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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1914)
EIGHT TAGES DAILY EAST OKEflONIAy, PENTTLETON, OREGON. SATI'KPA OCTOBER 31, 1014. PAGE THREE 3 fl 11 r 3 5-3 E. i si s .3 I! E 3 r3 E 3 S3 I! .3 fiov the Dental Trust Protects the "Dear People" mi p a 3 C-3 II Err5 -3 : 3 3 t.3 A certain kind of crown for teeth costs the people of Oregon from $12.50 to $22.00 each. This crown costs the dentist 1 67c. Before the trust existed in Oregon, the price for cleaning teeth was 51,00 Now the Trustites have raised the pnce to 53.00 and up Trust prices may be all right for the j wealthy, but how can the average Ameri- p can family afford dentistry at these prices) jj Isn't it about time that more dentists are B jj permitted to cope to Oregon and bring m H down the cost of dentistry by free competition U Vote Yes X 340 and Bust the Dental Trust. If 1 PAINLESS PARKER I I DENTIST jj Sixth and Washington Street j H Portland, Oregon t mum TMl tUMCIlH HIND CIGARETTES A Highly Original Quality Jfifldt lJ(jftauo Cat 206cl5'. LOGGING ('AMI'S AT WORK AM) MIIJ.S OI'KX SOOV OU URGED 10 ciinm DUCK TO SENATE LA FOIiLKITE BAYS KKXATOR ABLE, HONEST AND IXDE-PENDENT. WASHINGTON', Oct 31. Senator La Follette left for Wisconsin after expressing hope that Senator Cham berlain will be reelected from Oregon. The coming number of La Follette'i magazine will carry an editorial ex pressing regret that a majority of the reuuhlleans In congreKS are reaction ary, urging voters to exercise fearless political action and advocating the election of Senator Chamberlain in Oregon. "At no time In half a century ha there been such urgent demand for fearless political Independence." Bays the editorial. "In Oregon Senator Chamberlain is candidate for reelec tion. H in opponent 1h the head of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company. Booth Ti u functionary of the hard shell Local Playhouses What the Prew Agent to Hay of Prwuent and Oomtof Attraction. Kill! (Tald Adv., E. II. Tarkcr.) iiuiniiiHiiiiiniiiHiBiniiiiiiniUMiiiioiiiiiiiinnininiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiii ( E.NTRALIA, Wash.. Oct. 2. The measure which wouia maxe U logging camp, of the Eastern Ba,l- .of Oregon to way Lumber Company and the own KOWnmnL Like Lincoln Creek Lumber company have tanapatteri he believes that gov- reopened and the two mill, will , . for ,he b,neflt sume operation soon. The Lincoln and particularly for the Creek mill located four mile west of bu.lnej,s. Tns cmZen Is tentralla will start work next Mon-, much contMquenre a Booth day. and the Eastern In two or three g ) exceptlnK as he counts in a weeks. property way. Should Booth come to J the senate, monopoly, and espeel- Suit Illwl Agoing Bank, i ally the lumber trujt. would score one. nrnpni'na Or.. Opt. ?9. SulU ,.r.. v. l'nitfA states senate does amounting to more than $6000 have not n(.e(j any more senators of that t ,iu.i - I - fl ,-.. Vo(nnol . . . . . .1.. ..,,- ff.r Via Tt. urni luru UK'Uliov nov iaivni- Orantl. 11 IS VBW uemi '- Bank of this city by II. P. Marks and publican party to have a vacant chair William Carlon to recover money (,n J(s ,,1 f the chamber than to which they allege they deposited In have another occupied by a standpat the bank, but It 1. claimed was Illeg-; Mnator. ally taken out by T. It. Sheridan, a( ..Every vote cast on issues between former president of the bank, with-, corporate interests and the public ln out authority. Sheridan Is under In- tereHt by a gtandpat republican sen dl tment In both the local and the ln tne coffin of'repuB- federat courts. Iiioftn hone for 1916. The fewer of thene votes the better. Eliminate them altogether and the record of the republican party will be a progressive record which will bring the party of Lincoln back to power in the public service, 00 YOU SUFFER FROM BACKACHE? When yoyr kidneys are weak and torpid tl.eydo not properly perforin tin ir fuiu'tiiiiis; your back aeliia and you do not feel like (loin? much of oiiythii'?. You are likely to lio dcFptiidfi-.t and to borrow trouble, jn. t n if you hntVt enough al ren.'