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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1914)
f I PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGOyuyt PENDLETON', PRETtON. V." FUNKS.. AY. OCTOBER H. 1!14. EIOHTPAOES rjf, Y0UH6 FEE WRITES POEM TO U. 0. UlUMXI tttmcuiajtik The Only War You' 11 Be Called on to Face WE HOPE IS THE KIND IX WHICH A GOOD OVERCOAT WILL RE YOUR RE.ST ARMAMENT Wkn the wintry -lavs come vull "x&Lt to U- well fonifK-I a;:aiLjt l fei,.I rno-.r; and lin n's no Utter tban a .. lailS HART, SCIIAFFN'ER k MARX Tl-tentt-, 1'-, warm ; n:2'Ie with hawl f-r ::' J-le collar; fly or button throncb fr :.t. I!t or I'lain back: I'l-f-r c-mfrt with rcart overeat etyie. trerr.elv wt-lL You'll like this coat ex- 0;Lf-r ovf-fv-at ri)-l-, of eov.r-c-. Lot of t.-:a yours in'-n's rri''!-! that hav? lt- of nayi aiiI lite to th'-ra S15.00 to S30.00 New Coats for Women We Lave ju.?t re-ceivel a larse women's ci-it-. He latent rn-yjel mate-rials- in I'lain ani fanv mixture- iijjrjjent oi the newest Coats made in the smarts-t'f.anr.;: line, in styles y' r-roturLt mil Coat that finbinf? .style an-1 ser vice. Wi'le cloth Mrs K-t in, pvins a lon Ru--i:in eff.wt which i further acr-t-nruatcl hy pleats exten-lin? from the ehouMer to the waist line. Sl've 2re set-in style, fiiii-he'l with turn baei cuff3, PRICES RANGE FROM ?15.00 to 40.00. SAVE T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS They'll hny all of yo'ir Christmas prints if you'll let thm. Tfv afford you the h-t and ea-i'-st n.eans of saTirz. , 3 Jj Jjjj'j I ggjJJ e a CARHARTT OVERALLS only S3 pa;r. 7 s 1 J LACK AXI JET C)v.'; of the mo-t --'.ii!ar -"i!ih;h,iM i."'v prevail., whether if tvoolf-r,, silk and w-ol t silk. A hii' -howi.'ii' in thf-" frl v...ull find in our '!r ;:-;!. !.i -ilk -'-'-'i'-i.-. "f Lrad it , !! I I.. ...... . ... Pi If:, satin. Iali!'-. cn-t-. cinnn'-'w-, -.iOi:a!i, . u-h I-I' tru:;!.ri!,M-- to mar'-ii. j.i; l ,r ':i-!)!ay. NEW CHIFFON'S r wai-ts her for . vard . :d over draj-e-, in hiir ret or evening wear. 4'' Sfri''. etc. 1 ,,.,.: all -!:.!.-. 51. UU to RORh LANJ; Ji , Ir.sw double i.ui rA for h.u- wrat- or hath rol--s. C-rne vard 2 tO 'j'J in'he; V :ide. All eel jr-, neat !e-ijijs. 1 he 3oC to 50C 7. P. Pure Food Shop 2 PHONE.':'. . LL 17. (I KM.!.F ALL OTliEIi LEIS -Kf'O.VO.MV SKKVIC'K CLEAN .STOKE CLEAN READY NOW! 600stunningstls in the Winter issue of Butterick Fashions." A magnificent selection'to choose your entire Winter ward robe. This lovely publication is only 25c, which includes any Butterick Pattern you like Free. At thm Prr Dcprtmnt 0 Toi'Il ttrA it a pltaur: to nh'.p HERE. METHOD-?. I-Op CORN The kind that pop; 3 jojn'ls 2.V CORN IfCHK.s, pound 2'K; PEANITT KUTTER bulk, pound 2.V-; 5 pound pailn fl.'W CiUEEN OLIVES Frwh hlpmfrnt. pint 3'k; I OTA TOES Our epud are In a clam by themselves, tee them today. r'PECIAL THE SACK , !i0 FHEsH FRUITS AND VEGETABLE.-!, coming by every exprem. I NANA.-? T. P. W. Price pound c; average dozen SOc CORN MEAL New meal now here, pearl white and golden yellow. t pound uack PECANS NEW CROP Extra fancy, pound ZV; r.rtiT Dintn IITT1.F TTtUiC SAI'S'AGE. tOUnd . . . , 4K! j" . r. ivi 1 1 j f Aiti . . . . . . - - . . WAIAUT.-3 114 NEW CROP fancy No. 1 pound EXTRA FANCY JUMBO., pound fWEET APPLE CIDER. NEW FIG. -5, Date, Fruit Peeln, etc. your Mince Meat and Fmlt Cake now. T 3K- .. 35c Make (l TIig Peoples Uarohouso Where It pjys to Itit. Save Your T. P hading Stamps COUPO Fro .iner.t tmonc th ocUl rvestt; wrtau. Vr. atj Mr. Frnk Holdrrun ....... . . . , . waica r.i cit-t tte mocta w vcio Ur. the f.rrt month of the tocitty 4on, wi:i t-e A 5r.c!r. pny w.ta r.x prortlnent coupV a haU afid totj. Crdj for the event are now out. Thoe wh witl five the aftlr ar Mr. and yir. Jvha F. RoS irjon. Mr. and Mrt Gtorie E. Ptr Inctr. Mr and ilr. Chrl J. GrJ lien. Mr. acl Mr. J. Nt,n B-itftu, Mr. and Mr Wi::um J C'.ark and Mr aril Mn. A Carleton Power The rr ty l'.l be held la the Ea'.e-Vool.nan i.;:. Mr. A. L. Dickon. hu his vi-.tir.j her j'jter, Mr Ht:: J. Da at U W'eat Al'-a tret, left tia eveniz? fr her fcorr.e in Nw York ThU waa Mr. Dick- n tr.:rl vlit to fre?on an I the Is cry rauc:- im-ITttiH-i i:h the at-stt. M E::rVth ...