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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1903)
T 7(fr -W I! DAlLYVEfliNGDITIOH BcAWEEK, I 'mmmmm''mHmmmmmmi 7 Mr J I Touigut ami fair PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FU1 DAY, ATCU'ST 21, 1903 NO. -tS'Jo. LAND SOLD A9AIN L Transfers 1 100 f the Tract to Idaho Converted INTO MODEL FARM. L Stephen Venard, W. H. L Eben Mounce Become i the Land and Ditch at Mr. Brownell Reserves lOceupy Old "Four Mile" DEFENSE IN THE T TRIAL DUMBER tWPOIl tl.r. Villi .L. t i... . ..' " 1 uoiumu a river ust above Umatilla. This Is a fine body of rich land, and Mr. BrowneU C0I7e,rt 11 lnt0 a fl,le nn in the near future. This sale of Umatilla county land tan?.ntlmt aCl'Ve oiMiatlonS, under fnc'hnt , hoa. will continue n that district until the arid land now in8 S?i0' wU1 1,0 a sollrt olfa"n held. The new company Is In perfect harmony with the Oregon Land & Water Company, of Stokes, of which F. n Holbrook Is superintendent The results of the systematic work on each proposition will bo an advertise ment for the other, and the develop, ment. will be watched with Interest by those Interested In the reclama tion of the desert In this county One. feature of tho Maxwell tract, which Is absent In most Irrigated dis tricts, Is the presence of an excellent quality of water, about 11 feet under neath the surface, all over the tract. The basin In which Maxwell is locat ed has evidently been a channel of tho Umatilla at one time, and the soil Is exceptionally rich. In tho basin to the eastward of the Imttes, near the railroad track at Maxwell station, are found the most pronounced Indications of artesian water In tho Inland Empire. The formation of the earth nnd the gen oral contour of the country, Is favor-1 nine to an underground flow, accord-l jaris, Aug.,orl concluded hik iu u.u imauSi un oi experts ; m behalf of the Humberts this morn wiio nave examined mo district, i tnR by declaring no dlshonc: Great and Sensational Inter national Swindling Case Nears Its Conclusion. LABORI MAKES STARTLING CHARGES IN HIS ADDRESS. F AVQRABLE TO IN MEASURES List of Demands Mcde by the Irans-Mississippi Congress at Seattle Treasurer- George Kansas City Secretary--Arthur V. plo Creek. It, Hanlson, Francis, Crip- RIGHTEOUS Declared That the Famous Birth Cer tificate Was Fraudulent Was Sub jected to Frequent Interruptions and Demanded Quiet Concluded His Speech and Yielded to the Pub He Prosecutor. ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE EXPOSITION. Favors a Territorial Organization for Alaska Handles the Range, Forest Reserve and Irrigation Question, and Also Wants Oklahoma and In dian Territory Organization Into One State. LWItt C. llrownoll, of U tmiiBfurred 1.1 no acres I . . ..r l.ttt.1 rtnnolat. tUr irUCl l .milt, ...uv- ...v u.ov. By of 1,34(1 acres, which Doing convenient to transportation l' llltlCO Spargm, u" iiuf inhujo, d.ii.uiuu gum ujiiuuu iui 1 . f tlinf.nirl, lr.ntnn nn.l Imiiln. (V... -ir..nn...l wr II 1 n.1vnntnfpa rtf ti rrnnjl rlliiifl tlinpn Eben Mounce, nil form-' U no reason why this tract should 1 Tin ltfwmhia nnn nf fhn timet ni-nfHn. I.' , , ... i, ,.ii,,itv ! hie Irrigation propositions In tho station, seven miles east I " 1 Bt- on the O. K. & N., anil p w.. . nFTmP L Irrlontlni: (lltcll six i