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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1915)
ENITTT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX, PENDLETON", OREGON, MONDAY. JANUARY 18, 191.1. PAGE SEVEN". LADIES! DARKEN FIBS! PHOTOS OF LAWYER ROGERS, WOMAN WHO KILLED HER 1W0 BABIES, AND HER FCf.KER HUSBAKD ?niJ!IMIHiniHIJIIIIIIIMnMUIIIIMini:ninilMMMMIIU!HlllilllIllllll!li:iIllll!ll!l!l' YOUR GRAY HAIR (5 IfiB GRANDMA'S SACK TEA AND SULPHUR RKGIPIS AM) NO BODY WILL KNOW. MM The una of ijage and Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to 1U nat ural celor date back to grandmoth ri time. She used It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and abundant. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or treaked appearance, this simple mixture waa applied with wonderful effect Hut brewing at home It muwy and out of data. Nowadayi, by asking at any drug atora for a 60-cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and .8ulphur .Com pound," you will get thla famous old recipe which can ba depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Ita aplendld for dan druff, dry, feverlah, Itchy acalp and railing hair. A well known downtown druggist aaya It darken the hair ao naturally and evenly that nobody con tell It hat been applied. Tou almply damp en a aponge or soft trust with It and draw thla through your hair, taking ona atrand at a time. By morning . tha gray hair disappears, and after another application or two It becomes lieautlfully dark, glossy and abundant. LMlllimiMIIIIIIIIIIiiinilimMlllllllllllIlll (OrpliGum) I Theatre 1 J. P. MEPERXACn, Prop. I s a High-Class I 1 Up-to-Date I Motion Pictures F "ItiMKN". WOMEN AND S CHILDREN Program cb:uicu Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs- H daja and Saturday. 5 Bc Procrara in Today's 5 5 Papr. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiii.5 :miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm!iiiiiimimiii Pastime Theatre g S "The Home of Good Pictures" C ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, 5 nickorlVfr8 Picture :: Abso 5 lutcly No Eye Strain. mm mmmmmmmmmmmi mm S A Refined and Er'ertaininK mm 5 Show for the Entire Family. mm Next to French Ecstaurant Chances Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. M mm 5 AdulU 10c Children under g 10 years 5c r.iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiimmiiiiiiiii ctiiUHiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiit PENDLETON'S P O P U- LAft PICTURE SnOW THE COSY a B Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed' 1 Next Door to St George Ho- 5 fL Admission 5o and 10a 5 rilllllllllltlllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIli? 5 WLere the entire family can E H enjoy a high-class motion 5 picture show with comfort, - Fun, Pathos Open Afternoon and Even- H 5 inc. Chances Sunday, Mon- 5 5 day, Wednesday and Friday. 5 mm JJ mm i 11,11 11 . rCj si. - ; ; - v- ': : i I -?y yH I 1 , U w , t. , author WALm - , . h I . i-' . -f : ' , , I". " o a v y I ' " " ': ' ' r ' A . ' 4 , ' 1 r . v.. - ' ' mimr t in ' ' 1 11 Thene are the first photografha of the leading churacters In the Kiranst tragedy of Iii lys tltun Iliiwrn th New York lawyer. anJ Mrc. 10a h'niffcn Wallers KoRcrs. Thla pecu HOG PRICES ARE GOING DOWNWARD (Courtesy Sunday's Journal ) I'dllTUXP, Ore. Downward trond of hog prices continues at prac tically ull American livestock centers. The big killers of the rn.t have the situation In their own Tian1s and the UFiial wnlloplr.g of values Is tho out e nie. Tiie g killers of the eimt In fluence the market alon? the Taclflc r):ut for the very good reason that thry establish tho price of hams, bacon end lard throughout the coun try. Fact that hoiw are produced In plenty here and that shipments from Hie e;nt luue not been shown In the North rrtl;tnd market for fully two years. Is evidence quite conclusive that the Portland market need no longer bo tied to the apron strings of the eastern trade. The policy of having Chicago and ACID IN STOMACH SOURS THE FOOD SAYS EXCKSS OP UYDUOrilLOU- ic aciij is cause or ix- DIGESTIOX. A well known authority states that stomach trouble and Indigestion Is nearly always due to acidity acid stomach and not aa most folks be lieve, from a lack of digestive Julcea He states that an excess of hydro chloric acid In tha stomach retards digestion and starts food fermenta. tlon then our meals "our Ilka garbage In a can, forming acid fluids and gaa en which Inflate the stomach Ilka