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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1914)
9 EIQIIT TA0K8 DAILY EAST ORfiflOXIAN. PENDLETON, OKEOQN, MOXPAV, NOVEMBER 30, 1014. PAOETTTTiEE LATEST PHOTO OF KING ALBERT IS Just What You've Been Waiting For AT ENJOYABLE 1 IVEII WIELD R esinol for unsightly skin eruptions PIMPLES, llackht.d,, rattiei, ring worm and, wont of all, that red, t itching, icaly torment, eczema, van ijh when you ue Rciinol Ointment and Reninol Soap. Even though yourikin ii o unsightly with eruption that you ihun your friend and your fricnili ihun you, Rciinol ii almot lure to make it clear and health, quickly, easily and at trill ing cott. Rcinol Ointment and Rciinol Soip have been pretcribed for nineteen yean for juit luch ikin trouble! ai youri. Vfhrmrer drain art (old yon nn gut Itnlnol OinUnsnt and lo-mool Hoip. Vr trill In, writ to Ipt K. ItwInoL Il.ltimoc. M. A row lulMtiUitea, tbey tra NOT "jurt a food." MILITARY EXPERTS IH I S. SEE END OF WAR PREDICTION MADE THE euro pean conflict will CIXSE IN 1915. SEATTLE, Nov. JO Th beat In formation obtainable from military sources at Washington from experta who are closely following the situ tin la to the effect that the Europe an war cannot last mny more week. While none of the countrlea engaged in the conflict will admit that thla la true the U. 8. military eiperta predict the war will see It finish ahortly aft er the first y.f tho New Tear. It cannot, they any, continue much longer. The great lews of life coup led with the enormous expense, thnee military experta say, means only one thing an1 that In a short war. 13c cause (f thla prediction the best known agricultural nuthorltlca of the country nre united In tho opinion that "high" wheat will soon be a thing of the past and that the farmer who is In the hoK raining business will make a most eerloua mistake from the standpoint of his financial profits If he dooa not push hla busi ness on a more extended scale than ever. It 1s undoubtedly trurf that many hog raisers, carried away by ttie high price of corn and wheat have been aacrlflclng their atocka, and selling Instead of feeding their grain. While thla haa probably been the best thing to do to date from now on the reverse will be true and for that rea son farmers are advised to push their hog raising business and to hold on to their grain for feeding purpose At the preaent time cattle and sheep are very scarce and pork la really the cheapest meat obtainable. Even pork la high and packers aay It will go atlll higher within the next month or two and will keep high for menthr to come. With the opening of the, Panama cannl packers will be ablei to ahlp considerable pork to the east-l ern market in reirmermur thlrb will naturally make tho demand atlll greater. i i? 1 ; V-v-y v II fwyiyH'V: : . l K- y . ' Thla photograph of King Albert of records were hurried to Havre as the I'elglum, the first of hint since tho beginning of the war. was taken at the new capital of Helglum. Havre. France. When the Relglan govern ment moved from Antwerp It could find no aafe place on Its own terri tory and had to accept the hospi tality of the French. All government Germans swept from Antwerp through northern Delgium. The photograph shows the king to be In prime physi cal condition. He has gained In weight and sturdiness since tho war began. It Is evident that his activities In the field have Improved hla appearance. Convict Demands Wage. national committee on prison and pnovinrvrF n I Vov so Ar-! IrUon ,abor ,s Pressln the ault of PROMDE.NCE. R.I..NOV. jo. Ar , And?r80n an .conv,ct, guments on the constitutionality of ngalngt . a garm(.nt company which the law authorizing the state to holds a contract with the atate for make contract selling the labor of. tne labor of prisoners. Anderson contends, that the com pany should pay him wages for the work he did while a convict. The decision In his ease may affect prison prisoners without compensating them were heard before the Rhode Island supreme court servltudi on the part of a prisoner, labor In several states. Is slavery and that the state consti tution prohibits slavery without mak ing an exception against convicts, the Linn