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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 23, 2017)
Page 6A COMMUNITY East Oregonian BRIEFLY Movie night slated for Spring Break PENDLETON — Stay- cationers looking for a family night out during Spring Break can take in a movie courtesy of Pendleton Parks & Recreation. “Moana” will be shown Friday, March 31 at the Vert Auditorium, 480 S.W. Dorion Ave. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and the movie starts at 7 p.m. Limited concessions will be available for purchase. For more information, visit www. or call 541-276-8100. PENDLETON Hall of fame museum resumes spring hours for the 2017-18 school year may register with their parents/guardians. Children who will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2017, are eligible to enroll. The event is Tuesday, April 11 and Thursday, April 13 from 4-6 p.m. at Grove Elementary School, 129 S.E. 15th St., Milton-Freewater. Parents should bring current immunization information and a state birth certificate for their child. For more information, call principal Ami Muilenburg at 541-938-3233. By TAMMY MALGESINI East Oregonian The Pendleton Round-Up and Happy Canyon Hall of Fame will reopen Monday with its regular spring business hours. Founded in 1969, the museum preserves the history of Pendleton Round-Up and Happy Canyon. Exhibits in the Hall of Fame include everything from a full-sized teepee, wagons and clothing to delicate beadwork, saddles, photographs and trophies. In 2011, it received an honorable mention in the True West Magazine Top Western Museums. The museum is located at 1114 S.W. Court Ave., Pendleton. Regular hours continue Monday through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 Pendleton School District sets kindergarten Sanitary Disposal hosts cleanup week registration MILTON-FREEWATER — The annual Milton- Freewater Unified School District Kindergarten Roundup is just around the corner. Incoming kindergarteners 12 PM PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX 12:30 Paid Pat. Court 12 O'Clock News NameG. Bold & B. News Bold & B. Paid TMZ KGW New Paid The Chew The Chew Charlie Rose (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Painting Ming 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 6 PM STATION (11) KFFX KPTV March 23, 2017 Movies 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 Good Day Good Day Oregon CBS This Morning (N) CBS This Morning (N) Today Show (N) Today Show (N) Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America (N) SplashB. Jet Go! Nature Cat Peg + Cat Nature Cat C.George D.Tiger D.Tiger 9 AM 9:30 Paid Dog Town Good Day Harry (N) Let's Make a Deal Today Show II (N) Today Show II (N) Live! With Kelly (N) AM Northwest D.Tiger Thomas SplashB. Sesame St. 10 AM 10:30 Steve Harvey The 700 Club The Price Is Right The Price Is Right Today Show III (N) Today Show III (N) The View The View Sesame St. DinoTrain DinoTrain Peg + Cat 1 PM 1:30 Divorce Divorce Wendy Williams The Talk (N) The Talk (N) Days of Our Lives Days of Our Lives General Hospital General Hospital Lidia's Kit. Knitting Charlie Rose (N) 2 PM 2:30 Judge Mathis The Dr. Oz Show Let's Make a Deal The Doctors Hot Bench Hot Bench T.D. Jakes The Doctors Harry (N) Stretch C.George Nature Cat Thomas 3 PM 3:30 The People's Court TMZ Live! Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Wendy Williams Ellen DeGeneres (N) The Rachael Ray Show Afternoon Live Speaks WordGirl Cat/ Hat Jet Go! 11 AM 11:30 Crime Watch Daily The Rachael Ray Show Young & Restless Young & Restless Million? Million? Portland Today Paid Middle Live! With Kelly (N) SplashB. Sit and Fit SuperW! Bob Build 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 2½Men Mike&M. Last Man Last Man Judge Judy Judge Judy 5 O'Clock News NCAA Basketball Division I Tournament (L) NCAA Basketball Division I Tournament (L) Ellen DeGeneres (N) News NBC News KGW News KGW News NBC News Minute Minute News News KATU News @ 4 News News Arthur O. Squad Wild Kratts Business Speaks WordGirl Odd Squad Wild Kratts NBC 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 KATU News at 6 PBS NewsHour (31) KTNW (59) OPB Business Born to 13 Explore (N) (N) STATION PEN A&E 52 AMC 60 ANPL CMT CNBC CNN DISC