RUSSIA WILL RETIRE. U. constructed by .ludgo . . . ... tu. 1 1894, Mr. Urownull re- ,....m will occupy nnd cultivate oi me uzai. if tho original Spargur London, Aug. 21. A dispatch from as the Sam neilol place, l Constantinople this afternoon says famous Seattle, Aug. 21. Interna in to day's session of tho Trans-Mlsslssln- Ing by declaring no dishonesty had pi Commercial Congress centers In been proven, and that of tho money j the battle on tho subject or me leg enough remains to discharge all debts nnd still leavo a surplus. He said tho only real accuser Is the notorious usurer. Cattnnl. who Is talnllvn tipp.lfl nf Alnskn The most contested point In the discussion will doubtless be that of a proposed territorial form or gov seeking personal revenge. He eharg-1 ernment for the district. The Alaska cd former Premier Wnldoek Itosppnti delegation, IS strong, held n meeting and members of tho present cabinet yesterday afternoon for tho purpose with corruption li. conned Ion with of considering the matter of Intro- the caEO. claiming that the public nrnsprtltnr lind lippn chosen boCaUSO he was known to be hostile to the Humberts. Tho prosecutor arose and denied the charge, and a duel of followed. Tho judge inter words followed. Tho i.-.,, I ..... i,...i.. ,..i..,, ,i,ii. ..onMwwi 1 Voned. Q(J Hllliwun I'll... ......v. luu uuaaiuii eiiiinitiuu miiii.ii " . : , ... ,. , .. , , , .1.1. or n.i.ntllla station, the Rosnhorus Wednesday, will leave Laborl throw the first light on the n t-ncnlnttrin fnV'l.rilli' the nil mission of the district ns si territory, and after some brief discussion adopted a resolution favoring that measure by a vote of 17 to 1. Gover nor llrady alone voting In the negative.. The most Important work of me PREDICTS WINDY WEATHER. Chance to Make Some Speed Second Day of Races. Xew York. Aug. 21. Tho weather bureau predicts light northerly winds tomorrow morning, shifting to east ward nnd getting stronger ns the day advances. Odds today arc three to one on Kellanco. but few bets un posted this afternoon. Sir Llpton Is Hopeful. .,,. "1 Qlr 11,,!,,., It' today more hoportil man ever or win ning the cup, Ho says yesterday's conditions were tho worst he ever saw off Sandy Hook. "Shamrock had no show for wind, while Reliance was lucky enough in catch puffs, giving her a lead. Whenever we did get a hrco.e we lost no time getting over Hellnnco'fi gain, but tho lurk never lasted. 1 hope for a fair breeze, I when we will show what Shamrock can do, 1 want to race on even terms and If 1 get It, I do not fear the result." INDIGNATION A Democratic Committeeman for Alaska Appointed Com missioner to World's Fair. POLITICAL PROTESTS WERE ALL TURNED DOWN. JUMPED THE TRACK. Serious Street Car Accident In Seat tle Suburb. Seattle, Aug 21. A street car, loaded with Sunday school picnick ers from llnllard, got beyond tiie con trol of the nioloriunn on a grade In Fremont, n Seattle suburb, this morn ing, and Jumped the track on n sharp curve. It plunged down a 20-foot om hankment and turned oor. Ono wo man was fatally hurt, and n doiou children seriously Injured. It has been learned that Mts, Ol son nnd Mts. Mary HKgen were fa tally Injured. TIED THE TOWERMAN. Scheme of Car Thieves Nearly Caus ed a Wreck. ' Phlr-!..-.. -M l-'nur masked men last night bound and gapped and ai ..,.. wii ..