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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1914)
DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION Forecast for Eastern Oregon, by the United Stair Weather Dimmer at Port la ml. TO ADVERTISERS. Th Rait OrffonUn has the largeat paid circulation of an paper In Oregon, caat of Portland and orcr twlra tut circulation la I'endlfion of any other oawapaper. , Fair tonight and Thursday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL 20 DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1914. NO. 8321 THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS HOW RHEIMS CATHEDRAL WAS DAMAGED BY GERMAN SHELLS RMS MEAT EM 1 F HWKHE Women Outraged, Homes Burned, Young Men and Old Are Put to Death Declares Correspondent. STORIES OF CRUELTY TOLO liattlcflclds Dad Enough, but Whole Countryside la One Vast Plain of Desolation Rapine and Murder bulk in Wuko of CoHHacli, Smart tntf Under Defeat by Germans. (Uy Karl Von Wlegand.) KONIGSCERO, East Prussia. Oct. IS. (Hy wireless to Berlin thence by wireless via Suyvllle) Tho exar'a Cossacks have left a bleeding trail of woe nnd desoluatlon ucrosa. the fertile fleldi of taut Prussia an they were swept' backward Into their own coun try, smarting under the defeat suffer. e ' at the hanJ.i of the Germans. 1 reached here after a 600 tulle au tomobile trip through thU area, fol lowing the patha of bloated Jlves and of tortured men, women and children; of devaluated homea such a U It al most Impossible to believe. My Journey waa made by virtue of a special- permit Issued by the Ger man general ataff. The battlefield of Tannonberg and Nledenburg were bad enough but the countrywide told the moot appalling stories of rapine, murder and Inhuman cruelty. "( Around Nledenburg, the husslans satisfied their lust by violation of scores of defenseless peasant women. The cuiintry thcreabouta waa ravaged terribly. The exar'a retreating troopa took full revenxe for their defeat on the women. Catholic sisters and young girl bore cruelties worse than the torture of the battlefield And then were left dying aa the Muscovite hordes pnraeVl on. Tho Russians killed every male of military age Uiey encountered. The country wna stripped of men between the ogea of 14 and 45 years old. Old er men, too, who protested were slaughtered. The Russian Investment of Konlgs berg Wiis accompanied by the same riot of lust as occurred at Nleden burg. At Abo hwagon, 10 miles from here, E7 nu n and women were shot. Includ ing eight boyg between the ages of' 14 and 19 years. I heard stories from some of the wltncsMA of this Inferno of blood. The material devastation alone ts es timated at from a quarter to halt a million dollars. Advance of Germans is Reported to be Going on Steadily Toward Coast Battle Believed Near. ALLIES ARE MASSING TROOPS Censorship IrevenU Rference u Ap proximate Location of field Chosen or Rodotance to Genua no Allies, However, Already Have Prepared lieliiiieiitt. WW""" W w 3 A nil I ' IW'WHM m 'li Kl ' 'rV.lH ; l.'HW;, I German it V ---w...-.l . i r" a' i'i i L . .... .Li.' : : ?. A 'l ? I i ' . blcyeiif ta lr & ' mrd tUh&& ! I news summary r fHv ,n; .vr4 l- L' P-.. I 4 .' ?. J":-.' 1. :; ' i "5 ' 1 1.-1 ' . W v'i:.' vMi Z1 . U Kuvians leae trail of Mood and y k v - n ' i t i V ' " - J- A ' V - g , i" eastern war aoiic. II UlekiUi ;-Vj"W', ' :Vyfe t; - ,;;V'4'-lL .VdminiMra..,,, m,h.s arinS to a . ; . i f ..''f- . ' iVf.'J,V, . i Tiwr limit or Arizona to keep f. " ' . ' f1.