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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1915)
TAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OltEQONTAK PENDLETON, OREGON", MONDAY, JANITAKV 1S, mis. EIGHT PAGER I f 1 1 r f I II I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J; I Mow Openf l!ong((ongGafo 5 M NOODLE PAULO RS 1 Noodles AND Chop Sueyl EE OiitJil Tray Order a Specialty. E - Boxm for liidien and geniltraen. E E ornx hay and night. E Ml ISt HANTS' MNC1I 24o Special Chicken Dinner E Sunday. 548 Main Street 5 Net to E. O. Hdg. Thone 601 E iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuif CHILDREN HATE OIL, CALOMEL AND PILLS CALIIXJRMA SYRUP OF FIGS" BEST IXtll TENDER STOM ACH, IJVEU AND BOWELS. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother Insisted on cwtor olL calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children It's different Mothers who cling to the old form f ihyie simply don't realize what they do. The chl'.drens- revolt is well lounded. Their tender little "lnsides" re Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowelg need cleansing, give only deli cious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action U positive, but gentle. Mil lions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take It; that It never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ajk your druggist for a. SO-cent bottle of 'California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all agea and for grown ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. See that It Is made by "California Fig Syrup Comrany." Refuse any other kind with contempt. PENDLETON RE8EKAH TEAM ENTERTAINED BY LODGE AT PILOT ROCK LI NCHEOV IS SERVED TO VISIT ORS AND ALL HAVE PLEAS ANT TIME. Mother of Pilot Rock Woman a ih at snlctn and Former Gor to Bed nIiIo Mm. William Jones of Cot Tax, Wa.iliH Li VUiUng RcUUrc Other News Note. (Special Correspondence.) PILOT UOCK. Ore.. Jan. IS The Rcbekah team of the Pendloton lodge were entertained last Saturday even ing by the lodge here. Aftr the meeting lunch was served by the en tertainers. A delightful time was en joyed by all. Marvin Ray motored over to Athe na Monday on business. Carl Jensen attended the Mason lodge at Pendleton Monday evening. Charlie Nelson spent Monday at Fendleton. Mrs. Ella McBroom was called to Salem Saturday by the lllnesa Of her mother-in-law, Mrs. McBroom. Henry Casteel was a visitor at rendlcton Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pa gain of Mo Kay were in town Wednesday doing some trading. Mrs. Lou Mustard of Nye spent Wednesday afternoon here. Rev. Oelvln returned to his heme Thursday, having been away on bus iness for a few days. Mrs. William Jones of Colfax, has been visiting this week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Hunter of Nye. Glen Gelvln spent Monday at Athe na. Mrs. Irl Terry of Albee la spending a few days in town with her mother- in-law Mrs. J. W. Terry. A. C. Hemphill spent Tuesday at Pendleton. Bert Reeder of Nye was a business visitor at Pilot Rock Wednesday. Mrs. A. C. Hemphill and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ogtlvy, this week. Tom Morris was a visitor at Athe na Monday. ADAMS IS TAKEN f,1 TO PORTLAND TO BE GIVEN MEDICAL KELP SAM NELSON HAS BEEN SERI OUSLY ILL AT HIS HOME FOR SEVERAL DAYS. Rcbcknh Lodge Iiixtall5 New Offi cers Largo Crowd at Skating Rink Dossle Green Is Injured In a Runaway Band Continue to Practice. Gale Damages Warship. NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Jan. 18 The battleship Kansas sustained dam age in the storm off the Virginia coast, which it will require two weeks to repair, it was reported on the war ehlp's arrival in Hampton Roads from Philadelphia. A 60 mile gale whipped up big eas that broke over the Teasel's fecks for seven hours, It was said. The Kansas was on a speed run. Local Playhouses WHAT the Preu Agent H to . Say of Present and Coming Arh action j& & & FOR UNSIGHTLY GGMPLEXIQNS USE RESINQL Kmplei and IhelLcailj dipcar, nnsiphtly complexions become clean, clear, and, and tair Lean 'a and Lcauty are promotsi It t'.ia rcjuUr use o r.oiiinol Soap and an occasional application of Resinol Ointment. T!ie.