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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1920. PAGE SEVEN. Governor rlaces Issues Berore Legislators In Messages 1 (,wneafrom page oe) '- "TTii possible contingencies -,nr biennial pertod fraught with . conditions. JntS eUencies and, as far as v, to alleviate burdens and th oonstitu- Mds. I nave i duty of the executive to "on r,rv occasions, convene the " fvraien.bly by proclamation." II further the constitutional Uring. m state to you here in f"" ,hP nurposes for which . 0roblems leading to constructive joint sssem been convened. I am already informed that the commission Is obtaining good results in the physical rehabilitation of in jured workmen, and that the com mission contemplates immediate ex pansion of its efforts along this line. The commission should be eiven am ple authority and the right to use a ! tne Public Service Commission. sufficient portion of its mnas to car ry on this work. I fully endorse the recommenda tions of the special committee, and believe there will be no hesitation on the part of any member of the legis lature in thus meeting a situation in the industries which affects so many thousand in jured workmen and their families. Approximately 25,000 industrial ac cidents, affected by the Workmen's Compensation Law, occur in Oregon each year. Considering the families of these injured workmen, it is esti mated that between 60,000 and 75,0ui ...... loirisIatUl-P in 1314 W m.,(rinllv less log costs were If the compensation pay- for someone to support them and tention to the fact that the ems-fm.r, day. He advises me. that after their families. encv board ha r,;,,,i .u. .. t , . .....v wu-S tnvrougn ezHmiiwuwi ui me law, ance of certificates of indebtedness in he is satisfied such an election mav ;the -ura of (10,000.00, that law en-! Da nell without fear of jeopardising t'orcment wont may be further car- th ot 8urh constitutional ri . I amendments or statutes as may be . lv J . executive oince. Also enacted at that time. He advises ouiuurizauon or tle.S00.00 was made for the Grain Department of If nat appropriations were niSde in these amounts interest payments like wise could be avoided on certificates of indebtedness in such sums. In making the appropriations men tioned it is necessary for you to know that funds will be available so that you will not infringe upon the pro visions of the 6 per cent tax limita ion amendment. At the time of pre paring this message it was impossible ot ascertain just the amount that would be available for your disposi ion owing to the fact that figures were not obtainable from all sources. It is the Intention of the secretary of state's office, however, to have as nearly exact figures as possible for presentation to your ways and means committee at an early date this week. From pure estimates made at the time of the preparation of this mes sage it seemed likely there would be from $300,000.00 to $500,000.00 ac cessible from various sources during the current year, which could be drawn upon by legislative appropria tion without violating either the spirit or the letter of the 6 per cent limitation amendment. Stall Guarantee of Irrigation Bond Interest Article Xl-b of the constitution was adopted at the special election held on June 4, 1919, and provides for the payment by the state of inter est on irrigation and drainage district bonds for any one or more of the first five years after their Issuance. The Irrigation Securities Commission, composed of the attorney general, superintendent of banks. and the some phases of criminal legislation innocence Is later established. B- rMncn-sCon.pens.tton v primary object in calling to ,slr the legators at this time is S mlet a grave emergency seriously " 'Ztine the welfare, and. in many ,h lives of the men and women employed f our state. -if ...ovided for! persons will be directly concerned hi . compensation benefits e" I these proposed measures of relief, workmen by the workmen s , AM f(p Compensation n ,,vl and Marines x uesire io aireci your attention to 1 an action I deem necessary in con- than now. u f 4 I nectton with carrying out the pro- ... nronerly rated at that . . ' . . ' mt. it is .elf-evident they are wholly tpeople a the gpecial elacUon inadequate under present conditio ns June extending financial aid for the arc SO low iiul iuo r -ij; :i . of manv injured workmen, who are capacitated for any length of time, are brou V't ' a 'l''"ce of want that diould not prevail when the state has undertaken to provide for its injured workers. When the legislature was in session l year aRO. the prevailing opinion , was that the cost of living would soon begin to decrease For that reason. It was not considered necessary at that time to make a material ln trease