county manufacturers drns at $7 each. road KOCIETV Tllt.VS OL'T IN PORCE TO ATTEND OTHER NEWS NOTKS. (Special Correspondence ) HERMISTON, Ore., Nov. 30. A number of Hermlaton society people attended a Hupper and dance given In Hanfield Thursday evening, some of whom were Misses Vera Purdy, Laura Hoynton, Maude Thelps, Funnle Todd, Del Ulcc, Lena Hoynton, Hessle Mc Pherson, IJlllan Roth, Pearl Sullivan, Lelta Rice, Ruth Chamberlain, Josle Cresy, Ruth Ilobbs, Clara Hryant, Marie Hobbs. MesKrs. Geo. L'lukesley, l'rs:l Hyatt, Henry Gunn, Warner Plakesley, Alfred Groojn, James Todd. Merle Phelps, Otto Sapper, Ed Lfiun ners, Frank Hilderback, Clarence Car son I'ale Hinkle, Lyons and Calo JohnH, Mrs. F. A. Phelps, Mrs Laura Headlngton, Mrs. E. E. Littler and Mestrs and Mesdames Carl McXaught, Claude Kellogg, F. A. Brimaon, Harry Straw. The dance was largely attend ed aleo by Echo people a well as thoBe from Stanfleld and the evening was pronounced most enjoyable by those In attendance. The high school pupils are prepar ing to give a play "The Captain of Plymouth." under the direction of Mrs. H. M. Gunn. The proceeds of the play are to go to the athletic as sociation. From the efforts of the school in the past It is expected that the play to be produced will be well worth while. It is a musical farce dealing with the settlement of Mas sachusetts by the pilgrims In which the principal characters deal with Miles Standish and Priscilla In a rather light vein. The principal char acters are as follows: Miles Standtah, Gordon Shoturle; Erasmus, Warner Piakesley; Priscilla. Miss Marlon Leek; John Alden. Henry Gunn; Ka tonka, Mi?s Alice Lambert; Hrewuter, Geo. Prlndle; Indians. Puritan maid ens, holdiers. make the rest of the company and are supplied by the other (scholars of the school. It Is anticipated with much Interest by the local public. Ir. and Mrs. R. G. Monkman were -'ue."ts of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Haw thorne of IrriKon, Thursday M. P. Scroggs spent several days in Pendleton this week. Mrs. F. A. Phelps is the guest of friends In Stanfield. E. P. Podd returned from Pendle ton this morning after a visit with Mrs Podd's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander. Henry Gunn was the guest of Mrs. C. O. Prownell In Umatilla for Thanks giving dinner. O. P. Brigham spent the Thanks giving holiday with his family here. Mrs. J p Watson entertained this afternoon at cards at her home on Glady avenue. Invitations were ex tended to about thirty-five. Frank Shannon of Seattle was the guest of H. M. Gunn over Thursday. ALL mmmji - V biM W 53 Servian Defenders Winning. VIENNA. Nov. SO. It Is officially admitted that the Servians have oc cupied well chosen, fortified positions and that they are successfully oppos ing the Austrian Invasion of Senia The advance of the Austrlans Is mo.t difficult, owing to the floods In the rivers and the fact that the mountains nre covered with three feet 1 of snow. YOUR unrestricted choice of any suit in the store includ ing about 60 suits to choose from, of the seasons most worn styles and colors, including both ladies and misses sizes, medium and long length coats Some of these have been received within the last 30 days. But all are included in this sale at I N The Alexander Departm't Store ALL STAR TEAMS ARE CHOSEN WRITERS NEWSPAPERMEN SELECT NORTH WEST PLAYERS AT CLOSE OF SEASON. J SdM i ' &$f ' I d-J. fit. r'lifti S I I . ' Friends tell their wmmiSmmSik, KBKte ) they are. W$0$M?i ; r':i!!ii!iih!!!fi!ii;!:i!l;!i :M;-m---:L All-star football teama of the north west have been selected as follow by Roscoe Fawcett of the Oregonlan and R. A. Cronln of the Portland Jour nal: By Roscoe Fawcett. Ends Tyrer, 160, Washington state, and Huntley, 162. Oregon Ag giea. Tackles Beckett. 184. Oregon, and Anderson, 195, Washington. Guards Moore, 192. Oregon Ag gies, and Cook. 193. Oregon. Center Clark. 175, Washington State. A Quarterback Hoover. 160, Whit man. Halves Miller. 19S. Washington; I.utz, 175. Oregon Aggies, and Par sons. 165. Oregon. Fullback fhiel. IS.". Washington. Py R. A. Cronln. First team Huntley, O. A. C, end; Tyrer. W. S. C. end; Peckett, Oregon, ta.