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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
rOURTEEN PAGES DAILY EAST OBEGONIAIf, PETDLETON, OEECJOir, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9, 1920. PAGE THT.E2 L iVetus of Pendleton calknpaii op kvknts Deo. 6-11 'School week. Deo. 10. Bale of Indian lan;, agency. , , . , Doe. 13. Oriihd Jury convened here. Deo. 17-11 Stato Wool Grow er meet heYe1, Dee. JO-24 Pruning sdhool at Freewater. Dec id-29 Second Annual meetlngA Oregon Rtate Chamber of Commerce, Portlund. Deo. t-lt Ornln and forage school, J'llot Hock. Dec. 2-S 1. Annual meeting 0. S. T. A. Portland. Ihreo or fo'.r other number through out the vinicr season. Nut All Wilms lo Haliui. ' ( .oi till me piimis in ine rimiing ,i-k- llutlve session will go to.Hatem, Sen 'alor Hoy Kitnrr mild toduy The next .president of the seimle hai promised Ito givo places in the senate to person recommended by senators from othr for shooting and the party bugged 34 birds. Will Klrkpatrlck, Fred l.amp kin, Hi'. J. R. Hliurp, Uuy Mullock. Hoi Hatim and J. H. Kstes formed tin hunting party. Mifiallcii Write Fnim Knutli. ' J. T. I.leuallen, veterun Adarm rancher, Ih now In Long lieach, Oal., ..(i., , ... i,.ln ..inuhlna hA Ull v man .Marion coumy iune ana irei- - - . . a .j. lily one or more nf the senate aide will Itoentrr (internment 8cfvUs .Mr. and Mrn. Hurrlnon Minnie, ' thin cltv, have left for Helena, Mont., where Mr. Mlnnls will xcenter govern ment aecret ivice v7ork. 1 He bus heen at home fi.r seyeral week, fol kwing an operation. ",. , come from I'matlUa county, in the past most of-the position hnvo been held by Hnlom folk. Mr. Itltner proli tuln a chief stenographer a Holei.i nils who has hed that poet for sev onil HCfwior. . In a letter received here today by Mend. Mr. I.leuallen nld that the oceon and the unhlne could not wean Him from his love for I'lii.'Ulla county, howeer, and would welcome the coming of spring, when he will retuin here with hi family. ; little' Brown Jug Is Bifck Anntinl .Mis-ting Again I'oMlxmnl. The annnul meeting of the Hound I'D unsoeliitlon which win scheduled Fire Ih EttingiilHlH-d , The first fire In Pendleton elnce Oc tober 14 occured thle morning when spontaneous combuatlon started a to be held laHt night bad to be poet-, Tnnei a iwi wmi nuiw uu c. . uuu l v. First Fntenailiiraoiit Friday. The Rika will have their Hrt num ber of the Meneely, Hystem lyceiim rourne on Friday ' evening when the Buckner Tennee Jubilee fiingem preeent their progriun the longe room of the Klkr tempi". The en tertainment hna twen planned for K'lk and tbelr families and .frienfte by Invltatlnra and will he followed, hy the account not "having been complet ed. The hook of the aiwoolutlon were turned over to Whltfleld-Whltcomb Co.. of Portland, for auditing ehortly after thin year' ehow but have not i,....n enmnleted and returned. The member who met hint evening at the Votnmerclul AKHoclullon rooma decid ed to cull the meeting orl the third Tuemiay In Jnnuury, which will give the accountant time, It 1 believed, t return tho audited book. ' i t 1 1 miters Hug 84 fin-W. Six hunter from Pendleton yeater dsiv formed a party which tiunled duck on the I matllla river below HermlKtnn. The day wm only; fair ment In the B. J. Hommerville home. 101 Lewbj street. Cloud of mokc poured forth hut little damage wat dolw, tho fire department extinguish Ing the fire In a few moment. Th. alarm wa turned In by Mt Sydney Hommerville. What Shall We Send the Folks "Back Home" Thi question U easily answered with a box of our EXTRA FANCY HOOD RIVER APPLES. Thes large, bright colored, applet will be a de light to the whole family. We will wrap, address and deliver to the ex press depot for you. . -' ' t "YOU CAN DEPEND ON '101' " o 1 IH O f ft o T o .ioi"i6i loi ioi iui loi loi loi loi iOi Pendleton Cash Mirket,Inc. HiONIH 101 (Private Kvliange I'onnerta luuli rctnrtniiit) FI.VB till)a:KII AXO JURATS ' 2 I I o I o I o J. O I J Y. Kcvrctary Depart. Cuh Wood, for the pat 14 month) county Y. M. C, A. secretary In I'ma tllla county, left thla noon on No. 17 for hi new station