DISN 24 43 72 68 51 26 ESPN 33 ESPN2 FNC FOOD FREE FX GOLF GSN HALL HGTV 34 66 61 32 65 88 76 87 62 HIST 50 LIFE NICK 29 27 ROOT 37 SPIKE 42 SYFY 67 TBS 59 TCM 56 TLC TNT UNI USA WE WGN STZ ENC HBO HBO2 HBO3 MAX SHOW STARZ 49 57 21 58 118 644 518 520 521 549 578 621 6 PM 6:30 Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune BBC World Well Read News PBS NewsHour 7 PM 7:30 11 PM Kicking & Screaming "Going Coconuts" (N) FOX News :35 Law & Order: Criminal Intent First at Ten "Yesterday" Kicking & Screaming "Going Coconuts" (N) Inside The Big Bang Edition Theory 10 O'Clock News 5 (42) ABC 7:30 KATU KNDU KGW CABLE 7 PM KVEW KEPR KOIN PREMIUM 6:30 Modern 2 Broke MasterChef Junior Modern 2 Broke Family Fam "The Girls Girls "Pie-Eyed" (N) 11 "The Wow Future Factor" Dunphys" 6 O'Clock News Family Family MasterChef Junior 3 Feud Feud "Pie-Eyed" (N) NCAA NCAA Basketball Division I Tournament South Region Sweet Basketball Sixteen (L) 2 The Simpsons "Donnie Fatso" NCAA NCAA Basketball Division I Tournament South Region Sweet KOIN Game On Extra Ent. 19 Basketball Sixteen (L) Tonight News. Family Wheel of Jeopardy! Superstore Powerless Chicago Med "Extreme The Blacklist: Local News "Mateo's "I'm a Feud Fortune Measures" Redemption "Borealis 6 Last Day" Friend 301" (N) (N) You" (N) KGW NBA Basketball Portland Trail Blazers at New York Knicks Site: Madison Inside Blacklist Redemption 8 News Edition Square Garden -- New York City, N.Y. (L) "Borealis 301" (N) Extra Local Entertai- The Insider Grey's Anatomy "Till I Scandal "A Traitor The Catch "The Dining News at nment Hear It From You" (N) Among Us" (N) Hall" (N) 4 6:30 a.m. Tonight (19) SATURDAY, MARCH 25 FREE FOR ALL, 9:30-10:15 a.m., Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 N. Main St., Pendleton. Free art classes for children up to age 12. Children under 8 should be accompanied by an adult. (Ro- berta Lavadour 541-278-9201) FAMILY HISTORY WORK- SHOPS, 10 a.m., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 850 S.W. 11th St., Hermiston. Work- shops, photo scanning and more. (Stephanie Blackburn 541-567- 6251) YARN CLUB, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (541- 567-2882) CC PLOWING COMPETI- TION, 10 a.m., Eastern Oregon Trade & Event Center, 1705 E. Airport Road, Hermiston. Compe- tition and exhibition plowing fea- turing horses, mules and other an- imal teams. Ribbons and prizes for the best walking plow, riding plow and working team. Public will have a chance to try their hand at guid- ing a team. Suggested admission donation $1 per person; proceeds support the new fairgrounds and plowing event; prospective com- petitors call Lee Carlson at 541- 571-4045 to sign up. (Lee Carlson 541-571-4045) HIP & HANDMADE, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m., Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 N. Main St., Pendleton. Free drop-in project class for adults. (Roberta Lavadour 541- 278-9201) covers both his Round-Up involvement and also his career at sheriff and the Lawrence Taylor exhibit. In addition, the 2017 Hall of Fame inductees will be EVENING FRIDAY, MARCH 24 ADULT OPEN GYM, 6 a.m., Pendleton Recreation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Half- court basketball. Adults only. WALKING FOR WELLNESS, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Pendleton Rec- reation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. (541-276-8100) STORY TIME, 10:15 a.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (541- 567-2882) TODDLER STORY TIME, 10:15-11 a.m., Pendleton Public Library, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. (541-966-0380) STORY AND CRAFT TIME, 2 p.m., Echo Public Library, 20 S. Bonanza, Echo. (541-376-8411) VFW BINGO, 6 p.m., Herm- iston VFW, 45 W. Cherry St., Hermiston. Doors open at 6 p.m., games begin at 7 p.m. Everyone welcome. (541-567-6219) 6:30 AgDay Hot/ Cleve. Good Day Oregon at 6 News News KOIN 6 News at 6 a.m. Wake Up Northwest KGW News at Sunrise Northwest Northwest KATU News Morning Stretch W.L.Yoga (31) KTNW (59) OPB 13 Sit and Fit Jet Go! 