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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1915)
DATT.V FAST OT7F10TAV. PENDLETON. OKEOON. TUESDAY. MAnnilC. 101S. FIOIIT PAGES fr LAKE LAKE IS NAME IIAIJAII T TACT. TWO AGED CHINAMAN BADLY I 3 GIVEN BODY GF VATER won BY HUGS AT SMART NEW COATS FOR WOMEN Wilier- r.if- art- !? t i:-:i lv this 'in i ii;; Spring. WV r;n t!n v ou t!ic vi-ry n'W-t iii!ol-t in a sci.' re of :ii;trt -t x !--, including the- new lii'h vai.-tlinc ef fects with full fi.irc ekirt. Souk- an- fini-hod with licit, other with v..kc 1'wk, n!- many in plain l-e hack mod els triiniiHt! virh Mack vdvtt ".llar or lf material-', j'ateh jNk(t-, fancy liitti.s (''. Several smart models in new imprt"l cloth". Lavender, j ink ati'l jrre-n idaid. Prices ranpc fr-.m . 910.50 to $30.00 Easter Suits for Boys Our Spring stock of boys' suits i-; inwt complete. Every new an J v anted style ainl pattern M here. New .Norfolk, all wool, some are travf nctu J and some are not. Size to 17 years. Knicker j'imt, linen line!, taped seams. J'atent buttons, double reinforced linings, making in all the best, mt serviceable boV school suits tn 1h- had. PriiT-d from ?3.50 to 310.00. SHEER WHITE GOODS For your (JKAIH'ATIOX DK ESSES. Heady for ytitir in.-jx-ction, and it's high time for you to plan and make up. Wonderful showing of VOILES, KICK CLOTH, ORGANDIE, CREPE VOILE, POX LOOM CREPE, LYK LINEN, in plain and embroidered cloths. 3C to 45 inches wide. Yard 25 to 81.50 WHITE SKIRTING Of the new Palm Peach suiting, insures good looks and wear; 30 to 40 inches wide, in white e-nlv. The yard 40$ NEW PLAIDS AND CHECKS. An express shipment in this morning, show ing the newest colorings and combinations of high i.'raih; taffetas, 150 inches wide. The yard 1 81.23 to 81.75 POSSE CREPE An inexpensive wah fabric that needs po ironing, in grand showing of stripes, and floral effects. REAL SPRING PATTERNS, .",0 to 27 inches. The van! 15 to 25 It's a real pleasure to do your grocery shopping here. Everything about the store is so spick and span, the goods displayed attractively, the stocks so complete, the prices are so reasonable and the service so courteous and prompt that many women find it a real recreation to come here and make their selections crsonally. T P. W CREAMERY BUTTER I jAXCH EGGS Strictlv froh, the dozen 20$ rnh, clean, sweet, the 2 lb. square oof I -it SWEET MESTARD PICK LES Heinz .'iSth variety, the bottle ,. 40$ PEARL ONIONS, the pt. 30 SWEET MIDGET PICKLES the pint 25 APPLES 100 boxes, extra fancy Rome Beauty apples, running in size 48 to 100 to box, SPECIAL, box 81.15 P. FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT, extra large juicy fruit, two for 23 JUNE PEAS, with that "right from the garden flavor," 3 cans ... , 50 TABLE PEACHES Extra large canned Peaches-T. 8 CANS The Peoples Warehouse. W. SPECIAL PRICE .. 81.00 "T. P. W. Pure Food Shop 3 Phones 15 If Its From Our Pure Food Shop Its Clean." hup coupon lie Pooolos Uorohouoa Where It Pays to Trade. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps "i.""!.' ! " If ft ON HUE I A I ;T! II CIA I. 1DMI IS MADK XKAU IUVIMOX DAM AT TlllUJ: MILK 1 'A 1.1 A STORE III IA GRANDE OKIKXTAI. l'KOBABLY FATALLY IXJUlll BY IX)llt Hl'LLKTS IV HIS BODY. Imrit eiei-nu I'md-runy Willi Oh. Mive of Avauli Ii ruLnown Story J"it of ITiixlilinjj Suliiiininir Pool llt-rinNloii Outlii Club lit I'nrnKsIS ixl OffLt-r Are Ueefd Mimic Trrtu Art- Set Out. (Special Correspondence.) HEBMISTOX. Ore.. March 1. Ah ToM It) WouiMlctl Man IxaU AiitlmriiN to llclk-ve A-v-Jiult Wao I'H'iiH-diiitrU ami Tliat ICubbcry Wiitj Xot JiiIcikUhI. LA GRANDE, March 16. Two , white men SunJ.iy evening rMdl.