a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lumpy feqllng In the chest, we eruc tate sour food, belch gaa, or have heartburn, riatulonce, waterbrash, or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and Instead, get from any har- macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast while It la ef fervescing, and furthermore, to con tinue this for one week. While re lief follows the first dose, It la Im portant to neutralize the acidity, re move the gas making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kldneya and thus aromote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts la In expensive and made from th acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Ithla and so dium pliORphate. This harmless salts Is used by thousands of people for stomnch troublo with excellent re- ults. r 1 UK lllA.HO'! tin A Ml. iANll. k I .:U nl A k joitr Knicpltl fir Micp.tllif . io-hI llrniitYS I', ll in l id o-i.l 1. hfirr.. M"-C 1 Willi 1 TnU n olSrr. F.vt of rnitr irnior:t c::an' r'i.i.N,firva year, known 1 Dc it, t'-.ifcst, Alway Uclial ! V5. tf liar cote has been In the ncyspapprs for nearly two weeks and the country has lrcn Fooured fur jilctures of Mm. Walters and her hul and without re kuIi until reofr.tly. Omaha packers name the price of hanie, bacon and lard on the Pacific connt means that no matter how many ho&n are prdodced In this territory. there will tie but a certain per cent of the trade controlled by the local product. As long as eastern Interests ran. ship their provisions from the coxl and make a profit on them Just so long will the demand for hogs and pork products show little growth hero. Omit Should lie Independent With the Pacific coast today pro ducing all the hogs it needs for pro vision requlreim nts, there Is no long er the slightest excuse why there thou Id be only a fractional portion of the provision business here done by homo Interests. There are no better hama, bacon and lard In the country than today produced along the Pa cific roast, but the fact that eastern interests make the prices to suit themselves and these arc maintained hy local Interest., gives the latter practically no chance to crowd the foreign Muff out of tho trade here. Were it not for the fact that bo much eastern provisions are used her there would be need for several more large packing plants along the Pacific coast and Portland would be thi loKlcal point because of it being In the center of the livestock Indus try. There was a time even as short as two years aso when the Pacific alope did not produce a sufficient supply of swine to fill Its requirements and that Importations of hog products were really necessary to fill the re quirements of the trade. Vnder such conditions It was probably necessary that the east make prices here but;vhat n a scale which gave the this la no longer tha case or necea slty. The coast Is not only at present producing the hogs It needs for home requirements but within the next )ear or so will have a good supply available for other markets. General hog market range: Rest light $ 7 00 Medium light 6.90 6.95 Hough to heavy 8. 95 HouKh to heavy 6 76 6.80 Stockera 6.006 40 Cattle Alxuit Steady. Conditions In the cattle trade were Just about steady at North Portland during the week. The run was Blight, ly below the totals of last week, but requirements were well taken care of the bulk of the demand at the mo-! ment la for light stuff of good qual ity. The public la demanding small steaks, and for that reason the heav ier cluaa of offerings are In smaller request than formerly, and thla Is re flected In the price offered by buy- ara. General cattle market range: Selected ateera $7-757.S5 Good to prime . 7 25 07 50 Good to cholco 6.50 if 6.75 Ordinary to fair 5 75 6.25 Erst cows 6-75 Good to prime 6.50 & 6.70 Ordinary 6.25 (fr 5.50 Selected calves 8.00ff S.50 Fancy bulla 6.60fT675 Ordinary . 4.004f4.25 Mutton Situation stroutr. Total movement of mutton to mar ket at North Portland during, the week was slightly decreased from the allowing of , the previous six days. All Mrs. Walters was married to Arthur Walters some twelve years ago. She was then Ida Sniffen. A divorce was obtained later, and she went to Suffern, N. Y. There Rogers, through the week the trend of the Wmutton and lamb trade was strong. In all llnea offerings brought substan tially the same prlees that have been here during the last few weeks. There " Is a noticeable showing of easiness In the market for mutton at most points east of the Rockies. Dur- ing the week lower values were nam- ed generally at Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver and other point. Thla had no effect upon the trend of the market here, because local offerings were below actual needs of killers. General mutton trade range: Test yearlings 850 Best ewes 5. 