at Medford, whef. he will have charge of the oounty V M. C. A. work recently Inaugurated In Jackson county. Mr. Wood and their children accompanied .Mr. Wood The new work will Include communi ty service In Medford und Ahland. Mr. Wood' successor ha not been I'honen for till field. Fmioral I Held. Thi funeral of the late Rev. George Weiss, well known In thi county as the pastor of the Freewater federated Ichurch, wa held yesterday In Free water the body being taken to Walla Walla fur burial. Rev. Wels w I'lawmiate of Dr. Stephen B. U Pen- hose, president of Whitman college, and Dr. Penr,oe Rev. Holmes, Prof fessor Broun of Walla Walla conduct eU the funeral. Rev. Weiss, who was 'fit years of age, succumbed to ty pl'O'd fever. All business houses in Freewater closed yesterday during the 'funeral. t' ' ii i inn, 7 ft a mum i4 ' v ;r. v. n Thla bisun-K bit of crock (tt baa now made two round trips between Ann Arbor and MlnneapolK homes of riTal football eleens. . The winner of each year's game receives the "Little Brown Jug" as I a trophy of honor. The Toetmen brought It back from Minnesota ' this fall. Needless to say this Jug whose history dates back to the day of 1902 and Heston Is tie most highly prized trophy in the Michigan gym right now. Winter Range Still Good. ' Winter range are atlll good ana J stock ralear are contrasting today the condition with that of a year ago. ' I-aHt year at thi time the stock rals jer were confronted with below sero 'temperature, snow a foot and a half deep and almost prohibitive prices for feed. Today tho cattle and sheep are eating grass and there Is little or no I snow anywhere. The saving to thf ;tock men la mounting to large fig. ure and a most successful winter Is predicted. At thi time last year j stock men had been feeding for more than a month ateadlly. ' 6 Pay Cash 1 I lif (T7"T! 5 Rotar ans fi dorse Movement. The Pendleton Ilotarians, at their weekly luncheon at the Klks' club yes terday, gave hearty endorsement to the "Buy a Barrel of Flour" move ment. Heveral members spoke and urged that Rotarlana buy flour and also use means to persuade outers to purchase. Letter on thi subject will be written to other Rotary clubs, ex plt-lning the Idea and urging co-oper-atirn. Yesterday's luncheon was marked by the presence of a "Baby R.itarian," as A. M. Ferguson, of the Oregon Motor Garage, attended for the first time since his election nembership In the organltation. to TOYS THAT APPKAh Give the little fellows something that will give them a much oy to receive as It doe Bnnta Claus to give. Our stock is most complete, the cleverest line of dolls that can be found anywhere, not to mention the numerous other toys that fill our store. All made well and made In America. Fill their stockings from the vast supply of gifts that are to he found here. The BEE HIVE Pendleton's Variety Store Save Cash Community Borviw ?fen Here, Ray K. Carter, of Seattle, district representative for the Community Service, arrived here today from Ken newick and Pasco, where he has fceen engaged In looking 'over the field for organization. He Is accompanied by R. K. Tucker, also with headquarters in Seattle, who Is community, organi zer under Mr. Carter direction. Thej planned to have a conference with ad ministrative officers of the Pendleton Commercial Association th's after noon. The Community Service pro gram waa recently offered to Pendle ton by H. W. Arbury, a representative of the service. ECONOMIZE JN YOUR CHRISTMAS PURCHASES How about a Coaster Wagon for the kiddie? A complete line of Pocket Cutlery, Flash Lights, Thermos Bottles, Roller Skates, and in fact many use ful gifts for child or adult. -"Buy a Barrel of Flour" Ml - fummi Stoves &fvMac& . IP 1 Milk Is Stolen Three quarts of milk was stolen from the porch of the James Hill home Tuesday night, and two quarts from the porch of the John Montgomery home last night. The screening In the door of the Montgomery porch was ct;t so that the milk could be taken. The milk wa delivered by F. H. Mytlnger, owner of the Perfection Dairy, who be lieve that youngsters stole the milk and sold the bottles to get pocket