in the compensation benefits. Two chances weie made, one in- i i - u .. i ,i nn i creasing tne iu uc "" two-tenths hjored worker for his children under about pay sixteen years oi age irum w fg.AO per month, nnd the ofjier pro tiding that the awards for permanent partial disability shall be in addition to the amount paid to the Injured workman for temporary time losw. With the cost of bare necessities eontlnuously on the increase, condi tions In the homes of injured work men continue to grow worse, and the number of appeals to the State Indus trial Accident Commission from in jured workers or their wives for greater assistance grow In number. When the members of the commis sion brought the situation to my at tention, I decided it would not be just ; nor fair to these sufferers to wait another year until the regular session of the legislature should meet to give them relief. It is a condition which rould be remedied Immediately. Aj the Workmen's Compensation law was originally drafted bj a com mittee representing the employers, the employes, and the public, I called for a committee representing these three interests to consider the pres-' at iltuation and make recommenda M' to this extraordinary session of tfi legislature. This committee was comprised of fire members selected by the organ fcatioh representing the employers of the state, five selected by the organ isation representing the employes of the state, and five selected by myself to represent the public at large. This committee of fifteen met, and as unanimously recommended that Cat Increase of 30 per cent be made n all compensation payments dating tack to December 1, 1919. A cafeful hvestiration Into the funds available w the State Industrial Accident Com mission indicates that this Increase in "'-' 'ensation benefits may be made -luioui an increase in the rates of wniiuiu-.icn to thn Industrial Acci dent Fund by the employers or em ployes of fhe stale. The special committee recommends "t the increase shall be embodied , , n emergency measure, and shall , PPIy to all payments fallng due .be tween December 1, 1919, and June education of soldiers, sailors and marines who participated in the great war. Under that bill a levy of two-tenths of a mill on the dollar of the total taxable property of the state is to be included in the state tax levy annual ly . This lew approximated slightly over -$198,000.00 for the first year. That amount is far below the sum which will be required to carry out the provisions of the act. In fact, it has developed on the basis of an esti mate made in the secretary of state's office, that the sum raised by the of a mill levy will just the bills to the. first of January this year with no actual funds left available to carry out the administration of the act during the balance of 1920. As you will remember, the bill pro vides for the payment of $25.00 a month toward the education of each of these men, but not to exceed a total of $200.00 in any one year for any one man. This provides for aid dur ing but eight months of the year. Consequently we must make pro vision for eight months of the year in 1920. I regret that I can not give you exactly figures at . this time. The number of applications for this aid fluctuate. Some who have applied for aid have dropped our, or prob ably will drop out. But on the other hand new applications are constantly being received. So far neany S,0 applications have been filed. By as careful a survey as possible under the circumstances, the secretary of state's office now estimates that $450,000.00 Will ptpbably meet the bills accruing under the provisions of this act for the current year. I make no sugges tion as to the necessity, for providing funds up to the time the next legis laure meets, which -will be after the first of next year, because on January 1, 1921, a new sum of money will be available from the two-tenths of a mill levy which will tide over the situation until the regular session convenes in that year. I wish to call your attention to the fact that the emergency board, being apprised of the situation that would arise, already has allowed the in curring of a liability in the sum of $300,000.00. As you are aware cer tificates of indebtedness, allowed by the emergency board, bear interest at the rates of 6 per cent until paid If an appropriation is made at thiH special session to cover the amount that it will be necesssary to expend in administering this act during the vear of 1920. several thousands of dollars in Interest will be saved, in fact a saving which will in a great measure, at least, cover the cost of this special legislative session. I also respectfully call your at further, however, that to legalise such an electioi. would require a special legislative act. The attorney general