-J "Ikc Ime" hn l'M-n -leteJ as tho.with bullets a 76-'ear old Chlnatnun name for the lake formed by the dl as he sat Idly "keeping store" In Tl vernion dam built nt Three mile Fal' C'hung'a store on Fourth atreet In the Fmatllla river. Though four bullela took effect In Itefore wat-r aa turned In tht the shoulder and head, there la some reservoir a number of the business , chance of recovery. men cleared the banks of sagebrusnt The attack bears every earmark tf and made other Improvements with ( premeditated assaxstnation and rob the Idea of establishing a swimming, bery to all appearances was a minor pool. jeffalr. If at all. The thugs pushcl On Friday evening of this 'week open the door left unlocked through many of these same men gathered I an oversight, and stepping boldly !r together end organized the Hermls- to the room, opened fire without ton Outing Club, electing Thomiti J warning or demands for money an l Franer. Jas. lUIph and F. B. Swayze.ln quick succession sent four bullets as trustees of their organization. coursing through the old man's Three or four acres of ground body. have been leased to the club and lm-1 The aaxault occurred at 8:30 o'clock provements of the grounds began i-'-j Sunday evening. The victim of the day when the club men set out shade assault was Wong Won Duck, an un- t r..l ami liinl It it rilhMuh ' cle of Tl Chung, who makes Ills home with his nephew, and on occa sions remains in the store. The stoi" Bath houses will be erected In the course of a few weeks and Lake Lane will then be In readiness for hot. has been In operation about 11 year summer das. land Wong Is well known to while The Hermlston Commercial Club U mon 0f the city as ' an unoffenslv, well-behaved oriental Because of the Infirmities and od Ing and swimming. A committee will vanred age. the door Is careful' viHll tne lane in me near ruiure anu j iocke(i evenings w hen Tl Is away. It Is expected the necessary Improve menti will be made at an early date. planning on making another lease to establish a public place for boat However, Sunday evening one of the roomers In the store came In about P. T. Boone, young project stock- g 0'ti)Ck nnd left again oon after. man. shipped a carload or cattle to. j,ut fts ne W)nti tn, jatch in the door the Portland markets Saturday. failed to spring. According to Won Mrs. Kdyth Weatherred. well,lt Wlu but a few minutes after tho known Oregon booster, paid the. roomer's departure that the door was I matilla project a visit Thursday ana 9U1ijPnly pushed open and the rain of Friday. She met several of n, bullets started. buslntMM men Friday and talked o. the work being done to Induce tho school children to exhibit their pro duce at the state fair. Miss Olive Harry left this morning for Portland where he will make her home with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. P. rtucholtx of Stan field visited In town Friday. Miss Ethel Kodgers, Miss Alice Taylor. Miss Bessie Mcpherson, J. W. Campbell, Harry Waltby and Dr. J. O. Campbell were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Means In Vmatll'a Friday evening. pCr aV'i So .; ?52 m 1,1.1 For Infants and Children. ifiiS The Kind You Have i.i-oiioL 3 i' tit cmr. ANcgcfnUcPrcpari'liinfor slir.llaiinSiitFoafamJMi (itc Siraadis arxtlkntusof Promo!cs DiPstJonflif erfi ncss and Un .Contains nuttier Opium.Morphine norMtcri JUS tlon . SOT.StotnA.DtJTiwi WflnnsJCoirslmflJOCTia ncss oidLossorSuzp. TicSiSinnnnt' j laz Cental' Comtss NOV YUKA. Always Bought Bears tho Signature of 'J. Use SV Exact Copy of Wrapper. I I 'I M r For Over Thirty Years TAB VMf tcwu senranr, lira TOM SfTT. IN0LIN BASEBALL TEAM PLAYS 1ST GAME ON SUNDAY I"KX DLKTO.V TICK. II TK.I WINS VICTOHY BY SCOKK OF 