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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1920)
WEATHER FORECAST Tuesday f (ir and w:mr. Jvyfro'l in morning, gentle wet- V'JA-Jlin. temperature 44, mu. tlTean 45. No rainfall. Kiver 4.3 Capital rTYHIRD YEAR NO. 112. CIRCULATION Averat tor Six Month nillo March SI. 1910 5259 Member of Audit Bureau of Cirenlfctto Associated Frew Full Leased Wire) SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, HAY 10, 1920. PBICES CSNTSr DeLaHuerta, liberal made public tampico In Rebel Hands Says Report Houston, Tas, May lO.-rTamplco. ioortant oil town on the Gulf of Mex- ;a)i cpitulated to force of General nhreuon yesterday, according to radio ,4vice received by local oil Interests erly this morning. The advices Id the town went over to the revo lutionists without serious disorder. Cirraiim's Escort Dispersed. Kl Paso. Texas, May 10, Mexican '-vehitlonlsts overtook and dispersed ,h troops escorting President Car- 1b in hi8 fltSht from M"ico rit?' basing them serious losses, accord ,., , . message from General Alvaro Obregon to uornor upreroe commander of the constitutionalist army, mad jert today. Oeneral Obregon detailed the cap ture of Mexico City, confirmed tho re- oort of a wholesale execmum m , prisoners at Mexico City by Gen Li Francisco Murgula before the Carranza leader fled the capital and told of further states to join the ivo ,u,ionatnd of the capture of Purbla City one of the largest in - Mexico. Among the victims were Generals Tri L Lechuga, Artigos, Roberto Cejudo ,n others, according to General Obre- Mexlcan revolutionary headquarters m maklne public Obregon's men age said It lent credence to the report ofCarranaa's capture as Obregon said the .Mexican president s romw i port of vera tru i rebel forces. Nuevo Ijiredo Quiet. Laredo, Texas, May 10. Nuevo La redo tolav was quiet under control of revolutionary forces who after a brief tattle wtih federal defenders yester day took full possession. General Reynaldo arza, commander of the Nuevo Laredo, military district in the Cararnza government, was saf in La redo following an exciting flight iom Nuevo Laredo in which his automo bile was struck by 120 bullets. Business opened as usual with the exception of saloons which were or . dered closed until further notice by the revolutionary council formed Im mediately following yesterday bitiie in which seven rebel and federal sol diers were killed and seventeen wounded. The revolutionaries attacked Niievo Laredo fro mthe west, south and Past just before dawn Sunday. Within lew than two hours the attackers had penetrated to the center of the town and federal troops either ceased firing or discharged their guns In the air and surrendered. Mexico Rests Easier As Villa Re tires and Troops Join Rebels Juurei. Chihuahua, Mex., May 10. Francisco Villa's days of banditry and constant menace to all attempts to establish stable government iu and to the relations between this repub lic and the United States re ended, according to. reports reaching here. Leaders of ttje new revolution dis played visible relief at the announce ment that Villa had laid down his arms and turned his men' over to General Ignacio Enriques, revolution ary commander of the Chihuahua district Since the revolution swept out of Sonora with increasing momentum it was reported that Villa would seek to remain neutral and settle down on a plantation, and still later that his proffered services to the revolution had been declined. Agents of the new- regime admitted that if Villa decid ed to oppose it he would constitute the greatest menace to it. The announcement that Villa had laid down his arms and guided his followers into the ranks of the revo lutionists came from General J. G. Escobar, commander of Juarez. Villa also notified the Mexican Central railway. Escobar said, that guards of 8 Die When FastElectric TrainsCrash Portland. Or Slav 16. nr wrl iZ'Z'r"; ?I ib. coroner ot Multnomah county. was preparing today to hold an in quest over one or more of the eight; soldiers no longer would be necessary on trains. Villa was one of President Carran- alsjo personalty was responsible fori American troops crossing the border, I his most serious offense against the United States probably being the fa-1 mous raid on Columbus, N. M., March 9, 1918, when seventeen persons were killed and several buildings burned. It was on this occasion that the 130th cavalry gave chase to the ban dit leader and killed 100 of his fol lowers. A few days later General John J. Pershing and 4000 men In parallel columns marched 200 