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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
PAGE SIX. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Accident Fund Shows Surplus bills as of February J9th paid tn March 14654.33; unpaid medical a'd refunds 1'315.1 1 ; total all liabilities 13.191,098. 91; unassigned surplus, (817,311.1$; total liabilities and sur plus 14,008,410.07. ISC 5 Oak street. Miss Mitchell has been a nurse the past six months at the state hos pital. Mr. McDowell is a former sol dier, and a member of the 90th Aero Squadron. He served 18 months overseas. ofNearMaiion,"0' dQUlll UCLKOW UTT Face Of Returns 'Children's Essays On Poultry Raising ., )Vill Bring Prizes chicks; 2d prize, 12 baby chicks and i 3d prize 6 baby chicks. r THURSDAY A gain of $175,493.48 in the Unas signed surplus of Hhe industrial acci dent fund in the eight month period ending March 1, 1920. is shown in a financial statement Just filed with Governor Olcott by the state Indus trial accident commission. The statement shows a totul sur plus of SS17.311.K on March 1. last as against a surplus of I641.81S.68 oi June 30, 1911, this figure Including the 1400,000 transferred from the general accident fund to construct and equip an industrial reconstruc tion hospital, by act of the 1919 leg islature and returned to the fund- by -act of the special session. Assets and liabilities of the fun 1 totaling $4,008,419.07 are shown as follow : . Assets: On deposit with state treas urer invested in bonds $3,610,638.89; cash $132,245.07 ;total deposited with state treasurer $3,742,883.96; cash Ir. tank $139,932.57; total each assets $3,882,816.53; premiums In course of collection $66,479.82; accrued Inter est, estimated, $60,113.72; total all ussets $4,008,410.07. Liabilities: Claim reserves segra gated fund. $2,264,636.92; accrued In terest segregated fund, estimated. $40,000.00; reserve catastrophe fund $68,072.76; reserve rehabilitation fund $108,296.86; reserve necessary to meet claim payments covered by outstanding final settlement voucher! $2500; reserve permanent partial dis ability not over twenty four months $71,327.11; reserve, estimated, based on accident experience to take care of pending claims, $611,323.25; un earned premiums $15,888.86; unclaiin ed claim warrants $2183.71; unpaid Sio.ix Falls, S. D.. Mar. 25. Prlrnury election returns from remote and Iso lated districts of South Dakna are cx- pecte J io arrive by mall today and pro vide practically a complete state vote. Return's compiled late last night for republican presidential indoisemnt from 1185 of 1740 state" precincts in cluded but a dozen large- voting plaeea In the state and gave: Wool. 27,G6; Lowden. 23.385: Johnson, 21. "35. Six counties which have not reported will add a small oi to the total. State u cords show that these coun ties cist a total vote of less than 2u0t for the republican candidates for j,ov ernor in 1916. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND NEVER SUSPECTIT. Applicants for Insurance Of toff" Rejected Judging from reports from drug gists who are constantly In direct touch with the public, there is ono preparation that has been very suc cessful in overcoming these conditions The mild and healing influence of chool children of this vicinity must be of not more than 600 words la length on the subject, "Does a small flock pay?" Essays will be sent to Superintend ent Smith, on or before April 15. Strong: and healthy, first Btrain chicks are offered as prizes by Mr. Need ham as follows: 1st prize, 18 baby County School Superintendent W. M. Smith is mailing letters to vari ous members of the children's Indus trial clubs in this city and vicinity laying before them plans for devel opment of the boy's and girls' poultry club. While this club has been organ ized for some time, efforts are being made to increase the club member ship. C. N. Needham. "the Baby Chi.