- bmJ'kii ! militia away from Mexlran" lxrder. "J f IIBELIIOINOIGW r w POSITION; GERMANS MOVING IN Dl'.VKinK, France, Oct. 14 The advance toward the straits of continued today. kalner's cavalry and military have been KiKhted lef-a than " ''re masking to resist the coa-stward rM-srezr- ' movement. i . "M Everything Indicates today a speedy enormous scale. The censorship prevents any ref erence even to the approximate lo cation of the battleground chosen by the allies but It has been learned that the allies have already prepared their entrenchments. As the country Is flat and coverless it was believed that when the battle starts, both sides will lose enormously, Kim TO BOTTLE UP FORCE Franco-British Troops Stretch Along Channel in Extreme ly Exposed Country While Kaiser's Soldiers Advance West and South-Only Thing for Allies to do Seems to be to Slip Southward if They Can and Find Suitable Place to Give Battle. ATTACK ON THE GERMAN CENT-R IS SAID TO HAVE STARTED Resumption of Fighting Reported From Paris-Kaiser's Line Rumored to be Weakening as Result of Sending Troops Northward-Portugal May Already Have Declar ed War Against Germany But Dispatch to lhis Effect is Not Verified. . ADMINISTRATION GALLS ON HUNT TO KEEP MILITIA AWAY I siixnivc; or guard to Mexican BORDER MIGHT RESULT IX A WAR. LOXDOX, Oct. II The story Uiat INjrtugaJ had declared war against Germany was denied In di!au'iie froro Madrid. It wavt said, however, that Portugal U preparing to place all It force at the di.-HaI of Great Ilrltaln PARIS, Oct; 14. That the Hermans j had the extreme left of the allies In WASHINGTON'. Oct. 14. Follow- dangerous position as not denied , ' Rcre this afternoon. Ing: a conference with President W1I-! , ' o . . i As a result of the lengthening ol sen. Secretary cf Uar Garrison an-, lhe lh of 'Ji nounced that he was sending to Gov-! extends across the frontier Into Bel- a vigorous gium, paralleling the coan to Ostend ESTATE OF LATE PIONEER VALUED AT OVER $30,000 HtRHY A. MEDl'ltNACII. ONLY SON. H WEI YES ALL PROP ERTY Ol' DECEASED. The estate of the lato J. P. Med rrnm h In Umatilla county la valued Rl more than 30.000, according to es tlnuites contained In the petition for the probate of the will filed this morning by Judge S. A. Lowell, at torney for Harry A. Medernach, only aon nnd heir, who Is named as execu tor. The property, personal nnd real, la mostly In Pendleton. Included In the personal property nre 32 nhares In tho Tendleton Hotel. ..i i nt tfyno. i!S2 In ensn ana iVr h'f ri.iV. rr.- tie:- v -vnm. 4 " ":. .' -Zi y.i Itiirelnr liH.t nn.l .iti.L.r Iwvl m,( ..fe-,-, , Ii.,talne home and captured. at '"'1 ' it.- ' '4 I IWMks nt county court houe are - . ,. I . ...... . . . i t l?."1fr)lf Intl flfftwt titmnppfiir ernor . Hunt of Arizona, re'4Uet nut to send militiamen to the Mexican border. He told Hunt that such a move might precipitate a war with Mexico. f ' turn- I.aWsaBBBBBBBam mm I'i I II I v I atHall'-- 'i-i.;y Jit i I .1. I". Mvl(rnah loft rotate alued V . 'A m re limn f.O.fHMl. VA-." Xf ..... . .. . , ... ........ , -v- - t , 4 I ill i y rt'-riwiiHi lo prand ieie..i imni me naiiiu- jinnau wi K. f P. for llth ' tl-ns. If the government won t do ' tlon 1 fr'"-;4 hulac Malone; liNlue nffh-e In PHOENIX. Ariz., Oct. 14. Gov ernor Hunt refused to modify his in structions to the Arizona national guard to be ready to move at a mo menfs notice to protect the border. "I am a man of peace." the gover nor declared, "but I am Informed ! from General Yon I!oehmj army J that the border must be pro- Wils moving on the channel, swinging in an arc in a northwesTerly dlrec er a little beyond, and expert have admitted that the Germans them selves coulj not have chosen a more favorable position in Europe for an attempt to bottle up the enemy. . The Belgians having narowly es caped Isolation at Antwerp, the Ger mans have been released from the siege of that city and were adTanclng west and south toward the coast. At the same time a column detached have men here who will." ...... r'f -'"fif 'miii ririifi !' nnWRY HFRfl IIP RAMP SI IfllNR HflMF " i 1 i'i VWIIWII IlkMU Wl W1IIILI UklUIIIW llWIlib I i r i - i Here is the first photograph to get, the alleged fact that the French reach this country of tho cathedral at' wpre usnK the cathedral towers as Rhelma after It had been shelled by the Germans three weeks ago. The Germans took as their provocation for making the cathedra their tar- observatlon posts. The historic