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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1912)
EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OIIEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY", MAY 21, 1912. PAGE TIIREE REV. men DIES iN ELECTRIC CHAIR (Contlnlued from pagj one.) ) D ulu lS if M II "T Maker of ' Welcome 1, 0- 0- F, and REBEKAHS The Best Dressed Travellers, no Hatter Where You Peet Them, Are Wearing "Benjamin'' Styles. New York is the world's fashion leader. "Benjamin" Clothes, made in New York and worn by smart dressers everywhere are cut in the very latest style, from the finest fabrics, made by past masters in the tailoring art. "Benjamin" Clothes cost no more than ordinary clothes and they wear far longer. You cannot afford to wear cheap clothes. Call and select your "Benjamin" suit today BOND BROTHERS PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS 7 Soo-Spoknno Route They're On! May 24, 29, and Almost Every Other Day Throughout Summer Months. Special Hound Trip Rales to the East ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS WINNIPEG Chicago -...$72.50 St Louis - 70.00 $60.00 DULUTII PORT ARTHUR , Buffalo : .'. Xew York And Equally Low Rates to Many Other Eastern Points via the 91.50 108.50 SOO-SPOKAXE 1 SOO-SPOKAXE Liberal Stop-ovrs. Your Choice of Numerous Optional Routings, Including the Delightful Kootcnuy and Arrow, tho MngnlfN cent Canadian Rockies, tho Grant Lnkcg (meals ami berth Included), tho Hudson ltlver, and Various Others, Without Additional Cost. Final Return Limit October 81st. Descriptive Literature Gladly Furnished on Application. For further particulars call on local agent O.-W. R. & N. Ry or write M. E. M ALONE, Trav. Pass. Agt TIIOS. P. WALL, Gen'l Agent. 603 Sprague Ave., Spokane. "TRAVEL IS EDUCATION." In the whole Held of medicine there Is not a healing remedy that will re pair damage to the flesh more quickly than BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. In cuts, wounds, sprains, burns, scalds and rheumatism, Its healing and pen etrating power is extraordinary Price 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppcn & Bros. Now Is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. You can do It by apply, ing Chamberlain's Liniment and mas saging the parts freely at each appli cation. For sale by all dealers. Makes Pimples Go Remarkable How Zemo Clears the Fneo of Pimple and All Oilier Moinl.slics. With tho finger tips apply a little Zemo to the Bkln, then see the pim ples and blackheads vanish. Zemo is a liquid, not a smear, leaves no trace, just simply sinks In and does the work. You will bo astonished to find how quickly eczema, rash, dandruff, Itch, liver spots, salt rheum and all other skin diseases are cured. Zemo Is put up by the E. W. Rooo Medicine Co., St, Louis, Mo., and Is regularly sold by all druggists at $1 for the large bottles, but you can get a liberal size trial bottle for only 25 cent. And this trial bottle Is guar anteed. You surely will find Zemo a wonder. Get a bottle now from Pon dleton Drug Store. frequently In tho company of sev enteen year old Avis Linnell. the brightest of the local high school student!), Sho had been bnptlz'tJ anil received Into the church by tho young minister un 1 the gossips of trie lltt e village conquered them naturally at tracted to each other und lo )Uc 1 for them to wed. There was no formal announce ment of un engagement. Hut Mis Linnell hud given up most of her so cial diversions and was spending nearly- ull of her time in church work. She was the "right hand" of the pas tor In most of the events and took his part in a dispute that arose from his methods of preaching. It was Ulcheson's boast that he always culled "a spade a, spade," and his forceful preaching, In which he as sailed sin in every guise, soon split the congregation In factions, In April 1910, Rev. Richeson resigned and stated that he had accepted a charge In Immanuel, Cambridge. He had planned to stay there only a short time and later marry Miss Linnell, according to what' their friends un derstood, and go to China as a mis sionary. Then Avis Llnnel, who had a splen did voice, left the little country vil luge and went to Boston. She stated that she was going there to study In the Conservatory of Music so that she might be better able to "aid her hus band" In his church work. At that time she was wearing a handsome diamond ring which it was under stood by her people had been the gift of the minister. Meanwhile Richeson hud been In stalled in the fashionab'e Cambridge church. Here his work was crowned with success nnd he became a favor ite with many members of the con gregation who professed to be charm ed with his plain talks from the pul pit. One night at a church reception the young pastor was introduced to Miss Viola Edmands.. She was the daughter of Moses Grant Edmands. one of the wealthiest residents of Brookline, and reputed to be in pos session in