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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1903)
ol DAILY EAST OWEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY. JUNE 6, 1908. less Cat ds and Societies OFES8ION8 AND TRAPES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. '." nlirt fours, iu - " IfllJLts'ere' troubles, calar 9 ui c0 d Impaired hearing. -"-TTImoo. office over. ffl2oaS"'n?nk. Telephone tolBFlE,AaVon Office In Judd PloW'ce. black 73! re tWji . ATTORNEYS. iAEnSl mi LAW OFFICE IN JUdS "t'iEYftm .K;. ATTOnNEYS AT ... tsvei.aiu U1UCK, DALI.ERAV & McCOUKT. LAWYERS A1 poclatlon building. "AitKS. AS RnL. V.AiroNr.Ys AT . ... .,i nuns Dunning. r u-v Te epnone - HENRY J. DEAN. ATTORNEY AT LVW Arsoclntlon block, 1'endletcn, Oregon. II. 3. SLATER, ATTORNEY. Judd building. ROOMS 423 E. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Court street. Ill - n.ti-i'ini i V St. i. a.inM Hank build- -oa.traire m - -.... Main 1. osee pnuuc - trwJsffAH- PHYSICIAN AND K.- Vn rieanaln block. Tele- 131. Residence 'phone blacic trcniiAKESiiEE, cnnoNic 5-and diseases of BiSr B-r-.-rfu nnnNR. OSTEOPATH1 If il3 fnompBon street. House SIM, a"" L. II. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Pendleton, Oregon. K. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW ... c i i , . .... H. E. COLLIER, LAWYER, OPriCE Rooms 7 and 8, Association building. bTlLLMAN A 1'IERCE, ATTORNEYS AT Lnw. Mr. Ntlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent i.t. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13, Association IIIOCK. itM" in mi I Fresh Berries Every Day AT I F.S. YOUNGER I - - & SON . INSURANCE AND LAND BU8INES8 ITriEBY. FUY8I0IAN AND B"R- limn, In Asiociatlon uioeif, umce M "mil BeVl"encc Phone Main 1421. I. OW. OPTICIANS. ... t ninneiK Blllk son, graduate optl clan. The only com ft nlete optical parlor In PS the city. Six doors south ot P. O., Main Irtalleton, Ore. No fee charged litnitlon tod consultation. R. S. BRYSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections aid Itsurance. Office In E. u. Dunning. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST ana most reuaDic nrenna accident Insurance companies, umce witn uartman Abstract Co. JOHN IIAILEY. JR.. II. H. t.ANIi omt. mlSHloncr Specialty made ot land filings uuu iiruin ; insiirunco ana collections. ut- ncc in juiia uuiuing, room iti. DENTISTS. IuCQIUN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN liallalag- inoue, run u. I....... nc.v.a.mnn ntni'lPP IV AR. m block, OTer Schmidt s new drug Ttooe, red 271. BANKS AND BROKERS. vmMAIi RANK OF ATHENA. Ion. Capital, f.V),0W): surplus and 13,000. loterest on time deposits, la forelm anJ domestic exchange. Iiou promptly attended to. Henry ru, prniacni ; x. J. ivitk. vice-prra-F. S. LeGroir, cashier : I, M. Kemp, tuhltr. tflEMCnS RANK OP WESTON, oi. Orecon. Does a ueneral bank- mltm. uchange bought and sold. mm promptly attended to. It, Jam Iprsldtnt: George W. Proebstel, Emu; i. it. Kiigore, casmcr; ui U a. Iartman, M. M. Johns, T. , 0. D. Gran-, J. P. Kllgore, Rob ion, 0. W. Proebstel. JOE II. TARKES, OFFICE 120 COURT street, i.nna on ice business, such as HI- mi? oi claims anu initiating contests specialty. BOARD AND LODGING. MRS. H. L. HUNTINGTON HAS PURCHASED the Lodging House at G.U Garden Street, where she will be glad to ee bar friends and patrons. HOTEL ALTA. CORNER AI.TA ANT) Mill streets. Hoard b7 the day or wees, uuou ruuie ser. uaies $j.du ana I4.DO per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. . H. i;amisten, t'rop. THE 8TIIAHON IIOOMINO HOUSE, 018 Main street. Mrs. II. E. Cooper, Prop. I'.veryuiiug strictly urst-ciass. Kates ac, rOc and fl per day. IPEXDICTON SAVINGS BANK, 'ton, Oregon. Organized March 1, Iiipiui, )iuu,uuu; surplus, miu, ttmt allowed on all time ilenoslts. It! bought and sold on all principal cipcvhi uneniion given io coi- . W. J. Furnish, tirralilonf ; .1. IV. Ptreildent! T. .1. .