-e eoothinp, healing preparations do tbeir work easily, quickly and at little co-t, when even 'the most expensive cosmetics nd complicated leauty treatment fail. Ileainol is not an experiment. It U a doctor's prescription which prove! so wonderfully successful tor skin trou bles that it has lcen used by other doctors all over the country for nine teen years. No other treatment for the tkin now before the puhlio can show ruch a record of professional approval. Lvery druppist sella Resirol Ointment (ZOc. and '$1.00), and Hesicol Soap (25c); but for trial size, free, write to Dept. KK, Kesinol, Baltimore, Md. Avoid worthless substitutes offered by unscrupulous dealers. GOOD LIGHT Means BETTER CCSINESS CHEERFUL HOMES RETTER HEALTH AND EYESIGHT L4 at wire your bums and In dian oar modern Lighting III tarm and Electrical Installa Uuus all tbcue requirements can be obtained. May we serve roof Electric and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, boll wiling, s&s piping, motors and dynamos. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 Last Chaneo Today. Synopsis Unsuccessful In the east. Mr. Escott decides to settle In Mon tana with his wife and little daugh ter Elsie. They camp for the night and little Elsie wanders off. picking flowers. A band of Indians attack the par ty, and kill Escott and his wife. Short ly after, little Elsie returns and finds her parents slain. Lieutenant Joe Lanier discovers the child weeping over the dead bodies of her parents, and brings her to his mother. Later the lieutenant gives up his command and turns miner. Elsie grows up a charming, lovable young Kirl, and Joe falls deeply In love with her. A handsome stranger from the city is attracted by E'.sle and she to him. Joe warns her against Bob Stanton the stranger, but the girl Indignantly resents his interference. Joe decides to enlist in the war against Spain, convinced that his love for Elsie Is hopeless. Stanton persuades Elsie to elope with him, but the discovery off a former love affair with another i woman shows her, her mLstake. When the learns that Joe Lanier Is going to the Philippines, she awakens to the fact that she loves him deeply, and decides to follow him. Willie Live, a young war correspondent, assists her in many ways. The party embark for the orient Elsie is disguised as a young volunteer, unknown to Joe, who has been made captain of the same company. Stanton also belongs to the same regiment, and In his en mity against Joe Lanier has sent him through the enemy's line to defend Block Houne No. 7. Joe's force Is not sufficient to withstand the repeated attacks of the enemy, and he requests reinforcements. General Lawton selects Elsie to car. ry the message of coming reinforce ments. After numerous hair breadth escapes, ELsle and Willie Live reach the block house and Joe recognizes her. She explains why she has fol lowed him In spite of every obstacle and they are happily united. The Filipinos attack the fort and almost overcome the small band t heroic Americans when aid arrives to their rescue and the enemy Is put to flight, with the Star Spangled Ban. ner waving over Block House No. 7. (Special Correspondence ) ADAMS, Ore., Jan. 18. Sam Nel son, who has been seriously ill for several days, was taken to Portland Saturday where he will be treated His father and wife accompanied him. Miss Eileen Bowling came home Friday from her school. She will re main home all this week, having re ceived exemption In her studies. Mrs. McFaul and daughter Kath leen of Pendleton, were the guests of Mrs. Bowling and daughter Friday end Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stockton were called to Pendleton Sunday on ac count of the sickness of their daugh ter. Mrs. Mary Norvell of Helix. Miss Ethel Peringer, who Is now staying In Pendleton, came home to spent Sunday with her parents. Services at the Baptist church Sun oay evening were real interesting. Mr. Wright of Portland, delivered the address. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Slmonton and children were the guests of Mrs. El la Slmonton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peringer are being visited- by the mother of Mrs. Peringer this week. Miss NeUIe Nelson and brother Charles were present at the skating rink Friday evening. Miss Nellie Darr, who Is teaching school in Athena, came home Friday evening. The Rebekah lodge met Thursday evening, their usual meeting, and at so for the purpos of Installing new officers. Miss Francis Simmons spent Sat urday and Sunday at her home In Pendleton. Otis Lleuallen motored to Pendle ton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stone motored to Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison and children were visitors at the county seat Saturday. A very large crowd was present at tha skating rink Friday evening. The floor was crowded with skaters All had a very enjoyable time. Dossle Green was somewhat Injur ed In a runaway the other day. One of his ears was Injured and a