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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Forecast for Fa-rtem Oregon, by th I'nJtoI State Wcwtlier ()Wrer at Portland, I TO ADVERTISERS. in Kt oregonlsn baa the largest pall circulation of auy paper In Oregon, east of J ortland and oyer twice tlx circulation in IrndletoD of an oilier otwipaper. Fulr tonight and Wednesday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAVER. VOL. 26 DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAX, PKXDLETOX, OHEGOX, TUESDAY, MAlM'II 11, 115. XO. sir. I IBS PREPARE I 0 MAS Guns of Enormous Calibre are Being Mounted on Heights Overlooking the Narrow Passage. HUES FORCE IS LANDED l:x-lltiiary Troni Will March Again Smyrna, According to Itc Mrt from Alliens Onwrship Prevents RiirtliuH'Ikn Ivolop., ineiiN from IW-coiiiliig Known. ATHENS, March. ). Feverish reparations to defend the Bosporus against attack by the Russian Rlack i-on fleet are being mude by Turkish officials, hoc. i Jlng to advices receiv d here. Ourm of enormous calibre are be ing mounted on the height near Scutari and other elevation, supple menting the permanent fortification along the narrow pannage. Reports are circulating here that Iart of the expeditionary forcea of the alllea recently lent to participate In the fighting In the near east have been landed In Aala Minor and are proceeding overland toward Smyrna. Events of the first magnitude are believed to be taking place at the Dardanelle and at Smyrna. A rigid censorship la In force, however, and It Is Impossible to get any details. Valuables Disappear As He Slumbers 'on Oblivious of World UH'AL MECHANIC LOSES WATCH AND COIN IM KSi: ROOM ING not se. hlle he slept the sleep of the weary to the accompaniment of o norous snores, D. H. Wilson, a local mechanic, was being robbed last night, as he discovered ft hen he awoke to find his trousers missing. The trousers he finally found hang- CARRANZA LIFTS BLOCKADE iiu-imv WASHINGTON', March 18. IVnm Ing on the railing of the stairway In mt Carranai intended to renew his the hall but from them had been blockade of progrcMo, the, principal filched his gold watch and coin ,.r Vi,. ..... .,.,i l'u', afternoon when dlHaii'liei4 to the Mate The robbery, reported to the po- department announced the gunboat lice this morning, occurred at the 7.ragoa left Vera (Tin Monday. C.peland rooming house. 717 Thomp-j T,. ,,4 .,.,! tr son street, where Mr. Wilson rooms J ircHo. Yilllsfa agenta receive! He had gone -to the theater during Bniur ,.w. T,e v, s. criilncr 1cm the evening and had not retired until voliic I dill at ITogn'so. It I un after 11 o'clock. He left hla door ,i,.rM,H.( ir (lc .Zarasiwa attempt unlocked according to habit and , interfere ltli foreign slilo It will henrd nothing during the night. His j0 HO ,t tlt OMn .r, trousers were found on the stairway this morning by another roomer. There was but Utile money In the' WASHINGTON. March 16 Oener purse but the watch was a valuable 1,1 I'arr.mza haj. bowed to the de one. The police this morning took "'""d" "f ll" Fnlted States and rals Into custody a young stranger who e'' th" blockade of the port of Pro had roomed there during the night r,"' Yuiatan. John H. Hllliman. but. after questioning him closely. P'lal consular agent. not'fled were convinced of his Innocence. How- ryan today. He took this action ever, they would like to find ni roommate, who has disappeared. I OF EATAN PORT; AMERICAN NOTE HELPS HIS DECISION EXPLOSION OF Ej'mB PUTS LIVES OF 15 IN PERIL roj.K 1: i;kmi: 1: oftkagk MUST OF SFKIFS TO CICK All; TKKKOK. HM?JllCHrfECTS JIT ON LIBRARY PUSS is t iVMFi: rollowlng the dispatch of an Amer ican note threatening to have the cruler Des Moines "prevent inter ference" with American commerce.' This action assures the agricultural. b' F- Kosaro. owner of a SAN FRANCISCO, Thut an Italian black I-reparing to start a reign of terror In the Italian colony of this city Is the opinion of local police following a bomb outrage which Imperilled the livjs of 15 resident In an apartment house. Dynamite was exploded at tho door of an apartment occupied fish con- Interests of the United 8tates that cern- T" perpetrators pulled a cord there will be no shortage of sisal, the 15 fwl lon a'1'" the bomb wa fa which binder twine Is tened to a nail. The discovery of a crudely drawn picture' of a stiletto in the casing of the door caused the police to believe the outrage was I art of a campaign of terror. This Is the second bomb outrage In and near this city In two days. Imte