-k man." of 558 State street. Salem, has posted a special essay offer with Su perintendent Smith. Essays written ty Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon rc;l Ized. It stands the highest for its re markable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance com panles, In an Interview of the subject made the astonishing statement thnt "tone reason why so many appllcantc Efforts to obtain figures o'l the con test for democratic indorsement for president between James W. Gerard, New York, and James O. Monroe of Haywood, 111., have not been success ful. IF YOril KAltS KING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzzing noises in your ears, are get- ting hard of homing and fear catarrhal deafness, go to your "J; druggist and get 1 ounce of & Parniint (double strength) i anil add to it U pint of hot water and a little granulated J- sugar. Take 1 talilespounful four times a day. This will often bring ipikk relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing be- come easy and the mucus stop dropping Into the throat it Is easy to prepare, costs lit- tie and Is pleasant to take. ;K Anyone who has catarrhal trouble of the ears. Is hard of $ hen ring or has head noises ! should give this prescription a tlltll. IAdv) Ralph McDowell and Miss Velma Mitchell Marry The majrlage of Ralph L. Mc Dowell, employed at Steusloff's Meat Market, to Miss Velma Mitchell; daughter of Mr. J. W. and Mrs. C. P. Mitchell, of Dallas, at the Methodist Mitchell, of Dallaas, at the Methodist Episcopal church parsonage Monday, became known this morning. So! quiet was the ceremony that only a' few friends of the bride and thej bridegroom knew of their marriage; yea! bo quiet that four days have elapsed before Ye Editor got the dope." They were married by Kev. A. N. Avlson. Mr. aand Mrs. McDowell are mak ing their home temporarily at the home of Mr. McDowell's parents, I for insurance are rejected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large ma jority at those whose applications are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is on sale at all dru stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, If you wish first to teat this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Kinghamton. N. Y., for u sample bottle. When wrltins be sure and mention the Salem Cap ital Journal. Adv) L.LA3KT PRWENT3 GEOL-Bt lilLLES PRODUCTION 1 ill ip AND FEMALE Not A Blernis" mars the perfect appearance of her com. plexion. Permanent and temporary skin troubles are effcctivelv concealed. Reduces un natural color and corrects y skins. Highly antiserjtic. used with beneficial results as a rorntivc flocnf fnr 7n ........ t For Acid Stomach Drink Magnesia Water Don't Suffer : From Piles Ssmiile Pai-knite or the Fiimoiia t'yrmnld I'ile Treatment mv Offered l''ree to I'rovn Want It Will Do for You. Pyramid Pile Treatment slvcs quick relief from itching, bleeding or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and f Pyramid Is Certaluly Fine nnd Work such ourirra So (Illicitly. uch rectal troubles, In the privacy of your homo. o cents a box at till itniKRlsts. Take no substitute. A niKle box often relieves. Free snin pie fr Trlnl mailed in plain wrap pert it you send coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID PIII'O COMPANY. 6TS 1'jraiuM lildg., Marshall, Mich. Kln.llT wml mc n Ftr-e Kumplr at rjrmmtd Hi, TretnnBt,ln plain wrapper. Name Street Cttr... flute. Dress Malting Prostrated Mit Allen. Vinol, our Cod Liver and Iron Tonic, re stored her working'strength. Miss Allen's Statement ' New York City. "I am a dress maker. I overworked, got all run-down, tired out, and had no appetite. After taking various tonics a Inend told me about Vinol. I tried it and I gained so rapidly by its use that I feel like a new person and I am now keeping tip my work with ease." Miss Luc K. Allen. t guarantee Vinol, which contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese peptonates, and hypophos pliites, to strengthen and build up weak, run-down, over-worked women. . NOTE: Your leading drturglst dm for niaujr yesrt specially recouiuieoded Vinol became he kuowa there is nothing better than Hill famous Cod Liver and Iron Tonio to create Mrength and build one up. The luruiuU of Viuvl la on every label. Kmll A. Rohaefer, nrugglst. After Meals to Nculrulixo Dangerous Acid, Sweeten KUimnch, I'revent Sourness, fins nnd Indigestion "If dyspeptics, sufferers from acid Hloinaeh, gas, wind or flatulence, gas arle catarrh, heartburn, etc., would take a tenspoonful or four tablets of pure Disunited Magnesia in a glass of hot water Immediately after eating they might soon forget they were ever afflicted with stomach trouble, and doctors would have to look elsewhere for patients." Host forms of stomach troubles lire due to stomach acidity and fermentation of the food con tents of the stomach combined with an insufficient blood supply to the stomach. Hot water increases the blood supply annd Blmiratcd Magnes ia, which can lie readily obtained at any reliable drug store in either tab lets or powder, instantly neutralizes the cxcesnlve stonuiach acid and stops fermentation, the combination of the two, therefore, being murvelouHly suc cessful and decidedly preferable to the use of artificial dlgestents, stimul ants or medicines for Indigestion. 