money., A local teacher, he states, questioned a young boy who was gell ing bottles and who replied that he took the milk off a porch and sold the containers so that he might at tend the movies. Mr. Mytlnger noti fied the poUce and will bring the mat ter before the city council at Its next meeting. , , ' FIRST LEGISLATION PROVIDES DECORATION FOR MARINE HEROES WASHIXGTOX, Dec. . (A. P.) The first legislative action of the house at this session was taken yes terday with the passage of a bill au horizlng the president to lssu med als of merit for distinguished service he formed during the world war by of ficers and men of the- United State meivhant marine. Tho vote wa 315 to 7. The house paused as its cond piece of. legislation a Mil by Represent ative Haugen of Iowa, chairman of the committee on agriculture, designed principally to prevent deception of the l 'blic in the purchase of manufactur ed articles wrapped or boxed so as to ;naktf them, appear of greater size or quantity than the contents are by act ual we ght or volume. The bill would require that the quantity of the con tents be plainly marked on the Out side of the package vi terms of weight, mcas-.ire or numerical count. LARGE SCALE FEEDING ' OF LIVE STOCK TRIED MOSCOW, Iraho. Dec. 9. (A. P.) Large scale experimental live stock feeding has been started by the Uni versity of Idaho college of agricul tural on the Caldwell agricultural ex periment station with the selection r.,t fwAintr nf nil steers and 477 lnmbs, according to announcement by E. J. Iddlngs, dean of the college of agricultural. Expermental' feedlnR was conducted by the university last year with satisfactory results. The experiment has been planned by C. W. Hickman, professor of the department of animal husbandry, and IE. F. ithinehart of the extension ser vice. The actual work at the Cald well will be in charge of A. W. John son, an Idaho graduate. Experimentation on feeding Is de- I signed to furnish the sheep owners and cattlemen of the state with ac curate and practical statistics on the value of various combinations of feed. From 90 to 100 day ' of tests on MMmMHIMIMIHMHHimMHIMIIMIMIHMMH I Relishes - ' i We carry a complete line of relishes, including Sweet pickles, per pint '. i ; 35c Sour Midget Prckles, per pint 30c Mammoth Queen Olives, per pint 40c Sweet India Relish, per pint 35c Fine Dill Pickles, 3 for 10c Sour Kraut, (home made) per quart 15c Home Made Mince Meat, per pound ,...30c We carry a full line of bottled pickles, olives, rel ishes, etc' . . U S. Inspected Meats, the mark of quality. 'le Table Supply" Phone 187 and 18S 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPA1N & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors MMIMIItlHMimilllMIIHIMMIHMnHIIMMW Now is the time to plan the Investment of your coming Interest or dividend and the re-Investment of funds arising from maturing . securities. Tht list give you option of an extraordinary high yielding Canadian or profitable Iniorne Tax Exempt Northwestern Municipals Gity of Edmonton WF. OFFi:n TIIF, HF.MAIMSO $70.00(1 Province of AMirrtR. Periit fietHTal Obligation CtM Xmr Yielding 9 i:i-mpt From All Don-ilnkm fJovmimeiit To. i Price: 93.24 Dated Sept. I, 1920,'Du Sept. 1. 1SJ2. Denomination $l0. NORTHWESTERN ISSUES. Kxcmnt From Feijcntl Iwome Ta. HK.IIWAT ItOSDH $S7.00 Jerome County, Idaho, Hillsdale Highway District per cent Honda. 7,0(10 Minidoka Cdunty, Idaho, percent Ilond of the Ileybiirn- . Paul Highway District. $15,000 Huhl Highway District percent Ronds, County of Twin Fall, Idaho. ' SCHOOL DISTRKT P.ONDS $14,500 Bonner County, lduho, Kehool IHst. No. 4, i percent Building liond. $ 1,000 Fremont and Madison Counties, Idaho, Joint School Dist. No. 7, Refunding II percent liond. $18,000 Fremont and Madison Counties, Idaho, Joint School Dlt. No. 8. School Ilulldlng 8 percent Hond. $27,000 Fremont County, Idaho. Funding percent Ronds of St. Anthony Independent School Dist. No. 2. $17,000 Rigby Independent School Dist. No. 5, Jefferson County, Idaho, Building percent Bond. - $12,000 Power County. Idaho. Rockland Independent School Dist. No. t. School Funding percent