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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1920)
.Y. Ai I.;L CAF1XAL JjI'UNAL 7T, ovhood Ucivs in fits I w Ly lira J.rrr.e 'v IS TT WW at - - ' - 1 i ( I: !:: . 'J. I ; v -nTi . .'"j."r-tr . - ! 5" - . -. f .1 AT . 5 I Is i 'j J-. ' A f! 71! - lyt JSfv. 11 ' Mfi-- -5" " l !". ' " ' " I, . . . m"- '---- , 7i,' 11 11 11 il77KJWAJi ? -i 'i - ."w : "". - Aw rr v-.-T? S ."f.f -IT:--- fe - . ::" :- ,":! -V 1 .. (:.-lt- - . :-: .-.r-l ! F I ' J , v. 1--. -. J j J y 'Jve fiiem Machine ar:J W;tL- j c:m- g?cw"Ji cf tb farm tractor bIaea Li ricicity ha bm to fich ja n cn Uit more adeqoj'.-e liirtcr id a new a!-m firm. tt ca-pirt-n?r tiES D- E- GrifGn. M. Ccjk J H. X Taelier. The com pa d 7. t:'ch at prnt to located at 1!1 S-:vi?h Cor, are-il street, will xcialii ia r.rae ot aJ fjr:a niathinery r-pa.r m p.omiii cardinal! v&o hivs r i. ccwe odfed tbir aSori2ca tat ig-.n bp Uir carriag ti cost of tim? aiaee tfc war. com:iIissioner;s court 4CenUnue4 from pae srfn Jnry EeJin Mrs IK-tPP sronl f--r i Sinn Husritii care 01 v vu 1 v. u.wn?n rn of F!:'?Xe K!it SiifBi Hospital. csr"cf Liiiiij UOiT'l Stein Hop!ti!. care of St; !a SUbi H-nrital. care cf JSsa T" SJm Witrr UgV.t & Power C-J ivtr s?rv.. fr Mrs rxn- - tiff 4 Stn. S L rs-re etc fcr ren hon TaySor Erl S Fjrrin.E3-r..t ror farm - rler Brt rcerits for H ;n dU-r.e N W I bord of pr.-.- Jnenil? Cosrt. J::..son, Jfai:i M esrr-n2C-, ) r.ri:'c ork . ." . Pr:r W F tati hire Stsciiits f rd O exptrst'S i cvuk: arrs: of F Kephf.rt. D Tax AccMint. j IXJv, 5o!ia refund . j Fire Protciilon. c? Gr2n. saiErjr aol tx- I p-riist of district arda.-. State TaSr. GhMorf, "VVia t-aix r r''.f-s i-.d Tes : Tax K-baie. I y-fir tJI?.4 C: PJc'i, T M do 5!i US it 111! :. 11 i;.n 14.11 J-li MS 13J.M 1 i t-ll lOrmntlM Mary MinlWne, ncrkrrt Iloorer'a iMlwhrr; chit y Aca4Mr MwinH fcody M Siew jers. IVm nark Indlralca IlrrbH nmnr. aba a nukM at the aoakvt ia 1M5 wttra II yp" "M- I'r. H. H. Mlatborae, Uovtcr'e tude, )a u rrur-KI of Prtrt- AV.f b4 ba a la Jfcaimrt. Mr. Louise Halet IUcfunt of fort bA w aM oHTrt- imrttie of H.Hner'Sih ic Orrn Land rofnMuif 01 Mri. H. H. MiMbnre. ltnme rf Grandma Mary Minthora ia 1Mr. Mary Mllre Xonton. nt uatt Domcr Laite aad I'UOi latlrrtert timer. 1 ILjotct. Unl It It JWrtrrt lloorrr. 15. Ttm n botn(ih (oopfrteht k-T) Uxfj'O alw Ilune- al Um fcrctuMX aa4 c of bte Frdo, u Orrcoa. Rcfaad. VTrrt. En F a-cir.t orerr-iy- r.K r.; tri..-';- r.t t.'.i . S.iS Adtenwti. Sa.u Cosn:trrci.-U c"j. di- . MwneDaneo Acoi'wct. CsfifJ Joanul. publish: t;s Sfiai-ansijU rtpot? OophtT and MoVe- Bouetr. Bo-er. C G air for boar,-.T z.tS vkoM of fcor future hubaS'! it It ahe !!' j By CJ Carter. ib ricrtxrt CUirk K,itr kft family kiotory tb fc"B- " H" ad work J'her(t..;f in a r-y;hW kn bJ! are nj 4ari.iit hj hurried t hd n -qi!rd a rfcctitkn fr ara- ' bun ka4 mo f.rCrf4 Wr rwt ei(rtit3!y brililaRC. s- fir a ri-ly iJiir.cH;tt ia eoswrced SfiTfi! t;jr.