has caxea at tention to the fact that following' the abolition of capital punishment by the enactment of a constitutional amendment to that effect, the legis lature repealed a number of statutes which provided for the carrying out of the death penalty for commission of certain crimes. As a result, he points out, to mere ly deal with the constitutional phases of the question would not again place capital punishment in actual operation. To meet the situation he has suggested that the legislature, at this session, re-enaot those old stat utes, or replace them wi h others. By the legislature pursuing this course, whatever statutes might be enacted would become effective at such time as the people remove the constitutional inhibition against the death penalty. "e VhIle it is a matter solely for legis lative determination. I would ba op posed to the calling of a special elec tion to be held upon any other day than prirrrary election day. To hold such an election upon any other day would entail an expense of approxi mately $100,Q00.00, or possibly more. Held upon primary day the election machinery used for the primary elec tions could be set under way for the special election and the expense to the state would be nominal ut the most. Criminal legislation While touching upon the question of capital punishment I feel It Incum bent upon me to further mention In addition to an emergency In- eree in the COmnOnaatlnn hnnnflla special committee recommends SayS She ThreW - .... o, lesson giving author- the Industrial Acciflent Com- n,0V eX"'niJ a Port'"" of these m for the vocational reha-Dilita- I lmred w-kmen. It is ln twaed that the commission shall turn mi t0 r,storlnB permanently " men nnd m self-s. women to positions tMllliix-t ,.V. . , . ... iirre mey will again uun- iissiru their rather than liabilities !'r comnmriiiv Industry, with its modern machin al and speed of production, is pro Tipples than all the wars if i.jVe bet"n f"usht- As the result industrial accidents men are los- eir am,,., or legs, or eyes every thete Oh. ... . '"imuuiunn m I,ulustrial Accident ikZ. . ?nu:d aid lo Her Money Away Mrs. Pnrker Spent Hundreds Seek ing Health Tanlac Restores Her. "My troubles have been completely overcome since I began taking Tan lac and I am enjoying the best health I have had in twenty years," said Mrs. M. Parker, of 423 East Third street, IjOS Angeles, Cal. "I spent several thousand dollars for medicines and treatments," she continued, "but it was just money thrown away, for I never got any re lief from my suffering until I com menced taking Tanlac. I was prac tically an invalid for twenty years and all my trouble waa caused by the awful condition of my stomach. A great part of the time I was confined to my bed. simply too weak to be up I could eat but very litth?. and that disagreed with me so I suffered ter ribly from gas. To make matters worse I was attacked by rheumatism hi my aiiis and legs, which caused me no end of pain and misery. I never got a good night's sleep and became extremely nervous. "Well, I have Just finished my fourth bottle of Tanlac. and it is wonderful the way I have improved. Why. I feel so well and I actually did the family washing and It has been many years since I did a thing like that. My appetite is fine and nothing disagrees with me. I sleep resifully and g- up feeling refreshed every morning. The rheumatism has en- industries, functioning through ent corn-restoring anrif. .' . . """""ii earning " upon society. io this it will be necessary to trr!e m"y of them, or train n new hnes of endeavor, and they are gaining this new edu ZH1; r -training, a necessary Wizard 00 t '?s i for fee" and where the pua rrv.. . tonic to the JTLt cfc " 'aost imrariibl7 bring tirely disappeared and Tanlac de- It B,i;" serves every bit of the credit." nn antiseptic quaCtiet can Tanlac is sold In Salem by Tyler's fcwioa, or ctt' Dp? to Prevent in- Drug Store. In Hubbard by Hubbard "brti 'eno? lts. from jDro Co., In Mt. Angel by Ben Hv l-it l cu.banl. b'tes and ;Gooch. In Gervais by John KeUy, in Kit BtrV f4?t. too tor ton Turner by H. P. Cornelius. In Wood- Qrr ,.7l,0!il bltc. COM re burn by Lyman H. Ehorey. In Silver trtttfrora ijua by Geo. A. Sleelharomer. in Gates i;l?t!s,i return K J21i ma: ibT Mr J- p- MeCurdy. In Stayton oy C. A. Beauchamp. In Aurora uy Auro ra Drutj Store, In St. Paul by Groce teria Store Co.. In Donald by M. W. Johnson, In Jefferson by Foahay Mason and in Mill City bj Markaterla Gra, Co- d state engineer have encountered many obstacles in the operation of the pro visions of the amendment, and while a number of changes could be made to advantage, it being a constitutional amendment, it can not be changed by statute. However, it can be sup plemented by legislation to advantage. In order to