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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
fgiPAYMARCH 25, 1920. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN. ound Town ctree-nt events I jsMaJW meeting dog Jssrs, Commercial club, t p. I 25 Meeting of dog ' Jwri friends at Com ' club. 8 P. m. t "u!, Business meeting f Rifle club. 2 BUt. t T ,g Benefit basket ' Jul Utile Grove chool. Sil- ! rtoi road. 8 p. m. ' 26. Mass nM!tln C Commercial club to promote V? K..,,fiful plans. P. m. I 2ch M.-Womw repubU i T club meeting, armory, i ADril 1-Marion county Tet- meets : at , tftns association kwoedbu"1- r . April 4. t-HSicr April 6. American Legion S-rrV Court House News Circuit Court. Grace M. Southwick vs. Rolland S. lthwick. Complaint. i Prohntc Court. .. Otto Maurer, estate. Inventory and ippraisement. Daily Statistics. . Died 'iTOTTLER Mrs. Nellie Stottler, at m family residence zaau ixorrn fourth street, Wednesday after noon. Body at Rigdon & Son's. Funeral at chapel of the establish- s em t.i ii i"' Born LONG To Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Long, KS North High street, Saturday, in eight pound daughter, Nellie May Long. Fred S. Ruggles of Washington, r. C who is working under the direction of the department of agriculture, spent a few hours in Salem, Thursday, be ing registered at the Bligh hotel. Mrs. O. P. Toundt of Corvm. i. visiting friends in Salem. Otis Knight and W. S. Thompson of El Paso. Texas, are registered at the Bligh. - ? J. B. Ofner; Portland attorney, trans acted business in Salem, Thursday. John Leahy of Albany spent a few hours in Salem, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Woller of Buf falo Lake, Minn., are staying at the Bligh while looking over Salem with a view of possible location here. ' The Women's Missionary Society oi Leslie M. E. church met -at the home of Mrs. Medler on South Commercial street Wednesday. Members of the Oregon child wel fare commission are Salem visitors to day on a tour of inspection of the vari ous state institutions located In and adjoining the city. Love, jeweler, Itm. watchmaker, Sa me special meeting of the North Salem Improvement Association Kheduled for Friday, March 26, has been postponed until Friday, April 2, tamse of the meeting t the Com- sercial Club on the first named date. Father Grammer is now carrying n his lectures and healing at Moose WLFree lecture for all at 7:15 p. m. Clin at 8. Healing from 2 to 4:80 un til ind Including Friday. Freewill of ferings received. 73 I. A. Belamy, a Falls City resident. spent Thursday morning in Satem. lira E. L. Ketchum, of McMlnnr tflle. Is visiting at the home of Mr, uj Mrs. Percy M. Varney, 580 Center Kreet, Judge George G. Bingham went to Albany, Thursday morning, where he in preside over a one-day session of wcult court. Easten ducklings; Easter bunnies. Oriernow. C. N. Needham, 558 State net ' 75 Salem high alumni banquet post poned until future date. . 73 Complimentary fishing and hunting Permits were issued Wednesday and inunday to the following named pio wi and Civil war veterans: John W. th, Stayton: Alex Potter. Salem, and j'.u Davidson, Brownsville. After permitting his first natural I mum declaration to Japse, because I eleven year period passed too quick ',iurl Julius Marx, 45, a farmer and j resident of Hubbard, filed first pa s'' at the county clerk's office Thurs a llrx was born at Schokken, and arrived in the United ie February 14, 1901 veva Smith is spending the Wig Vacation at tho hnn nt hor Wrenls, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith at residence at 1300 North 18th ; ' - .ttf'gOf . J. Culver, D. G. Drager and- B, ck, appraisers in the Otto Haurei r estate have returned a valua tion "tout $1400. report of personal property valued Jalem high alumni banquet post until future date. 71 JMk Frost his H locat "iple 0f announces the ooenlnz new store one block south of ion. Call and receive a free Damage amounting to about $1 resulted to an auto belonging to J. F. Hutchason, district manager for thr Mutual Life Insurance company, Wed nesda yevening, when it collided at the corner of Center and Commercial streets with an auto driven by A. Whltaker of Dallas. Costs were set- tied at the scene of the accident. The collision was reported to police by Mr. Hutshason. A benefit basket social anri ntoi. tainment will be given by the Little urole scnool, on the Silverton Road, uciock friday evening. A splendid program, besides the enter taining features of the Wlrot has been arranged, and it t mu.iJ that many people from Salem will attend. The Silverton stage will leave, the Oregon Electrie Depot at T:45,j and will arrive at the School house in inns ior the festivities. Miss Osa Northup, a student of Mc Mmnville college, who h. u. house guest of Miss Lots. Purvine, a juuhu- niuamette University stud- Ant A,,..... ... . . ,,s ,n3 ormers vacation, re turned to McMinnvUle Thursday morning. Miss Northup has