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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1914)
PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, XOVKMPKR .10, 1014. ETOIIT PAGES in 'Id mm Quality merchandise at reasonable prices. New, Clean, Desirable goods, direct from the manufacturers first quality alwayr. A careful in' spection and comparison will convince you that (qual ity considered) our prices are always the best for you9 an 1 in addition to the best prices we giveyou T.P. W. Tiading Stamps which are in themselves a great saving on lifiTTS tWjgj ml 1 mi PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS NOW Tlif re arc only 20 more shopping days left till Christm. You have a lot of thine to Jo in that time. You can save time by (.hopping here, where stooks are newest and largest, where service is the best. M.J.B. Coffee Week Ending Saturday Night To introduce the New Style il. J. 15. cans, we are selling this week : The 1 pound can?, regular val ue -lo, this week 35 3 pound cans, regular value! Christmas Neckwear Now's the time to buy your Christmas neckwear, make your selection? early before every thing has been picked over. Choose- now before the rush be gins. You'll find here every style, and the greatest assort- 4 pouna cans, regular vame pf - j 1.2., this week 91.00 . F 0 5 ,H,und cans, rrinilar value n in Pendleton, -o?, o0 S2.00, thi week 91.50 $100, $2.50. T. P. V. ITKE FOOD SHOP Cleanlines,, Economy, Service. 3 Phones nil 1.". All other de partments 22. New 54 inch Duchess Highest quality finish, comes in black only, ."4 inches, satin duchess, for coats, dresses, etc. This is entirely new. The yard L 92.50 S1.50 Corsets 98c We have one special lot of corsets, made in free-hivltone model, with low bust and Ions: skirt, sizes 2.' to 23. Special price " 9S Turk Nit Towels The let Turkish towel for the money, 1Ss30 size, soft as silk. gixl for wash cloths as well as hand towels and bahv's bath. .... 15 each ; 2 for 23? Jack Tar Middies We have just received a ship ment of Jack Tar wool middies, in navy, scarlet, white and tan. spcciallv designed for school Silk Sox for Christmas Never have had such a fine stock of silk sox for the Christ mas trade. This season finds us with complete stocks of Shaw knit, Everwear and Phoenix silk sox, in all the new and wanted shades and black and white, 50, 91.00, 91.50 and 92.00. Wide Linen Sheeting Of best quality selected linen yarns. Round thread, shrunk to SO and 90 inches, for bed sheets, dresses, suits and fancv work. The yard 91.25 to $2 ALSO Linen pillow tubing to match altove sheeting in 45 in. only. Only a short time now in which to work these goods up for Christmas. The vard 91.23 to 91-50. S1.25 Outing Flannel Gowns 98c We have arranged one speci al lot of outing flannel night gowns, made of pink and blue striped outing, sizes lo to 17. Special 9$ 31-50 Lingerie Waists 98c Lingerie waists SOCIAL NEWS SHOULD BE PHONED' BY 10 A. M. EACH DAY in.liln with wear and gymnasium work, all low neck and lone sleeves fin co c Pric- iJ? from jishod with cuff 'of .organdie ?o. J to !fo.OU. I embroidered voile. Spec 9S PREMIUM I The Peoples Uareliouse Where It Pays to Tu?e. Save Your T. P. VV. Trading Stamps COUPON S Miss Gertrude Holmes of Portland returned home on the early morning train after visiting four days as tne guest of Mrs. James Johns, Jr. Mrs. Q. M. Leser, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs Merle R. Chessman, for two months, left at noon today for Cali fornia to Join her husband. She will be accompanied as far as Portland by her mother. Mrs. William Ulakely. who will spend the winter In the me tropolis. Mr. Blakely will Join her In a week. Mrs. George E. Perlnger and Miss Muriel Terlnger arrived home this morning from Portland where they visited several days Carl Perlnger ar- lved home Saturday. The entertainment and basket so cial given by the teacher and pupils of the White school, District 43, last Wednesday evening was a most de cided success. A total of forty-seven dollars was netted from the sale of baskets. The program was every enjoyable and reflected credit upon the teacher, Miss Giles. In honor of Mrs. William M. Blake. 