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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1904)
DAllYEVENlNBEDlTION WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight niul Sunday fnlr ond cooler. Chrisi (INGEDITION 08Bt IS l thai Lytt in""" e He ljj PENDLETOX, UMATILLA COTJXTY, OKEGON, SATUBDAY, AUGUST 3tf, 1904. NO. 53 25 u,a ivory , ORE. thing IL :s: tfs HAT SON THE toi It ,75e 20c i 75e an ), at 25c and 7 1X0 ,S,t"Wln. ur eah Piece. OWI 'EAH( ..mJ BEGINS STRIKERS Firemen Caught L the Line and Badly liSWSON WILL attempt MEDIATION. Art Strengthened to jyjrsCrowds of Union jter and Stone the Non- Strike Board in Session LjSayt Even Yet That the Lwill Deal With the Obsti tliri if Settlement Can Ujy Be Reached. TO SURVEY WESTERN KANSAS. Investigating tne Underflow for Irri gation Purposes. AVIchlta. Kns., Aug. 13. Elwood Mead of Washington, chief of the Ir rigation Investigation In the depart ment of agriculture, says that he has ordered Mr. Wright, his deputy, to make a survey of Western Kansas with a view of ascertaining the feas ibility of raising the underflow for irrigation purposes. That survey will bo made at once. Should the plan prove reasonable In cost an experiment will he made to show whether or not It Is practicable. Mr. Wright has been In Garden City since early summer making experi ments Jn pumping. mm CHILDREN 1 PRIESTS EVACUATING T ARTHUR I oral that the cruiser and tho torpedo boat Grosovl, which nrrlved hero yes , terday, must not remain over 24 hours. Tho Kussian consul rniseii mo point that a reasonable time must ho allowed to mnke repairs." Japanese Emperor Asked the Non-Combatants to Leave in the Interest of Humanity. Struck Russian Admiral Wlthofft Killed in Battle Outside of Port Arthur Shell "the Bridge of the Czarowltch, Blowing Him to Atoms Six Battleships Engaged in the Fight Seriously Damaged Squadron Now. Taking Refuge in Chinese Port Russian Ships Are Out of Coal Two Hundred Killed by One Shell Inside Port Arthur. Is Work on Great Southern. The Dalles, Aug. 13. Another largo force of men began work on the Great feouthern . railway last week, tho company having let a contract foi grading between The Dalles and Seu fert's place several miles south of the Columbia. The company Is push-1 Ing Its work as rapidly as possible ' in an effort to have tho road com-1 Tokio, Aug. 13. Field Marshal Islands awaiting British colliers from pleted so that this year's grain crop ' Yamagata, chief of the general staff, ' Tslng Chou. Tho Jnpaneso squadron, can he hauled out. 1 has directed Field Marshal Oygama to 1 consisting of one Ironclad, two large I permit women, priests, merchants, 1 cruisers and four torpedo boat do To Keep Peace In Haytl I diplomats and officers of neutral pow- stroyers, are watching outside to in Washington, Aug. 13.-Admlral i efs,.to ,Port "hur , and tajto terrnpt the colliers. Slrahan nnmmnn,iD. ,.r ., r.-n &ueuer in umiiy. me oraer was in- E DROWNED Officers Killed on Czarovltch. London, Aug. 13. Captain Wamoff, of the Cr.arovltch, Commander Sam off niul scvernl other officers wore wounded. Several officers, besides tho rear admiral, were killed. AT WASHINGTON Destroyers Arc Stranded. London, Aug. 13. The Japanese minster hns received n telegram from dice Foo stnllng thnt two Kus sian destroyers aro stranded 20 miles east of Wei Hal Wc. SUICIDED IN PORT. $2.j ; US 13 As a result or i-ti ceiermumuuii iu muve I ftordless of the pickets' jiKh rioting Is anticipated j hit lines are being strength- trtttTes sent to the various , rEciircds of strikers follow- Injons bound to down town 1 jorea at the drivers and zees at them. Ison-unlon teploy&j of Swift's, were IcsMe of the guard lines