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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 12. 1920. PAGE SiA m 111 AGREEMENT SEEN : tiournl boverine near the flit figure. ' ' immi Aim I-aiUinaun j KMim.'ites as to the total fjrepctn irrr:.ic vary, but the bear in a , lur H- la generally approximated at ioeo iicrM. which include trartr juhJrh w-re lowf.) up in 1I5- I and repUnted In ltl. Th Willau, tts valley pjuntinx flurlnn the commfr , ring I eie-ted to total nearly 2; acres Th crop of 1919 was hiwmI- ENGLAND EXPECTED TO ENTER MEN IN OLYMPIC GAMES NEXT SUMMER to the value of the instrument, but im.l ihi, r the men whom it i would bent-fit were those who had lost both arms close to the shoulder, j as othtrs who had receivt d rni.uta ition nearer the ellxtv could heli.e.l 'with more ordinary artificial .'inns. SUCCESSOR TO GLASS IS BEING DISCUSSED " me . CP,-. - Hill I- I'mmi-dug -Anions ih- liromisinK new sprinter j ! In W. A Hill, a younttster who recent- FOR FIGHT LOOKS GOOD TO DEOT ; lv re4Kl"J us tit poor yield, there be lt; an acniKe of about sol) pounds- New fork, Jan. S. Report from W .sl lnai.m. Jn. 1 !, Another week ,.rr a, .rr while many f the aopmru i Bi.Uttvt indicate that the Bntii ,,.,n,M,.l .i,reriire between sera- were tinder detract for this rron (athletic authorities' are actively n- i r ir efforlt a hretk the de-idlo.- w ho were eubjwt to old price lilted la preparing for active partici- jly captured the Knjsiish championship . found ready market at 9 to ISjpatlun In the Olympic r.amea to be for the lid and 230 yards. Hill in: ,M""" ,rM,y 1 y ""':rtrt pet pound, Of the 11 rrp. It ' held at Antwerp. Ilehfium. next Bum- i already a ten second man In the hun-i )erv of several hopeful that aim.haa been ascertained that nearly 7ijnier. lepite the fact that (Irentjdred yards dash, and it U believed. efiiili-headway would be made with- per rent wan undor contract at an j Hrllaln lout hundred, of her beat that he is capable of doing, better In a few day averaxa return of 28 cent. j athlete durlnu the war the ( oiled with training. farKeant .Major Maw- leo .entile leader alt ntrrat Vr. fir coast storks are reported to t Klnjtdom In making selection for the , by auto ha dune th hundred in! Vnaf wer n.d et plenced" to ao;- leaner at the l-r-wnt tin. ramcs neat year, will have more ma- -l, Jlawby Is not a l-ginner, but, I-"s An'l,- CaI- Jan- s l rt nd deftnlt proaram of oimpr-i- I ' the pant In yeara. ateadv ejporla trial to draw from than ever before, j lately developed greatly. j Oempfey. wor ld s heavyweight ch im- tnla r. aervatlwa. Knalor Hltcbcm k. j 'Ion l.a In ronunenced In June, 1 9 I accordln. to exfterta. Thia afinewhat Great i xpectationa are placed jn : l'i,,n PUKilist. Jack Kearns. his- alan ine a'mlni.traiion lead-r. I hopeful, icontiriulnii to tin time, but , belnic anomaloua aituatlon la due to the) A. O. Hill an old timer, who noid'a'r- ani1 J'""ea W. Coffroth of Tia howevei, that a aet nf comprotitlae rea-j J'adly Interfered with by dearth of j rreallon of a great new body of ! the Knttheh championship for the i Juana. promoter, today all expre: sed rvHon will la. evoKed awn which J"toiM and by tranairartattow prob- j a(, hlH- aa the result of military half mile and the mile He has dune! thir atisfaction w:h Cieorttea Car !. aerur. iseneral demm-ratle "a One halem firm flnda aobiert , , ou(lor ,lf, front. th half in 1:55 and the mile in Rentier' acceptance of the fight of n.uroal and alan be areeptuble to , l humoroua r.