11. E. W. Adv. Special Sunday YE LIBERTY JOURNAL WANT-AD GET RESULTS The Best Way of Practicing Dentistry DP.. PARKEfl THERE is only one way to practice good dentistry at a moderate price to patients, and that is on a large scale and according to a system. Dentistry lias too many branches and too many details for one man to do it well alone in a small office. There is extracting, tilling, treating, artificial plate-making, crown anil bridge work, examinations, receiving patients, bookkeeping, collecting, record-keeping, buying supplies, pay ing bills, and many other business details to be looked after. Under the E. R. Parker System a number of Registered Dentists, mechanical dentists, graduate nurses, stenog raphers, bookkeepers and attendants work together in much the same way as banks and other successful busi ness enterprises are conducted. Each has some particular kind of work to do, and thusv becomes expert at it, doing it better and in less time. Advertisements are put in the papers telling what good dental work is done by this modern System, and many patients come in and have their teeth cared for. In this way belter dentistry is given for less money, because where the practice is large, the price can be made smaller. This way of practicing dentistry is the modern way and the best way. You arc invited to call and see what an improvement has been made in dental work under the E. R. Parker System. When you call, your teeth can be examined and reliable advice given without charge. Registered Dentists Using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM Dr. D. M. Ogden Dr. R. B. Miller Dr. F. V. Greif State and Commercial Streets ffit Fiume'As Republic uMad Poet's" Plan Rome,- Nar. 25. Flume u on the eve of momentous events, s-iy 5ipatch es dirict from that city. Captain tia- briele lVAnnumio and the Human na tional ussembly have decided to pro claim Rurae a republic tut v.Ul prob ably not take this action until after the meotlng of the supreme allied eoun cil at &:n Remo, Italy, April 21. William Allen White's boom for Henry J. Allen is making good prog ress in the east, but might be better if the east ever could remember which of them Is which. Kansas City Star. Ladies 1 Complexion Worries Ended At Last i RHEUMATISM Tills Delightful New Vonishlnj? Cream Containing True Buttermilk Will Moke You Look Tears Younger or Money Back Just Try It Get a small quantity at any phar macy asking for Howard's Buttermilk Cream, and massage it daily Into the face, neck, arms and hands. The di rections are simple and it costs so Prevented Him Tslng Arms to I ced Himself, Recommends 40 Augusta, Ga.. May 20. 1919. "I .. . ... i J l,lt aiiffatiari trim rncumiLiiKin uiiu iiiui'i' gestlon and at times could not useiiie mat any gin or woman luru lu ivur UUIW (JirAI'JU IILUDI VJU.i.v- ly show a decided Improvement or your dealer Is authorized to return your money without question should you be dissatisfied. No matter whether you are trou my arms to reed myseir. trieu every remedy I heard of with only temporary relief. I -was aavisea to try Number 40 For The'Blood which I did with splendid results. While T am tint rnlirelv well I feel like a different man and expect to continue bled with wrinkles, nam mue lines Number 40, believing It will cure me.around the mouth and eyes, coarse, I have told several of my friends of sallow, faded looking skin, or simp 40, which they are taking with great, ly roughness and redness caused by results. I cheerfully recommend No. wind and sun, you will find that all 40 to anvone suffering from any these trials quickly disappear with blood or stomach trouble." Wesley the use of this old fashioned beauty Royal. Witness to signature, J. M. recipe brought up to date. Hayhie. Made by J. C. Mendenhall.j Howard's Buttermilk Cream is only Evansvllle, Ind., 40 years a druggist.: sold on a positive guarantee of satis Sold by Schaefers Drug Store. Adv.! faction or money back. (Adv) -tj Tax Reductions There is a heavy tax on our income to ernmcnt's running expenses, and interest on th7 u debt. This tax we all must, can, and do nwi There s another tax which money will not ne rax on our pnysicai system from waste, its name is constipation. It burdens mt makes sluggish a system otherwise perfectly Nujol will fully clear this tax. Nujol will rem poisonous vaste moving out of the body by thl tirely new principleit works on the waste ma instead of on the system. Every other form of w ment either irritates or forces the system. Nujol preven ts constipation by keeping the food wastt soft, thus helping Nature establish easy, thorough bowd evacuation at regular intervals the healthiest habit in the world. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take-by it Nujol is sold by oil druggists in bottles only, beariiw N0jd trade, mark. Write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. flu Jersey), 50 Broadway, New York, for booklet "Thirty fat Danger." A New Method ol Treating an Old Complaint, THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL "WANrlil (The Old White Corner) Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store Without doubt the most attractive showing of Women's High Class 'Apparel eve brought to Salem, now displayed and on sale at the Portland Cloak & SuitCo i i ! 1- Jt L 1 - 1 1 ' X il. . T , -7 Aamm store, emvracing as u aoes me smanesi vreuuuns uum uw wvuu, wi ersy including new Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Blouses, Skirts, Sweatersjm med Hats, and Outer Avvarel of all kinds for Misses and Women. You're invited to come and view this magnfiicent showing of Easier Fashion; You'll find them most interesting! SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ' Misses and Women's New Easter Coats V,'e cannot recall ever having had a finer showing of Coats. Certainly the diversity of sty les is greater than ever .before and that means every woman will have a better opportunity to suit her own individuality. Coats of Polo Cloth, Lollvla. Velour, Tricotlne and the ever popular mixtures. Models for sport, street and dress wear aS. o1, the-1ua a"d full length models. And Prevailing Colors $22.50 to $72.50 Jersey Coats $25.00 Stylish models. Some in tailored effects and others with plaited backs. In all sizes and pre vailing colors. Special $25.00 Women's Easter Suits Suits in every new style the Spring Season has brought out. Plaited suits, box styles, semi tailored and tailored effects in any number of smart models. Dressy suits of Tricotlne, Paulette, Tricoletto, Poiret Twill, Gabardine, Serge, Pop lin, Velour, CIre Satin, Checked Suitings and Mix tures. Also new Sport Suits. All the latest colors. Suit prices range $32.50 - $87.50 Misses and Women's Easter Dresses Taffeta Silks lead in the new Spring Dresses frequently used in combination with Gerogette, Tricotlne Dresses, Georgette Serge, Messaline and Jersey Dresses. In abundance, made with short, medium and some with long sleeves. Charming models. Many trimmed with braids, tucks, beaila, etc., at prices ranging from $15.00 T $75.00 Stout Women's Apparel Women who wear the large sizes will be interested in knowing we specialize on garments of this kind, and are now ready with be coming models in new Fall Suits, Coats and Dresses in the new and most wanted materials, New Wool Sweaters In smart styles for Spring, Including Slipon Tuxedo and Coat Models. Some made "with, belts and sashes. Copen, Salmon,- Flesh, Turquoise, American Beauty and contrasting colors.' In all sizes ranging hi price from $5.75 $15.00 Charming Easter Hats Smart Styles Millinery My i-LT T n nrnfUSiOll 0 Opening display of ' l neoinnlnz tnaay. onrnpstlr request emne and" this . .. v-n find here V ,;Jchurnind. P' than expected. jinn nlv? il -1 Easter Skirts and Petticoats Great variety of new wool skirts In Novelty Plaids Stripes and Plain Colors. Tailored, pleated and gath ered styles at prices ranging from $9.75 to $27.50 $7.50 Poplin Skirts Special $4.75 An advantageous purchase of good quality Pop lin Suits, principally dark colors, enables us' to offer values up to 17.50 for the extremely low & t Pric of 3)4.7 5 New Silk Petticoats Taffeta. Jersey and Messaline Silk Petticoats in a great variety of styles plaited, tucked, ruffled corded and stitched effects. Changeables in newest colors and Silk Jersey Petticoats In large assortment of styles to go with New Spring Suits. Priced from $6.05 to $16.50 Satin Petticoats in White. Flesh. Rose, Lavender and i" uiner colors, some lace trimmed $8.50 Easter Waists and Bfa , ...a. rhine Georgette Crepe and crepe ur ,,, a multiutde of new and pretty the Kaster Season, and Lace Trimmed style Som, with PPW? ' wai Tfc'H 'with Sash Girdles. Also New Lingt r'e GeorfetW !-r! with short sleeves, and round nee". Crepe de t'nine . S17.5U TO $4.75 Voile Waists 95c to S4.50 Special for Friday and Saturday $730.Georgette Waists $175 New and pretty designs In White, Flesh and Prevailing Colors .'.. Georgette S4.75