-iwt: h.:s aji her; h..e gu-t M.-r Lrr.ire Tour.ser o!i Por'.ijr.J. fcrrr.riy a fo;j;ir taa.f tf the younger K-t here. w;il visit h:re rvrl weekj. Mrs C'arec?e Pen'r. 1 :" give aa i' tomorrow f..r hr mother, !rs F..U Matthew)., a: htr hor.e on -.-.a iliin ftreet. cf Mallaoa atret. Mm. A. D. iT.oaa U rporti to fc tery i'.l at her home. Home Hints and Recipes CooorRJi Women. SU:r-ln-'-aw are ow allowed to marry brother-In-law in Franc. Jujt to pieae her hutcd. M.T.e Polncare, wtfe cf th preaident of Frtic. fpec'a i:,Cv a )r on irew Deplt the fact that ahe deplet the lrug. Mr. A. Sjerburg rjna a nu.'f factory In Terre Haute, Ind.. which la one of the fw In Jua'.rie of It kind in the United States. The remarkable lncra In rjlciJe I Lit Saturday wn "Home Coming ( Day" at the University of Oregon, a ) day aet apart for alumni to return to their alma mater for a vlalL Cheater ' Fee. too of Judge and Mr. Jamea A Fee of thta city, who la gaining aome thing of a reputation aa a bard, waa th author of the welcoming poem which greeted the former atudent. It readt aa follow a: Weary wanderer in labor. Alma Ma ter await you here. With a laugh to break your aadneaa. ani a mll to dry your tear; Miter of the trib of brother, lead er of the world of men, Greet you after year of patience. c'.a;a you to her breaat again. In the home where once you wor- ahlrrel. grow a race within her care. Who have nurfjred you in fanry a a trirlt of the air; We wiii hera'J jou aa her"e, a be fore you did the name To the n-i'-n who uere returning, and had left a mighty name. BRONCHIAL COUGHS When the bronchial tube art af fected with that weakening, tickling cough, they need immediate and en aible treatment The breath teems shorter because of mucous obstruc tions; usually fever is present and your head Jars with every cough. Your chest aches and the inflamma tion often spreads to the lungs. The food tonic that has proven it worth for forty years is Scott's Emul sion. It dnvci out the cold, which, is the root of the trouble, and check the cough by aiding the healing process of the enfeebled membranes. If you are troubled with bronchiti or know an afflicted friend, always re member that 8cott' EtnuUion build atrengtb while relieving- the trouble. If-tl ScoU avfrWM, Kuomttii. V. ) Life If running Jut a rmonthly an women la Germany U burned Wi!h , chr . ,r ;rv ,abo anJ , en the deve.cpxent of the w.rr.ena, y ,tf tvtry fhr. j ircreiid from &.J to l1) t ir 109. '.'00 1 ft-r.-.aie population. The greatest ln- cre-is- i hon In Berlin, where near- ly forty-t'.ght women tike their ! to every lO men. h.iur.t. our that we Hi- It ' M---: Cjtherlr.e; b-'! returned I..-: from W.iiii Wall i. ahre the waji the gut of M S!rsuer:te i;aj men 1 Th-- Current .T.-t Fri lay ,1 Aieur.Jer on the north hll Ii1at-j of IwJiion. No longer will corje'.j Uce dmn to the knee. The cora?e bouquet hi cot lot Its ropu'.arity. A s.r.gie loppy, ro-. Literature Club will - , , . ' T' ; me cf Mrs. P..! " i-al 1 very much in '-gue. and ia ued to t-orler the tunka of! tere'p ffrnething something wa !ak; a cry f r thfe who've left u. th'ute who never will come back. Turk AHe In rU. PARIS, Oct. 1 J A dlfpatch to tho Havaa Agency from Athen aay: 'The newspapers here say It ! an nounced from an authoritative source that the Turk lire showing much en ergy In Jrla. Palestine ar.J North Arabia, where they are concentrating troops ut several point and fortify ing Important ports on the coast and on route to the interior." the Day by day the year ere rolling, wlthj a tak for ea:h to do; A!r,ce makes the heart forgetful. even la a bosL.m true. I Com agiin eich Jear In autumn.! you will T.r.d a welcome sweet, At the door that's alay open, at our gjjrlir.g Mother's feet. Chester Anders Fee. Miss Margaret Lowell has returned to Pacific University where she Is tak ing work. Her mother. Mrs. Steph en A. Lowell, who has been quite ill, accompanied her In the hop of lm I roving her health la the W illamette