-fle.-t.oi In their aliip-1 ,Vrv , ,h ,.,, ,.., . .... . . , w.. ,..: fer made by Coffroth. and said they Ireaidrnt Wllan anil to enumtri repoo-. deana to luaur ratification ! period netdloned n previous e r-i, ' lN-iiiocratl: eenalora who attended a."1' number of cam would have been Washington. Jan. 12. president ,'i!sj: today summoned Secretary 'Jlasu to the White House for a con ference at which it was understood a .(accessor to Mr. Glass was to be dis cussed. Au appointment is expected s .on so Mi'. Clara can take his seat tn he sei.ate to which he was appointea i suci eed the late Senator Martin 'of ilyilli:. Air. Class is known to favor the se- tciioi. of Secretary Leffing .cll to succeed him. Other adminis-if.-t'.ioc officials have urged Mr. Lef- fin?well's appointment. Chicago being the universe. French cavalyI bound ln,.,h . J 'Hred in 1794. 1 m lh ZC,: The Shah of Ir of solid ht t. cious stones. inlaid rssj la( niKht at !h home oi!"""Jd a a good monthly achediilc l-'enatoi lwen. d(iiociat. Ilklahoma. ai " villev. Th.-ne 11 ronin- w hlcrt tompromlee tia-tlona were i Ineitta. lepreaented varlnua cropa and ! ruixtdcied, aald a number of ilnt ! ,n lHce ranRlnK II aii 111 aire unaetlled and that the cnn-j' ' centa. ference would be called Iheyealdthe (lilnlon are 1I tided cotiffirince w In harmony Mlth the' iuet what effect the replanting preaident'a view of accrpllnrr rewrva-i-ill have on future market im anoth A large f and has been raised for es T.'iblisbinfr an institution In London that vi ill serve as headquarters fot American medical men when visiting ,112 will be available for the coming J championship of England in 1,1., would agree to his suwstion lr.. - gamea. Some of theae men are daad.rHIl la about .14 or 35 years of age but ! """""I? : r'ni "" iT) and othera are too old to compete. It; it ta claimed in aporting eirclea that I wuld unrtueatlonably be able to set-,; is auto true-mat tne majority or the ( he la capable of doing otbiIumI;1" lm' '""'"'" As Influenza new athl-tea are green" men. They ' work. It is' rumored that he has done , Kearns. Dcmps-y and Coffroth sat.1 1 exaggerated form of Orio LAY. ; are good material but they need the mile (n i 1 5 in practice. : they favon-d July -4 as the tight late. nnnMrt OTITVIICR TahlAt. polishing and experience. However. Irlion to Name onrsc Kogllsh aportamen lielleve Hurt they i Having won ih title of World's will be well represented on the cinder ' aculllng champion from Krnest Harry track, although adinittedly weak in ' of Kngl.ind. m the Thames, late In whirl, li.iM.,tHv. but not ei cause for divers., (minion ui..m i -. mai , wiooer. A irre.t r eiton or Australia ci.Mru.tiva. giowera Hd between growers and ! AuB,rllu '"'' Nw Zealand. wMch now has the right to name the course henator Irtge, the ffpubllcan feso buyeta. Ctegon hop history la looked ' "11V" ",r"n tra"'"' wl" " enter; on which the next race shall be de er, etrecla this wek to confer with (back upon and low markela In th ;'h separate from the.efded. Th.