- he filled ia hi tnt but hjT ? urdy $,:tddi&4 itji tr-JiEtt bin out a vinaer ia the tx.i. nun to Work. l"l ia ttt rof eraph rtidlo tf Tora Ctotiw, photFrarfceT r.a priater, thre i a rhoK5rat'k of a horwcar .'.'. drtvea by Hoor-.r. Sot oo'y did h- twrfnrra :he Sa'! cf of f.oe iy for Jfc Orao Ijiai corapaay. but ddrtnK. nKais mi4s aad m tUa h: toother at tit prirtscs Irk-St I WMy in htasold asaaacement i Li-r. afJr her marrinre. h Is aa-4 WkM Om sua kt fcAeo!T,Wia-l.(,r.,b,r- jhe Ba -fjr Hy every tiuu-n in the VBie4u4 (j,," ncM,r i the mow lov.UKg " Hoow had n.ade ei;iT rice r.d oahftTy Kraipmeat lis hi cfcMMi pnUmum la the year 0f ir.y Qtaktr houeh)d la the cra c;odittf tlw war. He hf? mitm firsdimaBjly. tnJk lh ftfiKt;oa to hecoto a j ftratb Dtvapla. wlaJfenneer aad ai a member ol I Tie fcp,.!B f the Itttie Quake. littJt Bert added, to the fth-h. tada trwt aad ted ). ri. ' - , ' " T. " . P""f a5 r-r The nKMwrO ... iv"r ijtrT;-j. mf vaoQ oemia 01 fOea. f.ju.ti). ty em of aaoeh per- the fat her ia lT. fl!owe4 by the f Uwta an e,re ,f mten-a-! of Ha, M!f,,fcon Her. ftoeal ri.U b Uler IMrod4 the'tr yejire later, broke kp the Utile fane haa la the mirf k. bo-hoW d left the rhildrta U be 9iM-m finMra. t . 1 . rtr,.Mrett4)Jla;Vh an:ty would . -- siiiEicortve rrujp ts rumtrtt4 roo. hMlMUawandwflereraUiloaaaaa;!. f bi m ihe imereee.. twM m MHiwwTwi mmtera ,k..cttt n-al-J.f Ht,ry pro. for iufi-tlca For Grandma J?iry ?i!r.:hn.e Hoo ver, the mo'tier fcf lht niYn" tr.other of a bora he kiknwi UtUe. had told the '.ii thu Ua iU w th hii trjrirc tht yir 15IJTHH. Herbert iSve a ub tiriodma K.o'fe-rrve sa the 1 houw a: ::1S l!ul ie--. ra. Krooe. alter f S!e! . -L ".Tlf? 10 -- ' ' ' P.- ba tk!ine UbJ 1m .f fi,..... ! 41 ' l ea.m. Ii ef u-h rvrd -.o "!4 thaa d..a- t-.t resists ScAooZ Children Canvass City In Quest of Relief With Iff sjpfUact rek cf hj Daniels Denies He Said Japanese A Menace to America I a.4 be imin to hi ht-.-e J Saa f"raarr by aU'ey la neurits it-ampmmm repreratalMa al the ra a lactfkc e:tiois. However, h u caiwd Bfi to a hta i'ijtM to rtjrt! ta the Vti-HF-tXtM iUrd aft&eul lm:taa he tni. chute of toe aeraruaatta fur the. That lfe nurr ard d trf!nii-jf " ' f Ii K'tri i!ihra: 4Mi!;i:ea u 'J hi rord aa l"o;tea Suw ll a!r.irrat'. la braactoa t.t. ....... . .. . " lI- Wor-bXat beat of th ar. Hoor r.f-et a the obeerrmtw is aJe t all effort I. a-t, hi. Ub HaW rid!t,a rf Ar '.TT U "!'Jni t,llU4 -" Wr HHht r-ort:,bi who aaa f aa a big h Pridar. With stjit bodiea each aigned districts us which to aoiicit the t!rt afbooi jchLdrtn. ocdaanted by tfca iocJemeBcy . of U-e weather, tur.rt out U tjsi. , asu!3y eorcr the city. A similar procraia to bear. Cirr:t3 out in each city ia the Cuited 6'j! - - vet ci tot local caaj- oaira were fonr.ed by Campaign xian- " r J f HatchasoB. r to a late ho n iMrs;xro ca reKKa of the prc-r b. krw h:i it t.., I . . "'-J- al race em iw la of -r ruX .i . . - - w. V i.