been in ouit-ni ior a week. T.I J nuay evening at o'clock, the Business and Professional Women's v-iuo win give a dinner in the Y. w C. A. rooms to which all women in -alem are Invited, and for which res ervations must be made bv Prldnv morning., Reservations may be made by calling nj. Medford School Room Daubed vith Buckets of Paint Medford Or, Mar. 25. Some time after a school board meeting at the high school list night which adjourn ed at 1:J0 p. m.. the high school building was opened by removing a. doors from the hinges and the school auditorium was plastered with frejh field gray paint. Desks and seats were daubed and several buckets of paint were emptied on the platform. High school sessions were conduct ed as usual today however, by using other rooms. . The' outrage is regarded by the school board as a part of the student propaganda against Superintendent William Davenport and the. recent, dls charge of a score of teachers. Local authorities have been put oi the case and arrests are expected t - ay. JOUHNAL WANT ADS PAT VOU XTEKRS VXLOAD FRK1CHT Charleston. S. C, Mar. 23. Three score business men of Charleston took off their coats today and as amateur longshoremen began unloading a tS5B ton cargo of general merchandise from the freighter Lake Clear, whk-h had been ordered to return to Baltimore with her eonsignmcnt intact, because of the longshoremen's strike. April will always be remembered as the month in which the la!td States enured the World War the Spanish war and the Civil war. SBSB8 There's one happy city fireman these days. He's T. G. Long. For last Saturday he became the father of a buxom, eight pound daughter. Her name is Nellie May. Both the litt'r girl and the mother are in fine con dition. James Holland from Eugene, is visiting friends In Salem for several days. Commercial Club Votes Money For Entertainment Directors of the Salem Commercial! club at their weekly meeting Wednes ! day evening authorized an expenditure' of not to exceed $750 for co-operation with the Cherriansahd,Shriners in en tertaining the Shrinerslon their visit to Salem during the Portland Rose Show and for participation in the pa rade at Portland. Co-operation of the community In providing luch boxes for the 6000 visiting Shriners will be ask ed. The lunch wfll be served at Mar ion park. A committee was appointed to re quest the mayorto issue a proclama tion declaring Shriners day a public holiday. Details of the entertainment will be looked after by a joint com mittee of Cherrlans and Shriners. A communication requesting support of the club In the extension of a credit to Germany by the United States gov ernment for the purchase of supplies Inthis country, was laid on the table pending the establishment of stable government in Germany. , A permit to erect a one story frame dwelling on his home on h's property at 527 North Capitol street, was issued by Deputy Recorder Mart Poulsen Wednesday to F. S. Barton, the electric goods dealer. The home will be modern in every detail and will cost $5000. It wilt, be built, by R. JR. Jones, a contractor. Senator A. W. Norblad of Astoria spent Thursday In Salem on legal business. Jack Ryan, for many wears a wide ly known and popular resident of Sa lem, will leave Monday for Klamath Falls, where he will make his future home, having purchased one of the large barber shops of that booming lumber center. Friends of Mrs. W. K. Brown who for several seasons was maker and trimmer with Sampson and Giddens will now find her with Mrs. Nerton of the millinery department of My ers store. Th Salem Rifle club will hold business meeting at 299 State street March 26 at 8 p. m. Tho cup snou.. will be determined at this meeting, as well as plans for the coming shoot. ing season. v 73 Auction Sale Woodry's Auction House, 270 North Commercial St SAT. MARCH 27 1:S P. Furniture Including white en amel dresser, ladies' writing desk, good rug 9x12. new springs and mattresses, oak extension table and chairs, cream separ ator nearly new, clocks, break fast tables, dishes. . rockers, show case, barber chairs, look ing glasses, canned fruit, mani cure tables, office chairs, ran ges, heaters, tents, garden hose garden tools, lawn mowers and many other things. . BE OS TLME--1:30 P. M. I BCY AND SELl EVERYTHING Escapes Captured And Purloined Car Found Near Gaston Francis Dean and George Potis, both 18 years of age, who escaped from the state training school recently and who are alleged to have stolen Dr. G. C. Bellinger's car from the tu berculosis hospital, Tuesday night, were captured Thursday- morning near Gaston, by authorities there. Sheriff W. I. Needham has also re ceived word that the stolen machine was found at tho smaller town and an employe of the hospital and a rep resentative from the training school departed immediately for Gaston, be ing expected to return to Salem tHs evening with the fugitives and 'the stolen machine. ' Gervais and Broolts " day, Friday the 27th. 73 "wict Gamo YI-0...1 ti t, ... 