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX STATION Paid Program 11:30 :35 Anger M. "Charlie Breaks Up With Kate" 11 O'Clock 2 Broke Girls News Action :35 News at Stephen 11:00 p.m. Colbert KOIN 6 News/ 11 Local News :35 S. Colbert :35 The Tonight Show KGW News :35 Tonight at 11 Local News at 11 / :05 Jimmy Kimmel Live The Catch "The Dining KATU :35 Jimmy Grey's Anatomy "Till I Scandal "A Traitor Hear It From You" (N) Among Us" (N) Hall" (N) Kimmel News This Old House Hour Doc Martin "In Doctor Blake "The Charlie Rose (N) Sickness and Health" Open Road" Midsomer :50 Midsomer Murders :35 DCI Banks "What Will Oregon Art Oregon Beat Guide (N) Murders Survive?" 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 The First 48 "Closing The First First 48/ :45 60 Days In "Cellies" Nightwatch "Always :05 To Be Announced First 48 (N) (N) Time/ Family Matters" 48 Remain Calm" (N) < +++ Saving < +++ Forrest Gump (‘94, Com/Dra) Tom Hanks. A simple man finds < +++ The Departed (2006, Thriller) Matt Private Ryan himself in extraordinary situations throughout the course of his life. Damon, Jack Nicholson, Leonardo DiCaprio. Lone Star Law Lone Star Law (N) Lone Star Law (N) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law North Woods Law Sun Records Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Broken Skull Challen Last Man Last Man Sun Records (N) Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank The Deed The Deed Paid Paid Anderson Cooper 360 History of Comedy (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The History of Comedy CNN Newsroom Diesel Brothers Diesel Brothers Diesel Brothers: Trucked Out (N) Diesel Brothers Bunk'd Bizaard. Underc. Good Luck StuckMid Good Luck Tangled: The Series :05 Bunk'd Bunk'd Jessie Jessie MLB Baseball Spring Baseball Tonight (L) SportsCenter SportsCenter With SportsCenter SportsCenter Training L.A. D./Tex. (L) Scott Van Pelt 30/30 "Chasing Tyson" Boxing Golden Boy (L) Baseball T. J & J (N) College GameDay (L) Special Olympics TuckerCarlsonTonight Hannity The O'Reilly Factor TuckerCarlsonTonight Hannity The First 100 Days Chopped Chopped "Taco Time!" Chopped BeatFlay Beat Flay Beat Flay Beat Flay Chopped < Nanny McPhee R... < +++ Mrs. Doubtfire (‘93, Com) Sally Field, Robin Williams. Twins "Leap of Faith" The 700 Club < Transformers: Age of Extinction < ++ The Maze Runner (‘14, Sci-Fi) Dylan O'Brien. Baskets :35 Baskets :05 Baskets Movie LPGA Golf Kia Classic Golf WGC - Match Play Day 2 Site: Austin Country Club -- Austin, Texas Divided (N) Divided (N) Idiotest (N) Idiotest (N) Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Divided Divided Idiotest Idiotest Baggage Baggage Middle Middle Middle G. Girls G. Girls Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Middle FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop FlipFlop H.Hunt (N) House Chicago FlipFlop Swamp People "Landry Swamp People: Blood Swamp People :05 Gangland Under. :05 Swamp People Swamp People "Vampire Gator" vs. Landry" "Landry vs. Landry" "Big Boy McCoy" (N) "Pressure's On" (N) "Black Rain" < ++ Ghosts of Girlfriends Past < +++ The Devil Wears Prada (‘06, Com) Meryl Streep. Women "On Thin Ice" Friends H.Danger H.Danger Hunter (N) Thunder < ++ Scooby-Doo (‘02, Fam) Freddie Prinze Jr. Full House Full House Friends UFC UFC 188 Heavyweights Cain Velasquez and Fabricio Werdum battle it Fight Sports MMA (N) UFC Unleashed UFC Main Event out in the cage. Cain Velasquez vs. Fabricio Werdum "Lawler vs. Condit" Cops "Fort Cops Cops Cops Cops Campus Cops Campus Campus Cops Campus Cops Worth" PD PD PD PD < The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian < +++ The Da Vinci Code (‘06, Dra) Audrey Tautou, Tom Hanks. < +++ Dredd NCAA :45 NCAA Basketball Division I Tournament Sweet Sixteen (L) March 2 Broke Conan Matt LeBlanc, 2 Broke Anthony Bourdain Girls Basketball Mad. (L) Girls < Godzilla (‘54, Sci-Fi) < ++++ King Kong (1933, Adventure) Robert < +++ Invasion of the Body < ++++ The Thing From Another Raymond Burr. Armstrong, Bruce Cabot, Fay Wray. Snatchers Kevin McCarthy. World Robert Cornthwaite. Yes Dress Yes Dress 600-lb "Dottie's Story" My 600-lb Life: Supersized "Tracey's Story" (N) Skin Tight Transform 600 Life: Supersized Bones < +++ Pacific Rim (‘13, Act) Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Idris Elba. < Percy Jackson & ... Bones Noticiero La rosa de Guadalupe Pequeños Gigantes Vino el amor La piloto Impacto