-il iieta r eutarlcr every Paij- of .he Uv. co-r.nit'e,. tfK. ahop, and bflmea ererywhera lit made pve to-ii, 4 ir f, 5. , " "unpaira uere far ury Daniels d.'ti- r r-jn ft ttr, Mil. Aad fc- rt h-r4 tis A fi X-m Ks 5 1 - a a a into th. tet t ...d .s cf . ",a te coveted a-rho.-ar-kit Tf. . wothent plrt The etory of H ,.. - " ' ta o.-.e of tt.reia;:u -: .- ff.rt n 1 M aiay ,j t.t-ir-. ;h t. ft'' f the ath-tjc "-w t - .- . v . ork ta iMft... aad later a. Caited .w 'a U " - t H hia atttderi &Ata food adaUBMrater b too al-rdM. " iraaa c. j.d be .( ,j,:.2. M-. turiet knowa U n-.- rpeinMi. h! year, fce t,t- tv tas-1 -Herbert Hoo,Vr o.yuJ ?.' 'f 4i U yef. tatBf mat that V, 1 Vrer k-T- . Xi' at XWr,L .het. b,. .arte. f .T,T..k,W..lB a The te-.Ttaio, tr.ade ? .v t-oa -HK-, h,d w. eab .r!" U i ract.ra at the craS ThTprt: l.ShodbytheVnd.,b1Br,h.H,rben! le ktC e Tk " 1 1 wth h brother. Theodwa. aer ! . iay had nat to Neabrr. fnw. ,,k.f IiT. ." -'; t,4 t-aaih. Ia. aknt th-a .; .a . - ," . . ,,!"r. ! t.s hJ trn Whta Herbert Clark Hoorer cam! Ut BUem ta Itlf. h had been ta Or- SUFFERED THREE YEARS FiniHf wit Restored to , H- t Km ..... . f """7. r a r.: oa f3 biWfra MU. blfkat,.,th ia the jt.,- ,-k.,HeC r, tVJl Ul t . . VreJ o.rrtbl, Ul.le aad h l.k- ; of the traakor eon.s.oo, J', ' 1 M . f?" i! " , I nauafi w er prajwa. i -n. !l I ' o oa to ra asd a !h:rp. J 1 to twf arosr.d ;.r t a .t , i.v,; bat if I td bMtn I Ki- jvltr.' c- a a iirs toh. 1 4 a-ie- hejr f it r i.. U--J h fje hMk rh the tt4!i- C.-ads8A Xjithcrrv. wlw h.d Vvr a w..-e et lr.f iratfcMi to t.V heid .h-.k tu a!.,. wfac-.M b l,!t" 't-, . I ' now ta think of acytluna wrt.culartr -1 TL 51? A" Ml baia-ti anything part.c-iarb-' w J. .. i. - g:.h tic-Il a wia i X.atham Hmw, befte her Biirti M ia Jme iiinf, bad bees the "lady vf the alMhura fatal!?.- Ker witi , . . ' w aaa -iurj ,tm arr other M raJied ei' j.-etK.n, and a, ho. aithooKtt a atdow. eerj fKfet in edifaan hr tbllJren Vef eUHe Compound. Ut ai awf J ya e i, k - ru aai had Terr lr. "i for three r.r asi waa perfejtJr a p-r.e ert-1 I r 1 a d ni M:m j e to trr Lri E. lit taat V g . tale t eentotiEd aad I fiad it weaker- j 1 -a anitae. 1 taa i -vw do tviee i j aisr work aal I I in aome narrfn thit the te--r;tiry had told the co:;.n..:i veftr-iiy tiut Japan was a rv to the Tr. it.i Sutea. "I am tcovr d to "T.'i yo-i,'" siid Mr. Daaie's, -bx this p-ibiJcltoa coo vers the iroareli that is ciiiUled to eive a rnd:- si-.::i 1 vk-r f aiMt-de of th -retir- of the navy and yo-ar eowsa.tte- thit a whoUi at vareoce with b isiwd -f - tuted to the e;- n::te thit our re'.iiiona -"..- 'j 03 :fc-e T"a nftc ere :.i frsercty ard rii cd that I d.d tt l-iif-.e ir.y t&tloa semies.! th Vrtd at ir.d ta acre this :;-? tuld id:t rwj roJ- cy Wsed -.Tr.-r.rri to fc.!ry er ia the Farir.-. I ana rjre th-'.t yoi, ir.d iil the ns.-n.bsrj t,f tht r-.T! jjtil iffcin commit: ee 5-;:! rrr clw j.r tT: uea thi etiinterrrttd by Soldiers' Will Is Held To Be Legal Tira, Wash. April i. Mis r..'