1v and Mrs. Marv Moulo. both of ' whom are leaving for Portland this i wee'.c to spend the winter, Mrs. Frank . E. Hoyden entertained Informally ' Saturday afternoon at her home on ; Lewis street. Home Hints and Recipes 1 ' Of Interest to Women. In Garfield, the women are mem bers of the Commercial club and have proven of great assistance In the civic betterment of the town. Try using scissors in the kitchen cutting bacon rind, poultry wings, ftali fins, meat fof soups, stews, etc., dough for noodles and dumplings, trimming the edge of the pie, for shredding lettuce, cutting fruits and nuts for salads, and for a multitude of things. A small portable table to be used STOVE LEAGUE IS NOW ORGANIZED IRK WINTF.Il GAM'KSTEUS NOW I1AVH TUB WIIOI.K I'lKM) TO THKMSKIAKS (Dy Hal Sheridan, Written for the United PreKa.) NEW YORK, Nov. 80. Open sea son with no restrictions was formally declared on today, by 67.893 bone fide members of the Stove League of the In the kitchen for taking things to United States and continuous portions and from the dining room, and to' of Canada. Baseball was smothered I the pantry will be found of great! weeks ago by Emperor FootbaH. The service. This can be made from an Emperor, himself died his annual old kitchen table; add a narrow ledgo natual death on Saturday at the around It to keep things from slip- close of the army-navy battle. With ping off, and strong castors. A shelf under neath will give added room. ill I 1 The Importance of reserre strength and pur blood at this Borled mum U Tor llratd mm& Nature's MX eurfakmontla Stelt'l SmmUtmn inuwrti llwl otroartb thai oarickot k blood, otroBftboM Ike bonot asj larifontos tb wboU tjrettn. Phytlctmn twrywAore mmtribm It. It U frw from Alcohol or Opimttt. 14-1 Second Fatality JYom Itat-o Course. SAVANNAH, Cia., Nov. 80. Z. D. Kelley, of Savannah, one of the partic ipants In the 300-mlle motorcycle race over tho grand prize racecourso here died from Injuries received when his machine struck a tree. This wan the second fatality. Gray Sloop, of Moorcsvllle, N. C, was Instantly kill--ed during the race. This should also have a ledge around It The kitchen Is the workshop of the home and should be as fully equipped as Is any other workshlp. Utah is the first state to require by law the holding of Institutes for farm women. these two major sports down and out until next year, there Is more food for the Stove Leaguers to mull ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Pendleton Has to Iknr to the Inevit able Score of ClUxmi Prove It After reading the public statement of this representative cltlien of Pen dleton given below, you must coma to this conclusion: A remedy which proved so beneficial years ago with the kidneys, can naturally be expect- PAROLED AND GIVEN NEW CHANCE IN Lire BAKER, Ore., Nov. 27. Penitent and declaring that he will never wan der from the straight and narrow path again, H. H. Kilgore, recently manager of a branch packing house here. Is starting out anew with frlenJs on all sides declaring their belief In his trustworthiness, despite his con viction of embezzlement Kilgore, a youth of 28. was Indicted and arraign, ed, pleaded guilty was sentenced to serve a term of from ope to ten years and paroled, all within five minutes. He was Indicted for embezzling $65 from the packing company. S. OFFICER DISABLES YACHT BOUGHT FOR WAR NEW YORK, Nov. 30. An Ensign from the United states torpedo boat Cummlngs was sent aboard the steam yacht Winchester, recently reported to have been purchased by one of the belligerent powers of Europe as a tender for naval vessels, with orders tc doable her machinery. Torpedo boats and a revenue cutter have kept close watch on the Win chester since Tier purchase for war l purposes was lepnrted some weeks Uko. All last nUht a searchlight was The young man's father. J. W. j played upon the yacht by one of the Kilgore, of Centralia, Wash., appear ed to plead for his son .and he was supported by a long petition from Centralia and letters from many prominent Centralia citizens, all ex preslng their faith in Kllpore's trust worthiness and declaring their con viction that he was a victim of cir cumstances. Circuit Judge Ander son paroled Kilgore, who will go to Centralia to seek a fresh start. His parole requires that he repay the money emberzled. torpedo boats which have been en gaged since the beginning of the war in preserving the neutrality of thU Port. IX)CAL DRUGGIST SAYS: TAKE ONLY ONE DOSE" We want to tell those In Pendleton suffering from stomach or bowel trouble that we are agents for the fimple mixture of buckthorn bark, irlyrcrlne. etc.. known