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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1919)
PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1919. TWELVE TAGES i Prepare Now for the Most Wonderful Eoxirth of Jtdy Y Ever . Spent " R"r the new Clothes you'll need now. Dress up and enjoy the greater 4th of all. ONLY 13 SHOPPING DAYS ARE LEFT. Don't wait till the last minute. Let us wait upon you now while our stocks arc full and complete and we can give you the kind, of service you'll appreciate.' s .t I), 3 s I A Sale of Women's Coats These are such well made arid becomingly styled coats that wo men will take delight in finding opportunities of wearine them these coming jnonths. They are just the coats for spor.t wear, or for traveling- or motoring. They come in various colored fabrics, in loose voluminous styles that are favored for the coining season. It is necessary at this lime of the year to re duce our stocks, so these must 5:0 regardless of cost or present worth, and you will find here op portunities too good to miss. We have divided our coats into three lots, as follows: Ixt 1 Includes values up to $.00, special price. . $18.50 It 2 Includes values up to $4S.50, special price. . , $28.50 Lot 3 Includes values up to $GS.50, special price $38.50 SPECIAL SALE OF MADAM ROOTS BLOOM OF ,,, . ROSES " A preparation for whitening the skin, iemoving tan, oiliness, redness, sallowness, eruptions, etc. ; - FOR ONE ENTIRE WEEK we will place our stock on sale at these special prices: SMALL SIZE BOTTLES, regular price 50c, . on sale at 39c LARGE BOTTLE, regular price $1.00, on sale. ' 79c Pink tint for coloring same, free with each bottle if you desire it. r Here are a few of the good things we are this Cash Saving department ; offering you in TNIVKTSSAIj M NTil KIT The best Thermos Bottle and Cup tn enameled container, Tripple bright tin food tray. All in a good Mrons. eht ittmld case. $L9S Tf"B KHK WAISTS Those are the waists that, wear so well and the ones that -wash o well. They cohh in very pretty colors and all i"iws, $ to 4. j $3.95 RRTHEX BAKIXti D1SHKS Here im the sale that is proving so popular; Caw roles, pudding bakers, , ttean pit, and various sized and shaped dhhea, for various purpose). 15c WOMEVS CAMP1NCJ SHOlvS For the springs, the mountains and hiking trips, high top tan lace, soft elk. round tie. -wide low heel, sines 3 to R. $4.98 : WOMEN' S COTTOX HOSn Black and white, made of a pood, strong- thread, long leg, elastic top, should sell for 25c, but these are of fered for close out sale, lf.0 dozens. 10c WHITE XA1XSOOK PETnCOATS Prettily trimmed with a serviceable embroidery flouncing, with liberal fullness in the hip These are very pretty garments. 89c Trunks and Suit Cases for your trip Buy that trunk or suit case that you will need for vacation now. We have some of the finest "makes" in trunks that you could wish steamer and dress trunks 6f the finest, hardest and strongest fibre and other materials. Some have social compartments and trays. A few wardrobe trunks all are the finest values. Here, too, you will find splendid values in leather and canvass dress suit cases Suppose you coiiie in and see them for yourself. Get an idea of their wearing quality and the efficiency that you will derive from them. You will buy them when you have seen them. - You may not be built like this but we'll fit. you just the same A FROCK MADE FROM TAFFETA SILK will help out your summer wardrobe. Suitable for af ternoon wear, travel, etc It does not muss easily or show dust as readily as other ma terials, always . looks well and Taffetas are fashion able. In all the plain shades that are staple and new as well as changeable effects. The price r yard. . , $2.25 Taffeta Silks in gingham checks, very pretty for sum mer wear. The yard. .2.75 NOW IS THE TDIE TO BUY NEW PILLOWS In many households the pillows are used too long. Feathers, like other articles' wear out and become