edi fice was bombarded despite the fact that two red croaa flags were display ed one from each of the towers. Many wounded Germans being treat ed by French surgeons inside the. cathedral were killed by the shells ' (jf their countrymen. This picture i shows daylight showing through the! towers where the roof of the cathed-j ral was carried away by the enemy's: fire. ' LOOKS UNDER BED, SEES BURGLAR, CALLS POLICE YOUXO DAUGHTER DISCOVERS MAN HIDING IN LA FONTAINE HOME. SENATOR CIMBEDLAIN SAf S CAMPAIGN IS It Is an Instinct with children to look untler their beds for burglars before retiring and this Instinct prov ed the undoing Inst evening of one John Francisco, a Portuguese marau der. Having been surprised before valued at V" ," " n the Or- finishing his task of burglarizing the fixtures and W ,'e home of Gus I Fontaine on Jackson pheum theater valued t 2 e tteel by the rcturn of ,CVeral mem. real property consists of Aha burintM block on Main street In which the Or pheum theater Is located, valued at IP 600 a residence) lot just back of It on Garden, valued at $2600, three lots with on Garden street be tween Webb nnd Rnllroad. valued at J3000. four lots with houses on East fourt and Minion streets, valued at $7000. nnd 40 acres of tlmberland near Meachnm. valued at 160. H irrv A Medernach Is made tho . . : . ..' .I... .. hi i.n,i h will movo sole neir o io i... to Pendleton ut once to take charge of .... liiu miner - .1110 proi'en... -- yenra old nt tho time of death. CIIU lnl inievtcd ....i.i. officer Dr. E. U KnlHKern, ul .Vnt.alla. has Issued a those living near the Cowl Itr river to do careful in their use of river wa ter us tho headwaters and streams tributary to the Cowllt nro said to hold tvphold fever germs. Toledo does not nso the river water for 0i Inking or domestic purposes, as Its vnter supply comes from large springs about a mile from town. Tho Vi.ler system was overhauled recent ly md is giving better satisfaction 1'iuii ivcr. n tea una wus discovered mere oy Helen La Fontaine, the youngest daughter. W. J. Clark, who lives next door, was quickly summoned imhI he held the man until Night Of ficer John Russell arrived. The Lit Fontaines had been to a moving picture theater and Mrs. La Fontaine and her daughters, Mrs. Al vln Knight, nnd Helen, returned home about 9:30. While preparing for bed, the llttlo girl thought she heard a slight nolso and this led to tho discovery of a man under the -lied. She called her mother and sis ter nt once nnd they telephoned to UU lit Hum"!. A the police, and to Mr. La Fontaine ne- Tni.vno. Wnan., uci. n .-"- fl,. -,, ,, Mr. ciarK. me HUE fif PRJHGIPLES. HOI PERSOHALITiES I BAKER, Ore., Oct. 14. (Special.) nside from that I never felt better,' Senator Chamlerlaln, delighted to n my life. j be In his home state agIn, arrived in "I n"' surprised to learn on my re-j linker tt 7:20 o'clock this morning ,u'n to UroSon , that the impaU.n; ,,. , being waged against me by tnv oppo-i nn.l ll'lll rr hid no . ..-f r I ' ' " " v'""t""u "r ,c nent.s Ls one of Intenso nerson.ilitv an.l - - - o a - - o - i election here tonight, He was met by a crowd of leading citizens nnd never was a public offi cial more heartily "welcomed. "I have not been away from my seat In the seriate for two days In the last two years," de i In red the senator, "and natur ally I am somewhat tired; but S. ' o 4 ft 4. .... - A, o bitterness. I have never Indulged in this sort 'of campaign work and nl-j though provocation might warrant It, j I hope I may be able to avoid recrim-1 lnations and rersonaj abuse. j "This is not a campaign of person alities but one of principles, Involv (Continued on page elgiL) ter pulled the man from under the bod and held him until the nrrlvat of the l ol'ce. A search of his pockets showed that ho had already taken a diamond ttlckpin rnd a brooch containing five (Miunrnda. Mr. La Fontnino thinks he fnt?red tho house through the cellar deer and wag Just starting his search LEMBERG EVACUATED BY CZAR'S TROOPS; AUSTRIANS PRESS ON I I THE HAGUE, Oct. 14 The Rus plan evacuation of Lemberg was an nounced In Vienna dispatches re ceived here by the Austrian minister. It was said the czar's troops abandon el the city following a battle in which they lost heavily. the account differed whether they had retaken Jaroslav. There seemed to bo no doubt but that Przemysl had been saved. Against the Russians on the east side of the San, the Teutons were said u,dymy-..i .