.y, lon't be a victim any longer. The old reliable medi ine, IIocul's Sar.siparilla, pives strcnuth and tone to the kidneys ami builds up the whole system. Get it today. "PrrirriRKive republicans of Oregon will far better attest their devotion to principles of real representative gov ernment by voting for Senator Oeorge E. Chamberlain than by voting for standpatter Booth. "George Chamberlain is able, hon est, fearless. Independent, he wears no hobble, and takes orders from no body. He is a conspicuous figure In that clean, strong group of progres sive democratic senators whose num bers are steadily growing" JUSTICE W. M. RAMSEY, Candidate for Re-election Orpl-u"v Saturday Only. "For the Secret Service." Two part lift drama. Itobert Lonard one of the most popular actora of the I'nlverdAt mm nun v (a seen in the role of Bryee Carlton, the young Inventor. It Is a part that demand. Just .ucn a vigorous nhvlrni as he nonsenses. Mis. Ella play, opposite as Constance Chambers of the U. S. Becret Service. She Is plguant, dashing and unafraid. In the rescue she make, of the young Inventor hep lover, and the wold au tomobile pursuit following, we have one of the most thrilling series of scenes were conceived for the screen. "Elsie's Uncle," Victor, two reel comely drama. Elsie'a tincle end her to a girls' seminary and he ts the terror of the school. She is !n love with Jack, a student at the Uni versity. She had a midnight taffy party ln her room and invites Jack. J While he Is climbing up the ladder; Bob, his rival, knock. It down ana iha irlrin rescue him and pull him ln through the window. Their escapade is dlsrovere.1 and her uncle sent ror The excitement caused finally ends with uncle In Jail and Elate and Jack eloping. Orplieimi Sunday and MnIar. "Stalemate." The seventh two reel Installment of the "Trey O' Hearts." Cleo Madison's double im personation Is proving very strong. Judith and Marrophat take Koe to the Trine home In New York where she bi locked In a room one hundred feet above the street. Marrophat tries to make love to Judith hut she re pulses him and he determines to have vengeance. Alan arrives ln New York and goes to a hotel where he Is followed by "Bed" an accomplice of Trlne's. Alan thinks he Is unob served and climbs up Into an unfin ished house across from Bow's room and by means of a flashlight and the Morse code, sends a mewage for her to be ready at six In the morning " - j and goes to Rose's room and point ing a gun at her forces her to sud mit to a deal of cards to decide which shall drink poison. Judith draws the fatal card and Bose faint. Judith dresses In her clothes and Alan swings to the window by means of an Iron crane from the building opposite and plrlts up Judith, believing her to be Bose. Marrophat discovers them and realizing they are on their way to get married rushes after them. "The Little Automobile." Joker comedy.. When hubby refuse, to buy a larger automobile, wjfle starts trou ble. It Is a thrilling, laughable ex perience and matters are brought to a happy ending. "The Foreman's Treachery." Nes tor. A splendid drama that will please. WEEK END Shoe Specials Remember every Wednesday of each week is known as our WEEK END Clean up day on Ladies. Misses and Children's SHOES These Shoes are short lines and odds and ends which we do not care to carry over. Nearly all this fall's styles. We will have just 63 pairs for next Wednesday only. They come in Pat- "l ent, Gunmetal, Nubucks and Tans. Shoes sell regular to $5.00, next Wednesday only we will sell these shqesfors$2.45 The Alexander Dept. Sf ore Pendleton's Biggest and Beet Department Store. IasUm Sunday Only. Favorite player, appearing are Al len Dale, Isabel Bea, Buth Stone house. Gerda Holmes, Bryant Wash burn and Mae Hotley. The feature Is "Martin Chuzzlewit," Biograph In two pars from the novel by Charles Dickens. "Mother O'Dreams" Is an Essanay drama with all-star cast. "Such a Mess" and "Only Skin Deep." are two laughable Lubtn comedies. 