.! Vif i?. daughter of Rev. Joel Virus of Aab jrn, i namd soie. LeneCciry -cu:r.x of the. estate of Graver T. Porter tf Pan Weroi. CiL. ia a will ti-td ttiiy by Jliss Vir- his fiiscse. Fortr wis a private '1 CSonspaj-.y S cf C 34th infantry of tlst division sad ij kiiied in Fri2-e fj.t:..".r ST..1T1. Tt wiil w nrri:t,n wth pn ai ic'i Ji"- 25. of the Kime ye-ir, a fw iSaj? after be srrired in Franc i:h his division. M!a lg:is U ai..j tcz : h ter.'.fitaary cf J16 .) ! ia war r:k ir;7ir.c carried by Private Porter. In .n iff". !-..t fi:cd Kith the wiii ills V-S-' at?tn--y say a Hoiorrarhi? ' both ia C&:ifrnU and Ja 1 iVeiiv Building Now Under Way To Be Occupied As Shop ; Co-rtruttioa of a iirge one story , try strtt across froi.t the is is on the iisi Bar -"i ri- a h.?teL T! .a jr-.;r:y 411 the n.w structure ill be an extecs.on to 'he buU-iir.s vur.ej t.y Mr. Baren ou the Ferry and Comrj.-. isJ street Site. Cor.:r-j :i.a work is in chfrs" of trason. local cuntractor 6iiir. Tne stw building m about . Uaej competed, the new buiidi.-. arl Crt -jfl? tune cfday BAKERS COCOA .? "welcome DO not make Ae mis tsxe cf diinking that cocoa is only an occa sional drink. It is so vai uifle a (bod beverage, so rich La the elements of tctricion, so delicious ia vor,and so wholesome that it should be used regularly and often. tf Owe JUtita tntfrtt WAITER BAKER & CO W;rML MRChtSTEft-kiaSS. In d i. P Fsrpt. .irf t'-lt, 4 . letaut St Lw-Jt aBa frsdiited frets the s;ver :'f baa, ar.4 Ilulda bad bea sen to a prtrate IJflill.Mif. . ... K.L.L..L. ft k. . rJZTTZZl? . fal "- aaa.- ' - aniore itu.aA alia-, uit of I c r. f realised tkt d-1 1 1. t k. - . . 1 k.-e. ia IUie,o l3 tho. dyi forrc jr Vr aad Utet- ta ikt'TWA-u..,..--.- 10 '. Its MAM to kt, tK.- .i.w.k... I Wt . -bir,. . w ar care "" ' his r-latre h this aaaidioua par- la J w. no one,- perfect their ediatjfa. Sftey . ' rweai arr.r tit i)j a , uil or !.,!S. to h.. h.... aad tor-j V the boy a., t" Ho, -er In, met .r. ,4 r.Wfhbv re.xni ! ZerJT! i!! 11 143 Jll- a-.ra n a, - 4tK had dettird bee r . - l " w" wrapped a ; . . - . ..v m. u w iertiii rr hmki.1 . . he ar. f ...svj bia.:f tituraJT f.-w a.Avw. e a . , - last w iw kb. u! -. ik. v ..... . " . "-ry. ia Orr he .V.ik.r.c En- tinned a." ' J - 7 -"arr- or busmo iS. Vir cca w;U et w w5n f 7J ' ea. Bierui. ;v ,ST reak la LTl f j'-"'- t-sf'a'-le CccrpwwBki ' " H k bea the sUai- f k,"1?V C1 aJ U re a tiM b-.a tn.ii.H.1 wrtb tark a It,", iatUtrstaUoa. if-n. trre-sur.. etc. , f-l adk write ta Vosr lett-r win r.t 2fcce: IANOS and Player PianosBest and Cheaper Hakes at GEO. C WILL Sakm, Oregon Phonographs and Records EDKONS MCT0R3 C0LU3IBL AND STARR GEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines AH Makes Grecuine Needles . and Oil Sewing Machines Repaired and Rented GEO. C. WILL Sheet Music And ' Music Stiidies MdkinJey and Century 10c Editions fit Music Store GEO. C. WILl aaituatBat' A