(rrla rnahlpr! Mtloney, assistant cashier, h'MIONAI, RANK OF PENDLE- I ClD tat. 170 DOn .nrnln. fl Hdn . In i (eneral banking business. Ex tra telegraphic transfers sold on San Francisco. New York and i point In the Northwest. Drafts m Cnlna, Japan and Europe. Makes r " icosunauic terras. i,evi All- BrKminf. u n f.t ,. i u e' casher I U. F, Johnson, HITECTSAND BUILDERS. h1??f CON'JBACTOIt AND BUIL- iiii.. . 01 wotlt "gured on. Job iS 1 5 i ' work curiteed. ICT AND 8U went! makes romnleti. nnrt rn. FraWi?dfn,rl,yorcoun- l rrin. . n VX',. ";T1!ACT01ts AND M iraSr 7 furn 8!1C(1 on sl,ort n-v t, mm illUIU. lrr m1nf,'rn,lfhe'1 0,1 011 kinds iTKATTTti a ... " I "naieton. OreK , - ' Turat;?2,nt.olk8.. specialty. Es. at itiSTi. ""'k, guaranteed. tff iSS'SSSf c,Kar F AND8HOE REPaidikir Pte'O'MABLE rt'w. Khon r. "'"''"hg with ITS" "D0I 'a rear of Uludlnger WHEN YOU GO TO PILOT ROCK STOP nt the City Hotel. Good meals and first-class rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers, airs. u. u. me te!, Pilot Rock, Ore. THE WHITE BOARDING AND LODGING House. :iot Mouth Main street. Mrs. Helen Whlttemore, Prop. Housekeeping rooms nna loaging rooms, uoou comrorta hie moms nnd clean, well. kept beds Lodging 25 cents. TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KRASSIG. BARBER SHOP AND until rooms. .Main street, three doors north ot Hotel St. George. First-class service. NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. .1. H. Pace. nron. First-class workmen : everything clean; all modern Improve ments. PATTON'S SANITARY BARBER SHOP, Desnaln block. Court street: best work manship; all the modern Improvements; nil tools sterilized ; uatn rooms in con nectlon. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAB LINE. ERWIN BAKER. PROP. Telephone main 7U1 Office nnd waiting room. Altn street, next to Savings Hani: uuiiuing. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STABLER, COTTONWOOD street, between Attn and Webb streets. II. Stewart, Prop. Best care taken of horses. Good stables and plenty ot feed. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE citable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts Stock boarued nt reaionable rates, stable lis Alia Street COMMERCIAL STABLES, G. M. FItOOME Prop. Livery, feed and hoarding. All kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 101. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. MOTLEY. PROF3SIONAL EXPERT PI ano 1 uuer uraers ieit ill i nerteneu j-imiu uouse will receive nromnt attention Bausiao Hon guaianieej. HtTSTT-rT- raF "KCH..D. fr ts eveiIy fe?c.Kc.w- DIVORCE LAWS-PETKR W'ET; ADVICE froe; fees, tei ins to suit ; 25 years' experience, Office COS Gunlcn at., Pendleton, Oregon. ATHENA HOTElTlEaDINO HOTEL IN THE city. si.OO to jl,60 perduy. M, P. Motley proprietor. h Sub i5ixTmploy- Notice to Tax Payers. You can save the county expento by ctlllng lav assessor onice io givv in juur n3r5uiiai and elty property. Bo many havo employment away from home during the day that It is extremely difficult to find them In order to see Mich persons and ndlustthetrnssesamentstbc nsfcsaor will not only remain in bis office daring regular office hours, but will, for two weeks, keep his oflice open In the evening from 7toP o'clock, You areoarnestlr lavlted to call soon and go over your valuations with the assessor personally. THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON American Plan, tl Pr day and upwsia. Headquarters for tourists and commercial trav elers, special rates made to families and slagk gentlemen, The management will be pleased at all times to show rooms and give prices, t modern Turkish bath establishmentln the hotel It, C. BOWERS, Manager. Maslln ruinnrrrrno rNAMSU In ItKII I'l U"l'l UKUUIt taiw (Mia l'h tlua illjiwn. 