9 TO 13. NOLIN, Ore.. March 16. The No lin baseball bova crossed buta with a S. R. Oldaker presided at a dinner Ioca, ,eam , Pendeton Sunday, the party at the Hermlaton Hotel Friday ,core beIng 9 t0 i3ln favor of Vfn. evening In honor of Mrs. Edyth( AtU,ni The Moose team of Pendleton Weatherred who was visiting here wm j,,ay Non on the Von aamoni several days. Beside me nonor next junday. uesta hi Invitation Ht included Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Dodd. Mrs. J. H. McNaught. Miss Bessie McPhersor.. Miss Virginia Todd and Mesrs. R. C. Walber, J. W. Campbell and John A. Roberts. ' Wm. Merrit of Portland was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holte and baby of Stanfleld were visiting here ' Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Scroggs and f" a?"5 ,'!"t:'a tr'ln children were the Sunday guesU " . v. " rS Mr. Thnmni ""- uu.r.iu iu uerinii E. A. Hendricks, manager of the Nolin team sends a challenge to com petitive teams of the same calibre. PHILADELPHIA WANTS A HOTEL T)F. CIXK PHILADELPHIA, March 9. High officials of the International Broth erhood Welfare Association, whose dislike for work has made them lead- cam Vincent, Mrs. II. II. Hattery. Mrs. Os-mi-r Smith and MIks Alice Butler. Mr. Scroggs' sister. Hawthorne, In Irrlgon. James Johns, Jr.. of Pendleton, was a business visitor here Thursday. J. A. Peters of The Dalles, regis tered at the Hermlston hotel Friday. A 13-pound boy was born to Mr. nmA U f-lAA Pipu Bulilnlnv ' . '., quire some abandoned school house Miss Bessie McPherson who visited, " . ... them to establish a "flop house" In the city -along the the lines of the "Hotel De Glng" In New York Twenty-rive hoboes , are here now and many more are are expected to arrive via the brake beams. The "boes"' are planning to ac- her parents several days last week, has returned home. J. A. Roberts of Spokane is vlHlt Ing his nephew, W. T. Roberts. Coiinu-roap Win Trench. liKltLIN. March I The destruc tion of u French trench by running raps up to It und exploding dynamite there in Is d-ncrlbed In a letter from the frtint. The French had thrown The fiinxt e'dtiKMlfl hotel In the NorO'wiht -niiKlder-lng everj thing. ltutOM to Vou. f.o rinia f l.oo per riajr loll riH.un llh btlh I telperdar 1 iet ru'ims tlh lutb 2 00vri) 00 lurn itill4 ' f.N.iu. wiib iMib.. 2 C-0 per 47 lilt ruu In ro-jui i -IU J Ul(lilil f, n 1 n-i! n i it ih. Minny dining r.Miii.x. luautlfiil k r 1 1 1 . rieurly l"l I III lft IwolllH up a trench ICO yards long only 25 yards from the German trench. The fact that It was not supplied with loopholes, although it was occupied, appeared to show that the occupants intended to sap up to the German trench. The Germans decided to do likewixe. At the end of 14 days they had run me spectacular proceedings now sends to Governor Wlthycombe. Bo far as the present governor Is con cerned, however, there, Is no ground for alarm among self-appointed guar dians of the treasury, as he evidenc ed no enthusiasm as the role Impos ed upon him of collection agent. and install modern apparatus similar to that used In the De Gink empor ium. A name has already been agreed upon. It will be called "Way- farer's Rest" that Is If the city of- I ..! ! . I.I lire Drill Value Shown. '"- " Z'JZ'TT, I The school building here caught fire1 J .Til'! and In less than two mlnutea the cnii- " "' dren folowlng out their fire dr,,,.' city ha, thought out plans of he filed out in good order. Two girls, f Te" fainted, but no ono was hurt. Ira'nft8 ,hcan almo"' Plct. A spark on the roof from a near-' ZZST TV" 7.1 " by flue started the fire, which burn- R'B, Accord Ing to Stuart the yay. ed downward Into the attic and high " - b; f