her own right of half a million dol'.ars received from the es tate of her grandfather. Miss Edmands was a different type from the little country village maid who had done so much for the preacher down on Cape Cod. Proud and Imperious In manner, she was attracted toward-the young minister and soon he was paying devoted at tention to her. In a short time he was her slave and soon she told her Intimates that she and the minister were to wed soon. Whether Avis Linnel knew of the other woman at this time Is not known. It Is certain however that early In the summer she took the diamond ring from her finger and wore It no more. But there was no announcement to the home people that the engagement had been brok en and there were only a few people who knew that another woman had come between the preacher and his little country sweetheart. Miss Linnell went home in August and shortly afterward Richeson also came to Hyannis to spend his vaca tion. Prior to that time the min ister had been noticed dining in Bos ton restaurants with Miss Linnell and In the old town the couple were much together and the rumor was soon af'oat that they had patched up their differences and would eventu ally be married. In September Richeson ' returned to his pulpit and Miss Linnell went back to her music studies. At times, her friends say, she seemed much dis traught and troubled. Finally on Saturday, October 14, the young mu sic student told her girl friends at the Young Women's Christian asso ciation, where she boarded, that she was going to take dinner with her "gentleman friend." Although she did not call Richeson by name she was understood to mean him by her friends. No one saw the couple at their meal. The last time they are known to have been seen on the street to gether was the day before Miss Lin nell's mother, who had been visiting in TJston, returned home. Hor dauf oter accompanied her to the railroad station and after her train left, according to the story of George Baker of Hyannis, who was there, Richeson Joined Miss Llnnel. They left the depot together. Following her visit to her "gentle man friend" for dinner. MIhs Linnell returned to the Y. W. C. A. In hlsh spirits. She told her friends that she had been given some medicine and that she was sure now that her "headaches" would be cured. That night young women occupy ing rooms adjoining heard groans in the bathroom adjoining Miss Linnell's room. They broke down the door but the girl became unconscious and died before n physician arrived. For u short time it was believed that she had killed herself. It was suggested that Richeson had told her that he was to wed the "other woman" and. that this fact had caused her to etvj her life. An autopsy, however, r$ vealed that she was about to become a mother and that cyanide of potas sium had been the cause of death. The fact that the gird was In a delicate condition aroused suspicion and the police began to shadow Rich eson. It developed that, when the little country girl was found dying her nearest chum telephoned to Richeson who demanded to know whether she said anything about him. When told she had not, .i Is alleged that he demanded why he had been failed and notified the girl to tell MIhs Linnell's people and the police. Richeson Immediately deserted his lodging and went to the Brookline mansion of Moses Grant Edmands, where he stayed In strict seclusion. The next day he went down town and engaged an uttorney to represent his Interests. On October 19, William Hahn, a druggist In Newton Centre, where Richeson attended theological school, to Our Gify mm Mhm ill ISobshshs We are showing a new line of White Lingerie DRJLSSBS ake This Your Resting Place We Save You Money on Even- Purchase. M infill : HI Alssandsr ASK FOR S. & II. GREEX TRADING STAMPS told the police that he had sold Richeson cyanide of potassium. "He told me that he had a pet dog that he wanted to kill," Hahn told the police, "and I told him that he ought to use ether. He said that he didn't like the odor and then I sug gested syanide. I gave him a pack age but he insisted on more. As he wus leaving he cautioned me to say nothing about the matter." On this evidence and the known ac quaintance of the minister with Miss Llnne'.l the arrest of Richeson was determined on. The police surround ed the mansion on the night of Oc tober 19, but admission was refused. Finally, early next morning they were admitted and found the minis ter in bed. He was formally arrested on a murder charge and protested hlsj! Innocence, The theory of the police from the start was that the minister was re sponsible for the girl's condition and that he had promised to get her med icine which would effectually hide her shame from the world. Instead the latter admitted he gave her cap sules filled with dry cyanide. , The girl believing Implicity in the min ister, partook of the deadly drug be lieving it was in reality medicine for the purpose Intended. After his arrest the members