'IwL. mo ,thr. Hcnasa !acnU4 hiib-tllullan una IsSUf ll.ns. Hu7l r wad . U uuM Ut rnrtL'iilitr. TewtlwUia acclirr I." ic.. w. .-. ' . - turn Sli.ll. ail uruic tu. hll.lp'hanlAlOsW MIUo '.irr, I'lllLA, 4i We are headquarters for t ' ' berries and fruits of all kinds 1 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n h 1 1 1 MISSOURI BLACKSMITH ON THE BOOM Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost. See us for Wheat racks before ordering elsewhere WANTED-First-class Horseshoer $3.00 per day steady. Missouri Blacksmith ShOp. West Webb St. Going to Improve Repair your homes or places of business by having them paint ed or papered. Come to tss Large and nicely selected stock ol wall paper and paints. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. Agency for the Sherwin-Williams Paint, L OWER FREIGHTS GREAT NORTHERN TO FAVOR THE NORTH PACIFIC COAST. Reduction Soon to Be Announced Will Tend to Bring Cart West for Incoming Shipments First Reduc tion Announced Saved From Ten to Thirty Per Cent to Jobbers. Seattle, June . The. Great North ern Railway Will In n tY..v .lnvo nn. nounce another amendment to the freight tariff which promises to ro- u nues irom ail points Kast to tho North Pacific Coast. This reduc tion la In linn ivlll, t), ...hint. has been established by President James J. Hill that as soon as tho ship, ments oftortd the road to tho North COaSt Wnlltll Indlfv h i-ntno ,1,1 bo reduced to give oncouraEcment to Biiiiniiems irom tnnt section by rail Instead ot ocean, that a supply of cars mnv l.o n. nnB . handlo the eastbound shipments from wB lurruory. Savings of First Amended Rates. Tho ftrfit flmnmlmant in 41m nllV was announced a month ago, reducing uiu rate on about 500 commodities, being a saving of from 10 to 30 por COnt. Similar rn.1llrtlnna wnra n,n.ln by the Southern lines. T"o matter did not tane on the nature ot a fight, for tho rates were put Into effect as n Permanent fnntnrn nn.1 tnrt nt ll.r. policy of tho Great Northern road. it is understood that tho second amendment In in Inrludn n prnnlnr number of articles than tho first that are to enjoy tho reduced rates. The disposition of tho company Is to make as many commodities as posslblo tako tho graded rate. That Is, a rate from tho Atlantic coast to Seattle reduced irom me rate that Is now in effect and graded from Chicago, tho Mis souri river and other points from where shipment's nro made to this territory. Lee's Lice Killer Insect powder and Poultry Supplies, also Hay, Grain and Feed. C F. Golesworthy 127-129 East Aha St. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, 8t Paul, 8t. Louis, Kan sas uuy, ol. Joe, umana, auu All Points East and South Portland and points on tbe Sound TltfK (JABD. Leave Pendleton, dally except iond;i fnPandlaton Monday. Wednesday v 'aW Pendleton Tuesday. Thursday aar Saturday as am. twre WalU Walla dally, east oouno. ai mi psa AitiTS Walla WaUa dally, west bound. as am for Information regardln rate and' aoara modatlons, call on or addraas Fendletin, Oraawa. B.CALDKBHEAI,w0.r.A.Viiii Scott's Santal-Pepaia Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For laflaaimaUon or Catarrh of the Bladder and Plxued Kldaays. No ear so py. Oars qnlkly and Perma neaUy tbe worst eases ol Cionoi-rba mad Ulret, no xaaturof bow long stand lag. Absolutely; harmless. Bold by drags UU. Vrio S1.00, or byuall, postpaid, lXK),Sboiesi2.?. THE WCTU-ftfm GO.. BCLLSrOMTMNSI, OHIO. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. POPULAR NORTH BEACH. Excursion Steamer T. J. Potter Goes Into Service June 27. Those who are planning their vaca tion this year will bo Interested in knowing that tho popular excursion steamer, tho T. J. Potter queen of river boats goes into sorvlco Juno 27, and that she will leave Portland, during tho season, every dny from Tuesday until Saturday inclusive. To seo the beauties of tho plcturesnuo and mighty Columbia from tho decks of the Potter Is a treat never to bo forgotten. For speed and grace nothing in river or lake service In tho entire West equals this sldo-whoeled beauty. Five hours from Portland nnd ono from ABlorln, through tho famous fishing waters of tho Columbia, past scores of salmon traps and nets and ns many wlilte-wlnged fish boats, lands the passengers nt Ilwnco, where close connection Is mado for beach points with trains of tho llwaco Hall way & Navigation Company, whose cars stand on tho wharf awaiting tho steamer. The beach Is 27 miles long, 200 yards wide at low tide, and bo hard that carriage wheels scarcely leave a mark. II Is nn Ideal place for driving, rid ing, wheollng, or walking, ami tho surf bathing is unsurpassable. Tho excellent hotels and boarding houses provide good accommodations nt prices ranging from one dollar to three dollars per day, Tho round-trip rato from Portland to Astoria is $2.50; to Ocean lloacli points, $4.00, good until October Kith. On Soturdays. during July and Aug ust, round trip tickets aro sold to beach points at $2.50, good for re turn leaving the beach tho following evening. The Oregon Hull loud & Navigation Company has Just Issued a new sum mer book, (freo for tho asking) which tells all ubout tho delightful roHtirtH of tho Valley of tho Columbia river This can lie obtained from any agent of tho Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company or by writing A. L. Craig General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Propii. The Best Hotel tn Pendleton nd as rood as any. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished tnroti(;hout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rooms. Headquarters for Traveling Hob uommodloHB sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $250 Special rate by week or mouth excellent uuisiue. Prompt Dlnlngroom service. Bar and billiard room in connection Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Cornir Court and Johnton Streets, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. Warships Going to Kiel, Washington, Juno 6. In pursuance of orders from the navy department the battleship Alabama Is to sail for Europe today (o Join tho KuroiMtuu squadron, which Is to pay a visit to Kiel. The visit of tho warships to Kiel is mado as a special mark of friendship to Hie Herman emperor, and In appreciation of tho many courtesies ho recently has shown tho American people. Tho favor Is all tho more marked as It will bo tho first occasion on which any number of American warships havo visited a Oerinan port. In addition to tho Ala bama, tho squadron will consist of tho Chicago, Muchlas anil San Francisco, Orders for Machinery, Now York, Juno C Machinery manufacturers have no complaint to muko with fho condition of their trade In view of tho ('xlsllng labor disturbances business Is as good or bettor thau manufacturers might huvo expected. Orders amounting to up ward s of half a million dollars have been placed recently by tho large railroads with tho machine too) mer chants, Tho manufacturers of pho nograph machines are reported to bo behind with their orders. Tho ma. chinos havo been introduced iu all partB of tho world and ordors are being received from Asia, South Africa, South America and Kurope. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American l'liiu, rat oh S1. 3 S tot3.WO por iIhv. KuroMMiti 1'lKii. f.Oo. Tfio, Sl.tM). Special rut oh by wouk or nioiitU, Free 'bus meets all trains) Commercial trade solicited Fine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. 'IliiflBsflaaHlVaaaaLBal GEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heateo Huropean flan. Block and a hall from depot. Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 6O0, 76o, $1.0f MEN ANO WOMEN. 17m BtU for unastorsl fcriMjaOiJauiatlciuL fijfialkias or sluailou I ciu. raisins. u am asuti- ImhaJtCHUacaiCa. "' Kneus, asoasi mr asrasvaaas Ruadf lVto I us am a. V JBSW OSWMIM4 VI SkS KB lsmeiaeuNUTi,o.iH o. a. a. V AsiiiWafS 'or asal la t-lala vratssL TRANSMUTATION LINKS. Oregon Shojt UlNC a union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally . Through I'ullman standard and Tourist sleep ing ears dally to Omaha, Chicago: lonrlal slMtdn car naltv In Kim., rltvt (Nui.h Pullman tourist sleeping rats (peisontllr f 1ttf.t.1 .Mil, IA lKt..a. .... , , 1 ductal) wisklr to Chicago, Ksnsas CttV . 1 . V " '' I 1 .T.M,.p win,, van II irrof 10 in. ni.itiniiy St. seat Bsraat roa Tlnio Soholulrt Krxitn I'l-mllotoii Forltand SllOa tu Portland Speelal No. I aaaiTi rson Ths Kail sxoa.m. Chicago StMpm Portland H.1HH The East) Chtrago Brclal No. 1 1 PorUaad ftlMpsa Mall and Kiptea Ni.5 Tho 14 nun stall and Ksproas No. Hpokan ansa m sKMpm rndlolou rastengor Spokane raasanger Ha. rendloinn Branch Mtied Train No. 41 Walt Walla Branch Nlsed Train No. rortlaad 4!lSam Hpota Iffisa Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. ) p. m. All salUng dates snb-l Jeet to changa, 1 1 i . , rerBanrranelsoo Ball OTSrr drs. f ID0DI I n.a v a . t, . Bnnday voiumoia iiiror 4Ip.. nsip in. 1 issnoria inanar t naaasi naiurnar 1 Lanamgs. WIllainottoHlTor. Koala tears IMrtland dallr, exeopt Sunday, -stage ot water permuting) tor W lllsmell and Yamhill Hirer points. lare " ( JJJ Klparta Bnako Hirer ' Lawlstna laa.n, Rlparla to Uwlnon IMi. as. Pally 1 Dallr Kicpt Monl 1 Ksept Mosi P. r. WAMgl.KY. Agent, feadUtnx THE KIT Or KVCMrTNINO ONLY 70 HOWS PORTLAND TO CHICAGO via tho 0. U. It. & N. Co., Oregon Short Lino, Union I'licillc ami Jr Two trainn n day, with through 1'ullman ilrawitiK-room ulouping cure, freo roclining chair cars and dining cam (a la carto). and SPECIAL oonnoctri nt (Jrannor witli tho famouH Overland Litn i toil, tho moMt luxuriouH train in tho world, to Chicago from tho Coast. He suie youi tickets lead oral the Chicago & Noilli-Wettein. A. Q. DARKER, GfN'L Aot O. a N-W. Rr., ISI THIRD Sr., POUTLANO, OSS. )- ooooo o-o SINGER Sewing Machines Sold on tbe installment plan Old machines taken us part payment J. E.COLEMAN, Agent om.u). 3(J Knit Court St unit El Mormon Bishop' FU'4? tjnn ruU,Mbf tU Mm man L1iurcEiJ tliTroTi'fc(. rtAiuvlcuraitU wurkt lutVU ai4 vunir rbtnir Irvui ttlvcU ol Ml .lUis.dlfal(tluD,aU-a4Ma or citftUtU $uwbiag. OUNt LOtt ManbOOl lmpoUnqyf Lopt f owf Wlht-LoMi SprmatofrhoMTrtMmnta, f a in in ftaok. Kvll 0lrsf imlnal I million. Lam Haokr Ncrvou DblTlty HKdaohiUnritnaMtoMArrvtOMorS tl pat Ion. Stops Frmatur)ns Stop Nnr rffou Twltenliur of irl(d Ktl4c( r .innitxIuU. liuuufc Viiror and fUAJ yvUuey U rjnTutv ion. lJonTtarsttiliMunilnt.aeurttltsULsUijf. Itatotorei amsJI. ITgl iiiidatTaioiiiMl omaum. .iyJ nerreiiUi. Uki Utw,t tvr ttLtAhy tuil. A writ ln yDrut,L cani ot ittboiei. CIituIsu frt. Addrtf.BIhoDRmdyOo..Sanlrranoli.te MlmuUtoi tb bratJn inouey rttruudl will SOLD BY TALLMAN tt CO., DrlO UUialb, PtNUUETON, OKbUON.