from made. Some apprehension Is felt regard ing conditions at Manillo on the west coaHt. but official are hopeful the situation would eleur rnun. A decided Improvement In the Mexican situation wiui announced b)'i 0 government authorities. General Curranza an! General Villa have been PPfiPPI I PR flF R1TTI FWP notified Ihev mum uum rpunrmil. IIIUILLLLII Ml UnllLLOIIII bllity for tne safety of foreigners. The conditions at Miinznlllo alxo have Improved. I'noff'clal advices ' y.iy that Carranza has agreed to am- e'lorate the conditions of the priests VKSSKI. IS OAMAGED AITEK and nuns in this territory. I TKIAL SFIN WIM. (H) TO Li DUN I IS w 10 ws phi mm CONNECTICUT IS SMASHED TEST OF STRENGTH WILL COME WHEN BRITAIN ACTS rmsT NF.rriiAi, vix.f.i, hixu i f wn.ii iik ixn.ixwi:i) nv rilOTKSTM. WASHINGTON. March 1. Secre tary Hryan received today from Am bassador I'uge at Iunlon the official text of the Ilrltlsh order-ln-council establishing a blockade of Germany. The document Is about IsuO words In length. It Is understood the press erclon of the order, published on Monday, represented it correctly. LONDON, March 1. The halting by Hrltlsh warships of the first ncu Iral vesxel, marking the enforcement of the blockade of the German coast which was announced teMerduy by lirlt iln's latest order in council. Is expected hourly. The vessel will be i'innn Into poll and the first test of s'rength of the expected neutral protests will follow. (Jreat activity Is evident at the admiralty. repara tions are being rushed to make the blockade "airtight." Itefure many hours, It . was announced, etiouKh Hrltlsh and French warships will be off the German coast to mako the blockade effective. The action of the government Is being strongly sup ported by the Hrlllsli and the French press but It Is reported that one edi tion of the Paris Temps - has been suppressed for using the word "blockade." All papers are positive that neutral countries will protest vigorously and are equally confident that Kngland will not relent In her action. Y0UN6 MAN HAS FAILED TO PROVIDE FOR WIFE, CHAR6E tii.V.S ItlsT IS flTFH TO APPKAU IX WUCT AGAIN ON MAIM II 2.1. SNIPERS ARE REPORTED TO HAVE FIREO ON U. S. BOAT GALVESTON. March It. Passen ger arriving here on the steamer Cty of Tamplco. declared a boat from the American warship Dela ware wms fired on by snipers at Vera PHILADELPHIA. Crux Wednesday night. There were no casualties. The boat had called tit the nort for rnntnln Roeer and was fired on by a dozen rifles on the1' "Aboard stern propeller of the .( WiSHIVfiTClY Unmh 1 Vitv ' department officials announced that f $ ,HIIN SITE LOTAL I 2 i WAI!Z GETS UlSV. ' $r , March 16 ,i,'reemnt having been reached hand ring V 'n tM cltv "''ic'a "'1 Messrs rider and Greulich, owners of adjoining property relative to the va cation of a portion of Jackson street for the library building the library ooara last Saturday sent out formal Invitations to architects to submit Plans for the proposed library build ing to be erected here. It Is stated by Miss Nason, librarian1 that 10 different architects have asked I to be allowed to submit sketches ofi buildings. All these people have been provided with ground maps of the lo cation and It Is presumed plans will be adopted in the near future. After the plans have been adopted here they must be approved by the Carnegie People after which actual construc tion work will be next in order. The VFwPfio, money for the building has been avail- ORT NE'S. March H. able for some time past. To th 'ccompanlment of cheera from Under the terms of the compromise a VttM thr"i and the shrieking of regarding the site, as stated bv.flr'" from Vflii n v...... r,.,.nii t,i...i. ... . ' ...... . ""r, mt -..v. .... , ,,ri' me property own-i 1. ninied States ei consent to tne use of seven feet , concession Is less than was desired 1 "" io agreement was regarded as! .he best that could be had and conse quently ha been accepted. In and the outbound trips. HoquiHin Ate Sainton. HOQL'IAM. Wash.. March 16. Salmon day In this city Was well ob served, dealer reporting the heav iest sale of the king of fish !n yean. battleship Connecticut broke Sunday as the vessel was entering Guantan- a mo bay after a short practice cruise. The rudder was badly damaged but the hull escaped Injury. The Con necticut will be brought to Phlladel phia for repairs. It will be convoy ed by the coller Orion. Launching of Most Powerful Battle ship Afloat Takes Place at New port News Today. SECRETARY DANIELS SPKKS Drrlarr Tl-t Prc-ioYnt WIjwB Hope, Crrat IlgJaUn, Ship Mar rte IT,c, WrEr.