valley. Mi.s Edith Johnson and Norma Alloway left yesterday to spend a couple of diya aa guests of Mrs George Strand at hr farm home nar Vancle. Mrs. Wilson E. Ero. k was a charm ing horteass yesterday to the ladies of the North Side Brid?e Club and sev eral other guests. In the play Mrs Will M,M,re won th honors. Among the guests outside the membership were Mrs. Gilrt W. Phelps. Mrs. O M. Ri.e and Mrs. Elmer Brewer. I dance frocks of sheer materials. Wide rr Tlddman f PortUnI la a . i - .... V -i the hf-me ci r:er nuui gues scarf sashes, worn low over the h!;s, have the ends finished with bead fringe to match the tunics, or large tajvels fashioned of the beads. IIAKIIK HIGH. L.UKIX; WKIGHT I1JXIIS OX SPIJ1I) klU-ix-n Linoleum. The kitchen linoleum hould treated once a year to a coat of hard! oil finish. This Is because. In spite of all advice to the contrary, it does need more than a friendly wiping up with tepid water or milk and water. It cannot be kept really clean by such treatment and should have a genuine scrubbing with soap, brush and warm water at least once a month. BAKER, Ore., Oct, 14 The Prair ie C:ty football team, heavy and ei lertenced. will meet the Baker high school team here next Saturday anJ Coach Williams Is apprehensive aa to fr!the result, reports from Prairie City being that the visitors will be coming confident of victory. This time there will b no Idea of a record score and the locals will put forward their strongest front In the hope of being able to win the game. Coach Wil liams will not select his team until late In the week. The utmost weight possible is lil pounds and It Is prob able that the average of the local at their I n fichting strength, will Without the oil dres-ir.g mentioned above this would be rather disastrous be at,ut 14 pounds To offset this to olicioth or linolrum. but with the oefi'i-ncy in weight every effort will protection of the rubbing all the j be made to develop the speed of the scrubbing will not prove to be too! flayer,. vigorous for the rr.terijl. Your Fall CU1 Nds Attention. No us to fuss and try to wear It out It will wear you out Instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, re lief follows quickly. It check your Coll and Soothes your Cough away. Pleasant. Antiseptic and Healing r-hii-ven like It. Get a 50c bottle of Dr King's Nw Discovery and keepj It In the house. -Our family Cougn ani Cold Doctor" writes Lewis Cham berlain. Manchester. Ohio. Money back if not satisfied, but it nearly al waya helps. Adv. I ATHENA FAMILY GO TO ii ! .lamination fr I"fii4tr. Washington. Oct. U Preparations Seville are 1-eing made to hold civil service examinations for postmaster at Hatch, Eight M.le. Rural and Tren hu'm, where vacancies exist. PORTLAND TO RESIDE Catarrh Is an excessive secretion accompanied with chronic Inflamma tion, from the mucous membrane. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts on the mu cous membrane through the blood, reduces Inflammation, establishes healthy action, and radically cures all cases of catarrh. Adv. IHfiJonn for OifSnlan. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 Pen sions have been allowed as follows: Minors of David M. Prry. Portland. $1; Janette C. Price. Portland, 113: Nancy C. Collins, Toledo, $12. Ruian. Mutiny Ih i:-ort. BERLIN, Oct. 1 J- (Wireless via Tw, Russian regiments have been sent to Be-Varabia to sup press a mutiny among the Siberian reservists according to information Help the Stomach Digest Your Food When the stcnimch fulls to diget and distribute that which Is eaten, the bowel become dogged with a rnu.i of wiisti! and refuse that fer ments iiml generate poisons that are gradually forced Into the blood, causing distress and often serious Illness. Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purgative agents that shock the sjstem. A mild, gentle laxative, positive In Its effect and that will quickly relieve constipation is Dr. Caldwell Syrup PepHon. sold by druggist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. It does not gripe or cramp, but acts easily and pleasantly and Is there fore the most satisfactory remedy for children, women and elderly persons. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. H. Cold wett. 4JI Wunhlngton St., Monticello, 111. which reached the German foreign office. Good Spirits can only be er.Jcyc J I y those whoaw digestive organs work naturally and regularly. Tho lort corrective and freventive yet ilucovcred for irregu lar or faulty action cf Btomach, literor bowels, s known the worlJ over t )be BEECHAM'S PS LIS Sold avefrvher. la Wm, lOfc, 2 Sc. MR. AMI MRS. F. . KOOXTZ AX I) SOX TO MARK HOME THERE IX FITUKK (Sf ecidl Correspondence ) ATHENA, Ore. 0 L 14. Mr. an! Mrs. F. j. Koontz : nd son Paul left Mond.iy evening for Portland where they will reside In the future Mr. and Mrs. Koontz have spent most of their life in Athena, where Mr. KoonU has been an active worker in the M E. ch'ir'h, having en superintend ent of the Sunday .' hool for the past j . Thu- l.oive a h'-t of; f.:,.rwl., uhn ulih thern success in' their new home. Frank Tha'rp transacted business in pendietvn Saturday. R. H. Piersol spent last week v!t Ir. relatives In Moro. Ore. Mrs. Chas. Norris formerly of this city. Is visiting here. Mrs. J. M. Swaggert was a Pendle ton visitor Saturday. Mrs H. H. Ornduff was a visitor at the county seat Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tompkins have been confined to their home on ac count of sickness, however they are Improving. Art Chapman has returned home after spending two weeks in Wash tucna. Wash. V. B. Banister was a Walla 'ttalia visitor Monday. W. E. Zerba has returned to hi home In Athena after spending the summer In Phoenix, Arizona. A. A. Mclntyre was a Walla "Walla visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Wlllaby were Walla Walla visitors Monday Mr and Mrs. John Walker returned Sunday from visiting In Calgary, Al berta. They report two Inches of snow at that place. Mb-g Ida Kllgore of Weston, was in Athena yesterday. Miss Odessa Kirkp,-trlck of Weston was an Athena visitor Tuesday. Voolliirn Man Profit. WASHINGTON. -ct. 14. J. J St-.Miel, Woodburn, has sent Senator Cha lain a protest against . V Skin tortures will yield to Resino. IF you have eczema, ringworm or other itching, burning, un izhtlr kia erurtior.!, try Reiinol Ointment and Rejlnol Soap and see hew qjickljr '.he itchir.j itopi and the trouble di appeart, even ia severe, tubborn caiei. Rcsinol Ointment is alto an excellent bouwhold remedy for pimples, dandruff, tores, burnt, woundt, boils, and for a score of other met where a soothing, heal ing application is needed. Bold by all dnirrlta. For trisl fn-. wnt to Dept. K, luanol, Bsltimore, Wd. Dutch Henry Feed Yard LAYNC 6 HUGHES. Proprietors Good Hay, Grain and Water Large, Horse, Cattle and Sheep Corrals First-CIass Attentkn Day and Night Give us a Trial West Alta St. A SHARP DEf.lAND Prevails All Over-WHY? Pcaue It is a splendid beer. It ha the delightful aroma, the rich flavor, the effervescence and the tang that characterizes the high qual ity brew. Try a case of KloMir Rrnu bottled bocr. On sale at orncn saloox CRESCENT DAR RREWRY Ir.IOT S.IX)OX ROWMAX HA 1 1 HEADACHE NEURALGIA GON E Dr. Jamea' Headache Fowdert give imUnt relief Cort rijmfl a package. KerTe-rackinjf, splitting or dull, throbbing headaches yield in just a few moment to Dr. Jamea Headache Pow ders which cost only 10 cents a pack age at any drug store. It' the quick est, surent headache relief in the whole world. Don't suffer! Relieve the ajjony and distress now! You can. Million of mun and women have found tUt headache and neuralgia FE m Pendleton Cleaning Works H BIGGEST AND BEST FOR GOOD WORK r Our equipment and knowledge enables us to serve our patrons satisfactorily. We satisfy others we can satisfy B T0U' p5 Ladles' and Men's Garments Cleaned and Pressed. I HATS REBLOCKED H Qur wagon calls for and delivers work. 20 1-1 E. Alta Phone 1C 126 W. Court. Phone 411 C3 Er3 rre-.f in the r.rii e. of mileage u""" tni.erT is need ess. Get What T0U ask I stjit I!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!! ii.iii.ii pu 1 by the railroads. for. raiiill