- - - .I......... , . . ; lv date, as Turkey has ac-' mystery by declaring the madamc's j nay was tne . , u, ..,.. b oi iuiiii uuu.uw 7 . -,,.," ' ., :, w blith certlucate. nrodueed n court uy tier ot resoiuiiuim, whimi - !, nno of tho most teas-1 cupieu uu uiu u. o uuiu..... , ,,, ,.,. relerred to the resolutions com- " . V"V " Ion proportions In tho Turkish this afternoon , ; w ,ch w, rt tll eu , h er , m,n the gentlomen purenasinB - , al)orl Ho flnally tape- later on in the ween . no i.s, ,., ,,,,, KMv was discovered letuatoly begin improve- no r .lent o " 0 nK "r1al ,-iously demanded her to keep b lent eluded the following: ltl engine crew an hour later, in with a view to making it onstratlon ataltibt tne pone. concluded. EmlllV Appropriation for the Fair. t m.u. wrecklue a nusse. ger DESTRUGTIVE 51, LOUIS Flit JOHN ELLSLER DEAD. SEVERAL FAMOUS FIRMS .. t i Atirlrn cnmnienccd lis aauress will occupy the land,, ueiega.c v-u. , "" -",.,,. Ibout the llrat or bopiem- wew ion: aub. Ing H to alfalfa, nnd maii- delegate rams case win inuuuu.y (iu jht repairs neoded on the to the Jury this evening. Iwlll have chargo of the i icing an experienced Irrl Hliph builder, having lol- becupation In .Montnuu and nut the land in a nigu Lltlvatlon In the shortest he. Skinner nnd Mounce are the Vlneland Irrigation lat l.ewlslon, Idaho, ami l In that city for tno pies- Venard, who has been a Mr FurnuH. will probably (laxwell this winter to as urnas in the work f l"i- lo trad All t ho mirchas- tactical Irrigators, kentlemen reorganized me Ehaha lrrlcntion Company, Brst by Judge Spargur, In will continue to do uusi fori i.,lt,,iti,. i,v nrnL-im ileleuatlon. I favoring the appropriation of $1,0(10, ! (100 by congress for Lewis and Clark Exposition. Miscellaneous Demands. 1 Itesolutlon asking the president to . nlnce the name of Hugh Craig, of Once World Famous Actor Lived to Rp Rfl Years Old. . ,i. ' Pnllfinnln mi the ththmlan canal New ion;, Ai8. .""J in. .. nnr. nl tl.O I.PKt inOWn aClUIM UIU. '"'au time to sae wrecking a passenger train entering the yards. Has r.. lov ers In the tower The men got away with smnll booty SMMITTEE DISAGREES amend- uu v. v . , noMiliilloii nroviulni! lor nintiacers or tno oiu bcuuui, who dhu, .- .-- , m?.i this morning, aged SO. He ments to homestead laws mmTRY FLAMES AND FLOOD, was known the wor.d over as a part-' 1 eso J - " er FlTIudden, S r.rt namnne to Chattel Property Jaml " r ...i,. rme 1 11.- ranue. Which Survived the Fire Damage Suits Are Imminent. SENATOR ALDRICH SEES NO HOPE OF ANY HARMONY. Now Seen That No Bill Can De Fram- Levi Williams, of Juneau, Gets Pay ing Job Hit Colleague, Governor Drady, Gets Glory Only Affair Has Raised a Disturbance In Re publican Circles at Washington. Washington, Aug. 21. -Assistant Secretary Itynn. of the Interior de partment, has sllried up a political hut nets' nest by the appointment which wns tunde public today of I t'M Williams, of Juneau. Alaska, democratic national committeeman Horn Alaska, as executive commis sioner to take charge or the Alaskan exhibit nt the World's Kulr The other conitulmlnner Is (lovor nor llrady. llrady net salary, while Williams will get 2,tl00 per year and expenses. Hints or the appointment leaked .... I In , i.n.l reilllhllcnii noll- Helium strenuously piotosted, led b henalor