terra on the face of complete re turns from 51 precincts this afternoon. Oscar Steelhammer wag leading West in the assessorship race by n margin of 300 votes and is apparent ly nominated. The resulu on the county republi can ballot up to the time of going to press stood: Representative; Kay 121.. Perry L 365, Looney 2268, Davey I960, Mar tin 1916. Weeks 1690, Riggs 161, Wrightman 1604, Hughes 1470. Zirn 1381. Busselle 1264, Keber t. Wat- onn 1174. Davidson 1090. Qualifying Round For President's Cup Played Sunday The qualifying round for the pres idents cup will be played on Sunday May 23. This will be a handicap match with 'the low sixteen qualify ing for niatch play on the following Sundays. The match with the Eugene Country club team has been postpon-j ed until some time in Jun-s. This vlll give some of the newer players more time to reduce their handicaps to a point where they will be eligible for way point to Tlaxcalontongo, to celve the bodies of those killed. Marion County Precinct Vote Davison "?":...,. ;!the Salem team, and wit the larg Assessor: Jones , number who are taking an Interest In Z024, West 1 1 sv " Vr. winner In the con-1 the game a.em snou.a . "P. .. Rigdon tAMf for coroner. The late show Rigdon with 1468 votes r-inntrh-. 1107. with the former creasing his lead as further precincts. are reported. . . . .. AHnKAfl.n,lr.n than Vl O which aeieatea t'wne euruw Census Figures Washington. May 22. Jer sey City, K. J-, 297,864, In crease 30.085 or U.2 per cent. Lowell, Mass., 112,479. in crease 6185 or 5.8 percent. Lawrence, Kan., 12,456, in crease 82, or .7 percent. . Tampa. Fla., 61,252 in crease 13479 or 35.7 percent Wakefield, Mass., 13.010, in crease 1606 or 14.1 percent. to one fif- in the month. There will also be a match for the I ladies who will ply i. i-M" meuai play (18 on May 21 and 1 on may 30. for a prize put up by T. B. Kav. A chicken dinner will be served at the club for all members and the'.r guests and as it will be on of the "Johnnie Jones" kind 'here HhfUid be a large turnout. Kansas City, Mo., May 22. Kansas i City dealers ln wearing apparei au rert today reductions from ten O ! sixty percent. . i One department store offers wo- !nWa silk h&se. formerly I to io for tl.65 for 37.75. and shoes "formerly 116" I St. Paul Precinct, Republican Delegate at large: Boyd 36, Butler 28, Cameron 11, Carey 8, Compton 9, Harrison 8, Hickey 9, Kollock 4, Mc Donald 27, McLean 9, Maris 7, Mc Camant 18, Olson 36, Rand 23, Sk-w-art 38. Senator: Abraham 21, Stanfield 50 . Secretary of state: Coburn 6. vons .6, Kozer 81, Lockley 8, Parsons 7, Schulderman 10, Wood 7. 1 Assessor: Tones 15. Steelhammer 29, West 29. , Convention first district; Tooze 36 Wrightman 44. . President: Hoover 2, Johnson 57, Lowden 5, Wood 17.- , Representative: Busselle 13. Davey ,58, Davidson 18, Hughes 7, Kay 48, Keber 54, Looney 42, Martin 10, Per ry 11, Riggs 6, Watson 14, Weeks 18, Wrightman 13, Zorn 48. j Coroner: Clough 48, Rigdon 18. St. Paul Precinct, Democrat Senator: . Chamberlain 16, Stark weather 14. Referendum ballot: Eminent do main, yes 71, no 27. . Four percent limitation, yes 80, no 26. Capital punishment, yes SI, no 20. Crook and Curry bonding, yes 57, no 31. Successor to governor, yes 26, no 58. Higher educational tax. yes 46, no 61 . Soldiers aid, yes 46, no 65. State school tax, yes 64, no 62. ' Blind school, yes 66, no 35. West Woodburn Precinct, RepuBt'i-nn , - Delegate at large: Boyd 42, Butler 40, Cameron 45, Carey 40, Compton 41. Harrison 20, Hickey 25, Kollock 12. McDonald 30, McLean 34, Maris 18, McCamant 42, Olson 30, Rand 26, Stewart 48. Senator: Abraham 43, Stanfield 88. Secretary of state: Coburn 8, Jones 7, Kozer 66, LocRley 21, Parsons 7, Schulderman 12, Wood 26. Commission utilities: Buchtel 72, Cousin 42. Assessor: Jones 18, fteelhammer 73, West 52. Convention first district: Adams 41. booth '62, Kendall 20, Tooze 66, Wrightman 76. President: Hoover 17, Johnsou ti, Lowden 14, Wood 68. Representative: Busselle 39, Davey 59, Davidson 39, Hughes 18, Kay 90, 'Keber 55, Looney 60, Martin 42, Per- Age Does Not Keep Salem Veteran From Interest In Life Although he will soon have attained his 81st natal day, Nicholas Biers of 307 North Liberty street ts still spry and able to get about, and also able to think of others. The old gentleman haa a quantity ot carrot and sugar beet seeds and is will ing to give them to any poor families who can make use of tho garden aids. The fact that he is Hearing the cen tury n it has not interfered with the veteran Salem resident's lngeniousness. He haa designed a simple device as an aid in seed planting and is willing to pass his invention along to anyone in terested in a labor saver for the' gar den. , , , . Other people are not aa thoughtful of the rights of others as la Mr. Biers. A supply of onions stored on his prem ises has been raided recently . by un known parties. , "If they want 'em as bad as that they need only have asked me," observes the old gentleman. e irassea ClaimState for Johnson By 12,000 ii naive irsen Moffitt and