pay the Interest on uis- trict bonds, the state is authorized to issue state bonds and it seems to have been the Intent of the constitu tional amendment that Irrigation and drainage districts should advance to the state each year sufficient funds to meet the interest on the state bonds, in order that the state may stand in a position or guarantor of interest on the district bonds with out expense to it. However, no defi nite provision covering this feature was Included in the amendment. The constitutional amendment also requires the district to deposit with the state treasurer certificates of in debtedness, which bear Interest at 5 per cent per annum, both principal and interest payable after the irriga tion or drainage district bonds have been pt Id off. A statute should therefore be en acted authorizing the irrigation and drainage districts to enter into an agreement with the state to advance to the state semi-annuaiiy the inter est on state bonds, the proceeds of which are used to pay interest on dis trict bonds, and should also provide that the funds so advanced may be credited on the interest accruing on the district's certificate of Indebted ness filed with the state treasurer. Theh Irrigation Securities Corarais sion should also be fully authorized to enter Into such a contract In order that any question as to, the legality of such proceedings be eliminated. Tt. mav be desirable to frame new constitutional amendment, so as to eliminate the objectionable feature of the present amendment. The only result of a failure to adopt such an amendment would be to leave the present amendment in effect. Capital Punishment Since the adjournment of the reg ular session in 1919 a wave of crime has swept ever the country. Oregon has suffered from this criminal blight and during the past few months the commission of a number of cold blooded and fiendish homi cides has aroused our people to a demand for greater and mort .cer tain protection. Of all our assets that demand protection and conser vaation, none is greater in value thun human life. The first object of our laws should be for its protection ana for that reason I am submitting to you at this time some recommenda tions relative to our criminal and penal codes which I trust will have most careful consideration. Because of a series of dastardly homicidi.1 offenses a distinct public sentiment has developed that the people of the state should once more be given an opportunity to pass upon the question of the restorp'ion of capital punishment and that there should be no unnecessary delay In bringing this question before the electorate. Because of this urgency I am tak ing the liberty of suggesting that the matter of repealing the present con stitutional inhibition on capital pun ishment and enacting such amend ments to our organic law In that re gard as may be deemed proper, be submitted to a vote of all the people of the state at a special election be held in connection with the regular primary elections on Friday, May 21. of this year. At my request the attorney general has examined into the legality '-f holding such special election on p i r ie'u.' the bottle- and um i,..,7 Vard Lrrcr Whin. 1. A which I deem of such urgency an to warrant your serious thought. These recommendations also deal with the safety of the lives of our citizens and consequently are of paramount Importance. By watching the operation of the parole law of 1919 with a careful first hand survey I am satisfied that its provisions are such, in many partic ulars, as to have a tendency toward placing the lives ani persons of our citizens In jeopardy. I wish to respectfully recommend that your body so amend the parole law that its operation will be sus pended and that it cease to function entirely as to all persons convicted of commission of the graver crimes against the person. In my opinion the law should be so amended that flat sentences be Imposed in cases where conviction has been had on charges of homicide In any degree; rape, where violence Is an element of the crime; robbery of any kind; burg lary, when armed with a dangerous weapon, and assault, with Intent to kill while being armed with a danger ous weapon. There can be no pallia tion of such offenses, and I would have the word go forth that Oregon will in the future meet such offenses with a flat penalty that will be car ried out to the end. The only mltiga Hon I would suggest would be to al low the deduction from the total sentence of a reasonable number of days for good conduct, but this de duction should be nominal and not such a deduction as to make any de cidedly .