-re is ittle doubt that he many in nalora. In' Imllng leadcia of theyears. IMI, llu and 1S17 are Invar-' " "t"r '""",r' i will choost. the Australian course on mil. I leservalion" republican group -ably found to have been followed by I r imiarm v. arms i p r.iiKiann is not, onu never lias been. and democratic lenders rto far. how-! shIoiis of k'"..iii and by th dowintt i DEATH PENALTY FOR ever, acrotditig to the republican kad-; l .f many ards. The ailualioii pnctK uiariy entliusiaslic over the, revival in what was at one time Aus era, the negotiation for a compromise 1 1 1 1 T-1 91 was aggravated by Ihreej Olmpic Games nlthoUKh she propose tulla'a prniiir aiuatic aport. Row hav not reached a slitae promising sn if " tors: Inrnaalng prohibition areas i lo Ku ' to w,n possible. The Eng-1 Ing has slumped in the Common- a ly agreement. !;ii-avy ucreaga and war time condl-1 1'shmnn makes sport a nnlroy to'wealth since Richard Arnst lost the " - fllona, (Ji-owera and authoritlea est)- which he turns his attention Ilia ; world's sculling championship to male a total of ubout 1.1,000 ucres In; regular day'a work ia done. He ob-j Harry on the Thames in 191:'. Fel f'regon fir each year of the period, j Jects strenuously lo lire speclalixation ' ton'a first challenger will probably be ltf ttregon hop growers, near-l'"! Ionic training necessary fur' James Taddcn. the champion of Aus- , ..;eprion, reouceil Itielr I ciiympic ninietea. claiming that this trails. Kelton is an ex-soldier. His llimnrn Itm TrrlOAll '"" '"'-'"l". Virtuaiiy amounts to professlonaliHin, ; victory over liany fill KltrK flllll IKrUMIn l"0'' "M cnt.rrlv .nlieven th.u(h the competitor receives and the bringing nilW lllLnUVII " " "hr agricultural no money. The man who devotes his i Australia ,'"'- j whole attention to sports Is, to a lumoieil marelly of u,u :oots Intents and iiumoses ' " " - - i Incre.iaed cost of aunnlles are 111 la .lr.,.,1 President VIM-;, iher Items being considered by those It (a I.... early to formal whit i""" ,r ' '" grower, when in-IfambridKe and i""" '' exiensive plant lie was; will i,, ,.,ir,.f. rnilHIl PI lliai (O H MH On. tl,.. 1... ,1.,., ... ,..,,...- (! re, woiiki renu re i ssu 0111, "Th:? fifteen round limit set by j Irescamps is o. k. with me. IVrson- 1 ally I do not b lieve the fight will t last much longer than one round.! j Six- would suit liempsey and me just i as well as 1 ! "I fed that Ihere should be a ' winner's and loser's end of the purse. the Parramatta river which measures 1 aml believe 100.000 to the winner 3 miles. .1.10 lards. This will me.-.n tl00.00 to the loser is fair and s) ould be taken in larger doses than is prescribed for ordinary Crip. A f od plan Is not to wait until you "are tick, but PREVENT IT by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets in time. (Adv) American shoes il lar with the r.!" NOT A THE, irs a tact it.,... often KabMoS," SCOTT'S EMULSliy an easily assimilated J nutnen ,uppli the W those elements thatconhSj Scott', built oy nourishment cottwn.8i,,,tt,,t purse was unexpected 'square. Ix-scamps wants the split fifty-fifty, maintaining that Car- j pcntlcr is as good a drawing card ; as Irempscy.'' Irempsey was less concerned