miles Into the Interior in pursuit of the Villa band. . When the constitutionalists on whose efforts Carranza ascended to the presidency were organized in January 1914, Villa with Alvaro UDregon ana Pablo Gonzales, were aids to the "first chief." On October 1 of the same year, however, Villa denounced Carranza as a traitor and December 3 entered the capital, only to renounce his claims to the presi dency and leave Mexico City on the following March 24. . Wilson Injects Treaty Squarely Into Campaign Washington, May 10. The treaty of Versailles as it came from Paris has been thrown squarely into the com ing presidential campaign. , President Wilson formally has call ed upon the democratic party to "in done and support" the treaty and "condemn the Lodge reservations' Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, the republican leader in the fight to mend the document, has accepted the president's challenge and politic al observers here regarded the issue clearly drawn. Mr. Wilson's views were stated in telegram last night to G. Hamak- or Portland, Or., chairman of the Multnomah county democratic cen tral committee. with W. J. Bryan insisting that the rmocrats accept ttve reservations "opted by a majority of the senate. me observers here expected a sharp B8nt on the treaty Issue at' Ban Fran "to. with Senator Hitchcock of Ne- 'su, probably leading the admin 'ration forces. Unruly Autos and . Reckless Drivers Leave Ruin in Wake Autos with' their proclivities to speed, collide and desport distasteful lights shaped the nucleus Saturday night and Sunday for the majority of reports made at pqlice headquarters It was reported by Ray Ohmart of liberty that an aged woman named Wolf hall been struck by an uniden tified auto and driver as she was walking along Liberty road. The auto was going north, and after hitting Mrs. Wolf, turned around, and speed-j ed south.' Mrs. Wolf was slightly In jured, according to Mr. Ohmart's re port. An auto belonging to M. Suttman, in attempting to pass another ma chine on the Pacific Highway about four miles north of Salem, was hurl ed into the ditch at the side or the road, overturned, and damaged con siderably. According to police reports the machine that Mr. Suttman was attempting to pass turned to the' right at the signal, then suddenly swerved to the left, striking Suttman's car in the middle. The other machine bore number 75720. Both cars were dam aged, but all occupants escaped with out injury. George R. Turnbull reported to po lice last night that he aolllded -with machine bearing license No. 84368, at the corner of Commercial and Cen ter streets. Fenders on the Turnbull car were-damaged. S. B. Powers, driving one machine, and R. C. Clark, in another car, rub bed fenders at the corner of Court and Cottage streets, - police - reports stated today. Both cars were badly damaged. This occurred at 8:30 p. m. Sunday. Ben F. AVest, county assessor, H. J. Babcock and E. Ebllo each forfeited $5 bonds today for violations of the traffic ordinance. Mr. West and Mr. Ebllo were driving with glaring headlights. They were arrested by Traffic Officer iMoffltt. Babcock was speeding. " P. C. Marvin of Portland deposit ed a bond of $5 nt police headquar ters after his arrest for speeding on Chemeketa street. A. King, arrested by Traffic Offi cer Moffitt for speeding, also deposit ed a 5 bond; and J. K. Rogers was arrested for leaving his trucn stand on State street longer than five min utes, blocking traffic. French Strike Fails Of Purpose Reports Show Paris, May 10. Leon Jouhaux, mas ter spirit of the French federation of labor, has failed apparently to strengthen the movement for national ization of public utilities by ordering a strike on transportation lines, sub ways and tramways in Paris. At 10 o'clock this forenoon omni buses were going about as usual, but there were only a few cabs to .be seen. Frequent clashes occurred during the forenoon between taxicab drivers and strikers. Tramways were working regularly but did not enter the sub urbs. Auto buses continued to circu late. The strike is complete at Marseilles and St. Etienne and is effective at Lyons. Interest now centers on whether Leon Lousaux decides gas and elec trlcal plant workers shall be called out. The executive committee of the victims killed yesterday whea two elec tric passenger trains on the Southern Pacific railroad collded head on near here. Officials of the railroad com pany already have placed responsibil ity for the wreck squarely on the shoulders of Silas K. Willett, the mo- torman of one of the trains, declaring that he