2t u, 7 10 i,aIem. Wednesday, from wtu 8oj"urn ln Coos and Curry V Warden Bremmer visited 'tailk !f 0f M:lrshfield, Bandon. Co ImZ Port 0rforJ and Brookings, i'Maw that the tImber tndustry is ji.L7r the much business activ ' " evident. and Mrs. F. A. Doerfler, of Sil leaa. w Tnrsday visitors to Sa ar Doerfler is well known as a t uTo!, aa!r'man and stock grower 8Hverton district. , i: Beauchamp of Stayton attend ee 0U81n('ss affairs In Salem Thurs- I w, .CAID F THAXKS fiend. " ,hank my neighbor. im "u relatives, for the kindness i.. y shon during the sick ! Ekfn tH 0t my huaUand-"-Mr- "iv,i0.,.i,,-a of the Dallas assembly United Artisans, will be guests of Capital assembly 84, at its regular meeting In the Odd Fellows hall this evening, according to an announce ment today. Unless weather cona tions are unfavorable and the Dalles Artisans are unable to attend, It is expected that a large number will be here. At an early meeting of the lortgt about a score of new members are to fbe initiated. . Lloyd T. Rigan. candidate for county coroner, was a business vis t- or to Woodburn Wednesday. Harry Hox'ie, cashier in the state .,-. H-nartnient. has resigned, effective April 1, to accept a position inanmnce firm in Los An geles. Hoxie served as cashier of the insurance department before the war, resigning to enter the service of Ln cle Sam and resuming the position hi. rtiacharee front the army. He will be succeeded as cashier by Miss Nell Sykes another employe of the department. ' Special meeting of Mult r.omah chapter No. 1 R. A M. this evening. Work in the . A. degree. Visiting Companions welcome. 7 Incorporations. The Oregon Alpha association of Sigma Alpha Epsllom, organized for the purpose of promoting better 'ac quaintance and closer fellowship be tween the students at the Oregon Ag ricultural college, filed articles of asso ciation with the state corporation de partment here today. Property of the association is valued at $3000. The trustees of the association are namea as follows: Robert J. Chrlsman, W. Brewster Hays, William A. Small, Her man J. Abraham, Charles Chandler and George A. Powell. Articles of incorporation were fllru today by the Portland Motor Sales company of Portland, capitalized at $10,000; D. P. Argo, H. Sodeiberg and B. W. Alnutt. F. N. Woodry The Auctioneer. Phone 510 or 511 B85SBS68 fleet Me at Meyers s6eSBSB8e26BKB8S DON J 'MISS SEEING OUR SHOW WINDOWS. EVERY WINDOW IS DEVOTED TO A DISPLAY OF .aster Apparel! , Frocks, Suits Coats, Blouses, - Gloves, Neckwear Ribbons Laces Umbrellas Hand Bags Hosiery Underwear TURKISH XOTE SENT Washington, Mar. 25. The note to the allied supreme council outlining the American government's views on the Turkish settlement was dispatched today by the state department. There are no honorary member-; Bhips in the American Legion. f5Dr.CR O'Neill U L OPTOnETRiST-OFTICIAN JlPL. ladcUfotsh BankMdii 1 1 'iSkcar Stale apt USE HV DUST Public Auction Monday,March 29th, 1:30 p. m. 705South l9th St. 1 Ford touring car in first class mechanical condtloni Just over hauled. 12 Pure bred English Baron White Leghorn hens all laying. 1 Combination wood, ooal and gas "Great Majestic". 6 hole base stove range just' new. A dandy. 1 Ivory dresser and chiffoneer 2 white enamel beds. 1 Silk floss matress. . 2 steel springs. 1 round oak extension table. ( oak' diners. 1 oak rocker. 2 oak baby's high chairs. 1 heater, block and pipe. 1 Linoleum rug, 9x12. 1 Brussels rug, 9 X 12. 1 Baby carriage. 1 cloth basket. 1 patented Ironing board. 1 set new dishes and other ar ticles. NOTE: All the above furni ture is nearly new. J. A. Gardner OWNER. F. N. Woodry live Auctioneer. Public Auction Tuesday, Mar. 30 1:30 p.m. 945 Chemeketa St. Piano; Vlctrola, rugs, draperies, ranges, gas range, manogany and oak furniture comprising all furplture1 and furnishing of the borne of Mrs. Leroy Hewlett See further advertisement TERMS CAdH F.N. Woodry The Auctioneer. il" I X 12 Mi ll I Easter Our showing is one of the best Salem has ever had. Miss Eleanor Briggs Has outdone her past achievements in getting to gether a most wonderful line of stylish hats. M7inery "Chic Hats" Gage Hats Beth Models Brockweiss V John Trinner Besides and these exclusive Jl models, others are shown. Spring Voiles 38 inches wide. A most i charming selection 50c to $2.00 Yard You Can 'Always Do Better At Who Always Does Better By You TOMORROW SATURDAY DOROTHY "PEPPERY" GISH r i 1: l tre'i. 3 11 v . IN jSKJuiess- it; t- A" --J WE THOMAS ,n "Tlie r.l lrtons lady" TOMORROW , ROTlir GISH Hawley PLAYS "BETTY" "MARY ELLEN COMES TO TOWN" A Laugh. A Surprise or a Punch in Every Foot of Film. Invite Yourself and Family. : COMEDY PATHE REVIEW PATHE NEWS JiSv. ECORD SUPREMA CY RECORD BUYERS ' ATTENTION OUR SOUND PROOF RECORD BOOTHS Will soon be ready for your me on the fint floor. When it3 Machines or Records see us. taU Prmesentniivcs Sherman and Clay Pianos .i- 1. "5 . : 1 j --&m&:zJ "