Carter, or Molilalia, but tho j protests were Ignored DLACK IS COMMANDER. G. A. R. Last Night Elected Officers nnd Chose Location for 1904. San rranelseo, Aug. 21. -Tho (Irnnd Army of the Ilepublle today select ed lloston as tho place whoro the en campment of 190 1 will ho held, nnd elected the following olllcorn: Ciiiumander-ln-Chlef General John (' lllnck, Illinois. Senior Vice Commander - Colonel C. Mason Konne, California. Junior Vlco-Conunander Colonel Harry C Kossler. Montana. Surgeon-ln-Chlaf (leorge A liar muu, Ohio. Chuplaln-ln Chief Wlullold Hcott, Arlxoua. The Women'H Roller Corps elected (he following olllrom this ufternoon: National l'rosliieni--narnii nini.ii". ilUlllVB i.v. , - - - two daughters, ono of whom. Kllsler. became famous. Hesoltitlon recommundlng the es- i ini.iici... nf International salmon SHOT HIS WIFE. for water St. Louis. Aiib. .-Hie cany Hesolu.lon providing morning duinageu uie uwu "'""" Chicago policeman inuugm n """istoing.. Company $(10,(100, the Simmons Hard- shooting at a Burglar. 1 rtesoMtlon piovldlng for the crea- ware Conipany, damage $000 ho i 21.PoiCeman tloll ()f single, state out of the area r .,n n nnat Sinlooo and the Schafer. lookl.U! for a burglar in , ; . braced in ..-r v inn onr v iiiih iiiwi ijiiim. ohw. laiiuiWii. ed Upon Which Senate and Houie,0 vifit-ITtwIilMil - Ursula M. Can Get Together Next Winter. ( Mlltt)U8on. WnshliiBlon. , i The only contest In the eloclU f v.,,,. ! - Tin. iiiein hers ... ' n... .Inlimv for tabllshment of in.erna. ..... n wlll(, o. r, - -; b hatcheries by the United Stal.s "nil .-..nslderlnir a new i-urioiicy I ., M.,i,n,skn. ro- culved Tin votes. Si'ott. Arlsona. -0B. and llrudford, Washington, IIS. Ilrai find withdrew and Hcoti was n- r IhU nnli.n TheV will liot n..l(ll,, mtp Sr. 000. a colonization scheme nor j Lalcr the falling of an Immense l of land on tho market, i w-ater tower flooded tho tniee ..i,.civ .ii.rliiins fatal y. wounucu i... ...iro' .. rnllnwed llltn dOWIl stairs. She exonerated her husband iati ui iiinu Mil uu; wilier UJWUI iiuutn.ii ---- nprovu It nnd convert It In- ,.l)t mmet lU,d added ouonnousij io . ... . becoming un- 1 irrigated farm, and with j tho 1(13Ses sustained by them, n I ,)lRm vii w uri lifiiiiir lii illume titn nas 111 I'liuii 10 L-anmi"v - - , rovements permanent and trebled, as the falling of the tmuer took I) ace nuer mu - SJncUfafiMnoVToxMontoiA' ncland. Me, Aug. 21. -Admiral lata (lc'll-''L ' . ,,.' iBt Kiiei, a i n...,i,rv ur,niiirnii will steam hero ..pen mane iuu..uii.h n --- uhhi -- . Ich will reclaim about 2,BU0 be vicinity of Muxwoll. ami nas been run turoiign u Hr since Its construction, renalrs nni needed. The ...... xll.MDv There were several very narrow os- " -l r flrnnlPIl nnd 0111- liverted from tho Umatilla 1 1)1()V(S wi,en the tower collapsed poatio the moutli or inmei There Is taiK ..u...t,- msi I runs around tho foothills aKaMt the city baseu upon i tmn ; ' oi u.o Mvui, , urn . me '"V. " rVnn, li on of ' i. 1)0(,y.. 01 l"'on ,0. "" ,PClected to 5 r,es!" 11 ?.".?iu' ")' towc " ' lu l:, w,. ; ..nabio IS dnrlv i in i lor- tlm illt oh. nnd n ..iinpuut nrnnorty owners io lB'i llltlu to a high state of ctil-; nl0Vt. their chattels. The kn U. n i nek. sauuy Pteil to tho culture of nny Its or grains that grow in .....j.... Thorn will lie