violated orders when he ran past Bertha station. Willett was killed in the collision. The" state public service commission also was preparing to investigate the wreck in an effort to fix responsibil tiy. - Of the 38 persons who were injured. five were considered today to be in a precarious condition. Among them was Miss Camllle Dosch, society editor of a newpaper here and sister of Arno Dosch-Fyearot, noted war correspond ant. Both of her legs and one were fractured. Evidently each train had been hid den from the engineer of the other un til they were within 200 or 300 feet of each other on the single track. The wreck occurred at 10:23 o'clock. Car Lifted Off Track! The forward coach of the fast-going train 124 from Htllsboro pord into and through the vestibule of the for ward car of train 107, lifted It slightly and shoved it partly off the track. But the lifted end of this front car of the outbound train from Portland sheared through the forward car of train 124, crushed the vestibule and continued on for about a quarter car- length into the coach, It was here that all the deaths oc curred. There were many people, in cluding women and children, seated hear the front of the inbound Hills boro car. The heavy steel bumper of Census Figures Washington, May 10. Berke ley, Cat.. 55.88. Increase 15. 452 or 38.2 percent. Webster. Mass.. 13.258, in. crease 1T49 or 15.2 percent. Hartford. Conn.. , 138,03a. Increase 39.121 or 39.1 per cent. ' . i , Champaign, III.. 15.873, In crease 3453 or 27.8 percent. Canton, III., 10,928, increase 475 or 4.5 percent. Urbana, ni 10.230, in crease 1985 or 24.1 percent. Lynn, Mass., 99.148, increase 9812 or 11 per cent. Conneaut, Ohio, 9343, in crease 1204 or 12.3 per cent. Benton Harbor, Mich., 12, 227, increase 3042 or 31.1 per cent. Mandaii, N. D 4338, In crease 463 or 12 per cent. Ottawa. III., 10,816. increase 128 or 13.4 per cent. Oregon May Yet Secure Planes For Patrol Duty w- Ma' 10. The rent ttT.rmcnt ' the war department ' there nre no available msn for " patrol In the northwe iv.hT1!'8 lhi summer does not w.u western Oregon's pnwneots mm this season, according thai eceived b? E- C. Simmons. or the aviation commltte j of from , "'amber of commerce , " Colonel II. H. Arnold. .nmmnn.!. ' 'ir "erviee of the army for th apartment. there's A Reason '2,875 Want Ads ijVhCaPital Journal dur 1 first four months 2 llsyear' totalline 64,- tfiSl6? tota,s d ntin- 1 rSViaflfied directory or S lilm adedium of the 1 fameUe Valley and car- P'tal Journal Aa - ..ut ua a-- Sims Scored As Def amer of American Navy In. Reply of Daniels to Accusation Washington, May 10. Secretary Daniels, before the senate investigating committee today, made his long awaited reply t the criticisms of Rear Admiral Sims on the navy's part in the war. The naval secretary let go a broadside which included charges that Sims lacked vision, that he belittled the work of the Ameri can navy in contrast to the British, coveted British decorations and aspired to become an honorary member of the British admir- any. ne aeeiarea tnai onicers suppwuiis is oiuw ""s' were largely "people with a grievance." The testimony of other officers, n Wind-up of May Fete at Varsity Keeps Up Record The second day of the Willamette May Day festival went oft in excellent style, the various features using up ev ery moment of the day, and the only difficulty being in getting to see every thing. From 8:30 until time for the tennis tournament to start the May morning breakfast tables were filled to capacity, three or four hundred peo ple taking advantage of the feed. At two In the afternoon the freshmen were rounded up by cow-punchers and forced to deposit their green caps in the hopper of a grist mill, which ground out civilian caps, as a sign that the reign of the green is a thing of the past for the current year. The freBh men made a clean sweep of the com petetive affairs of the carnival by tak in weight over the Becond year men. ute'g time, having a great advantage 1 nweight over the second year men. Besides the team, the other members of the losing class also partook of the annual bath in the mill stream. "Yokohama Maid,"- the operetta possession of first hand knowledge,' Secretary Daniels testified, "should be accepted by all open minded men as an absolute refutation of virtually all of Admiral Sims' charges." Terms 81ms Failure. Sims, Secretary Daniels told the committee, did not measure up to ex pectations in various ways, of which he mentioned six, as follows: "He lacked vision to see that a great and new project to bar the submarines from their