-appreciable reduction In the sentence. For all classes of crime other thun those enumerated, I would slill lenve the functioning of the parole law, but with such amendment as I am about to suggest. For those of you who may not re member distinctly the provisions of that law I will say, In brief, that for all offenses, except murder or trea son, parole privileges are allowable upon the expiration of ono-fourth of the maximum sentence, minus de duction of certain days as credit for good conduct. While I would make the law ap picable for all cases except In the. cases of men convicted for tho grave crimes against the person, which I have pointed out to you, I would In crease the minimum sentence al lowed to one-half the maximum to supersede the one-fourth of th" maximum now allowed. I still would leave In effect the credits allowed for good conduct. Granting of such credits Is excellent In theory and has worked well in practice. The minim mi! sentence of one fourth of the maximum, as allowed by the law as it now stands gives an Inadequate degree of punishment. As a concrete example, a man sentenced to one year In th penitentiary is en titled to parole at the expiration of cause some ot that class of prisoners "make good" upon parole Is not a complete solution of their prvolem. The fact that many of such prisoner, by operation of the parole law itself. are allowed to" enjoy parolefrivileges. sometimes after comparatively brief periods of Incarceration, has a de cidedly bad effect on the potential criminal. By a stern and nyiehluin application of the law in the cases mentioned, the potential criminal will realise what is awaiting him if he oversteps the bounds of the law. Rigid enforcement of the penalties imposed I believe will result orten In staying the hand that otherwise might be raised t,o rob, to attack or to kill. On the other hand, reasonable parole privileges, with minimum sufficient lo insure ample punishment for the lesser Crimes, will tend to satisfy the demand for reformation which all of us are anxious to see worked out In the breasts of the youthful and the less violent offend ers against our laws. During my administration a de- rldedly serious effort has boon made to use the power of executive clem ency conservatively. in ail cases wher conditional pardons have been applied for no consideration has been given such applications without first receiving affirmative recommenda tions from the presiding judge and district attorney who acted on the case. This rule may have been deviated from in one or two instances where the prisoner was in a serious physical condition which demanded prompt outside attention, but in those cases proper precautions were ex ercised. The parole board has used as con servative a policy as tho very broad nd lilteral law of 1919 has allowed. That law, with Its good time credits and the very low minimum estab lished, has practically forced the parole board on occasions to make recommendations even against Its Judgment. This situation should be changed and because of Its serious phases I earnestly urge your serious consideration of these recommenda tions that greater protection and safeguards may be thrown about the lives, persons and property of the citizens of our state. Ratification of Suffrage Amendment It will be my pleasure to have for warded to your honorable body for ratification the resolution of the congress of the United States of America providing for an amendment to our federal constitution which will extend to the women of our nation the right of suffrage. This Is a mutter which I recommend to your early attention and I am certain you will not deem tt presumptuous If I express the hope that you give your unanimous approval to the ratifica tion of this amendment. Fish and Game IjcglHlutkin Because of 'the relative value of Oregon's fish and game life in all that the state la endeavoring to ac complish in the attracting of tourists; in the move to make life better for our own citizens, and in light of the fact that It involves one of our great est and most productive industries, I feel that it devolves uisn mo to pie Bent at this special session oi tho leglslsturc some pertinent recom mendation In regard to the fish and game situation. It Is too well known a fact to need corroborative evidence from mo ihut dissension nnd factionalism over the administration of this Important branch of state government has re sulted In robbing It of its highest degree of efficiency nnd materially Impairing development and conserva tion work. I iihhuidc that till who have expressed conflicting opinions as to the situation have done so with honesty of purpose and tho best f Intent. Itegnrdless of this, dtSHon sion has been evident, the people of the state have developed ditfrutit, and a condition has grown up which de mands speedy and effective change. In prefacing my proposals ns to what J deem the most, experiment and essential changes I wish to say frank ly