jleaten. strike board is in ses i corning, and are outlining i in case Mayor Harrison : to mediate in compliance f request of the retail deal squadron, has been ordered to send 1 i the Denver to Gonzalves and Jeremle, Hayti, for the purpose of protecting the lives of Americans and foreign ers threatened In the uprisings. I spired by the emperor In the inter ests of humanity. Harrison Will Mediate. r Himson has consented to laamlttee of the Retail Meat wrs' Association Monday to n plan to mediate the meat ; Donnelly does not look for ieit on account of tho atti tie packers, he today relter ta! the strikers are willlnc to secessions in regards to the Ik reinstatement. ! 10ST CIRL FOUND. B - . . Iltsmson, of St. Helens, Did Jlncide, But Was Abducted, . Aug. 13. Mary Robinson. I Helens, who was sunnoseri to iKxraea, oas been found at i where slip ipIU n fit r n r tvo ie ana Kidnapping. pi fieter, a respected capital IB- neiens, Is in lal nt Hills. Ijar-ea with having abducted p. ho is but 14 years of age. f i 67 years old and from the iwrr, nas been Infatuated with ft Several mnntlm nn,l kiuvuI lpe, and finally took her by png to place her in r Gtll 8he bnpftmo nf iiku whmi Nd be married. t'ad travelpil pnnntntittv ttlnpn paction ij escane nursuers. 13 BO? Charcr- Plnlnro vlh nnv I'l C bit KHVu ho line haur POCRATIC HEADQUARTERS. Will Have Western Offlr.en and Chicago. l-uipolls Auc 13. If In tnnm. ' Ptone fmm Chairman Tni-Pnrt w York that ihn rulers of tho ,i,.m,.,-o.i VJU' be opened here. Taggart liZ. a Chicago office. Ac b begun on Sentem- INROAD MAN DROWNED. 1 B- Cliff, of the Northern Pa. Meta Death In Lake- Wash- AUC. 15 Tl 1. .i . m V suPerintendent of tho ' "iTlalon nf tha n "tornlB- " LJOn" vvasmngion WOE. He we 01lt i mni uu , 1 Thursday evening. Tho lound yesterday with a hole - iue siae and Cliff was nc aT drowned ' Tachers RbUS- "what promises to atai circular over issu- F It ,in ' . ""'"-""lenoeni ACKer JwttS t,ltIe?;.".A clrF,ar r jess than a statement of i trnZ,enw8 and savings of Kbt teachers. Mrs. UMATILLA LAND IS HIGH PRICED HALF SECTION ON TUTUILLA SELLS FOR $10,000. Fred Taute Disposes of 320 Acres of Wheat Land to Archibald Struthers Farm Is' One of the Oldest In the County and Was Known as Doss Turner Place Taute Goes to Ne-Braska, Russian Losses Were Awful. Berlin, Aug. 13. A dispatch to the local Anzeiger from Tokio today eays heavy fighting took place at Port Arthur all night Tuesday and Wed nesday, and the Russian losses ar.e reported to be enormous. Destroyer to Neutral Port. London, Aug. 13. According to a Tokio dispatch, tho Russian torpedo boat destroyer Ryeshltelnl, tnken by the Japanese at Chee Foo, Is being taken to a Chinese port. Liao Yang Is Impregnable. St. Petersburg, Aug. 13. A mem ber of the Russian general staff stat- o.l tmlnv tlinf tttn Ttnaalnti nnol Mnn nl Admiral Wlthofft Killed. ; Uao Ynng ,8 practcaily imregnnble Umdon, Aug. 13. The St. Peters-1 owing to the work of Kuropatkln's en bur? correspondent of tho Central 1 gineers. News wires official details of Wed-! The wall about tho cltv has been nes.lay's sea fight. . utilized and heavy artillery mounted, Admiral Wlthofft was standing on with also an elaborate system of San Francisco Merchant Cuts His Throat on Board La Tourralnne. San Francisco, Aug. 13. Qulllor Hlrschflold, a morchnnt of 2239 Sut ton street, cut his throat In his stnte room en hoard La Tourralnne, tis sho entered port this morning. He boarded the vessel nt Hovro and hns boon In 111 health all tho voy age. Ho had wrlttun n letter telling of his despondency and threatening to suicide. Portland's Deficit. Portland, Aug. 13. Portland's city government is up ngnlnst n hard prop osition. The auditor