RacelnLead George E. Halvorsen, proprietor of the Marion garage, Earl Race, city recorder, and Traffic Officer Verden With S3 precincts out of 14 reported complete up to S oVlot-k , on the republican pretddentJul ballot. General Wood was lead . tug by a margin of 104 votcslii Marlon county. The vote stood . Wood 2250, JiJiuison 3146, Hoov er 72, Lowden 587. Portland, Or., May 22. Returns compiled by the Portland Telegram at 2 o'clock today from 27 out of Si counties .In the state Incomplete, In ' eluding 144 complete precincts 1m Multnomah (Portland) county, glvn Senator Hiram W, Johnson a lead ot 22?6 over Major General Leonard Wood. . . - . . Presidential preference figures at I o'clock were as follows: . Hoover 4041; Johnson 14,375; Low den 4660; Wood 12,169. Portland, Or., May 22, Returns compiled from 17 counties in Oregosv on yesterday's republican presidential! preference primary give Hoover, 2348 Johnson 8286; Lowden 2013; Woo 7229. These figures include 96 pre cincts complete In Multnomah (Portland)- county. More votes had been counted ln these 17 counties than, were - tabulated earlier . today In 20 counties. . . .. - ", " Senator George E, Chamberlain haa defeated Harvey G. Starkweather for ' the democratic nomination for Unltud States senator, , In the contest for Olcott to Fly From Blaine to Stockton Meet Stockton, Cal., May 22. Governor Ben W. Olcott ot Oregon will accom pany Lieutenant Ralph M" KUy to morrow on a - flight from ; Blaine, Wash., to Stockton, Cal.j to attend the annual convention Of the Pacific Coast Association of Advertising Mens Clubs. The army plane will endeavor to establish a non-stop record.-The army plane expects to arrive at Stockton Simultaneously with three great auto mobile caravans from the northwest states, San Francisco and the bay cit ies and southern. California. The program of the. convention calls for business sessions Monday, and Tuesday. The delegates will be guests of the ; Stockton Advertising Club Wednesday on a run to Yosemlte Valley, The entire delegation of 1,000 will be dinner guests of Foster Curry at Camp Curry Thursday night. Officers for the ensuing year and the next meeting place will be elected t the dlnaer Thursday night. Van couver and Victoria, B. C are first on the ground with a joint bid for the 1321 convention. Tacoma's representative stole a march on his rivals during the night ty plastering Stockton's sidewalks with great barefoot man tracks lead ing to the Taooma exhibit in the Pal ace of Advertising. The tracks are In white and are labelled "Tacoma." M. Moffitt, taking the lead during' the republican nomination for United Damaged Vessel Capsizes In Bay Seattle, Wash., May 22. The steam schooner Fred Baxter, which put Into Port Townsend early this morning with a heavy list caused by contact with a tide rip off Marrowstone Point, Straits of Fuca, was reported to have capsized in Port Townsend harbor early today In comparatively shal low water. The tug Monitor was re ported to be standing by. The Baxter, operated by the Parr McCormlck Steamship Company be tween Puget Sound and San Fran cisco, was laden with a cargo of poles at the time of the mishap. Draft Dodger Escapes Officers In Swift Auto Philadelphia. May 22. Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, the wealthy draft dodger who escaped from non-com-mlssioned army officers at his moth ers' home here yesterday ln a high powered motor car, was still at lib erty today. Both federal and city au thorities said that an all night search had failed to reveal -vven the direc tion ln which he went. Department of justice agents de clared they were convinced that Berg doll was aided In his escape. Fair Weather For Coming Week the day and steadily increasing their totals, bid fair today to be next mayor chief of police and' city recorder for the city of Salem,. Complete returns from seven out of the 16 precincts in the city of Salem at two o'clock this afternoon gave the following results: . - Mayor:"George E. Halvorsen, 732: Otto J. Wilson, 517. - " -For tilty Recorder: Earl Race, 702; William Evans, 566. For City Marshal: Vorden M. Mof fitt, 661; J, T.' Welsh, 348; A. Lee Morelock, 265 and George N. Patter son. 171.-. Precincts Reported ' Precincts from which the complete returns are: 3, 6, 8, I, 12, II and 15. Complete returns from other pre cincts In the city were not expected to be compiled before late this evening. In ward one, Leroy J. Blmeral, with 293 votes from precincts 9 and 15 was leading Henry H. Vandervort for the four year term, who had ,61 votes from both precincts. Race Takes Lead. While early this morning reports indicated that Evans was leading Race with a safe majority for city recorder, the figures changed with the reports from 9, 12, and 3, placing- the present Incumbent substantially In the lead. It was bellevad that this would be a safe margin and politicians were pre dicting the election of Judge Race, to serve his third term In the city hall. Moffat's Place Assured. - Unofficial reports, coupled with the complete returns from the