that my familiarity with the situ ation and with the temper of tho peo ple In all parts of the state convinces me beyond the shadow of a doubt that unless some material and bene ficial change are made the life of one of our greatest Industries the salmon Industry inuy be placed In Jeopardy. In addition the conserva tion of our wild game birds and fish may also suffer and their propaga tion may decline. I have no Intention or desire to en ter Into the merits of the various controversies which have shaken the fixh and game administration. Ke , Hardies of what the merits of these controversies may be, the far! r- foreement of all laws, over the ex penditure of all money and such other matters as may pertain to the state's administration of the wild game and fish life of the state. For your Information I will advise that a week ago 1 called together in Salem members of the fisheries and game committees of both the house and seriate to discuss various phases of the fish and game controversy and if possible, to formulate a bill for presentation to this session. As a result of that meeting such a bill, I understand, will be presented to you providing, in a general way. for one commission with two separate divisions within the commission, to have control over the commercial and sportsmen's interests, respectively. With an additional member Independ ent of the two divisions acting In tho capacity of an arbitrator. I still feel, however, that a com plete separation of the two Interests would lead . to more harmonious relations. But there must be give and take In arriving at a conclusion where many minds are thinking along many lines and the best compromise the legislature may effect which to my mind will bring about harmony ,inl good results will bo acceptable to the executive office. Whatever may be your disposition of the matter, 1 wish to assert posi tively that the chief executive of the state should not be a member ot either or of any fish and game com mission. It Is not properly In line with the sphere of his duties, It Is not for the best welfare of the inter ests to be represented, nor Is It prod-, active of the best results. To separ ate the executive office from a mem bership on the commission Is the right and proper thing to do nnd I assure you would be a move meet ing with my hearty approval ns a move dictated by discerning wisdom. The fish and game situation Is one close to the hearts of many thous ands of our people, it Is one of too far reaching importance to allow petty considerations to override and overrule the big results that may be attained. I am confident that, ns representatives of tho people of the state of Oregon, you will enter Into a discussion of this question calmly and dispassionately, with your minds removed from local and personal prejudices nnd with the slnglo goal in view the greater welfare of nil the state. Conclusion In tho foregoing message I have endeavored to point out as clearly and as succinctly ns possible those matters of material and essential Im portance which I have deemed most worthy to present to you for consid eration. It will be noted that I have somewhat enlarged. In my message, upon the scope of the subjects brought to "your attention In the proclamation convoking you tvito special session. In doing so I acted only after grave consideration, renl- Ising full well the necessity of con fining your deliberations to as brief a time as possible to secure tne oet results. Those additional matters came to my attention since issuing my original proclamation and pre sented phases which I believed inuuiil have your early and earnest attention. With no thought of Intruding on your legislative authority, I feel this session should not be opened- io miscellaneous legislation and should be notified to consideration only of the subjects I have outlined, or mat ters of similar urgency and Import ance. I am certain everyone of us feel that the expense of this session should be curtailed to the minimum and that none of us desires to extend its time a solitary day past that which Is nbsoluely necessary to the traiihuctloii of Important business. In making my recommendations. I am giving you the product of my best Judgment and they are submitted to you for what they are worth. What disposition may be made of them Is for legislative action only ami I desire to make It clear that durtoK your consideration of legislation no Influence, direct or otherwise, will come from tho executive offices to endeavor to swerve legislative opinion In one direction or another. All of us are profoundly mindful of the responsibilities entailed lit thei tasks set before us. All of us havn the nlm and object In view to iisxlut In what way we may toward con tinued peace, prosperity and well be ing In this great stste of our nativity or adoption and I feel well nssurert we will till look ahead to meeting those tasks and accomplishing them with earnest mliuls and conscientious, honest effort. January. 