3 E JuJgo Ramsey 13 a Democratic candidate for re-election as Justice of the Supreme Court. The son of pioneer parents, practically his wliolo life has been Epcnt in this state. lor forty years he has been n well-known lawyer with an extensive practice throughout the valley counties and in various counties of eastern Orcpon, where he has resided a . portion of the time. Self-educated, he was elected County Judge of Yamhill County at the age of twenty-three years, and served a full term. 1 In 1S98 ho was the candidate of the Demoerctic, Topulist and Free Silver Republican par ties for Justice of the Supreme Court, and while he was beaten by his present colleague, Justico Moore, he ran far ahead of his party vote. In 1913 he was appointed Justice of the Supremo Court by Governor West, receiving the un animous endorsement of the then Supreme. Court of the State, as well as the two United States Judges at Portland. His appointment was generally satisfactory to the bar of tho State. Judge Ramsey is the only Democrat occupying a place on the Supreme bench of Oregon. It does not seem entirely fair that tho whole Supremo Court of tho States should bo of one political faith. Every voter is entitled to vote for four candidates for Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Ramsey's nanio will be upon tho official ballot as nominated by the Democratic and Prohibition parties. We urgo that you make him one of the four for whom you vote. DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTE, By B. E. HMiey, Chairman (Tald Advertisement) rastlnic -IHday-Raturday. Alice Joyce, Mary Plckford, Harry Millarde, Jere Austin. William Stov all and Edwin Wallock are the favor ite players appearing in our pictures today. The Viper," Kalem, two reel mas terpiece, featuring Alice Joyce and Henry Millarde It makes an interest ing and likable Dlcture that depends one Its story rather than on austere character drawing or sterling human ity, but has In it. mean, thorough-going, villain a tower of strength when it is considered as an offering on the screen. "The Rajah's Vacation." A Selig one reel picture written by Harold MaeGrath. "The Smoker," a Blograph one reel comedy featuring Mary Plckford. "Heart Sellg News Pictorial." C'oy Tonlsht. The Milos, controtlonlts, toe danc ers and Impersonators. A dandy act Brandln & Lawrence In a laughable comedy sketch travesty. Two reel western comedy "Shorty & Sherlock Holmes." a laughable story of a cowboy detective. Keystone comedv, "The Love Thief." one of this company's funniest offerings. "Our Mutual Girl." Series 38. Sunday Matinee and night. The One-Armed Duo, in one of the best novelty musical acts In vaudeville. These one-armed men rlay various kinds of musical Instruments ln a way that seems almost marve'ous. "A Flight for a Fortune." Two ri Valostle. Another of the Ma jesties aeroplane thrillers In which fhr nr some sensational stunts with airships. "Stronir Heart but Weak Knees Kevstone. Another bunch of Key stone fun of the laUchlng kind. "The Face at the Window." Prln rpss An exciting storv In which i young club man proves himself a he ro. A WOMAN'S TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE! The Way a Nation Treats Its Worn- A country's civilization or barbar ism can be told by the way it treats women. This is the test of Us stand ing among the nations of the world. Husbands should treat their wives with the greatest consideration for the wife Is often weighted down by a crushing burden of weakness, dizzi ness or dispalr. I Thousands upon thousands of. mothers, wives and daughters in every section of this great country, whOj have regained health, vigor and cheerful disposition after months of Delay Costs Balie's IJfP. MARSHF1ELD. Ore.. Oct. 29 Confusion through fear of red tape In the coroner's office was responsible 'or the failure to resucltate little Ber tha Freeland. of North Bend. The 4-year-old child fell into the bi.v and was discovered among .og by a fisherman, who went half mile to tell of the girl's rllght I ulmotor and every means of revlv ing drowning persons were used later t ut the child did not respond. Th fisherman said he understood noVdv v is allowed to touch a body until the coroner had examined It. HERMISTOH PARTY IS ENJOYING mrrvi huh o nun T IKHiATIOX TOWN HAS "CLKAX- IP" DAY AXD EVEKYBODY HF-LTS. misery and even despair, are the ones. who truly appreciate the marvelous restoraive power of. Dr. Tierce's Fa vorite Prescription. Everv woman who ha reason to believe that backache, headache, un-' natural pains, low spirits, sleepless, nights. Irregularities or a catarrhal condition Is caused by a derangement j of the womanly functions, owes it to herself and dear ones to speedily overcome the trouble before a gener al breakdown causes permanent pros tration. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la a remedy that any ailing woman can safely take because It Is prepar ed from roots and herbs, containing tonic properties of the most pro nounced character. It Is not a secret remedy because Its ingredients are printed on wrapper, j Get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion today, either In liquid or tablet form, at any dealer ln medicines, Ifj you want to better your physical. con-; ditlon surely and speedily. Every ln- gredlent In "Favorite Prescription" Is printed along with the directions. If' you want a specialist ln women's dis eases to diagnose your ense, consult Dr. Pierce by letter, correspondence j private and confidential, address Doc tor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. I X. Y. (Special Correspondence.) HEKMISTOX, Ore., Oct. 31. A hunting party composed of John Wil son, Harry Glese, W. T. Roberts and Henry Hitt are spending the week camping ln the wheat fields near Holdman. Mrs. B. G. Monkman, who has been visiting relatives ln Michigan, re turned home Friday on Xo. 17. John A. Roberts left. Tuesday for Spokane where he will spend several days with his parents. Mrs. George Brlggs Is the guest of Mrs. C. K. Bland, ln Portland. O. W. La Barr and family of Tort land arrived this week to make their home on the Lee Irvln ranch north of town which they recently purchas ed R. Alexander of Pendleton, spent the first part of the week with his daughter. Mrs. E. P. Dodd. Many Hermlstonlnns motored to Ptanfleld Thursday evening to attend the dance given by the Catholic la dles of that city. A hayrack and many carriages also conveyed par ties. Among those attending were Mr and Mrs. C. W. Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Straw. Mr. and Mrs F. C. McKenzle, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Ghent, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strohm, Mr. and Mrs. J D. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phay, Misses Bessie McPhorson. Blanche ChambirUIn, Mabel McKIroy. Maude Pliolps. Agnes Sonesnn. IVrth.i Tl shon, Gulnvlts and Virginia Todd. Mrs Laura Hoadlnton, Mrs. J. T. Hinkle. Mrs. Frank Ralph, Mrs. O. G. Sprague, Mrs. Pauswalk, Messrs. Dale HInkle, James Ralph. Dr. Camp bell, Dr. Illaley J. W. Campbell, P. M. Gulnvlts. Alfred Groom, Clarence Carson and O. G. Sapper. Miss Doris Swayxe entertained a number of young ladies at her home on Gladys avenue. Thursday after noon with a hallowe'en party. Mrs. George Rayh'.ll Is ln Pendleton with friends this week. Misses Alice Taylor. Clara Eryaant, Ethel Rogers, Harriet Harris and Golda Mum ma are among the Her miston teachers In Pendleton this week attending Institute. Friday having been set aside as cleanup day for Hermiston, by the civic club, the town had the appear ance of a bee hive working on a sum mer day. The town was divided Into districts, each district being In charge of on of the clean-np committee. Mrs. H. G. Newport had charge of the business section, Mrs. J. T. HInkle the west side, Mrs H. M. Straw the school house district, including Gladys avenue. Mrs. J. K. Shotwell east Main street and Mrs. E. T. Erlksen. Highland avenue. Does Your Scalp Itch And Hair Fall Out Dandruff and Eczema? CuticuraSoap and Ointment Promote hair-growing con ditions when all else fails. 1 Samples Free by Mail Cntlcurm Sun mnA rv,n . i j . . SI JyT """K ch malted rrt. ltk v-uMCTu,- Mpi int. noma. Try a box'of that Embassy Lawn Linen 48 Sheets 48 Envelopes AH for 25c at Koep'pen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best