IWO UII1- plres. ono on each vessel. The naval reserves and military of the adjoin ng Ill nnrtlelnnto. OnO of til first efforts will be to seine the sta- Cuba Will Sign Up. ,...,.ln.nn AllB. SI. !"" le climate, and Is especial-1 informed tho stato I, as is tho entire Hutter ; Q" la 0 1 Cu,,a ls ready to sign Umatilla district, to the ''"f rnt naVal stations to the of alfalfa in its porfectlon. the W ' To Protect Austria's Interests. fnncinnilnoi.le. Aug. 21. The Aus- .1.... n,l.iaanilnr today Eellt a UOte I to the Porto demanding adequate- pro-, tectlon for the ausu iuh Mo astir, and also for tho Oriental hallway, which connects Turkey and nn and which Is run by an Aus trian syndicate. li In nr nlfnlrn in lie nnrfnctlt I'th will bo gradually extend e 'and Is placed under cum- Ku win bo matlo tno oogui 1 Bnlrmll.l l.-rl,.nliwl illstrlct. (; object of tho purchasers Is '"nit from tho laud, They "o time in seeding It to ai- r uruer that it may become ""tog ns (illicitly as possl- I 'Ml la1 ill. m mnrn .will' lnlld I 'turned United Slates. GRAIN MARKETS, Quotation. Furnished by Co. Commit s.on Company-B. E. Kennedy, Lo ca, Manaflor Chicago. Aug. brek. ,-.. now aeillllg r,u,,t Ooouing. Ll,.t ro.Mllwlll at once move to lw, e. on the Iloltol lnrm. Corn ifOV., If o.,.l i-ni.lnl.n more ....... 5" 80 81 I he ... i,,,. ..... ....i..,..,. .nt, -h tile l.iiii HQs l il.... h 'ie u i , ,rf, mi wnieh h,. S constructing near 't Umatilla Ho has a dlfh ') then' wnlcli will Irrlgai " t land owned by him. i Sent Close. 81 81 ji.anoapoHs, Au; . t. o n ; 78 r.hlcaoo Wheat. .. , An, 21 - Wh'Mlt 1,'lliriisu ' , . ami ' a Sept l)n. Mime 68 7t opened figure. For the Murder of Goebel. Georgetown. Ky., Aug. M-Vo: ert- trial this morning was devoted to reading the deposition of ox-Cover-nor Taylor, of Kentucky, now a fit "RV 7 ,...n niui which s a gen- eril denial of complicity i the Ooo- bel murder. Official Speed Trial. Bar Harbor, Aug. 21. The cruiber Cleveland arrived here last night arid Is today making preparations for the governmont test. Speed must show it. ft kuota Barely Alive. London, Aug. 21.-Lord Salisbury is barely alive this morning. His con dition l critical with no liopo for recovery. I,...1,. nrm'llllllL- lor i.iolettloil ot the cities and towns and lands In valleys or the .Misslsslpjil, Missouri and Kansas rivers from ravages of Hood. , . Itesolutlon providing that no legis lation be made for the territories of tho Five Civilized Tribes of h lan Territory, except such as will lead to an Independent state of said ter ritories. Resolution providing that Hie pies ldent of the United States select a man of experience and matiue Judg ment for tho iHjBltlon of chief of tho bureau of manufactures. Itesolutlon proWdlng that tho ten gross protest against further exten sion of forest reserves by t-e fedeial ,..,!. i. ritlpH Resolution recommending u sys tem of highway Improvement Resolution providing for Improve ment of Mississippi liver banks Itesolutlon providing Tor Improve ment of harbors nnd rivers. Resolution providing for improve ment of the San joaijuiii "" "as- Providing that the gov- ernment build wan in in.m . property at Galveston Resolution lllli JI4IRD .