with; the financial aspects. "As fast as ' word comes from t Paris, I'll give the information to the ' public." said Coffroth. ! "The 15-round suggested by lies-! (Continued from m Kit one I liti s after the gaiel of Put failed tha ! In oritur tlo annate had pbued Its stamp of p- ptuvsl upon tha rilinculiou iininre back of the title to j t-;1'ls Is agreeable to me. I have caused much enthusiasm in:lready reached an agreement with; all' sporting circles there. Kearns on fhe picture lights. You' professional, j Illg .lmitliitlicutcr Planned f''iin sa' 'or me that I have the Demp-1 National track nnd field champion-j s,'5' ',ul we" m hand." to fin-cast u-li'it alilpa may be fought out in Los' Tijuana, suggested by Coffroth as Ox.-u. I ruiversities; Angeles In 1921. providing a stadium ,hp Probable scene of the fight, is. e In the way of athletes, j seating loo.uoo persons or more, has ! -Iust acrosa lne interna,io"'11 bulln',-'i''' v Just resumed work in- been constructed there by that time. I below Kan 1 UVgo, in Loner California to b recorded as favorable to the-loots, figuring 1X0 to the terrupled by the war. Cambridge. ! according to Hubert Weaver, presi- Meaauia. Voting aye before Hie . lei! b et apart: .tall.. thai I. i... ... ! "...' " i utnern J'aciric Uram h con in renin ineir name on itm roil, ipoealble in 11 T (O S"i-Il(t I(iuf ll.imliee . . .ia arair was ror a revival oi'i-nniu r.. i.,....,..n... . .i..... .... ...... . ....... ,,,,ilft.(,,i(f t. ftinii. i.g. Anno t ol.. i .. the old fan. Illae flail slot llai.ii. a lb- I. ..... ..... .. . i " . .... ....... .. ... ... .. .....uhiii iii(ti iiio in re 1. .i ! I , i. ... ai. imiirr. .tuarii'r-miie cm.m-or ih A..i,tnti.- &iv.i..i i-..;..., o..... I.f I . . ....... ' , ........ lilt) In !". leglslatute when Henato. I of Jackson enttntjl lllll'odlteed iv hi pin m iniiiii..ti,iiiiiv, good sdcllellt Is thus thrown uiin.i il.l. resolution wlllidtawitig sial.t ld;,.,w uf , ,UII(11, A ,,.,. from lh rommenlia fishing Industry Her nre reported to hue f mini f ore...... Tl, rc.lutl.m p, ... i.le,, imIB ,, k WaMhlneton , lhat "no money shall be drawn from nk,.,, (,t Vuklin,. and Walla Wall.. lbs treasury but In pursuant f up-, Uu,.fiy , ,,i,l..,ed. price Hs's fun,. iroprlallotia ma.lo bylaw, N.. uppio .,,..( ,he t'llffurd lirown c,.ii.i,v rlloil shall be made for t). op-'mal.e comtMi, i , feW (,.,s f gallon of aalrnon or the atockti.. o' ',e ,-h.irg.Hi f n attppliea In l. and ILiiima with salmon, or in the til. I of In,,!.,. i,r.v.;hnu .i n it ii,....- WOll covering this distance 19 4u seconds and experts I he can lower this by a second. his In ' I Mexico. Its principal claim to fame in the past has been the presence there of a noted race track, also are now being taken, he said, to se- 1 directed by Coffroth fur himself and a cure the funds necessary to build such Kfoup of assneiaates. NOTICE Inspect your Flour Bin Today-and Buy Flour Ts morrow Indications are that F QUI Will Advance. Ileve an nmpliltli i iter. He estimated that at least ;;o,ooo would be required. PROVIDED Blf NEW roi.imnii lI f tithing eHrept from nj. ti moneys as shall have ntrrndy Itveti . Wire, I I t.ll.srleil ly illlect I it let led l' ?M.ii.liiir It m'untia rani. erics, eaimuii . p iinia