of the Edmands family stood by the minis ter. They proclaimed their belief in his Innocence and it was announced that they would finance his defense. On Thanksgiving day Miss Edmands sent flowers and dainties to the ac cused man In his cell and said she had implicit confidence that he would soon be free and they would be wed in the end. On the night of December 20 Richeson wus heard moaning and crying in his cell. Finally he asked a guard to send for a doctor. Cine was soon there and investigation re vealed the fact that the minister, probably In a moment of mental ab erration, had fearfully mutilated him self with a piece of tin he had se cured and sharpeneA to a razor edge on the floor of the cell. So serious wero the wounds inflicted that the doctors were hurriedly called and were forced to complete the opera tion the man had began and for a time he was in grave danger of dying from blood poisoning. That Richeson had planned to have the operation he attempted figure In his defense was charged by the prose cutor and he was not surprised when on January 6 last, he was furnished with a confession of guilt by Rlche son's lawyers. When the confession was repeated In court on January 9, there was nothing for Judge Sander son to do but impose the only penalty by law for first degree . murder. Friends of Richeson started an agita- NOT SALTS, OIL OR PILLS BUT GASCARETS No Olds How Sick Your Stomach; How Hani Your Head Allies or How Bilious Casearets Make You Feel Great. You men and women who some how can't get feeling right who have an almost daily headache, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out Are you keeping clean Inside with Casearets, pr merely forcing a pas sageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is Important. Casearets work while you sleep; cleanse and regulaU the stomach, re move the sour, undigested and fer menting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decomposed waste matter and pofson In the Intes tines and bowels. Casearets work while- you sleep; cleanse and regulate the stomach, re move the sour, undigested and 'fer menting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decompos ed waste matter and poison In the in testines and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your .entire family feeling good for months. Don't forget the children. They Jove Casearets because they taste good do good never gripe or sicken. tlon to have his sentence commuted to life Imprisonment, but the gover nor and his council refused to act. A petition claiming Insanity was filed In the case but promptly overruled. Something Xew In Pendleton. O. K. billiard, card and tonsorlal parlors, everything In cigars, tobaccos and smokers' supplies Checks in cad room good toward baths, shave or shine. Give us a call and get acquainted. Special Prices on Omlwood. Good dry' red fir, slab wood, cotton wood, yellow and black pine. Special prices in five cord lots. Clean Rock Spring lump and nut coal. Save mon ey by seeing us before buying. Ko plttke & Glilanders, phono Main 173. Sensible Women Know Foundation of Health As health talks to women become more general, both In the newspapers and on the platform, the muss of women are begin ning to realize what the more cultivated have always known, that good health can not he found In a powder box. The ex ternals of health may be obtained In that wav, but the basis of health lies deeper, and yot la Just as enslly obtained . Tho most Important thing that a wo man can do for herself, and about which she Is often most neglectful. Is to watch the condition of her stomach and bowels. The weary eves, the bad breath, the fre quent headachea, the plmplea, the general air of lassitude Is nine times out of ten the result of constipation or Indigestion, or both. Many simple remedies caa be ob tained, but the best In the estimation ct most women Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. It Is mild, pleasant to the taste and exactly suited to ber needs. It Is far superior to salts, cathartic pills, waters, etc., which are entirely too vloleut. Women should see to It that they hare at least one movement of the bo we la each day. and when showing any tendency to couHtlpatlon should take Ir. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin In the small dose prescribed. A brief uso of It will s train the stomach and bowel muscles that all forms of medi cine can be dispensed with. Theso opin ions are voiced by thousands of women, after personal experience, among them Alta XI. Lilly. Kedwlne, Calif., uud Mary A. lleebc, St. Thomas, Nerada. t Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying It la the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or on dollar a bottle (family six) ran have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge by simply addressing Lr. W. K, Caldwell, 403 Washington 8t., Montlcello, nj)aoa sjjiibej ojo;jjq) pa bmii 111. Your name and address on postal card will do.