-- &. .1.. I rtff r.ers Are nom.i.u'c-. The following otllcern have b'-on aonilnaiod by the for of IK. -is or the organisation, and no doubt will bo elected: Iresldent-H. C. Kerens St. UjuU. Vice-p.esldent-A. U la'k, W"- t0Send - Walter Grcbham, Galveston. , . Tlmd Vlce-preaWint-Jobn Ca.rt- Held St. Paul. . Kourtn Vice-piwident-r' U I Ios Angele. has been considering a new riiriency measure have given up tne uiea oi nllpmnllni. tn leilpl. HI. Iiureemellt tl II- on any asset currency plan, says a World dispatch rroni rroviueuce. it. I. Senator Aldrlch, llie chairman. Is nnlhnrltl- dtp Hip utnt.tlliellt tllllt wllllC the couimlltee has not depnrled from Its ileternilnntlon to devise iih slrjiple, conservative measuio for the bettermeul of llliauclal conditions. It has decided to exclude from the hill any reference lo asset currency or any other detail upon which a dis agreement of senate ami House would be likely. It Is the belief of thin .ommll'eo that In the short Hum before .tongress Is convened It would be practically Impossible to frame, with any hope or Its adoption, a comprehensive cur rency pleasure Hint would embrace all the larger iiiotlons which will yet have to be dealt with. The ener gies of the committee, therefore ar being devoted to paving the wny for the passage of a simple bill lo meet present needs When tho formal con ference of the i-oniiiiltleo Is resumed In the neur future ul Senator AI- drlch's home th w measure will bo drafted. ODELL FIGHTING PLATT. Wants a Vacancy In Legislature Fill ed Upon That Basis, li-., a., 9!l WIiIIm I'riJ ldent Roosevelt and Governor Odoll Ualveston. eri, ,lw.Hlng Nh York politic to- for the Improvement of . ..xprowted filmaeir river and Its tributaries. " VM r. ij bi1(-11hU nwn . I .L.l.rl I ... il. .4... t III th. till- U1IAHII1P ' oliK-ted to the vaconl sent I" up per Uouae of (lie legisnuur Oucsts of Navy Department. Beattle. Aug. HI .-Tll. members of the Trai.n-MUslHlypl Congress wen- ... .... i.. ii.e Ha lie navy rn.u, . - ed on the second ballot. TWO OPCN PORTS. New Treaty Provides for a Partial Open Door. Washington, Aug. 21,-Clilnese Mlnlhler Cheng called at the t department today to contlrm the dls natch that piolHlon for op. nliiK two .oris In Manchuria be Included In tho treaty with the United States, which will bo concluded In October. Ho says the outcome Is a great victory for tho United Stales, and the III s accruing to China will be Inesti- 'lli'el' the HuiMdnn evacuation i,r Manchuria to begin AiiKUSt 28. Off for Europe, New York, Aug 2l.--Hocrtary Root milled to-lay on the - ' J"r Llverisiol to attend tho Alaskan Ijoundi.ry wuiimlwlon, of which ho U a membr. Minister IMaier ulo sail ed for Turkey CHARGED VITH GAMBLING, Jesse Sellers Got $10 and Costs In the Clrsult Court. .lease Heller was arrested on ail information died In th- cl,. u It royit yesterday aflernoon th. dlslrlef at tori.v .barging him V.IH, ..mMlus. He utih arraigned b " J'ld" W. I-: 1 1 1 H ii.i, inuriilng and ftfc.-d 10 and ihi l.y ih" 'i' ,, . . I, , (, Ini.ulb.e ..I Hi- "Uirtc v ... .1.. 'i ';; Hiiimn- vvhttl i;aMil.)l"n I "' ' ' .,, , in . . .1 ! i work- t the officers at at 1 u hx h last evening They made W tour of lnp ton of IB W ernuieiit woika. and will probably rec onim.nrl an extension Hi- yam here. ,i..-ii,i. i i m iii-i' "i ' 1olntliiK 'he laws Aln-ad) 51.0 Ji 1 ' , i, d lor '!. i.,, ii .' u, tii. m I . W..i! il l sv beeu i iruu. digplay I'alr. I