-.a Ships In Ilarb. Tako Part. dreadnaught Penn- ' ti'lt'al a of the parking by the libran". This j ,h , mf ftul fightin w . J '-uncnea at the na- ln,an at, 'c,ock tnl norn- 'r. th that th. .onowa Ilr talna "mlrht For alleged failure to provide for his wife. Cordelia, as he agreed In his undertaking to the court follow ing hi conviction In January of non support. Glen Kust. well known young man, ha been cited to appear In court at 10 o'clock on March 21 to show cause why the undertaking should not be forfeited and sentence passed upon him. Hi father, A. J. Itust, who I his surety In the sum of $1000. Is also cited to appear. The young. nun, whose marriage followed a very brief acquaintance with a show girl, was convicted of non-support at the last term of the court followlnf somewhat sensa tional trial. lie made no attempt to deny his refusal to contribute to her support but set up In bit defense the allegation that hi' wife had forfeited her claim for sup port by her unfaithful notions. After his conviction, sentence was; suspended upon the giving of a bond for I lOoi) to give h's wife the sup-j firt which he had hitherto denied her. The statute provides that a hus band shall give his wife food, shelter, I care and clothing. Through an ar rangement with a local restaurant, Mrr. Kust has since the trial been 1 provided with a room and meals by; ' her husba'nd but she complains that; he has refused to let her take a room! In a private house, to pay her den- tal bill, laundry bill and other tieces 1 sarv bills. ! I'nless some good reason can be shown why support has been with ' held from her, the court can declare the fiono bond forfeited and pas sentence, either one or both. Grim Game of Children Playing at War HIvit sU'anior llwortl. PORTLAND, ore.. March 16. After plying on the Columbia river for 37 years, It was estimated that the stern- COPENHAGEN, March 16. The wheel steamer Lurllne hud traveled Swedish steamer Gloria, with a car-i 1,8500, 000 miles, a record perhaps un- go of corn from Stockholm for Ar-jequiled In the world for this class of gemma, nas Dcen sioppeu vy a uer-,uoai. man warship and Is being convoyed The Lurllne Is still In excellent con to Swlnemund, according to dispatch- dltlon, making the regular trip to As es. The Danish government Is con torla and return, a distance of 200 ducting a rigid Investigation. miles every two day. CHARGES AGAINST HIILE ID GARFIELD 11 BE DISMISSED WIFE OF WELL KNOWN WESTON FARMER IS DEAD MRS. JENNIE TtTtNER PA.vSE-S AWAY AFTER. ILLNESS OF SIX MONTHS. (Special Correspondence.) WESTON. Ore., March Mr. aenme A. Turner, wife of H makes right" declaration, the eatab !h!rg of the blockade against Ger. many and the putting of restriction cn neutral .hipping Secretary Daniel in his addres declared "That Presi dent Witaon hope the PennsylvanU never will be called upon to demon strate her prowess n war." Ship representing nearly all the earring nation of Europe wer la the harbor and participated In the demoiwtration when the giant of the sea slid down the way. Not the least vociferous wig the Print Eltel Friederich. the converted nrm.n T. rrn I... nht.i. . . Turner, a il.Vn n-.. , " "w """" l'"e nere l0" repair. mer, passed away last night after' ' an Hints extending over lx months. She was 51 year old. She waa native 01 Illinois but most of her lire waa spent In thl state. Besides1 her husband she I survived by two' children. Mr. Turner waa a mem-(' ber of the Eastern Star, the Women' of Woodcraft, the Artesans, and the Pythian Sters. i ; 62 MILLION BUSHELS OF WHEAT PREOICTED YIELD -1 It U V " ' . ' v . L " 1 INTERVENTION IN MEXID3 WOULD BE COSTLY TO U. S. PACIFIC NORTHWKST WIIX TIRX oft noiPER crop n:oi INDICATION'S. a ... at v I '-;)) j -r-rir" -,V' , 'A ' teh-' FretNCH CHILDRCN PLAYING WITH CrPTURE.D GERMAN CANWOM ROTH IN P.LOOD AND MONEY. j)kci..i;i:s vice priident .marmiai.i CHICAGO. March 16. American I intervention In Mexico would be cost- ' V hn.h In Kl..n.l S . .1- .