Noticie. Incluido Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Law & Order: S.V.U. Colony "Lost Boy" (N) SVU "Learning Curve" Hustle & Soul (N) Braxton Family Values Hustle & Soul Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Values (N) Cops Cops Cops Outsiders Cops Cops Cops Cops Rules Rules Cops < ++ Quarantine :15 < +++ Untraceable (‘08, Cri) Diane Lane. < +++ The Edge Sir Anthony Hopkins. < Northmen: A Vikin... :55 < Rabbit Hole Nicole Kidman. Vice News < +++ Mad Max: Fury Road Tom Hardy. Big Lies "Once Bitten" Crashing UConn :15 < +++ I Am Legend Will Smith. Girls Vice Animals. Real Sports < ++ Any Given Sunday :15 Girls :50 < The 33 (‘15, Doc/Dra) Antonio Banderas. < +++ Interview With the Vampire Brad Pitt. :05 < The Sixth Sense < ++ Pale Rider (‘85, Act) Clint Eastwood. < ++ Hellboy II: The Golden Army < The Other Side of the Door Movie < No Country for O... < ++ Secret in Their Eyes Chiwetel Ejiofor. Billions "Currency" Homeland Gigolos Dark Net Movie :55 < +++ Blow (‘01, Dra) Rachel Griffiths, Johnny Depp. < ++ Friday After Next Ice Cube. :25 < ++ Private Parts The First 48 NIGHT OWL STATION PBS ABC NBC CBS FOX ADULT OPEN GYM, 6 a.m., Pendleton Recreation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Half- court basketball. Adults only. WALKING FOR WELLNESS, 8:30-9:30 a.m., Pendleton Rec- reation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. (541-276-8100) MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER: KYLE SCHEELE, 9 a.m., Ione Community School gymnasium, 445 Spring St., Ione. Acclaimed motivational speaker will share his life’s journey. Public welcome. Sponsored by Ione Middle/High School ASB. (Steve Schaber 541- 422-7131) PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, 10:15-11 a.m., Pendleton Public Library, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Stories and activities for young children. (541-966- 0380) PRESCHOOL STORY AND CRAFT TIME, 10:30 a.m., MIl- ton-Freewater Public Library, 8 S.W. Eighth Ave., Milton-Freewa- ter. (Lili Schmidt 541-938-8247) KNOW YOUR NUMBERS, 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Hermiston Se- nior Center, 435 W. Orchard Ave, Hermiston. Free blood pressure checks and health information at the Hermiston and Stanfield senior centers to encourage everyone to know their blood pressure num- bers. Take advantage of the free checks to lower your risk of stroke and heart attack. Open to every- one. (541-667-3509) PENDLETON SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Pendleton Senior Center, 510 S.W. 10th St., Pendleton. Costs $3.50 or $6 for those under 60. Pool, puz- zles, crafts, snacks, Second Time Around thrift store 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For Meals On Wheels, call 541- 276-1926. (541-276-7101) BOARDMAN SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Boardman Senior Center, 100 Tatone St., Boardman. Cost is $4 for seniors 55 and over or $5 for adults. (541- 481-3257) HERMISTON SENIOR MEAL SERVICE, 12 p.m., Hermiston Se- nior Center, 435 W. Orchard Ave., Hermiston. Cost is $4 for adults, free for children 10 and under, $4 for Meals on Wheels. Extra 50 cents for utensils/dishes. Bus ser- vice to Senior Center by donation. (541-567-3582) SENSORY STORY TIME, 12:30 p.m., Boardman Public Li- brary, 200 S. Main St., Boardman. For children from birth to age 4. (541-481-2665) SKILLS FOR LIFE, 3-5 p.m., Pendleton Recreation Center, 510 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. Gym activities and life skills for middle and high school students. Regis- tration requested. (Danny Bane 541-379-4250) DISNEY PRINCESS PAR- TY, 4:30 p.m., Pendleton Public Library, 502 S.W. Dorion Ave., Pendleton. For ages 3-12. (541- 966-0380) YARN CLUB, 5:30 p.m., Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave., Hermiston. (541- 567-2882) THE ARC UMATILLA COUN- TY BINGO, 6-10 p.m., The Arc Building, 215 W. Orchard Ave., Hermiston. Doors open at 6 p.m., seats may be held until 6:30 p.m., then all seats first come, first served; games begin at 7 p.m. Proceeds benefit Umatilla County citizens with developmental dis- abilities. 