hunting grounds should be promptly adopted and carried out, no matter what the cost or how radical the departure from what ultra-prudent men regarded as impracticable. "He seemed to accept the views of the British admiralty as superior to anything that would come from Amer ica and urged those vlewi even when the navy department proposed plans that proved more effective. "In public speeches and other ways, he gave a maximum of credit to Brit ish efforts and minimised what his country ws doing. "He coveted British decorations and seemed to place a higher value on honors given abroad than on honors ! that could be conferred by the Amer- ilean government Sought British Honors. "He aspired to become a member of the British admiralty and wrote com plalningly when the American govern ment declined to permit him to accent 'such a tender by the king of England "He placed protection of merchant shipping as the main operation of for ces abroad, fdlli'ig to rppvocla-.s thut i , v. utt BD if ,,- a hIM nlnnr the floor of their car, plowed into at ( pera house in the even them and crushed them. For the most!'"?, wm : voted by all the most enter part they died there as they sat, poor, Jalnlng tea ure , of the whole festival mangled, twisted remnants of human:'"" vl""v""' ' ' ' ."tithe protect n of transports tarrying hits which were Introduced at appro priate places in the story. Fred Mo- Usually on the red j Grew, as the mayor of Kybosho, was & Huretwii, mo in a. n, cup an nu ro w Brown Prepares . Ballot Title For Bird Reserve Bill discussing resumption of work. Pirates Hold Up French Packet Upon High Seas Constantinople, May 9. pirates held up the French packet Souliah, which left Batum May 6 en route to Marsailles and after robbing the pas sengers of the steamer went ashore in boats which they compelled mem bers of the crew to man. . , Among those on board the vessel were Mrs. ifnskell, wife of Colonel William Haskell, director general of American relief in the Near East, and Mrs. Daly and firs. Booth, whose husbands are connected with relief work in Armenia. They were fleeing before the bolshevik advance and were forced to give up their valuables. , The pirates boarded the steamer at Battim, either as passengers or mem bers of the crew. On the night of May 8, fifteen men sprang from var ious parts of the ship, covered offi cers and passengers with pistols and shouting warning they would kill any who opposed them. , A French destroyer took the Amer ican women aboard and later trans ferred them to the American destroy er Cole, whlrh arrived here today. and moreover showed that pleasing so.- nrano voice. l,eon jennison as tne transplanted ' Chinaman and Saaio Pratt as ICissimee also did clever work In difficult parts. The work of the chorus and orchestra was a real credit to Dr. Sites ,tlie director. The organ ization was carried out perfectly in a manner seldom seen where such a dif ficult co-ordination is attempted by amateurs with so llttlo time for re hearsals, "Gas" Shortage In Salem Acute; Motors Rationed The ballot title for the measure be Ing initiated by the Roosevelt Bird Refuge association ceding the title of the Malheur Lake reservatiosr in Har ney county to the United States gov ernment and setting in apart as a bird preserve, -was prepared by Attorney General Brown and is now ready for signature to secure for it a place on j the ballot next November. The pur-j pose of the -proposed measures as seti forth In the ballot title is as follows: j "To crete a refuge for the native waterfowl of Oregon and in memory of the late Theodore Roosevelt request the national uovernment to designate such refuge Koowvelt Bird Refuge by ceding and conveying to the Lmiea States the right. -title, claim and Juris diction possessed by the state of Ore gon in lands within the exterior boun daries of and In and to the waters both within and tributary to Malheur Lake reservation in Harney county ,as set apart by executive order Issued by President Roosevelt In 1908, for the use of the department of agriculture as a breeding ground for wild birds." than papers 'PI1T n4 ,uoy reads th-m OIL PRICK JrMPS AGAIN Pittsburg. Pa.. May 10. The prin cipal crude oil purchasing agencies here today announced an increase of 25 cents a barrel in Somerset to H and 33 cents In Ragland to $210. These grades of oil are produced in the Kentucky field. - f.IUL IS nrXD MVRDFItKR Tacoma. Wash.. May 8. Julia Smith, charged with first degree as ...u .fcnnflnir Prosecutor . u. Akrn Anril 3. was found guilty by ft Jury In superior court today. beings. ' "i - Passenger Coach in Front. This car in which they died was a passenger coach ,. 