on. I j - 1- ( t.itinier ml I sliltia .quiim,!tn." Ion INCREASED HOP ACREAGE LOOMS FOR COMING YEAR ; !.l Umlap. ).',.uod l.nlu.t- in now IV. woilie.s III hv. tin da. rev II. the tump i ... ,. . from cna l.sou 31 no l to tii (s It higher. -r il.iv and h. Iti.'t) Jl Ml (ill till ri't a :; for. oe r elvcd i. II to ll ; IrftmLin. Jan. II The prints the following he put a cigarette between his lips opeinjd an ordinary wood matchbox, i f; took out a rnatch. struck it, and light- ' ' d the citiuctte, 'He ran (lir..ii;:h an account book jand. aft..,- finding: a ,..,,.. md en.-' " lines. Though there was no type-"'' writer, .e shw,..l with what h he could stnkn dots in any position. : ;" lilt 11.(1 i.ti.t.l i I .. I .. ............. . .'O! j "i ." . Minsii.nie lap a. ewjng m.H lmie. dust.-l the table, nnd.j j finally., mot Ing to a similar table, let i . .ondon Times ; his peli fly swiftly over n .,.. ,)f ! " iHtonishlng atorv ( " H,M,,cr machine made de-i j Huv the branch of a tiee mav tur" iinto a root and later become a branch j -gain is Illustrated by the behavior of ; sum' of the vegerntloti of the shiftim jrcml t cams nf In.rnnn and Michigri" i the shori-s of the Creal Lakes. .M.ur, fahvcis wilt almost ia-tantl' ' ''ing picked, but these mav .. su.rcil lo their prlsilne glory In n half mi- or less by inimersimr their stem;-- not it,!'.-,- to which has been a.1.1 me r.lcohol. We have large stocks and can save you money, k price quoted today may be higher tomorrow. Ml come in the store and order a barrel or two for future needs i Continued from pan miri being flimly declined by the !;, ti'i While f.ireiKii buteis ivpnits raimot be tiken as an nbnolutn . iu. ,nai ot Ihe tnniket, local authorities on t ie attualiun admit that with pi nhilnt.nn rampant in Ametica. cm.tioenial i:u. pe will have ativtiKor dinnui.tiiia' l.fl.iem e tii.m . grttarnl ... Kei . than ..I any tune In tl past ;a y. iis HiaiHt l.rouerai Itubt dot Oii K,ilent hop firm reports that' niaiiir growers his ivfo.oie ta ei.iiii,.r I the fca-J.,0 titta or any wale be. ! iween 40 ui;d 5.1 .en'. Th at tb . e nt time and III fut during! the past two year lias hem for ex- s ''it,, a domestic markets hsve p.Mitl.aby Vaniehcd aim e Join ' ' bsl out lit t,e flilted 8l.l.' I.UH.S to the M lt cmi , lis. I a.s wsinins giottti tl.i now ! ma ne liot.ten .iip..ttuiillv ' and ll.:il plant an. a. not pioiecie.l f tontia.t, l,i,.y (old fl.,( HLnkets ((V L," r.uiiiini iriiiin .i pie tt,il t ie.tu. I, on and I.e. ,n iu t..- ll..ed t . itttada the u.a.ket. Another sec toi tt .1e bj the inaskri men in that ll.e gtvwar rantiot attoid to He ton t anotlier m . f.mte!) for wntiiig. British Ministry win ,,U. ,, clniMVj ( Sir Charles Ken, le, .line i director ! .ne ariiricial liml, tnan.-h of the' peii.. ns inliilstryi sal i,.,t the iU-1 vlsmv council had been ,,. lm. t i. ..-. u won tne inventii .e.liiit.-e U.....I.I ..i.. . wm r.i.i i. i - ""u... (tne u e tlrs Card I'nsler of Syracus. X. y.. A colleetlon of 3000 pipes gaihci'c 1 in tvery oumry In the world. n e lost gasfii. i Kdiu. ! and the; bailee : p is diffl. ult to ob- i un actus for the armies: To plant an ..,-i-e in hm,. iH e... i "A dm,,imtraiioM ... .i... tiimiied to tost aboiii flan, ticarlj i miitislr y of pensions of a new Inven. uouoie iii.ii in tne tin nier Investment !") for the use nf men who ha i-..ii.e.i. nop pi, keis are also paid both arms moi thmi in preecling tlrow- i "i'bu Inventor Is a Me. .