estimates that there will he a deficit of nearly $29, 000 this year If expenses nre not ma terially reduced. the bridge of the battleship Czaro wltch a: the height of the battle, when a shell exploded, blowing him to atoms. Casualties on board the Czarowltch were 210 killed and CO wounded. The battleship reached Kai Chow with her steering apparatus shot away and most of her machinery damaged so It is practically useless. trenches about tho city. The Fred Taute ranch of 320 acres on the Tutuilla creek, three miles from Pendleton, was sold yesterday to Archibald Struthers for $10,000. Negotiations had been on betweeli Taute and Struthers for several weeks. The farm consists of wheat land and is one of the oldest ranches in Umatilla county. Mr. Taute secured the farm about three years ago. He came to Ore gon from Dakota on account of his health. He recently purchased a farm In Southern Nebraska and will leave boon for that state. Tne Taute farm Is what was formerly known as the old Doss Turner and the Bell ranches. The two quarter sections that make up the farm, were form erly owned by two different persons. The sale of the property was nego tiated through C. C. Berkeley, real estate dealer, Details of Sea Fight. London, Aug. 13. Ti.e Japanese embassy has received from Admiral Togo of today's date, as follows: "Five of the six Russian battleships which engaged the Japanese fleet on August 10, are believed to have been seriously damaged. The Pobledas' masts were broken off and her big guns ceased working before the bat tle was over. The R.etvlzan apparent ly suffered most, owing to our con centrated shells. Tho firing at the cruisers was from a distance of 3500 yards and o.e a re sult this class of vessels was proba bly less seriously damaged than the Russian battlenhlps. The Russian cruiser Bayan did not emerge from Port Arthur." The message adds that the Japan ese damages have already been tem porarily repaired. Admiral Wlthofft Buried at Sea. London, Aug. 13 An evening News dispatch from Tslng Tau, on Kalo Chou bay. states that Admiral With off's legs were blown off in the battle of Wednesday. He was hurled at sea. Tho commander of the Czarowltch states that he encountered tho Jap anese 20 miles from Port Arthur. The Czarowltch changed course and sail ed, toward Shantung. The Japanese followed the flagship and a second battle occurred there in the afternoon. One Shell Killed 200. Chee Foo, Aug. 13. Reports have reached here today from Port Arthur to the effect that a shell in the re cent bombardment, fell Into a build ing and killed 200 Russians. Russians Evacuate Llao Yang. London, Aug. 13. A dispatch to the Evening Star from Tien Tsln says the report has reached there from a Japanese source that tho Russbns i evacuated Liao Yang without fight I lug. after burning the railway station. Oregon Cherries Lead. Union, Aug. 13. C. M. and G. G. Stackland. of the Cove, Union coun ty, received first premium, during the past week, tor the best cherries on exhibition at the St. Louis fair, of the Bint; ard Royal Ann varieties. Stack- i a i .1 n .....11 nil , 1, IH zens of Cove are highly elated over , ..."V', ".J off this bit of good news as thoy are Ulrue "ussian cruisers orr Justly entitled to be. The honor, as well as the advantage iroin a com mercial point of view Is of Incalcula ble Im)ortaiice. The grading was 100 in pach Instance. Germans Guard Runaways. St. Petersburg, Aug. 13. A tele gram from Klao Chou says a German cruiser, probably the Fuerst Bis marck, has arrived there to prevent C(j anr jlcr hold searched tne Japanese irom entering me uar bor In pursuit of tho Russian war ' vessels which liavn taken refuge In the bay. British Steamer