3 . ... ... . . . .atno n lha QiMltViart, Pantflf, iauor leuvnuion 19 in continuous ses- cww 7"" ridiculous actions keeping the houBe 810n. - me siuunei uo.5bbo " v , , ,, -ir Airniin0 The general federation of labor has j head of the train. This was the case , dlng oharmlng and issued an appeal io me unmea bocuu- i wt ." t . ,.. isi party, says tne J!.cno ue rans. u.. , wonderfully Certain socialist deputies are report- two cars, this order was reversed. The "e nas a wonueriuny ed to have asked Premier Mlllerand j day coach, with many women and chil for an interview for the purpose ofidren aboard it, was first and the smoker last. The men back in the smoker Were shaken up, but no one was seriously hurt there. But up forward in the first car men, women and children were either killed or badly injured. Virtually every person in this car was injured in some manner, though not all the injuries were serious. There were also many gersons injured in the forward car of train 107, the out bound McMlnnville passenger. But for the fact that these Southern Pacific red cars are of all-steel con struction the loss of life would have been much greater. "I had time to think of but one thing apply the 'emergency brake," said R. A. Bland, motorman of train No. 107, the outgoing passenger. Bland was brought to Good Samari tan hopital wtlh severe cuts about the head and face and with his left knee badly crushed. His condition Is not serious and he will be able to leave the hospital wtihln a few days. . Online Will Remain MystPry. "I never will be able to explain why I was not killed outright," he raid. "Just as we rounded the curve I saw tho nther train rushing toward us. I realized the crash could not be averted and I had no more than applied the hmke when the two trains came to gether. I had no time or opportunity to Jump,-and the first thing I knew the other train was plowing through 1IH " The injured motorman would not offer any possible theory for the train "I know I was not to blame," Hall that he would cnv. Tjjter he said that his orders showed thai th trains were to pass at Bertha. ri....,i ,iiaiiiHVMl everv evidence' of grief when he learned that Motorman Wlllette of the incoming- train had kn instnntlv killed. The two motor men were close friends and the In-1 Jured man would not say one woru which might tend to Shift the blame on the dad motorman. Watch Wops at 10:23. W. H. Fisch, brakeman on the In coming passenner. No. 124, had Juft left the front car and had entered the mnbir In the rear when the crash came. He was thrown to the floor of the car and sustained painful lacera tions about the face and head. His nose was badly cut and bruised. Klsch said the two trains crashed head on without an instant's warning, and he found himself crawling out from under the debris before he real ised what had happened. After being brought to Cood Samar itan hospital, where his injures were drensed, Kiwh was taken to his home at 748 Reed street. The injured brakeman's watch had t 10:23 a. m.. and this Is be- Held Safe Now, '"v' to hav bpen the exact tlme Portland. Or., May 10 Oregon tim-1 Eight 8i Killed ber is i" no daneer from fires burning!" 1Ir1l. Charles A. Crofks, Hillsboro. in the forefts at this time .according to I Frederick J. Peebler, 304 Kon C. C. Scott, representative of forest fire .'street. Portland, an engineer who was natrol ssociatlon embracing six coun-'0ff auty. 1 . ,-. . . .. -I 1 1 .... . V atittnn Ore. Robert Arundell, 4, Dosch station. Fleurot Dosch Josselyn, T, Dosch station. Silas K. Willetts, englnter of In- Suit Against Wire Company Dropped San FranciKCO. May 10. No actions mar be brought agnin?t the govern ment In regard to its operation of the telegraph systems of the country dur ing the wartime period unless provid ed for by congrecsional stattue, Judge Frank II. Rudkln declared In the United States district court Saturday in dismissing a J3500 damage suit for non-tl livery of a telegram brought by Thomas White, a Pullman porter .and his wife. Martha White. ; White alleged that a telegram he sent from Portland to Mrs. While In Oakland was not delivered rty tne Western Union. He contended a con gresslon act of May 3, 1887, which spe cified wheYein a person might recover damages without a special statutory provision, appeared to cover the case. Oregon Timber Salem is in the grip of a gasoline shortage today. - Gasoline was being rationed to mo torists, in restricted quantities never before known in the country. Pleasure cars are limited to two