-klc; Anderson, Washington, tackle; Cook. Oregon, guard; Seagraves, Washington guard; Anderson, O. A. C, center; Smith, Washington, quar ter; Lutz. Ci. A. C-. halfback; Parsons. Oregon, halfback; Miller, Washington, fullback. Pecond team Ping'e. Idaho, end: Hunt, Washington, end; Gronlnger, Idaho, tackle; Laythe, O. A. C, tack-j le; Lansdon, W. S. C. guard; Moore, O. A. C. guard; Rlsley, Oregon, cen ter; Hoover, A hitman. quarter; Burns. Idaho, halfback; Teager, O. A. halfback; Abraham, O. A. C, full back. waa left by the Olympic, but that oth. cr vessels succeeded In drawing her Into shallow water, where the hole In her bottom waa patched sufficiently to permit her to be towed to Belfast TIZ" GLADDENS SOI 111 FEET "TIZ" make sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight Away po tte ache and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters and bunions. "TIZ" draw, out the acids and poisons that pi? up your feet No matter how hard you work, how long you- (lance, how far you walk, or how lun you remain on your feet. "nZ" brings restful foot coruforl 'TIZ" is won derful f,r t!red. acliin?, swollen, sr:artiiv7 fe t Y-nir f-et jut tint'le for joy; shots t;evcr lmvt or n-eni tight. Oct a 25 cent box of "TIZ" no.v from any dniircrist or department store. Fn 1 foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet anj happy. GOO LIGHT Means BETTER BCSTNES3 CHEEltFTL HOME8 BETTER HEALTI1 AND EYESIGHT Lei as wire yonr borne auad ba Call oar mod em Llgtttlnc Flx tarca and ElccUrlcai Install Hon U tbeso rrqulrrtnraU can be obtained. Stay we aerre Too? Electric, and gas supplies, elec tric light wiring, bell wiring, gaa piping, motora and dynamo. J. L. Vaughan 831 Main Street Phone 139 Turks on FJ Arlsli lload. PARIS. Nov. 30. A dispatch .from Alexandria to the Temps says Turkish, 'cavalry, accompanied by Bedouins.) bits been encountered on the El Arlsh ' road on. the Mediterranean sine or. the Sinai Fenlnsula, near the Pales tine frontier. No movement of regu lar Turkish troops has been noticed in that vicinity. IF you &re not a Bryan Democr&ct and still insist on Prohibition Drink, we carry Hills Bros. Blue Can, 2 and 3 pound cans. Hills Bros. Freemont Roast, 1 pound packages. J. X. & J. B. in 2 and S pound cans. 'Wadco." the King of them all In threes. Crescent 99, In 1 lb. packages. Also a full line of Crescent bulk Coffees and Teas. JOHN W. DYER, GROCERYMAN East Alta St. Thone 536 Tho Rcthanla Is Condemned. KINGSTON. Jamaica. Nov. 30. A prize court condemned the Hamburg-American ateatushlp Bethanla, which was brought In here by a Brit ish cruiser on September 10. The Bethanla, which la a vessel of 4S4 7 tons, sailed from Genoa for s.Mifh Amerlrnn norts on July IS. A ttrltish cruiser seized her off Port Royal, four miles from here and tow-j Nl 'her into port. It was said at the; time that she had 400 German r servbita on board. A I PACIOVS RAISED. PASSENGERS SAY NEW YORK, Nov. 30. Passengers arriving here on the steamer Lusl tnnln from Liverpool say the dread nought Audacious, reported sunk off the Irish const, has been raised and Is now in a Harland & Wolff drydock at Belfast, undergoing repairs. According to J. J. Spurgeon, one of the passengers, this report la current in Liverpool and la accepted as true, although the same secrecy Is main tained as to salvage operations as was the case regarding the sinking of the battleship and the attendant rescue of her men by the steamship Olympic. The report Is that the Audacious did not sink In the spot where she PLUMBING vs. PIPE SCREWING YOU can't pound good scientific plumbing in- to the head of any ordi nary day laborer in a day week or month. It takes years of study and practN cal application to the w ork to make a real plumber. We Employ Real Plumbers Only And no Job Is too lurge nor too small for us to do correctly. We call your attention to the large school, depot, lodging house and residence Jobs where we have done the plumbing work (Including steam heat ing plants without a kick or "come back." LOOK TO VOIR PMMMNG REM IRE FREEZING WEATHER And havo. It done righ by. BEDDOW 6 MILLER "Always Awallliiic Your Call." Thone 203. W. Court and Garden St. UMfllTUU JH Lit.ari8 wuhuiit fu.M or rnu.M. We sell It. C 3