Searched. Gibraltar, Aug. 13. Tho ' British steamer Itonda, bound for Naples, was boarded by a Russian cruiser's crew yesterday, her papers examln- OREGON DOCTORS CONVENT ON DR. C. J. SION SMITH LEADS DISCUS ON "SURGICAL SHOCK." Thirty-first Annual Session of Oregon State Association to Be Held In Portland August 30 and 31 Spec ial Clinic to Be Given by Dr. Mayo, of Minnesota Entertainment of Delegates by President Williamson. Russians Short of Coal, report Saddle Russian Vessels Seek Hiding Place. Washington, Aug. 13. Consul Gen eral Goodnow. of Shanghai, the state department: "Tho Russian cruiser Askold has arrived here seri ously damaged and wants to dock! Have written the Russian consul gen- Aberdeen Ravaged by Fire. Aberdeen. Scotland, Aug. 13. A fierce fire is raging iu the tenement district and the damage already ex cedes a million dollars at noon. WOMAN TALKS SOCIALISM. In LW ; Maybr,ck Sals- Atiti- u13-"11 18 reported J . I P that Mrs. Mavhrlnk 'total oAn a88mod name for leu States today. IlL... fck. .0 Auc. 19ri.i o. i ... Mat ;: 'z&; new aop- T.,Ui,j Corn 60j onlg First Socialist Speech Ever Made Helena by a Woman. Last night residents of Helena were treated to a novel sight. For the first time In the city of Helena a wo man, Mrs. Ida B. Hazett, addressed a crowd In the interests of the socialist party, says the Helena Independent. It was an open air meeting and was held at the corner or Broadway ana Main street. Mrs. Hazett is a mannish appear ing young woman, and standing upon a cracker box, in a sharp clear voice she told of the advantages of social ism. She Is a good talker, too, and made several hits. Probably tho best one was when she said tho packers had gotten tho business down to such a fine point that they were able to utilize every part of the hog, even the squeal, which was re corded on a phonographic record and used as a rally at republican conven tions. The first part of the Bpeoch soared but with every sentence kept coming a little closer to tho ground, tho spsakor closing the address with these words: "Come up and buy one of these little book Only a nlckle. i 'a half a dime the pn -e 3f n r gar or ' glass of boor" COST OF UMATILLA COUNTY WHEAT CROP Questioned this morning hy tho East Oregoniati, as to tho average cost of raising a bushel of wheat In Umatilla county, E. W. McComas, local muungur for the Northwest Warehouse Company, took tho aver ago farm of 100 acres and a 25-bushel yield for a starting point, and con cluded that it Is 32 cents and 4 mills Taking this figure for an average, 21 to 22 cents Is sometimes found as the cost, where the farmer Is excep tionally located as to richness' of laud and contlguousuess to market, and perhaps other more than usual ly favorable circumstances intervene to lessen the cost. On the other hand, a frost, a local dearth of rain, distance from mar ket, or some other factor may inter fere that the farmer cannot reap the full benefit or average conditions, and the cost of reproduction may reach from 3D to 38 cents. But on the average farm 10 miles from market, the schedule of expense may be considered to bo covered by the following estimates of the cost per acre the labor bolng practically all hired: Preparation of ground, $2; seed, (one and a quarter bushels of grain at CO cents per bushel) 7fc; harvest ing with combine, $2.fi0; sacks, $; hauling, $1.40; warehouse charges, 45c. Total, $8.10. Divided between a yield of 25 bushels per acre, makes tho expense to $1200. and tho vlehl (at 25 bushels per acre) to 4000 husli- eis. me avcrago cost being the same. un me large ranches it would ap pear, to judge tho subiect minerflc lally, that the cost per bushel would bo lighter, but Mr. McComas h