gallons of gasoline at a time. Pleas ure cars with one gallon of gasoline In the tank, may have only one ad ditional gallon, according to the restrictions. Business cars, trucks and tractors will be allowed BO per cent ot tneir easollne carrying capacity. Produc ers and farmers will have the prefer ence in this case. Cars must be prov en to be uned for business purposes before gasoline In this quantity will be sold the owner. Priority Is given to only one motor -that of the dairyman because of the necessity of delivering milk to babies. Cause for the severe shortage of gasoline In this locality at this time is that there Is a five day's supply of Basollne in Portland that mut be ex. tended at least 21 days, when anoth er shipment of gasoline Is due. Because the gasoline shortage is general, motorists are nuked by deal ers to conserve aa much as possible, and to use their cars as little as possi ble. Although the restrictions have been put on in some sections of the city, other dealers were giving gasoline without ban today. The Associated I Oil company, while short Baturnay, this morning received another ship ment of 8300 gallons, and feared no ahortage for the time being, anyhow, it was reported. troops to France was the paramount naval duty until I felt Impelled to ca ble him peremptorily that such was our main mission." Secretary Daniels .testified that had I he known that in October, 1918, 81ms had made statements reflecting upon the contributions of the United States arm vund i.avv to winning thr war to members of congress visiting abroad, he would never have recommended hie promotion. "He had not then attacked the Irish people," Becretnry Daniels testified. "I thought he lii,l on'y -IsfvnJcd Angli can sailors ,a proper thing to do, when attacked unjustly by what he termed, a lawless element In Cork, If 1 had known that he-proposed to tell the story of what the navy had done overseas, to denounce the Irish people as he did in his articles In The. Worlds Work' the permission, would not have been granted," CrlllclHin Withheld. Secretary Daniels said ho had never publicly or privately criticised Admir al Sims for lack of early vision. Although the department 'had dis approved of some of his recommenda tions," said Secretary Daniels, "I mis takenly supposed that he had ac cepted and acquiesced with more or less grace, In the department's official actions, as a loyal officer ac cepts the decisions of his superiors " The investigating committee, Secre, tary Daniels said, had been wearied and the public nausentod with "an abortive attempt to ferret out the mole hills of mistake and exaggerate them into mountains." "The navy's record In the war stands untouched today and for all time des pite criticisms from within and with out," he Uttld. Sims Hurting Self. No such troop movement over so great an expanse of water hod ever been attempted as the transporting of America's legion to France, Secretary Daniels docia?'"!. ml. ling 'hut "In comparison to that essential to win ning the war nothing else counted. It was well and expeditiously dune. That fact alone Is answer to most of the crlticsms heard by your commit, tee." "The only "nnn Injured In publt esteem by his charges Is Admira4 Sims mud with which a few have sought t bespatter it." So far as his own acts were concern ed. Secretary Daniels said he was win ing to let the case rest. The Judgment and ability of the eleven other mem bers of the general board had brought under public criticism by one of their own number, however, he had, and these officers looked to the civilian secretary to defend thera. - Officers Are Cited. ' "There are twelve of these hlgfc ranking officers charged with great responsibility," eaid Secretary Daniels. "You have heard eleven, One is the author of these criticisms. The twelfth. Admiral Gleaves, who was Jn charge of the troop ships that carried our soldiers to France, is commander ia chief of the Asiatic fleet and I do not feel Justified in ordering him from hi distant station to testify. "In considering the criticisms of on of the eleven officers referred to I think It surprising and gratifying thut: the verdict of these officers Is ten t one as to the correctness ot what wm did. HuoTthere been during the war a serious difference of opinion among; those charged with determining our military action as to what chould bo done. It would, of course, have been my duty to have decided between them. I have been fortunate that no such con dition arose. "What I .Vi It uevd"d fr.m: u.e to not a defense but a clear and brief re sume of what has already