seven pre cincts heard from at two o'clock gave to Traffic Officer Moffitt undoubted lead In the race for city marshal. With Chief of Police Welsh second, It was felt that these two candidates would oppose each other for the po sition at the head of Salem's nollce department ln the next November. States senator, R. N. Stanfield had substantial majority over Albert Ab raham. Representative C. N. McArthur had a substantial lead over both of his opponents In the race for the repub lican congressional nomination In the Third district. Y Indications were that all ' of the constitutional amendments and meas ures on the ballot had carried, partic ularly those providing for educational betterments ln the state. Only ona measure, that referring to replacing capital punishment,, on thff statute books seemed clone, the proponents ot the measure having a slight lead on the face of early, returns. Douglas County. Roseburg, Or., May 82. Incom plete returns from eight precincts ouB of 59 precincts ln Douglas couuty give for president: Hoover, 64; John son, 248; Lowden, 72; Wood. 14.0. Senator: Abraham, 188; Stanfield 246. ' . . Secretary of state: Coburn, it; Jones 144; Koner 140; Lockley Ii; Parsons 76; Schulderman 20. Wood 2 Public service commissioner: Ittwh tel 220; Cousins 200. " For senator: Chamberlain. II; Starkweather 68. Josephine County. Grants Pass, Or., May 22. Com plete returns from 11 precincts m Josephine county give for president:: Hoover 47; Johnson 196; Lowden 66;, Wood 167. For : senator: Chamberlain 42; Starkweather 28. . Ballot Count Moves Slowly Lane Count Slow. Eugene, Or., May 22. Incomplete returns from the slowest count of regular election1 votes ever held In Lane county glv Wood a well-aefinea jeaa in tne pre sidential race, Hiram Johnson second and Lowden and Hoover tielng for third. Deschutes County. Bend, Or., May 22, Complete re turn from seven precincts and In complete returns from one precinct . n OA hMnlnnt, Im n...ntl lllcd Returns from Friday's primary L... ",.".' ' . " rr '7" .T. election are coming In slow today and Jonn;ons Lowden 2s! Polndexter. it Is probable that complete returns ,,., will not be available before Monday, j For Mnator: " Chamberlain 22; oui me coum. up io noon gave a gooa .starkweather 7. inuicuuon or now me election was running. In some of the precincts only the republican ballots had been counted this morning and It was noon before they completed the democratic count and started on the state measures. The count in the city election will not be completed In mora '.han half of the precincts before evening. Hood River County. Hood River, Or., May 22, Com plete returns from six precincts and Incomplete returns from four pre cincts out of 14 precincts In Hood River county give for president: Hoover 107; Johnson 117; . Lowden 61; Wood 860. Vor senator: Chamberlain il; Starkweather 33. Opium Tax Aids Chinese Revolution Amoy, China, May II. (By the Associated Prss). Troops from tloned In Fuklen province are Joining' H: Johnson 27; Lowden 4; Wood 1. ' I'malllla County. Pendleton, Or., May 22. Com pie to returns from two precincts and In complete returns from ten precinct out of sixty-four precincts In Umatil la county give for president: Hoover, tne forces or the southern govern ment for the reason that the south of fers more pay, the source of which Is the tax on opium. The southern military authorities are forcing the farmers to cultivate much opium under pressure. For senator; Chamberlain 33; Stark weather. Sims Charges Turn Praise U. S. Navy New York, May 22. Rear Admiral William Sims, president of the naval war college, in his address at thsr graduation of this year's class toa,r. said that barring a few cases, "our - ELECTRICIAN SELECT. New York, Mya 22. The American Institute of Electrical Engineers to day nanounced the election ot officers! for the administrative year August 1. 1920: A. W. Berresford, Milwaukee1 navy personnel not only responded t was named president Vice Presidents10" requirements, but exceeded out (Continued on page eight) Washington, May 22. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Northern Rocky Mountain and pla teau regions Generally fair with night temperatures generally below normal and day temperatures nearly normal. Pacific states Generally fair . ex- Mnt nrnhahtv tcra ttlnttM 1 showers on the northern coast; nearly nuimalisage today. The schooner left Bar-i effective co-operation with the force I temperatures. jbadoes for St. Johns, N. T. April Unabrogated." included C .E. Magnusson, Ssattle. jmost sanguine expectations In tha . i 'endurance, zeal and loyal Initiative WHOON'E RKAM.HED AND HUNK. thc' displayed," In the world war. Boston, May 22. The British! "Thl" applies," he added, "not only schooner John M. Wood has been1'0 the forces ln the war zone, but to rammed and sunk by the steamer; tn9 navv ln general, and particularly Lake Elsah which later picked up the1 10 th verv intelligent and skillful lw. . 1 i iU,. . aM crew, acM-i-aing to a wlreiemi mfti "u "wwhw" Br' school tax. yes 12ST, no 3S.i