-V 'vr' IXVv.5 --.....Co.' - v&f ROME. Oct. 13. Germany nnd ,0 be on thc aggressive. Aiiutrlu were ron.siilereil here toil:iv In Russian Polanit If sonm.i who,, tho family returned. He had . to tle having considerably the better yond Question that the Germans hd tnken his shoes off and was thus able f the i,.t0,t fiKhting with the Rus- peen uniformly successful as far east to movo quietly. shins, on the eastern frontiers. ; s the Vistula river and news that ')... I l, TttaHi'41 ft tllAI ......t .11.. 1 1... .1.. ... . 4ii, " .... rtu;.u iiuiM, iinuMi ... 1 1 ie him mans. , nrs:iv Keen neennl..l v !.... as expected here hourlv. Pei.e Parkcs this afternoon. I vvi'o link again to the river San but Catcher dowdy, of the Boston dowdy hit for two bases, scoring- him Braves, was the batting hero of the will the first run for Poston. loiter . ..!... .,Pn ' M.iranvtlle singled over CulliiW bead, first contest In tho world series be-, .... 41 1 and Gowdv came home with the sec- tween the champions, of the National om, ru ,nl(,ush ,( uhl (ho first league and Connie Mack's Athletics at fc.ime. The Athletics, in the whole Philadelphia. This photograph shows tune iimui.s were to n. I more him sliding home In the second In- than one run. nlug with the run that won the game St h inc. the Athletics' catcher L- for his team. Whitted. the Hmstoii sIhumi in a white suit. Willi Urn; Ire cef.t. r fieidi-r. w .ilked in t'!.it innltig. Iiliiren in f ront of him. Th- country olor.3 the channel at this point is flat and unsuited to de-f.-rj-lve fighting. Ni rth of the allies' wing la Holland a neutral country. To the west H the channel. The logical th:ng leems lo be for the allies' wing to slip to the southward. If It can, and alon the coast until it finds a suitable I lace to Sive battle to the kaiser's troops. Allies Resume Ikiltle at Center. PARIS, Oct. 14 The resumption of the allies' attack on the German enter was reported here this alter neon. According, to military experts. French avi.itois hae reported this part of the kaiser's line weakening by the transfer of troops northward. A renewed pressure at this spot, they ut";ri.d, win compel a recall of the.-o toices which would weaken the Teuton..- right. The war office was si lent on this subject. Portugal said to Have Declared War. LONDON. Oct. 14. A disliat n from Madrid, unconfirmed officially, reported that Portugal ha. I declare I war on Germany. The official wir office bureau permitted the publica tion of the dispatch without guaran teeing its accuracy. Telegrams from Portugal have been greatly del.iyc I. Klao Chau ltcfii-rs to Surrender. TOKIO, Oct. II. Governor Wi' lieck of Klao Chau having r fuie.l t.i surrender, the Japanese and ItiitUlt were I'leparin Tor what they believ ed would he the assault on thj defmses. In tho mearitliii.i. Monooml'.it nits are hurriedly iojhiIii the fortified tone. Rattle liegliw loiii; the l-tiila. WASH IN 1T N. o. t. Tti,. it-M. embassy here rec-lv.-d the (.,; lowing cablegram fromllie foielKn '. flee at Petrograd: "A battle has been begun on a lini extending from the country aroun I Warsaw arid along tho rivers VWn'i and Pari to Prutetnysl. Flghtlrirf ,i!t coninues further south of Pi..-immi :. tho river I'rilenter The situation it east Prussia rein. tins un handed " War Stow Weallnr luiln v vsii ii ;t'V ' -r 1 1 .-11 1.. n. Ol'.ri of We,f.r f . iriT -i l 4 , 1 Hllll.llirieed IV tho Weather bur.-,)!. owlni; to tin- int. rrui..ri r- ports K'ir..j'- an I ,O l,i;- ..,rii, as u remit .,f ih.- War in I, i-..;.e