as Adler-l-ka, the remedy which became famous by curln appendicitis. This Is the most thorough bowel cleanser known and JUST ONE DOSE relieves sour stom ach gas on the stomach and consti pation almost IMMEDIATELY. You will be surprised at the QUICK ac tion of Afller-i-ka. Tallman & Co. Adv. Autos Collide, 8 Hurt GRAND VIEW, Ore., Nov, SO. ErgTit persons were cut and bruised severely In a head-on collision be tween automobiles driven by Ed Bab cock and Cy Wood, on the Grandview Pressor road. Responsibility for the accident has not been fixed. Wood sustained the severert Injur ies but escaped without broken bones. Those with Wood were William Jally. Lee Orth and Rudolph Wood, of Grandview. All were cut and bruised. With I'abcock were Arlie Hayes, of this city and two young women from Prosser. They were all thrown out and one of the girls had an ankle sprained. Eoth cars were damaged badly. Remurkaliic Cure of Croup "Last winter when my little boy had croup I got him a bottle of Cham berlain's Court Remedy. I honestly believe It saved his life," writes Mrs. J. B. Cook, Indiana, Pa. "It cut tne phlegm and relieved h:s coughing I were taken ln tramcars to a temnle spells. I am most grateful for what where they were Interned. Crowds this remedy hs done for hlm." For wno watched them gave no evidence sale by all dealers. Adv. . I 0f hostility. Gemian Captives at ToUlo. TOKIO, Nov. 30. Three hundred and fifty German prisoners from Tsing Tao arrived here. Two Japanese women presented a chrysanthemum to each, greeting each of the prls oners in German. The prisoners were touched by the greeting. They were taken from the train In the suburbs to avoid Incidents, und i Frank Dickson has host last Frl i day evening to a number of young I high school students at a dancing 1 party at his home on the south hill. I Miss Helen Raymond spent the ' weekend with friends In Walla Wal ! la. I Mrs. G. M. Rice Is entertaining the i ladles of the South Hill Bridge club i this afternoon. The Duplicate Whist Club Is mee't , Ing this afternoon with Mrs. Richard j Mayberry. Quite a number of people gather : ed In the library rooms yesterday aft- ernoon to listen to the Vlctrola con ; cert. Mrs. Harry Medern.irh ami little j daughter have returned to their , home ln Portland to remain until Mr. ! Medernach succeeds ln finding a tle i slrable residence here. Mr. Meder I nach will Join them tonight for a few j days. j Mrs. Frank Pease of Logan, Mon- I tana, arrlvd this morning to spend the winter with her sister. Mrs. Roy Eeagles. , At the home of Mrs. L. F. Lamp kin, 212 East High street, on Satur day evening the ladles of the Baptist church gave a farewell party for the Misses Hattie and Clara Hall who are to leave soon for Eermlston to make their home About thirty ladles were present and a most enjoyable evening was spent with music, games and re freshments. Miss Ethel Smith spent Sunday In Pasco with friends, returning this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webster left yes terday for Racon, Washington, to make their home. Try This for Your Cugh. Thousands of people keep coughing j because unable to get the right rem edy. Coughs are caused by Inflam mation of throat and bronchial tubes. What you need Is to soothe this In flammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. It penetrates the delicate ' mucous lining, raises the phlegm and quickly relieves the congested mem branes. Get a 60c bottle from your druggist. "Dr. King's New Discovery quickly and completely stopped mj cough," writes J. R. Watts. Floydale, Texas. Money back If not satisfied, but It nearly always helps. Adv. over during the 1914-15 lull than ever ed to perform the same work In slm- has been for some time. As a charter member of the Win ter Galifestera' League we propose the following as the most desirable and absolutely unimportant subjects that could be mulled over by any two or more fans, seated at the stoveslde: Will the Feds go to the wall before August 1. 