-is. befme the ar would worrv ex ter. Mr Ceoige Thomson ait it ttiev found their-prodnc- bui-e, whose mn ... ,. ...... ... .... in escesa or iu ventu lo so. h thlnaa In Ml e. po m,w. a rowln cost .. vised a machine f,- enabling i f, ,.a promming thing of the kimlth fiol'. M to r;j ,vnt is not iiifrcuueut. , who bad become blind to write ' , , !,wn' looked like bring . Hm" - i "UM Je.r. reading u. a,.e, " ' "' ar"'"" I'-'Ll- ," frwwV h" "r" "'!' Inuuiry from an a.mles, sold ,-r """''' "P ,?iv'""- Z.. ..:'; ; ' L T" ?,,."p,,nr- n' jM -. I mM reverted to tins old . ' . ''. "Ul " . ministry , , , , , , "",,''' i. ' I machine as a basis of adaplation t """" ,'rov,",, "''' soldi, rs if H IT and replanted m Isi.i, Hmvv-ih-t . ' """'"'1U"" upproved. I. op compant. I'o.itand plantines at ! , , P"--m year to depend,.,,,. KM...,,,. ,"'r,." '"' ' -. J-ot Worn has come from London Jewel : mat leads are MUi!i!.ii,t;i-.g dia iiioinlf as the gems, of fashion. Thirty-five .tears ago the alufuin iim industry employed about ten men. when lie de looting , l.nefn. , ,,,,, 'V a ' whether Apparently the1 comparatively The first d.uly paper hi the world was published at Crankfort. Cormanv. The sleeping Ariadne in the Vatican is the only marble 'statue with eve-lashes. it was It .li.liei Al tsiloti I machine as a basis of adaptation. At "Colon! Catheart, the surg -. who ing his lii.uie hours In the etenioe V 'director general ... .m...k !tl rmlshed the 111. M!tinnt to art) Cn b efff vt o.ollnii ii Jt) lines and T Inntuta nltoui ... .... ... .... . .!"""""" "ten was seen vete.,b,v IMlcu, j 'e.ils lite Wires With Ills T,v IHiuoa f ,l ,t wj,,,,.,, ,,, ltl9 ' Mr Thompaon aat at a atnall table, f .any hop m, f,u., : ''' waa a simple arrangr- ..l ll.e county i d.u ' office V ai - j wi,t " 'ram H aiooimts t.f c(ease were afircte 1 j '", controlled. Iti. se by tbt'.w and the in i. e. did i.i ... i'"t ' incus of them. t ceed cents on ai.v of the future. " "'""spreading the table. T,, . .ne rim or the aims were fitted In i turn, a variety ..f . u.i mon Ilemy t,. Hems and .1 P Itamra.i i toetita. such aa a, knife and f,,i k li Ouo poiiij. nt 4 o ,ets. il'0,,- '""P. towel, and pen, as well a lJ cioi, e.h l.(t'l,', '"' presaiiig the sets nf ,,r. o..ii,-ai services) witm.s...i n.. .... monsi rat ion. thoroughlt agreed QUICK RELIEF lotKntu g wet re. . tecentlt ; ei d FROM CONSTIPATION IS ! wr iter. turning over leaves, etc. Sup- IV? cnoi. 1'Ut t lia.. espet-iail, h, .l fu.1l.ei flu,-. ' twatlwu uf !! i:uliii IHUH.V it . i'""'"' t ents Th isfr.mi t aiv "waalul One CtBiuh litm ir.'T, "'"'" itr larnii l 1 ""dally, tiler aa nothing tuinds mtowet. t .at in making ui-- "' ' "'TW ",'r Aucrw, fated lit the machine, though great n ramtarta lbs Ihmi.n, (.uter 1 """' '". - tUciofs, '"tfenutty wsa attorn in the s)tem of dttrttlHg atsaihst with ttttttstt m , ' r".'"! ttgtir- !"tl- . " I .at.k li Lit... ,.. t n.i. i . : I , . runuwH). iwtrt- tieuumsrrati.m really )& Your Hair .t i.rrr "?r ti!.-t.-h day. vuM,,B,. uh ;"'""". "one ttte n artiruui arms Mi-. Thm, lSmeu .riaWi. V " .Th" '""!