0005. 60 Beat east mountain lambs 7.4 0 7.60 Valley light lambs 7 2507.35 Heavy "spring lambs 6.7507 25 WHEAT MARKET " VERY ERRATIC (Saturday's Market.) CHICAGO. It was a remarkablo day for the lornl wheat trade. The thing In order was a break of 5c In the May from the Friday close. The early range was $1.44 1-2 to $1.43 12, the first trade, and then a storm of stop orders selling which forced the break to $140. There was not the necessary volume of buying or ders In the market to check such a selling drive. It took the leaders and the big houses a few minutes to rally, At f M ... . ... ' wieir iorces ana tney began taking T ,H I'rt n .AKMn.t - I . t j . icMuuuu 'i in ti ivn in in- utea. The hettf iiwfv f.m ka polnt waa from $143 1-2 an hour be l bt'mer' Mst modarn funeral parlor, fore the close, and at this point the'moru C!ht.Cr!; Pit trade saw signs of additional seU- !f ,nded &' ,0t f Corn,e. Ing by big individual leaders In th! MMn and Water ,trMtB- TclePnon trad, On this there was a break of t i, with the close on a rally at $1.41 6-8, or S 3 8c net loss from Frl- day's close. July wheat sold as low as $1.23 3-4. It had nearly 2c rally at the one time and closed at $1.25. i Most of the Argentine news waa bullish, the recent heavy rains caus- ing damage In BuenoB Aires and oth-i n provinces. Frlmary receipts were the slightest HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES for months at 662,000 bushels. Ne-, renaWe abstracts of title to all traska and other states are refusing ,tniis !n Umatilla county. Loaua on to sen reserves on bids of $1 25. j clty all(, fam property. Buya and The cash situation continues the elu ,n Wnds 0f real estate. Does (.trong feature for the speculative gtnoral brokerago business. Pays trade. Chicago houses probably taswJ nnd makes vestments for non worked 800.000 busela by the gulf , re3,JentJ Wrltea fire, life and acet today through southwest points, but ; J(,nt insurftnce. References, any bank mm no wneai io oner to seanoara bidders. There was. an unconfirmed rlatm that the seaboard worked about' 2,000,000 bushels of wheat abroad for the day. j PENTLEY A LEFFINGWELL. REAL It looked like a aerious cheek in wtate, fire, life and accident Insur the bull program for corn early to- tnce agenta. $16 Main street. Phone day, when prices had a reaction to 76 04- i-se ror stay, 77 3 c ror July, fol lowing the violent action In wheat. Ah hour later the support was most remarkable, giving prices an upturn to "8 l-4c and 79 l-8e. Cables made the claim that Argentine shipments; nj'e likely to be much lighter. Claims In regard to a letup of country offer ings of corn arrears to be conflicting. L.E .ROGERS -pola token 10 yrs. e: who had been married to an Ala bama woman some twenty years ago, met her. He had then been divorced from the southern woman, but kept up his acquaintance with her. His acquaintance with Mrs. Walters re sulted In the birth of two children, one about two years old and the other leas than a year old at the time of the tragedy. But prior to thla Rogers had mar lied Miss Catherine Giddings, Bister of Professor Giddings of Columbia University, perhaps the best known man In that institution. Professor Giddings has, in fact, been mentioned several times as a mayoralty possi bility in New Tork City. It waa Rog ers' custom to leave his downtown law office early In the day for the home of the woman who had divorced him. Then he went on further uptown to Mrs. Walters' home, where he re mained until 8 or 9 o'clock. Later he went to the home where his wife lived on Riverside Drive. This pecu liar situation continued until Mrs. Walters, giving up hope of having Mrs. Rogers get a divorce so she might mbrry the lawyer, gave her two children poison and took some herself. She got well, but the chil dren died, and now she must face charges by the grand jury of Bronx county. Action In the oats market depends very largely on the turns In wheat and corn. The morning break waa to 65 3-4c for May and S3 S-8o and 53 3 -Sc. Local receipts were 16 ( cars. Shipping sales were limited to 160.000 bushels. After selling over $1 for the morn ir.g, May pork closed at 318,97 1-J Lard and ribs closed at 2 l-2c to 6c higher for the day with May lard at HO. 5. WHEAT, May Open, $1.43 8-4; high, 11.44 1-2; low, $1.40; close, $141 5-8A. July Open. $1.26 1-2; high. $126 1 2; low, $1.23 34; close, $1.25. Dungeon Is Unentered. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Jan. 18. Long forgotten, the dungeon of the old county Jail was brought to light when workmen began tearing awaj the walls of the basement CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Fhone 75. j j. BROWN'S FURNITURE 6TORE Funeral director and licensed em- HOMESTEADS. BIO INDIAN RESERVATION TO open 760,000 acres for settlement; fruit, timber, farm lands; send 16 centa with thla ad to . Wenatchee. (Wash ) Dally World for reliable data about this great region. - - - INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS : In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Prea. C. H. MARSH. Sec. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVER! lt 1 scrlptlon for county court, cJrou) court. Justice court, real estate, t for sale at East Oregontan office. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office tellephone 20, FUEL I Rock Springs Coal j Good Dry Wood Slabs and Kindling mm it's not the kind we keep but its the kind we sell 1 ! B. L. BURROUGHS f Planing Mill and Lumber Yard . uiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuiniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiniiiiminniiiiiiiiiimiimk. INSURANCE A CREDIT FACTOR The relation of Insurance to bank credits haj become a lively sub ject In commercial banking. No prudent banker would extend large credit to a merchant whose stock of goods waa not indemnified against possible loss by fire, notwithstanding the possibilities of loss are very remote. The chance is less than one In a hundred on any building, yet every person protects their property by fire Insurance. That's the business we are In. Come around and ace ua and let ua fix up a policy that will protect you against loss. Eetter coma for you don't know what a day will bring forth. Better be insured than sorry. f.lATLOCK-LASTZ INVESTMENT GO. Formerly Mark Moorhouse Co. HOODIES, CHOP SUEY, C11I11A DISHES fiOFY' KWONG HONG LOW JJlLf A W 116 West AltaSt. Upitain.' Phooa 433 FREE FOUR-IN-ONE "ANNA BELLE DOLL" Bring or send five of these Coupons properly signed and 10J to the East Oregonian office and cet a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell Doll" feature. Xo.. Tendleton, EAST OREGOXIAN PFJB Herewith please find five "Four-in-One" Coupons and 10 for which please give me a "Four-in-One" muslin cut-out feature or "Anna Bell DolL" Xame Address. If sent by mail add 2c for postage. BE SURE AXD STATE WIIICII FEATURE IS WANTED ATTORNEYS. RALET & RALET. ATTORNEYS AT aw. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNET AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR- neys at law. rooms $ and 4, Smltk Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1. I, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE VT. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Do pain building. ROSCOK R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Despaln building PHYSICIANS. H. 9. OARFIKLD. M. D. HOMEO rthl physician and surgeon. Of rire Judd Block. Telephone: Office Ml W; r1,lenci BlI J AUCTIONEERS. COL W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONS! makes a specialty of farmers' stix-l and machinery sales. 'The man U ets you the money." Leave order ct East Oragonlan of rice. coupon Ore., .1914 CO.. SEOOXD-HAX DEALFRS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN "nJbT and second-hand goods. Casa aa for all second-hand goods bougk'. Cheapest place In Pendleton t baj household gooda Call and gat aia Fricwa. 2ia e. Court street. Pha J71W. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY caa or give tra? for Umatilla counti farm, $20 to $10 per acre. Aldreae, Box 12, Athena, Ore. AGENTS WANTED. MONEY selling LITTLE NECK and BUTTER CLAM MEATS to Con sumers and dealers 1n your home town. Agents Wanted. Lang & Con roy, Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. MISCELLANEOUS. TRESPASS NOTICES. ST.VIXIOW SEASON CARDS and SALE BILL of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonlan. We have a fine lot of stock cuts tati our patrons are allowed the free ue of. AUCTION SALES THE EAST On egontan makes a specialty of auc tion aale bills, card and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an 4 advertising complete that will aiiure you of having a successful sale. REAVER EN'GRAViriG COMPANY L