use less, especially when not properly purified ' and cleaned in the first place. Our pillows are guaranteed to be filled with thoroughly cured, cleansed, odorless and purified feathers, and to be sweet and pure. Prices range from $2.95 pair to $10 THE SEASON FOR WHITE GOODS is here. Sheer voiles, flax ons, batistes, organdies in plain, embroidered or novel ty designs. White skirtings or suitings such as gabar dines, poplins, piques, ox fords, plain weaves, stripes and plaid effects. A com plete selection of all the wanted and fashionable white goods for wear during the hot weather. The yard 35c to $1.75. Tink Checked' Batiste,, something new for combi nation suits, gowns, etc. The yard 79c Just because you dont be long to the, tall, slender typo of man, the kind who' seems built for the waist-seam style, you needn't put your self in, the. hard-to-fit cjass. In fact, no matter what group you fall.into,; whether you're built for waist-scam models, or more conserva tive sacks; whether you pre fer clothes that fit rather snugly or like them built for ease and comfort; loose and roomy we know, we can fit you. There's no magic in that either; it's only a ques tion of our having, a big va riety of suits from HART SC1IAFFNER & MARX They have furnished us with suits in regular sizes; suits for stout men, tall men, tho)'t men; clothes for men who like the more extreme models like the waist-soum style shown here; two ai.d three button sacks for those who mefer something' more conservative. All we ask is a chance to prove how w.tli wc can take care of you. r i it mm C.TOiuihl IV19 Sdiafluer c Mull Dixie weaves are the cor rect fabrics for summer; they are all-wool; tailor up $17.50 to $(55.00. well; no weight to them Just trv one on . and you' be "sold." PENDLETON'S ONLY FLYLESS GROCERY T. P. W. Pure FOOD Shop In Our Model, Sanitai.y Basement. CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones all 13. AH Other Depts. call 22 T. P. W. Special Blend Coffee, the best for'thepi'iceTlbTSOc Kippered Salmon, fresh by express, pound i 40c Pure Grated Horseradish, jar 20c, 40c and 65c Tru Blu Fancy Assorted Cookies, pound 40c Fresh, Crisp Ginger Snaps, pound' 25c Fresh shipment Swifts Premium Hams, Bacon, Boiled Ham and Dried Beef, just in, priced correctly. PENDLETON? GfflLATEST DEPARTMENT STORE ASK TO SEE OUR BARGAINS IN MEN'S SUITS 122222 1 copies WQionousei VISIT OUR SALE OF WOMEN'S WHERE IT PAYS TO TDADF. COATS i 5 i i ! i ilEISlPSEY 10 JESS VARY IN ALL WAYS rine at Toledo on July 4 lard, champion, and Jack Dempsey, challenger, present more of an inter esting contrast than they do compar Jess Wil-jJ&e amount. physical fuctf prmittoent to WHlard'a IS. Svck The fisures on the physical com-; U'amt f pari son of the ciiamplioi and challen-; OUf . V The man who believes he can re- f , I move the crown from the present! t j WiHartl. ! f!TI,S With little mw than two week In- (heavyweight champ is far smaller in: ,. . ' , j T , . . M ver- feature save neck measure.'.. ' . trvertmSr until, the first post-war J ... Weight 240; i Uempn' js nearly 15 years younget - . . - . . wMde championship boxing exhibl- than (ne champlon and wii enter the ' " ' : Age .. in, Kportdom tn America is begin- j ring nearly 50 pounds lighter. The ; - --- .. wvdjht ulng to cmtn- attention on the tw i champion towers 5 J-2 inches above j The largent Marine Railway In thej Height TflM-n WHO Will measure aoiUiy in in "u",1".' wn , M )M ikhib uumi uy uib Anur j 'i.n n i f ' Dempsey, with all thelKeach - si 1-2 inche fTVIlTAN rVPFH 1V V matches in recent 'ear; hct if xpant d, -u k 4H v ia Inheo . 17 1-H .40 .... J 7 U . .18 1-4 . 10 Inches inches inches PITCHERS TO ANNEX AMERICAN PENNANT Jiy 71. IMnipfv. tnebe lnc-hr Nr.-,v tyrt4U; lunrt Indian)! arm ' wtnnnrM. Given ihTfnt Smr 'cirrppnn!ent.) . iuno ftThp f'lcvo- potentinl pfmtnnt riHrhintr lh . 