- i'wli, ,11 ML.iiu auu money in xne opinion of VUe President Marshall, who Is here on his way to Frisco. "The I'nlted States." he said. "U sitting over a barrel of gunpowder. The occupation of Vera Crux showed In miniature the danser lurkln PORTLAND, Ore.. Mrch 16. Th Pacific northwest this year- will turn out one of the largest wheat crops it has ever produced. If the weather conditions between now and harvest time are favorable. Should the weather not be as good a the farm ers wish, the crops will still be equal to last years In size, according to i well-informed grainmen, as there is 1 enough new acreage planted In wheat to offset any provable deficiency in the old acreage.. In all parts of the Pacific north west farmers are putting spare land to wheat and In some section sum mer fallowing will be abandoned t'i Increase this year's grain production. The -Increased acreage runs as hiKh we would like to let go but can find no way. At the request of W. C. E. Prultt, newly uppolnted county game warden. District Attorney Fred Stelwer has moved for the dismissal of the com plaint against Representative J. T. lllnkle and Dr. H. S. Garfield charg ing them with shooting ducks, after sundown. The request was made In writing yesterday upon the grounds of "Insufficient evidence" and the dist rict attorney mailed the motion .. to Justice of, the Peace Dodd of Hermls ton last night. This, the first official action taken by the new deputy game warden, brings to an end a ense that became more or less of a political Issue. Hlnkle nnd Garfield were arrested sev eral months ago at the Instance of the deputy warden at Hermlston and E. F. Averll), then district warden, filed the complaint with the district attor ney. A trial wa held at Hermlston and resulted in a hung Jury. Several times the cusp was set fot trial but each time Representative Hlnkle secured its postponement. In the meantime the legislature con vened nnd Representative Hlnkle was one of those instrumental in lifting the scalp of District Warden Averlll and securing the appointment of Pru ltt. At the same time he proposed the name of Dr. Garfield to the gov ernor for appointment to the new fish and game commission and has been vigorously active in the doctor's behalf since despite the fact that the other members of the Umatilla county legislative delegation have refused to support him. The trial-of the two men waa set for lust week, after two postpone ments, and the day before It was to oome up, was again postponed. The district attorney wa ready to prose cute It but bowed to the request of the new warden, it being his policy to (Continued on page flve.l 11 ; ,. . . XtJJr?:: , Ay " a Q rt Tm fant l .n 1...... I Is t 1. . . . oJer of L?? m ln th northwest as a ho. IZ ,i pm T W J i0me U 18 PbaMe that 10, per cent will what the Philippines are a territory , .. This should produce a wheat crop of about 61.000.000 bushel In Ore. gon. Washington and Idaho. Lat year's crop was about 56,000,0nj iiriifO Cllfiii a nv '! buaheU- To 'v a fui' MU. how IIUllO OUnlUlAnT 'i r' ,he atn'r frt"" " on must I be satisfactory In every respect. (icneral. I Test f RriMln's blookal onlor will "oiih; w4utt flrt nentrnl ship fcj sclexl. Turks prcire to defend IVoru4 agalut the Russian Ruuk ss-a fleet. I. S. dreadnaught lcnn-ylTnia lauiKli'd at Newport News. TACKS PLACED IN PATH OF JITNEYS IS CHARGE Local. Prul U sroumt dbuiiissal of charge against Hlnkle and CrftHd. PORTLAND CONDI CTOR ARREST. El COMPANY IIEPIDIATES ALIJCliKD AtT. . PortTr.Avn n xf.rv. -... Prrllmlnary steps tken toward or. ductor Royer of the street car com- gnnlztnjr IUuc tounUIn IcArnc. Mnn robtHHl while he sleep. C.len Rust cited to appcr U show why lie thtes not suHrt wife. Architects prvpHnf plans for ne library. pany. wa arrested on a charge of malicious destropctlon of property. He is accused of strewing tack In the path of Jitney. The company officials repudiated the act of their employe, if committed. GECVtAN CHILDREN-PLAYING WITH OPTUCtD fRtNCH CANNON. This photograph ahow a group of French children playing with German ca;r.on taken by their futheM, cannon with which, perhaps, many of their own countrymen have been killed, and the lower picture shows exactly the same scene among German children. Each gun taken likely represents a good many dead men in the war. - 1W MAY HAVE ID GO BACK TO IIIEAIN; DIN 10 SET HI FREE IS DENIED NEW YORK. March 16. Harry t custody of the sheriff and K. Thaw will not be returned to New- Hampshire from which he wa extra dited to stand trial on a charge of conspiracy to escape from Mattea man. The motion filed by his coun sel when he was acquitted of the conspiracy charge that he be set Tree was denied today by Supreme Justice Tage. Justice Page ordered Thaw into con formity writ Of htttieivs rnrpii WHS Issued by the court. The writ U re turnuble before Judge Itljnur on March 19. Thaw In the meantime will remain In the custody of h sheriff. In his opinion page says Thaw nv. er had been discharged from Mtt'. 'vin. therefore th orl;:lni order com-nltttag him Is at Hi in e,'fe.-t,