been testi fied to. You have neara long statemen's -f .vhic the t.iwy dll rot do. The country's prids will be height ened by the facts of some of tho great things It did do." The portion of Admiral Sims cele brated letter that shocked the publla more than any other, Mr. Daniels said. '"was the state that he had been told . nt the navy department "not to let.tho British pull the wool over your eyes We would as soon fight them as tho. Germans." "I must confess that It shocked me," declared the secrutary, for in all my years of association with officers of the navy this was the first time I had ever known one to make public any confidential conversation with a su perior. I did not believe It was possi ble for an officer of our navy to do such a thing. The people could not understand how any patriotic Ameri can who put the good Of his country first could possibly spread broadcast statement which reflected upon . hisj own government and might tend to dlstrub the cordial relations with a friendly power ,and violate the confi dence reposed In him and publish statement which he evidently believed would damage a fellow officer , ami cast doubt upon the navy's whol hearted espousal of the allied cause." Mecretary Daniels assailed the man-, ner in which the Sims lettor was made public, declaring that Admiral Slma read it during the Investigation of ni val awards although It had nothing to. do with the subject under considera tion. "He could not have chosen a more, ostentatious and well planned manner of securing publicity," said Mrt Dun lels. "If, as he said, he hud written It only for nuval officers, nothing; would have been eacier than for him to have told Chairman Hale that he hart written a letter to Secretary Daniels bearing on a totally different subject, for naval uses only." Republicans To Name Chairman At Chicago Meet Chicago, May 10. The republican national committee met here today to select a temporary chairman lor. the national convention June and to transact other preliminary bnsiness. A two day M-tision was expected. The name of Senator Henry Cubot himself," said Secretary Daniel "Th! Lodge wu tho only one openly spoil evidence has had onlv one effect and en of In connection with the te-nptt republican tvmt tin ft hPBn n feellnir uf decu resrret rury chairmanship, at the necessity of withdrawing appro- ers said. val from Admiral Sims and replacing More women were represented In It with deen sod lustlna- disapproval. a voting capacity at today s meet ntf "Ti .,.. it. rvlA In the. than any previous gathering world war stand without a tract of the kind. lead- or th LATE BULLETINS "I have investigated tires renortea near Timber, Scappoose and Flora's Camp by telephoning to logging com pares in the vicinities," he said, "and find the fires now burning: are slah, ing fires, set by loggers under require ments of the present law." New York, May 10. The United States Steel Corporation announced todav unfilled orders for the month ending April 30 totalled 10,359,747 tons, a gain of 467,672 tons over the previous month. wnur.;nrrtnn Mav 10 Rinuhlican members of the house ways and means committee definitely decided today to abandon the proposed one percent retain sales tax for raising part of the money for the proposed soldier relief legislation. London, May 10. An amendment to the government's Irish home rule bill offered by Former Premier Asquith, providing one parliament instead of two for Ireland, was defeated m the house of commons this "evening after a short debate by a vote of 2o9 to 55. Brownsville, Texas, May 10. The evacuation of Monterey, capital of the state of Nuevo Leon by Carranza forces, was re ported in unofficial dispatches here today. Governor De Los Cofna woo aairi tn hn en route to Matamoros. opposite Browns- I478.945.E0 for the same period a year, ... fV,. .l a trovemmetlt will be established, the report 'ao and total receipts of $602,239 for V"r V 83 f1 51 Cars Are Now Registered Since January With a total of 83,151 automobiles registered In Oregon at the close of busness April 30, as shown In a sum mary Just lssuea ny nam a. lvuaer, deputy secretary of state, as against a total registration of 83.332 for 11 , the 1920 registration bids fair to even exceed theestlmate of 100,000 made earlier in the year. Last year's total registration was exceeded on May 1, Kowr explain" the registration is now well up toward the 85,000 mark. Total receipts from automobile 11 1 cense fees up to April $0, amounted to ll.7S3.045 as aaglnst receipts of only (Continued on page four) the entire twelve months of 191. declared.