T school part of the building. The fire ,"r,.tra.mP' "n "handlers. The department arrived promptly and ""J"0" BfM i' ,h soon had the fire under control. A ' ' Vnhiw, W J WM number of books were watersoaked every 'nhabltant and some of the furniture scorched. I - .. . ': School will be resumed as soon aa! needed repairs can be made. . .1 i' 'u . T , ,j Governor Wlthycombe has replied In Ul lliv f Minn iirii-.ii:n uiju ivautrii one with 22 and the other with 2 pounds of dynamite. When all was ready, the charges were fired. The mattes of earth hurled into the air were fo largfs that the arms of two of the men In the German trenchen were broken. before the duxt had settled the men runhed forward and sprang Into the destroyed trench. It had caved In for moet of its length. Only a few of the enemy were Been, and these who were crawling from und'-r heap of soil, could offer no resistance. They were driven to the German trench 21 prisoners in all. The total French Iocs was estimated at 100. COI'I'EHFIIXII HILL F1LKD. SALEM, Ore., March A delayed tho from Copperfield and Its famous martial raid, Mu:el under tho aus pices tit ex-Governor WeM, Miss Fern Hobbs and others, reached the txecu utlve offiee In the shape of a bill for IIM'U uhich one of the awtlHtants In effect that there Is "nothing doing." H. H. FUher Is the man with the JM0 bill against the state. He halls from Copperfield, and. In his letter, says tha he was appointed as a spe cial marshal by Colonel Lawson, who conducted the Copeprfleld raid un der MIhs Hobos. He says he has ft voucher for the money, which he got through Lawson in December, but thut thus far no cash has been forth coming. Colonel Lawson Bays Flwher was put In as a marshal, but there Is n question regarding the exact amount of his claim. Ho far a Is known there Is no possibility of the Copper- field marshal getting his money un til another legislative session rolls around, for no funds now available could be devoted to liquidating debts of this character Incrred by a pnHt administration. In replying to F0hor the governor suggested that the Copper field man lake the matter up "with 1he Hon. Oswald West, of Salem, who Is, I believe. Intimately familiar with tho details of tho Incidents surrounding the declaration of martial law at Copperfield." i Miss Mildred Berkeley, popular member-of the younger set of this city who has been visiting In Portland lately. Is now visiting friends at the Cnlversity of Oregon. At present she Is the guest of the Misses Claire Haley and Leura Jerard at the Chi Omega house and later will be at the Gamma Phi Beta house as the guest of Misses Helen and Mary Johns. Mlsa Pearlee Rankin arrived home Sunday from an extended visit in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose. Her mother and sister. Miss Crystal Ran kin, will remain in California for sev. cral weeks before returning home. Among the mnny out-of-town peo ple here lat evening to attend "The Chocolate Soldier" were Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts, John Roberts. Miss Virginia Todd. Henry HItt. Al Larson. H. R. Glese and Harry Maltby of Her mlston. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jack Hodges, Miss Grace Gilliam and sister. Mer win Gilbert and R. B. Casteel of PI lot Rock, and Asa B. Thomson and Carl Gilbert of Echo. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood and fam- II v, who Kave had apartments at the Hotel Pendleton since the doctor lo cated here as a partner of Dr. C. J. vvhltaker, have moved tn the Fergu son house at 317 South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Purrlngton of Burns are expected to arrive tonight to visit relatives. Mrs. Purrlngton l a sister of W. C. McKlnney and her husband Is a brother of Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Slunher are up from their home at Nolin. Miss Vera Temple will be hontess to a number of young people of the high school set on Wednesday 'evening at her home on Iwis street, the affair to be a St. Patrick's Day event. Mrs. James Johns. Jr. entertained the South Hill Bridge Club yesterdav at her home on Garden street. Hon ors were won by Mrs. Arle C. Hamp ton In the play. Mr. Johns had as guests outside the club Mrs. F. W. Good Itiiad RooMon Mevt. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. March 9. "Good roads for Michigan" boost ers swarmed to Grand Rapids today to participate In the four days annual convention of the Michigan Stalw Good lloads association, and allied or Kanlzntlnns, which got under way this afternoon at the Coliseum here. Rel egates from all sections of the state are attending the meeting. Governor Woodbrldge N. Ferris. Senator Charles E. Townsend, of Michigan, and Congressman Cat E. Mapes, of Michigan, re billed on the program as the principal speakers. father's Friend Before Baby Arrives miring Severn l wreks of expectancy there Is a splendid external emhrocation In our "Mother' TV y."?X. rl"" I" which fw LTi' J r.a . . mint un bounded conndenoa. They have u-d it I and kfinv TK.. tMil Y iVl of It Wonitrrfiil tn. f X A V J n.. " " .T. ATI Mil 0I0min' muscles V i ? and how4hey arold- , . , ed those dreaded, stretching paint that are so much talked about This safe nternnl application Is gently used, over the skin to render It m"","l nntural stretching which it undon.a. The myriad of nrv 1 Ju"1 ,",n,',h kin Is thus relieved of unnecessary pain-producing causes and great physical relief Is tho result as expressed ly a host of happy mothers who write from elperl,-nr. tJ . ,u "u,,J,cl thl" women should) be familiar with as "Mothera Friend" !!,.'..!!r,Jn " ."""7 "' recom- piend.-d br grsndiimthrrs who la their ear- aid to rnm"rnn'J ,U rPl' U"n ,l'n,u You can obtain "Mother's Friend" at almost any drug store. 0t a bottl to-day and then write for our little book SO useful to expectant mothers. Address Bradfleld Regulalyr Co.. Ill Lamar lil.lg.. Atlanta. Oa. PRESCRIPTION ii fr 1 TX ViaM J V4i if The Standard Skin Remedy Mused through the canal. The lit-1 Ttlinf Cfc.'r. T...JLI- (riniiii launch Travprsrs Canal. PANAMA. March 16. A vessel flying the German flag has finally) HP. Mo DD tie gasoline launch Germanla, owned by the chief engineer of one of the j interned Hamburg-American lines In j Colon harbor, made the trip a few; days ago from Cristobal to Bullion . !l and return. Austria has not yet had a vessel flying her flag pass through the waterway. TALLM AN & COM PAN Y, DRUGGISTS, UlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllHU F. E. Van Dusen I tM mm E General Contractor and E Superintendent, 5 PENDLETON, OREGON. 3llllIIIIII!lllimUII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi SEE COPELAND For GOOD BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK American Plan prfcei Rlglit 777 THOMPSON ST. ! ! Illll llllllllll!! , -j '"" "'hi ''iaiiiiiiiililllMllllllililllllllllliilllllllllllllliliUl MUSI CMAM EASY Every of .your family can piny the latest nnd snappiest airs on tho pinno eminl t. tlie most nccoinplished pianist, if you BUY A PLAYER-PIANO We have them nt all prices, tho latest and most np-to-dato makes, with 88 notes nnd fully uarantoed, for America's Greatest Cigarette and faitianCitonitnlnlhfW.M it . II 9375, 9-175. 9525, 9750 fld 9850. Terms made to suit purchaser or your old piano taken in exchange. See ns before you buy it costs nothing to consult us. E2 JUuULSUl 5 Music House on the Corner