6 trot. jT; i SPECIAL -X ON SILK TIUS WEEK. If yunr miillm don't nw l it"" lime to fMiy. A Typical Koch's Value! BIG POST BED, SPRINGS AND MATTRESS $39.23 5 114E. Wfhh r ' Phone 548 fill it. ; world I Tin. Marine Jron Worfca at their novi CleHt fnorm:t! 44 j ibefttion on Youngs Bay. oppiUte Af-! 'h..t f JCpndeU toHa. location and "work epprored Nook ' i hy tho r. K. fihipplftg Iionrd and 4 he i Waist 1 Emergency Fleet Corporation . Let iif!Ca?f tell you about it. Call office Md ' Ankle Inches Main St.. headquarters Ca! Fir Aii.i Birtis 13 J-2 inches , tomobile. i Wrist Inches i J Regular Wednesday f Yo can have either while tr Ivcirjf enae or V. M. ( xiHil f Hii-Ji CMi(inuouH-l'c-t HU IWI the fahrk: link ferine it Mjuare link In facl r liammt nhape (like flloM-aiion : maltrrM l Mall nnion" f "miffHahh? thiek-w- in flowr-Mrewit art lM-k. TON Night Dance ' I AT Liberty Dance Hall SAWYER'S ORCHESTRA These raid-week dances are very popular, out tonight and have a good lime. Gents 73c Come 2 i ' Ladies Free 2 2 ... 2.1 ; team will blawt Its way to the top of in7;he American lengup, ' 1 lnchjor- of thr ywir the TnU;tns nrsj inches ' unfortunately liifllrted with pltchors Inches I who are only fair. i i ...4i inches Cleveland fans picked their ten.m . 171-2 inches i early in the yar to win the Arncrfrnn . -34 Inches j league championship on1 lec:le t .. if, inches ; Jet it go at that- t far the Imlkin haven't Fet the circuit afire, but they are dangerously close to the lop and playing pruod baf-ahnll. Attendance nt the Cleveland park is exceeding the mot r.ptimistic dreams of Ji m ru n ?i. Vre-wa r crofrd s ii re fpdtng into iriM'gnificance. The tenm has fortunately met -with very fair weather in most of its horn siimes and has been able to play con.sirr-rnh of itp schedule, no mean af4-t at this stge of baseball, tn Hay Chapman, T-ee F"hl. mana ger of the Indl;in-, hn one of bone 'all's great crt phort stops nnd I till STamlwnnw, working alongside Chap pie nt w?t'und Lafe. 1h far fmm tho worwt keyt'ine guardian in the bis league. The addition of T,arry Onrd- Tier to the Indian infield probably has done more to put strength? into the. club tbn any ftlntde thing Binco last year. The veteran third barman was cnt to Philadelphia by iloston soma, tirnfl ago. branded an a ha-been nfler he had done noble work -w ith the Hod : frx during the yenr they won pen nant. -He didn't fret at rout (t, but, went abend with bin work and wa writ tn Cleveland nhortlv afterward , Va hi u iiiiiii' t ii'iiioy imin. Illrt lVC Ij Wcl nlnec joining the fndian ppeakn' fnr itself. Jii hitting in only fdightly. 'telnw the fine nverngo he generally had while with llnftton. , , M ana if er Ioh 1 n 1 wa yn ha s bee a a Flood Judtfe of hit bing talent. The muin trouble with Fohl'n piUhcrs lis been thnt (hey didn't last. Several' 1ANI0, June 18. Turing her re Phennrns have been uncovered for thVrnt vls!t- ,h" Wn liunmnla ar- , , .... i ranged for the publication of a book Ir dhm in Jute year, only tu bloom. of f(Ipy UlvH wriUtu hy h,r(W.,f dlp. and then quickly fnle. (,ig the darkest days of llio war, to , nuniMo her children. In rtuidy Chle, yf iiiiKHter picked off' " the Cb-veland lots, Tohl fteems to have.' SOIJHKICS IM UT. snared a comer. Phillip, another' HHPsT. .Tune IK. I'ortv Amerlmn rookie from the mtl hern Asaociation. mAtiUfn were hijiit-ed hern Monday has won hin it pun. Theae two. added when (lie MMf f a Knlelitm of CMHiim to t;y .fWrf'in comeback, have waved; liitn lint cvllpNiI. I''hl a. lot of extdaining and may yi t i ' - -. , ' f.rm trie nucleus of a -winning b.nich Flop at Mfi Mln Htreot nnd let lis of huriera. 1 tell you the "Wliy alwiut AMoria, The - WINTfiER- TRUCKS .:. have '. arrived ' Two and four-wheel drives. , From Vi ton to S'z ton capacity Pneumatic or solid tires. Wc are distributors for Winther Trucks in Umatilla County. Would be pleased to arrange a demonstration at your convenience. Independent Garage Distributors COLE REO PORT SCRIPP-BOOTII Court at Thompson St. ' Thone G33