12, 1930. Acominqtia. Chile, with an attitude of S3.0H3 feet. 1 the world's loftlit volcano. Th oldest ruin In Rome Is a frag ment of the wall built by Romulus In 753 it. C. Magdalena Hay Is said to be the finest harbor between Panama and tho Gulden Cute. In Japanese legends a ball of rock crystal Ik an emblem of a perfected soul of a man. mains that bickering and wrangling two and one-half months, when he Is. have developed a hopeless situation given the benefit of his good time I which mu be met by a new deal credits. This throw the parole board! if we are to atujn what we all desire into an impossible position. Unless highest efficiency and the best re recognition is given for exemplary suits. Iioubt and dlslruxt have rs conduct the advantage of the good Istedr We must recognise thin fact time credits are nullified. To give that a long u such continue we will such recognition reduces the sentence : have a condition not conducive to the to a travesty. The solution Is In a much longer minimum. By Impos ing the longer minimum the courts may take Into account the gravity of best welfare of the Interests Involved, or of the state a a whole. To meet (lie situation openly and frankly, to forget old trials and the offense in imposing aentence; the j tribulation may b difficult to du, offender I" given more nearly that but I deem It our duty In the premise degree of punishment which the J to do so. For that tvuaan I have crime calls for, and the good time credits feature give the prisoner something practical to work for. formulated certain suggestion which I truKt you will weigh carefully and consider advisedly. If my u- In further explaining my reasons tion may be improved upon, if Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ;E LL-AIMS FOR NBlsn.aiiwN for these proposed changes I wish I to iy primarily that a far as paroled men ihemnenre are con cerned, the pr!e rtem tut been In the main a success. A great ma jority of paroled men hare "made good.' to speak la their own pr laace. Caee of genuine reformation , r frequent and many of them have -r excellent citizen of your state ( In punishing criminal society ha to functions to perform. One i jfor the protertion of ":,oe; y i line other the reformation of (h ;er!rnlrt?!. Rcw.-iy owes i! first dtjfy to Itself. For ih it reason a criminal jwho commit a wave crime against the person should be sentenced for a definite term and should be com pel led ut serve that term, UBle his better plan can be devlned to bring aljout the same results. I will wel come tlut solution wtiii the same sort of an open mind which I am anklng all interested to have when luey ap proach this situation for final de isrieriy , l propose tn roiio'iutr recommendations for your coiund.r at ion : Creation of a rn ommliuii of thft-e mentlx-r to have camph'te con trol itnj Jiir.sdiction vr the enforce ment tit all 1 iK. over ili expenditure of all money ami over mill ntlu-r matter a may pert-Un to the mtate' 4 .Isiilnist ration of the commifrcial fiMhiftg mterettt of thr state. Creation of a new commiHeion of five members to have complete con trol and Jurisdiction over the n- Eyes That Squint People having a tendency to squint may be re lieved of the awkward, unbecoming habit by wear ing proper glasses. Squint is caused by nervous twitching of the eyelids, and is positive proof of defective eyes. Children should have their eyes examined be fore being taxed by study. Defects may be remedied then that if left alone may cause much distress in after years. DR. ALBERT R.MILLER Optometrist-Optician 510 12 U. S. Hank Bldg. Phone :Ul i i n mmm3 s tp Rent Desk Room SV tj j l i Cut your overhead cost by renting unused & - t , I thnrm In urine m,.. Tl... I r I ru i. 'i , Cut your overhead cost by renting unused $Pac0 in your office. There to a demand for desk room by business men who arc in the city only part of the time and by men who have partially retired. Why not profit by this demand? A Want Ad in this paper u the modern way to rent desk room. Try it Or, if you would like to secure des- room In a good, substantial office, read the Want Ads in this newspaper. If you do not find what you want try a Want Ad of your own. People Head Want Ada Like These ttl RK5Cr-lfc f)fl ! ll14 t ry l'! Mi of lit tlwxtkwa Blue, i.4 e lNrtl-ltort nwn M am,!!, I,iu4 u,m W,.:,J;4 b, !. .iU um, t, , U"- b.,r d!!r I' t ut 1Mb '4Mkd llOtU4i Our Want Ads carry messages like these to a great audience. Make it a regular practice to Read and Use the Want Ads in THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL : tj i v, I . Si ' : I- ' -,