Until. tive that the average big rancher has to pay almost exactly the same as the sman farmer, because he must hire all his labor, or practically all of It The "natural" difference ought to be about 15 per cent in favor of the large rancher, hut It does not exist In reality because or tho fact that ho must hire very nearly all his work uune. Wheat raising is more profitable man id years ago, for the reasons that th,e yield is increasing percepti bly and "year by year," with ovory Indication of bearlnir out tin. t hfinrv held by government experts that tho soli of this wheat belt Is actually self fertilizing that It cultivation and tho prowluu of crona to dovolon its strength. Another reason for the crowinir of wheat being more nrofitablo than ever before hcre la that tho cost of actual production is less' as more wells nre dug, thus doing away with the necessity of hauling water. The third reason Is tho incrnnnnrl efficiency of machinery. Almost evorv year something is done which renders the combines, and even the older-fash ioned fypes Of harvesting annarntna Dr. C. J. Smith, of this city, at tho 31st annual meeting of th,e Oregon State Medical Association, to bo held In Portland on August 30 and 31, will lead the discussion, following the pn per on "Surgical Shock," "I intend going Hast In a few weeks," said Dr. Smith, this morning, "and It may bo that I will not bo able to attend tho meetings In Port land. Tho sessions of the associa tion are always very ontertnlnlng nnd highly Instructive, and I will attend If I can possibly tnke the lmo," Tho meetings of tho association will bo held nt Elks' hall In (ho Mar quam building. One of the principal events will ho nil address on abdomi nal surgery by Dr. Charles Mnyo, of Rochester, Minn., nnd a surgical clinic conducted hy him at 51. Vin cent's hospital. Dr. Walter T. Williamson, tho pres ident of tho association, and chief surgeon at tho Mount Tabor Sanitar ium, will hold an informal smoker at his residence In Mount Tabor, on tho ovenlng of tho 30th. On tho evening of August 31 tho city and county medical associations of Portland will .entertain tho visiting doctors nt a banquet at Hotol Portlnnd. The officers of tho state associa tion are: W. T. Williamson, Port land, prosldont; G. W. Tape, formerly of Hot Lake, vice president; 15, K, Ferguson, The Dalles, second vlco president; Jesslo M. McGavIn, Port land, treasurer; L, H. Hamilton, Port land, secretary. Dr. W. T. Williamson, president o tho state association, was n former resident of Umatilla county, having been one of the pioneer physicians of me county. Gala Day at the National Cap ital Turned Into a Time of Mourning. RACING LAUNCH CAPSIZ- ED IN SWIFT CURRENT. Seven Bodies Recovered at Four O'clock Accident Happened at End of Second Race, Opposite George town Thirteen People In the Launch, Only Four Escape Happy Event Was Proceeding With Great Enthusiasm Wherv One of Leading Launches Went Under In n Strong Current. Wnshlngton, Aug. 13. During tho boat races today u launch cnpslzctl and seven wero drowned. Tho acci dent happened at tho close of th.b sec ond race off Georgetown. Tho swift current from tho flume of tho Sizzles mills capsized and snnk tho hont and flvo women and two men wero drown. Ono man, tho only other oc cupant, was rescued nnd Ills nnmo Is not known. Nine Lives Lost. The bodies recovered are Miss Ha zel Hlzer, nged 20; Dr. Charles H., MIbb Melon Moore. It Is now stated that 13 wero In the bont and four wero saved. Seven Bodies Recovered. Washington, Aug. 13 Soven bodies wero recovered up to 4 o'clock. Ono was Identified us William 11. Smith, an employe of tho navy yard. Tho others are; Albort C. Stout, Dr. C. L. Stewart, J. George