1915. Who will manage the Hopeless Yanks? Will the Braves be able to repeat? Will Ty Cobb be able to curb his hatred toward butch ers? How much longer will Christy ,ei. Mathcwson last? And so on ad In finitum and etcetera, not to mention the physical combats that might re sult from Boston and Philadelphia fans discussing the respective chances of Red Sox and Athletics for next year. I If any of the football standpatters tell you that the new game Is not what's wanted, or that It hasn't come to stay, Just let tho following vibrate against their tympanic membranes: t been printed ln German newspapers. Is preparing his report for presenta tion to the German authorities. Mr. Anderson says the only criti cism he found on the present condi tions was based on the lack of heat. The prisoners now are living In tents but shortly will move Into huts and stables, where the conditions will be almost Identical with those at the racetrack ln Germary. The com mandand and the prisoners at New bury camp are on good terms, Mr. Anderson said, and the food Is ade quate. liar cases. Read this: Mrs. William McGregor, 711 Lll ltth St., Pendleton, Ore., says: I was troubled more or less all my life by weakness of the kidneys. My hands and feet swelled and sometimes my whole body bloated. A steady rain In the imall of my back annoy ed me when doing my work and it was hard for me to straighten after stooping. When I did stoop, sharp, twinges shot through my back and Dizzy spells and headaches wero common and I couldn't rest well. In the morning I felt all tired out It would be hard to describe the misery I went through. I tried a great many remedies and spent a great deal of money for doctors' treatment, but got no relief. Finally, I saw Doan'a Kidney Pills advertised and the first box helped me. Contin ued unse of Doan's Kidney Pills cur ed the aches and pains ln my back and regulated the action of my kid neys. I am now In good health. I am glad to confirm all I have said about Doan's Kidney nils when I en dorsed them before." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply nsk for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. McGregor had." Foster-Milbarn Co.. Props, Buffalo, N. Y. lYI4nern Proxr!y Fwl. More colleges adopted and piayej LONDON. Nov. 30. Chandler P. the open game In 1914 than In any Anderson, a special representative of. ether season In the history of the tho United States department, who gridiron sport. During this same Inst Inspected the German detention season there were fewer Injuries than cump at the Newbury racetrack, con-1 occurred In any other season. In no cernlng which many complaints have! big or near big college dash have there occurred Injuries which have proved fatal to a plnyer. Inurles that have been sustained In the game be-' tween regularly organized. regularlv) . coached college and school teams r:..r:l:llr:orl:,n5 EASY TO DARKEN rfin b .. fatilltv has been reported. Lndouot edlv there have been a few serious In juries amonir the corner-lot knights of the pigskin, but these can hardly be counted In the taking of testimony YOU CAN BRING BACK COLOR or the final summing up of the law- AND LUSTRE WITH SAGE yers for the prosecution of Old Man AND SULPHUR. Football. .1 YOUR GRAY HAIR Dofiondency Due to Iiulljrrstlon. It Is not at all surprising that per sons who have Indigestion become dis couraged and despondent. Here are a few words of hope and cheer for them by Mrs. Blanche Bowers. Indi ana, Pa. "For years my digeMon ! was so poor that I could only eat the lightest foods. I tried everything that I heard of to get relief, but not until about a year ago wnen I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised and ' got a bottle of them, did I find the right treatment I soon began to Improve, and since taking a few bot I ties of them my digestion Is fine." For sale by all dealers. Adv. It Really Des Relieve Rheumatism. Everybody who Is afflicted with rheumatism In any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Liniment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness In a Joint or muscle, bathe It with Sloan's Lini ment. Do not rug it. Sloan's pene trates almost Immediately right Murrlages Come (Jnlckiy. ALBANY, Ore.. Nov. 30 Officiat ing at four weddings in five hours and a half. Rev. D. H. Leech, pas tor of the First Methodist church of Albany, was busy Wednesday. At 1 o'clock he married Ieslle Mel- 10 nert, of Albany, and Ella Maud Rail When you darken your hair with The football season Just closing, by Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can the way. developed as grand a bit of tell, because it's done so naturally, so manlv sportsmanship as has ever been seen. To Fordham University goes the palm for Its courageous gen-: rroslty In voting to grant Vermont University a victory by a 7 to S score because there was some discussion regarding the kicking of a goal. The umpire allowed the goal, but referee voted differently. Fordham athletes evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home Is mussy and trou blesome. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonic called "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound." You Just damped a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, takmg one small strand at a time. Br morn- voted Vermont the game "rather thnn in- .,i er.v h.i di,nn.r on .ft. have a visiting team suffer through, ef anotner application or two, your" difference cials.' .of opinion .among offl- the scat Of pain, relieving the hot, snider, of Tangent. Next he perform tender, swoolen feeling and making ej the ceremony which united Uw the part easy and comfortable. Get rence E. Eagy, of Albany and Delia a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 Anna McNeil, of Halscy, at 3 o'clock, cents or any druggist and have It ln t 6 o'clock he officiated at the mar the house against colds, sore and tiage of Alvln Lloyd Carnegie and swollen Joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, viva Dell Archibald, both of Albany, sciatica and like ailments. Your nn(j half an hour later he married money back If not satisfied, but It Joseph E. Warner and Sarah Agnes does give almost Instant relief. Adv. Thompson, both of Albany. FRENCH BATTERY IN THE FIELD READY FOR ACTION ARGKNTIXA INVITES YANKI E DRUMMERS HUENCW AYRES. Nov. 30 The N;nlon. referring to the presence of 1'r. Romula S. Naon, the ambassador of the Argentine Republic, in Phila delphia, November 14. and his dis cussion of trade matters, urjies the Industries of the United States to take advantage of the present circumstanc es and develop business relations with Argentina. It anys American business men should send traveling men to Argen tina to show their wares and give 1 uhlli-ity to their intentions. m j . m !.''-; jywy.?' mw!fr rwx.:ii un m j m m n i mw,.,,m. v ... ... , u mm . , ,m ,m, .. , ....... - t , , Cleanliness Is the first law of heiillh, Inside us well as outside. Let UolliKter's Ri.eky Mountain Tea be , .ur lhl. i leuniii r. then your or-1 Fans will' be pure and clean, yoor 1 . iilih Kid your system right. Start i V nil I t Tiillni in A Co. Adv. i Budapest Is Exports-nt. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. "Inter esting evenuts are sure to happen In this city within 60 days." writes Dr. Charles MacDonald, In charge of the American Red Cross unit at Buda pest, In a letter received by Red Cross officials here. In case of an Invasion of Budapest, Dr. MacDonnld says, additional funds will be necessary for relief work. hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant You will also discover dandruff Is gone and hair has stopped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace. Is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and look, years younger. Tlio Inward Efforts of humors are worse than the outward. They en danger the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparllla eradicates all humors, cures all their Inward and outward j effects. It Is the great alterative and tonic, whose merit has been every where established. Adv. r ' j.ifr - . . -;:- csii '" it 3 "A i 1 YJf ? Vrlt DulfUn Castle- to Bo Hospital. DUBLIN, Nov. 30 It Is under stood . that King George has approv ed the proposol to utilize Dublin cas tle as an emergency hospital for the wounded soldiers. It Is planned to have the hospital ready within three weeks to accommodate 400 patients If & y. CASTOR I A Tor Infant! and Children. TbB Kind You Hare Always Bough! Signature of Camera Supplies Everything- for the Asaatetw AGENTS rOR ANSGO CAMERAS AfiSCO CHEEIICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed and printed on Cyko paper "There' a Difference" Tallman & Go. Leading Drugglitf i ttm iWMiii i i ii Ask for "CENTURY EDITION" Sheet Music Standard nnd clantical, foreign and American Componerii; finest tion pulishcd. All Rrnclrt: for tenchinB, drawing-room or conceit. Uvea and recommended in leading Schixilt and Conncrvmurlva, 10c a Copy RegardUtt of Publithcrm' Pricrt Gct"Century,,Ctalog of 2,000 selections. We carry the line. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE, peonrdeloe0t5n HOODIES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES GOEY'S KWONG HNG LOW W 1 16 Weil Alta St., Upstaln, Phone 433