Bonds. otucfs to yirxn pfkcfxt Principal and semi- annual Interest of the above issue payable in F. 8 .Gold Coin In New York City or at the office of Alorrt Brother, Inc. . Telephone or Telegraph Order t Our l-xpeiw. MORRIS BROS., Inc. i-Tm Premier Municipal Bond HonJ" Fxtablbdicd Portland. Oregon Mortis Building; Orer a SU9-U eHark Broadway SIS1 . .. .QuarUT oilier Offices at 8eUta, Taooma, . Century Wash., and Kan Francisco, CaL ; SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES One Million Dollars Capital . sheep feeding and 100 day. of ex- fJUJg AVERAGES BOOST perlmentation on cattle feeding will, PTiinriiT ninri be conducted through the fall and U. A. U S I UUtNT. UnAutS winter month. ' OHEOOX AG RICtLTI'ItAlt COI LI-XJE, Corvallis, Dec. S. The student body scholastic average for the school year of 1919-1920 was 83, according to official grades just Ixsued by the registrar's office. In every case, the average of the fraternities and cluhe la above thla figure. Sigma. Phi Epsi lon is first with 88.4. LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION WILL BE INCORPORATED SPOKANE. Wash., Dee. . Reor ganization of the Northwest Live stock association at Dewiston. prepar ntory to Incorporation as a stock com pany has been complete!. The asso ciation will be incorporated for $0. 000 and more than $30,000 In shares f $100 each has already been pledg ed. Shares are sold on the basis of $10 annually for 10 year. To Cure a Cold in On Dy Take Orove'a LAXATIVE BROMO QflN'INE tablets. The genuine bears the signature of E. W. Grove. 10Cv Adv sHmi!WH)W!l """"1 !MyiiuiUiuiuiiliuiM THEFORDSON FA1 TRACTOR The f ordson I all the power plant that Is needed on the aerage ranch. - It has abundant power to handle all th. work, large and small. It is quickly moved from place to place and lined up. . It is the logical power for summer fallow work. It will handle the discing, harrowing, bading and seeding quicker, easier and far cheaper than mules. Remember, the Fordson Tractor uses common kerosene for fuel. Let us demonstrate' on "your own' farm. Let us show you the advantages of the Fordson over the old. way of caring for your land. ... Let us show you how and why it Is quicker and cheaper. It is a pleasure for us to demonstrate th. Fordson. " ' ', ' ' BIT A BARREL OF I I.OI It and a Ford Track " to take it home in. Simpson Auto Co. 3 itiitin'itiitwittmwmtmtttwwHiiwiiiHiinmm n BUiiUlitiUUilllW aHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU Jim Beard's Cash Store Closed CHICAGO, Dec. 9. (U. P.) Lead ers In industry, finance and agricul ture from 40 states today are gath ered here to form R $100,000,000 cor poration to finance foreign trade.' The corporation will be established along the lines, approved hy the American Foreign Association, and authorized by the'edge act. "This corporation will be distinctly om national lines and be prepared to render national service,1'- said Joh:i S. Drum, of San Francisco, president of tho American Banners Association, who called the meeting. "It will come Into being through the widest coopera tion and will be a source of strengih and assistance to agriculture. Industry, commerce and finance and will bo helpful to all other foreign trade or ganization" 1 , . - . ; ,' , ; , . SALE STARTS SATURDAY. SEE TOMORROW'S PAPER. G. W. Kelly In Charge (Use Side Door for Groceries) iiiiuiiiuiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiuiiiiiiTi j Ladders and Teeth . - "Never put itcond-grade hitn- ber into a long ladder." . Pkinles Parker. Poor material is bad slufT lo put into a ladder or into den tistry or into anything else. Nothing amounts to much if it isn't well made. In choosing a dentist, don't think only of price. Think more of how the work is done and what sort of materials 0 into it. Under the E. R. Parker System the best dental materials only are used. The work is done as well as it can be and a fair price asked for it. This policy has ' built up the largest dental prac tice in the world. When you think of TEETH. think of Parker. E. R. PARKER System Dr. Robert Pat ' ton. Ir. B. R. Vinson $55 Main Street. 8m - A 4 4. 4 U 41