Smith, A. J. Hoso, and J. Herbert Coates, all of Washington. TURKISH CRISIS TODAY. Porte Must Answer or Diplomatic Re lation Will Be Broken. London, Aug. 13. A dispatch from Constantinople states that Lelsch matin had nn Intorvlow with Foreign Minister Tewflk Pasha to renew tho request for tho Immediate settlement of American demands. After tho intorvlow Tewflk Pasha left tho palace. Developments aro ox pecte'd today. IClthcr the porto will grant tho demands or Lelschmann will break off diplomatic relations. NO POMP AT FUNERAL. Waldec-Ros8eau Burial Was a Simple, Democratic Affair. Paris, Aug, 13. A vast throng at tended tho funeral services of Wal-iluck-Itosseau, former premier, lit St. Clotllde, today. Tho body luy In tho center of tho church surrounded by candles. Thoro wero no flowers, In accordance with Hut wishes of tho de ceased. Th.o Interment was at Mont Mnrtro cemetery. Dissolve Australian Parliament. Melbourne, Aug. 1.1. Premier Wnt sou has asked the governor general to dissolve the Australian parliament. The request Is duo to tho defeat of tho government Wednondny on tho question of labor arbitration. CATTLE MU8T BE DIPPED. In he average cost per bushel 32c and j more efficient, and in tho same ratio is ": ' lessens, of course tho cost of nro-1 to By hc quaver section this brings ' during every bushel of erain I tKI Dr. Hutchinson Finds "Scabies Large Herd at Eugene. Government Stock Insnectnr iininh nison was In Eugeno yesterday after noon ana condemned a bund of 130 head of cattle, which w.oro ready for suipmont 10 Montana, on account of an injection called "scabies," Hays me Hiigcna uuaru. According to tho law. cattln lnr.-fi ed in any way cannot bo shipped from ono state to another. Another drove or 27D head nt Oukland and one of 17D neau ai jiaisey wero also condemned and cannot bo shinned. tne announcement that the cattle were Infected and could not bo shio. peu came as a tnunuorbolt to J. N. uurgess, ttio gentleman who had oougut tho cattle and was under con. tract to deliver them to tho govern ment on an Indian reservation In Montana, "Scabies" Is a now dlseaso to local cattle men. It appears on tho skin of the cow and is not discornable un less a closo examination Is made. Hark scabs about tho slzo of a dime are seen underneath tho hair and are found on various parts of the body. . uv o.ui'ti juDjiei-iur nays mo disease Is found all over Oregon. Washing ton and Idaho, and doubtless has n. Istcd for years Firemen 8erloualy Injured, Minneapolis. Aug. 13. Eight tint men wer.o seriously Injured by a fall- lug slnlrwny Iu a flro which gutted tho Printers' Exelmi'en Building this morning, Loss, $100,000. Russian Heir Is Robust. St. Petersburg, Aug. 13. Dr. Vott, tho Imperial accoucheur, today re. ports tho czarina and son doing well. INCREA8E8 FOR CA8CARA BARK. Northwest to Ship 100,000 Pounds' This Year. The statement coiiioh from an uu thorltatlvo source that 100,000 pounds of cascara hark, with u market vnluo of approximately $0000, will ho ship, p.od from Pugot Hound ami Columbln river districts to eastern markets dur ing tho present year. An unusual demand from custom . cities, especially Now York, has In creased the vnluo of tho hark to such mi extent that farmers having tho cascara treoB on their lands aro de voting much of their attention to peeling the hark nnd proimrlrii; It for th.o markets. Oregon Horses East. C. M. Clay, ono of tho most oxten. slve horsemen of tho West, shiilned 200 head of range horsjes to East St. I-oula last weok. The next shipment from there will bo about August 18, when Mr. CJay will ship 500 head of Malheur range horses. Duriuc tho ast Ii shipped to eastern mar- m 1 At. m - iwu neaa of horses