-'' -ml .minted how C , ,.,. nlt, ,t, .i,t spong,i nia head (wick " -" """ nn.t are stgn- j ne ami shoulders. H,. '" "nau ami compam, ij,,tit cheese Is Falling "IMimWiIsc" will Im1 tl...t ukH tt aeelt elf au,! kt..p tuiir i-tiiiin( nut . -'sajJr L Va . i GRAND OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT T Mp fsilm fettsr Kt tun. .id r:d h acalu. of try s.-ii ,f a,4. luff, He amiail twit! vf . In" arty dru or toilet t-dustter .-t j few . tHtt.r litti m ur !" . rub it Inlat the teaitt Alter avraj apptiraiion ta hair ttatwijy .top et uul and u an t fttsd r dandruff. kHi very hair a jaur calp ilmwi nrw lif. vir, i ll'lnhtii, Ihicanea. and itut ul,.r j ... lAdv) i of the cut meat and with a knife and fork, drank cop. and ate a b:.-mt THea Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets , That ia th Joyful cry of thousands wtc l)r. Wwanhi produced Olt Tablets, the substitute tur calomel. No tnisng rnuttt from these pleasant Itttk tablets. They cause the ttver ami bowel, lo M normjilh'. They twer litrra them to unnatural actum. Ur. Edward.' Ohv. TaWclt are t!mia, healing, vegetable cootprHnid mittej with olive oil. li yot: hav a had taste, bad breath, rW dull, tired, art cvioMipated or txltoua. you'll find quit It ami sure re ult- ftom IV. Edward1 iittl IMive tablets at bedtime. 10V ianJ ." a box kMULTNOMfl IS "Where Home Comforts Abooad" PORTLAND. ORB. u.srr-.r.',"a""r f' yoUr ,r'P 10 Of u.n.1 aid depend upon the hotel vou e! '",'. ..ia"! ,urru,"Iu!". m.slrate -ates, anil the welcoms you find in your own hum. towa. await you i.t Ihs Multnomah. you kl Garage la Connertioa. 6 fm Resmol Mb BinnerHigh Grad CORSETS Why your corsets should be fitted tq you No two figures in the world are exactly alike asr morn than tn-n - t ,. . i v. v iav;es are laenncai. iou may se;e: a corset which seems to von dv miteA t vm iigure, but a corsetiere could show you that it is ri Of nil tVlrt wJl 1 1 a -a luc 'wufi wmcn you snould wear. now is lliltltiiM,4U. C!s l.v tiseti St t, uMU lto.i lsw Jtttu TIO the tested skin treatment . w .tas autt ht yqr ' Mg J,. ( iJt, tti(l , frm, ff M i.v.!mt!,. fcit te to tiw 1, i ,.t, ( - t- vtw, r.tfiutf, M;r! " tluu H Iu hetnu, a atatAUnl -. tttatntrt t. It r. fwtJ thai co 4 Imsat th. tjtwt aiuv" ( "-' "J'-.iiS St " 4.., .;-kei-:..i tXtitmesii fe tMeaeat lur r :i:t,- i.r anan, h, aNi twr Klea, .'ij -!!. fcwii ; 4 ew is; ttr4 , " w-.n. A.: J.e. 3i i KV.'n .'Wter.t. .'.'i aw finikit Mn 0!ft...i If pcopk- rcalicd harmful common tea new injurious tannin U co loth stomach and nerves they wouldn't allow it on their tables, i What's the use anvwav? , Good tea costs less 4r cup because it has so much of ! the real tea-navor. So why drmk "common I tea with its covsc vegetable f iavor and harsh tannin tate, when fine tea cou w much less? C.ct vchilli; grocer s and oack U tou wanr Ic at' Attx.reiltUi r rs. A il.V.Vrv'e O your moncv llffl 1 J t ir-s J i Select the right model of the Binner Corset ar.l JUM It DrODenv s. tVi.,f ; ...:n , rar- lectlj and give you the greatest comfort 1 Corsets are created frr.m r-atiftil mate-'- nmnei . AAvixx uvautuu. - iais, attractively trimmed. Xo charge for fitting Prices; JI0.J12.50. and J15 t- VI ! lis STNirti STATK nTI;i t ln-t;t STATE