few other small Injuries were Inflicted Roy Ferguson was present at the skating Friday evening. Mr. Burgess, the manual training teacher, went to Pendleton Sunday. Leonard King was In town Saturday. The band met Monday evening for practice. The different members are progressing rapidly and the band, taken as a whole, is doing fine. P. T. Hales of Pendleton was up to his ranch last week. Frank Hyde and family motored to Pendleton Saturday. Miss Ine Schafer Is at the ranch this week. She came home from her school In Walla Walla. j Max Dudley and Herman Kirk were in town Friday to do some trading. S. Hendrickson motored to Pendle ton" Friday to do some trading. Miss Eleanor Stockton spent the week end at home with her parents. Clark Maxey motored to Adams Saturday. Everett McCollum was a visitor at the county seat lust week. Spies Sentence for.IJfe. CASABLANCA, Morocco, via Paris, Jan. 16. Three Germans, Karl FIcke, Neprekorn and Grundlock, have been sentenced by court martial to life Imprisonment. Regain the Mastery Over Blood Trouble No Matter How Disheartening You Can Overcome It Cosy. ::Check No. ISO," In which a sus picious wife Jumps at conclusions. Featuring Boyd Marshal and Muriel Betrlche. "The Lost Receipt. A sensational two part drama Involving dynamite and a doll. "Love and Business." A comedy of errors cauwed by a patent derrick, an old maid and an office boy putting letters In the wrong envelopes. I-:lillianti Sought In Portland. PORTLAND, Jan. 18 Who has two pet elephant secreted? Lent month two large Asiatic ele phants arrived In Portland on a tuamer and were whbsked away by thi-lr owner to another part of the Mate where they have lived no quietly hat Harry K. Myers, an elephant 'i.niT of Everett, Wash., has been una ole to locate them, though he has written every elephant lover 1n Ore-sen. Wood disorder are quickly cWkwl ly 8. K. H.. the famous blood purifier. It rushes Into the blood and in three min utes has traversed the entlr circulation. It penetrate to where tbe blood U made, it washes out those spots and places where stagnation baa settled. It cleanse the membranes, diire Irritation from tbe Joints, fills the blood stream wltb antidotal Influence and from bead to foot f creates conditions that makn for blood health. There are people In every com . munlty who know this to be true. They j hare used H. 8. 8. for eT-re form of rheumatism, for Indolent, ulcerated spots, for eruptive skin diseases, for any and all those bodily conditions caused by blood loaded with Imparities. lieinR pure product of Nature It can not hurt the stomach and baa therefore been the refuge of a boat of people misguided Id their dilemma by first flying to those dangerous mercurial drugs which have claimed so many unfortunates. If th akin breaka oat In a rash. If bolls or other eruption appear, If there are blood risings or any other indication of Im pure blood get s bottle of 8. 8. 8. at once of any druggist. But beware of substitutes. If In doubt a to your trou ble or you wlsb competent medical ad vice free, write to the medical depart merit, The Swift Bpeclflc Co., fJ8 Hwlft Jii.lK, Atlanta, C,. Tills department Is known far and wide a one of the great est of help to blood sufferers. But don't j dilay to get a bottle cf 8. 8. 8. today.1 ro i iiv 11 iiL. illlwPliiiE;l Something to Amuse and Please Them. The "Little Ones" Best Friend. AKMA ELinidl HL&x? 1wo IDollgj A Great Big Beautiful Doll i and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl in the city. Hurry and get yours! 0 touh.; v a i w M A 4 - JV. (if ACTUAL HEIGHT, 25 INCHES TTTf Bigger iM jk These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and die very N life-like a jjn indeed. ACTUAL HEIGHT, 11 INCHES Bigger Than a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 7MKCHES HOW TO OBTAIN ANNA BELLE BOLLS The East Oregonian is going to give away several hundred of these dolls as follows: Any girl or boy bringing or sending to this office One new paid in advance Subscription to the daily Cast Oregoni&n, by carrier for lone month 65c, will receive free "Anna Belle" and her two dolls. Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the daily Cast Oregonian by mail 1 12 months 75c. Or for one new paid in advance subscription to the Semi-Weekly Cast Oregonian 6 months 75c Or by cutting 5 coupons from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Cast Oregonian and 10c. If dolls are to be sent by mail add 2c for postage. (lurry and got your dolls now, because this offer is for a limited timoonly Coupons to be clipped will be' found eh e where in this paper each day.