18 years or older, must have proof of age and photo I.D. Basic pot $20, prizes range from $20-$750. (541-567-7615) FIDDLERS NIGHT, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Brookdale Assisted Living, 980 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston. Enjoy light refreshments, listen to some favorite oldies or join in the jam session. All ages welcome. (541-567-3141) p.m. through the fall. In addition to the regular displays, new exhibits are brought in each year. Opening this spring is the Til Taylor exhibit, which announced in May and the 2017 grand marshal exhibit will be announced soon. Added last year were the Happy Canyon Centen- nial exhibit, the Jackson Sundown exhibit, 2016 Hall of Fame Inductees (J.D. Yates, Doug and Heather Corey, Bill Burke and Smokey, the horse), 2016 grand marshal Rusty Black and Chinook, and the Bishop family and Pendleton Woolen Mills involvement. Located across from the Round-Up Grounds, admis- sion is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and $2 for students. For more information, call 541-278-0815 or visit www. about/halloffame. ——— Contact Community Editor Tammy Malgesini at tmalgesini@eastoregonian. com or 541-564-4539 AFTERNOON PBS COMING EVENTS 6 AM STATION (25) THURSDAY, MARCH 23 File photo Chief Bill Burke of the Confederated Tribes of the Uma- tilla Indian Reservation is one of the 2016 inductees in the Pendleton Round-Up and Happy Canyon Hall of Fame. The museum resumes its spring hours Monday at 1114 S.W. Court Ave., Pendleton. Thursday Morning FOX M-F schools announce Kindergarten Roundup PENDLETON — The Pendleton School District has set its annual kindergarten registration in April at the Pendleton Early Learning Center, 455 S.W. 13th St. The registration event is for kindergarteners who will start school in fall 2017, and they must turn 5 on or before Sept. 1, 2017. The times are Wednesday, April 12 from 4-7 p.m.; and Thursday, April 13 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. A Spanish interpreter will be available both days from 5-7 p.m. Parents should bring a copy of their child’s birth certificate, Social Security number and immunization records. All necessary forms can be downloaded at www. The registration process can be expedited if forms are filled out in advance. Parent or guardians unable to attend are asked to contact any elementary school for an informational packet or call the learning center at 541-966-3300. ——— Submit information to: community@ or drop off to the attention of Tammy Malgesini at 333 E. Main St., Hermiston or Renee Struthers at 211 S.E. Byers Ave., Pendleton. Call 541-564-4539 or 541-966- 0818 with questions. CBS HERMISTON — Sanitary Disposal in Hermiston is hosting its annual spring cleanup week April 1-7. During the week, cash customers using the Sanitary Disposal Transfer Station in Hermiston will receive a discount of up to $14 off each load. During cleanup week, loads measuring up to 2.5 cubic yards with a maximum weight of 454 1/2 pounds can be disposed of free of charge. This includes all acceptable solid waste with the exception of tires, which will be charged at the regular rate. The transfer station is located two miles north of Hermiston on the west side of Highway 395, and is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and weekends from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call Sanitary Disposal at 541-567-8842. Thursday, March 23, 2017 11 KPTV 3 (19) KEPR 2 KOIN 19 (25) KNDU 6 KGW 8 (42) KVEW 4 KATU 5 (11) KFFX 12 AM 12:30 :05 Friends :35 Hot In 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM :05 CR TV 2 Broke G. TMZ Dish Queens Raising Celeb Paid Paid S. Colbert :35 James Corden (N) :35 Paid :05 CBS Overnight News S. Colbert :35 James Corden (N) :35 Insider :10 CBS Overnight News Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 Today Show Mad Money Tonight :35 Seth Meyers :35 C. Daly :05 Super :35 Power :05 Chicago Med :05 Nightl. :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now J. Kimmel :35 Nightl. :05 Paid :35 Paid :05 ABC World News Now Doc Martin Doctor Blake American Masters (31) KTNW :05 Nature :05 Nova Defying the Nazis (59) OPB 13 :10 PBS NewsHour Minute News News News News Nature 4:30 5 AM 5:30 CR TV News Good Day Oregon at 5 News News News News KOIN 6 News at 5 a.m. Wake Up Northwest KGW News KGW News at Sunrise News Northwest Northwest News KATU News Morning Nova American Masters BBC News